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Live from the Poesia.


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24.09. Mon.*

Haifa 1/2 day & at sea.*


Nice one Jo & Rob - post my last report and get "data allowance used" message - I think you jinxed me! ;-) anyway.*


6:15 wake up call. Why do we do it to ourselves? Get ready and go for breakfast. Mustn't be as many getting off today as it's much quieter. Even got waiter service for our coffees.*

Excursion checkin and onto coaches is nice and smooth. Baha'i gardens, ancient Acre and the Knights Templar. Very interesting but spend about 2 1/2 hours of a 5 hour excursion on a coach.*

Quick lunch in the buffet, which was reasonably quiet, again got waiter service for beers and onto our balcony to watch as we sail away from Haifa.*


Israel is a stunning country. There may be some hoops to jump through to get entry, and while there a security presence is alway felt, but the scenery is stunning, desolate in parts, colourful in others. The Dead Sea - WOW - I'd never thought much about myself but have experienced it I suggest everybody put it on their bucket list.*


DW went for another treatment which means peace and quiet time for me! *Went to the accounts desk to ask for an account update. Took about 10 seconds to print. A quick check shows me only one query? *A 33 Euro charge from the Aurea Spa. What has the DW been up to?

Having the all inclusive does help because there are hardly any charges on the sheet.*


Let me tell you how good Kadek is, the head barman in Bar Dei Poetia. DW and myself have been in here EVERYDAY for either a quick drink before dinner, a nightcap, or a few drinks because we can. *On the last sea day 5 days ago, I went in on my own. I sat in a corner on my own to read and used the waiter service to have a couple of coffees. Now Kadeck must have served them at the bar, but I never saw or spoke to him. I go in again today on my own to the bar, kindle in hand, and before I can say hello he's asks me "cafe latte?" Let me tell you, right now, this minute I feel the power of good customer service. At the end of this cruise Kadek may forget about me forever, but while I'll onboard my enjoyment is clearly very important to him. *DW and I have had a few moments like this. Yes, we've had a couple of ohoh moments. Both DW and myself have been in bars were the service was without a word, but they were first times in that bar, maybe English wasn't a comfortable language for that person? And we still got our drinks! *Reading through other threads lots of people have had good experiences like this. Julius is another barman. He's mainly in Bar Dei Poeti but we've seen him all over the ship. Both he and Kadek are like talking to friends, friends who serve you alcohol, or coffee! They've both talked about family, and really personal things. *We won't forget about them, and we'll talk about how good they made or holiday for a long time.*


DWs treatment was good again, she'd highly recommend a package, looking at the prices a package works out at about half price.*

A flyer came with today's daily programme.*

50% off all treatments.*

Balinese massage.*

30 mins 35Euro.*

45 mind 49.50Euro.*

60 mins 63Euro.*


Thermal suite 1 hr 8Euro.*


You guys can make your own minds up.*


Few coffees while DW has treatment and goes on deck for a sunbathe. I go for a walk and find the decks right at the back of the ship. *I'm sure there's other ways to find them, but I walked all the way down through the cabins on deck 12 and through a door onto the open deck. You can stand and watch the wake for ages! *


Walked along the pool deck, which is packed, to the mojito bar for an ice cream. I had a pistachio cone which was gorgeous. Sorry, forgot to check prices! I'll try to remember.*


Change for theatre and dinner. It's formal night again tonight. The theatre is a operatic and musical show. The dancing again is average and the singing is okay. Again I'll post some YouTube stuff when home.*


Dinner service tonight is bang on. There's a bucket with a bottle of wine and water in behind our table when we sit down and a beer appears about 2 minutes later. *DW glass is never empty.*

It's gala menu again (as its formal night) and I have: -


Steamed shrimp with lemon sauce.*

Rocket cherry Tom salad parmesan.*

Wine risotto with smoked cheese.*

Striploin steak.*

Cheese plate.*


Everything was superb. Except the salad, which imo, is just salad.*


I'd heard MSC can't do steaks! Let me tell you they can! *But let me give you some advice: -

If you want well done ask for burnt!

If you want medium ask for well done.*

If you want rare ask for medium!

If you ask for rare it will probably walk to the table on its own!!!!

I always alter my preference when dining out and usually get what I want. And I did today.*


We go up to S32, the disco. There no one in there, and I mean no one! Turns out it doesn't open for another half hour so we go to the casino.*


I'm not the slightest bit interested in gambling so the casino doesn't bother me. However, before we came on holiday, we were showing our niece the interactive tour of the ship, and when in the casino, I asked her for a number, and if it came in on the roulette wheel, I'd give her half the winnings. She chose red 21. DW cashes in 20 Euros of chips and we start playing. Always on red 21 and other spread bets. We're winning bits, but mainly loosing! Last 10 Euros and red 21 come in!!!! *We walk away with 36 Euros, which we'll split with our niece and nephews, so Rebecca, James and Michael, you've got 12 Euros each coming your way. Don't spend it all at once!


DW wants to play the slots so she changes 20 Euro and starts playing. I just wander around watching the roulette and blackjack etc. getting fed up I grab about 5 Euro of tokens from her bucket and start feeding phantom of the opera to get rid of them. I win 200 tokens! *It's embarrassing as 200 tokens are paid out. Four German people crowd around I assume congratulating me, I can't speak German! Go to find DW who has 4 tokens left. She asks if I've nothing left so I show her my bucket. Cash in 52 Euro! *Get the hell out of there while were ahead. The house hasn't won today, not with us.*


S32 has a few people in and it does get busier as time goes on. DW has a dance which is funny in her new platform heels. I don't think that one we go on YouTube! The disco is very 80s. It's right out of the way at the back of the ship. I don't think anyone would just find it, you'd have to look for it! *Same with the arcade machines which are next door. The machines are quite old in there. I can play better games on my iPhone.*


There is an open deck at the back of the disco. There were some smokers at the sides but we stood right in the middle, above the wash, so smoke wasn't a problem. We stood there for a while watching the wash, looking at the stars, with disco music behind us. It was like we were on our own on the ship.*


Bar Dei Poeti for our night cap. My contacts were hurting so I nipped up the the cabin so put my glasses on.*


Towel animal!


On our bed!


Wearing my shades!


Conspiracist among you will think, didn't he post about not having a towel animal this morning? *And service was slow yesterday and bang on today! You can make your own minds up. I have my own opinion.*


Back to Dei Poeti and end up on cognac, which never ends well. But Cognac Rémy Martin XO at 12 Euros, it would be rude not to.*


Since leaving Israel at 14:00 today the ship has been moving more that previously. Not bad, just a bit more up and down. The daily programme has arrival at Katakolon change from 7 AM to 8 AM and now 9 AM weather permitting. We shall see.*

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Some good news regarding our sailing. I have discovered that the spa is free in the Caribbean! :)


This thread is definitely worth a read.



Great news indeed.:) I guess they are trying to please North American crowd.


Thank you, and thank you to author of this thread!

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25.09. Tuesday.*

At sea to Katakolon.*

A lie in at last. Just as well with my cognac handover.*9:30 alarm call and breakfast on the balcony, what else.*

Ship is still moving a bit more. The sea looks a little rougher and the wind is still up.*


DW goes for her last treatment and I go for another coffee and a read. *

I go to dei poeti first, Kadek or Julius aren't *there so I go for a wander. I walk down the promenade deck. It's the lifeboats deck but there's plenty of areas you can get to the railings and it's quite near the water level for some nice views. Walking further down the entire deck is sectioned off forcing me into the ship (with that nasty red / white hazard tape) and two workers have a large price of scaffolding on deck doing something to the bottom of a life boat. Further down I can see a section of railing sectioned off and 3 workmen are painting the railing. I thought this ship was going to drydock?


I get to la Pigalle lounge for another coffee, watching the wake again. There were several members of the entertainment crew decorating the lounge for tonight's pirate party. They weren't in the way or too load while talking to each other. However one of the women swore twice. I thought I'd misheard at first, but a second time I was sure, and then she stormed off. I'm not to bothered about bad language, I can swear like a sailor (pardon the pun) but there were other passengers in the lounge who it may have bothered. Not good imo.*


Meeting later DW claims to feel drugged, she looks so relaxed after her "flowers of the seas" treatment.

That's all her treatments done and she's loved them. The same woman has done them all, and she's been lovely. At no point did DW have the hard sell for products. She was never even offered any.*


We go to La Resturant Fontane for the sit down lunch. Order is taken quickly, and drinks arrive. The food takes a while longer, but is quite swift when it does start. I have parmasama, spaghetti with garlic and chilli (has a nice kick) and eggs Benedict.*


We walk up to the pool deck. It's a little sunnier now and it's packed as usual. We get an ice cream for desert. I have a cream milk and coconut and DW has a cream milk. Again very good and the prices: -

Small cup 1.5 Euro.*

Large cup or cone 2.50 Euro.*


DW goes for a sunbathe and I grab a siesta.*


Change for the theatre. It's formal again tonight. Have to say, not everybody dress according to the suggestion, but it is only that, a suggestion.*


The theatre is Isha. It's a "fairy tail" of dance and circus acts again, much like cirque du solieu. This is the best show so far. The dancing is of a much higher standard, even though it's the same group, but it's still not brilliant. The circus section in very good. A couple on the ribbons were superb, and a group on what I think is called the Russian board. (two men with a long thin board rested on their shoulders, which is used like a jump board. People were doing double backwards sumassults (sp) and landing back on the board. They were stunning.*


We'd booked a table at the speciality Sushi restaurant. I don't think a booking is absolutely needed because its alway quiet when we pass. When we went in we were one of 3 couples and a group of 3. If there are any big changes in drydock my bet would be on this changing, which would be a shame because it was very good, and my first experience of Sushi. It is of corse an addition charge and two combo plates, one dessert, one bottled beer, one glass of wine and a saki cost 52Euro. I don't know if that's good for Sushi or not, but it's obviously not free like the MDR.*


Nightcap and bed ready for Greece tomorrow.*


Travellover2 - the outlets are both. There very close together. Using a 3 pin to 2 pin adapter means you can't use them all at the same time!

Edited by papcx
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We always take a four bar extension lead when we cruise so that overcomes the problem of sockets being too close together.


Are you sure the ship is moving a bit more or is it just the number of drinks you are having as a nightcap. ;)


Thanks for the regular up dates keep them coming! :)


Apart from the bars what other areas of the ship would you recommend? Is there somewhere you can go to get a great view from the front and back of the ship? Is there anywhere you can do this from inside?

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I am boarding the Poesia on Nov. 27th for 15 days. I can't wait. MSC is one of my two favorite cruise lines. I have sailed 3 cruises on Peosia, 2 on the Meloday and one on the Orchestra. Reading your travelogue is getting me ready to sail again. Free use of the spa in the Caribbean is one of MSC's major selling points in my opiniom. I love to spend time in the fabulous steam room and enjoy the oceanview in the spa hot tubs. I can hardly wait!

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I am boarding the Poesia on Nov. 27th for 15 days. I can't wait. MSC is one of my two favorite cruise lines. I have sailed 3 cruises on Poesia, 2 ten night cruises on the Melody and one on the Orchestra. Reading your travelogue is getting me ready to sail again. Free use of the spa in the Caribbean is one of MSC's major selling points in my opiniom. I love to spend time in the fabulous steam room and enjoy the oceanview in the spa hot tubs. I can hardly wait!

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26.09. Wednesday.*



8 AM wake up call.*

Look out of our cabin to see beautiful rolling green hills by the port.*

We'd ordered breakfast for between 8:15 - 8:30. Came at 8:05. I think that section on the order form is more of a suggestion of when you would like it, rather than an indication of when they will bring it.*


Down to the theatre for excursion to Olympia. Again nice and smooth. Hasn't been any major issues with any excursion. Olympia is hot! 35 and apparently was 42 last week. The ruins themselves are impressive and cover a much larger area than I expected.*


As we got off the ship we see the impressive Queen Elizabeth docked by our side.*


When we get back to the ship there's a lovely clipper ship the Sea Cloud docked close by and the Costa Facinosa anchored off shore. Together with our MSC Poesia it's an impressive sight in this small port.*


Lunch in the Fontane. Again all good. And then a cocktail on deck as we set sail for the last time.*


Relaxed afternoon before the theatre, which we then decide to skip and have a siesta. We discuss not doing all the excursions next time as early morning alarm calls in holiday are most unwelcome. And expensive.*


Dinner, it's gala night tonight so it's the posh menu again.*

I had: -


(can't remember)

Roasted scalob risotto.*

King prawns in Tom sauce.*

Cheese plate.*


This is the only time I've had bad food. The king prawns were cold and imo a little undercooked, so I hardly had any of it, which is a shame because the presentation was wonderful. Everything else was good.*


As it was gala night the dessert did a parade of the dining room again, this time while on fire. Yes I got video. Then the head waiters and the chefs did a lap of honour, some looked a little embarrassed but most were smiling and singing with the music. The dessert was ice cream sponge cake, which was lovely and after dinner cakes were brought out. *Don't think I can eat another thing!


Bar Dei poeti for a quick drink before "the buffet magnifico" WOW. Absolutely magnificent buffet, everything you can think of. And the sculptures are truly amazing. Made with bread, fish, fruit, ice, garlic butter! *And much more. I'll do an iCloud album when I get the chance.*

Far to full to eat anything, so just walked around taking pictures.*


Nightcap with our boys kadek and Julius and to bed. An elephant towel animal (holding our breakfast order form) is out bed companion for the night.*

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27.09. Thursday.*

At sea. The last day already.*

9:30 wake up call. Breakfast at 9:31. I'm sure they wait outside listening for an alarm to go off! *Last breakfast on the balcony. It's a little overcast but it's still stunning. Breakfast in Manchester will never be the same again.*

Lazy morning in the cabin, as we pack our cases. It's so sad.*

Off to la Fontane for our last lunch. It's busy but service is good. Baby shrimp in rose Marie sauce and Milanise style eggs. Very good.*


Time for a quick round of golf I think. Since we booked 7 months ago I've been teasing DW I was going to "spank" her in the golf course. And I did, but only by one hole. Its fun and kills half and hour.*


Ice cream, cocktail (or 2) and off to "important information about the disembarkation procedures" which consists of been told to put your bags out tonight and tomorrow morning wait in the lounges until your colour is called.*


They are doing the choose today, cruise tomorrow voucher on deck so I sign up. Basically, buy a voucher for 10 Euro and depending on what category cabin you choose you get between 150 Euro to 400 Euro on board credit. It's quite clever really. They get a load of money up front, and it ensures people will book with them, and as a passenger (in our case, with a balcony) we get 200 Euro on our next trip! That should cover the bar bill for a couple of days.*


Change for the theatre. Tonight is the best of.....again it's average.*


Dinner for the last time: -

Smoked salmon cream cheese.*

Fish soup.*

Seafood risotto.*

Salted cod.*

Cheese plate.*

Said our goodbyes to Nesia and Arnawa.*

Last nightcap in Bar Dei Poeti,*said our goodbyes to Kadek, Julius and Norman (quiet bar boy who has started being the joker the last couple of days. )

One lap of the top deck, last cocktail on the balcony and it's all over :-(

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28.09. Friday.*

It's over too soon.*

Wake up call at 7, quick shower and watch from balcony as we dock in Genoa.*

Down for buffet breakfast, which isn't as busy as I'd thought.*


Disembarkation is a little disorganised. Wait in your lounge, and wait for your colour to be called. We're in the theatre and yellow is called on time, so about 200 people go from the theatre, through a packed Zebra Lounge to the gangway. Surely you should empty the lounges closer to the gangway first.*

Card scanned for the last time and we go ashore.*


And in terms of MSC that's it.*


I'll do a full hints and tips review when I have time.*


Any other questions , keep them coming, I'll try my best to answer them.*


Jo & Rob - there are great views from all over the ship. *One of my personal favourites was from the back of the Pigalle lounge on deck 7. You can sit, having a drink (A mock tail if you absolutely insist) and watch the wake of the ship. It's mesmerising and you can loose loads of time just watching it. You can also get to the very back of the ship on decks 13, 14 & 15 (I think). That's the back if the disco and a couple of decks below. You can see the wake from higher up, but you are below the funnel smoke, so make you own mind up.*

I think you can also get to outside decks on 9, 10, 11, 14 & 15 at the front. I looked on our deck (15) but there wasn't a door. Didn't check anywhere else so it may be crews access. The view would be to the front, but imo that would just be of that little crew pool.*

Deck 7 is the promenade deck, down both sides of the ship. You are under the lifeboats so I didn't like it, however it's lower to the water so the views are nice.*

Deck 16 sun deck has views to the front, left and right, but it's behind top to bottom tinted glass so a little weird.*

Basically, there are wonderful views everywhere.*

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You can also get to the very back of the ship on decks 13, 14 & 15 (I think). That's the back if the disco and a couple of decks below. You can see the wake from higher up, but you are below the funnel smoke, so make you own mind up.*


Basically, there are wonderful views everywhere.*


Thanks for the 'live review'


Just thought I'd add something.

Poesia and Orchestra have a aft deck (with lounge chairs) on deck 12. Not glassed (metal) so can't see the wake if lounging but still a lovely quiet underused spot. We have stayed in the inside cabin next to the door going out. Obviously we prefer our own balcony but if the budget is tight and you must take an inside, this is a fantastic spot.


Also, stairs in the aft there lead up to 13 aft which is glassed and has outdoor tables and chairs. Perfect for a morning coffee with a view of the wake.

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Hi thoroughly enjoyed this thread so thank you. Couple of questions most of your meals have consisted of fish/seafood and cheese dishes. Are there many meat dishes to choose from as my husband isn't keen on any type of fish or seafood? Also is there a cooked breakfast as opposed to a continental type breakfast?

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Papcx ... Thanks for the reply, there is a 3 night cruise available after the Dry Dock from Trieste back to Genoa on the 8th november via Dubrovnik that arrives at 10 am on the 11th.


So i can only guess that the work will take place at Trieste or Marghera which is close to Venice.

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Hi thoroughly enjoyed this thread so thank you. Couple of questions most of your meals have consisted of fish/seafood and cheese dishes. Are there many meat dishes to choose from as my husband isn't keen on any type of fish or seafood? Also is there a cooked breakfast as opposed to a continental type breakfast?


Hi there.


I did choose a lot of fish/seafood courses. That wasn't a concious decision, they just looked so good.


There are usually 2 choices for appetiser, soup, pasta or risotto and 3 choices for main. Yes they include meat such as pork, beef, veal, lamb and chicken, so your other half will not go hungry. However, even if he doesn't "like" fish / seafood I suggest he tries it as they ate superb.


In other news BA managed to misplace my case in my transfer at Gatwick, but fortunately found it and delivered to my home the next day!

Also on my return, my computer has decided to pack up, so photos and YouTube clips will take a little longer.

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Hi there.


I did choose a lot of fish/seafood courses. That wasn't a concious decision, they just looked so good.


There are usually 2 choices for appetiser, soup, pasta or risotto and 3 choices for main. Yes they include meat such as pork, beef, veal, lamb and chicken, so your other half will not go hungry. However, even if he doesn't "like" fish / seafood I suggest he tries it as they ate superb.


In other news BA managed to misplace my case in my transfer at Gatwick, but fortunately found it and delivered to my home the next day!

Also on my return, my computer has decided to pack up, so photos and YouTube clips will take a little longer.


I'm impressed that your case arrived to your home address the next day but I imagine you stood a fair while at the luggage carousel!

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I'm impressed that your case arrived to your home address the next day but I imagine you stood a fair while at the luggage carousel!


They called my name and told me a case was missing BEFORE the carousel started moving with bags!

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