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what is the day trips on this asia tour please


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very very new to all this. had my heart set on may 2015 pride of america in hawaii but have decided been a single to expensive. so popped into the the travel agent and she gave me some books. we discussed asia and i went hmmm.

then i went to the web site and they have this repositioning cruise.


PORTS OF CALL: may 2015

Singapore; Kuala Lumpur (Port Klang), Malaysia; Phuket, Thailand; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Cochin, India; New Mangalore, India; Goa (Mormugao), India; Bombay (Mumbai), India; Dubai, United Arab Emirates


which sounds interesting. would like to visit asia but


don't like crowds

the noise, spitting

dont like too hot food (spicey)

and due to physical issues me and a squat toilet wouldn't work


i thought this tour is great still expensive for a single but at least i get to see asia and when it gets to much retire back to the sanctuary of the boat


my questions are


don't have a current passport can i still book

will get insurance (a no brainer in my opinion) but if things happen between now and then ie lost of job, illness, illness of elderly parents, lack of money could i transfer money paid to another cruise plan to cruise again in '17 (caribbean for my 40th)


more importantly there does not appear to my day activities yet. have emailed but there is some delay. i don't wish to be sitting on a boat or sitting at a cooking show! i am an explorer!


my interests would be



elephant ride

ww2 sites



not on my list


forced shopping

cultural shows like a hot curry and watch a dance


would be there day tours for my interests?


do you think this would be suitable for a first cruise? i am guessing been a repositioning cruise it will be hot and choppy sea weather but i come from hot and i can get a tablet or three!


many thanks for your help :-)

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very very new to all this. had my heart set on may 2015 pride of america in hawaii but have decided been a single to expensive. so popped into the the travel agent and she gave me some books. we discussed asia and i went hmmm.

then i went to the web site and they have this repositioning cruise.


PORTS OF CALL: may 2015

Singapore; Kuala Lumpur (Port Klang), Malaysia; Phuket, Thailand; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Cochin, India; New Mangalore, India; Goa (Mormugao), India; Bombay (Mumbai), India; Dubai, United Arab Emirates


which sounds interesting. would like to visit asia but


don't like crowds

the noise, spitting

dont like too hot food (spicey)

and due to physical issues me and a squat toilet wouldn't work


i thought this tour is great still expensive for a single but at least i get to see asia and when it gets to much retire back to the sanctuary of the boat


my questions are


don't have a current passport can i still book You don't need a passport to book, but you will need a passport to take the trip. You may need a visa for India as well.

will get insurance (a no brainer in my opinion) but if things happen between now and then ie lost of job, illness, illness of elderly parents, lack of money could i transfer money paid to another cruise plan to cruise again in '17 (caribbean for my 40th) The rules are different for Aussies than they are for North Americans.


more importantly there does not appear to my day activities yet. have emailed but there is some delay. i don't wish to be sitting on a boat or sitting at a cooking show! i am an explorer!The shore excursions would likely be released around 6 months before sailing.


my interests would be



elephant ride

ww2 sites



not on my list


forced shopping

cultural shows like a hot curry and watch a dance No one will force you to do anything! There will be a variety of shore excursions available. You can go off on your own if you like.


would be there day tours for my interests?


do you think this would be suitable for a first cruise? i am guessing been a repositioning cruise it will be hot and choppy sea weather but i come from hot and i can get a tablet or three!


many thanks for your help :-)


Answers in bold above.

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Welcome to Cruise Critic. This is the Royal Caribbean International board. Pride of America is for Norwegian. You might want to post there or in the Asia boards for more correct information. Hope you find the right cruise for you!

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Welcome to Cruise Critic!


As mentioned you will have to get a passport and a visa for India. Travel insurance is a must have as far as I am concerned especially since you have concerns (you will want cancel for any reason which you need to buy about the same time as you book your cruise).


As to the ports and what to do...


I am not going on the same cruise line but shore excursions do not vary much from one cruise line to another. Here are some examples from the ports I am visiting.


Singapore - WWII battlefields, Singapore zoo


Port Kelang - Putrajaya & Lake Cruise, Batu Caves and School of Hard Knocks


Colombo - Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, Ceylon Tea Experience (also 3 day overland tours to Nepal or the Taj Mahal are offered)


Mumbai - Elephanta Caves, Heritage Walk


Dubai - Sharjah's Aquarium and Arabian Wildlife


You will likely find the cities you visit crowded but there is not much you can do about that (just like the noise and the spitting) - it is only for a few hours. You may run across a squat toilet but going on a ship sponsored shore excursion gives you a better chance of being taken places that don't have them.

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Hello Da Nana


thank you. i was meaning to book the cruise and put a deposit down. i realise to leave australia one needs a passport. but the way technology is going perhaps in twenty years time they will just scan us!


yes i know two different cruise companies, i had intended to go poa but at $500 a day not in my budget!! so went to travel agent and got some new brochures and then stumbled on to this one which is a caribbean line. which i think has worked out well as now i can join the club and get a special for my second cruise to the Caribbean.


thank you for your help :-)

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Hello there


thank you for your informative reply. well that leaves me scratching my head! to get a good price i think I need to book early been a single thus only afford the shoe box room. so how can i make an informed choice on the day trips until six months out. i have tried looking at the day trips for other cruises from that company but not having much luck! i did find two tours (both i would do) for pukhet but only have one day there and i don't think my dog paddling will catch up with the boat! the only other tour i could find was a long trip in sri lanka to the elephants but no touching no riding and it sounded like you spent 90% of the day on the train and a trip to the shops! hard to work out if you like the cruise without knowing what you can do on day trips. been a repositioning, i am presuming it is off season and perhaps a lot. of things are closed! nothing worse than going all that way to go to the asian equivalent of westfields!

well i think a trip to the library is on the cards to see what i can do. Singapore is covered heaps to do there, i think three days. Dubai would be a day at the shops and a day trip and sleep out in the sand with the camels etc.

still have not figured out why it is a 14 day trip where on day 13 we sail into Dubai early morning. wish the website would give more info like

day 1 get on boat by x time

day 2 go to a day trip and they can be reading, moon walking, shopping, turtle viewing etc

day 13 get to dubai but the port is busy so you hop into the little boats for the day or whatever is the reason the tour does not finish today!

day 14 leave the boat trip over

also wish you could see the price of things like get a facial or nails done without booking the thing! would help determine if you could afford things like that or how much it is to get a soft drink. will i be on water rations for the trip not been a coffee/tea person and alcohol is not a huge deal. maybe i will be stealing the milk from my weetbixs!!!!


thanks heaps for your help! :-)

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that sounds cool your tour oops cruise! may i ask which one?


yes Asia has always interested me but been a non fan of crowds, noise etc it has never entered my head to go. expect of course Singapore which is on my wish list.


so when i saw boats went to various ports i went i could manage that. my fussy eating can be catered on the boat and if i am careful i could smuggle an apple off the boat for the day tours incase the food is to spicy,


thank you for some day ideas. Singapore would be do your own thing as it is where i leave and that has good transport. going on may 2014 prices from ex...... (unsure if i can say name) i could get a 3 star kitchenette room for around $500 for 3-4 days. then on the buses and trains! Dubai mucked around last night i could get something 3 star 5 nights kitchenette $500 but not knowing Dubai it good be in the middle of the sticks!!! so at least accommodation for both is going to be ok.


so a bit more thinking and planning but i might just book this as my first cruise


thank you for your help :-).

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Welcome to Cruise Critic :)


As the cruise you describe is a repositioning cruise - looks like a ship (I missed if you said which ship?) is being moved from a season in Australasia to Europe, perhaps - it is not a regular itinerary, and there may not be much information available about the ports of call. Also, Cruise Critic has many more contributors from the US and Europe than your part of the world, although we do get some very knowledgeable folk.


You asked about the overnight in Dubai. This is so sometimes done so that people can do tours on the first day, stay on the ship overnight and leave for home the next day - so you get to spend some time there, without having to find a hotel. Essentially it is a port of call the first day and the disembarkation point the next.


A common thing for first-time cruisers is just to consider the excursions offered by the cruise line. You can do what you like in any port of call, just explore on your own or organise an excursion yourself - often cheaper and more tailored to your likes.


Finally, a great resource on these boards are the Roll Calls - individual threads for different cruises. Have a look to see if one has been started for this cruise yet (possibly not, it IS a long way out). You can talk directly to people going on the same trip and share thoughts and ideas on what to do in each port. Also look for any similar roll calls, perhaps for the equivalent cruise in 2014, if there is one? (it is in my mind this might be Rhapsody, which changed routes next year?) There are also Port of Call boards for various different areas, where you may find people with specific knowledge.

Edited by Cotswold Eagle
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We did this exact same cruise/adventure last year. Note here, we like to experience the cultures of other countries so my post might reflect that.

In India, expect crowds, on most tours. I loved the food. and did not consider lunch tooooo spicy but I like flavored foods. I have a stomach issue and had no problems. Restrooms can be a challenge any where except Dubai and Singapore do not expect American standards. Singapore is spectacular, heck the cruise is spectacular, but on my cruse we had, if memory has not failed, 10 ports in 14 days, we were glad to have a sea day.

I should mention the weather, it will be HOT, and your dress will be, I hope, conform to the countries standards. We though we were prepared clothes wise but found ourselves doing laundry in the cabin each night, luckily we have quick dry clothes. Note we consider ourselves world travelers, and thought we knew what to bring, but did not bing enough of what was needed. If I did that trip again, which I would, I would forgo any dresser clothes like tux if you are incline to dress up, or even a sport coat, for easy care clothes. Shorts are not an item that you should worry about, while many wear shorts, long pants are better, and required to get into may temples etc.

Also foot wear, easy off and easy on, and socks to walk on sacred groung or in temples. I could go on but I think you get the idea.


It is truly a cruise of a lifetime

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OP, just 1 point - the sea going vessel you will travel on is a SHIP, not a boat. SHIP Captains get very sensitive about people calling their beloved vessel a boat. They say a boat is something you row, & they would never ask the wonderful passengers to row, except maybe the ones who call the ship a boat :D


Happy cruising

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thank you.


i now understand dubai, that is handy to know, one less night to find accomodation!


i would be happy to do my own thing but going to asia i think for a solo traveller it would be more wise to go with the herd, safety, not getting lost and so i dont miss the boat!


there is already a roll call with three ladies and their travel friends. i didnt relaise i could pop in and ask questions. i thought you could lurk until you booked. i will also do the mingle thing.


thanks for the help :-)

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thank you!


we have 5 days on the boat oops ship to potter about. hope there is things to do besides the sunburn and eating!!! if the cost is not too much i will get a massage i think on one of those days. i think the first one will be lazy day breaky in bed, reading in bed as i would have done singapore and three days and the flight. the other four days are paired so not to sure. but if i do the mingle thing i might make meet some others and go and have a gossip. or there may be a whale or turtle nearby that i can look at it.


then it is a day in dubai and the two getting on/off and the seven days running about on shore.


i live in a hot part of australia with most summer days above 34c for oct,nov,jan,feb usually 37-43. so dry hot yes i cope but do get frazzled, hot humid i am not very good at it!


thank you didnt think about the clothes! i am a knee length short person and my breasts are always covered which is hard to do when you are short and the fashions of today with low necklines and no buttons, i guess you can say i am conservative! but that won't be suitable so will keep that in mind!


may i ask what you favourite things you did off shore? any tips? mucking around on the website i am getting the tiny rooms on floors 2 & 3. (on rhapsody)


once again thanks for the help. :-)

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firstly thanks to Mr Walker, still learning to speak the lingo. stuck my nose in one thread and could not make or tail of what they were saying! it will come i am sure! :-)


now having a look about the threads and saw drink packages. dont drink tea, coffee if falling asleep on night shift, hot chocolate and pepsi/coke.


it seems of you wish to cart water with you like off the boat you need to buy the water. presuming they give it to you free at the meal table.


so is it possible to


days getting on/off and day trip days survive on tap water and coffee (its free and flavoured!)

on the 5 days i am sitting on the boat oops ship get the $20 package and treat myself to some non alcohol cocktails and soft drink/soda/pop? and sneak the water off for day trips.


it seems a big expense $280 for some drinks!!! and seeing as you off the boat your busy seeing things etc so it does not matter then. but when doing nothing it would be nice to pick and chose without worrying about the money.


i live mainly on water at home, one soft drink most days, the occasional orange juice, emergency coffee and alcohol on special occasions and hot choc if out and about and been social.


many thanks :-)

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The cruise lines seem to take advantage of inexperienced cruisers with the drink packages. It is NOT necessary to buy a drink package. Onboard the ship, you will have free access to water, coffee, tea, milk , chocolate milk and juices at breakfast. I think hot chocolate's included, but I'm not sure. You can buy coca cola products or other drinks at the bars or from room service. The cost for sodas is about $2.50. You can also purchase a soda package for about $6-7/day which allows you unlimited sodas throughout the cruise. All virgin or alcoholic drinks, bottles of water, wine, can be purchased individually. The non-alcoholic cocktails are about $5 each. Bottles of water are about $3. Only buy the package if you think you'll get your money's worth out of it. All of the packages must be purchased for the entire length of the cruise.


Edited to add: The water from the tap in your bathroom is perfectly fine to drink. You can bring your own container and fill it up to take it off the ship. You don't need to fill up at the mealtimes or purchase when you are getting off the ship, although there will be a table at the shore excursion meeting place for you to buy a bottle of water.

Edited by boulders
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I agree - no need for a $20/ day drink package. In addition to what boulders described, you can get lemonade and iced tea and flavored water at lunch and dinner. You can take as many of these kinds of drinks back to your cabin as you like. You can also request your cabin steward to provide you with ice twice a day. If you take one or two wide mouthed water bottles, you are good to go on any excursion.

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thank you for your reply.


i think i can cope with out the fancy drink packages due to your help and boulders.


i found a hint about taking on ice tea sachets. i thought hmm i dont need super hot water for hot choc, so i can get hot water from the room tap and add a hot choc sachet to it. presuming there will be cups in the room for the tea/coffee drinkers and possibly a kettle like a hotel room.


it also appears they have a daily drink special do i can get a cocktail or non alcohol one on the cheap.


great site this one!


ps i am presuming lemonade as in the cordial type not the fizzy type.

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