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Review: Epic Western Med July 8 2012 with photos and details


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We didn't get off the ship in Rome. Rome is a wonderful place, but we've been so many times! We thought we'd have the ship to ourselves and we were wrong. Lots of people stayed on board just like we did. :confused:


I can't post any more pictures because I've hit my limit on Flickr for this month. Will return with more of our Epic adventures in August, but in the meantime if you have questions, I'll keep checking back.

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Enjoying your review. I completely understand your comment about people not responding. These trip reports are a lot of work. I have seen several epic reviews lately and I think it has convinced us to jump ship and try NCL.

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Enjoying your review. I completely understand your comment about people not responding. These trip reports are a lot of work. I have seen several epic reviews lately and I think it has convinced us to jump ship and try NCL.


Yes, writing up a review with pictures takes a lot of time, but I like doing it so long as people enjoy it.


For us it's not so much "jumping ship" as it is a realization that we're not married to any cruise line. We've had a great time on Carnival, Royal and NCL. There are differences, but they are not as important as getting a good price and going places you want to go.


Cruise lines try to get repeat customers with "diamond" perks or whatever they call those. I really don't go for those promotions very much. You probably get $100 worth of perks and for that $100 you ignored better prices on other lines for all these years. So we look around!


Princess wasn't as good for us, lots of things went wrong with that particular sailing and we didn't have a good time. I just heard today on Cruise Radio that Princess' newest ship will have the first jogging track on its fleet. Whaaaat? They've gone this long without a jogging track? We're definitely too young for Princess.


And we're too old for Disney, kiddo is 14 and over her Disney phase. Besides, Disney is a lot more money than other lines and I don't think they sail Europe, so not likely.


Happy cruising!

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Your review is awesome...I am sooo enjoying reading, and look every evening to see if you have posted something new. We will be on the Epic for the Sept 30th sailing out of Barcelona. We are planning to do exactly what you did in Livorno, so I am anxiously awaiting your review of the Tuscan countryside. I have already contacted Sirfacar and for the poster that asked if they have vehicles that seat 6, the answer is yes. They quoted me 160euros for a minivan (actually seats 7) and 10euros for the pre-programmed GPS plus 21% taxes.

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Your review is awesome...I am sooo enjoying reading, and look every evening to see if you have posted something new. We will be on the Epic for the Sept 30th sailing out of Barcelona. We are planning to do exactly what you did in Livorno, so I am anxiously awaiting your review of the Tuscan countryside. I have already contacted Sirfacar and for the poster that asked if they have vehicles that seat 6, the answer is yes. They quoted me 160euros for a minivan (actually seats 7) and 10euros for the pre-programmed GPS plus 21% taxes.


I am so glad you're enjoying the review and I can tell you you're going to like the cruise even more ;-)


The quote from Sifracar sounds right, I know it's expensive, but everything is expensive in Europe. Wait till you see gas prices, I'm used to French prices (1.5€/liter) but in Italy it's 1.9€/liter, now that's what I call really bad, so bad I bet people walk wherever they can, which isn't such a bad idea really, but not feasible when you want to go Livorno to Tuscan country side in one day.


I'm going to keep you waiting a little bit longer, no more photos until Aug 1. Surely you want to see the photos of the Tuscan countryside, right?


Happy planning!

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I am so glad you're enjoying the review and I can tell you you're going to like the cruise even more ;-)


The quote from Sifracar sounds right, I know it's expensive, but everything is expensive in Europe. Wait till you see gas prices, I'm used to French prices (1.5€/liter) but in Italy it's 1.9€/liter, now that's what I call really bad, so bad I bet people walk wherever they can, which isn't such a bad idea really, but not feasible when you want to go Livorno to Tuscan country side in one day.


I'm going to keep you waiting a little bit longer, no more photos until Aug 1. Surely you want to see the photos of the Tuscan countryside, right?


Happy planning!


I will be anxiously awaiting....

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As someone who has never been to Europe, what would you say are the main "must see" items at some of the ports you went to?


I listed several already, but for Barcelona I'd get on the tourist bus and get off a few places. Where you get off depends on your interests, I particularly enjoy the Sagrada Familia and Parc Guel, but there's something for everyone there. In Rome I think you must visit St Peter's Basilica and the Coliseum as well as the Vatican Museum if you can get tickets ahead of time. You can save a lot of money by taking the BIRG train into Rome from Civitavecchia. In Florence must see the Accademia and walk around the city, again book the tickets in advance. We bought a ship tour called Florence on your own because I know nothing about the train there and driving is not a good idea (heavy driving and parking restrictions). Read up on the destination forums, lots of good info.

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The whole tender operation takes about an hour each way. You go to the Epic theater at the reserved time, stand around a bit, then sit around a bit in a dining area (can't remember which one), then walk down some stairs to where you board the life boat


Then it's 20-25mn on the water.


Thanks so much for the great review Jolimont...I have sailed on NCL before but this is my first time to Europe and by myself :) I have arranged for a tour from Cannes and they are to meet us at the pier at 0830, but you had said that it may take an hour - I think we are to "dock" at 0800, so that may not be enough time. Also you mentioned that they have "reservations" for time to disembark here?

Thanks so much and cant wait to see the rest of the pics and here your review - I am sailing Sept 2nd out of Barcelona - and you said it was easy to take on alcohol in Barcelona? very nice. - Party in my room!!!


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We are renting a car in Livorno, do you have to brin back the tank full and is it easy to find a gas station before returning the car? Silly question I know. I have gotten hosed finding gas stations on the way back and realize I am being charged $5 a gallon in the middle of a fill up.

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I have arranged for a tour from Cannes and they are to meet us at the pier at 0830, but you had said that it may take an hour - I think we are to "dock" at 0800, so that may not be enough time. Also you mentioned that they have "reservations" for time to disembark here?


We weren't trying to get off early in Cannes, so I don't know for sure, but my husband remembers that there were early sports that could be reserved. Do it via the TV as soon as you can, that'll increase your chances. But meeting your guide by 8:30 is too early, it definitely takes a full hour to get to land, so even if you got the earliest tender possible, don't meet the guide until 9. It's hard for me to say for sure what the earliest reservations are, maybe other cruisers tried to get off early and can tell you? I know NCL tours get priority, but I think they still open some spots for everyone else. It's a great cruise and a great port, you'll love it!

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We are renting a car in Livorno, do you have to brin back the tank full and is it easy to find a gas station before returning the car? Silly question I know. I have gotten hosed finding gas stations on the way back and realize I am being charged $5 a gallon in the middle of a fill up.


Yes, we brought it back full. We found a gas station 10km before the port, which was good enough since we drove 100km on our car before the gas gauge moved at all. I think we had to pre-pay inside in Italy. If you start looking for a gas station 15-20km before the port you'll be fine.


Do program the address back to the ship in the GPS, it's a big port, I don't think I would have found it without the GPS. The guy at Sifracar told me what it was (via Michelangelo or something) and that's an important detail! Also, drive speed limit, there are automatic radars all over and they don't let you go 5 over. :eek:

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thank you for the wonderful posts and the exceptional information We are sailing on the Epic 9/16 from Barcelona ... I have been trying to find info on the ports in Italy and this is definitely it.... is it possible to rent a car and drive to Florence... how long is the drive? the excursions are outlandishly priced! One other question , really nothing to do with the ship... can we purchase tickets in advance for the Academia and Uffizi?

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Hello August! You may proceed at any time now, Jolimont. ;)


Ahh Kris, you made me smile too :D


I was driving shopping around Barcelona today, not for a cruise, but because we have an apartment near Barcelona and it needs some upgrades. MAD HOUSE!!! Don't drive here gentle Americans, you will not have a good time.


Promise, tomorrow first thing a new installment. :o

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Yes, we brought it back full. We found a gas station 10km before the port, which was good enough since we drove 100km on our car before the gas gauge moved at all. I think we had to pre-pay inside in Italy. If you start looking for a gas station 15-20km before the port you'll be fine.


Do program the address back to the ship in the GPS, it's a big port, I don't think I would have found it without the GPS. The guy at Sifracar told me what it was (via Michelangelo or something) and that's an important detail! Also, drive speed limit, there are automatic radars all over and they don't let you go 5 over. :eek:



The sifracar rep told me the GPS is already pre-programmed with everything so hopefully we will be fine. Maybe they already have a gas station programmed as well. lol


Thanks for the tip on the speed limit since everyone around here goes 10 - 15mph above.

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thank you for the wonderful posts and the exceptional information We are sailing on the Epic 9/16 from Barcelona ... I have been trying to find info on the ports in Italy and this is definitely it.... is it possible to rent a car and drive to Florence... how long is the drive? the excursions are outlandishly priced! One other question , really nothing to do with the ship... can we purchase tickets in advance for the Academia and Uffizi?



Hey Fairview,

You are on the same cruise I am! You should come join our roll call in the Epic roll call section. We have a bunch of private group excursions going on.

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thank you for the wonderful posts and the exceptional information We are sailing on the Epic 9/16 from Barcelona ... I have been trying to find info on the ports in Italy and this is definitely it.... is it possible to rent a car and drive to Florence... how long is the drive? the excursions are outlandishly priced! One other question , really nothing to do with the ship... can we purchase tickets in advance for the Academia and Uffizi?


I cannot answer your questions about driving to Florence because once I looked into it I decided against it. There are severe driving restrictions as you get to Florence. You need a permit to drive many roads in Florence (with a few kilometers of the historical center) and they have automatic cameras that take pictures of all the cars that drive past them and send tickets to anyone who doesn't have such a permit. You drive past 50 cameras, you get 50 tickets. I'm told there are cameras all over, so I decided not to test it.


Yes, you can purchase tickets in advance for Academia, we did it a couple of years ago and it worked great (not sure about Ufizzi, we didn't try it) but I cannot remember where we got the tickets, the official site of Academia I suspect, Google has a better memory than I do.


Yes, excursion prices are outlandish, but the "Florence of your own" tours are not so bad. They drive to Florence in a big bus, drop you off and pick you up at some agreed point within 20-30mn walk of the major sites. I think buses can't drive any closer, even with a permit. Enjoy your cruise!

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The sifracar rep told me the GPS is already pre-programmed with everything so hopefully we will be fine. Maybe they already have a gas station programmed as well. lol


Thanks for the tip on the speed limit since everyone around here goes 10 - 15mph above.


That's smart that they preload the address! You really can't speed in Europe any more, those flash radars are everywhere and they're ruthless. I am one of the few people who will actually admit that I like those radars. Lots fewer crazy drivers here now. Fewer deaths too. If that's what it takes to get people to slow down, so be it.

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Yes, you can purchase tickets in advance for Academia, we did it a couple of years ago and it worked great (not sure about Ufizzi, we didn't try it) but I cannot remember where we got the tickets, the official site of Academia I suspect, Google has a better memory than I do.


Yes, excursion prices are outlandish, but the "Florence of your own" tours are not so bad. They drive to Florence in a big bus, drop you off and pick you up at some agreed point within 20-30mn walk of the major sites. I think buses can't drive any closer, even with a permit. Enjoy your cruise!


You can purchase tickets to both museums at one website fpr museums. My wife does not remember exactly what the website was, but she says if you do a search for Florence museums, a website comes up at which you can purchase tickets for 70 different museums.

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Siena, continued.


On our way back from Siena to the ship, since we had a good 4 hours before sail time, we decided to take the long way back via the city of Cecina. It's a good thing we had time because this is definitely the SLOW way back ;) (3hrs instead of 2 hrs via Florence).


But here are some of the nice vistas we got to enjoy while crawling behind a huge truck that was having a really hard time negotiating the small roads and tight turns.




There were signs along to the way for locally produced wine and olive oil. We didn't stop at any of them, but I think that would have been a great thing to do, all be it luck of the draw on the local quality, but just because it comes from Tuscany would make it above average, right?




A three random shot along the road, Tuscany is truly beautiful:








Unlike what we witnessed in Naples, the people of Tuscany take great pride in their beautiful countryside and local products and the overall wonderfulness of the place. It's really a precious place to visit, and the longer you can stay, the more you'll get out of it, but this is a cruise, gotta move on!

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Did you climb the tower at Piazza del Campo Jolimont? I've wanted to visit Siena after seeing how beautiful it is in the last Bond film (I don't want to go because of the movie, just saw how amazing it was which put Siena on my bucket list :D ).

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