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Why Ban e-Cigarettes?


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I saw an ad for these on tv last night. Their marketing campaign is a little too slick and makes me wary. It reminds me of the old tobacco campaigns with the doctor's telling you how safe they are. It's more than a little concerning that they are unwilling to do the testing that would proves their claims of saftey. I think it's proactive and smart of Royal to catagorize these with other smoking devices. Too much unknown about them to call them "safe".

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As smoking is becoming "unacceptable" in the collective conscience of our society, an activity that looks almost like smoking will also be perceived to be unacceptable, even if the arguments against it are weak.


As we say on another board, nanny-stat'd.

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Most "news" reports about e-cigs consist of poorly informed scare tactics. Controlled studies have been conducted by both Boston University and Drexel University. Neither have found any harmful effect to others.


To those of us who spent many years addicted to burning tobacco, they are a Godsend. Nicotine, like caffeine, is a vasoconstrictor and therefore is not particularly good for you and should have some controls for minors. It is NOT a carcinogen, nor are propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin, which are the other ingredients in the fluid being used.


I use mine discreetly in public and over the last three years not one person has ever commented about it or even appeared to be remotely offended. For other users, don't worry about it. And certainly in the privacy of your stateroom or balcony it is a non-issue.


My personal experience is that it only becomes an issue in the shadowy world of Internet message boards. In the real world, no problem.

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Most "news" reports about e-cigs consist of poorly informed scare tactics. Controlled studies have been conducted by both Boston University and Drexel University. Neither have found any harmful effect to others.


The Boston Study did not even look at health effects. It was a study of the effectiveness of e-cigs as a smoking cessation aid. The Drexel study looked at chemical compositions of the fluid used, but it was not a "controlled study." It was a literature review to find and analyze what data was already out there. While it suggests that there is minimal risk, the author also states in his astract summary: "It must be noted that the quality of much of the data that was available for these assessment was poor, and so much can be done to improve certainty in this risk assessment."


He also expresses some concern that the main ingredients - propylene glycol and glycerine - warrant some monitoring in e-cig users to see if they might have a negative effect.


So, this study is at least a start to establishing the safety of devices. :cool:

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Why start a new thread to stir people up again!


This was not intended to stir people up, but rather to discuss the merits of lumping e-cigarettes in with tobacco cigarettes in RC's new policy. I find it interesting and have some feelings pro and con on the matter, but any discussion of it was lost in the broader thread about the new policy.


(But thanks for bumping the thread by responding to it. :))

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My DH was a heavy smoker for over 50 years, despite many attempts (using various methods) to stop. Now, thanks to e-cigs, he is at last a non-smoker.


Since he has made this effort, it seems unjust to me that on the ship he will be banished to smoke his e-cigs in the areas with cigarette smokers, where he will be condemned to inhale their second-hand smoke. He stopped smoking to avoid the dangers of smoking.


By the way, his e-cigs only have a minimal smell and almost no visible vapour. I can sit one yard away from him and not be aware that he is puffing, unless I look at him. And they glow green, not red, when he puffs on them.


Good for him for kicking cigs, but please don't fall into the trap that these e-cigs are safe. They aren't. Safer? Yes. But not safe. They still contain known carcinogens and a recent study suggested there may even be second-hand vapor effects. Remember, people used to think cigs were safe, too.

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This was not intended to stir people up, but rather to discuss the merits of lumping e-cigarettes in with tobacco cigarettes in RC's new policy. I find it interesting and have some feelings pro and con on the matter, but any discussion of it was lost in the broader thread about the new policy.


(But thanks for bumping the thread by responding to it. :))


Lol I'm sure it's just gonna piss people off. What about chewing tobacco yuck just looking at people's spit cups/bottles makes me wanna hurl! Just saying

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Good for him for kicking cigs, but please don't fall into the trap that these e-cigs are safe. They aren't. Safer? Yes. But not safe. They still contain known carcinogens and a recent study suggested there may even be second-hand vapor effects. Remember, people used to think cigs were safe, too.



Please state what "known carcinogens" are contained in e-cigs - and your sources.


I never said e-cigs were safe, but they are infinitely safer than real cigarettes. Compared with cigarettes, e-cigs are by far the lesser of two evils.

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Lol I'm sure it's just gonna piss people off. What about chewing tobacco yuck just looking at people's spit cups/bottles makes me wanna hurl! Just saying


I guess people just haven't figured out a plan of action yet. Chewers do not affect the health of others. I've seen people spit and hack where it made me gag and they weren't using tobacco. Maybe it's time for non smokers to just give it a little rest and revel in their success.

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Good for him for kicking cigs, but please don't fall into the trap that these e-cigs are safe. They aren't. Safer? Yes. But not safe. They still contain known carcinogens and a recent study suggested there may even be second-hand vapor effects. Remember, people used to think cigs were safe, too.


There are prescription versions of these that have been approved as NRT devices by the FDA. :confused:

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Most "news" reports about e-cigs consist of poorly informed scare tactics. Controlled studies have been conducted by both Boston University and Drexel University. Neither have found any harmful effect to others.


To those of us who spent many years addicted to burning tobacco, they are a Godsend. Nicotine, like caffeine, is a vasoconstrictor and therefore is not particularly good for you and should have some controls for minors. It is NOT a carcinogen, nor are propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin, which are the other ingredients in the fluid being used.


I use mine discreetly in public and over the last three years not one person has ever commented about it or even appeared to be remotely offended. For other users, don't worry about it. And certainly in the privacy of your stateroom or balcony it is a non-issue.


My personal experience is that it only becomes an issue in the shadowy world of Internet message boards. In the real world, no problem.


I agree with everything you've said. I understand some of the concern, especially from the cruise line's point of view ... it's a hassle to regulate. But most of it, particularly on boards like this is to a great extent people's attempt to 'control things to their standards' whatever they may be. Not all e-cigs even use nicotine and even the small amount that is there doctors have said are no more harmful than coffee and other soft drinks containing cafine. The odor, the vapor, etc. done correctly and discreetly on the balcony really shouldn't be a problem unless the person next door is cranking their neck over to 'regulate'. All that being said, I think using common sense is the key here for each person choosing to use the device, especially in private. Many people choose this device to quit rather than pumping the larger amount of nicotine into their body with patches, gum, etc. ... or taking 'drugs' that are on the market with even further harmful side effects. All that being said, the one about teens using it for pot is a new one on me! But then most of the things kids come up with today are really amazing! Where there is a will there is a way ... and that's where parents come in! :) I think the biggest gripe here is those that just want to be fat, drunk and happy want everyone else to do what they do and anything else is all bad ... and this is a great place to 'mouth off' on it. :rolleyes: I say ... put down the microscope people and pick up the mirror ... take a look at yourselves and your behavior and then live and let live .... and have fun cruising yourself leaving others alone! I mean after all, you finally don't have to put up with anyone else's smoke anymore .... except of course those places where it is allowed and my money is on those that will STILL walk over that way despite an alternate route ... 'just so they can continue to complain'!! LOL! I mean after all ... what would some do with nothing to complain about?!! :D No particular offense directed at anyone ... 'just sayin'! :)

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I'm glad they banned these nasty things! I have horrible allergies to water vapor, makes taking a shower a real pain in the you know what!!, and I can't tell you how many cruises have been ruined for me because of indiscriminate water vapor being blown all over the place. At last I will be able to cruise without fear.

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i'm glad they banned these nasty things! I have horrible allergies to water vapor, makes taking a shower a real pain in the you know what!!, and i can't tell you how many cruises have been ruined for me because of indiscriminate water vapor being blown all over the place. At last i will be able to cruise without fear.


best cc post ever!!!

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I'm glad they banned these nasty things! I have horrible allergies to water vapor, makes taking a shower a real pain in the you know what!!, and I can't tell you how many cruises have been ruined for me because of indiscriminate water vapor being blown all over the place. At last I will be able to cruise without fear.



BAAHAAAAHAAA!!! :D You really are hysterical!!! Too funny! Gave me a great laugh for the day .... thanx! :D

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I agree with everything you've said. I understand some of the concern, especially from the cruise line's point of view ... it's a hassle to regulate. But most of it, particularly on boards like this is to a great extent people's attempt to 'control things to their standards' whatever they may be. Not all e-cigs even use nicotine and even the small amount that is there doctors have said are no more harmful than coffee and other soft drinks containing cafine. The odor, the vapor, etc. done correctly and discreetly on the balcony really shouldn't be a problem unless the person next door is cranking their neck over to 'regulate'. All that being said, I think using common sense is the key here for each person choosing to use the device, especially in private. Many people choose this device to quit rather than pumping the larger amount of nicotine into their body with patches, gum, etc. ... or taking 'drugs' that are on the market with even further harmful side effects. All that being said, the one about teens using it for pot is a new one on me! But then most of the things kids come up with today are really amazing! Where there is a will there is a way ... and that's where parents come in! :) I think the biggest gripe here is those that just want to be fat, drunk and happy want everyone else to do what they do and anything else is all bad ... and this is a great place to 'mouth off' on it. :rolleyes: I say ... put down the microscope people and pick up the mirror ... take a look at yourselves and your behavior and then live and let live .... and have fun cruising yourself leaving others alone! I mean after all, you finally don't have to put up with anyone else's smoke anymore .... except of course those places where it is allowed and my money is on those that will STILL walk over that way despite an alternate route ... 'just so they can continue to complain'!! LOL! I mean after all ... what would some do with nothing to complain about?!! :D No particular offense directed at anyone ... 'just sayin'! :)


This has got to be one of the most poignant (in a good sense) posts I have ever read on these boards.

Thank you to mmomom.

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I'm glad they banned these nasty things! I have horrible allergies to water vapor, makes taking a shower a real pain in the you know what!!, and I can't tell you how many cruises have been ruined for me because of indiscriminate water vapor being blown all over the place. At last I will be able to cruise without fear.


Next they will have to ban water from around the ships in fear of mist/vapors spraying up onto the balconies.

Hope you didn't just start another topic for those who just live to complain to start posting about.

RCI better start thinking how they can sail without being on water so they can shut up the whiners on CC.

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No particular offense directed at anyone ... 'just sayin'! :)


Ah yes, the old, I'll be rude, insulting and obnoxious to a whole group of people, then pull out the "no offense, because it's not directed at any one person" card. Personally, I would rather have someone tell me directly how they feel about me than use broad generalizations and stereotypes, then pretend like it's OK, because they didn't call out anyone in particular. Just my opinion. :cool:

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I'm glad they banned these nasty things! I have horrible allergies to water vapor, makes taking a shower a real pain in the you know what!!, and I can't tell you how many cruises have been ruined for me because of indiscriminate water vapor being blown all over the place. At last I will be able to cruise without fear.


Funny. Part of the reason I started this thread, though, is that it seems a lot of people actually believe that these devices only use water. That is untrue, and I do think that anyone using them should at least be knowledgeable about what they're using.


I do think they're much safer than cigarettes, though. The main chemicals in them (other than water) are propylene glycol and glycerine, nicotine and whatever chemicals they add for flavoring (which one would hope would be non-toxic, but it's hard to know, since most are not subject to regulation at this point, so I don't know if all manufacturers use food-grade flavoring compounds).


I know you were just making a joke, but I do not like to see the myths, like it being only water vapor, being perpetuated. :cool:

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Mein18 - Thank you for your kind words. I really was trying to be open minded and realistic about this whole thing. Tough to do on here, but I tried.:cool:


Paul65 - I did not intend to 'use any card' and really didn't think I was being any more rude, insulting and obnoxious than lots I've seen on here. But your choosing to single me out with a reprimand really isn't nice (among other things like you mentioned yourself). :( You have your opinions as everyone else does. Respect for one another is a good thing whether we agree or not. Personally I think you take your 'expertise' just a tad too seriously. And I am allowed to think what I want too ... not just you. ;) Your 1st post was informative, as were others ... 'law', 'fact' .... I don't know. Try to lighten up a bit. We're supposed to enjoy this board and exchange information, not go after one another. :( 'Just sayin'! :)

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