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Live From The 10-24-2013 Ruby Princess to Florida (51 Days)


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I have enjoyed sailing with you, Charles Let us know about the Most Traveled Lunch on this leg. You must have a "few" days.

Looking forward to seeing you and Judy again in March.




There are hundreds of Elites on this trip and our 300+ days just ain't cutting the mustard. I doubt we are in the top 100.


we are hoping to make it on the CA cruises in March. We just made final payment, so we will see you there for sure!

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12-09-2013 – At Sea


So Lee jinxed us good this time. Said at the closing of Colors of the World that it was smooth sailing to FLL. No such thing. Started late Saturday night and has been going on every since. Good thing yesterday was a slow day as Judy spent most of it in bed or in the Piazza. It even rougher in the Piazza this morning than it has been.


So basically we made it to Zumba yesterday afternoon, a light lunch in the IC, the Bavarian dinner in the HC, tea in the IC and that was it. No shows, no dancing as she was not doing too well. When you roll the dice on these transatlantic, you are rolling the dice. I will look up the weather forecasts later when I log on.


This morning started with a rock and roll awakening, we gained another hour last night, but continued our luck at the moment by a flood of “crud” in the shower! And when I ran water in the sink, the water, with a lot of crud in it, gurgled up in the shower. Yuck! Quick call to the pursers desk and a plumber showed up in about 5 minutes. He plunged the shower and got it flowing again. Not sure what could have plugged it up. We are very careful about what goes in the piping systems. Good thing we caught it early. If the plug was in a branch line we could have had cabins above us pumping water into our shower! That would have been very bad.


Today still has a lot of activities, just not as many for us. Flashmob is not back, but there is a Spanish class with Cat that we have to make. Zumba is back at 0915 this morning. More lectures on the Prince of Wales, a lecture on the Purilia Arms Deal – whatever that was. Apparently this is a series of crime lectures by David Bryan Lewis. Bingo is back, up to $1750 now. Line dancing in the afternoon, pop choir rehearsal for the #2 group. Another lecture on opera, dicey horse racing, Salsa dance class, the afternoon movie is Elysium, the muts movie White House Down, passenger talent show this afternoon, rum tasting.


A second show with Tom Drake in explorer’s tonight, dancing in all three lounges, the production show is Stardust. Liar’s club tonight as well and that 70’s night.


There is enough to see and do for me, even if Judy stays in bed tonight. No Promises, it all depends on the weather.

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Hope your rise smooths out. I have friends sailing on the other Ruby on Saturday the 14th. I told them about your live trip report and I hope they come on and read it. They thought it was a great idea. One of them just made platinum when she completed her cruise on the Emerald this morning. She said maybe she will use some of her internet perks to post a live report. I hope she does! Thanks for your commitment to this live report. I will really miss reading it.


Sent from my QMV7A using Tapatalk

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12-10-2013 – At Sea


The good news is that the sea smoothed out a bit, the wind laid down a bit and Judy was able to get up and move around. The bad news is that a cold finally caught up with me, so I was down with Nyquil pretty much all day yesterday, except for Italian dinner. So we missed most of the day and nighttime activities. Oh well. Nyquil sure helped as I feel a little better today. Hopefully good enough to have a semi-normal day. Its still rocking and rolling, enough for Judy to avoid the higher decks and stay down in the Piazza, but not as bad as yesterday morning.


So today the patter is again full of stuff to do. This morning is Zumba, I have to go to this one, a lecture by John Maxtone-Graham on how cruising transitioned to warm weather cruises, a lecture on Hemingway, bingo, pub lunch in the wheelhouse. This afternoon has the flash mob rehearsal, the final (want to bet?) art auction preview and art auction, history of Egypt lecture, origami, more bingo, wine tasting, salsa, Q&A with the senior officers.


Tonight recorded music in Fusion, Wayne Hoffman is in Explorers for three shows, Antonio Salci is in the theater, Pacific Rim is on MUTS, Icon, Atomic, Jean and George dancing, Country and Western night is tonight.

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12-11-2013 – At Sea


Only 3 days to go, basically only 2 since the last day is a real bummer. Incredible trip. Interesting sights, fascinating people, lots of fun. But it has to end sometime. To think in one trip we’ve done Athens, Rome, Istanbul, Florence, Napels, Kusadasi and Venice. We’ve had lunch in the walled city of Dubrovnik, dinner in Venice, a BBQ in Kusadasi, pizza in Naples and a picnic in Ephesus. We’ve shopped in grocery stores across the Mediterranean, butchered the Italian, Greek, Turkish, French and Spanish languages and seen enough piles of rocks to last a lifetime. We’ve ventured out on our own, gotten lost at night in Venice, turned around in Mykonos, crossed streets in Rome on foot, ended up in the back alleys of Naples and just about froze in Florence.


And yet, it’s the simplest things that stand out in our memories. The BBQ lunch with the crew in Kusadasi, the 50+ school kids saying hello as the tromped into the Pizza place in Naples, the veiled statues in Naples, dinner with Paul, Elizabeth, Ken and Merrily in Crown Grill, Eve asking where Judy was in the morning before Zumba, Sam giggling when we got a dance sequence right in flash mob, Dan getting his morning coffee and saying hello in the IC, Michael coming by to say good morning, seeing John in Skywalkers, talking to Serica or Vidi – and getting them in trouble with their supervisors.


Even at the main archaeological sights, it’s the seemingly simplest things that stand out. 1500+ year old chair rails and stacks of clay pipe in Ephesus, recycled Egyptian and Greek columns in Rome, the “fast food” joints in Pompeii, the water ambulances in Venice, the Roman fountain in Olympia.


This was the trip we’ve been wanting to take since we’ve been cruising – and it has exceeded our expectations.


We’ve been able to get to know a lot of the crew on a first name basis, their likes (candy, especially chocolate) and dislikes (embarkation day, losing an hour of sleep). It is going to be hard to leave as we’ve really come to look forward to seeing them every day, going to their classes, interacting with them. It’s actually gotten to the point that it just doesn’t seem right to be ordering a drink from John or Serica – rather, we should be sitting down together having a round of drinks.


The sea state finally got back to what Lee promised at Maderia. So we had basically 4 or 5 rough days out of 49 so far. That’s not too bad actually for a transatlantic cruise all by itself – in December! As it turns out the wind is just as important to determine the “roughness” of the ride as the swell. As the wind moved to hit us in the aft quarters, and dropped in intensity, the ride smoothed out, even though the swell stayed the same. Not only that, but Judy gets her sea legs after a few days in rough water and it doesn’t bother her as much.


Yesterday was spent catching up on rehearsal for the flash mob. We missed two days and had to spend time in the morning before Zumba and in the evening before dinner practicing. We will probably do the same today. We did take a break and see Pacific Rim, the neo-Japanese monster flick. Actually wasn’t too bad – I expected a lot worse. Today is Jobs and I really want to see that.


Tonight is formal night, so a perfect time to see a movie under the stars. The patter is packed with lectures – one on the titanic, an engineer officer Q&A, a backstage tour, meet the commodore, and, Ancient Greece. We have zumba this morning, line dance, Bachata and flash mob rehearsal this afternoon. Bingo, prize has not yet been won, a matinee magic show by one of the band members, a digital scavenger hunt with cameras.


This evening we have lots of dancing opportunities, but we will be at the movies, but also Chris Riggins in a “Popera”. Not sure what that is. Atomic has their Beatles mania and the marriage match game show is back.


Not sure what all we will do, but it will be a very busy day and night for sure…


One thing I have not been mentioning is the various Stammtisch events Vines has been putting on. All throughout the cruise they have various events at $15 per person, which provides a pairing of wines and foods. They have had Italian, French, Greek, seafood, cheeses and other theme events. On past cruises, these have been free, but not as elaborate as these sound.

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12-12-2013 – At Sea


Yesterday was far better than expected. My cold has been stifled by Nyquil, but the dreams are so weird that go with it. These hour backs are just fine with me. Especially when compared with the hours ahead the other direction. This is the only way to go. The sea was absolutely flat calm with minimal breeze over the deck, a high of around 75F and a lot of people out sunbathing. A near perfect sea day actually.


We actually got a lot done yesterday. We filled out 44 cruise cards and distributed them (11 people for 4 cruises), along with the additional tips we typically do. We even found everyone, but walked about 2 miles doing it, up and down, all around. We were at the Calypso bar waiting for the bartender to get out the personnel schedule to find everyone when we saw the new bar supervisor and his deputy heading into Horizon Court. I looked over, pointed and shouted ‘there they are’ and he took one look and bolted for the door. It was funny as all get out, as he came back out with that big grin on his face. The bar staff really like him. He has split the “teams” that the old supervisor used and now feeds people to various places based on demand. A much better system, but it does require more work and more direct observation of the situations, which means he’s up and around the areas a lot more. I’ve even seen him help clearing tables and directing people to seating.


The commodore’s talk was interesting. Lee basically asked the more common questions and we had time for a few from the audience. Some interesting tidbits. He is now a US citizen and lives in Fort Lauderdale. He loves to fish and plans to retire in 5 years, buy a big truck and camper, and go to Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Colorado to experience the cowboy life and fish. A very, very nice man and his crew absolutely adores him.


We got more into actual rehearsal for flash mob yesterday, which is working out great, saw the commodore’s talk, skipped Zumba (Eve understood) as it was in Explorer’s and far more dangerous to life and limb than in Fusion and we pack fusion from the floor to the doors. As it was formal night, Jobs was on at MUTS. So we killed some time, and a few drinks, in the Elite Lounge before grabbing our favorite seats, center upper level. Sound is so much better there. Jobs was a reasonably good movie. I think they should have spent a bit more time on his second tour at Apple – as that was when his foresight was really validated. Overall a good way to spend a formal night. Judy fell asleep the last 10 minutes so I put her to be early.


Today is our last real day at sea. Zumba is at Fusion. We will probably skip that for more flash mob practice. On deck for the cure is today. Holiday outlet sale. Another titanic lecture, a lecture on the **** internment of the creator of Jeeves and Wooster – not sure what that is all about, line dance, flash mob rehearsal, ice carving, bar wars, pop choir rehearsal, a lecture on Jerusalem, bachata part 2, water volleyball and of course two sessions of bingo.


Tonight is Lone Ranger at MUTS, Once Upon a Dream in the theater, Antonio Salci and Chris Riggins is in Explorers, music and dancing at various times in the wheelhouse, fusion and explorers.


We plan to have dinner with Paul and Elizabeth in the MDR tonight. Don’t know what the menu is, but we want to spend some time with them as we won’t see them again for quite a while.

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Ccrain - I've really enjoyed reading your Live reports. It sounds like a wonderful cruise and I hope someday to take a long cruise like that with my DH. We're sailing the Ruby for a short Christmas cruise and very much looking forward to our first time onboard the Ruby and meeting some of the great staff you've come to know. Thanks for sharing.

Edited by princess54
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12-13-2013 – At Sea


The last peaceful, quiet walk from the aft elevators to the Piazza. The last “peaceful” latte. Packing day really sucks! Judy caught my cold yesterday, so besides several hours of practicing the flash mob dance, having lunch with Elizabeth and dinner with both of them, we did not do much other stuff yesterday.


The patter is not quite as stuffed today – but still has plenty to do. We will skip Zumba and Line Dance to focus on flash mob. Ballroom has a review class. There is another culinary demo by the chief chef of Princess Alfredo Marzi. Cat has her final Spanish class. A Sea Tales lecture, a lecture on Luciano Pavoratti, the boat building results regatta, bingo and more bingo, but no art auction! I am surprised!


Tonight is the international crew show, and we have some fun planned – pre-coordinated with Lee, so we’ll see how it goes. Lots of dancing, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, City Slickers and Pacific Rim are various movies playing this afternoon and the evening.


I will update later if anything interesting happens at the crew show. We have something special planned for Jamie and Colin during the ‘if I were not upon the sea’ skit. Hoping to bring the house down.


So I hope you have enjoyed this long blog. I have been writing it up and illustrating it with photos in a more report style as we have gone. I will make it available in pdf format later. It will be a combination review and travelog.


Hopefully something in here helps you in a future cruise, which one, what to do, where to go. We’ve gotten a lot of information from CC posters and want to give a little back to the community.


Thanks for cruising along….

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Thanks for taking us along! We were on your first leg, and it's like we were able to continue, reading your posts every day. While I am jealous that we had to come home and go back to work, we are happy your cruise continued to be such a great experience.


Thanks for sharing here, and thanks for the blog!

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Just read that the Ruby is docking NOW @ FLL, instead of tomorrow morning. Are you back yet ?? any idea why ?? problems ???


Enjoyed reading the updates of your trip, thanks, Mike in CT


The commodore informed us yesterday that he had increased speed due to a medical issue on board. Apparently not serious enough to warrant evacuation, but we were at full speed to get into port about 7 hours early.


Even then Customs and Immigration delayed getting off for quite a while...

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12-14-2013 – The Big Goodbye


I thought saying goodbye after 35 days on the Diamond was hard! Nothing compares to the tears shed last night. Emotionally draining. We apparently had formed some lasting connections with some of the passengers and a lot of the cruise staff. It was so hard to say goodbye to Eve, Cat and Sam. They’re more like daughters to us now – especially Cat, who is on her first contract, got on the same day we did, and we’ve been together every day for 51 days! The hard part is the fact that we’ll probably never see many of them again. Ever. Eve and Nate will be married next year and she will go onto other careers. Bryan will be getting married and working in the service industry on land next year. We’ve only run into a few people, cruise staff and bar stewards, that we’ve had on previous cruises (like Allan on this one whom we met on the Caribbean Princess in April). Yes it was hard saying goodbye to Paul and Elizabeth, but we know we’ll see them again soon as we are planning to visit each other and taking more cruises together.


But when you look into their eyes and see the mists forming and your vision starts to blur and you hug one another and never want to let go, that’s when you know you shared something very special. That’s the difference between a simple cruise and a life experience.


Viri, John, Zerica, Allan, Nemo, Jean and George, Rob, Haley and the boys, Colin, Boogie, Carly, Nathan, Wendy, Bryan, Jamie and Chris were all wonderful and great. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, and keep saying it, without these special people this would simply be a trip on a fancy bus. It gets to the point where you don’t want to ask them to do anything for you, you want to take them to dinner, have drinks with them, hear about their life, their part of the world. That’s why the luncheon BBQ with the crew at Kusadasi will always be one of the highlights of any cruise we every take.


So for the last day’s ruckus. As I posted previously, there was a medical situation on board in which the Commodore had to increase to full speed to get us to Port Everglades at 11 PM last night instead of 7AM this morning.


Hours of practice made flash mob a success. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and Sam was simply giddy over it. All of us had a great time, even with the rowdy 5th line with their hooping and hollerin! So we went to the International Cruise Show with a mischievous goal – and for the most part succeeded. We coordinate a plan with Eve and Sam to “spice” up the “if I were not upon the sea” a bit. With Lee’s approval of course. Judy borrowed one of Sam’s skimpy purple underwear and I pulled out one of my white boxer briefs. Jamie, ACD, sings in the show, and he sang. And he usually sings to the front row. Judy and I deliberately sat in the front row and he, unwittingly, sang to her. After the end of the song, she lofted the sexy, purple underwear towards him. Didn’t get as far as we wanted, but he and Colin had fun with it.


Then it was my turn. It worked perfectly. Colin, the ballerina, came out, did his arabesque, at which time Eve, Lorrana Bobbit, popped one of his balloons. Paul, spare balloon at the ready, sailed it over to Colin, who stuffed it down his front, at which time I said “Wow – Colin!” and hit him with a very large pair of white shorts. He actually recovered quite nicely and I have a great picture of me holding his fishnet dressed leg across my lap after the show….well you just had to be there!


Everything went off great and we all had a great time. A memorable cruise for sure.

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Went today and got the chocolates that you said the crew loved. Will mention that I heard it from you. Not only that, but DH and I are dancers and loved hearing about dancing opportunities -- can't wait to dance through Christmas! Thank you for this wonderful live thread. Wishing you both a wonderful holiday season and all the best in the new year!



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