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Anyone ever get into a verbal argument or

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I've come close, but refrained because I have such a hard time getting over it afterwards. It's best just to let the fools go. Beyond the obvious rude behavior of some, the worst I've experienced was an elderly couple who, obliviously, cut in front of about 20 or so people waiting in line for the midnight buffet. I was towards the front of this group and they actually pushed me aside and stepped on my bare toes (I was wearing heeled sandals). Even though the staff tried to get them to the back of the line, myself and others just indicated to leave them alone, they were old and probably didn't know what they had done. Big mistake. Not only were they verbally abusive to the staff, they were impatient and obnoxious to everyone around them. I'm happy to say that most people of all ages know how to mind their manners. It's just too bad the nasty ones stick out in your memory more.


I have witnessed more than my fair share of people shouting at the desk clerks. I don't know why some people think it's OK to be verbally abusive of staff, after all, they are human too. It's just not true that you have to be angry towards staff to get them to help you. Persistent, perhaps, but it's always better to make them want to help you. A smile, please and thank you can go a long way and everyone can come away feeling good.

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I did. We arrived at dinner the first night of our "Voyager" cruise last October to find a couple sitting at the table for two we had specifically requested with the Assistant Maitre'd when we first boarded the ship. When I asked the waiter why these people were seated at our table I was told they just sat there and refused to move. The man had been yelling and screaming at all the workers who attempted to persuade him to move. Mind you this is a crowded dining room. I then asked the waiter if he wanted me to speak to the gentleman and he said yes. So I calmly walked over in the crowded dining room and told the gentleman that I would over look the fact that he was sitting at our table the first night to avoid causing a scene but if he attempted to sit at our table the following night or there after, I would personally throw him over board. Needless to say we had no other problems with our table being occupied for the rest of the cruise. I did raise my voice somewhat but only to get his attention. The other Jersey cruisers seemed to like the entertainment. Everyone was smiling and watching.

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We've been on many cruises and have only had a few instances of rude behavior..(all on the same repo cruise to NY..BTW). The one that stands out the most was the elderly couple that REFUSED to stand up and/or let others in their aisle get past their end seats..mind you, this was not DURING a show..it was both before and after. DH and I were seated behind them and couldn't believe how rude and inconsiderate they were. When the show was over and they would not allow others out of their row..DH just picked up the woman..chair and all..and moved her into the aisle so others..including ourselves could exit. The look on her face was priceless!

Most pax are courteous and understanding of others and we try to ignore rudeness and write it off as low-class and ignorant.

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I had a run-in once with a very rude woman at the pool -- this was the Mickey pool on Disney, and I needed to be close by to watch my small children. I was wearing shorts/tee and intended to sit by the pool and watch them splash -- not to swim myself.


There were only TWO empty chairs (not loungers -- just chairs) side by side on the front row by the pool. I approached from one side and another woman approached from the other side. She got there ahead of me and grabbed BOTH chairs. Since she was alone, I asked her if I could have the other chair. She refused, saying that she needed it FOR HER BAG.


So, rather than get into a confrontation, I annoyed her for the next hour. I had to watch my children in the pool, so I stood four foot in front of her chair, giving her a good view of my rear end and blocking her view of the pool. The sun was shining in such a way that her shadow fell across me, so I could tell when she moved her chair -- and I'd move right back in her way. After a while she pulled her kids out of the pool and left.


It's not like me to be nasty to strangers, but this lady was downright rude to refuse a chair to another passenger so that her towel /sunscreen could sit in a chair.

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Mrs Pete!! I think we are long lost siblings! I would have done something just like that. A little bit of passive aggressive behavior to make a point is often the best choice to "losing it".


I LOVE the table story. I never would have been able to say something like that without bursting out laughing.


I've never understood how some people can be so selfish and inconsiderate. Unfortunately for me, I always seem to be near them. And then they bother me long after their rude behavior has ended.

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One thing that I have learned over the years is that there are some people who just love a good fight and will be rude just for the heck of it. I have had a few times where I stood my ground but the older I get I seem to let things slide a little more than I used to.

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So, rather than get into a confrontation, I annoyed her for the next hour. I had to watch my children in the pool, so I stood four foot in front of her chair, giving her a good view of my rear end and blocking her view of the pool. The sun was shining in such a way that her shadow fell across me, so I could tell when she moved her chair -- and I'd move right back in her way. After a while she pulled her kids out of the pool and left.
My favorite...so far! :D
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We were on a Celebrity cruise a couple of years ago and had just reboarded after an excursion. My son (age 9) hopped into the pool and swam a few laps. A woman walked up to me and started yelling at me because he and a bunch of hooligans had been jumping in the pool for the last hour and getting her unoccupied chair (pulled up to the edge of the pool) wet. We hadn't even been on the ship for 15 minutes! I politely informed her of that small detail and she refused to believe me. We began to argue but I finally decided to end it. At that point I informed her that I really didn't care whether she believed me or not but that I was going to sit down and I suggested that the next time she had to have a chair at the pool, that she might consider not sitting at the edge of the pool. Pools are wet. People don't stand rigidly in them. They swim in them. They splash. That's what pools are for. I walked away.


She then tried to talk to me the rest of the week. I totally ignored her.

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Reminds me of something that happend in Costa Maya last September.


We were in the pool in town.And while over all we had a great time.There was some "wild" activity going on at the bar..Bikini tops coming off..Very Very VERY


drunk group.One guy was walking out of the pool..Could barely walk.My son was in the kids end of the pool.The guy looked at him,struck a small conversation..HI.there,how are ya ...having fun..,(DS is 5) son very politely smiled said yes..and went back to play.The guy turns around a rather loudly says." Ya little Bast***" OMG....My DH & I both had to be physically restrained from kicking the guys you know what all the way back to Texas...


His group luckily for him dragged him off,and were very apologetic..I don't think he had a clue what he said...:eek:

Yeah,its always the kids that start the trouble:cool:

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One of the sea days when they were raffling off the Royal Suite at Bingo I went with one of our tablemates. The cruise staff was going to do a "Sit & Be Fit" class while people got their bingo cards. He asked everyone doing the sitting exercises to pull their chair onto to the dance floor before the bingo lines formed. One woman didn't. Then, when the line formed she couldn't see. She yelled, "Will the line move out of the way, I can't see." There were at least 20 people in the line and some started to move. I just said, "No, the bingo line is not going to move." Everyone got back in line. I saw this woman several more times on the ship and she seemed to always be engaged in some rude behavior including cutting in the buffet line and handling the food.

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On the Rhapsody my T/A and ourselves had JS Aft suites and were trying to find seats for the show (1/2 hr before showtime) . Their were 12 empty balcony suites and one man said he was saving them for his group. In big print scrolling on the screen by the stage the words' No Saving seats allowed'. He started making such a scene that I sat with my wife in 2 seats elsewhere. I told my T/A to get the other two available seats and forget about it(the other 2 were not beside us ...but oh well)My T/A kept challenging the man about the saving seats issue to the point that the man stood up and asked if my T/A wanted a punch in the head . Finaly my T/A sat down reluctantly and let it slide.


Theater seat Hogs are very RUDE, RUDE people.

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I got into a little "tiff" with a chair hog - guess it must have been when I removed the towel and flip flops off the chair after a half hour of waiting for someone to come back. Apparently the woman on the lounger next to it was "saving" it for a family member that went AWOL. That family member returned to the chair over an hour after I took it over - their total absence time? 1.5 hours :mad:


Needless to say the woman who was "saving" the chair didn't have anything nice to say to me all afternoon.....LOL

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on our first cruise back in 99 on Carnival Paradise, we were in the paris restaurant very late one night for pizza. DH and I and 2 older ladies were the only one their.


We were at one end of the room, and they were yards away at the other end.


I sneezed, and grabbed a tissue to blow my nose or I would have had several more sneezes. and one of these old crotchety women yells


"excuse me, we are trying to eat over here" I blew my nose (quietly) and said, well, I suggest you try harder, you might accomplish something.



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This is one of the many reasons we cruise in the off season. I'm sure if we sailed during the summer months I could fill this thread with many stories of rude passengers. Especially sailing out of Bayonne. You know the reputation New York/New Jersey cruise passengers have. Ask the workers on the ships. :)

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This is one of the many reasons we cruise in the off season. I'm sure if we sailed during the summer months I could fill this thread with many stories of rude passengers. Especially sailing out of Bayonne. You know the reputation New York/New Jersey cruise passengers have. Ask the workers on the ships. :)

Doesn't matter what time of year you cruise there will always be at least one rude person on board.

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Doesn't matter what time of year you cruise there will always be at least one rude person on board.


But your odds are greater during the summer months with all the wild out of control children on board and the moronic parents that can't (or won't) control them.

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But your odds are greater during the summer months with all the wild out of control children on board and the moronic parents that can't (or won't) control them.

Funny you say that since all of the 'examples' being given in this thread were due to rude adults.

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I had a restraining order put against me on the Valor in February. Minding my own business at the spa...patiently waiting for the first facial of my 46 year old life...an older couple walks in (dressed in leopard prints and walking with canes) and starts abusing the staff. Still tried to find my inner peace & get in the mood for the spa...but the older gentleman made the mistake of sitting across from me and asking me "don't you agree that this place is run like s**t?" I calmly commented that I though he was the one with the problem...to which he replied..."shut up you f..king witch" Now, my room was on the spa deck and my husband is built like a linebacker for the dallas cowboys...so i got up, got my husband, returned in 20 seconds and said "apologize or i will tell him what you just said"...the spa girls started cheering, the old lady almost passed out and the older man freaked...wouldn't admit what he said...and i wouldn't tell my poor husband (who at this point is totally confused - and mind you, sweeter than a teddy bear and wouldn't confront, let alone hurt a fly)...so the spa girl tells him...he calls the old man an a**hole, shakes his head then goes back the room...security kicks them out of the spa, i have my now free facial (not quite the relaxing experience i thought it would be though)...later that night security comes to our room to inform us that we must keep so many feet away from them because they feared for their safety. I think what ticked them off was a comment i made as they were being ejected..."By any chance, are you from New York?"...they were...

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Reminds me of something that happend in Costa Maya last September.


We were in the pool in town.And while over all we had a great time.There was some "wild" activity going on at the bar..Bikini tops coming off..Very Very VERY


drunk group.One guy was walking out of the pool..Could barely walk.My son was in the kids end of the pool.The guy looked at him,struck a small conversation..HI.there,how are ya ...having fun..,(DS is 5) son very politely smiled said yes..and went back to play.The guy turns around a rather loudly says." Ya little Bast***" OMG....My DH & I both had to be physically restrained from kicking the guys you know what all the way back to Texas...


His group luckily for him dragged him off,and were very apologetic..I don't think he had a clue what he said...:eek:

Yeah,its always the kids that start the trouble:cool:



I would have LOST IT. I try and tolerate elderly people that think it's OK to be rude (unfortunatley, my mother and aunt can be VERY rude and embarrassing) so I just turn a blind eye. Love the chair and person removal though LOL. Back to the kids, I think I would have slugged the guy for sure and I tell you it would have taken many, many people to fend me off!!!

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We just took our first cruise on Grandeur out of Baltimore. The rudest people on board were by far the older people who reached across my 9 year old at WindJammer for breakfast, shoved my wife out of line for lunch before saying excuse me, and one old broad who tried to move my 220lbs out of the way with her dish at the Midnight Chocolate Buffet.


Besides that, the only other problem we had were a group of kids who were brothers and sisters who enjoyed beating on their mother and grandmother with their purses and fists.......

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On my cruise in March, I saw a woman changing her baby's diaper on a table near the pool area. I was so furious that I went over to tell how disgusting it was to do that on a table that people eat their food on. Nothing like asking to catch an Ecoli virus. I saw how embarassed her father was because he knew this was not right. He didn't say a word in front of me, but he must have said something after I left. Ranks right up there with the guy and his naked baby in a pool at a resort in Florida. Why is necessary for me to have to tell these people stuff like this?

I was ticked off that the staff didn't take charge. Obviously, I never used the pool on that vacation.

Ever since I turned 55, I feel my new senior mission in life is to say things to obnoxious people that everyone else is thinking and afraid to say. Like the day last Fall when a young boy was bouncing his soccer ball at breakfast next to my dining table. Guess there is a need for supernanny on ships too.

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