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Truckers strike in DC alternate route


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Rt 95 to RT 495 Beltway or to be completely clear of DC take Rt 95 to Rt 80 then south on 81. I would monitor the situation and take the more direct route of 95 to 495.



Thank you for your suggestion. :)

Route 81 looks good. Just trying to figure out the best place to pick it up.


We've been driving from CT to Fl for many years and always take 495 Beltway through DC but that's where the trucks will be gathering to protest.:(


Like you said we will monitor the situation.


Thanx again for you help



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Thank you for your suggestion. :)

Route 81 looks good. Just trying to figure out the best place to pick it up.


We've been driving from CT to Fl for many years and always take 495 Beltway through DC but that's where the trucks will be gathering to protest.:(


Like you said we will monitor the situation.


Thanx again for you help



coming from ct i would take the NJ turnpike to I-78 to I-81

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coming from ct i would take the NJ turnpike to I-78 to I-81


Well, not the NJ turnpike. Take the Tappan Zee to 287 to 78 to 81. Then at the other end of Virginia, take 77 south, go around Charlotte, and hit 26 at Columbia. Pick up 95 shortly thereafter in South Carolina.


It's an extra 95 miles though -- you have to be sure the delays in DC are at least an hour to come out ahead. Keep an eye on news reports.


Obviously 301 is the short detour; unfortunately I don't know enough about it to know if it's really going to help you. I'd have to guess there will be some pretty nasty backups onto the Nice Bridge though.

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coming from ct i would take the NJ turnpike to I-78 to I-81


Well, not the NJ turnpike. Take the Tappan Zee to 287 to 78 to 81. Then at the other end of Virginia, take 77 south, go around Charlotte, and hit 26 at Columbia. Pick up 95 shortly thereafter in South Carolina.


It's an extra 95 miles though -- you have to be sure the delays in DC are at least an hour to come out ahead. Keep an eye on news reports.


Obviously 301 is the short detour; unfortunately I don't know enough about it to know if it's really going to help you. I'd have to guess there will be some pretty nasty backups onto the Nice Bridge though.



Thank you for all your help.


I was hoping to stay on I-95 as far as I can till we reach Maryland then pick up I-81 or 301.


My DH says we'll just go right through DC :eek::confused: instead of taking the 495 loop.

Like you said~~ we'll keep up with news to see how bad this protest actually is.


Should be interesting!

Thanks again


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Thank you for all your help.


I was hoping to stay on I-95 as far as I can till we reach Maryland then pick up I-81 or 301.


My DH says we'll just go right through DC :eek::confused: instead of taking the 495 loop.

Like you said~~ we'll keep up with news to see how bad this protest actually is.


Should be interesting!

Thanks again



As someone who owns a trucking company with an office in NYC, I would personally stay far away from Washington DC this weekend (from Friday-Sunday). I will tell you DOT/FMCSA has threatened trucking companies with revocation of their authority to transport if they protest and cause a problem. That has made everyone even madder. AND the bikers are backing the truckers with a lot of bikers from NY, NJ, MD and DE planning on joining the truckers.


I have drivers who live in Hagerstown MD, Lancaster, PA, York PA and Elkton, MD. They are all telling me to MAKE SURE to get all freight pickups that are eventually destined for the West Coast made no later than Thursday. We usually make our West Coast pickups on Thursday AND Friday. Since no one knows how many trucks/bikers are going to show up and what kind of problems there could be (NOT just a massive traffic jam), we are heeding our drivers advice. I guarantee if the MD or Federal DOT shows up and starts ticketing anyone, there WILL be trouble. Freedom and the Constitution is what the protest is all about. So if there is a crackdown by DOT BECAUSE of a legal protest, it is going to make everyone even more furious than the trucking community already is.


To the OP-driving down 95 is OK until you get to Philly Get off in Philadelphia, get onto the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76-WELL marked off 95), follow it to I-81, go South just past Harrisonburg, VA, go East on I-64 into Richmond and you are back on I-95.


About 100 miles further but should be smooth sailing. Be careful.

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Just a little more info. IF you REALLY want to drive through Washington DC, put this on your windshield-#T2SDA-and the trucks will let you through if you don't want to drive 55MPH through a massive gathering. Stands for "truckers to shut down America".


This strike may really happen and in a much larger way than a lot of people thought. Sons of Liberty Militia was already planning to march with Vietnam Vets to the Memorial. Now they are going to join the trucks as well and have pledged to help with DOT/MD police harassment if it happens. They are also planning on helping keep things under control. They have enlisted support from other Militia groups. There is also a website set up with PayPal to help fund the fuel trucks are going to use doing this. The money is going to be distributed to the local truck stops according to one of my drivers and those in the protest can get up to 50 gallons of fuel (about $200 worth) free.


A lot of local farmers are now giving their support and plan to join the trucks with their farm trailers. The truckers are actually going to convoy out of a couple of truckstops in the general area. I know one place is the Petro in Elkton, MD and one of my drivers just sent email that the Flying J just south of Washington DC will be another convoy point.


It could be a very wild and wooly weekend because it is NOT just the trucks. I didn't realize it but there is also an Overpasses for Impeachment group that is planning on being out this weekend. They supposedly have support from a large group of local tea party groups and I KNOW tea party members show up to support worthy causes.


We shall all see what happens but I know I personally would NOT be making a leisure trip through Washington DC this weekend. Quite a few of my own employees out of the NY office are leaving early Friday morning to join if they are not working. I haven't decided yet if they can take company trucks. If it gets violent like the strike in 1976, I would be a fool. If it is peaceful and I DON'T show my support, I am also a fool. Tough call to make.

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Just another update. One of my own drivers who is in Nogales loading produce for delivery in Philly Sunday night just sent me email that started with the song-EASTBOUND and DOWN, LOADED up and TRUCKIN'. He is beating those guys in Nogales over the head to get him loaded as fast as possible so he can make it to Washington DC. I don't even want to see the log books for this trip. He says there are a lot of guys around him who are also planning to try and make it.


IF he can do it, he will make it by at least Saturday morning. He lost his house last year and almost lost his truck. He has two kids and told me his mandated AFFORDABLE insurance will be over $1100 per month on a bare basic plan. And he will probably be in an income class that doesn't qualify for subsidies. I don't understand the subsidies fully but it looks to me like most of them come ONLY in the form of a tax credit. So that means you pay $12,000 OUT OF YOUR POCKET (what pocket) and THEN MAYBE don't have to pay as much in taxes. I can see why so many are so mad and want to join this protest for a whole bunch of reasons.

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Just a little more info. IF you REALLY want to drive through Washington DC, put this on your windshield-#T2SDA-and the trucks will let you through if you don't want to drive 55MPH through a massive gathering. Stands for "truckers to shut down America".


This strike may really happen and in a much larger way than a lot of people thought. Sons of Liberty Militia was already planning to march with Vietnam Vets to the Memorial. Now they are going to join the trucks as well and have pledged to help with DOT/MD police harassment if it happens. They are also planning on helping keep things under control. They have enlisted support from other Militia groups. There is also a website set up with PayPal to help fund the fuel trucks are going to use doing this. The money is going to be distributed to the local truck stops according to one of my drivers and those in the protest can get up to 50 gallons of fuel (about $200 worth) free.


A lot of local farmers are now giving their support and plan to join the trucks with their farm trailers. The truckers are actually going to convoy out of a couple of truckstops in the general area. I know one place is the Petro in Elkton, MD and one of my drivers just sent email that the Flying J just south of Washington DC will be another convoy point.


It could be a very wild and wooly weekend because it is NOT just the trucks. I didn't realize it but there is also an Overpasses for Impeachment group that is planning on being out this weekend. They supposedly have support from a large group of local tea party groups and I KNOW tea party members show up to support worthy causes.


We shall all see what happens but I know I personally would NOT be making a leisure trip through Washington DC this weekend. Quite a few of my own employees out of the NY office are leaving early Friday morning to join if they are not working. I haven't decided yet if they can take company trucks. If it gets violent like the strike in 1976, I would be a fool. If it is peaceful and I DON'T show my support, I am also a fool. Tough call to make.


Thanks for your insight

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He has two kids and told me his mandated AFFORDABLE insurance will be over $1100 per month on a bare basic plan. And he will probably be in an income class that doesn't qualify for subsidies. I don't understand the subsidies fully but it looks to me like most of them come ONLY in the form of a tax credit. So that means you pay $12,000 OUT OF YOUR POCKET (what pocket) and THEN MAYBE don't have to pay as much in taxes. I can see why so many are so mad and want to join this protest for a whole bunch of reasons.


Hmm. That doesn't sound right. You definitely have the option to have your subsidy paid directly to your insurance company to reduce the monthly bill. Obviously, just like salary deductions, you have to settle up your tax (including your tax credits) at the end of the year, and there'll probably be a small payment to or from the IRS as part of your tax return.


$1100 a month for family insurance seems about right (maybe a tad high) as the total cost, but unless his household income is more than $94,000 per year (or he's really poor and his home state has decided not to expand Medicaid) there will definitely be a subsidy. The concept is that insurance shouldn't cost more than about 9% of your income, although if you're where the subsidies end, at 400% of poverty level (that's $94,000 for trucker, wife and two kids), it sounds like it goes a little above 9%. (In theory at that income level you can afford it.)


Still better than suddenly having a heart attack/stroke/cancer and having to pay out of pocket for it. (Hey, I had a two-day fairly simple hospitalization this year and was very glad of my insurance when I saw the bills -- at full retail it was well over $20,000.)


And with that, we get off the soapbox and return to cruising. I've only heard a little bit about this trucking thing, but it sounds like a much bigger deal than the media is telling us.

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As someone who owns a trucking company with an office in NYC, I would personally stay far away from Washington DC this weekend (from Friday-Sunday). I will tell you DOT/FMCSA has threatened trucking companies with revocation of their authority to transport if they protest and cause a problem. That has made everyone even madder. AND the bikers are backing the truckers with a lot of bikers from NY, NJ, MD and DE planning on joining the truckers.


I have drivers who live in Hagerstown MD, Lancaster, PA, York PA and Elkton, MD. They are all telling me to MAKE SURE to get all freight pickups that are eventually destined for the West Coast made no later than Thursday. We usually make our West Coast pickups on Thursday AND Friday. Since no one knows how many trucks/bikers are going to show up and what kind of problems there could be (NOT just a massive traffic jam), we are heeding our drivers advice. I guarantee if the MD or Federal DOT shows up and starts ticketing anyone, there WILL be trouble. Freedom and the Constitution is what the protest is all about. So if there is a crackdown by DOT BECAUSE of a legal protest, it is going to make everyone even more furious than the trucking community already is.


To the OP-driving down 95 is OK until you get to Philly Get off in Philadelphia, get onto the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76-WELL marked off 95), follow it to I-81, go South just past Harrisonburg, VA, go East on I-64 into Richmond and you are back on I-95.


About 100 miles further but should be smooth sailing. Be careful.


Thank you for all the info~~~~sounds like this is going to be a nightmare!!


Just what my DH needs~~~ extra hours of driving:(.

Hopefully things will clear by Saturday:rolleyes:


Thanks again for your help


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$1100 a month for family insurance seems about right (maybe a tad high) as the total cost, but unless his household income is more than $94,000 per year (or he's really poor and his home state has decided not to expand Medicaid) there will definitely be a subsidy. The concept is that insurance shouldn't cost more than about 9% of your income, although if you're where the subsidies end, at 400% of poverty level (that's $94,000 for trucker, wife and two kids), it sounds like it goes a little above 9%. (In theory at that income level you can afford it.)


9% of his W-2 from 2012 would be right at $4923 or about $400 per month. I just pulled his W-2 to verify. He pays just slightly more than that now ($483 per month) and is perfectly content to keep paying for what he has. So the taxpayers are going to spend $700 per month to support his insurance payment? No wonder there is so much anger!!!


Still better than suddenly having a heart attack/stroke/cancer and having to pay out of pocket for it. (Hey, I had a two-day fairly simple hospitalization this year and was very glad of my insurance when I saw the bills -- at full retail it was well over $20,000.)


And with that, we get off the soapbox and return to cruising. I've only heard a little bit about this trucking thing, but it sounds like a much bigger deal than the media is telling us.


I should get off the soapbox but my own insurance is going to go from $346 per month (single female) to $974 per month AND I will get thrown into a network (which neither one of my doctors belongs to so I don't get "to keep my doctor"), I will have a $5000 deductible instead of the current $2500 deductible, the prescription deductible will now be $1000 instead of my current $500 (I only have $4.00 medications and the rest I get in Mexico). AND I now will need a referral to go to a specialist. I am opting out, am willing to pay the IRS penalty and take my chances. I have lung cancer although it is totally contained and has been for over a year with no treatment. I'm not paying that price after I saw just YESTERDAY the TOTAL RIP insurance is. CT scan-non contrast. IF I used my insurance, I had to pay the balance of this year's deductible which was about $1300. The total cost with insurance was $2100.


IF I paid CASH, I walked out of there $325 lighter in the wallet. What option do you think I chose??? I SAVED almost $1000.


Now back to cruising.

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9% of his W-2 from 2012 would be right at $4923 or about $400 per month. I just pulled his W-2 to verify. He pays just slightly more than that now ($483 per month) and is perfectly content to keep paying for what he has. So the taxpayers are going to spend $700 per month to support his insurance payment? No wonder there is so much anger!!!




I should get off the soapbox but my own insurance is going to go from $346 per month (single female) to $974 per month AND I will get thrown into a network (which neither one of my doctors belongs to so I don't get "to keep my doctor"), I will have a $5000 deductible instead of the current $2500 deductible, the prescription deductible will now be $1000 instead of my current $500 (I only have $4.00 medications and the rest I get in Mexico). AND I now will need a referral to go to a specialist. I am opting out, am willing to pay the IRS penalty and take my chances. I have lung cancer although it is totally contained and has been for over a year with no treatment. I'm not paying that price after I saw just YESTERDAY the TOTAL RIP insurance is. CT scan-non contrast. IF I used my insurance, I had to pay the balance of this year's deductible which was about $1300. The total cost with insurance was $2100.


IF I paid CASH, I walked out of there $325 lighter in the wallet. What option do you think I chose??? I SAVED almost $1000.


Now back to cruising.


Insurance is crazy even with my DH's co. and we're still paying out a lot OOP. It just gets crazier and crazier.


But please keep me updated if you hear anything more.


Please take care of yourself.

Gotta go make the signs for the car

Thanx again


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Thank you for all the info~~~~sounds like this is going to be a nightmare!!


Just what my DH needs~~~ extra hours of driving:(.

Hopefully things will clear by Saturday:rolleyes:


Thanks again for your help



If this materializes like planned, it will be CONSIDERABLY WORSE Saturday than on Friday.


LOTS more truckers will have the weekend off (local drivers), more people will join the Overpasses for Impeachment (THAT is an interesting concept), MORE people will join the marches to the monuments all over Washington DC. After all the publicity the Parks Dept has had about kicking Veterans out of the monuments (one of the Honor Flights for WW II veterans was DENIED access to THEIR monument-most of those guys don't have another chance to see something like that), guns were pulled on senior citizens in Yellowstone on an organized tour when they were trying to take pictures of Old Faithful and they have arrested Vietnam Vets for going to their Memorial, it could get REALLY, REALLY nasty.


This shutdown has been DELIBERATE on the part of the administration to cause the most VISIBLE pain just to make a point. Why are the Customs Inspectors in charge of inspecting FOOD coming in from overseas on furlough while the Customs Inspectors in charge of inspecting WIDGETS are still working? Why do we still have 90% of IRS paper shufflers still working? NOT people that are actually making a difference collecting taxes, just people matching W-2's with what companies turned in on their 941's last quarter. I'm off my soap box but this whole stupid thing is impacting my company, my employees and the USA's morale. Sad state of affairs.

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We're driving to Florida this Saturday the 12th and with the truck strike this weekend can anyone suggest an alternate route to bypass DC area.


Is route 301 a good alternative:confused:




Hi Liz

How are you and your family?

I heard that "some" of the trucks will originate in Harrisburg but may be coming down 83 to 685 to 95 to capitol beltway but that would be on Friday so you should be OK on Sat for he 78/81 connection in Harrisburg, taking that route as other posters have said. I-81 does have normal truck travel, that would not be partaking in the protest, no more than 95 does normally.

Going on MD/US 3/301 has a lot of lights in the Balt/Wash area until you leave La Plata, MD enroute to the Nice Bridge(MD/VA border) and can backup around Waldorf, MD(shoppers on Sat)

Good luck and have a safe travels. Just give yourselves a little extra time.

Mike(from the 2008 Sovereign postings days)

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Hi Liz

How are you and your family?

I heard that "some" of the trucks will originate in Harrisburg but may be coming down 83 to 685 to 95 to capitol beltway but that would be on Friday so you should be OK on Sat for he 78/81 connection in Harrisburg, taking that route as other posters have said. I-81 does have normal truck travel, that would not be partaking in the protest, no more than 95 does normally.

Going on MD/US 3/301 has a lot of lights in the Balt/Wash area until you leave La Plata, MD enroute to the Nice Bridge(MD/VA border) and can backup around Waldorf, MD(shoppers on Sat)

Good luck and have a safe travels. Just give yourselves a little extra time.

Mike(from the 2008 Sovereign postings days)



Hi Mike:)

Yes~~ I remember you. How have you been? It's so good to hear from you!! How is your family. It would have been so nice if we could have met. Maybe we could say "Hi" when we're passing through in Maryland:D

We had such a great bunch of people on the boards back then.

I can't believe that was back in 08. So much going on in the last 5 years.

Our DD Amanda graduated from UCONN with a BA in Education this past May and is going for her masters in Special ED @ UCONN this year. An accelerated program which means she will have completed her masters in 1 year:eek:


I can't believe we will miss each other by 1 month on the Explorer. That would have been fun!! Maybe the Quantum?


Thank you for the advice on the routes. I don't know what we're going to do quite yet.

We have 2 options we're mulling around and with any luck we won't need to use them.

We're thinking of getting off in Philly and doing I-76 to I-81 then east on I-64 into Richmond VA.

But then again we are looking at the Tappen Zee to 287 to 78 to 81.

All in all it looks like both routes are the same time wise:confused:. I don't know.

I will post back and let everyone know how we made out.


Such craziness in our country right now:(

I just hope it's sunny in Florida:D


Take Care


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Just an update from the few of my drivers that are out and about in MD/VA.


The VA State Police were stopping and harassing trucks coming North into the Washington DC area, even if they were not part of the convoy. Evidently, the weigh station on I-95 is backed up about 1.5 miles with DOT inspecting almost EVERY truck and making a mess of the interstate. It is truly unsafe to have loaded semi trucks sitting on the interstate shoulders for 1.5 miles or more. California got sued a few years ago about the same situation at the Banning scales (I-10 about 75 miles East of LA) because someone ran into one of the trucks backed up waiting for their turn to weigh and possibly get inspected. A lady in a car was killed and the truck driver who hit the other truck ending up totaling two semis, freight scattered all over the interstate and two drivers hurt.


There have been some veiled threats from MD State Police for the trucks that left Elkton this morning. There are not as many trucks as some hoped for but of course, it is Friday, still a work day for a lot of hard working truck drivers.


I still am firm in my belief that bypassing the Washington DC area will be a good thing this weekend. My drivers are telling me the traffic is a bear in the area, with lots of Veterans coming in for the marches to the Memorial, two Militia groups made their presence known at the Petro in Elkton, MD early this morning and hard core bikers have been seen by my drivers all over the area. Just an FYI

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stay AS FAR AWAY from the DC Beltway in all its incarnations as humanly possible for the foreseeable future.



its hosed on a normal day. forget all this extra crap that's going on.. and you toss in the rain from the last 3 days...



lets just say I am eternally grateful DH works at NSA and not the Pentagon....there is not enough beer in the state that could sustain him over the weekend to make up for commuter traffic in DC

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Just an update from the few of my drivers that are out and about in MD/VA.


The VA State Police were stopping and harassing trucks coming North into the Washington DC area, even if they were not part of the convoy. Evidently, the weigh station on I-95 is backed up about 1.5 miles with DOT inspecting almost EVERY truck and making a mess of the interstate. It is truly unsafe to have loaded semi trucks sitting on the interstate shoulders for 1.5 miles or more. California got sued a few years ago about the same situation at the Banning scales (I-10 about 75 miles East of LA) because someone ran into one of the trucks backed up waiting for their turn to weigh and possibly get inspected. A lady in a car was killed and the truck driver who hit the other truck ending up totaling two semis, freight scattered all over the interstate and two drivers hurt.


There have been some veiled threats from MD State Police for the trucks that left Elkton this morning. There are not as many trucks as some hoped for but of course, it is Friday, still a work day for a lot of hard working truck drivers.


I still am firm in my belief that bypassing the Washington DC area will be a good thing this weekend. My drivers are telling me the traffic is a bear in the area, with lots of Veterans coming in for the marches to the Memorial, two Militia groups made their presence known at the Petro in Elkton, MD early this morning and hard core bikers have been seen by my drivers all over the area. Just an FYI


stay AS FAR AWAY from the DC Beltway in all its incarnations as humanly possible for the foreseeable future.



its hosed on a normal day. forget all this extra crap that's going on.. and you toss in the rain from the last 3 days...



lets just say I am eternally grateful DH works at NSA and not the Pentagon....there is not enough beer in the state that could sustain him over the weekend to make up for commuter traffic in DC



Thanks everyone for the updates:(

I really don't want to be a part of any unrest if we can avoid it.

I just hope everyone will be safe!!


We're leaving about 5am and will drive as far south I-95 until we can get off around Philly for 81.


Will try to update tomorrow evening when we get into SC.


Wish us luck


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Hi Mike:)

Yes~~ I remember you. How have you been? It's so good to hear from you!! How is your family. It would have been so nice if we could have met. Maybe we could say "Hi" when we're passing through in Maryland:D

We had such a great bunch of people on the boards back then.

I can't believe that was back in 08. So much going on in the last 5 years.

Our DD Amanda graduated from UCONN with a BA in Education this past May and is going for her masters in Special ED @ UCONN this year. An accelerated program which means she will have completed her masters in 1 year:eek:


I can't believe we will miss each other by 1 month on the Explorer. That would have been fun!! Maybe the Quantum?


Thank you for the advice on the routes. I don't know what we're going to do quite yet.

We have 2 options we're mulling around and with any luck we won't need to use them.

We're thinking of getting off in Philly and doing I-76 to I-81 then east on I-64 into Richmond VA.

But then again we are looking at the Tappen Zee to 287 to 78 to 81.

All in all it looks like both routes are the same time wise:confused:. I don't know.

I will post back and let everyone know how we made out.


Such craziness in our country right now:(

I just hope it's sunny in Florida:D


Take Care


Are you going to a cruise in FL. Let us know how you made out with the truckers which ever route you took.

My family is fine. Thanks for asking. Glad to hear about Amanda dong so well in grad school. Sorry we all missed again, this time on the Exployer.


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