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Just Back From The Dream

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Just weighed myself and have LOST about 5 pounds So not all bad!


I'm sure it will be fine by the time you go Nell :)


One thing to make you laugh. I have a partial denture, which I dropped down the plughole of our sink while the plug was out :eek: The cabin attendant was knocking on the door and I was shouting from the bathroom "Oh no, I've dropped my denture down the plug!" She rang the plumber and within 5 minutes he had arrived and retrieved it for me. Was I embarrassed? He didn't seem to be fazed by it, I expect he has retrieved stranger things before now!


First lot of washing on the line, second lot in the machine :)


Thanks, Linda.


Not a nice way to lose weight :eek:


Glad you got your denture sorted. When I retired we went abroad and I broke my denture at breakfast on the first day, biting into a hard piece of bacon. I was laughing so much, DH thought I was crying and said "if it will make you feel any better, I will take my denture out" :D


I phoned my dentist and she recommended superglue which DH set off to buy :)

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We heard that the people who were staying on board for another week on our disembarkation day were told to leave for at least 3 hours so that a whole ship decontamination could take place... Heard that they were also offered a tour & a short stay at a hotel for use of a swimming pool.

Mrs Stevio is now also half way through the second machine load, with four short washes & two long ones remaining (something to do with colour coding & fabric types that us men know nothing about)... She is however particularly proud of a clothes horse in the garden festooned with my socks & underpants.


Sorry to hear about the poorly people, hope it didn't ruin your holiday.

I was excited today as we received our tickets for the 18th but now I'm a bit worried as to what we'll find on board this time. I've never know sickness on the dream before at least nothing more than an isolated case.

Hope everyone is back to normal now.

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Sorry to hear about the poorly people, hope it didn't ruin your holiday.

I was excited today as we received our tickets for the 18th but now I'm a bit worried as to what we'll find on board this time. I've never know sickness on the dream before at least nothing more than an isolated case.

Hope everyone is back to normal now.

Actuallly, have just googled noro virus dream and quite a few articles/reviews have come up of different outbreaks of it on the Dream :eek:
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We returned yesterday from the Dream where my husband suffered from the mysterious illness on board.


We were in cabin 7001 & I think deck 7 was quite badly affected.


The ship didn't seem geared up at all for this type of event. My husband had to wait 4 hours to get the injection & tablets.


We lost 2 days of our holiday through the illness and were very disappointed.


We have been on all the other ships in the Thomson fleet and never experienced anything like it before. Our favourite ship is the Celebration.


It seemed weird that I didn't suffer from the illness, which leads me to believe it was more a food poisoning issue than Norovirus.


We found that the tables in the Lido restaurant were often dirty and were not wiped over as they should have been. Not sure if anyone else experienced this??


Its really put us off cruising unfortunately, as we felt worse for being on the cruise than before we went!!


Have we any redress against Thomson for this kind of thing or is it "just one of those things"??

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Actuallly, have just googled noro virus dream and quite a few articles/reviews have come up of different outbreaks of it on the Dream :eek:


More people seem to be saying food poisoning not Noro virus -hope so although still quite scary. Fingers crossed it's sorted before we go this time.

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More people seem to be saying food poisoning not Noro virus -hope so although still quite scary. Fingers crossed it's sorted before we go this time.


I am sure that any Noro or food poisoning outbreaks would have been dealt with before the next group of passengers arrived. Like I said the ship was going into a decontamination lockdown as I left. I had heard in the past that the cleaning on the Dream was not up to the standard of the other Thomson ships, but that had certainly changed by the second half on my week on her. For the last few days there were men patrolling the Lido with buckets of disinfectant. Each & every surface was being wiped over regularly, meaning that about every table was wet, & often made wetter while you were sitting there (but wholesome). This disinfecting had spread throughout the ship by the last couple of days as it left a whitish water mark on anywhere it had dried which I noticed everywhere. So those big brass polished lamps in the Argo Lounge were looking covered in patina by the last day as was everything else. Okay they did some strange things such as remove the salt & pepper pots from the Lido for the last couple of days. (The Orion restaurant kept theirs, so obviously a cleaner type of passenger down there). Though I would have thought if an infected hand touched a salt pot, then anyone sitting at that table could potentially be infected, but surely if an infected hand goes into a basket of salt sachets, then anyone using salt at all the tables would be at risk?…. Anyhow what I was trying to say is I think it will be all right for anyone to go on the ship now so all minds should be at rest .

One thing that was a topic of great discussion for those in the airport queue (now that was a bit of a disorganised scrum wasn’t it) …was what happened to all those who were too ill or not given the all clear to travel? Or did everyone get a clean bill of health on the last day? … Apart from the Kalos witnessed trail of poo to the coaches, does anyone know what would have happened to those that said they were unwell before the flight home?

Perhaps one for the Thomson team to answer there?

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I am sure that any Noro or food poisoning outbreaks would have been dealt with before the next group of passengers arrived. Like I said the ship was going into a decontamination lockdown as I left. I had heard in the past that the cleaning on the Dream was not up to the standard of the other Thomson ships, but that had certainly changed by the second half on my week on her. For the last few days there were men patrolling the Lido with buckets of disinfectant. Each & every surface was being wiped over regularly, meaning that about every table was wet, & often made wetter while you were sitting there (but wholesome). This disinfecting had spread throughout the ship by the last couple of days as it left a whitish water mark on anywhere it had dried which I noticed everywhere. So those big brass polished lamps in the Argo Lounge were looking covered in patina by the last day as was everything else. Okay they did some strange things such as remove the salt & pepper pots from the Lido for the last couple of days. (The Orion restaurant kept theirs, so obviously a cleaner type of passenger down there). Though I would have thought if an infected hand touched a salt pot, then anyone sitting at that table could potentially be infected, but surely if an infected hand goes into a basket of salt sachets, then anyone using salt at all the tables would be at risk?…. Anyhow what I was trying to say is I think it will be all right for anyone to go on the ship now so all minds should be at rest .

One thing that was a topic of great discussion for those in the airport queue (now that was a bit of a disorganised scrum wasn’t it) …was what happened to all those who were too ill or not given the all clear to travel? Or did everyone get a clean bill of health on the last day? … Apart from the Kalos witnessed trail of poo to the coaches, does anyone know what would have happened to those that said they were unwell before the flight home?

Perhaps one for the Thomson team to answer there?

I think this is more of a perception than a fact. I was cruising on the Destiny and was having a late drink in the clipper bar. They had started cleaning and everything was being cleaned, including the underneath of the chairs. all the staff were involved. This was a regular occurance and there was an inspection next morning. If the bar failed, ALL the bars would have to do a deep clean again the next evening. This would be repeated until they all passed!. Now the relevant bit. they were also expecting the company inspector aboard who spent their time going from ship to ship doing spot checks.


I would think if one ship was performing poorly in some way this would be noticed at company level and sorted soonish.


You get similar reports on P&O dining, despite them having almost identical menus throughout the fleet and the food being sourced centrally. A poor performance will just not be tolerated by HQ.

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We returned yesterday from the Dream where my husband suffered from the mysterious illness on board.


We were in cabin 7001 & I think deck 7 was quite badly affected.


The ship didn't seem geared up at all for this type of event. My husband had to wait 4 hours to get the injection & tablets.


We lost 2 days of our holiday through the illness and were very disappointed.


We have been on all the other ships in the Thomson fleet and never experienced anything like it before. Our favourite ship is the Celebration.


It seemed weird that I didn't suffer from the illness, which leads me to believe it was more a food poisoning issue than Norovirus.


We found that the tables in the Lido restaurant were often dirty and were not wiped over as they should have been. Not sure if anyone else experienced this??


Its really put us off cruising unfortunately, as we felt worse for being on the cruise than before we went!!


Have we any redress against Thomson for this kind of thing or is it "just one of those things"??


Hi triplec,


We were in cabin 7003. I think I may have said good morning to you once or twice. My husband didn't get it either, which convinces me it was something we ate. I had some fish, which I thought was not cooked in the middle and I wish now I had complained about it at the time. My husband had chicken and he was fine.


As a matter of interest, did anyone actually hear the captain say it was noro virus? On the last afternoon he waffled on about noro type illnesses :confused: TBH, I think it may be time for him to join Roy Dearman in retirement :rolleyes:


I did get a visit from a nurse quite quickly and had an injection which he said would stop the vomiting, but I was sick again later after just a sip of water. So I went to bed slept really well (until the bow thrusters started their awful din!) and woke feeling fine. What I thought was odd was that they gave me a menu to choose from, when I was feeling really ill and then nothing for breakfast, when I could have eaten a bit of toast! In the morning the cabin steward knocked on the door, asking if we were going to breakfast, so she could clean the cabin. So we went up to Sirens about 10am. I had some tea, toast and cereals, then went off the ship and when we came back the staff were wrapped in gowns and masks and deep cleaning the cabins. Fine, if it was a bug, but how could they clean it with your property still in it and did they deep clean all the cabins when everyone was off the ship. I don't think so in 3 hours :rolleyes:


I really hope everyone is OK on this week's cruise.


Did someone say some people were staying another week? Well, I would have been off that ship with my cases and straight to the airport and found myself a flight home There were lots of empty seats on our plane, which possibly should have been taken by some who were still ill. Do you think they had to go to hospital?


DH and I have quite a sturdy constitution, but for anyone with any health problems it could have been really nasty!


The cleanliness was not up to the normal Thomson standards, but I suppose if some staff were ill, that would be the case.


I certainly think it is worth contacting Thomson about this. I doubt if you would get any compensation, but it is as well to let them know your feelings. I never fill in any questionnaires as I believe they sell the information to other comanies and you will bombarded with emails and phone calls! I think it is better to comlain directly and perhaps if they get enough complaints they will take some notice :rolleyes:

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I am sure that any Noro or food poisoning outbreaks would have been dealt with before the next group of passengers arrived. Like I said the ship was going into a decontamination lockdown as I left. I had heard in the past that the cleaning on the Dream was not up to the standard of the other Thomson ships, but that had certainly changed by the second half on my week on her. For the last few days there were men patrolling the Lido with buckets of disinfectant. Each & every surface was being wiped over regularly, meaning that about every table was wet, & often made wetter while you were sitting there (but wholesome). This disinfecting had spread throughout the ship by the last couple of days as it left a whitish water mark on anywhere it had dried which I noticed everywhere. So those big brass polished lamps in the Argo Lounge were looking covered in patina by the last day as was everything else. Okay they did some strange things such as remove the salt & pepper pots from the Lido for the last couple of days. (The Orion restaurant kept theirs, so obviously a cleaner type of passenger down there). Though I would have thought if an infected hand touched a salt pot, then anyone sitting at that table could potentially be infected, but surely if an infected hand goes into a basket of salt sachets, then anyone using salt at all the tables would be at risk?…. Anyhow what I was trying to say is I think it will be all right for anyone to go on the ship now so all minds should be at rest .

One thing that was a topic of great discussion for those in the airport queue (now that was a bit of a disorganised scrum wasn’t it) …was what happened to all those who were too ill or not given the all clear to travel? Or did everyone get a clean bill of health on the last day? … Apart from the Kalos witnessed trail of poo to the coaches, does anyone know what would have happened to those that said they were unwell before the flight home?

Perhaps one for the Thomson team to answer there?


Thank's for that. I can get excited about going now!!!

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Hi triplec,


We were in cabin 7003. I think I may have said good morning to you once or twice. My husband didn't get it either, which convinces me it was something we ate. I had some fish, which I thought was not cooked in the middle and I wish now I had complained about it at the time. My husband had chicken and he was fine.


As a matter of interest, did anyone actually hear the captain say it was noro virus? On the last afternoon he waffled on about noro type illnesses :confused: TBH, I think it may be time for him to join Roy Dearman in retirement :rolleyes:


I did get a visit from a nurse quite quickly and had an injection which he said would stop the vomiting, but I was sick again later after just a sip of water. So I went to bed slept really well (until the bow thrusters started their awful din!) and woke feeling fine. What I thought was odd was that they gave me a menu to choose from, when I was feeling really ill and then nothing for breakfast, when I could have eaten a bit of toast! In the morning the cabin steward knocked on the door, asking if we were going to breakfast, so she could clean the cabin. So we went up to Sirens about 10am. I had some tea, toast and cereals, then went off the ship and when we came back the staff were wrapped in gowns and masks and deep cleaning the cabins. Fine, if it was a bug, but how could they clean it with your property still in it and did they deep clean all the cabins when everyone was off the ship. I don't think so in 3 hours :rolleyes:


I really hope everyone is OK on this week's cruise.


Did someone say some people were staying another week? Well, I would have been off that ship with my cases and straight to the airport and found myself a flight home There were lots of empty seats on our plane, which possibly should have been taken by some who were still ill. Do you think they had to go to hospital?


DH and I have quite a sturdy constitution, but for anyone with any health problems it could have been really nasty!


The cleanliness was not up to the normal Thomson standards, but I suppose if some staff were ill, that would be the case.


I certainly think it is worth contacting Thomson about this. I doubt if you would get any compensation, but it is as well to let them know your feelings. I never fill in any questionnaires as I believe they sell the information to other comanies and you will bombarded with emails and phone calls! I think it is better to comlain directly and perhaps if they get enough complaints they will take some notice :rolleyes:

You could be right there, the captain did waffle about Noro type viruses or D&V (diarrhoea & vomiting). Funnily enough we witnessed a cabin on deck 6 being stripped of all bedding & I think they took the occupants & all their stuff to another cabin while it was done The odd thing was they put them back in the same room on the last night to re infect it. At the same time they were fumigating a room along from ours with what looked like a magimix with a fan on it, not sure if their stuff was still in there though.

We were on the Gatwick flight & having booked the rear two seats, we had a whole back of the plane to ourselves, apart from others realising this & using the vacant seats as beds...

If you were on the Gatwick return flight we were the two sitting in the back row to the left of the toilets.

Oh, forgot to mention our highlights of the cruise. If you were at any of the afternoon quizzes at Medusa lounge, Mrs Stevio was upfront & won two of the tiebreakers later that week, "what year was the M1 opened" & "how many days did J.F.K. serve as president". Yes not one but two Thomson iffy pens (you never get a T shirt when you want one). We deduced the other quizzers on board were confined to barracks. :o

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And the answers are? :D


We were on the Gatwick flight, but in row 7, so used the forward loos :)


Going out, a huge man in front, not sure what nationality, but think Eastern European :rolleyes: shoved his chair right back in my face and when DH asked him to put it up a bit, he said "I want to sleep" We asked the cabin attendant to say something and she said everyone is entitled to recline their seat! She then said we could move to the back so had three seats between us and like you had no-one else in the back row. We should have asked for the back row coming back, then we would have met up :rolleyes:

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Hi triplec,


We were in cabin 7003. I think I may have said good morning to you once or twice. My husband didn't get it either, which convinces me it was something we ate. I had some fish, which I thought was not cooked in the middle and I wish now I had complained about it at the time. My husband had chicken and he was fine.


As a matter of interest, did anyone actually hear the captain say it was noro virus? On the last afternoon he waffled on about noro type illnesses :confused: TBH, I think it may be time for him to join Roy Dearman in retirement :rolleyes:


I did get a visit from a nurse quite quickly and had an injection which he said would stop the vomiting, but I was sick again later after just a sip of water. So I went to bed slept really well (until the bow thrusters started their awful din!) and woke feeling fine. What I thought was odd was that they gave me a menu to choose from, when I was feeling really ill and then nothing for breakfast, when I could have eaten a bit of toast! In the morning the cabin steward knocked on the door, asking if we were going to breakfast, so she could clean the cabin. So we went up to Sirens about 10am. I had some tea, toast and cereals, then went off the ship and when we came back the staff were wrapped in gowns and masks and deep cleaning the cabins. Fine, if it was a bug, but how could they clean it with your property still in it and did they deep clean all the cabins when everyone was off the ship. I don't think so in 3 hours :rolleyes:


I really hope everyone is OK on this week's cruise.


Did someone say some people were staying another week? Well, I would have been off that ship with my cases and straight to the airport and found myself a flight home There were lots of empty seats on our plane, which possibly should have been taken by some who were still ill. Do you think they had to go to hospital?


DH and I have quite a sturdy constitution, but for anyone with any health problems it could have been really nasty!


The cleanliness was not up to the normal Thomson standards, but I suppose if some staff were ill, that would be the case.


I certainly think it is worth contacting Thomson about this. I doubt if you would get any compensation, but it is as well to let them know your feelings. I never fill in any questionnaires as I believe they sell the information to other comanies and you will bombarded with emails and phone calls! I think it is better to comlain directly and perhaps if they get enough complaints they will take some notice :rolleyes:


The cleanliness was not up to the normal standards Linda only after being onboard a few hours on the Friday ,

Mrs Kalos said to me " look at the stairway hand rails they are loppy , wheres the cleaning guys?"

We were onboard a few days before we saw this happen .

Looking back now ,I could not see the point in putting out jugs of water in the Lido,left to warm up , and loads of

people to to handle those two jugs .

To me it would have made better sense to let you use the drink dispensers ,this way you press a button and handle your own glass ,

leaving staff to clean the buttons of the machine every now and then .

I did see one of the serving guys sneeze into his elbow and then turn back to the food ready to serve people ,I told the manager

and the guy was soon removed .

People are saying on here "Food poisoning " If someone who is infected with the Virus is working with your food then infects it or you

drink water for example from an infected jug then yes you have now got food poisioning .

I doubt we will ever know how each person came down with it . In our case we ate the same (No fish ) I was fine but Mrs Kalos was not . Were some people self medicating with things like Imodium if they only had mild symptoms ?

Going into places like the showlounge where the virus could possibly live on the seat fabrics for days ,as I said ..we will never know .


I too never fill in those Thomson questionnaires as well .What my income or job description and loads of personal data has to do with ..

..Did I have A good holiday .. is beyond me . Must mean they do flog it on .

Those who fill them in should read the small print ..

...Those who do not fill in the questionnaire fully and complete ... will not win a holiday or loads of money .


Overall a bit of a weird cruise I don't feel like I have been on one this time ,maybe down to all those cabin doormats :(.


Lets hope they have sorted the ship out now and others have a good holiday :D

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Mrs Stevio was upfront & won two of the tiebreakers later that week, "what year was the M1 opened" & "how many days did J.F.K. serve as president". Yes not one but two Thomson iffy pens (you never get a T shirt when you want one). :o


Would have rather won that Jackpot Bingo Stevio £1,025 :cool:


At least you won the two iffy pens :rolleyes:;):D

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And the answers are? :D


We were on the Gatwick flight, but in row 7, so used the forward loos :)


Going out, a huge man in front, not sure what nationality, but think Eastern European :rolleyes: shoved his chair right back in my face and when DH asked him to put it up a bit, he said "I want to sleep" We asked the cabin attendant to say something and she said everyone is entitled to recline their seat! She then said we could move to the back so had three seats between us and like you had no-one else in the back row. We should have asked for the back row coming back, then we would have met up :rolleyes:


I hate it when person in front reclines their seat:mad:, should not be allowed!


Great link to the Norovirus site Linda, copied for future reference and hope the Dream will be spotless in August:)

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Great link to the Norovirus site Linda, copied for future reference and hope the Dream will be spotless in August:)


well we are off to Palma and board Dream in 32 days! so I hope they iron out these issues.

the reviews from the winter sailings has been positive,

so I hope this is first week issues that will be addressed and from now on reviews pick up to a more positive tempo.



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I hate it when person in front reclines their seat:mad:, should not be allowed!


A friend of ours went on a daytime flight to Sharm in March with Thomas Cook and he said the seats were locked, so they couldn't be reclined.


Great link to the Norovirus site Linda, copied for future reference and hope the Dream will be spotless in August:)


You're welcome :)




Well we are off to Palma and board Dream in 32 days! so I hope they iron out these issues.

I'm sure they will :)

the reviews from the winter sailings has been positive,

so I hope this is first week issues that will be addressed and from now on reviews pick up to a more positive tempo.



I think they have learnt a lot of lessons this week :rolleyes:

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Sorry to heart you wnt down with the Dreaded Lurgii Linda. Hope you are fully recovered now and it did not spoil your cruise too much. I noticed at the same time P&O had it on one of their ships too.

With 4 days and 9 hours to go that ship had better be bloody spotless lol :D



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I hate it when person in front reclines their seat:mad:, should not be allowed!


I had the opposite problem. I didn't want to recline and my seat kept dropping back and disturbing the person behind me. I called the cabin staff who could do nothing, and I was left sitting forward most of the flight - a long one to the Caribbean - so that it wouldn't tip back. Rather uncomfortable. I too hate it when the seat in front comes back at me.

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I hate it when person in front reclines their seat:mad:, should not be allowed!


I had the opposite problem. I didn't want to recline and my seat kept dropping back and disturbing the person behind me. I called the cabin staff who could do nothing

Someone I was speaking to at the airport had had this problem on a plane :( I just wonder if they can't get the seats right, are they servicing the rest of the plane properly :eek::eek::D
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Sorry to heart you wnt down with the Dreaded Lurgii Linda. Hope you are fully recovered now and it did not spoil your cruise too much. I noticed at the same time P&O had it on one of their ships too.

With 4 days and 9 hours to go that ship had better be bloody spotless lol :D



Thanks Berwyn. Thankfully mine was just being sick and not the other end like the poor chap that kalos saw on the dock :(


I certainly hope they have got it sorted, but if not you and Delyth might be called on in a professional capacity :eek: Only joking :D:D

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Thanks Berwyn. Thankfully mine was just being sick and not the other end like the poor chap that kalos saw on the dock :(


I certainly hope they have got it sorted, but if not you and Delyth might be called on in a professional capacity :eek: Only joking :D:D



We're on holiday lol. Will duck down quick if anyone shouts "Is there a doctor or nurse about" :D




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Hi all, sorry we did'nt link up on board. I missed that bit in Cruise news.

I was lucky and did not get Nora Virus, but I have picked up some other unknown virus.

I became unwell Friday night at dinner. I just felt shivery which I put down to the air com. I did'nt feel like eating, :eek: which should have raised alarm bells. I did not feel sick in any way though. Did'nt sleep well Friday night and was not feeling good on the journey home, shivery and tired. Noticed spots on my hands Saturday, not a lot, but painful. The doctor has said it's a virul infection probably picked up on the boat.

Anyone else had these symptoms?


Other than that the hubbie and myself enjoyed the cruise. Yes there was problems but you just have to make the most of it.


Hubbie said there were men not washing there hands after using the toilets. The sanitisers are no good if you don't wash you're hands.


We will do another cruise, it can only get better;)

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