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Star Review July 15-22

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Hi everyone! My boyfriend and I just sailed on the Star, got back yesterday (July 22). This was our 4th sailing, 2nd with NCL. We had a great time overall.


We were coming from NJ so it only took about 30 minutes to get over the bridge and into the cruise drop off area. We were directed to the check in line and to our surprise were told we were "VIP" and escorted to the VIP lounge to wait. There was coffee and little things to eat, muffins, cakes, sandwiches. This was such a fun surprise and great way to start our trip. I believe we were given VIP status because of an email I wrote to someone at NCL telling them how much my brother and sister in law loved their very first cruise on NCL last year and how we were very excited to be back on our 2nd NCL cruise celebrating our birthdays. I had no idea that email would get us some freebies along the way!


I cant remember the exact time we were allowed to board the ship, I think it way around 1130/12, and we were taken to Cagneys Steakhouse (free of charge, i asked first!). Another great surprise, as I have been hearing just how great Cagneys is. I ordered the mozzarella and red pepper bruschetta and the NY strip steak. Chad ordered the chicken soup and NY strip as well. Everything was very good. Unfortunately, that was the first and last good meal we had on the ship. We were not fans of the food at all. We ate at the buffet, Aqua & Versailles. We did not go to any of the specialty restaurants. Maybe the food was better there, but the main dining rooms food stunk in our opinion.


After lunch they announced over the loud speakers that our staterooms were ready. We were in cabin 5057, an inside one. Blahhhh, we have had an inside, oceanview, and balcony in the past. Of course we would have preferred oceanview or balcony but traveling in the middle of summer is expersive as you all know, so we were trying to keep costs as low as possible. In any event, the room had everything we needed. It is small, yes, but manageable. So we checked out the room, put some things away, and headed off to explore the ship. Even up until the last day I barely knew my way around, but Chad knew where everything was from day 1. i just followed him around :)


More to come...

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Oh i forgot to mention, when we first got to our stateroom there was a little card on the table that said we would be treated to a complimentary bottle of wine! (VIP freebie #1!) All we had to do was bring that card with us to dinner any night we wanted and give it to our waiter. We used it Tuesday night in Aqua.


So off we went to explore the ship. We went up to the top deck for sail away at 4:00 and watched as everyone though we would hit the Verrazano Bridge. We took a picture, its crazy how close the top of the ship gets to the bridge. Now were on our way to Bermuda!!


We changed into our bathing suits and went up to sit on a lounge chair. This was the only time we had our pick of lounge chairs, as the hogs were out in full force for the entire trip. ( BY THE WAY, I never saw anyone enforcing the "Blue Dot" thing with the chair hogs. We kept looking for these blue dots on chair that were obviously being "hogged" btu never saw any. Hmmm... ) So we relaxed on the loungers for a while, chad ordered his bucket of beer, I made a drink of coconut rum & blue gatorade back at the room and brought it up to the deck. We people watched as everyone was dancing to the music and having a good time. Eventually it was time to go inside and get showered and dressed for dinner. We went to Versailles that first night. I ordered the french onion soup and rosemary chicken. Eh. *sad face* Maybe tomorrow nights dinner would be better....


After dinner im sure we went to a show or something, but I cant remember right now what we did! I knew i should've taken notes! Well, eventually to we went to bed and were ready for our first day at sea. Hopefully we wouldnt over sleep and we'd be able to get a chair before the hogs came out....

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well.. WE OVERSLEPT! haha not really, we didn't set an alarm or anything. But in my head I thought we should go out there early to get a chair. Didn't happen. We must have been up and out of the room around 10:00am, waaay too late to get a chair. We got breakfast from the buffet and ate a table outside. After that we decided to just bring our towels by the pool and sit there for the day. it was fun because we were right in front of the DJ (XCITE). we had front row seats to the dance competitions that took place there that day and the next.... very... entertaining.. to say the least!


By the way, when we woke up this morning of the first sea day, I had already begun to feel a little bit dizzy from the boat. Im not used to leaving out of NY (we always left from Florida or SC) and these waters seems much rockier. I took bonine, but it seemed to help me to be near the pool. I felt better there.


Another VIP freebie was that we were invited to the captains party. There they served us free drinks and little snacks. this was fun, but the captain was no where in sight! we were disappointed in that. but i had a great drink called the yellowbird, it was really good. we were also invited to another party that day, i think it was the past guest party. again free drinks were flowing! i got white wine, but didnt care for it, and switched back over to the yellow bird drink. chad had red wine at this one.


At night we got dressed for dinner and made a pit stop at the Red Lion Pub, chad's favorite bar on the ship. We watched a few people sing kareoke and to our surprise everyone was really good! we wanted to stay more but i was hungry so off we went to eat. i think we ate in aqua this night, whatever i ordered was not memorable. struck out again with dinner! maybe tomorrow night....

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we were with you on the ship. Wasn't the Priority waiting room great!!!! But it was so cold in there I thought I would freeze!!


Chair hogs were out in full force.


Yes it was freezing in there! I just read a bit of your review as well, Im sorry about your experience with your butler :( thats a shame. our room steward was not very attentive as well, we had similar feelings as you. *sigh*

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Ok, sea day number 2. again, woke up way to late to get a chair, but didnt mind sitting by the pool again. we liked it there and had fun going down the water slide :) this day was very much like yesterdays, just hanging out but the pool, buffet for lunch, aqua or versailles for dinner, watched more kareoke and cheered people on, etc. we also went to the casino this night since it would be closed the 3 days we were in port in Bermuda. we both played roulette. lost $30, im not a big spender in the casino haha went to bed and were ready to arrive in Bermuda in the morning!


Wellllll we woke up in Bermuda and were all ready to get off the ship... except one little problem. The safe wouldnt open! somehow chad reprogrammed it the night before and didn't know the knew code. We called guest services around 9 am to have someone come open it. she said they would be there within 20 minutes. we waited and waited until an hour went by and no one came. chad called again, someone came within 5 minutes that time BUT he brought the wrong tools. so then he went away to get the right tools, when the crew started their emergency training things! which took about an hour! so overall we waited 2 hours of someone to come open the safe when all i wanted to do was step outside and see the sun! i was sick of being in our inside cave at that pointed, i needed light!! so finally the safe was opened, we got our passports out, and were able to leave the ship. (in the mean time, while we were waiting, chad went up to the buffet to get us breakfast. i was getting cranky and if i didnt eat it wouldve been 10x worse ;)


AHHH, BERMUDA! what a beautiful sight. the water is soo pretty. we (and by we, i mean chad) studied the transportation schedule and fees, trying to decided whcih option was best for us. we went with the 3 day bus pass for $28. seemed like a good deal, until we got on the bus and realized they pack u like sardines. i felt like i could hardly breathe in there, and to top it off the roads were so windy it was making me sick. we got off the bus at horseshoe bay. soo beautiful there. that seems to be the #1 tourist beach. there were some big rocks that alot of people were climbing. we put down our things and went right in the water. it was the perfect temperature. eventually iwent back to lay out on my towel and chad went to climb the rocks. have fun! ill be relaxing and getting my tan on, :) after chad explored some, we walked down the beach as far as we could. u have to walk past these huge rocks, and suddenly its as though you are on your own private beach. there was hardly any one over there and we wished we discovered this earlier. i have pictures but im not sure how to post them, i will try my best to figure that out. all i can say is it was absolutely breathtaking!


we took the bus back around 4:00, ate lunch/dinner on the ship and went back out to snorkle bay, which was a small beach right by the ship. there was a beautiful sunset that we were watching. i wanted to get a picture of the two of us, so we asked this one guy who was wearing a NCL shirt. it was his day off and he was out taking pictures for his own portfolio. chad asked if he wouldnt mind taking our picture (with my camera) and he did. he took it and then wanted to show us some suggestions on how to get the best picture using my camera. i thought wow that was really nice. then he said "are u on the star?" we said yes and he said "do u have a facebook account?" we said yes, and he said "ok, get together. this is what people pay $300 for!" and he took out his good camera and starting taking pictures of us with the sun setting in the background! they came out so good, and he said when we get back home to write him am facebook messgae and he'd send us the pictures! what a great surprise! THANK YOU JANIS!! now chad and i will have one really nice picture of us! this will be going in a frame!


we hung out at that beach a little more, they have a bar and dance floor. Janis told us around 11:00pm the bar turns into a night club and a bunch of the NCL employees go out there and party until like 3am. we stayed until about 10pm and then went back to the ship. it was a great first day in Bermuda!

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The next day we woke up, got breakfast, and got off the boat. We decided to look into how much the cost of renting a scooter would be. We saw tons of people on them. Chad has wanted to rent a scooter/bike on every cruise we've been on but i've always been too scared to do it. This time I didn't want to disappoint him, so I agreed to rent one. It also helped that I saw a bunch of young girls riding it too, who probably didn't have motorcyclel experience. Chad has a bike at home so I know he knows what he's doing, and felt safe with him driving. I was just nervous about driving on the left side of the road and not knowing if the other drivers were crazy or not! Who knows if they just shoot out and dont follow the rules of the road. But i sucked it up and knew that this kind of opportunity doesnt come along often. how many times will i ever ride a scooter along the water of bermuda? so we went to rent on. It was a 24 hour rental for $53, plus $20 more for insurance, adn another $20 for the deposit. so total cost out of pocket for 24 hours was $73. we thought that was a really good deal. we picked out our helmets and went to the back of the building to take a "road test". we had to wait a few minutes because there was a family in front of us. i guess their son wanted to ride his own scooter, so the guys from the rental place were teaching him the basics. to be honest, this kid was pretty bad. im surprised they let him go out on one. he asked the rental guys "can i take a passenger on the back" and htye said "nooo". well i guess he passed, beacuse then that family left and it was chads turn. another guy took the test the same time chad did, on a different scooter of course. i was talking with his wife while they were riding. i dont think i got her name, but she was very sweet. she was from new orleans and we are both teachers so we had some things in common to talk about. very nice couple. anyway, chad passed the road test after one lap. the rental guys said he was the best they've seen all day (woohoo!!) and gave him one of their new scooters. (we found out later from the owner that these bikes were not supposed to go out because they were new... oops, but not our fault!) someone even stopped to ask us once where we rented the scooter because it was that cool i guess.


we hopped on and took off for some exploring! we stopped at a few look out places along the way and took some pictures. it was so beautiful and scenic. im glad i was on the back of the scooter and not driving, because i was able to take in the scenery. although ill admit i was a backseat driver most of the time, squeezing chad when i thought he should slow down or watch out! very annoying to him, im sure.


i heard on these boards that Elbow Beach was really nice, so we decided to go there for the day. We found the Elbow Beach Resort and parked in a scooter lot. We walked through the resort and went right, until we hit the "public" part of elbow. it was really beautiful, and less people were there than the day before at Horseshoe. We really enjoyed our day here. After that we went off on the scooter and explored a little more. We stopped at a local market and picked up some suntan lotion because we ran out and a bag of chips. we were getting hungry, and i was getting cranky. not good. later on we tried to find Sea Glass Beach, but bc its more of a local place, there were no signs for it or anything, so i never got to see it. *sigh*

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After Elbow Beach we road the scooter over to Hamilton. I knew there were a lot of places to shop there, but my god it is expensive! So i didn't buy anything. But i did get a nice picture in front of my motherland, Louis Vuitton. <3 Hamilton was cool, very busy and scooters everywhere! It was so funny to see business men and women getting off of work and hopping on their scooters to go home. I kind of wish I had one here! It was fun, even though I didn't drive ;) We didn't stay in Hamiliton too long because we needed to eat (crankiness setting in big time) and didn't want to drive back in the dark. We probably got back to the dockyard around 7?? parked our scooter and locked up the helmets, got on the ship, showered, and ate. I think this is the night I ordered prime rib in Versailles and it looked like a loaf of spam. i took one bite and that was it. yuck. i drank my vodka tonic instead and was full from the bread and roasted tomato soup i had before hand. after dinner was a chocolate buffet. fuuuun! ironically the only thing i got from the chocolate buffet the the chocolate ice cream u can have all week! i just wasnt feeling anything else that night, i dont know why. im usually a chocoholic. i would've liked a chocolate covered strawberry but the line was too long over on that end. i think this is the night we saw the aerial acrobatics show. it was really impressive. i wanted to swing on one of those ropes too! very good show overall, we shouldve gotten there sooner, we had to sit up in the balcony and didnt have the best view.


Up next... last day in Bermuda... WAHHH :(

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So far your trip sounds wonderful.I do believe that your VIP status entitled you to breakfast and lunch in Cagney's every day.Did you ever go there after the first days lunch?


Yes you're right we were allowed to go there but we never did. Looking back I wish we had, but there just was never enough time in the day to do everything we wanted to do!

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Loving your review. I will be on the Star in December (Caribbean cruise) and hopefully going to Bermuda next year. So this is awesome.


Also, VIP status should have got you in to the Chocolate Buffet before everyone else was allowed in. (You could have got your chocolate covered strawberries then) :)

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We changed into our bathing suits and went up to sit on a lounge chair. This was the only time we had our pick of lounge chairs, as the hogs were out in full force for the entire trip. ( BY THE WAY, I never saw anyone enforcing the "Blue Dot" thing with the chair hogs. We kept looking for these blue dots on chair that were obviously being "hogged" btu never saw any. Hmmm... )

We were on this sailing, too. We actually DID see someone putting yellow dots on the chairs, with a time written on it. This was on Tuesday, the second sea day. Someone who had 5 chairs held in front of us was very annoyed and said her family was in the pool. I know they were not, because maybe a half hour later, one of her kids showed up, clearly had just woken up (was not even in a bathing suit). Eventually, maybe an hour or so later, her family did start showing up, one by one. She actually took the dots off all of her saved chairs, btw, as soon as the person moved on.


We also saw/heard foul language used by a passenger who was mad that the chairs had towels on them and weren't being used for "at least the past two hours". He was yelling at the lady who had the 5 chairs saved because she was defending the right to save the chairs. He said it wasn't fair and she said "Well, you should have gotten up earlier".


Now, while we saw the staff put the yellow dot ON the chairs, no one came back around the 45 minutes later to actually remove anything. We were there for hours, so I would have seen it.


My teens did say they saw a girl getting all upset on Monday because her stuff had been removed.


We ended up getting up really early on Tuesday because, as you said, there were NO chairs to be had on Monday...not even at the far front of the ship. I didn't think to check the back, by the kids pool.

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Thanks for all of your comments everyone!!


So we woke up on our last day at port. :( We had a 24 hour rental on the scooter which was due back to the place by 12:00, so not really much time to take it and go anywhere. I said why dont we just go ask how much it is to return it about 4 hours late, if we have to pay like $20 more its worth it. So Chad agreed and we went to ask. It was an extra $25 to extend the rental and we didn't mind at all. Getting around Bermuda was just so much more convenient this way. So we threw out bags in the scooter basket and took off for Jobson's Cove. This was probably my favorite beach of all. It was the most private, by far. There was hardly anyone there, and the water was just so perfect and beautiful. At one point we went walking on the beach and over some rocks. Of course I tripped and fell on one of the rocks and got a scratch on my knee. Nothing serious to the average person, but I thought I might die. I just wished I had a bandaid, i swear that would have made me feel better. Now I understand when my kindergarteners ask me for a bandaid bc it will make them feel better!! I will always give them one from now on! Chad got me a napkin from the hot dog vendor there and i just kept that on my knee to stop the blood. Yes, im dramatic.


Overall the day at Jobson's Cove was amazing. So peaceful and relaxing. I highly recommend visiting this more private beach.


We decided to head back to the ship at 3:00, as we needed to return the scooter and be back on the ship by 4:30. I also wanted to do a little souvenir shopping around the dockyard before we boarded. Well we had time for a teeeeny tiny bit of shopping, but there was really nothing that caught my eye. Everything there is the typical touristy stuff. The only thing I bought was a pocket knife for my dad with his name engraved on it. It was $15. I should've gotten my brother one too, I don't know why I didn't. Grrrr! at this point it was 4:20, we were cutting it close. But Chad kept saying you know they never leave on time... we'll be fine. So we raced around the shops a bit more but didn't find anything else. we were back on board at 4:30 exactly. He was right that we didn't pull away until a little after 5:00.


*Funny story, on the way back to board the boat, we saw some man standing on his balcony in nothing but his tightie whities. did he think we wouldn't see him? it was pretty funny. other people noticed him too, guess he just didn't care!*


We got showered and changed and headed up to the buffet for a quick bite before dinner. This may have been the night I had ravioli with mushroom. It was okay, far to creamy for me. I think i only ate 1.5 ravioli out of 4. I still had hope though that tomorrow, our last day, would have a spectacular dinner waiting for me....

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Great review. Thanks.


I agree, the food on the Star last year didn't wow me either but we're going back in the fall because I want to go to Bermuda and leave from NYC. I suppose there is more to cruising than the food.

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Yes you're right we were allowed to go there but we never did. Looking back I wish we had, but there just was never enough time in the day to do everything we wanted to do!

Enjoyed reading your reviews. Glad you had a great time.


We're going to be on the Star in October and we are getting excited.

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Nothing wrong with a man in his tightie whities, it's all about how he looked in them ~ at least he had them on :)

Thanks for all of your comments everyone!!


So we woke up on our last day at port. :( We had a 24 hour rental on the scooter which was due back to the place by 12:00, so not really much time to take it and go anywhere. I said why dont we just go ask how much it is to return it about 4 hours late, if we have to pay like $20 more its worth it. So Chad agreed and we went to ask. It was an extra $25 to extend the rental and we didn't mind at all. Getting around Bermuda was just so much more convenient this way. So we threw out bags in the scooter basket and took off for Jobson's Cove. This was probably my favorite beach of all. It was the most private, by far. There was hardly anyone there, and the water was just so perfect and beautiful. At one point we went walking on the beach and over some rocks. Of course I tripped and fell on one of the rocks and got a scratch on my knee. Nothing serious to the average person, but I thought I might die. I just wished I had a bandaid, i swear that would have made me feel better. Now I understand when my kindergarteners ask me for a bandaid bc it will make them feel better!! I will always give them one from now on! Chad got me a napkin from the hot dog vendor there and i just kept that on my knee to stop the blood. Yes, im dramatic.


Overall the day at Jobson's Cove was amazing. So peaceful and relaxing. I highly recommend visiting this more private beach.


We decided to head back to the ship at 3:00, as we needed to return the scooter and be back on the ship by 4:30. I also wanted to do a little souvenir shopping around the dockyard before we boarded. Well we had time for a teeeeny tiny bit of shopping, but there was really nothing that caught my eye. Everything there is the typical touristy stuff. The only thing I bought was a pocket knife for my dad with his name engraved on it. It was $15. I should've gotten my brother one too, I don't know why I didn't. Grrrr! at this point it was 4:20, we were cutting it close. But Chad kept saying you know they never leave on time... we'll be fine. So we raced around the shops a bit more but didn't find anything else. we were back on board at 4:30 exactly. He was right that we didn't pull away until a little after 5:00.


*Funny story, on the way back to board the boat, we saw some man standing on his balcony in nothing but his tightie whities. did he think we wouldn't see him? it was pretty funny. other people noticed him too, guess he just didn't care!*


We got showered and changed and headed up to the buffet for a quick bite before dinner. This may have been the night I had ravioli with mushroom. It was okay, far to creamy for me. I think i only ate 1.5 ravioli out of 4. I still had hope though that tomorrow, our last day, would have a spectacular dinner waiting for me....

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Thanks for the review! We are boarding in 3.5 weeks. Where did you rent the scooter from? The price seems very reasonable.


We rented from a place right by the ship, in the dockyard. I'm not sure of the name of the place... but its right next to the "Boner Bar" ( hahaha :D ). if you are looking at this bar its on the lefthand side. it was $53 for 24 hour rental, plus $20 for insurance and another $20 deposit. if we could do it all over again, we definitely would have skipped the bus passes and went with a 3 day scooter rental. I think the 3 day was around $120 or so. It's definitely worth the convenience of being able to go from beach to beach and not being crammed into a bus. Hope this helps :)

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We woke up on our last day of the cruise. BOOO!! this is the worst part. We slept in again (never got up before 10 this whole cruise) and got our regular breakfast buffet. I did like the french toast that the buffet had. I think it was cinnamon raisin. It turned out to be a rainy and very rocky day at sea. There were barf bags placed around the ship incase anyone needed them. They also had bowls of green apples and saltines too. I never knew green apples were supposed to help motion sickness until I read someones review here. I forgot all about it and when I saw a girl looking pretty ill walking back to her room with the apple, suddenly I remembered and went to grab one for myself. I had taken 2 bonine anyway but I still didn't feel 100%. We ate breakfast, and the apple, and then headed over to the casino since it was open all day. Once I got to playing some more roulette I was feeling good. I dont know if it was the bonine and apple combo or just being distracted by playing the game, or being mid ship. Either way, I was glad I felt better. After the casino we just hung out until 1:00 when the cruise director and some of the staff were having a Q&A session for life on board the ship. This was held at the Java Cafe. I like to go to these things because its interesting to hear what life is like from the crew's perspective. The first question came from a kid and he said "how many times a day do you feel like you;re going to throw up?" I'm glad he asked that actually because I was wondering the same thing! Do they ever get seasick? Well, the answer was not often. They're so used to it by now that it doesn't bother them. One of the staff said as long as you keep moving you'll be fine, if you sit still you'll feel sick. Very true. As much as I wanted to lay down, I felt much better walking around the ship. The Q&A was only 30 minutes long but it was informative. Later on around 4:00 Chad did the beer tasting at the Red Lion Pub. I decided to take a nap while he was there. I'm not a beer drinker so I didn't care to go. I woke up about 2 hours later and he wasn't back at the room yet, so I quickly showered and got dressed for dinner and went to find him. He was still at Red Lion with a nice couple he sat with during the beer tasting. They were our age and from Kentucky. We sat with them for a while more and played a trivia game the pub was having. I only knew 1 answer out of 18. I suck at trivia. But between chad and his new friends they got a bunch of correct answers. After trivia we went up to the buffet to eat. We had seen the menu for Aqua and Versailles (they have the same menus) and nothing seemed appealing to us. We decided to just have a buffet dinner for our last day. womp womp. I never got my amazing meal! Oh well, like one of you said earlier, theres more to cruising than food! (although that is a big fun part!)


After dinner we went to casino for a bit more and then up to the room to pack. We also went to the Elements show at night. It was really good and entertaining. They had some magic tricks thrown in there as well. The tricks were pretty good, except for the first one.... Long story short: the trick was to make the girl disappear, but Chad and I clearly saw her crouching down behind the box she was supposed to disappear from haha We wanted to shout "We see you!!!" All of the other tricks were very well done though.


Well eventually it was time to get into bed and wake up for disembarkation. NOOOOO!!!! ok THIS is the worst part.


Because we were "VIP" we were able to disembark any time we wanted. We were able to go up to deck 12 and get breakfast and watch others leave first. It was nice not being rushed or sitting in a waiting room waiting for them to call our colored tags. So finally the time came that we needed to go back to the room, get our luggage, and leave the Star. :( The disembarkation process was very smooth, no problems. We were outside the cruise terminal very quickly and waiting for our friend to pick us up. So sad. Overall we had a great time and enjoyed Bermuda so much. Would love to go back there again!


**My next post will include random things that we saw/did/ate/etc throughout our time on the ship and in Bermuda. I couldn't always remember what days we did things, so the next post will just be a mix of random things!! Hope you've enjoyed my review!!!!

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1) We went to Big Mommas Burlesque Show.... umm, uncomfortable is all I can say!! It wasnt exactly burlesque, just more of a big momma strutting up and down the stage deep throating a banana. My eyes!!!


2) We went to an art auction because they advertised free champagne. We had to stay for about an hour before the champagne came and it was only 1 glass. But they also said the most enthusiastic person during the auction would win something! Since we were already an hour in, I decided I needed to take this title and prize home. After another hour of "woo-hooing" my heart out, I was chosen as most enthusiastic! Along with another older man who kept pumping his fists. My grand prize? A free work of art! WOW i thought, this is great! Turns out my free work would be a poster replica of something I really didn't like but I thought why not, its free. So the last step was to sign a paper ensuring my shipping address was correct. But wait, whats this $35?? I asked the auctioneer why does it say $35? I thought it was free? "Well ma'am you must pay for the shipping". I got so angry because he never told me that! I said never mind I dont want this then. HMPH! i should've known better, theres always a catch!


3) We went to the Liars Club Show in the Spinnaker Lounge. It was PACKED. If you decide to go to this show (and i suggest it) get there EARLY! like atleast 30 minutes before it begins. We had so stand in the back and could barely see anything. It was very funny though.


4) This ship held a lot of events in the Spinnaker Lounge and not the Star Dust Theater. We weren't sure why they did it this was but we were kind of disappointed. The Spinnaker is much smaller and so many of those shows were suited for a larger stage. Especially the Liars Club Show.


5) Our room steward was not the best. He was nice enough, but to be honest I felt we got the bare minimum out of him. He made the bed real nice but that was about it. In the past we've had room stewards who tidy up a bit, which I understand probably sounds very spoiled of be, but its always nice to come back to an extra clean, made up room. We also noticed he didn't replace our glasses in the room. We would make drinks in there, take the drinks to dinner or a show, and leave them somewhere, thinking we could get new ones the next day. This wasnt the case. I saw the room steward in the hallway and said "Would it be okay to get another glass in the room? We only have one" and he said "Ohhh because you took it out". Well yes, i took it out. I thought thats what they were for? To make a drink and then go enjoy it? Anyway he found us one, but the next day there were none again. Also we only got 2 towel animals the whole trip. I thought this was done on a nightly basis?


6) As VIPs we were given freebie snacks 3 days of the trip. There was a note attached the first day saying they were compliments of the hotel director. This was a fun surprise to find in our room!


7) Bring a sweater! It's cold on the ship!


Ok i think that is all for me. If i think of anything else I will come back and add more!! Thanks for reading this review and all of your comments! They are appreciated. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them :)

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