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~~"It's A Miracle" we're going to Hawaii 10/19/13 Official CC Group Cruise~~

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Yea the Banyan tree is on my list for Maui this time for sure.


We missed it our last time in Maui, to many other things to do and never enough time to get it all done.


Well Ed`s appointment went about as I expected. Dr. will do a scope to take a closer look on the 22nd. then refer us to a surgeon if he thinks surgery is required.

He thinks from the symptoms that are present surgery is probably going to be required.:(


They have got to decide and get this show on the road. The clock is ticking closer to Hawaii all the time.:)


Lynne, echoing what Chelle said about the OBC.;)








Bobbie.. My goodness.. Ed needs to be in tip top shape for our cruise.. Why do doctors wait on things?? Thoughts and prayers for you,Ed and family..

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Someplace to visit on Hilo



Leleiwi Beach Park is at the eastern end of Hilo, adjacent to Richardson's Ocean Center. An abundance of marine life makes this a popular spot for both fishing and snorkeling. Leleiwi has a rocky shoreline and tall palm trees surround shallow ocean pools fed by fresh water springs. It’s an ideal spot for families; picnic tables and pavilions are provided.

If you are a SCUBA diver, you will enjoy a shore dive at Leleiwi. There are plenty of coral and sea turtles to see in the water here. Be careful, when the sea is stormy, the entry and exit can be treacherous.

Surfing at Leleiwi Beach ParkLeleiwi Beach Park and Richardson's Beach are located adjacent to each other. We suggest you try to snorkel both locations in the same day. Start the morning at Leleiwi, bring a picnic lunch and drinks. After snorkeling at Leleiwi, enjoy a relaxing lunch in the pavilion and then head down to Richardson's for the afternoon.

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Someplace to visit on Hilo



Leleiwi Beach Park is at the eastern end of Hilo, adjacent to Richardson's Ocean Center. An abundance of marine life makes this a popular spot for both fishing and snorkeling. Leleiwi has a rocky shoreline and tall palm trees surround shallow ocean pools fed by fresh water springs. It’s an ideal spot for families; picnic tables and pavilions are provided.

If you are a SCUBA diver, you will enjoy a shore dive at Leleiwi. There are plenty of coral and sea turtles to see in the water here. Be careful, when the sea is stormy, the entry and exit can be treacherous.

Surfing at Leleiwi Beach ParkLeleiwi Beach Park and Richardson's Beach are located adjacent to each other. We suggest you try to snorkel both locations in the same day. Start the morning at Leleiwi, bring a picnic lunch and drinks. After snorkeling at Leleiwi, enjoy a relaxing lunch in the pavilion and then head down to Richardson's for the afternoon.


Looks like another place to put on the list. I`m thinking my problem is going to be having more things to do and see than we have time for...:(


Bobbie.. My goodness.. Ed needs to be in tip top shape for our cruise.. Why do doctors wait on things?? Thoughts and prayers for you,Ed and family..


Lynne I know right?


As luck would have it the Dr. is on vacation next week, so we delay for yet another week.:(


It`s starting to be crunch time now and the time is passing........FAST!!


Have a great day all and I`ll try to check back in here later.

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Good morning my Hawaii cruise friends!! Another week-end is here and even if Marie is off having fun at Church camp I wonder if the skinner RED numbers might still show up?;)


Have a great week-end all. It will be a busy one for me. my dad turns 92 years young tomorrow so lots of celebrating to be done these next two days....:)

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Good Afternoon

Getting ready for a road trip, leaving Monday and will be roaming Montana for a couple of weeks.



Chelle have a great trip and safe travels for you and Louie.


Sounds like a fun trip and just think how much closer we will be to Hawaii when you return home.:)



I am thinking the big red count numbers will show up after Marie gets back for her fun Camping Trip.

It will just be that much closer to going. :)


Mr. Bob I was thinking Chelle might post them. But you are correct we will be a day or so closer.


Another quick question. Does anyone here plan to do the steakhouse at all this cruise?


I`m debating if to or not. Last time I booked Ed and I for the steakhouse on the Conquest, I decided mid afternoon that I really did not want to dress to go, so I canceled.


It is an awesome meal I will admit, but to be honest FAR to much food for me to ever eat at one time. Even if it is spread out over hours....:D


Ok I`m leaving. Church tomorrow and I need to press whatever clothes that I am going to wear.

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Chelle have a great trip and safe travels for you and Louie.


Sounds like a fun trip and just think how much closer we will be to Hawaii when you return home.:)






Another quick question. Does anyone here plan to do the steakhouse at all this cruise?



Don't believe Mom, Dad or I are. We just do the MDR. enough food there to suit us.

Bobbie, I would have done the numbers but I can't remember where Marie gets them. LOL

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Chelle have a great trip and safe travels for you and Louie.


Sounds like a fun trip and just think how much closer we will be to Hawaii when you return home.:)





Mr. Bob I was thinking Chelle might post them. But you are correct we will be a day or so closer.


Another quick question. Does anyone here plan to do the steakhouse at all this cruise?


I`m debating if to or not. Last time I booked Ed and I for the steakhouse on the Conquest, I decided mid afternoon that I really did not want to dress to go, so I canceled.


It is an awesome meal I will admit, but to be honest FAR to much food for me to ever eat at one time. Even if it is spread out over hours....:D


Ok I`m leaving. Church tomorrow and I need to press whatever clothes that I am going to wear.







No steakhouse dinner for us.. We did it last cruise and I personally was not impressed.. :(

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OK, I am back, but not un packed...


~~Not so skinny, kind of roundy really

edging ever closer to that sail away day

No steakhouse dinner for us.. We did it last cruise and I personally was not impressed.. :(

I kinda have to agree with Lynne on this one.

Nick and I did Nick and Nora's last May, and although it was fine it was not $75 better than the MDR.

Well that Cheesecake was really better than MDR but not $75 better.

My steak in the MDR and at Brunch were both just as tasty and tender.

Not saying we wont, cuz ya never know ;)

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Well the day is almost over and I`m about to end it by going to bed.


I`m checking in here to see what I have missed and the numbers showed up while I was gone.....Yay!!!


Skinny or roundy they are lookin fine to me...:D


So ok since no one seems to want to go to the steakhouse I will not TRY to remember to book a ressie for anyone, unless Ed and I do decide to go and if we do I`ll just wait until we are on board to do so.


I had offered in the beginning to be Steakhouse director and thus the reason I was checking to see if anyone was interested.


Lynne our dinners have always been great in the past, but I don`t ALWAYS do the steakhouse on every cruise we go on. I`m sure you can get some that has a chef that is not as good as others.

Sorry yours wasn`t so great. Bummer....:(


One good bit of news for us. I finally figured how to get from L.B. to Huntington Beach to visit relatives without paying for a taxi or private shuttle.


Since our hotel has free shuttle to L.B. airport, we will just hop on the shuttle to the airport, get a rental car and go on our way for the day.


When we are finished we will drive it back to the airport turn it in and get a taxi back to the hotel for the night... Easy peasy...Thank goodness that is figured out.:)


Only thing, I do all the driving for the two of us if we are traveling together. I started doing that years ago when Ed`s hearing started to fail him.


I`ve driven in a lot of big cities in the past. San Francisco, Sacramento, Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas ,Memphis, Honolulu, and even New York city to name a few. BUT I draw the line when it comes to Southern Ca. traffic. Soooooo if we are renting a car for the day Ed is own his on , being able to hear or no...:eek:


Ok bed time!!! Night all.

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Well the day is almost over and I`m about to end it by going to bed.


I`m checking in here to see what I have missed and the numbers showed up while I was gone.....Yay!!!


Skinny or roundy they are lookin fine to me...:D


So ok since no one seems to want to go to the steakhouse I will not TRY to remember to book a ressie for anyone, unless Ed and I do decide to go and if we do I`ll just wait until we are on board to do so.


I had offered in the beginning to be Steakhouse director and thus the reason I was checking to see if anyone was interested.


Lynne our dinners have always been great in the past, but I don`t ALWAYS do the steakhouse on every cruise we go on. I`m sure you can get some that has a chef that is not as good as others.

Sorry yours wasn`t so great. Bummer....:(


One good bit of news for us. I finally figured how to get from L.B. to Huntington Beach to visit relatives without paying for a taxi or private shuttle.


Since our hotel has free shuttle to L.B. airport, we will just hop on the shuttle to the airport, get a rental car and go on our way for the day.


When we are finished we will drive it back to the airport turn it in and get a taxi back to the hotel for the night... Easy peasy...Thank goodness that is figured out.:)


Only thing, I do all the driving for the two of us if we are traveling together. I started doing that years ago when Ed`s hearing started to fail him.


I`ve driven in a lot of big cities in the past. San Francisco, Sacramento, Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas ,Memphis, Honolulu, and even New York city to name a few. BUT I draw the line when it comes to Southern Ca. traffic. Soooooo if we are renting a car for the day Ed is own his on , being able to hear or no...:eek:


Ok bed time!!! Night all.

Good Morning Bobbie,

Hey you should be able to ca

tch the hotel shuttle back to the hotel from the LB airport also ;)

Ok that is all I have to say, I am stalling, so off I go to do my work out

See ya's later

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Marie I thought of that too, but sometime the hotel shuttle takes forever to pick up and it could be late (not sure just what the family will have planned) and I may be or we may be tired...:D and wanting to rush getting to the hotel...We`ll see.:)


I am just glad we have the transportation problem worked out.


I`ve been reading hotel reviews for our hotel on Tripadvisor and except for a few negative reviews ( you always have a few of those no matter what hotel it is)seems to be a nice choice. Location seems to be a big plus with those reviewers.


Is Chelle`s family booking into the same hotel as us? Just wondering.


Guessing most everyone knows that one of my family member that has been so ill passed away this morning.:(


I`ll be busy for the next couple days with that. Having family visitation tomorrow night and funeral on Wednesday morning.


If I can find someone to furkid sit we are going to visit DS and DDIL on Friday. My normal sitter has backed out.


She has guest coming to visit herself. So I`m going to plan B but that may not work out.:(

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Marie I thought of that too, but sometime the hotel shuttle takes forever to pick up and it could be late (not sure just what the family will have planned) and I may be or we may be tired...:D and wanting to rush getting to the hotel...We`ll see.:)


I am just glad we have the transportation problem worked out.


I`ve been reading hotel reviews for our hotel on Tripadvisor and except for a few negative reviews ( you always have a few of those no matter what hotel it is)seems to be a nice choice. Location seems to be a big plus with those reviewers.


Is Chelle`s family booking into the same hotel as us? Just wondering.


Guessing most everyone knows that one of my family member that has been so ill passed away this morning.:(


I`ll be busy for the next couple days with that. Having family visitation tomorrow night and funeral on Wednesday morning.


If I can find someone to furkid sit we are going to visit DS and DDIL on Friday. My normal sitter has backed out.


She has guest coming to visit herself. So I`m going to plan B but that may not work out.:(








Hi all.. The hotel you are talking about is it for after the cruise?? We are staying in LB after..I have our shuttles for before the cruise..:D

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Hi all.. The hotel you are talking about is it for after the cruise?? We are staying in LB after..I have our shuttles for before the cruise..:D

Nope Lynne, We (meaning Chelle, Mom, Dad, Nick and I) are all flying home Sunday afternoon.

Bobbie and Ed will be flying out Sunday also, but not home. They have Family in Northern CA they are going to visit before heading home.

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Good Morning

Back on Full Time Grammy duty

DIL is back to work after 12 weeks off and both of those two are still sleeping

With Jaxson going to be here in a few mins.

So this might be the last you see of me today LOL



I checked for drops, everything is the same as it has been

We might have seen our last drop for this cruise

But I am happy to have a few extra $$ of OBC


Fighting for Chelle's has not been easy.

I doubt she will get it but it seems I will have a call today from a higher up at CC with the reason why?


Not sure I like how Carnival advertises one thing and then poof, when you ask them to do it.


Oh well, I am trying to push the issue and see what can come of it.


I hope you all have a great day

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Went to the Ringing Rocks today, found out I am not very musical but it was fun once we found the darn thing.

Can you believe we park our tent trailer then ask the next people over if they know exactly where the Ringing Rocks are, nope, they have never heard of such a thing, but heck we will go find them with you. Seriously, we have never seen these people before and off we go on an adventure. Never laughed so much with complete strangers in my life.

I guess cruising is not the only place to meet new people fast.

Ok off to Billings tomorrow, should have internet there as well.

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Good Morning Gang


Chelle, Glad you are having fun and got to meet new fun people


Bobbie, sorry you are not.

Thinking of you and all your family today...


Lynne, Happy Anniversary a day late to you and Rick :)

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Ok, all settled in KOA in Billings, this is our first ever KOA and then I find out this is the first ever KOA ever.

It's very nice here and since it's 95, it's great to have shade tree's

It's a bit weird being on the internet in the great outdoors, but here I am typing away.

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