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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Carib Review: Fun on the FREEDOM!!!

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I was looking at your pictures of Sapphire Beach thinking "boy that looks familiar". After a quick Google search, I realized that my (now) DH and I accidentally stayed there for two nights in 2009. How was it accidental? Well we accidentally missed the first two days of our cruise, then accidentally ended up at this resort when the other one we booked online wasn't open when we arrived to the island.


Good times.


Thanks for your wonderful review and for bringing back great memories! :)

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Couldn't help but notice your duck picture. Guess you just have something against pidgeons!:)


Enjoying your review - I hope this doesn't sound mean, but I can't wait for the continuing boot camp saga. I'll bet you'll be the last one standing in that class!


OMG, you're right! Here I gave Brainy Brad SUCH a hard time about the pigeons, and what do I do? Take duck photos!!!


Oh, the Boot Camp saga...trust me. You haven't heard the end of it...!



YES! That's my camera!!!! Thank you.



This is how I operate with gadgets and stuff:


If it's a laptop, I want to push a button and be able to compute. I don't know any more than that.


If it's a car, I want to turn a key and have it start. I don't know any more than that.


If it's a camera, I want to push a smaller button and have it take pictures. I don't know any more than that.


Sometimes, Hubby Mike will start to patiently...or impatiently...try to explain all the inner-workings of stuff...and I put my fingers in my ears, say, "Neener, neener - I don't WANT to know this stuff!" and he gives up. Sigh.

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I was looking at your pictures of Sapphire Beach thinking "boy that looks familiar". After a quick Google search, I realized that my (now) DH and I accidentally stayed there for two nights in 2009. How was it accidental? Well we accidentally missed the first two days of our cruise, then accidentally ended up at this resort when the other one we booked online wasn't open when we arrived to the island.


Good times.


Thanks for your wonderful review and for bringing back great memories! :)


Okay...I'm intrigued. How the heck do you accidentally miss the first two days of a cruise???!!!! :eek: :eek:

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So, we’re now up Thursday, July 19th…and we’re docking in St. Maarten today. Our arrival time is scheduled for 8:00 am, and we’re to meet up with our tour at 9:00 am.



As you can see here, Mickey is extremely thrilled to be waking up and tackling the day.



I don't get it...??? We've got places to go, things to do, stuff to see! Come ON!




As we pull into St. Maarten, the weather outside is overcast and cloudy. The Captain comes on and tells us that a really intense storm had moved through the island earlier this morning, leaving a Good News/Bad News scenario. The good news: it’s much cooler than it had been the previous week or so, so we won’t die of heat prostration. The bad news: the clouds are pretty much here to stay for the day, and it is extremely windy.



Hmmm....not looking so good for my tan today....



We head to the Jammer for breakfast, along with the 9,252,295 passengers onboard – give or take a few. After a quick assessment of my physical condition (don’t laugh; as you get older, these daily body assessments are necessary to make sure all is well…or NOT well, as the case may be) – I realize that, if anything, I am even MORE sore than I was yesterday.


How can this be?! I can honestly say that in all of my years of working out, exercising, running, even Tae Kwon Do – I have NEVER been this sore. Every step is agony, but that’s not the worst of it. Nope. It’s when I try to sit down that my muscles can literally be heard, screaming. I CAN’T SIT DOWN!!!!! I have to somewhat “fall” backwards into my chair at breakfast, which I’m sure makes for an amusing sight. There’s no Boot Camp classes scheduled today, but they DO resume tomorrow…and I am hoping and praying that I’ll be up for it.


So…I shuffle back to the room after breakfast, and Mickey and I get our stuff ready for our day in beautiful St. Maarten. This 87-km island is pretty much cut in half and has two sides: the north side, or the “French” side, where it is known as Saint-Martin, and the southern Dutch side, where it is known as Sint Maarten. It’s the smallest island in the world to ever be partitioned between two countries.


I’ve scheduled an all-day tour with Bernard’s Tours, after reading some great reviews of them on CruiseCritic, as well as TripAdvisor. We are scheduled to meet with them at 9:00 am, and so Mickey and I have a few minutes to explore the pier area.


It was still very cloudy…with a very strong wind…and wanting to finally get a picture of “our” window, we snapped this ghostly shot of the ship:



That's our window! Second row from the top...second window from the left!




We’re to meet Bernard’s Tours at the Information Center, which is located right on the pier:



You can't miss the Info Center...it's to the right, after you walk down the pier...



There’s a really cool HUGE mural of the island painted on the wall of the Information Center, and so we wandered over to get our bearings. I’ve been to St. Maarten only once before, back in 2004 on the Serenade of the Seas, and so I’m not really familiar with the lay of the land. Okay, wait. Even if I WERE familiar with the lay of the land, I could still get lost, so I’m not sure why I even ATTEMPT to get my bearings.





We have ported in Phillipsburg, the capital of the Dutch side, and I give a brief overview of the island to Mickey so she’ll understand why she’ll be hearing “French side” and “Dutch side” all day. While we explore the map, we notice an island with a very unique name:





Hee hee. Hens & Chickens. Do you ever wonder how islands get their name? I always wonder what it would be like to tell people you live somewhere that has a funny name..."Where do you live?" "Oh, I live on Hens & Chickens." I had to look this island up later, and found out that it’s a very small rock island with some great diving reefs. So now you know.



Soon…it’s 9:00 am, and there’s a large group of us waiting to board one of several vans outfitted by Bernard’s Tours. They divide us up into smaller groups; one van gets John...and we get Sexy.


Wait. What? Your name is Sexy??!!


You’ve GOTTA’ give kudos to the Caribbean drivers. In Europe, we had drivers with such grand names as Alberto and Antonio. Here in the Caribbean, we have Elvis and Sexy.


The van is fully loaded, and because I am struggling with every step I take at this point, (OH, THE PAIN!!!!), Mickey and I take the front row of seats on the right. The seats are very narrow; we barely fit, and I have to wonder how "larger" people would fit. It's kind of squishy...so it's a good thing Mickey and I like each other.



After loading up the van, Sexy throws in two giant coolers loaded down with ice, soda pop, and the ubiquitous rum punch. And…we’re off!



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Your reviews, both on the Serenade and now the Freedom are amazing. Not only have you sold me on a Med cruise (in the future sometime) but also now have me excited about our Freedom cruise next March. I was kind of 'hum-ho' about it until...... you!!:)


As a family we have always sailed with RCI and always done the traditional dining. You have done MTD on both your recent cruises. Just curious, if you've done the traditional in the past and how MTD differs. I am seriously considering switching to MTD. I'll be with my DH, DD (17), DS (19) and his friend (20).


My DD is much like Mickey - prefers to hang out with us instead of the teen stuff.

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See...can you tell I'm not a gadget person?


Okay...I have my camera in hand...had to look around on it...but I found this:




Does that help?! :D


Yes, alot!! Do you like it?



Many thanks Paul. I have been looking at the 8200 and 9100 and they don't have manuals(????). You cant roam around with a computer and CD:eek:. Also the 8200 has a flash that pops up and apparently you have to turn the camera off to get it back down. I'm hating this process. I really wanted a Nikon but might have to go to something else. Loved, loved, loved my old Nikon.

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Your reviews, both on the Serenade and now the Freedom are amazing. Not only have you sold me on a Med cruise (in the future sometime) but also now have me excited about our Freedom cruise next March. I was kind of 'hum-ho' about it until...... you!!:)


As a family we have always sailed with RCI and always done the traditional dining. You have done MTD on both your recent cruises. Just curious, if you've done the traditional in the past and how MTD differs. I am seriously considering switching to MTD. I'll be with my DH, DD (17), DS (19) and his friend (20).


My DD is much like Mickey - prefers to hang out with us instead of the teen stuff.


Aw, thank you! I'm glad I've gotten you excited about the Freedom - she's AMAZING! I hope you really explore her and take advantage of everything she has to offer (including the "secret" karaoke booths!!)!!!


We always did Traditional Dining before, until 2009, when we sailed on the Brilliance in Europe. That was our first foray into the World of MTD - and we've never looked back. Here's my quick review of it:



The Cons of MTD (or what I've heard people sometimes complain of):


1. Have to pay tips up front. (Well, I kinda' like paying them up front anyway and getting them out of the way - so this wasn't a con to me!)


2. Have to mess with reservations (I made our reservations online before we sailed...however, in ALL my sailings, I've NEVER had an issue of not being able to change those times at the last minute. Say...our time was at 7:15, and we're ready to eat at 6:30. I've walked to the MTD table and have been immediately seated!)


3. Don't get to sit with others (This isn't always true - as Hubby and I sat with a table of 10 on the Brilliance - per our request - every night. Some people don't LIKE eating with strangers, though.)


4. You could have different wait staff every night who don't know your tastes. (This "could" happen - but it never has with us. We've requested the same table, same wait staff - and have always gotten them - so they know us VERY well!)


5. The shows don't always work with MTD (This is true. :( We would sometimes find it hard to get to a Headliner show...however...I should have changed our dining reservation time if this was a HUGE issue....so...this can be worked around)


What I like about MTD: The flexibility it offers. Some nights, I don't want to eat at 6:00 pm (or 6:30). The late dining is often too late. MTD works around MY schedule, so we're hooked on it!



Good luck - you're going to have a great time on the Freedom. Go and have a cookie in the Cafe Promenade for me. ;)

Edited by KansCocoa
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I read your eastern med review and loved it so when I saw you were doing a review on the eastern Caribbean I couldn't wait! My DH and I will be on the Allure in September and going to St. Thomas and St. Maarten. Were booked with Bernard's tours for St. Maarten but dont know what to do/who to go with on St. Thomas! I'll check out Sonny Liston. Sounds like it was fun.

Cant wait to read more!!

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Oh Sherri (I can't believe I just typed that - all Steve Perry style...)! You're very busy today with the updates! I had to catch up.


Thanks for the info on the Flowrider. Nope, I wouldn't be spinning and twirling anyway, so I'm all good for our cruise.


I love that you had Elvis. Brought back some great memories. Did he have you singing "On a Sunday (woo-oooh woo-oooh!), Monday (woo-oooh woo-ooh!), ...every day of the week!"? My daughter and her best friend (now 20 and 19) still sing that song when we talk about our 2010 cruise (when they were 18 and 17). Loads of fun. We also did Sapphire Beach and loved it.


I am (also) a Disney fan and I thought the Striped Crew Guy seemed like a Disney Cast Member, walking by, pausing and joining in the toothpick puzzle situation. I love when people go that extra mile.


I can't imagine being all sore like that while on vacation. I hope to hear the hot tub did wonders for you.


Interested in your take on Bernards Tours. We had booked them in 2010 but were too tired to tour that day and backed out. I thought about them for our upcoming cruise, but right now we're committed to a simple Maho Beach caravan. I'm interested to hear how Orient and Marigot are. You may change my mind!

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Okay...I'm intrigued. How the heck do you accidentally miss the first two days of a cruise???!!!! :eek: :eek:


Well...my beloved had traveled from Chicago the night before our cruise (I live in Tampa)..and it wasn't until we arrived in Miami 4 hours later that he realized he left his passport in his winter coat, in TAMPA. No passport = no cruise. We had to drive back to Tampa and flew to St. Thomas the next morning, where we met the ship. I was very displeased...


At least we had two lovely days in St. Thomas to enjoy! (silver lining)

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I read your eastern med review and loved it so when I saw you were doing a review on the eastern Caribbean I couldn't wait! My DH and I will be on the Allure in September and going to St. Thomas and St. Maarten. Were booked with Bernard's tours for St. Maarten but dont know what to do/who to go with on St. Thomas! I'll check out Sonny Liston. Sounds like it was fun.

Cant wait to read more!!


Oh, I wish I was joining you! Although I'm still a bit scared to go bigger!


You're going to have so much fun with Bernard's Tours...I hope you get Sexy for your driver! DON'T READ ANY MORE if you don't wait spoilers - hee hee!

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Oh Sherri (I can't believe I just typed that - all Steve Perry style...)! You're very busy today with the updates! I had to catch up.


Thanks for the info on the Flowrider. Nope, I wouldn't be spinning and twirling anyway, so I'm all good for our cruise.


I love that you had Elvis. Brought back some great memories. Did he have you singing "On a Sunday (woo-oooh woo-oooh!), Monday (woo-oooh woo-ooh!), ...every day of the week!"? My daughter and her best friend (now 20 and 19) still sing that song when we talk about our 2010 cruise (when they were 18 and 17). Loads of fun. We also did Sapphire Beach and loved it.


I am (also) a Disney fan and I thought the Striped Crew Guy seemed like a Disney Cast Member, walking by, pausing and joining in the toothpick puzzle situation. I love when people go that extra mile.


I can't imagine being all sore like that while on vacation. I hope to hear the hot tub did wonders for you.


Interested in your take on Bernards Tours. We had booked them in 2010 but were too tired to tour that day and backed out. I thought about them for our upcoming cruise, but right now we're committed to a simple Maho Beach caravan. I'm interested to hear how Orient and Marigot are. You may change my mind!


Mickey loves that Steve Perry song and sings it to me all the time, so I sing the Tony Basil "Oh, Mickey" song right back at her!


Elvis was great - but we didn't get that song, drat! The one we keep singing is "Follow the Leader" - as he played it over and over - or else the song just seems exceptionally LONG! :)


It was so funny with the Striped Crew Guy...he was genuinely stumped with that toothpick riddle, and it was funny to have him working with Mickey...she thought that was "pixie dust", as well. ;)


And no. The hot tub didn't help. In fact, as you'll see, the day in St. Maarten - it gets even worse - when I don't think it can get any worse. At one point, I really thought I may have to go see the ship's medical facility, as I was to the point where I was almost crying. And I don't think I'm a wimp, but still...it hurt. I've never been that sore in my life, and climbing in and out of that van in St. Maarten did NOT help.


With Bernard's Tours - its going to depend on what your goals are for the day. If you want to just be a Beach Sloth (and there's nothing wrong with that - I am an admitted Pool Sloth any chance I get!!), then the Maho Beach caravan sounds great. If you want to see more/do more of the island, than you may reconsider. I'll let you read what we did for the day and then decide. ;)

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1. Have to pay tips up front. (Well, I kinda' like paying them up front anyway and getting them out of the way - so this wasn't a con to me!)


Good luck - you're going to have a great time on the Freedom. Go and have a cookie in the Cafe Promenade for me. ;)


Thanks for your thoughts, Sherri.


I think I will give MTD a try. Just one question.... when you pay tips up front - do they do they just check your seapass card at dinner? I'm totally fine with doing that- one less thing to think about.


A cookie at Cafe Promenade??? Oh, I think I'll have one ONE A DAY for you. I'll just have to work them all off. But I WON'T do Boot Camp again. I have learned my lesson, and am reliving it through you now :D. I'll just walk the stairs. It's safer and it doesn't hurt so much. AND... it's FREE!

Edited by sapphireblue
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I am loving this review as much as the last one. We are on the Freedom in Feb. and I am thinking about booking Bernard's tour although I have read some reviews about some passengers indulging in too much rum punch and creating an unpleasant experience for other passengers. I cannot wait to read your thoughts.

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(Anyone remember, "Lost in Space"??!! I loved that show. I'm dating myself, aren't I?! Anyway.)


There are photos ahead of slithering, slimy, scaly creatures that may shock you. Actually...they're not slimy or scaly. But they do sorta' slither. So - if that stuff bothers you - close your eyes and don't read this. Yup. Just move along.




If you're still reading, we'll head on to our first stop with the delightful Sexy...a small little iguana farm.


Wait. What? Did he just say "iguanas"? I'm a little apprehensive at this point, because I'm not familiar with iguanas...and the only iguanas I like are iguanas that are far, far away from me. But. I'm here with my (almost) 13-year old daughter, who would LOVE to experience this, so I put on my game face and go along for the ride.



We park the van; Sexy unloads the coolers, and then unloads the passengers...and we tiptoe across a muddy field, dodging freshly-created mud puddles to visit the star attractions at this little farm:







We spent a few minutes here, mainly just squealing at the lizard-like animals running everywhere…it was quite surreal. Eventually, once we realized the iguanas are only interested in eating the delicious lettuce leaves and bananas, and not US, then we could relax a bit and actually TOUCH them:



Hey...they feel...like chicken! No. Actually...they ARE pretty soft. Not slimy at all.


After a few more minutes, we even worked up the nerve to hold these very soft and docile creatures:



Of course, I defer to Mickey and let her go first...cuz...I'm polite like that.




Mickey takes a delightful photo where she chops off the driver's head. Lovely.


There were buckets of food (lettuce leaves and bananas) on the ground, and you could hand-feed the little creatures:



But we didn't. We just watched OTHERS feed them. I've been told I'm pretty sweet, so I wasn't sure if my fingers would smell like a banana and the little munchers would take a nibble on ME.




Of course, some of the feathered fowl on the island aren’t stupid…they’ve realized that these iguanas eat pretty darned well, being fed all day by curious tourists…so they’ve decided to join the party:






This was a pretty fun stop, as I can’t say that I’ve ever done this before (and most likely, will never do again!)


Oh. By the way. I always have a little bottle of portable hand sanitizer attached to my Mary Poppins bag, and today it would come in QUITE handy. Just putting a little tip out there for anyone else who may be squeamish about germs and such.


Soon, it was time to load up the van…with people and coolers…and we’re back on the road again for our next stop.



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I loved my Bernard's Tour in St. Maarten. I found the best little cafe on the French side by the vendors market for lunch. I had a croque monsieur and a sugared beignet that were yummy. (OK, it was a grilled ham & cheese sammich and a donut; but they tasted better in French). And the shopping was great too.


If I ever cruise the Caribbean again, the ports I must go to are St. Maarten, St. Kitts and St. Lucia - three of the best tours ever.

Edited by jpg1747
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Ok, Sherri...you're starting to convince me to reconsider and do Bernard's. We liked Maho for the planes, not the beach (although the beach is pretty - we like sipping on a cold drink at Sunset Bar & Grill). But we didn't get to see much of the island on our 2010 trip, so maybe we should get the most out of our vacation and do the Bernard's.

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Well...my beloved had traveled from Chicago the night before our cruise (I live in Tampa)..and it wasn't until we arrived in Miami 4 hours later that he realized he left his passport in his winter coat, in TAMPA. No passport = no cruise. We had to drive back to Tampa and flew to St. Thomas the next morning, where we met the ship. I was very displeased...


At least we had two lovely days in St. Thomas to enjoy! (silver lining)


OMG...at least you could see the silver lining! I would have been most displeased, as well!!! :) I think a nice piece of jewelry purchased in St. Thomas would have eased my displeasure....:rolleyes:



I think I will give MTD a try. Just one question.... when you pay tips up front - do they do they just check your seapass card at dinner? I'm totally fine with doing that- one less thing to think about.


A cookie at Cafe Promenade??? Oh, I think I'll have one ONE A DAY for you. I'll just have to work them all off. But I WON'T do Boot Camp again. I have learned my lesson, and am reliving it through you now :D. I'll just walk the stairs. It's safer and it doesn't hurt so much. AND... it's FREE!


They charge your tips at the time of final payment on whatever credit card you're using to pay for your cruise....they USED to give you a voucher & envelope to hand to your wait staff on the last evening, but they are doing away with that....


A cookie a day? I love you. There's a good REASON they put that Cafe where they did...so that you can obtain sustenance while traversing the Royal Promenade! And good call on Boot Camp. Never again.


I am loving this review as much as the last one. We are on the Freedom in Feb. and I am thinking about booking Bernard's tour although I have read some reviews about some passengers indulging in too much rum punch and creating an unpleasant experience for other passengers. I cannot wait to read your thoughts.


My experience may be different...but...we had several kids on our tour. Besides Mickey, there was a 7-year old little girl and her 18-year old brother, as well as some other teenage boys...so...it was a "family" tour. I didn't even SEE anyone drinking the rum punch, let alone imbibe too much. :D

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I loved my Bernard's Tour in St. Maarten. I found the best little cafe on the French side by the vendors market for lunch. I had a croque monsieur and a sugared beignet that were yummy. (OK, it was a grilled ham & cheese sammich and a donut; but they tasted better in French). And the shopping was great too.


If I ever cruise the Caribbean again, the ports I must go to are St. Maarten, St. Kitts and St. Lucia - three of the best tours ever.


Ahh...I know that cafe...you'll get to visit it again if you stick with my review! ;)


Ok, Sherri...you're starting to convince me to reconsider and do Bernard's. We liked Maho for the planes, not the beach (although the beach is pretty - we like sipping on a cold drink at Sunset Bar & Grill). But we didn't get to see much of the island on our 2010 trip, so maybe we should get the most out of our vacation and do the Bernard's.


Well...if you're only going to Maho for the planes...then I'd do Bernard's. Because we DO visit Maho later, and you'll see the photo I shot there. And we also got to do so many other fun things!

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And no. The hot tub didn't help. In fact, as you'll see, the day in St. Maarten - it gets even worse - when I don't think it can get any worse. At one point, I really thought I may have to go see the ship's medical facility, as I was to the point where I was almost crying. And I don't think I'm a wimp, but still...it hurt.


Motrin usually helps but you have to take more than the recommended on the otc package.

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So, where would our next stop be?


Now. THIS is why I like taking small private excursions with companies who know their islands (or towns) well...because they can take you to those little places that no one else has ever heard of...or thought to visit.


In our case, Sexy took us to a little pull-out on the side of the road, where we had a short photo op of the beautiful views around us...albeit a bit dreary, due to the overcast skies that day:



I could live here.










Mickey took this one...it's a rock. In her defense, she says, "But it was a PRETTY rock!"




Okay...she took this one, as well...and this one is rather pretty. She got a boat this time!


Back on the van, Mickey and I do a self-portrait...not our best effort. We'll manage to capture a better one as the day goes on.




So...on to our next stop? Where is Sexy taking us next???

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It sounds like you had another incredible trip with your daughter! What a summer you both are having! The memories will last a lifetime!


You have definitely reminded me of some fond memories of St. Thomas and St Maarten. My family always needs to be wet at some point in the day so our excursions will usually involve sand, sun, lots of turquoise blue water (because Wisconsin lakes simply don't measure up) and snorkelling with some type of sea creature (we've done sharks, rays, turtles, of course tropical fish, manatees and last year ...gulp.... whale sharks off Isla Mujeres. Thank god that they were vegetarians because they were huge :eek:


The last time we were in St Thomas we discovered Island Girl Sailing with Cap't Mike and had an incredible time. He only takes out 6 at a time and lucky for us there was no one else booked so our family of 4 had the boat to ourselves. He also had power snorkels which were fun to use.


Thanks for entertaining everyone with your wit and keep up the Fabulous Review! :D

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Can't wait for our stop in St. Maarten! We are renting a car and driving around the island. I told Steve I'm going to refer to him as Sexy that day. :D


Well, of course! Because in Italy, he'd be "Stephano"...but it's the Caribbean - he needs a cool name! :)

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