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Overpriced rccl excursions

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Depending on the contract RCI has with the tour operator will determine the price of the tour which will include the markup for them to make a profit. RCI is not a non profit organization. They are in business to make money!


Yes, but if you point that out, you're a royal caribbean zombie. :D

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Typical really. I remember we once took an excursion to Coki Beach. I think at the time we may have paid $50 per person. As we were out enjoying the day I talked to another guest who told me he had just paid $30 for a cab for him and his wife. I nodded my head while making note, "don't do ships excursion again unless absolutely necessary".


We now only do a ship excursion if we're in Jamaica or Belize. Save lots of money.

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I feel I must be reading a different post to the others on here

The OP never described being suprised by the price of RCI excursions

merely contacted RCI for clarification on why their excursions are so expensive

in relation to locally purchased excursions



But why take the time to call the cruise line when the answer is obvious, "because we're a for-profit business, out to make money for the service we provide"...only there's no chance you'll get one of their operators to say that over the phone.

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Typical really. I remember we once took an excursion to Coki Beach. I think at the time we may have paid $50 per person. As we were out enjoying the day I talked to another guest who told me he had just paid $30 for a cab for him and his wife. I nodded my head while making note, "don't do ships excursion again unless absolutely necessary".


We now only do a ship excursion if we're in Jamaica or Belize. Save lots of money.


Absolutely. We booked through the cruise line a day at Snorkel Park in Bermuda last year, because we had an earlier excursion and did not think we would have the time to get to a different beach. We booked it through Royal Caribbean for $34 a person...don't quote me on the exact price but I'm pretty close. When we walked to the park, they were selling their tix for $5 or $10 a person. Oops!!! Mistake on our part and we learned from it.

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Johneeo, Johneeo, Johneeo. Take a chill pill. Stay away from sharp objects so you don't deflate. Your first post on this thread made me immediately think "pompous" -- you know everything!! (go back and re-read it; #18)



I really did not have to go back and read post 18, as my incredible pomposity is but a mere manifestation of my keen insights derived from experience and the knowledge gained from my many years of service to all of mankind. But, just for you, I did go back and read post 18, and yes, no argument, pompous would be a good description, and I will take that as a compliment.


As for sharp objects, I manage to deflect them like water off a duck’s back.




She is basically correct, except they weren't on any excursion. They just rented the kayaks. Your information is incorrect. He wasn't breathing when he finally made it to shore. Paramedics tried to revive him and he was pronounced dead at the hospital.



It would be helpful if you would be specific about what part of my post was incorrect. I responded to a poster that made the point that someone died due to the fact that “they went on an excursion that was unsponsored by RCI”, to which I responded with the details that it was a 62 year old man, he got ill, wound up in the water, and it took the group 30 minutes to get him to land, CPR was performed by a trained professional, but, the man did not make it. My point was that it had nothing to do with whomever or whatever sponsored the excursion.





Go get some chocolate or beer or better yet, scotch!





I don’t do chocolates, as this body and mind are a temple. However, I shall take you up on the beers, copious quantities scheduled beginning at 4:30 this afternoon. If you are ever in the Philly area, be sure to let me know, as it would be an honor to buy you a couple of beverages of your choice.

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It depends on the excursion and how far away it is. If it goes 'off island' in a boat, then yes, I book with the cruise line. Others, I may not. Research your options. I saved about $50 for a group of 6. Not much, but when talking a taxi, and the same one the excursion would take. I go on my own.


A watch is essential also (set to ship time). Not your cell phone clock.

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Well, BOLD FACE ALL CAPS RED is he equivalent of screaming.


Maybe that is why?:rolleyes:




I feel I must be reading a different post to the others on here

The OP never described being suprised by the price of RCI excursions

merely contacted RCI for clarification on why their excursions are so expensive

in relation to locally purchased excursions


The other points I was hoping someone can help me with is


a) Where in the cruise contract does it say the ship will wait for you if your excursion is booked through RCI It's been a while since I've taken a ships sponsored tour, but from anecdotal stories on here more than one ship has waited for a group on a sponsored tour.


b) As the excursions are run by local operators are RCI acting as agents, if so where does it say in the contract that they are legally liable if things go wrong on the excursion. I think you are correct.


Is it legal liability or public relations that has made them wait for tours and pay for people to catch up? I think it is one of the selling points of ship sponsored tours.


I wonder if they bill the local tour operator if things do go wrong? When things go wrong, not sure how "wrong" wrong you mean but I have read more than once where they have dropped tour operators or made amends for serious deficiencies. No direct experience.


One point I was trying to make towards the OP and some of our more ardent "tour on your own" posters, the point the OP was trying to make was kind of off the mark because he did not have any real numbers to back up his plan of winging it. I can write - yep in Cozumel I can take the ship sponsored tour for $150 per person but if I get a cab I can "probably" do it for $30 per person. Probably means he has no clue as to what he would pay.


As Johneeo and others pointed out - they researched alternative tours and used a known entity - not some cab driver who may or may not know English and may or may not be able to give a good guided tour.

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I don’t do chocolates, as this body and mind are a temple. However, I shall take you up on the beers, copious quantities scheduled beginning at 4:30 this afternoon. If you are ever in the Philly area, be sure to let me know, as it would be an honor to buy you a couple of beverages of your choice.


I bow to your modesty and good humor, kind sir.


Not near Philly (Kansas City) but if the day ever happens I will let you know!

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But why take the time to call the cruise line when the answer is obvious' date=' "because we're a for-profit business, out to make money for the service we provide"...only there's no chance you'll get one of their operators to say that over the phone.[/quote']


Maybe they thought it was a miss print you would have to ask the OP


Would not suprise me if the OP just found what the private excursion cost compared to RCI and felt they were deliberately trying to rip them off.


I honestly don't know


I agree they are a money making business and will charge what they think people will pay.


But even I think 300+% mark up is a bit cheeky:)


But it's all about what a person is will to pay

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Thank you for this reply..This is exactly what I did and why..Thank the Lord there are some people on these boards that can read a post and understand it, rather than getting flamed because you did not put something in their words...Maybe I would be better served to just read the boards, rather than risk being jumped on for some reason by someone who has trouble understanding the OP..Thank you again. I appreciate it..:)

I feel I must be reading a different post to the others on here

The OP never described being suprised by the price of RCI excursions

merely contacted RCI for clarification on why their excursions are so expensive

in relation to locally purchased excursions


The other points I was hoping someone can help me with is


a) Where in the cruise contract does it say the ship will wait for you if your excursion is booked through RCI


b) As the excursions are run by local operators are RCI acting as agents, if so where does it say in the contract that they are legally liable if things go wrong on the excursion.


Is it legal liability or public relations that has made them wait for tours and pay for people to catch up?


I wonder if they bill the local tour operator if things do go wrong?

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The real numbers are $120 for 4 hours compared to #375 through Royal..





One point I was trying to make towards the OP and some of our more ardent "tour on your own" posters, the point the OP was trying to make was kind of off the mark because he did not have any real numbers to back up his plan of winging it. I can write - yep in Cozumel I can take the ship sponsored tour for $150 per person but if I get a cab I can "probably" do it for $30 per person. Probably means he has no clue as to what he would pay.


As Johneeo and others pointed out - they researched alternative tours and used a known entity - not some cab driver who may or may not know English and may or may not be able to give a good guided tour.

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...Maybe I would be better served to just read the boards, rather than risk being jumped on for some reason by someone who has trouble understanding the OP:)


That would be no fun.


Some of us need the target practice.;)

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I originally started this thread to find out if the RCCL excursion had a typo in the price. I am not angry as someone suggested...I was merely trying to find out the cruise line's reasoning in pricing an excursion at such a high rate..We can get a private cab in Cozumel for 4 hours for $120..Their price is $375..I am sorry so many people got upset with me, but there were some who completely understood my post..I don't think I'll do it again though, at the risk of being bombarded..We have been to Cozumel many times, so it is not like we just fell off the turnip truck....So a big thanks to you nice folks who understood my post..I hope you have many happy cruises..:)

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To keep on subject, but keep on topic.......


I've done tours through both the ship and on my own.


For example, in Hawaii we did a helicopter tour over the volcano. It was 350.00 for two of us. If we booked through the ship it was double. That was a good buy.


In Cozumel we booked the Fury through the ship....70.00. We've done this many times. The crew recognized us once and said if we just go through them it is only 20.00. However, sometimes the fun (though it may cost extra) is hanging with your fellow pax.

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Maybe they thought it was a miss print you would have to ask the OP


Would not suprise me if the OP just found what the private excursion cost compared to RCI and felt they were deliberately trying to rip them off.


I honestly don't know


I agree they are a money making business and will charge what they think people will pay.


But even I think 300+% mark up is a bit cheeky:)


But it's all about what a person is will to pay


I agree. 300% is a lot, but people will pay it. There will be times when I'll pay it.


The OP just seemed completed shocked that a commercial company would be out to make as much money as they thought they could from their customers.

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There are a few benefits to a ship's tour. First, as stated, you know that the ship will wait for you or they'll get you to the next port. Not sure it's printed in the contract but I've never heard of someone on a ship's tour who's had to make his/her way to the next port at his/her own expense. I have heard of people on non-ship's tours who were left behind. For 99.9%, all works out well with non-ship's tours.


Second, you have some assurance of quality on a ship's tour. We generally take them and I can only think of 1 tour in 15 years that I thought was a bit substandard, and some of that was due to language difficulties. When you book your own tour, you have to rely on word of mouth, Internet reviews, etc. Again, most of the time, it works out very well.


Third, your ship may not show up in the port. If you've made a deposit for a tour that doesn't happen, you have to figure out how to handle that. The ship just refunds your money. Once again, this is a rare occurrence and probably works out fine for most.


Fourth, the ship's tours are really easy to handle. We've done private tours and had to handle all the comms, etc. Not a huge hassle but more work than clicking on the excursion and showing up.


When someone hires himself/herself out as a tour guide, you're paying for that person's time and transportation costs. Any time you use a middleman (here, the cruise ship), there will be an up charge. Is 300% realistic? You have to make that decision. As noted, the cruise line doesn't care . . . they offer their tours; you take them or leave them.

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Excellent post. Thanks for posting!

We had a ship's tour that was not "as advertised". Our tour group went to the excursions desk and were given a refund and instructed to note this on our comment cards.

We had a private golfing tour scheduled for Dublin. Ship couldn't dock due to high winds. Our deposit was gone.

Point and click is a very easy way to book a tour.

As to cost some of our private tours have been costly. We wanted to do the tour so we paid the price.

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Maybe they thought it was a miss print you would have to ask the OP


Would not suprise me if the OP just found what the private excursion cost compared to RCI and felt they were deliberately trying to rip them off.


I honestly don't know


I agree they are a money making business and will charge what they think people will pay.


But even I think 300+% mark up is a bit cheeky:)


But it's all about what a person is will to pay


Mathmatically, and not my area of expertise, wouldn't it be a 200% markup? A 100% increase would make the rate $200, so a 200% would be $300. ;)





There are a few benefits to a ship's tour. First, as stated, you know that the ship will wait for you or they'll get you to the next port. Not sure it's printed in the contract but I've never heard of someone on a ship's tour who's had to make his/her way to the next port at his/her own expense. I have heard of people on non-ship's tours who were left behind. For 99.9%, all works out well with non-ship's tours.


Second, you have some assurance of quality on a ship's tour. We generally take them and I can only think of 1 tour in 15 years that I thought was a bit substandard, and some of that was due to language difficulties. When you book your own tour, you have to rely on word of mouth, Internet reviews, etc. Again, most of the time, it works out very well.


Third, your ship may not show up in the port. If you've made a deposit for a tour that doesn't happen, you have to figure out how to handle that. The ship just refunds your money. Once again, this is a rare occurrence and probably works out fine for most.


Fourth, the ship's tours are really easy to handle. We've done private tours and had to handle all the comms, etc. Not a huge hassle but more work than clicking on the excursion and showing up.


When someone hires himself/herself out as a tour guide, you're paying for that person's time and transportation costs. Any time you use a middleman (here, the cruise ship), there will be an up charge. Is 300% realistic? You have to make that decision. As noted, the cruise line doesn't care . . . they offer their tours; you take them or leave them.


Good points, I think there is an additional middleman being left out.


Scenario 1: If the OP, like many visitors, just grabs a cab and asks - how much to drive us around for 4 hours - the driver will give a price and then go. You are at the mercy of the cab drivers knowledge of the language and history of the area and condition of the vehicle. But the majority of the money goes into his pocket if it is his cab.


Scenario 2: If the OP does research, contacts a tour operator and arranges for a driver for 4 hours who speaks English and can give a good guided tour of the area then makes a deposit and pays the driver for the tour on arrival. You have better odds of a driver in a good vehicle than in scenario 1. You will pay a markup for the middleman.


Scenario 3: If the OP decides to not risk a private driver and decides not to do the research for a local tour company then he pays the going rate for the cruiseline's package. For that he ends up paying 2 middlemen for that peace of mind. Is the RCCL tour over priced? I wouldn't pay it but I haven't read anything from anyone who has actually taken that particular tour, who knows that might have the mayor of Cozumel as your tour guide. ;)

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In light of the recent bus crashin St. Martin....ship excursions aren.t always safer....


It is sad though, that something that should be so obvious to everyone just isn't. I guess some prefer to pin the blame on someone (cruiseline or independent tour operator, it really doesn't matter which) every time a tragedy strikes.:(

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Mathmatically, and not my area of expertise, wouldn't it be a 200% markup? A 100% increase would make the rate $200, so a 200% would be $300. ;)


LOL:):) This one made my brain hurt


Yes you are correct based on $100


given the prices quoted are


$120 private tour

$375 RCI tour


it's 312.5% increase in cost from private tour to RCI tour


But it is a 212.5% markup from private tour to RCI tour


Without knowing the operating cost hard to figure out profit margins

but they have got to be better for RCI than they are for the operator


212.5% booking fee is not bad going in anyone's books


Don't get me wrong not knocking RCI we will be booking a tour with them in Italy (Pisa)as their tour suits us


Booked private in Rome as they offered a written guarantee to be back at the ship in time at less than a third of the price of RCI


But would have not booked without the written guarantee





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30 of us took a cruise a few years ago ,the ones that we not travel savy were sure they could save money booking there own trips 1group of four were seriously ripped off and didnt get what they thought they had paid for and billy bob we will call him didnt even show up for the other group.and no they didnt get there money back. Lessons well learned the hard way i must say,

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I have to say I have done both private and ship tours. It all depends on what it is I want to do. Sometimes, tour operators cannot sell to people on certain cruiselines because they have contracted with them. I have booked a Segway tour in Nassau and because I am on RCCL, I can book with them but had I been on another line, the only way to do it would have been to book through the ship. Many years ago on Roatan, these boards said it would be $100 to hire a cab for the day. I just wanted to sit on the beach for a few hours. I went with the ship excursion for $25pp which included lunch and a beach that was free of sand fleas.


There are, and will always be, people who either don't research because they are naiive or just plain lazy to do research. In their case, they pay whatever they are willing to pay.

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