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Who do YOU share your cruise plans with?


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I totally understand what you are saying, but I would assume that your mother's hospitalization was mentioned in the church along with good wishes for her recovery, so it would have been a known fact (assuming that is the case - as it often is in our church).


That's a whole different picture than someone who seeks someone out on an anonymous internet board and as we can see from Carol's post above, the intentions were NOT good.

The surprising thing was that it hadn't been announced yet in church, but possibly a friend mentioned it to another friend and so it goes.


Clearly different intentions, perhaps a good way of helping to differentiate between stalkers and others.

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First, thanks to CowPrincess for starting this thread. Many lessons and reminders on the need for and means to improve our Internet security. It's clear that contributors have a different level of comfort on some points, such as the sharing of their names, but it's important that we achieve that level with a clear understanding of the potential consequences.


Mamaofami, an excellent example of how information can be culled from the board. But I'm a bit puzzled, and maybe I've missed something, but someone who wants to visit another member who is in hospital doesn't fit my perception of a stalker. I view stalking as paying obsessive attention to another person, with an element of harassment or intimidation, and I'm not sure that I see these elements here.


As a cautionary note, I do hope that there was no belief at that time that the problem had been solved by having her Cruise Critic membership revoked. She would still have enjoyed access to the same information on the board, with the exception of rolls calls, or she could have simply have created a new membership under a false name and continued unabated.


Again, thanks to CowPrincess and to all of the contributors to this excellent thread.


(Bolding is mine)..... this is true, however, most people have quite a distinctive way of writing and posting on CC, and quite often you are able to recognise those who have been - shall we say - reborn.;) They trip up at some point. Those who have been around here for a long time will understand.

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(Bolding is mine)..... this is true, however, most people have quite a distinctive way of writing and posting on CC, and quite often you are able to recognise those who have been - shall we say - reborn.;) They trip up at some point. Those who have been around here for a long time will understand.

I was thinking of her ability to collect information on the board, not to post. The latter can be controlled, but neither individual members nor CC can prevent someone from searching out information here. Which takes us full circle and back to the reason why we should all be mindful of what personal information we post.

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The woman was a stalker. >SNIP< But just as she was able to find information on the hospital patient, someone else went over all her posts and found out who she was.


I applaud any efforts to fight back against ill-intentioned people. These people might be SHOCKED at what can be found out about them. Nearly everyone now has some sort of presence on the internet. And yet stalkers et al think they are somehow immune from other people using the same methods to find out information about THEM.

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We don't worry too much. My husband's son lives right behind us and our yards adjoin. They take in the paper and the mail every day. I just set the light timers and the burgler alarm and go. We have neighbours who notice things and the plough clears the driveway of snow even if we are not home.

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My mother and sister leave an old pickup truck parked by the house and some large men's boots sitting by the front door. But they're in the country and have never taken a cruise - though I invite them along every year.


I'm in town and rely totally on good neighbours, but being just a wee bit paranoid, never use Facebook or LinkedIn at all. The kids are grown and they don't use FB either.


When alarm and security companies call and try to sell their services I tell them I'm a police officer and have dogs and thank-you No! ( I'm not and don't have dogs!)


Stopping a paper and calling in for a police drive-by or calling your insurance agent about being away for a time period are mostly tip-off opportunities for dishonest clerks who may have a kick-back deal with a guy named "Vinny".


We don't use cell phones which pretty much guarantee a stalker with the right apps can find you anytime.


Credit cards should be used very sparingly. When I make hotel reservations on-line with my card I give Lily's name as the guest staying.


The biggest problem with credit cards - especially if you are wealthy and use it to buy extravagant jewelry or for high-end shopping sprees when travelling - is that both US and Canadian Customs reward tipsters.


If you buy expensive items in France don't show the sales clerk your passport - even if they insist on seeing it.


Dress down and never wear expensive bling in third-world countries or your stalkers will be muggers and thieves!


Those light timers in your house are useless. Audio and thermal tracking telemetry devices are available even for dumb teen punks to buy.


As to posting on roll calls in CC - I think we're generally safe as long as the listed location is vague.... and no, I don't live in London!

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My mother and sister leave an old pickup truck parked by the house and some large men's boots sitting by the front door. But they're in the country and have never taken a cruise - though I invite them along every year.


I'm in town and rely totally on good neighbours, but being just a wee bit paranoid, never use Facebook or LinkedIn at all. The kids are grown and they don't use FB either.


When alarm and security companies call and try to sell their services I tell them I'm a police officer and have dogs and thank-you No! ( I'm not and don't have dogs!)


Stopping a paper and calling in for a police drive-by or calling your insurance agent about being away for a time period are mostly tip-off opportunities for dishonest clerks who may have a kick-back deal with a guy named "Vinny".


We don't use cell phones which pretty much guarantee a stalker with the right apps can find you anytime.


Credit cards should be used very sparingly. When I make hotel reservations on-line with my card I give Lily's name as the guest staying.


The biggest problem with credit cards - especially if you are wealthy and use it to buy extravagant jewelry or for high-end shopping sprees when travelling - is that both US and Canadian Customs reward tipsters.


If you buy expensive items in France don't show the sales clerk your passport - even if they insist on seeing it.


Dress down and never wear expensive bling in third-world countries or your stalkers will be muggers and thieves!


Those light timers in your house are useless. Audio and thermal tracking telemetry devices are available even for dumb teen punks to buy.


As to posting on roll calls in CC - I think we're generally safe as long as the listed location is vague.... and no, I don't live in London!


No... I think, after reading just a few o your past posts, that you live either in Sarnia or Windsor.


No. I'm not a stalker, just pointing out that we all inadvertently leave just enough clues on the Internet, that if someone had the intent, they could certainly figure out who you are, and where you live.

Edited by trixiee
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My mother and sister leave an old pickup truck parked by the house and some large men's boots sitting by the front door. But they're in the country and have never taken a cruise - though I invite them along every year.


I'm in town and rely totally on good neighbours, but being just a wee bit paranoid, never use Facebook or LinkedIn at all. The kids are grown and they don't use FB either.


When alarm and security companies call and try to sell their services I tell them I'm a police officer and have dogs and thank-you No! ( I'm not and don't have dogs!)


Stopping a paper and calling in for a police drive-by or calling your insurance agent about being away for a time period are mostly tip-off opportunities for dishonest clerks who may have a kick-back deal with a guy named "Vinny".


We don't use cell phones which pretty much guarantee a stalker with the right apps can find you anytime.


Credit cards should be used very sparingly. When I make hotel reservations on-line with my card I give Lily's name as the guest staying.


The biggest problem with credit cards - especially if you are wealthy and use it to buy extravagant jewelry or for high-end shopping sprees when travelling - is that both US and Canadian Customs reward tipsters.


If you buy expensive items in France don't show the sales clerk your passport - even if they insist on seeing it.


Dress down and never wear expensive bling in third-world countries or your stalkers will be muggers and thieves!


Those light timers in your house are useless. Audio and thermal tracking telemetry devices are available even for dumb teen punks to buy.


As to posting on roll calls in CC - I think we're generally safe as long as the listed location is vague.... and no, I don't live in London!


I'm not too concerned about credit cards. We religiously declare every out of the country purchase so have nothing to fear from snitches.

We live in a small town where your insurance agent is more often than not a friend or acquaintance.

Someone who doesn't belong walking around the neighbourhood would be on the radar of the neighbours so fast it would make your head spin.

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The surprising thing was that it hadn't been announced yet in church, but possibly a friend mentioned it to another friend and so it goes.
Hospitals that I have been in ask about a religious affiliation at admission, and often a member of the clergy or lay minister from a nearby church of that denomination will "drop in" as they are making their rounds of parishioners, since they are allowed by the hospitals to see that information. I object to that, so on my last hospital admission I said "no religion".
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Hospitals that I have been in ask about a religious affiliation at admission, and often a member of the clergy or lay minister from a nearby church of that denomination will "drop in" as they are making their rounds of parishioners, since they are allowed by the hospitals to see that information. I object to that, so on my last hospital admission I said "no religion".


I most certainly agree with you, and even though I am a regular church goer, I do the same thing. It's been my policy ever since I received a pastoral visit while in labour. I was too young and polite to tell him to get out but I was horrified.


I really had to laugh one time when the admission lady absolutely insisted and wanted to know what religion I would be if I had one. :confused: I still chuckle over that one years later.

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I'm not too concerned about credit cards. We religiously declare every out of the country purchase so have nothing to fear from snitches.

We live in a small town where your insurance agent is more often than not a friend or acquaintance.

Someone who doesn't belong walking around the neighbourhood would be on the radar of the neighbours so fast it would make your head spin.



I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher in our city. One of the posher neighborhoods has that radar, and they call in in a heartbeat. Those complexion seeking missles don't miss a trick.

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I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher in our city. One of the posher neighborhoods has that radar, and they call in in a heartbeat. Those complexion seeking missles don't miss a trick.


That is not an issue here. Everybody knows everybody and they know who is familiar and who is not. It is as simple as that. No complexion issues.

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That is not an issue here. Everybody knows everybody and they know who is familiar and who is not. It is as simple as that. No complexion issues.[/quote




I guess. Of course I can't ever remember one of those calls where the description of the responsible party starts off "Blonde hair ....blue eyes."

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That is not an issue here. Everybody knows everybody and they know who is familiar and who is not. It is as simple as that. No complexion issues.[/quote




I guess. Of course I can't ever remember one of those calls where the description of the responsible party starts off "Blonde hair ....blue eyes."


Well you would hear that here if you worked 911. In the smaller east coast areas of Canada there was very little ethnic diversity until quite recently. Now there is a small minority but most of them are either foreign university students, doctors, lawyers, accountants----that is to say professional people who don't prowl on the side.


I know someone from a large American city would find it hard to believe, but our crime problem is not ethnically based.

Edited by sapper1
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Well you would hear that here if you worked 911. In the smaller east coast areas of Canada there was very little ethnic diversity until quite recently. Now there is a small minority but most of them are either foreign university students, doctors, lawyers, accountants----that is to say professional people who don't prowl on the side.


I know someone from a large American city would find it hard to believe, but our crime problem is not ethnically based.




I am vaguely familiar with your neck of the woods, it is a beautiful area.


I meant no offense , I hope you didn't take any. After 30 years in this racket I just know what evil lurks in the hearts of men (and women) better than "The Shadow" *LOL*



And just an aside there are doctors, lawyers , university students and accountants that prowl on the side *LOL* :)

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I am vaguely familiar with your neck of the woods, it is a beautiful area.


I meant no offense , I hope you didn't take any. After 30 years in this racket I just know what evil lurks in the hearts of men (and women) better than "The Shadow" *LOL*



And just an aside there are doctors, lawyers , university students and accountants that prowl on the side *LOL* :)


No argument with your last sentence. Bankers, lawyers and doctors have been known to be stalkers. I just meant that we are blessed to live in this corner of the world where a lot of people still do not lock their doors.


I guess I should have said that nobody in the neighbourhood calls the police because they don't know a car or person on the street. If something strikes them they just take note and phone around a bit to alert the other neighbours. The police would only be called if there are repeated instances that don't look right. We live in an area where the streets go nowhere so there is no reason to be repeatedly driving slowly around up here.


And no, I took no offense. Our situation re personal safety here in the Maritimes is quite unique. That is not to say there haven't been notable exceptions but it is not a common everyday thing. Our city of 65,000 might have five murders a year and the majority of them are either domestic or the bad guys doing each other in.

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No argument with your last sentence. Bankers, lawyers and doctors have been known to be stalkers. I just meant that we are blessed to live in this corner of the world where a lot of people still do not lock their doors.


I guess I should have said that nobody in the neighbourhood calls the police because they don't know a car or person on the street. If something strikes them they just take note and phone around a bit to alert the other neighbours. The police would only be called if there are repeated instances that don't look right. We live in an area where the streets go nowhere so there is no reason to be repeatedly driving slowly around up here.


And no, I took no offense. Our situation re personal safety here in the Maritimes is quite unique. That is not to say there haven't been notable exceptions but it is not a common everyday thing. Our city of 65,000 might have five murders a year and the majority of them are either domestic or the bad guys doing each other in.


For the record sapper, this past banker is not a stalker - LOL :p


Seriously, I agree. We are very lucky here. It's the same in our neck of the woods in the Maritimes. Although we do have an alarm system - it's mainly for the smoke alarm detection and for when we are away :)


All our neighbours are very cognizant - we know each others comings and goings and something out of the ordinary is watched immediately.


We live in a wonderful piece of the world :)

Edited by kazu
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No argument with your last sentence. Bankers, lawyers and doctors have been known to be stalkers. I just meant that we are blessed to live in this corner of the world where a lot of people still do not lock their doors.


I guess I should have said that nobody in the neighbourhood calls the police because they don't know a car or person on the street. If something strikes them they just take note and phone around a bit to alert the other neighbours. The police would only be called if there are repeated instances that don't look right. We live in an area where the streets go nowhere so there is no reason to be repeatedly driving slowly around up here.


And no, I took no offense. Our situation re personal safety here in the Maritimes is quite unique. That is not to say there haven't been notable exceptions but it is not a common everyday thing. Our city of 65,000 might have five murders a year and the majority of them are either domestic or the bad guys doing each other in.




The town I live in is a lot like that . Very quiet , small residential neighborhoods . My neighborhood is a long dead end with 4 Cul De Sacs off it , off a long wooded road. We'd call it God's Country, but I don't think God knows we are there *LOL* But that is OK because the criminal element doesn't either *LOL*


The city I work for has a bit higher murder rate than you, but like you said it's gang on gang , thug on thug.

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Wow, this thread kind of timely for me.....and just a word of caution, Lauranne - and anyone else who thinks an internet forum is safe. You may notice my photo has disappeared, no avatar, no signature, no future cruises listed. Pretty anonymous, eh? I urge everyone to use caution on websites - including this one (I could say especially this one) - having spent several months dealing with a stalker and the subsequent harassment, and having had to deactivate email addresses and set up new ones. It is a very nasty situation to find yourself in. I have learned not to post an email address on any roll call - in fact I won't post on a roll call at all in the future. And especially do not indicate where you live except in very general terms. Fortunately, my address has never been listed with my phone number, with the phone company so cannot be sourced. SNIP


Thank you for your advice startwin. I have taken it to heart and I have made some changes as you may notice. No picture, no future cruises listed and I have made sure that my email address linked to cruise critic is very anonymous. It really does pay to be cautious.

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Thank you for your advice startwin. I have taken it to heart and I have made some changes as you may notice. No picture, no future cruises listed and I have made sure that my email address linked to cruise critic is very anonymous. It really does pay to be cautious.


Thank you. Glad to hear that my negative experience has been of some help. Some on here are cynical about some of the steps we may take for security, but every little helps. One thing that astounded me in my particular case was how unbelievably easy it was to not only find out who my stalker was, but everything about his life as well, including his professional background. (It's not just hackers and low-lifes who do this;)). So everyone should be vigilant about their profile on the internet and how much info people can find out about you by cross-referencing everything.

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Thank you. Glad to hear that my negative experience has been of some help. Some on here are cynical about some of the steps we may take for security, but every little helps. One thing that astounded me in my particular case was how unbelievably easy it was to not only find out who my stalker was, but everything about his life as well, including his professional background. (It's not just hackers and low-lifes who do this;)). So everyone should be vigilant about their profile on the internet and how much info people can find out about you by cross-referencing everything.




Its amazing ....(and kind of scary ) how easy it is to find information, and even the whereabouts on practically anyone. And like you said , you really don't need to be a computer whiz .

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My mother and sister leave an old pickup truck parked by the house and some large men's boots sitting by the front door. But they're in the country and have never taken a cruise - though I invite them along every year.


I'm in town and rely totally on good neighbours, but being just a wee bit paranoid, never use Facebook or LinkedIn at all. The kids are grown and they don't use FB either.


When alarm and security companies call and try to sell their services I tell them I'm a police officer and have dogs and thank-you No! ( I'm not and don't have dogs!)


Stopping a paper and calling in for a police drive-by or calling your insurance agent about being away for a time period are mostly tip-off opportunities for dishonest clerks who may have a kick-back deal with a guy named "Vinny".


We don't use cell phones which pretty much guarantee a stalker with the right apps can find you anytime.


Credit cards should be used very sparingly. When I make hotel reservations on-line with my card I give Lily's name as the guest staying.


The biggest problem with credit cards - especially if you are wealthy and use it to buy extravagant jewelry or for high-end shopping sprees when travelling - is that both US and Canadian Customs reward tipsters.


If you buy expensive items in France don't show the sales clerk your passport - even if they insist on seeing it.


Dress down and never wear expensive bling in third-world countries or your stalkers will be muggers and thieves!


Those light timers in your house are useless. Audio and thermal tracking telemetry devices are available even for dumb teen punks to buy.


As to posting on roll calls in CC - I think we're generally safe as long as the listed location is vague.... and no, I don't live in London!

Wow! This post is so wrong in so many ways. On the one hand, you dismiss out of hand proven means to help reduce thefts, such as suspending newspaper delivery and using light timers. Neither offers an ironclad guarantee that your home won't be robbed, but they do reduce the likelihood. Which is why both the police and the insurance industry recommend these and other steps. BTW, people can pick locks or break windows, so would you say that locking your doors and windows is useless too?


If it makes you sleep better at night knowing that you don't have a cell phone that stalkers are going to use track you down, I guess I shouldn't tell you that the same applies to laptops, tablets, desktops. But maybe you only use computers at the public library, constantly changing branches to foil your stalker(s).


Thanks for the credit card tip. Next time I plan to smuggle goods back into Canada, I'll pay cash.

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Immediate relatives and close friends only.


Someone mentioned telling the local police. That is almost a sure way to have your home burglarized.





*LOL* All of the sudden a cop is driving up and down Shady Lane on a regular basis is a pretty good tip that someone is away. :)



Plus depending on the size of your city and their call volume. They cannot always promise to check your place on a regular basis.

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