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19 years old on Carnival Conquest-What to do?


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I'll be going on my first cruise this Winter & I'm really wondering how much I'll be enjoying it... Obviously, being able to relax, swim, & explore for a week will be fun, but there are literally zero activities planned for my age group on our cruise. We'll be on Conquest near the end of December.


The closets thing is the 15-17 year old "club" they'll have. There aren't any college age events that I can find mentioned anywhere. I'll be at an age where that group will be extremely far behind as far as maturity goes & I wouldn't fit in/enjoy myself with them whatsoever. On the other hand, I'm still too young to really fit in with the older group (the majority, as far as I've read) on the ship who wil also be able to drink. I'm perfectly fine with getting along with older people; most of the people I work with are over 50. However, I'd much prefer to be with my own age group.


All of that being said, is there something for the college age group that I'm just missing? Or am I stuck trying to fit into a completely different age group? Yes, I realize I can go on my own & find other people my age... but it will be very hard to find them & organize things when everyone else has specific places to be & things to do.

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You can go to any of the regular activities, they are not limited to drinking age.


Tons of trivia .. bores me.. hairy chest .. boring to me.. watch the mixology, its not likely you would get picked even if you were 21.


Same things the rest of us can go to .. I find the trivia really hard.


There was a table tennis contest. I beat a lot of young guys your age to win the ship on a stick .. come join that? does you ship have mini golf.. do that. dont you like to swim?

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I realize I can go to any of the regular activities, that's not the problem.


My thing I'm worried about is not meeting other people my age to enjoy them with. I'd prefer to actually have company rather than just doing stuff alone the entire week. There would be a huge difference.

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There really aren't any activities planned for college aged kids which is too bad, they are really missing the mark on that. The good news is there should be a lot of kids your age on board during that time period. Be sure to go to the disco. I went on a December sailing with my college aged daughter and that seemed to be where they all met up. Good luck and have fun.

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So far, the only people on our Roll Call are much older. So far, about 90% of the posts have been from an older lady that keeps asking if anyone else is coming...


Still though, it's half a year away.

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I completely get where you're coming from. My son was 18 in 2010 and we went on the Conquest. There was not much for him to do really other than with us. He hung out in the casino , went to some games. three sea days was a lot of time for him to fill. To be honest, the rest of the family just went on another cruise in June and he opted to stay home. It's a really hard age. I agree, check out your roll call and see if you can meet up with others before you go.

Hope you have a great time.





Celebrity Solstice 6/26/09 Eastern Mediterranean

Carnival Conquest 08/10/10 Eastern Caribbean

Carnival Victory 06/10/12 Southern Caribbean http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1659913

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Hi, OP. You are just down the road from me, well a couple hours away.


Are you going on the cruise alone or with family or friends? I agree that you may want to check out the roll call for your sailing. It's still a ways away, but post to see if there are any guests who are more your age.


Of course the best thing to do is get out there on the ship! Do not stay in your cabin; get out and meet people. Also, if you booked through a PVP or by calling Carnival, ask that they place you with guests your own age in the main dining room for dinner.


I know you'll have a great time!

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I was actually in Nashville yesterday! I always love visiting.


I'll be there with family, all of which will have their own activities they'll be involved with. I'll have to be with them for dinner; unfortunately I won't be able to be seated with other people my age.

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You WILL be able to go to the nightclub. The age to enter is 18 and up (only those 21 and older can order drinks). They do often have a security person at the door looking at photo id so carry something with you such as a DL in addition to your S&S card. I have seen MANY younger people meeting in the nightclub.


Don't be discouraged if the nightclub is not hopping on the first night. It is worth it to go back and check it out again.


When my DD was 18 she met people in the Piano Bar, at the Casino Bar and in the Nightclub.


I have found that people are very friendly on a cruise. I would also suggest that you try to spend some time during the day at the main Lido Deck pool where the music will be. If you are open to just saying hello to people you think you might like to know it really helps! I realize that I am older than you (I have 2 kids your age and older!) but I have cruised solo and I always tell people that it is pretty easy to make conversation with someone on a cruise.....simply smiling, saying hello and asking if they are enjoying their cruise, is it their first cruise, what are they doing in port etc etc opens doors!....OH!!! And one of the BEST ways I have met people is commenting on "team" shirts/jerseys! For example....I am a NY Giants fan so whenever I see someone interesting in a Giants tee/jersey I comment. One time I met someone who I wound up hanging out with over and over again!

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I assume you are going with your family and they are paying your way. You say you unfortunately have to eat dinner with your family? Are they really that bad?


We took a family vacation to Alaska when my daughter was 21 and my son was 16. My son spent some time in the teenage hangout but my daughter hung out with my husband and me! We had fun together. There weren't a lot of people her age but she had a good attitude and didn't let it bother her.


This was on Princess and they did have a meet and greet for up her age group but she didn't bother to go.


I think you should go to some clubs and dance places but also try to enjoy some time with your family, too. The trip is what you make of it.

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Hi there!


On the first day of your cruise there should be an 18-21 year old meet up listed in the carnival times/activities list.. This is a definite must go!


I've been cruising since i was 12.. now im 24 and my best cruises have been the ones post 18. I have always looked to join up with a group of people my own age. Usually at the meet up group its just a nice way to introduce yourself and meet some new people. Usually you will make plans to meet up at the club later that night or something.


So i urge you to look in the dailies and go to the meeting even if its in the middle of your dinner time cause you will be thankful later!


Thats all the advice I have. Once you are 18.. there is no restrictions on what you can and can not do... except for purchasing alcohol. Have a great time!

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You can get to know other people by going to the activities. Often the game shows and organized activities use teams, so you can get to know your team mates. I've found that often the same crowd comes to game shows/activities/karaoke. I've run into the same people multiple times, simply because we had similar interests in activities. I've also met people at the pool. Often people like to chat while sitting in the hot tubs, and I've met young and old people that way.


Besides meeting new people, maybe your family traveling with you will be interested in doing some of the same things as you. Even though they are in different age groups you could all do the activities for all ages. I bet they won't all be doing their own things the whole time.

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I also cruised with my parents recently and I am a younger cruiser (mid-20s). I'm sure now that you're 19 you think of yourself as an adult, so you should just enjoy the activities for your fellow adults. There will probably be other people around your age at some of those activities, and you can strike up conversation with them there and see where it goes. I've never understood why people feel anxious about this question of what young adults do when they age out of the teen group. The answer is, they do the other activities for the other adults.


I never went on a cruise until I was in college, and my parents very generously paid for me to join them. The first time, it was just me and my parents and we actually had a great time. We hung out together for the most part, even in the evenings (we all liked the piano bars). I went to college away from home so it was great to be able to spend time together. When I wanted to be alone, it was a big ship. And actually on that cruise a girl my age approached me in the Lido deck and let me know that a group of people our age had met up and were hanging on the Lido playing cards if I wanted to join them. I said no thanks, because I wanted to be with my parents, but I could have easily gone and fallen into their group. Informal groupings spring up, especially as you're not the only college-age person on board.


The second time I went on a family cruise I was with a big group of people and all of the "kids" just hung out together. We definitely did not miss not having age-specific programming. We did some things with our parents and the rest of the time just enjoyed each other's company.


You're a grown up. You'll figure out how to entertain yourself.

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I'm sorry OP but threads like these chap my hide. If I see one more 'my mommy and daddy are taking me on a cruise and I'm afraid I'm gonna be bored' thread I think I am going to scream.

You are going on a cruise with 5 star dining, and exotic and wonderful ports of call. Do you realize how lucky you are? You can do anything your heart desires. There are so many things to do on a cruise. Trivia, bingo, contests, swimming, sunning, meeting people all ages etc etc etc.

When I was 19 I was lucky if my parents got to take me camping for a weekend an hours drive from where we lived.

You are a 19 year old, you can meet people just like you meet people at your school or college. Just remember to spend some time with your parents and thank them for this wonderful chance to travel. One day you will wish you could eat one more dinner with your mom and dad because you won't have them with you forever.

Have a great cruise and cherish the memories.

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Half a year away then I wouldn't worry about your roll call. It will pick up the closer the cruise gets. I would post on there what you posted here and I would bet eventually you will get some replies from others your same age with the same concerns.


Hit the club at night. The Conquest has a really nice one. Can't go wrong hanging around the casino and the later in the night it gets the funnier the crowd is even if you don't gamble.


I am assuming you are heading out on a 7-day from NOLA? If so, I wouldn't worry too much. You are in the younger age bracket but over 18 so the ports you visit there will be a lot of things to do with the older crowd. Pretty much the same on the ship minus the booze.


Keep a eye on your roll call and don't be afraid to post away. You will be surprised how many will eventually reply there.

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My daughter went to the meet and mingle for 18/21 year olds and met a bunch of people. They hung out the whole week and hit the disco and late night comedy club. You have to look for it on the first night of cruise and head there.


It definitely made my daughters cruise more fun. It is a tough age, but there really is more you can do then can't.

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They will have deck parties and some parties with be listed "for singles". This is where your demographic often will be found. Go to the club venues at night and and of the night time parties and you will find some of your own kind there. My son was worried about this too when he was 18. He will be with us again in two weeks but will be 21. He doesn't gamble but would have some drinks in a club if he has any money. He enjoys meeting people and just hanging out, kind of like they did in the teen club except he does it with people probaby from 18-30.


Dont worry, you should find folks to hang out with especially it you go in summ when college is on break.

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Oh and one more thing....



Don't concern yourself with people that reply complaining how this thread 'chaps their hide.' There is always one in every thread.


Or two. :rolleyes:


I kind of agree here though, the OP does sound a bit whiny, especially after stating that the 17/17 year old group are way too immature for them and the older group is well, just old! There so are many things to do on a ship that it would be impossible for a person to do them all. Come think of it, like a scavenger hunt, why not try to do every single thing listed in the Capers, even if only for a few minutes? All that running around the ship and a good meal or 5 and you'll be out like a light at 9:00pm!

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Or two. :rolleyes:


I kind of agree here though, the OP does sound a bit whiny, especially after stating that the 17/17 year old group are way too immature for them and the older group is well, just old! There so are many things to do on a ship that it would be impossible for a person to do them all. Come think of it, like a scavenger hunt, why not try to do every single thing listed in the Capers, even if only for a few minutes? All that running around the ship and a good meal or 5 and you'll be out like a light at 9:00pm!



MSgt, I don't think he wanted to be judged whether or not he was 'whiny'. There was a time on CC where you could ask a question or post a review and not be flamed by the trolls. Represent. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I assume you are going with your family and they are paying your way. You say you unfortunately have to eat dinner with your family? Are they really that bad?


f it.


Not the OP, but I don't think that's what he meant. I think the unfortunately meant that the idea of requesting people to dine with that were his age wouldn't work in his situation.

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Honestly, just go into it with an open mind and a good attitude. If nothing else, you'll get quality time with family and that's a precious thing.


The thing is that once you're 18 on a cruise, the only main difference between an 18 and 21 year old is the ability to buy drink and that addition only means that you meet people at bars! Age meetups aren't provided for 21 and up but it's so easy to meet people if you're just open and friendly. People tend to hang out regularly at the same places.

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I assume you are going with your family and they are paying your way. You say you unfortunately have to eat dinner with your family? Are they really that bad?


No, no! Not what I was trying to say, haha. I just meant it was unfortunate that I couldn't specifically request to be seated with people my own age as a way of meeting them. If they were that bad, I wouldn't be going with them at all :p.


Hi there!


On the first day of your cruise there should be an 18-21 year old meet up listed in the carnival times/activities list.. This is a definite must go!


I've searched for when/if my cruise has this. I haven't found any mention of it at all. Any idea where I could find info about it?


Oh and one more thing....



Don't concern yourself with people that reply complaining how this thread 'chaps their hide.' There is always one in every thread.


I realized when I asked this that I would get a few grumpy old people that don't remember what being young was like. I'm not bothered at all by it, chose to just ignore them. :cool:

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