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Land Tour Excursions through cruise or not?


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Taking Radiance of Seas Cruise Tour #14 in August. There is a flight tour with glacier landing out of Talkeetna that looks interesting. Do I book through RCCL (if so when as the land tours on not on web sites) or on my own?

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Depends on you. BUT I suggest you do some more homework, if you haven't as there are some VERY different flightseeing choices. I have done them all, and have my favorites, figure out what you wish to do.


Booking independently will need you to take the lodge shuttle and get to the flightseeing yourself, which isn't very difficult, unless you have mobility limitations.


If a priority for you, then book the first available tour, this leaves the possibility of a later flight if canceled.

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I have narrowed to two companies based on Trip advisor, and reading articles and the actual tours being offered. Talkeetna Air Taxi or K2 Aviation. I just have nothing to compare if RCCL also offers their own excursion. I have read that doing the flight seeing in the area of Talkeetna/Denali is better than say from Juneau. And Mendenhall Glacier.

Appreciate any suggestions.

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I have narrowed to two companies based on Trip advisor, and reading articles and the actual tours being offered. Talkeetna Air Taxi or K2 Aviation. I just have nothing to compare if RCCL also offers their own excursion. I have read that doing the flight seeing in the area of Talkeetna/Denali is better than say from Juneau. And Mendenhall Glacier.

Appreciate any suggestions.


RCI is using the same vendors. Sorry, but you are WAY off base with your "better" flightseeing comments. I can tell you have not been there.


You need to determine what routing you wish to take of McKinley. Be advised there are some very different tours to consider, with a BIG difference between a summit view and summit flight. The glacier landings are just about all snow, not ice. One reason to take this would be to experience a ski plane perhaps.

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Methinks with almost 40,000 posts, and after having personally read just a few recent ones, there might be a certain poster that may benefit from taking a break from posting on CC.


As much as one may believe that they are the ultimate aficionado on traveling/touring Alaska, being condescending and derisive when providing advice is not very helpful in my honest opinion.


Just a friendly heads up.:)

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Methinks with almost 40,000 posts, and after having personally read just a few recent ones, there might be a certain poster that may benefit from taking a break from posting on CC.


As much as one may believe that they are the ultimate aficionado on traveling/touring Alaska, being condescending and derisive when providing advice is not very helpful in my honest opinion.


Just a friendly heads up.:)


Sorry, but with 200+, someone else is very new.

BQ has helped thousands of folks have a better Alaska Experience because she KNOWS............

Just MY opinion.;)

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Methinks with almost 40,000 posts, and after having personally read just a few recent ones, there might be a certain poster that may benefit from taking a break from posting on CC.


As much as one may believe that they are the ultimate aficionado on traveling/touring Alaska, being condescending and derisive when providing advice is not very helpful in my honest opinion.


Just a friendly heads up.:)


Actually, having read many of those almost 40K posts, I (and many other readers) agree that she really is the "ultimate aficionado on traveling/touring Alaska," and we're very grateful for the time that she takes on this website and fervently hope that she does NOT take a break from posting here.

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Shoot, I was just seeking information in order to plan our Alaska trip. I most certainly was surprised in the tone of BQ's responses. Have read quite a few messages and articles on this site which have seemed to be in a very positive mode and helpful which is why I registered. But now I am having second thoughts. Thank you Skai for speaking up.

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My (limited) understanding is that Budget Queen was in a bad car accident back in December, has been in rehab ever since, and is still recovering. I notice she didn't post for a couple of months from mid-December until mid-February.


I can't answer Seagalpat's question specifically, but I can answer her question in a general sense. We are heading back to Alaska this summer for the 8th time, and I have found over the years that I use a combination of independent excursions and ship's excursions. When I was new to Alaska and to cruising, I booked my excursions more through the cruise lines, as I figured they had more knowledge, organization in place, and expertise. As I've become a slightly more experienced Alaska cruiser, I find that I tend to book more tours on my own. However, sometimes the best choices are offered from the cruiselines, and so I still do take advantage of their offerings.

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BQ has been answering the same questions over and over and over again for the past 13 years. Sometimes I am amazed that she has the patience to keep doing it, and I really don't blame her if she is sometimes frustrated by people who come here asking questions without doing any research of their own first. I've been reading BQ's posts off and on for well over 10 years now, and I've learned to accept and appreciate her for who she is. I would be thrilled to actually meet her someday.

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Shoot, I was just seeking information in order to plan our Alaska trip. I most certainly was surprised in the tone of BQ's responses. Have read quite a few messages and articles on this site which have seemed to be in a very positive mode and helpful which is why I registered. But now I am having second thoughts. Thank you Skai for speaking up.


I'm new to CC and very quickly became aware that BQ has vast experience with Alaska travels. Although she can tell by my post count that I'm new here, she took the trouble to answer my questions. Actually, before she answered my questions, she pointed out a huge gap in my planning knowledge. This gap was all because I've not been to Alaska. Barring unforeseen circumstances (wife just suffered a minor ankle break), we will be there on the 7/28 Volendam.


Personally, I don't mind BQ's tone(s) in the least because the guidance is authentic. She gives away for free what could easily and fairly be charged for in a book or pay-blog. The evidence is mounting that those that have already been to Alaska pick up insights that the rest of us can't get from brochures and websites alone.:o:);)

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I am not a fan of BQ! In my book you treat people the way you want to be treated,and unfortunately way to many times BQ talks at people instead of talking to people.

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i am not a fan of bq! In my book you treat people the way you want to be treated,and unfortunately way to many times bq talks at people instead of talking to people.


:) :) :)

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I appreciate the information Middle Aged Mom posted.....which is what I was seeking....personal information from people. I have read tons, and tons and researched Alaska, along with speaking with some folks from Fairbanks who we will be visiting......as for flightseeing which is something we have never done, nor have we been to Alaska posting was also new to me, and those speaking in behave of BQ, yes she has posted valuable information, but in her answer to my question, I must have missed something because all i got was do my research.

Anyway I plan on this aspect of our trip I plan to speak with the two tour operators I am interested in and then make my decision.

Thank you all, I have learned a lesson.:)

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I appreciate the information Middle Aged Mom posted.....which is what I was seeking....personal information from people. I have read tons, and tons and researched Alaska, along with speaking with some folks from Fairbanks who we will be visiting......as for flightseeing which is something we have never done, nor have we been to Alaska posting was also new to me, and those speaking in behave of BQ, yes she has posted valuable information, but in her answer to my question, I must have missed something because all i got was do my research.

Anyway I plan on this aspect of our trip I plan to speak with the two tour operators I am interested in and then make my decision.

Thank you all, I have learned a lesson.:)


BQ was trying to point out that there is a HUGE difference in the tours. One flies OVER the summit and the others give you a LOOK at the summit. You need OXYGEN to fly OVER the summit. And K2 is the only vendor I know of that provides oxygen.


So unless you KNOW the questions to ask, you really aren't getting the answers you seek. And vendors may say it is a summit flight but not thoroughly explain the difference.


And as pointed out, being on a cruise tour makes YOU responsible for getting to Talkeetna via shuttle. So you need to allow the time to get on the shuttle, get to the flightseeing location, then get BACK to the lodge. I am sure the RCCL tour includes all that at a price. But again, if you don't the logistics of these flights, you don't know the questions to ask.

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Methinks with almost 40,000 posts, and after having personally read just a few recent ones, there might be a certain poster that may benefit from taking a break from posting on CC.


As much as one may believe that they are the ultimate aficionado on traveling/touring Alaska, being condescending and derisive when providing advice is not very helpful in my honest opinion.


Just a friendly heads up.:)


I give you credit for speaking up. Rudeness abounds and has many friends. A forum owner once told me he was studying "the pack mentality". Someone who has posted for a long time gets away with being rude, condescending, making suppositions, etc. and others latch on in support.


I try to ignore the tone in which advice is given, (sometimes it's hard to read "tone" in a post) but I will not tolerate outright rudeness. On another thread some old guy chastised me for not having my family try out our new backpacks, without kinowing anything about it! It was surreal.


You said it best in another thread:


"Now it's coming across that your reading comprehension is sub par.

And with that, I will bid you adieu."


It is a shame that one has to deal with so much negativity and condescension, just to seek out advice on something as joyous as a vacation. But everytime I read a rude post, I will remember those words!:)

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Shoot, I was just seeking information in order to plan our Alaska trip. I most certainly was surprised in the tone of BQ's responses. Have read quite a few messages and articles on this site which have seemed to be in a very positive mode and helpful which is why I registered. But now I am having second thoughts. Thank you Skai for speaking up.


Seagalpat, when I first started posting I was pretty shocked at the rudeness of some of the responses. In one particular thread where I posted my anguish over an expensive mistake our TA made in our booking, one particular poster actually accused me of creating the mistake, without of course, having been there with us when we booked.:eek: It was the most bizarre thing I'd ever read.


I have learned to overlook the unnecessary crap, the thoughtlessness, the rude responses to continue to seek out information that is helpful. There is a lot of really good information here if you can ignore how sometimes the information is presented--I have also found searching out old threads to be extremely helpful.


I hope you have a wonderful trip! And I hope you find all the information you need to make this vacation more enjoyable!:)

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BQ was trying to point out that there is a HUGE difference in the tours. One flies OVER the summit and the others give you a LOOK at the summit. You need OXYGEN to fly OVER the summit. And K2 is the only vendor I know of that provides oxygen.


So unless you KNOW the questions to ask, you really aren't getting the answers you seek. And vendors may say it is a summit flight but not thoroughly explain the difference.


And as pointed out, being on a cruise tour makes YOU responsible for getting to Talkeetna via shuttle. So you need to allow the time to get on the shuttle, get to the flightseeing location, then get BACK to the lodge. I am sure the RCCL tour includes all that at a price. But again, if you don't the logistics of these flights, you don't know the questions to ask.


So now I know to make sure I know what it is I want to ask. And after reading your response, The selection is clearer.

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Some of my comments/questions have had rude replies. Enough said. I choose to block the offending persons. I sometimes think that civility is losing in our culture. If answering questions becomes tedious, don't do it.

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I give you credit for speaking up. Rudeness abounds and has many friends. A forum owner once told me he was studying "the pack mentality". Someone who has posted for a long time gets away with being rude, condescending, making suppositions, etc. and others latch on in support.


I try to ignore the tone in which advice is given, (sometimes it's hard to read "tone" in a post) but I will not tolerate outright rudeness. On another thread some old guy chastised me for not having my family try out our new backpacks, without kinowing anything about it! It was surreal.


You said it best in another thread:


"Now it's coming across that your reading comprehension is sub par.

And with that, I will bid you adieu."


It is a shame that one has to deal with so much negativity and condescension, just to seek out advice on something as joyous as a vacation. But everytime I read a rude post, I will remember those words!:)



I think some folks are particularly sensitive - I really didn't think the backpack comment was so offbase and if you had just said - we tried them on - it was have been the end of it and made the situation clear to all reading that you had taken the advice which was ultimately - good advice.


There are other comments that I see as rude - particularly attacks on the way some folks choose to travel and others disagree and see it as wrong. We aren't all the same and that's why there are so many options.


I think we'll all have a better vacation because of the comments here - even the rude ones!

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I think some folks are particularly sensitive - I really didn't think the backpack comment was so offbase and if you had just said - we tried them on - it was have been the end of it and made the situation clear to all reading that you had taken the advice which was ultimately - good advice.


There are other comments that I see as rude - particularly attacks on the way some folks choose to travel and others disagree and see it as wrong. We aren't all the same and that's why there are so many options.


I think we'll all have a better vacation because of the comments here - even the rude ones!


I have been responding because I am a firm believer that bullying should be addressed, even if it is by well-meaning folks who may have lost their "filter". Silence is interpreted by many as acceptance.


I didn't stand up for someone who was ruthlessly treated when I first started lurking on these forums, and I am sorry I did not stand up for her at that time. Since then, others have stood up for me, and I am so grateful for their kind words.


I would rather be a sensitive soul than an insensitive clod.

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Taking Radiance of Seas Cruise Tour #14 in August. There is a flight tour with glacier landing out of Talkeetna that looks interesting. Do I book through RCCL (if so when as the land tours on not on web sites) or on my own?





If you're still interested I found this on RCI website while researching for my upcoming cruise tour. You cannot pre-book. You can only book once on the tour. Hopefully this will give you the information that you are looking for.




Happy Sails!

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Thank you so much for the link.....I had not seen the brochure specific to the Land Excursions.....even after the tons of reading I have done from multi sources including Royal Caribbean's ..

My eyes are bugging out from all this research and reading about Alaska, but as the time approaches....some 86 days, my exitement just increases.

Thank you.......:D

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Thank you so much for the link.....I had not seen the brochure specific to the Land Excursions.....even after the tons of reading I have done from multi sources including Royal Caribbean's ..

My eyes are bugging out from all this research and reading about Alaska, but as the time approaches....some 86 days, my exitement just increases.

Thank you.......:D


I have been trying to get info from RCI for the last three months. I've called 6-7 times in the last 90 days trying to find out. I've talked to CVPs, they referred me to shorex@rccl.com who referred me to land excursions who never responded to my email. I just "happened" upon this link on the RCI website by looking on the Plan a Cruise, then cruise tours, then Alaska, then saw land tour excursions & when I clicked I found this brochure.


It would have been nice if even one of their employees could have pointed me to it 3 months ago. I've booked as much independently as I could by checking the Alaska train schedule. My problem has been in the towns we arrive at by tour bus I don't have times. I was hoping to do the white water rafting out of Denali on our second day there but read earlier that the rivers are still frozen or have ice and a lot of tours will be cancelled until mid June.


If you have other questions I'm more than happy to share what I have found. I also plan to do a trip report with pictures and as much information to help others as possible as I found it very hard to plan for a cruise tour since there aren't a lot of reviews out there.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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I too have found little information from their web site. Just booked a couple of excursions from RCCL and noted in their reply email, the contact email address for land excursions that you just posted. Will look forward to your future postings on your trip. Alaska trip planning is so much more involved than all our Caribbean cruises. But then it is Alaska....we also are staying longer in Fairbanks after the tour has ended.

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