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11 years ago today... where were you?


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I was in the shower with the radio on (in California). I half heard the news reports and assumed it was some kind of radio drama, similar to War of the Worlds. I, like everyone else could never imagine such a thing like that would happen. When I stepped out I turned on the TV and saw that the first plane had hit the tower. I then saw the second plane hit the tower. I called my best friend in New Jersey and he said he could see all the smoke from his house. We were both astonished. We wanted to do something, but did not know what to do. I have never felt so helpless. I lost a High School classmate in the attack, Richard Cudina. Coincidently he was a former cruise director. I don't know which line but it said so in his obituary. I did not go to work or sleep for three days. I was glued to the TV. I will never forget that day. My wife is an air traffic controller and had just finished her shift. They called her and told her to stay home to await further instructions. She did not return to work for several days, as all air traffic was halted. Her job changed dramatically on that day. The world changed for the worse on that day. More Americans died that day than in the Pearl Harbor attacks of 1941.

Just as a side note, a few years ago I posted a question asking anyone who was on a cruise that day about what the reaction was, on board, to the attacks. I was flamed to high heaven. I guess nerves were still raw.



John Heald has given a pretty good accounting on his FB page on what his day was like on 9/11.

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An owner of a construction firm on the West Coast at 5:45 I was already up and planning out the day's last minute schedule changes. I saw the 1st tower burning on the tv and when the 2nd tower was hit, I knew exactly what was happening. I quickly awakened my 21-year-old son telling him that he was going to remember this day for the rest of his life.


I cancelled work for the day and watched the rest of the murderous devastation in horror with my son.




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I was babysitting my grandkids as my DS and DIL were flying to florida that day to look for a house.They went to minneapolis the night before to get a flight out the next day.That morning the 11th my son calls to tell me they wouldn't be going that day so I told him they better get going cause I couldn't babysit forever. He said you better go turn on the t.v. a plane had just crashed into the WTC so as soon as I hung up I turned on the t.v. and there is this plane crashing into the trade center and they said that was the second plane I thought they made a mistate and were just shoing the plane crash. I got really afraid for our country when I realized it was a 2nd plane and then one hits the pentagon My life along with everyone elses changed that day. My heart goes out to all the people of NYC. I can't even fathom what they have gone thru. May God Bless you all.

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That morning I was running errands for my job on my way to work. I remember being a little irritated that I couldn't find any music on the radio and I kept flipping the stations back and forth. It finally sank in that something was up just about the time I pulled into the parking lot. So, I went into the office and said to my boss, "OK, so what's up." She responded, "There was second plane." My head reeled with the implication that there had been a FIRST plane. Couldn't do anything but watch the news for days.


Coincidentally, I was just about to take my first cruise AND I had just found Cruise Critic. I remember being on here for hours on end reading all the posts from people with loved ones in harms way, others who wanted to talk about their experiences and those who just needed to connect. I was nervous about whether or not I should still go and after reading what everyone else had to say I decided to go ahead. I embarked on my Mexican Riviera cruise out of San Pedro on 11/11/2001. There were armed military personnel in the airports, the USCG escorted us out of the harbor, and at the first port in Mexico we were met by the Mexican military. I wasn't sure if I should feel good about all the security or be scared. I can't even begin to understand what the people in NYC went through.

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I was staying with my mother briefly, I had just moved back from CA to FL, but my apartment wasn't ready yet. So I was at her house. I woke up and was having birthday cake for breakfast (tons of fun having your birthday the day before a national tragedy) thinking I better eat it now, before my brother wakes up and gets to it. The first plane had just hit but they hadn't figured out what happened yet. Then the second one hit, and there were no more questions about what the intention was.

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It was exactly 1 month and ten days after I moved to Florida from Puerto Rico. I was in eleventh grade at the time and remember going to the school main office for something and watching the events unfold on their tv. I ran upstairs back to my English class to let everyone know what was happening.

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On Sept. 11 2001 I was still a firefighter in the suburbs of Wash. DC. My shift was working that day. I was sitting on the sofa that day feeling sorry for myself because the following week I was having surgery for colon cancer. Watching the news that morning that sorry feeling disappeared in a matter of moments and within a few hours I had lost 343 brother firefighters.




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home watching it on tv, live outside DC and after hearing another plane after the pentagon was hit was still out there, ran outside to try to hear it coming. That may sound stupid but this area has many planes coming and going and after the shut the air traffic down it was really quiet.Much later I heard jet sound and ran outside and it was Airforce 1 with f16s and the wing tip. Will never forget

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I had just got home from midnight shift at United Airlines in Indy, was laid off shortly after and still trying to rebuild 11 years later, I still tear up badly every day thinking about it, just thankful to be alive and working in this terrible economy.

It will get better but you can keep the "change"



I was wondering how long it would take before someone made this thread about politics and President Obama. Not long as it turns out. Unbelievable!!!

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I was at work and when I finally got home my 19 year old son told he was enlisting to protect our country, he left that year right before Thanksgiving for basic training. Thank you Richard 11 years later, you make me proud.

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At home watching the TV with tears rolling down my face. I was literally shaking and called my husband at work and he came home within 5 minutes. He says that I just kept saying "those poor people, oh my god, those poor people" over and over. It wasn't until later that I found out a co-worker from the National Geographic was on the plane that went into the Pentagon. It is remarkable that somehow almost every person was touched that day either by knowing someone or by having a friend or relative that knew someone that perished that day. My heart still breaks for all those people.

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I had just got home from midnight shift at United Airlines in Indy, was laid off shortly after and still trying to rebuild 11 years later, I still tear up badly every day thinking about it, just thankful to be alive and working in this terrible economy.

It will get better but you can keep the "change"


Thanks for sharing, but keep the politics out of this thread please.

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I was a senior in high school and we were on a bus heading on a field trip to look at a college nearby when our teacher's husband called her on her cellphone. He told her what was going on and she told all of us that a plane had hit one of the WTC's. We made it to the college campus and they started taking us around and once or twice we passed by some TV's and watched them, but it wasn't until we were done and back on the bus heading home that we truly heard about everything that had gone on from the radio. Most of the schools had been let out early and as soon as we arrived back we all headed home as well.


It is definitely something I will never forget and I can't imagine being someone who lost a loved one that day.

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I was in the shower with the radio on (in California). I half heard the news reports and assumed it was some kind of radio drama, similar to War of the Worlds. I, like everyone else could never imagine such a thing like that would happen. When I stepped out I turned on the TV and saw that the first plane had hit the tower. I then saw the second plane hit the tower. I called my best friend in New Jersey and he said he could see all the smoke from his house. We were both astonished. We wanted to do something, but did not know what to do. I have never felt so helpless. I lost a High School classmate in the attack, Richard Cudina. Coincidently he was a former cruise director. I don't know which line but it said so in his obituary. I did not go to work or sleep for three days. I was glued to the TV. I will never forget that day. My wife is an air traffic controller and had just finished her shift. They called her and told her to stay home to await further instructions. She did not return to work for several days, as all air traffic was halted. Her job changed dramatically on that day. The world changed for the worse on that day. More Americans died that day than in the Pearl Harbor attacks of 1941.

Just as a side note, a few years ago I posted a question asking anyone who was on a cruise that day about what the reaction was, on board, to the attacks. I was flamed to high heaven. I guess nerves were still raw.


I asked a similar question and was not flamed. If I recall, folks said it was very somber, but the staff, virtually all from different countries, were incredibly supportive and supportive. Carnival allowed folks to use the internet and phone service free of charge to check on family members and of course they watched the news nonstop.


The general sense was not a fun filled typical cruise or celebratory, just somber, tense.

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Waiting with my niece at her home for a phone call from her husband, Port Authority officer Richard R, saying he was okay....

It never came:(


We will never forget!


Miss you Richie


I am so sorry for your loss!!! I cannot begin to imagine what that day was like for you and your family, our prayers go out to you and your family...

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I was home. My mother called to tell me a plane hit the WTC. Then she asked me to tell her anything I found out. I'm an air traffic controller and at the time we (my mother and I) didn't realize just what was involved. Before I saw the pictures, I assumed it was a light plane.


When I went into work, most of the flights were already on the ground, but our airport had an F-16 fighter wing. They flew training missions everyday, but on that day they were going up "for real" - and armed. It was creepy to see an empty radar scope.

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Today is my mom's 76th birthday. I'm in tears too reading all these posts. My husband called me to say turn on the TV. We watched it 'together'. We decided he needed to come home from work. I was truly terrified that 'they' were going to attack the West Coast. Los Angeles is about 15-20 minute away. My husband had to drive from the South Bay/Torrance. I just prayed and prayed that he'd come home safely. I watched tv non stop for what seemed like forever. I wasn't leaving our bedroom much. Finally, my husband suggested I put on my beloved "I Love Lucy" DVD's. I will always thank Lucy's spirit for helping me.


Weirdly, my mom had a birthday gift to herself planned. She was supposed to do one of those parachute drops. Obviously, that was cancelled. But within 6 months or so she and my nephew went together. Since 9-11, today has always been a bittersweet day. My prayers to all of us.

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I was a junior in HS and in my Microbiology class taking an exam and I had finish and was just sitting there. Another teacher came in and was whispering to my teacher, but I had no idea what they were saying. My friend next to me chuckled under her breathe, so I assumed it was something funny, but no idea why she disturbed class for it. Then the principal made an announcement to turn the tvs on and through bad reception we saw the towers on fire. The room was silent and then we saw the 2nd tower hit. The room became loud and I remember staying in the class way after the bell. My HS was located 1 block from Federal hill, so we were basically in downtown Baltimore. School was let out and I remember walking down cross street with my friends and not all of us had really had what happen hit us. I think a lot, including myself, were in denial. I hugged my best friend as she boarded a bus to head home and walked the few blocks home. I walked in the house to my sister and mother crying and that is when I learned about the Pentagon and then PA. It was then it became real for me and after an hour I kept calling my friend's house to make sure she was home and it took her about 6 hours. Downtown was blocked off. I remember my sister and I lighting candles that night.


I think a lot of kids my generation rolled our eyes when our parents talked about where they were for events like JFK and Pearl Harbor and now we know how our parents felt and I hope the next generation never has to.


During church that weekend I learned that my camp counselor from just a few weeks prior spent the day in tears trying to get a hold of her husband. His office in the pentagon was near where the plane hit, but he had been called into a last minute meeting. He then spent the rest of the time assisting and calling was hard.


The building I work in is named after someone who was on the plane that hit the Pentagon though. He was a founding member and on the board. This morning we all had a message from the CEO about not only today but the board member who died. People who have been with the company for years still miss the guy and wonder what he could have done for our city had he not died.

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I was in the shower with the radio on (in California). I half heard the news reports and assumed it was some kind of radio drama, similar to War of the Worlds. I, like everyone else could never imagine such a thing like that would happen. When I stepped out I turned on the TV and saw that the first plane had hit the tower. I then saw the second plane hit the tower. I called my best friend in New Jersey and he said he could see all the smoke from his house. We were both astonished. We wanted to do something, but did not know what to do. I have never felt so helpless. I lost a High School classmate in the attack, Richard Cudina. Coincidently he was a former cruise director. I don't know which line but it said so in his obituary. I did not go to work or sleep for three days. I was glued to the TV. I will never forget that day. My wife is an air traffic controller and had just finished her shift. They called her and told her to stay home to await further instructions. She did not return to work for several days, as all air traffic was halted. Her job changed dramatically on that day. The world changed for the worse on that day. More Americans died that day than in the Pearl Harbor attacks of 1941.

Just as a side note, a few years ago I posted a question asking anyone who was on a cruise that day about what the reaction was, on board, to the attacks. I was flamed to high heaven. I guess nerves were still raw.


While not on a cruise at the time, we were busy packing for our DCL cruise were were going on in 5 days. We were flying down to FL a day early so we were leaving in 4 days. I had stopped by work to drop some stuff off and noticed my coworkers were glued to the office TV. Like a lot of people, I thought the 1st crash was a terrible accident but as I stood there and watched the second tower struck I knew it was no accident. I worked at a university and many of our students were from NY. We were busy trying to help students contact someone from home for hours. The campus was always so lively and filled with sounds, but as I walked on the mall most students looked like they were sleep walking and it was so quiet. Our trip was the last thing on my mind at the time. Later I went on CC to our roll call. No planes were flying. Several people said they had cancelled their plans. One couple from Europe were told they probably would not be able to fly to FL for days so they were looking into cancelling. Planes were finally allowed to fly again and we ended up going. Someone had brought hundreds of small American flags and was passing them out on the lido deck. Security at the port was really visible. We were escorted out of the port by helicopters and several coast guard ships. I will never forget on our flight down, the SW flight attendant got on the intercom and sang "God Bless America". Her voice was amazing and there wasn't a dry eye on that plane. I was with my adult DD and my DGrD who was 10 at the time. None of us remember much about the cruise itself.

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