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What are they thinking, drinking, smoking?


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Maybe this was the first cruise for the "Pineapple People" and they didn't know that if you ask, you shall receive. I have begun asking for Celebrity dressing in the MDR if it's not on the menu. The waiters on my last few cruises have cheerfully gone out of their way to get it for me.
Once, the Asst M'D asked me why I was not having dessert. I told him I was too full to eat anything that wasn't chocolate (not on the menu that night). He immediately ordered the asst waiter to find me something chocolate. Every night thereafter, he made sure I got chocolate for dessert.
On another cruise a man at the next table had a standing order for 3 escargot appetizers every night. We've sailed with Jewish friends who did a seder ceremony at our table on the two Friday nights of the cruise, complete with traditional wine and bread provided by the asst M'D. The wife keeps kosher and always got special dishes when necessary. We have also eaten with other people who requested food not on the menu. If requested the night before, the staff will bend over backward to accomodate.
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going back to the original post, pineapple is disgusting!!!!!! and if you put it on a pizza you should be charged with a felony. working with the idiots who call or come to customer service counters is hilarious. The best story I ever experienced was a guy being very patient answering a womans questions which she repeated three times (and they were not complicated). finally, she left still not satisfied and he turned to the six of us who had been waiting and simply said "and management wonders why we drink"
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On the subject of airline security, an 11 year old boy managed to fly from Manchester (England) to Italy last week, without a passport, without a ticket, and without a boarding card. Enquiries are being made. :)

Friends of my mother's once went on a cruise called "Arctic Adventure", and then complained to the travel agent when they got back that they hadn't had any warm clothing because no-one had told them it was going to be cold. :rolleyes: And even worse, they weren't embarrassed at all by the tale, they were telling people afterwards because they still thought it was someone else's fault.
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I was once on a land tour in China when a woman exclaimed in a VERY loud voice that the problem with China is that there were so many Chinese....:eek: We were mortified and our guide was dumbfounded. This woman made the whole tour so uncomfortable for the group by making continuous outrageous statements, that we decided that would be our last group tour.
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[quote name='Kathie44']
Once, the Asst M'D asked me why I was not having dessert. I told him I was too full to eat anything that wasn't chocolate (not on the menu that night). He immediately ordered the asst waiter to [B] find me something chocolate[/B]. .[/QUOTE]

This made me laugh. Sounds like something a dying woman would yell. First steps when administering first aid :D
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Your point re quantification is an excellent one. However, for a survey to meaningful the data must be solid, and my point is...the data is badly biased. Your idea of excellent service probably is not the same as mine. Secondly, sad to say, there is a lot of mean spirited, totally ignorant people out there who just can't wait to criticize others who may not look and sound like they do.


There has to be a better way for cruise lines to obtain meaningful feed back other than surveys.

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Back to the OP's original post...


Here's my theory...maybe she was one of the people who didn't know what ship/line/cruise she was on and she thought she was cruising to Hawaii...


That would explain the pineapple discrepancy..!!!





Gee you would think the floating ice would give a clue pretty early in the cruise that the boat was NOT going to Hawaii.

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Yep. And there are people who encourage folks who are that stupid to go out and vote!


Keep in mind you are talking about Florida, the home of the "hanging chad". Admittedly this girl was just visiting but maybe she should move there?! :rolleyes:

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Yesterday a New York City policeman who is sailing with us came to report a crime onboard. He insisted that his neighbor in the cabin above him is binding his wife and beating her all night every night. With his police training, this man is quite sure that he knows what is going on in there. I called Security and we checked it out. His upstairs neighbors are in their 90's and confined to wheelchairs. They can barely move. I checked on all his other neighbors. Most of them are quite elderly also. Not one of them has heard the screams or beatings he has reported. None has any bruises or complaints.

Is this man crazy or stupid? Or just on vacation? You be the judge.

This is another great story for my book.

I cannot wait to hear what they tell me tomorrow.......................


I have elderly relatives and when they visit (since they are deaf) they tend to sound like they are screaming when they are just talking. If this were more muffled and accompanied by banging of their wheelchairs as they prepared for bed it might actually sound like someone getting beaten. If you add a few drinks to the policemans interpretation of the event he may be relaying what he believes to be totally factual events.

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I have elderly relatives and when they visit (since they are deaf) they tend to sound like they are screaming when they are just talking. If this were more muffled and accompanied by banging of their wheelchairs as they prepared for bed it might actually sound like someone getting beaten. If you add a few drinks to the policemans interpretation of the event he may be relaying what he believes to be totally factual events.


You make a good point and offer a very plausible explanation.

Unfortunately we are not dealing with logical or completely sane people here.


I have been meeting with this policeman every day now.

I explained that we investigated his story and discovered that nobody is being bound or beaten. He of course refuses to believe us and is convinced that we are engaged in some sort of cover-up for serious criminal activity onboard our ship.

He has decided to "stake out" the suspect cabin and catch the perpetrators in the act.

Now his upstairs neighbors believe he is stalking them, and they want me to get the local police involved.

The policeman / stalker is now asking for compensation. I'm not exactly sure why.

But I'm sure he will explain it to me before the cruise ends.


As hard as it is to believe, this is not at all an unusual story for us.

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going back to the original post, pineapple is disgusting!!!!!! and if you put it on a pizza you should be charged with a felony. working with the idiots who call or come to customer service counters is hilarious. The best story I ever experienced was a guy being very patient answering a womans questions which she repeated three times (and they were not complicated). finally, she left still not satisfied and he turned to the six of us who had been waiting and simply said "and management wonders why we drink"


Not everyone thinks pineapple is disgusting. Taste is very subjective. I happen to enjoy eating pineapple. In fact, almost every night for the past couple of weeks, my dinner has been a tropical fruit salad (sometimes with grilled chicken added).


Last year someone was posting that she can't see why passengers wouldn't eat fish everyday on a cruise ship. I pointed out that I wouldn't eat it at all, explaining that I just don't like the taste. And in addition, I'm allergic to shellfish (even get bad reactions if serving tongs were used to serve both shrimp and my food, to the point that I have to immediately take an antihistamine). She didn't realize that one could be allergic to shellfish. But you can have an allergy to just about any food.

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You make a good point and offer a very plausible explanation.

Unfortunately we are not dealing with logical or completely sane people here.


I have been meeting with this policeman every day now.

I explained that we investigated his story and discovered that nobody is being bound or beaten. He of course refuses to believe us and is convinced that we are engaged in some sort of cover-up for serious criminal activity onboard our ship.

He has decided to "stake out" the suspect cabin and catch the perpetrators in the act.

Now his upstairs neighbors believe he is stalking them, and they want me to get the local police involved.

The policeman / stalker is now asking for compensation. I'm not exactly sure why.

But I'm sure he will explain it to me before the cruise ends.


As hard as it is to believe, this is not at all an unusual story for us.


Maybe he thinks he should be paid overtime for his new job in "security". :eek:


I overheard a gentleman complaining at the front desk that he and his wife hadn't gotten any dinner one night. This was just the 2nd day of the cruise. Then I realized he wasn't talking about the current trip but a previous cruise he had been on. Unfortunately I got called over to the desk before I got a chance to hear what the crew member's response was.

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There might be another explanation. On our Alaskan cruise two years ago, we were told of a woman who had brought no warm clothing -- just shorts, bathing suits, etc. When she complained about the weather, she said that Hawaii and Alaska were right next to each other on the map -- it seems she did not realize that the two insets on the map did not realize that they were in different locations!


Yes they drive and they vote.


And have children!:eek:

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Unfortunately we are not dealing with logical or completely sane people here....

The policeman / stalker is now asking for compensation. I'm not exactly sure why.

Not sure why? Stop pulling our collective leg. You yourself said that you are not dealing with logical or sane people. Since no sane, logical person would really try to make sense of the conduct of the illogical and insane, one can only assume that you are simply being facetious for the sake of humor. Okay, most of us can appreciate the light-hearted recounting of the bizarre conduct you encounter during your work onboard, but, caution, at some point light-hearted recounting may be interpreted as tactless, even insensitive, ridicule.

As hard as it is to believe, this is not at all an unusual story for us.

It isn't hard to believe at all. Owing to shipboard demographics one is bound to encounter a higher incidence of "not logical and completely sane" people on a cruise ship than in the general population. I reiterate - it comes with the terrritory. For us passengers, how's that saying go? "Grant me the senility to forget the people who are rude, the good fortune to run into the ones who are not, and the eyesight to tell the difference."

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caution, at some point light-hearted recounting may be interpreted as tactless, even insensitive, ridicule.


This thread was all about light-hearted ridicule of stupid people until everyone jumped in and tried to make sense of it and solve all of BruceMuzz's problems. Some people need to get a sense of humor.

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This thread was all about light-hearted ridicule of stupid people until everyone jumped in and tried to make sense of it and solve all of BruceMuzz's problems. Some people need to get a sense of humor.

Hmmm. Different strokes for different folks. No one, including me, would criticize a ship hotel mgr for tactfully sharing humorous stories about bizarre passenger conduct, but some may think that light-hearted ridicule of stupid people is not very nice especially when stupid may not really be stupid, but senility or other more serious senior foibles.

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This thread was all about light-hearted ridicule of stupid people until everyone jumped in and tried to make sense of it and solve all of BruceMuzz's problems. Some people need to get a sense of humor.


Well, it IS kinda like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Well, it IS kinda like shooting fish in a barrel.


Comment card from proverbial fish-in-barrel:


We booked this barrel vacation and upon arriving were very disappointed to find the accommodations very cramped and crowded with other fish. The barrel was very dark and had no view. Also there was no fresh pineapple. We would like a free barrel vacation and a refund.

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Comment card from proverbial fish-in-barrel:


We booked this barrel vacation and upon arriving were very disappointed to find the accommodations very cramped and crowded with other fish. The barrel was very dark and had no view. Also there was no fresh pineapple. We would like a free barrel vacation and a refund.


Love it!

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It'll be a refreshing change from "the ten stupid questions cruisers ask."




As for the pineapple' date=' that reminds me of my last cruise, a Hawaiian RT on the Golden. I had missed one of the CC meet and greets and someone who had gone was telling us during a trivia match that someone was actually complaining about the lack of strawberries. I was amazed because I've had strawberries during that cruise. Just not a lot, because of the other fruit, especially pineapple. It just seems strange to get fixated on one food item, especially when it's something that's easily obtained in most areas while in season.




Just kinda wondering if the person complaining about no strawberries was named Caine? (RE; Caine Mutiny)


Best one I overheard at Guest Services was a gentleman complaining about his bar bill. He was the "star" of the Hypnotist Show. (not the Hypnotist the hypnotized) and said that the Hypnotist gave him a post hypnotic suggestion to be kind to people so he treated the piano bar to a couple of rounds of drinks. He didn't think that he should have to pay and the ship or the Hypnotist should pay.


Turned out that he was just partying like crazy. And post Hypnotic suggestions will not make you pay for rounds of drinks.

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This morning we embarked several thousand new passengers.

Shore operations x-rays all suitcases and holds any bags with suspicious or possibly dangerous objects in them.

These arrive at the ship and are held until the passengers can meet with our security staff to remove the questionable objects for inspection.


Every week we see the predictable things; charcoal BBQs, knives, hatchets, swords, bullets, tool kits, propane tanks, water boilers, irons, butane hair curlers, etc.

But this week we also found a 25 pound rock in a suitcase. About one foot in diameter. It was wrapped in several layers of pantyhose.

The owner told us he always travels with his rock.....................

Go figure.

We will be keeping a close eye on this fellow.

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This morning we embarked several thousand new passengers.

Shore operations x-rays all suitcases and holds any bags with suspicious or possibly dangerous objects in them.

These arrive at the ship and are held until the passengers can meet with our security staff to remove the questionable objects for inspection.


Every week we see the predictable things; charcoal BBQs, knives, hatchets, swords, bullets, tool kits, propane tanks, water boilers, irons, butane hair curlers, etc.

But this week we also found a 25 pound rock in a suitcase. About one foot in diameter. It was wrapped in several layers of pantyhose.

The owner told us he always travels with his rock.....................

Go figure.

We will be keeping a close eye on this fellow.


Haha. If his wife goes missing look for her at the end of the panty hose tether holding her to the rock at the bottom of the ocean!:eek:

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