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Just had my Rudest Carnival Staff Member Ever!


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Give the girl a break.


She was there to do a job, not entertain you, or befriend you.


Maybe she was having a bad day. You know, you could have smiled at her, and maybe she would have smiled in return.


You shouldn't have avoided the library because of this. That was just silly. If anything, you should have gone back and asked her if she was "feeling better" because she seemed "under the weather" previously.


That would have been the right thing to do.


I did give her a break by not reporting her. It also isn't my job to spend my vacation trying to make her have a better day, but according to Carnival's satisfaction survey I just filled out it IS her job to entertain and befriend me. She was on the "Entertainment Staff" LOL! My vacation got a lot better the second I got out of the room she was in !

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I did give her a break by not reporting her. It also isn't my job to spend my vacation trying to make her have a better day, but according to Carnival's satisfaction survey I just filled out it IS her job to entertain and befriend me. She was on the "Entertainment Staff" LOL! My vacation got a lot better the second I got out of the room she was in !



As part of the "Entertainment Staff" it is her job to at least "act" as if she's having a good day. "The show must go on" and all that.

Sounds to me like she may have had other plans and drew the short straw to maybe fill in at the last minute or something. Something ticked her off, obviously. But she should have pulled herself together before her performance as "the librarian"!

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Well, I thought she might be upset about us playing dominoes in there, but the shelves were full of board games to play, so I figure that wasn't it. Evidently, the Carnival "Library" isn't really for being quiet in if you are encouraged to play games in there. Also, we were pretty quiet, just us and our 80 year old Moms. No teenagers or kids were in there at all. She was rudest to the couple who she crowded off of "her" desk so she could eat breakfast and the ladies who wanted to visit in there. Most of us have been around alot a people in our lifetime and it's pretty easy to see if someone is disgusted. She was not the typical Carnival employee and she did not perform well by Carnival's own standards of everyone being nice to you and even calling you by name if they get the chance. She didn't even say "Hello", HaHa. Anyone who wouldn't find how she acted to be rude, might have some issues with rudeness themselves. I'm also sure that your Mom isn't being paid to be nice to "Everyone" as Carnival employees are. It's not a sin to look or be disgusted or rude, but it IS her job and she failed miserably that day. Anyway, we will live and so will she. Mainly I used this as a vent and knew I'd get some good stories of other rude encounters which would make me feel better. It has.


I don't find her rude and am an exceedingly polite person. To me it seems her job is to dance and to check out books, not to start up group conversations.


I never said anything about you playing games, but maybe instead of being your best friend she was trying to maintain a quiet and calm atmosphere for the people who were there trying to study or read.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Not trying to cheerlead or anything, honest I'm not... but I don't see anything exceedingly rude here.


She was obviously there to run the library, maybe part of running the library is to make sure the door is shut?


People aren't supposed to talk in a library, so I wouldn't be bothered by her not striking up conversation. I also think looking disgusted is subjective. My mom has a serious set face, she could be perfectly happy and look mean and mad. It's just how her face looks. I don't find lacking a constant smile to be rude, either. Crew are human.


As for slam, I doubt she slammed a laptop down, maybe set it down a little hard. I'm guilty of letting things fall too hard or shutting doors too hard because I'm oblivious at times.


Maybe she wasn't as friendly as she could be, but I don't find her rude. I'm sorry that you did but good on you for not letting it ruin your cruise, too many people would come here screaming that their cruise was ruined! RUINED!!! :)

My thoughts exactly. I spent a lot of time in the Library on the Pride (April cruise and I went to use the CCL forums to post to my family at home) and there was a girl/staff in there...she just sat at a desk and didn't talk unless spoken to and she closed doors and adjusted the volume of music/speakers frequently. I didn't expect anything from her...I just wanted to post my messages and go about my day.

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I did give her a break by not reporting her. It also isn't my job to spend my vacation trying to make her have a better day, but according to Carnival's satisfaction survey I just filled out it IS her job to entertain and befriend me. She was on the "Entertainment Staff" LOL! My vacation got a lot better the second I got out of the room she was in !


She was there to oversee the library at the time......not dance for you.


If you see someone "in pain", it might not be your job to make them feel better....but it would sure be a nice thing to do.

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I don't find her rude and am an exceedingly polite person. To me it seems her job is to dance and to check out books, not to start up group conversations.


I never said anything about you playing games, but maybe instead of being your best friend she was trying to maintain a quiet and calm atmosphere for the people who were there trying to study or read.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Perhaps not outright rude but certainly outright unprofessional. Cruise employees are there to make the guests feel welcome and her bahavior obviously made the OP and others feel unwelcome in that venue. I may not have reported it but I certainly would have taken my game to a happier place. Upon entering the library and having eye-contact with the guests, she should have smiled and introduced herself then unlocked the book cabinet and went about her business.


When a person works with the public they are to put aside their personal issues and do their job. I am an ex-Disney employee and part of our training was a class in professionalism and customer service. I'm sure the CCL employees have to go through similar training as well. Bad day or not, her actions were unprofessional and unbecoming of a CCL employee.



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I had a cabin steward once with a really bad attitude. He didnt do turn down 3 days in a row and I kept talking to him and he had excuses piled on excuses.. the 3rd night finally he says it is my fault, I didnt tell him I changed dinner times. I said why do you think Ive been talking to you the last few nights? He said he was 58.. he said go find your own pillows when my sister did not have the 2nd pillow .. (wasnt in the cabin, we did go look, though to me he should have).. took 10 calls to get more than 4 hangers...


I never heard a guy like that who didnt do his job


Only once.. on carnival.


So they do exist.

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Not to stereotype, but it's been my experience that people who frequently encounter bad service on cruise ships are usually getting what they deserve.



Well Sue, that couldn't be farther from the truth:rolleyes: In all of my travels I have only had a negative experience with that culture. Plain and simple. There are just some cultures who will go out of their way to be nice to let's say, "you" but will have a completely different attitude toward "me" and not because you're any more pleasant than I.

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I did give her a break by not reporting her. It also isn't my job to spend my vacation trying to make her have a better day, but according to Carnival's satisfaction survey I just filled out it IS her job to entertain and befriend me. She was on the "Entertainment Staff" LOL! My vacation got a lot better the second I got out of the room she was in !


I gave the one bad cabin steward I have ever had on Carnival a break too, by not removing his tips.


I didnt want to hurt the others who were working with him, as it was just him who was being argumentative and rude and not doing his job.


I dont know if that worked before, telling someone you are 58 and thats why you arent doing your job.. maybe to someone younger?


It is entirely possible to run into someone who just for whatever reason is having a bad attitude problem .. maybe they are mad at their bosses, I dont know.. but something was wrong

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Sounds like she was miffed she got Library duty. It's got to be boring. Or a fight with her boyfriend.


Men have hormones too, btw.


My wife insists I have my own "cycle". There may be something to that ;)


I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of your cruise and didn't let this person get you down.

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I gave the one bad cabin steward I have ever had on Carnival a break too, by not removing his tips.


I didnt want to hurt the others who were working with him, as it was just him who was being argumentative and rude and not doing his job.


I dont know if that worked before, telling someone you are 58 and thats why you arent doing your job.. maybe to someone younger?


It is entirely possible to run into someone who just for whatever reason is having a bad attitude problem .. maybe they are mad at their bosses, I dont know.. but something was wrong

He sounds like the one bad one I ever had. You were kinder than I was. After two conversations with him and detailed note the third day, I reported him.


The head of housekeeping came to my room to speak with me about it and I am sure he got into some trouble. The conditions improved but I don't know if he did because I didn't see him for the rest of the week.


I didn't remove auto tips for the same reason but he didn't get any additional as all the others have.


I am not sure what the OP is describing is enough to report about but I will say that in a customer service industry, even though I feel I am more professional than most, I can sometimes be caught up in a zone that has nothing to do with my customers but other duties I am trying to prioritize. I really appreciate it when a customer smiles or says something to get my mind back on my main priority. No it isn't their job but it is benificial to both. Wouldn't you feel better knowing you help make someone feel better?

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Well Sue, that couldn't be farther from the truth:rolleyes: In all of my travels I have only had a negative experience with that culture. Plain and simple. There are just some cultures who will go out of their way to be nice to let's say, "you" but will have a completely different attitude toward "me" and not because you're any more pleasant than I.


Which is why I used the words "frequently", "usually", and the winky emoticon.

Your mileage may vary.


Oh, and if the "librarian" was actually one of the professional dancers, she knows how to smile even as blood is soaking through her ballet slippers, so no excuse to be a sour puss and make passengers uncomfortable for a couple of hours in the library.

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Not to stereotype, but it's been my experience that people who frequently encounter bad service on cruise ships are usually getting what they deserve.



Which is why I used the words "frequently", "usually", and the winky emoticon.

Your mileage may vary.


Oh, and if the "librarian" was actually one of the professional dancers, she knows how to smile even as blood is soaking through her ballet slippers, so no excuse to be a sour puss and make passengers uncomfortable for a couple of hours in the library.



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Opened the thread expecting name calling, bad service in a dining/bar area or something abusive.


You're upset because she didn't want to have a conversation with you or anyone else in a library? How is this the worst staff member ever?


Talk about nit picking. Jeez.

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When I was on a Carnival cruise in 2006, I will never ever forget one man that was playing in the Piano Bar that was so rude and embarrassed me beyond words. There was a TON of people in there standing around the bar singing along and having a great time. At that time, you could smoke in the piano bar. I smoke, but I would never smoke somewhere that it is not allowed and even in places that it is allowed, I try to stay away from others so it will not bother them. Everyone in the bar was smoking...EVERYONE! He stops in the middle of a song, looks at me and yells, "You are going to have to put that out" "You are killing me!" I could have died! How in the heck was it just my cig that was bothering him?? He had a fan in front of him, but he had it blowing towards him, so I politely told him that if he would turn the fan to blow away from him, it might help. He popped off again at me and that did it. I told him he works in a smoking area and if it bothers him that much, FIND ANOTHER JOB! YES, I went and found the cruise director and complained!

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I had a Head Waiter that was very nasty the first couple of Days. Are first night we showed up a few minutes late and got the lecture on being on time if you want to eat. Excuse me? Whatever Pal this is the first night relax as that is what I am trying to do. Then the eye rolling. Well I don`t know how much that bothers you but it sends me off the deep end. I returned the second night on time and he was still grumpy and rolled the eyes again when one of our friends asked something on the menu. Well off to Guest services and yanked my tips. Either that or pop him one. The next night it was good evening Sir!! How are you hope you had a good day with plenty of smiles. Holy crap Pal if you acted like that then there was no issues. For you flammers I added my tips back on at the end of the cruise so everyone would get there share. It all turned out. Just dont get me upset... I am on Vacation

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Oh, I See that you are down to ONE DAY until the ECSTASY! Hope you have a great cruise! The ECSTASY was our favorite....been on her 5 Times, 4 out of TX and once out of NO. So sad to see her move out of Reach. BUT we did enjoy the TRIUMPH which took her place in TX. (Despite the subject of this thread) Enjoy the Ecstasy! E60 is our cabin!


Awesome! Glad to hear it.


I really miss the Inspiration being here in Tampa. I was a little nervous about Ecstasy's condition, but I have heard nothing but great things!

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You know as soon as you said Triumph I thought it had to have been the same girl I dealt with. But this woman was a bartender at one of the pool bars( this was back in May) Every time you ordered a drink she would make this face of like UGH are you serious? I watched another cruiser order a bunch of juices for her kids and not sure what exactly the bartender said but the cruiser was like " what is your name I am calling a supervisor to alert them."


It was pretty crazy usually they are all in such great moods despite that they are on a ship for months and dealing with all of us!

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You're upset because she didn't want to have a conversation with you or anyone else in a library? How is this the worst staff member ever?


Talk about nit picking. Jeez.


First,the thread is about the "Rudest staff member", not the worst. Sounds like the girl was definately having an off day, but like others have said, she gets paid to be nice and not let a bad day affect her outward appearance and attitude. OP was not nit picking, and if this is the rudest she has ever seen then she is doing great!


Common sense should tell anyone that deals with the public that no one cares what troubles you have! You are never ever to show that to the public. They are to think you are the kindest most considerate most polite person in the universe. That is what you are paid to do. Bad attitudes never belong in a service industry. If she has that problem, then she needs to find another job.

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Opened the thread expecting name calling, bad service in a dining/bar area or something abusive.


You're upset because she didn't want to have a conversation with you or anyone else in a library? How is this the worst staff member ever?


Talk about nit picking. Jeez.


The Title was "My" rudest ever, not "The" rudest ever. My post was also a compliment to Carnival that in 12 years, this was the only complaint I ever had about a Carnival Employee. I think that's pretty good. It's silly for some folk to act like it is "normal" to come in contact with a Carnival employee and not get a "Hello", but instead a disgusted look that you are even there in the area they are serving. I guess some cruisers have had much worse treatment and would expect such, but we have always been pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of Carnival staff, except for this one instance. It was the worst for us and that's why we love Carnival cruises. I wouldn't open a thread and expect name calling or abuse as I have never encountered that on Carnival. This was "bad service" in the Library by being rude to the guests there and that is out of the norm for us on Carnival. Jeez!

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The Title was "My" rudest ever, not "The" rudest ever. My post was also a compliment to Carnival that in 12 years, this was the only complaint I ever had about a Carnival Employee. I think that's pretty good. It's silly for some folk to act like it is "normal" to come in contact with a Carnival employee and not get a "Hello", but instead a disgusted look that you are even there in the area they are serving. I guess some cruisers have had much worse treatment and would expect such, but we have always been pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of Carnival staff, except for this one instance. It was the worst for us and that's why we love Carnival cruises. I wouldn't open a thread and expect name calling or abuse as I have never encountered that on Carnival. This was "bad service" in the Library by being rude to the guests there and that is out of the norm for us on Carnival. Jeez!

Just wanted you to know that it came across exactly as you have re-stated. You said it was the rudest person you have met on Carnival, explained what happened and you get bashed? Sorry.... it happens on this board.


I've had a couple of rude ones, one being a cabin steward. After the second day he disappeared, not sure where but he was no longer taking care of my cabin or the others. The lady that took his place was kind and she received extra for it. I just mentioned it and found that I was the second person to comment.

Another time it was a bartender and I removed the "tip"... he got real nervous, the head bartender came over and apologized. I said OK but I'm still removing the tip, HE got nervous and ask me to wait. Then I am looking at the Head Head bartender and he is apologizing.... I let it go after that but boy do they get antsy about removing the 15% tip.

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Been Cruising on Carnival for 12 years, and have had NO problem with ANY Carnival Crew or Staff EVER. But last week on the Triumph we had an appallingly rude staff member who made me feel uncomfortable on a cruise fo the first time ever. We just got out of there and steered clear of her for the rest of the cruise. Nothing was said and our cruise was as wonderful as always, just surprised at the bad attitude never encountered before. Maybe she was just having a bad day. I hope so, but if not, she needs to go!


My wife and I were playing Dominoes in the Library with our Mothers. There were two couples studying and reading and another group of ladies just getting there for a meeting.


This Carnival Dancer Girl comes in and throws her bowl of cereal, laptop and backpack down on the desk, where a couple were studying. She looks around disgustedly and starts unlocking the bookshelves. She asks the ladies if they are using a chair that is out of place and they say yes, they are waiting for a friend. Again she looks disgusted. She closes the door to the library and plops down and starts eating and looking at her laptop at the desk where the young couple is studying. She never says "Hi, how is everyone doing today?" or anything, just acts as if we are all invading her personal space. The couple at the desk packs up and leaves. The ladies at the table pack up and leave. The couple reading pack up and leave. Each time someone left, she got up and shut the door behind them, never saying another word or acknowleding anyone. We finish our Domino game and leave. Come to find out, she was there to check out books from the library if anyone needed one from 10-11 and 2-4. We avoid the Library and her from then on. I have never seen such a rude Carnival Employee before and hope never to do so again. Even if they are tired and overworked, it is thier job to be nice and realize that each person on board is there for their long awaited vacation and we are not just another slob who will be getting off in a few days never to be seen again. The people cleaning our toilets do it with a smile. The ones scrubbing the floors as kids run past them dripping ice cream and water from the swimming pool do it with a smile. All this girl had to do was sit in the Library for an hour and she is disgusted and rude. She needs to go.

I know many of you have, but I have never met a rude Carnival employee before. I guess we are lucky.


That is pretty bad alright. I have also met one really rude and obnoxious staff member on board too. He was the internet cafe manager on the Liberty three years ago. I was having issues logging on, and when I asked for help, he rolled his eyes, and let out a big sigh, and said he would be back and then he went and talked to another person, someone who had not asked for help. He never came back, but I called him back over, as I had purchased internet time, and yet could not log on, and my minutes were ticking by. He sighed and grunted and fiddled with the thing, and then he blamed me for not knowing who my own IP was, and I must have forgotten my password!!!!!!! Please! I then asked for a refund and he got even more PO,d at me. Not only all, that, but he was dishevelled at 5 in the afternoon, looked like he had slept on a park bench, and had B,O that could knock you out! I did get my refund, but I have to say, he was the only rude employee I have met on any ship.


Sounds to me like he and she belong together!:D

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