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Boatyard Warning


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The Boatyard in Barbados is a nice, close beach from the ship...but please read what happened to us if you chose to go there.



You will pay $12 to get in and they will give you $5 back towards food or drink in tokens. You will also get lounge chairs, umbrella, and use of the water trampoline & water rock climbing wall. By paying this you will be entitled to discounted water sports as well. HOWEVER... Please pay attention to the slip of paper they give you when you arrive. It lists all prices you SHOULD be charged and it states very clearly these prices are good all day long. The men who work there will try to rip you off every chance they get. Here is what happened to us:


The paper said $20 for 30 minutes on jet skis (waverunners.) You will have non- boatyard people approach you for rentals. The paper also said only talk to crew in "boatyard" t-shirts. Well, they are basically criminals too so be careful. We approached a guy in a boatyard t-shirt and he said $60 for 30 minutes. We explained to him the paper said $20. He said lied and said that was only a morning special. We pointed out to him how it says ALL DAY LONG on the paper. Now us realizing why they write it on there in ALL capital letters. He said he would do it for $50.00. We said we were going to go up to the desk then. He said fine, fine he would do it. My cousin & his wife went 1st and once they got on it he tried to ask them for $40 each when it was $20 each. They paid the $20 for what was to be 30 minutes. After 20 minutes the guy went out there and got them and lied and said it had been 30 minutes. When we pointed that out to them the boatyard crew just blew us off. We decided we were going to take a watch so we weren't cheated. When the guy took our money he said very rudely Fine give me your pennies. Then with tons of additude said instruction didn't come with $20 on how to use the jetskis and if I banged into anything I will pay. My husband made a point to tell him we had a watch and not to bother coming out to get us in 20 minutes becuase we will taking our full 30 minutes we paid for. Which we really should have taken 40 minutes the 10 they cheated my cousin but we didn't.


The workers there are jerks are treated us terribly just becuase we didn't give into their scam to pocket extra money from us. The boatyard obvouisly knows this goes on due to the note they hand out--but I guess don't care too much since they still employee these scam artists.


The situation was very uncomfortable and made a relaxing vacation annoying. Plus there are people coming by selling stuff every few minutes. Also there are taxi drivers coming over asking you if you want aride back to the ship when you obvouisly aren't ready to go. This started about 10 minutes after we got there. It is very hard to read or sleep when people are constantly bothering you. And in my opinion this shouldn't happen on a beach you pay to go on.


I just hope this bit of advice will help others that go there not to get cheated.

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The situation was very uncomfortable and made a relaxing vacation annoying. Plus there are people coming by selling stuff every few minutes. Also there are taxi drivers coming over asking you if you want aride back to the ship when you obvouisly aren't ready to go. This started about 10 minutes after we got there. It is very hard to read or sleep when people are constantly bothering you. And in my opinion this shouldn't happen on a beach you pay to go on.


I just hope this bit of advice will help others that go there not to get cheated.



While I really can't comment on the water sports situation with the jetski, I will comment on your next to last line. I'm sorry that you were disturbed on the beach, and it would be nice if it didn't happen (but people want to make a buck), The beaches in Barbados are free. You paid to go into the Boatyard, which is a bar and restaurant, and you paid to use their chairs, umbrellas and services including the water toys in the water. But you didn't pay to stay on the beach. I could come from around the side of the building or from down the beach (having not paid the boatyard a dime) and put my things down right next to you and you couldn't say anything about me being there (not that I would, just trying to make a point)


My experience in long gone days was that the boatyard was a great place to go.. nice staff,ok food, great beach for small children etc. My most recent experience was that it was expensive (food wise) and not worth the money I paid, except that we did have a beach chair instead of having to haul my own to the beach, and my now older children got to enjoy the rope swing, trampoline and iceberg. Next time I go, I'll make sure I eat a good meal before going, use my money back tokens on drinks for me and the family and not spend another cent while there.

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While I really can't comment on the water sports situation with the jetski, I will comment on your next to last line. I'm sorry that you were disturbed on the beach, and it would be nice if it didn't happen (but people want to make a buck), The beaches in Barbados are free. You paid to go into the Boatyard, which is a bar and restaurant, and you paid to use their chairs, umbrellas and services including the water toys in the water. But you didn't pay to stay on the beach. I could come from around the side of the building or from down the beach (having not paid the boatyard a dime) and put my things down right next to you and you couldn't say anything about me being there (not that I would, just trying to make a point)


My experience in long gone days was that the boatyard was a great place to go.. nice staff,ok food, great beach for small children etc. My most recent experience was that it was expensive (food wise) and not worth the money I paid, except that we did have a beach chair instead of having to haul my own to the beach, and my now older children got to enjoy the rope swing, trampoline and iceberg. Next time I go, I'll make sure I eat a good meal before going, use my money back tokens on drinks for me and the family and not spend another cent while there.


I just feel there are other ways to make money then bothering people when they are trying relax on a beach reading or sleeping. They could stand at the entrance to the beaches Or just set a stand up and if we were interested go up there.


This is why I don't travel to Mexico beaches becuase I go vacation to relax not be bothered constantly. I have been to Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Grand cayman, Grenada, 4 Hawaiian Islands, Antigua, St. John, Belize, Bahamas, St. Kitts, and Aruba. Barbados is the only island I have experienced this selling stuff on the beach thing. They were just relentless. The taxi drivers were the same way. So annoying!! Then add in how the employees at the boatyard tried cheating us. All this is less than a few hours. I thought that Barbados was to be an upscale island but it obvouisly isn't. The island left a bad taste in my mouth and I wouldn't ever go back there.

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I've seen several recomendations for the boatyard, thanx for giving us the other side.

Your welcome. If you go and just keep in mind what the employees try to do with the watersports pricing and you won't get cheated.


Also, I should have added before, if anyone is offended easily you may not want to go there because there were many topless woman in only g-strings at this beach. It didn't bother me but I didn't have any children with me either.

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Travelgirl, I'm very sorry that your 1 day experience at the Boatyard has turned you off complete to Barbados. As a White American (I have to say this cause it does make a differenct) who has lived in Barbados for 12 1/2 years, I still get approached in Bridgetown for a taxi, I just say no thank you and move on, but I have found that I have very rarely been asked to buy anything from anyone on a beach. maybe it's the beaches I go to, but I have also seen a decline in Beach vending in the last few years.


With regards to the topless women and those wearing g-strings, if I took a poll I could bet you money that most if not all of those topless women are not Barbadians, nor do they live here. it's not legal to go topless but unfortunately the Male of our popluation, including the policeman don't want to approach a women and ask to put her shirt on.


my best experience was a number of years ago when I was on a west coast beach with my children and family, and a women was not only sunbathing but "frolicking" (for a lack of a better word) in the sea very much so topless. I'm not a prude but give me a break. of course the men had no problem with it. The women ignored it. I decided to say something, so as the couple were leaving the beach, I went to the women and said, that I assumed she was a visitor to the island (which she was), and I said I was very happy that she made Barbados here vacation spot, but as it's against the law to go topless and as there are children on this beach, I would appreciate her wearing her bathing suit top the next time she was on the beach. Needless to say she didn't like that and stormed off. oh well..


It's to bad that tourist think every caribbean island is like St. maarten in that respect and they do not respect our laws.


I would like for you to reconsider coming back to Barbados for a longer stay so as to be able to experience the better side of our island.

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I knew the people there weren't from Barbados. I was just letting families know incase they would be offended by it becuase the Boatyard seems to be known as a place to take children. There must have been at least 8 topless girls there that day. I didn't know what the laws were, but it didn't offend me. Was only stating a fact.


What did offend me was the way I was treated by the locals. We were warned on the ship about the taxi drivers taking people out of their way and then claiming they gave them an island tour and demanding more money. This happened to us as well and we got cheated an extra $20 when we only wanted to go 5 minutes to the Boatyard. The driver took us out of our way to drop off other passengers that we weren't suposse to be in the van with us in the first place!! No Thank you did not work with the taxi drivers at all that came to you on the beach wanting you to leave when you just got there. In fact they were fighting over us. The other driver that we didn't go with drove crazy following us then when we stopped at a light he jumped out and ran over to the van and tried opening the door for us to get out and get into his van. Then the two drivers almost got into a fist fight. It was a bit scary to be honest. Then the Boatyard staff trying to rip us off. I had enough. Sorry to say but during our un-asked for 45 minute island tour that wasted our precious beach time, we drove past power plants, oil companies, run down areas, and we didn't see much beauty at all.


I was just in Bermuda and our taxi driver was complaining about being in Barbados and how he wouldn't ever go back after experiencing similar conditions as we did.


While I am sure you are an exception to your island, first impressions are a big deal. Why would I chance wasting a weeks vacation and a few thousands dollars going back somewhere that I had a horrible experience at due to several different local people. There are too many nice, safe, beautiful islands to have to do that.


I have never experienced such horrible things before on vacation until I went to Barbados. It would be wonderful if you could go to city hall and report the goings on there. Then maybe tourists won't be treated this way and then people will want to come back.

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TravelGirl, I appreciate your notification about the topless bathers at The Boatyard.

When we cruise at the end of the year we will be taking out two kids aged 9 and 10 years old. I would much prefer to go to a beach where females kept their swimsuits on - especially when it is the Island Law. I know my son would be embarrassed.

Sunnie, I thank you for speaking up to that tourist. I find it extremely ignorant of these tourists to ignore laws.

Beach touts were on Barbados when we first went (back in 1989) and as they were a new thing to us we were initially intimidated. But, we have since experienced them on other islands. Antigua was particularly bad when we were there.

These people are only trying to earn a living, but in turn must appreciate that tourists may want to simply 'rest'. It would be nice if there was an understanding that they were not to approach tourists, but simply to walk up and down advertising their wares. If they all stood at the entrance to a beach I'd find that very intimidating and would probably not enter!

As for taxi drivers taking the long route - tell me where in the world there is one who wouldn't chance their luck with a tourist to get an extra dollar?! ;) We found the Floridian taxi's terrible for this.


I also like your idea of reporting misconduct.

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a few years ago we visited Martinique on a cruise and on our return from spending the day in Fort de France, we got a taxi to take us back to the ship. We inquired about a tour and then decided not to take it.. to long a time. The Gentleman began to drive and when we realized we were going up instead of down, we politly told him that we had not wanted a tour and to please take us back to the ship. He was very unhappy but took us to the port then demanded more money that what we had agreed on. He didn't even take us all the way back to the port he dropped us at a building before where he should have. my husband gave him the money, we got out and he went tearing off accross the parking lot. Well needless to say, I had been warned, but I still want to go back to Martinique.


I would love to say that by telling someone it would help. The best thing to do is to right to our local papers. I can, but you can as well. http://www.nationnews.com and http://www.barbadosadvocate.com Write a short, to the point item about the taxi drivers and the roving beach venders. Coming from a tourist may actually make a difference.


The unfortunate part about the topless sunbathing is that no one has enough guts to actually go up to someone and say anything. They view that as being rude to tourist.. go figure..

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The items discussed are not just a problem in Barbados. I noticed that Jamaica was not on your list of places you've been. I would highly suggest you avoiding it at all costs if taxi problems and vendors selling on the beach (ganja anyone?) are a problem.

As far as taxi problems, there were 4 of us coming into our home port (Tampa) trying to get to the airport to get our cars. Our taxi driver started to take us the long way. When we questioned him he told us that was the way to go. Seeing how we worked at the airport and went to the dock each week to work the cruise ships, we knew it was the long way and called him on it. We told him we KNEW how much it was and he wasnt getting a penny more so he better decide what he was doing since we werent going to pay more than we knew it was to get there the short way. He suddenly changed attitude and found a shortcut!

I'm looking forward to my visit to Barbados in Dec. I think a lot of the problems tourists encounter is that they are afraid to say NO. Not just no, but No, leave me alone thanks. I try to be polite about it, but I'm not going to be hassled on vacation no matter where it is I go.

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The items discussed are not just a problem in Barbados. I noticed that Jamaica was not on your list of places you've been. I would highly suggest you avoiding it at all costs if taxi problems and vendors selling on the beach (ganja anyone?) are a problem.


I think a lot of the problems tourists encounter is that they are afraid to say NO. Not just no, but No, leave me alone thanks. I try to be polite about it, but I'm not going to be hassled on vacation no matter where it is I go.


So true about Jamaica--a great vacation but you need to be able to say no firmly and not feel the need to stop and explain yourself. If they offer you weed, mon, just say no, if you don't want any :-), and walk away.


My DH and I have dove (dived?) all over the world, and have learned that the best way to protect yourselves from scammers is to educate yourself as best you can about your destination. Before we go anywhere, I find out if the taxi rates are metered or fixed, and ALWAYS ask two or three locals what the fare should be from the airport to my hotel, and then tell the cabbie "$15 to this hotel, right?". If they know I'm not a sucker, they won't try to take advantage. Before a taxi ride or tour, ask multiple people what the normal cost is--your hotel staff should be able to help you out. It's all a matter of expectations, IMHO. And all this research gets me more excited for my trip! Nobody should be bothered by anyone ever, of course, but life is what it is, and people in these tourist-driven countries need to eat as well. Sometimes I have to say four times that I don't want my hair braided, but I'll trade the small annoyances for the beautiful beaches and reefs any day! Barabdos here we come!



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The items discussed are not just a problem in Barbados. I noticed that Jamaica was not on your list of places you've been. I would highly suggest you avoiding it at all costs if taxi problems and vendors selling on the beach (ganja anyone?) are a problem.

As far as taxi problems, there were 4 of us coming into our home port (Tampa) trying to get to the airport to get our cars. Our taxi driver started to take us the long way. When we questioned him he told us that was the way to go. Seeing how we worked at the airport and went to the dock each week to work the cruise ships, we knew it was the long way and called him on it. We told him we KNEW how much it was and he wasnt getting a penny more so he better decide what he was doing since we werent going to pay more than we knew it was to get there the short way. He suddenly changed attitude and found a shortcut!

I'm looking forward to my visit to Barbados in Dec. I think a lot of the problems tourists encounter is that they are afraid to say NO. Not just no, but No, leave me alone thanks. I try to be polite about it, but I'm not going to be hassled on vacation no matter where it is I go.


That is why we stay away from Jamacia & Mexico too.


The problem for us with the taxi driver in Barbados was we did tell him, but they pretend they don't understand and just don't respond. We knew theprice was $3.00 per person to the dockyard. He promised we were going straight there. Other than jumping out of his van in the middle of nowhere and being out lost we had no choice but to sit back for 45 minutes through his crazy driving. He would not listen to us when we kept complaining this was the wrong way or obvouisly out of the way. He kept saying 5 more minutes, 5 more minutes...


It was a combination of things that are not right on Barbados other than just the taxi drivers.


I just don't understand why you chose to just deal with that lik eyou don't have an option? You accepting their behavior isn't going to ever stop it. To me there are so many other islands that are even better that you don't have to deal with this harrasment on vacation. We visited several different islands during that cruise and everything that happened made Barbados stick out in our minds as such a hassel. Especially when the other islands were so pleasant!!

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I just don't understand why you chose to just deal with that lik eyou don't have an option? You accepting their behavior isn't going to ever stop it. To me there are so many other islands that are even better that you don't have to deal with this harrasment on vacation. We visited several different islands during that cruise and everything that happened made Barbados stick out in our minds as such a hassel. Especially when the other islands were so pleasant!!


Well, to me all of that is part of the culture of visiting a foreign country. Now atttempts at being ripped off or taken on a goose chase, etc is not what I hope for on a trip, but it happens all around the world, so yes, one really must accept it and deal with it unless you want to go to the same places over and over again, where you know everything will be perfect. Some people do this, but I feel that angle is less adventuresome. One bad visit to Barbados does not mean that the whole island is a "hassle"--it is a shame to be soured on a whole country from the actions of just a few. My advice to you is never go to Africa, Asia, Mexico, or South America, as all around there are peddlers, beggars and those who have less than the best of intentions towards tourists. My opinion is that traveling introduces many experiences into one's life, some better than others, but you live and you learn. It is understandable to not want to return to some, and you have every right to feel that way. Cruising is a great way to "try out" a destination, but the perils of that are a situation like yours can present a skewed view of an otherwise wonderful place, influenced by the actions of just one or two unscrupulous people. I am truly sorry for your bad experience, and hope in future travels you and everyone else will experience only picture-perfect vacations!



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  • 2 weeks later...

We visited the Boatyard mid June 2005 and enjoyed our day. 7 of us went, (mixed ages 19 - 50) paid our fee, bought 2 buckets of beer, did not use any water equipment. No topless tourists on this day. Saw other cruise passengers who did walk up to the same area and simply enjoyed the beach by sitting on their towels. We had the use of chairs & umbrellas - a plus that I was willing to pay for.


Had music to listen to from the Boatyard's sound system, watched the cruise ship crew participate in team events that involved drinking and a lot of good laughs.


Sat near the jet ski area and watched the rental guys all day long hustling buisness. I would characterize them as fairly agressive and don't doubt the original poster's expericence.


We had non stop vendors trying to sell us trinkets - just told them no, with a smile on our faces - except the guy who wove a beach hat for my son out of a single palm frond. Talk about entertainment - we had a great day and would go back.


I also would characterize the Barbados taxi drivers as the least friendly of all the ones we encountered on our Caribbean cruise.

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I have been to Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Grand cayman, Grenada, 4 Hawaiian Islands, Antigua, St. John, Belize, Bahamas, St. Kitts, and Aruba. Barbados is the only island I have experienced this selling stuff on the beach thing.


I have been to most (but not all) of these and I don't remember an island that it didn't happen at. When we go to an island that has 99% of their income from tourism that is going to happen. No....I don't like the vendors approaching me while I am sitting in my beach chair either....but they are trying to make a living and it happens on almost every island I go to the beach at. At almost every pier you get bombarded with taxi drivers. St. M, Antigua and others you get bombarded with hair braiders. It is just part of caribbean travel.

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I have been to most (but not all) of these and I don't remember an island that it didn't happen at. When we go to an island that has 99% of their income from tourism that is going to happen. No....I don't like the vendors approaching me while I am sitting in my beach chair either....but they are trying to make a living and it happens on almost every island I go to the beach at. At almost every pier you get bombarded with taxi drivers. St. M, Antigua and others you get bombarded with hair braiders. It is just part of caribbean travel.


You must have stayed at much different hotels or areas than i did on those islands becuase I did not experience that all. I do tend to stay at the most upscale place and that could be the reason why I haven't experienced that.


I think saying that's part of carribean travel is a poor excuse. If people didn't tolerate it and buy from these people it would stop.


Just back from the South Pacific. I have 7 new islands to add to my list of no beach vendors or problems with anyone. Bora Bora, Moorea, Raitea, Huahine, Tahaa, Tahiti, and lastly Rarotonga cook Islands (New Zealand owned.)


Some of the people on these islands have nothing and they still don't feel it is neccesary to bother tourists or cheat them. If they make handmade items they set a stand up at the pier and that's it. Even when you walk by they don't say anything to you but Hello. It was very refreshing!!


What a fantastic trip...

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I didn't experience this "Vendor" problem in Barbados at all. In fact, I was expecting it as I just assumed it would be like Mexico or Jamaica and was pleasantly surprised.


We didn't arrive at the Boatyard until dark, so maybe I might have seen alot of it during the day there. Overall, I was very pleased with the friendliness and fairness of the folks in Barbados. Didn't feel like anyone tried to rip us off at all.

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We were at the Boatyard last year with our teenage sons, while on a 10-day Princess Cruise. Out of all the things we did, this was my boys favorite!!! They would love to return there and spend a week hanging around the Boat Yard. My husband and older son rented a jet ski for a half hour and I think we spent $40.00 and had no problems. When you deal with the public daily, maybe the guy just wasn't having a really good day...... I'd go back to the Boatyard (we had fun at the bar while the boys had fun with all the stuff in the water).

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  • 2 weeks later...

travelgirl (the OP) .... Appreciate this thread because it's not fun to give a negative review on a popular place. There are never too many opinions on a place. We did not rent Waverunners ... etc. so this info could be a helpful warning to many.


Just another opinion here: We went and had a WONDERFUL DAY!!! :) Our review is posted on this board ... SCROLL:


(or just Click Here) Review: The BOATYARD (Beach) ~OnOurOwn~


Topless: Absolutely NO women were without tops while we were there. Also, there were no drunk folks causing problems.


Families: Yes, lots of families (even with small children) were having a great day! :) My DH recognized a former pro football player who was at The Boatyard with his family. ( ... retired due to injuries from the Philadelphia Eagles ... I think ....) DH called his name when he passed by our chairs and later he and one of his children came back over and chatted with us for a while. He said that The Boatyard was always a "must do" when they were in Barbados because his older children enjoyed it so much.


Pesty Vendors: No factor. There was one old guy selling shells and/or some sort of shell jewelry under the pier but he didn't bother anyone. The beach was heavily patrolled by uniformed police. There were no problems.


Taxis: Barbados has had some problems with taxi drivers ripping folks off in the past. It seems this situation is much better now. Just go through the curise terminal and you'll find a dispatcher for taxis who'll help and tell you the price. (Note: Directions from ship to dispatcher are in the thread mentioned above.)


Never too many different opinions!


Happy Sailing! OCruisers :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



We've been to the Boatyard twice and had a great time both times. We were not bothered by anyone. If you told the vendors no they left you alone and moved on.


There were lots of cruise ship passengers and crew there as well. The first time we went there was on the recommendation of the crew on our ship. They told us that was were the crew went to unwind.


We also went snorkeling to the shallow ship wreck nearby and were not ripped off.


The second time we went to Barbados we actually took a cab out to folkstone to snorkel, but it was too choppy so we took a cab back to the Boatyard and spent the day there instead. We walked back to the ship through town and we were not bothered by anyone.


We enjoyed Barbados much better than some of the other islands. There are many other islands where the vendors and cab drivers are pushier.


Remember folks, these people have to make a living too. They rely on tourism. Just say no and move on if you're not interested.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've gone to Barbados several times for the cricket matches and NEVER had a problem with a taxi driver! In fact, I found every one of them to be polite, respectful and pleasant. They are a great resource. They drove like lunatics however. But nothing like the dollar vans. Yes, people try to sell stuff, and that's how they make a living. I hate it too. But I think the people of Barbados were much more polite than other places I can name. I said "No, thank you" and they said "Ok you have a nice day and if you need a shirt/bracelet/braid/chair remember my name! I'm _____ !" We walked across the border into MExico in Nogales once....holy cow! We were surrounded by such a crowd it was almost threatening. I don't feel the need to do that again, tho we did get some awesome food there.


If I could afford it, Barbados is somewhere I'd retire to.

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"If I could afford it, Barbados is somewhere I'd retire to."


Thanks for the kind words, racephoto.....


That's exactly the way we feel.


How many places can you find a kind, honest smile like this?



My best regards. :) :) :)

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