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Missing the Ship???


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Has anyone on here done a non ship excursion, been late returning and then missed the ship? Or maybe know someone that has missed the ship? I know the cruise line states that they will leave passengers if they are late but I wasn't sure if that might be a scare tatic to get you to use the ships tours.


Also what about calling the ship and letting them know you are stuck in traffic but on the way and you will be a little late?


I have been on around 25 cruises and never met anybody that missed the ship. So thought I would ask.

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Has anyone on here done a non ship excursion, been late returning and then missed the ship? Or maybe know someone that has missed the ship? I know the cruise line states that they will leave passengers if they are late but I wasn't sure if that might be a scare tatic to get you to use the ships tours.


Also what about calling the ship and letting them know you are stuck in traffic but on the way and you will be a little late?


I have been on around 25 cruises and never met anybody that missed the ship. So thought I would ask.


I have seen people left on the pier in Cozumel. I bet that there are pictures of it on U Tube. It was a Carnival cruise, but they were left. We were over an hour late leaving the Bahamas 2 years ago because of some couple. I don't know what their problem was, but we didn't leave them.



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I think it happens more than we realize. They generally won't wait unless its one of their excursions. There are LOTS of videos around, included posting here, of people running for and missing the ship. Some were able to use a pilot boat or tender to get on (at no small expense), while others I'm sure were stranded (hopefully with their passports)

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I witnessed it twice. On the Dawn in Bermuda we watched two people running down the sock with shopping bags in hand after we waited 44 minutes for them. Second time was in St. Maarten on the Jewel. We saw them board at the next port.. I think it was St. Thomas. They told us it cost them an arm and a leg to get a last min flight there from St. Maarten. Apparently they drank too much and didn't realize the time. LOL

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This is something that usually happens to someone else:). We were 10 minutes late getting back to the ship on our last cruise but we were on a ship sponsored excursion so of course they waited. The gangway was pulled aboard as the last person from the excursion got onboard.

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We were an hour late returning from a ship-sponsored tour in Belize. Thank goodness it was the ship's excursion, otherwise they would have left us in Belize City, not a place I'd like to even be after dark. :eek:. When we tendered back to the ship (about 50 of us) the entire ship was hooting and hollering at us. It wasn't our fault, the tour ran late!


In Cozumel, close to our departing time, I heard names being called over the loudspeaker. I watched the pier but saw no one. We waited over a 1/2 hour then set sail. When I asked guest services that night if everyone made it back to the ship they told me no, we left a couple and baby behind.

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I was on an NCL excursion in D.R. and they waited for us to tender back, but I think you take your chances if you are on your own! I think people should be aware of the time and not depend that they will wait for you, they have a schedule also (the ship I meant)!:)

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I think it happens more than we realize.


Most likely because folks that could tell you about such an experience are no longer around to tell you!


Most people would not mention it on here if this happened to them.


I, for one, sure wouldn't come on here and talk about how stupid I was. Now, if I missed the ship because an NCL tour screwed up badly (for example, WP&Y RR trail de-rails and strands us for hours) that would be a different story and completely out of a passenger's control.

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This is something that usually happens to someone else:). We were 10 minutes late getting back to the ship on our last cruise but we were on a ship sponsored excursion so of course they waited. The gangway was pulled aboard as the last person from the excursion got onboard.


This is a common misconception, that the ship will wait for passengers! The actual rule is, they will see you to the ship. That can be by a plane/bus/taxi/whatever to the next port. As expensiive as a berthing time is, they're not anxious to go past it and pay the fine. Of course, it is up the captain's disgression. If this is the only reason you'd choose a ship's tour over a private one, reconsider!


The private tours are all very much aware of the ships' schedule. They know in this day and age that if they make you miss the ship, you'll blast them in a review online, and hurt their future business. They make every effort to get you back early to avoid hurting themselves!

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Alright, I'm stupid and willing to take the abuse of being one of the stupid one! I've related this story a number of times so I'm just going to paste it from another thread where I related my story.


"Wow, I guess I'm the only one who's missed a ship. I know it was when we were on the NCL Star doing a Mexican Riviera cruise. I remember the port we missed the ship in was Mazatlan and I think it was headed to Puerto Vallarta, but it might have been Zia (It was many years ago).


We were having a great time eating and drinking and just lost track of time. I'll never forget when we looked up and saw the ship out in the ocean headed away from us. Of course it was to late to do anything, but we did manage to laugh at ourselves to the point of tears...... But they weren't tear of pain, we found it quite funny, something that we'd do.....and we did. We finished dinner, had another drink and talked about what to do. We caught a cab to the airport and bought tickets to the next port the following morning. Then we checked into a nice resort right next to the airport and enjoyed the evening, frequently laughing our butts off at our little detour.


In our case, it wasn't that big of a deal. We always travel with our passports. That is what they are for....stuff like this. Did it cost me a few dollars? Yeah, but we still laugh when we talk about it. Worth every penny invested! Life happens......"


So there you go! I'm one of the stupid people!

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I was hurt on a ship sponsored excursion. They told me I had to be checked at the local hospital and the ship wouldn't leave until a decision was made on if I would be cleared to travel. I was cleared and got back to the ship about 45 minutes late and the ship was there. As I was being brought aboard another couple came strolling up the gangway and the man said to her "see I told you they would wait" the hotel director looked right at him and said " we didn't wait for you we waited for her, if you were 5 minutes later you would have been here alone". I asked him about it later and he said he didn't want to have to wait for him at the next port.

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Nope. Have not come close to missing the ship and 99% of the time we are on independent excursions.

If we taxi around, we are aware of the time.

If we are booked with a company, they likely rely on tourism for their income, so they make sure we're back on time. They want us to spread the good word about them.

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This is a common misconception, that the ship will wait for passengers! The actual rule is, they will see you to the ship. That can be by a plane/bus/taxi/whatever to the next port. As expensiive as a berthing time is, they're not anxious to go past it and pay the fine. Of course, it is up the captain's disgression. If this is the only reason you'd choose a ship's tour over a private one, reconsider!


The private tours are all very much aware of the ships' schedule. They know in this day and age that if they make you miss the ship, you'll blast them in a review online, and hurt their future business. They make every effort to get you back early to avoid hurting themselves!


Is that tour operator obligated in any way, shape, or form to get me to the next port if they cause me to miss the sailing? As you point out if the ship doesn't wait then the cruise line is obligated to get you to the next port. I doubt that a private tour operator is worried that much about online reviews that quickly get buried.

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. . . I doubt that a private tour operator is worried that much about online reviews that quickly get buried.


Gotta disagree with this statement. I think online reviews are very valuable and sought out. It's what Tripadvisor is based on. Most of the Operators we use ask us to talk about them online because it generates business for them. I look online for tour suggestions AND reviews before I book and what people say will cause me to book--or not to book.

We have had only one bad experience where we did not port due to the country's own issues and the tour operator there would not refund our deposit. Many on our roll call were very vocal online and the tour company actually contacted us and asked us to be understanding and not post about them online!


So tour operators are aware that what is online is valuable.

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I don't agree. I think online reviews are very valuable and sought out. It's what Tripadvisor is based on. Most of the Operators we use ask us to talk about them online. This generates business for them. I look online for tour suggestions AND reviews before I book and what people say will cause me to book--or not to book.


We have had only one bad experience where we did not port due to the country's own issues and the tour operator there would not refund our deposit. Many on our roll call were very vocal online and the tour company actually contacted us and asked us to be understanding and not post about them online!


So tour operators are aware that what is online is valuable.


I never said that they aren't aware or that they don't use them- I said that they aren't that worried about a [single] bad review because the ship was missed (obviously they don't want to make a habit of it). So, did the tour company refund anyone's money because of the online posts?

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Is that tour operator obligated in any way, shape, or form to get me to the next port if they cause me to miss the sailing? As you point out if the ship doesn't wait then the cruise line is obligated to get you to the next port. I doubt that a private tour operator is worried that much about online reviews that quickly get buried.


Some tour operators will, in fact, commit to getting you to the next port if they cause you to miss the sailing. I believe that was the case with a Juneau whale watching excursion. They know this commitment is important to potential customers. I knew they would never miss the sailing because the expense of getting us to the next port was far in excess of what we had paid for the excursion.

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I know on board our sailing last year an entire family was left behind.. there was a couple who made it on last minute. We watched them do the run from the balcony.


I know I spoke to quite a few other passengers who told of stories of people left behind on their past cruises.


Would suck, but it costs them so much to wait.. and their are no misconceptions about how important it is that you are back on time. I'd expect to be left if not on time.. I always make it a point to be on the ship over an hour prior to the deadline leaving that window of time for unexpected delays.

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As is fairly typical with missing-the-ship threads, no one has yet answered affirmatively the OP's question if people had been left behind owing to a late non-cruise-line excursion. Since we moved on from ship-sponsored to privately arranged excursions, we have never been less than an hour early getting back to the docks and often saw ship tours come in much later.

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I was hurt on a ship sponsored excursion. They told me I had to be checked at the local hospital and the ship wouldn't leave until a decision was made on if I would be cleared to travel. I was cleared and got back to the ship about 45 minutes late and the ship was there. As I was being brought aboard another couple came strolling up the gangway and the man said to her "see I told you they would wait" the hotel director looked right at him and said " we didn't wait for you we waited for her, if you were 5 minutes later you would have been here alone". I asked him about it later and he said he didn't want to have to wait for him at the next port.

The same thing happened to me once during an excursion. 2 NCL representatives came to see me at the hospital (nothing major but they had to do X-rays) and told me not to worry, that the ship would wait for as long as it takes. Once again, the ncl staff is wonderful. They even refunded us for the excursion (the accident happened because of a rotten wooden foodbridge that broke and my leg got trapped).

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YES.....My step daughter's mom left Skagway alone several years ago on another cruise line. This lady (I call her my wife in law) is a HOOT and to hear her tell it you would be laughing so hard you would be crying.....


She realized that her husband was NOT on the ship and decided to make the best of it. They had gone on this cruise for a week of togetherness since she lived in Houston and he lived in Florida - [long story short is she worked for NASA, transferred to the Cape and met him, married, transferred back to Houston, leaving him with his business behind.] LONG distance marriage makes for great vacations evidently. ;)


So, since she wanted to enjoy his company even in his absence, she went to dinner with a large picture of him they had taken on the ship, and put it in the seat next to her. Everyone asked "Where is he?" "Why do you have a picture there?" She told them he was left behind. Then she went to the show, which happened to be a comedian that night. She sat in the FRONT row with, you guessed it, his picture in the seat next to her. This made great fodder for the comedian that evening and he even had her up on the stage with the pic of missing hubby. All evening long she carried this pic along with her and made the folks around her aware that he was not there.....


Meanwhile back on shore.....

Dear Hubby realizes he has missed the boat when he comes out of the bar and sees the ship waaaaaaaaay in the distance. Well, the shore personnel (forget what he was called) who take care of 'lost' folks invited him into the office, they calmly enjoyed a cup of java and the guy commented on how well he was taking all of this. "Well, might as well just make the most of it." he says, not knowing that wifey is doing the same on board. So he got a ride to the underwear and tooth brush store, enjoyed a night in a hotel there, caught a small plane to the next port, and rejoined the other passengers getting back on the ship the next afternoon. Funny thing was, he didn't know that he would be so famous on board again. People bought him drinks, welcomed him back, waved and called his name asking how the accommodations were in Skagway, and such.....for the rest of the cruise!


It sure turned out well for both of them as they were enjoying the notoriety the rest of the trip!


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As is fairly typical with missing-the-ship threads, no one has yet answered affirmatively the OP's question if people had been left behind owing to a late non-cruise-line excursion. Since we moved on from ship-sponsored to privately arranged excursions, we have never been less than an hour early getting back to the docks and often saw ship tours come in much later.


Post 14 appears to be a first person account.

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