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Just a Thought


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This is only a thought that came to mind after reading all the post about the new smoking policy so please don't respond to it with any repeat negatives at smokers. My DH and i are smokers and yes we know it's bad for us and we are in process of trying to quit but in the mean time we(along with many other smokers in the world) have always considerd the non smokers rights and respect them. cigarettes are legal and so is smoking so why do some people talk about and treat smokers like criminals? I have allergy reactions to some perfumes which some people think they need to put way to much on while on a cruise but i just walk away from it or not sit near them if i can, and please don't say its not the same thing as smoke because i know that, but also how do i know that someday the chemicals in perfume that goes into the air won't be found harmful? Now back to ship policies, we have been on many cruises and follow the policies like smoking where we are allowed and so forth but have yet to see any crew members enforce policies like no chair hogging at the poolside or babies wearing diapers in the pool, so maybe they should also fine those people who break the rules. As far as smoking on Balconies, i think you should be allowed and if next to a non smoker and out there at the same time why can't the non smoker next to you just ask the smoker not to while your out at same time, most of us respect that, i know there are rude smokers, but there are also just as many rude non smokers. If you are a smoker who throws your butts overboard, you are not only stupid but should be ashamed, and if you have voiced your disapproval about the new policy think that you could also be part of the reason why it is now in place.

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Try giving up the smokes for vaping, its a very simple transition and it works 100% unlike NRT ;)


This post will disappear to the lounge:)


Many non smokers like to think they are superior in some way to smokers and therefore feel they have more rights, many of these non smokers would never consider that the air they breath is being dangerously polluted by them in everyday life. It is by far simpler to blame a minority group and this is human nature.


Anti smoking campaign executives would not get there huge funding and salaries if smokers did not buy cigarettes.


The USA FDA knows that cigarette smoke contains many chemicals that are prematurely killing smokers and non smoker alike but you are still allowed to buy them and smoke them?


The FDA has found some potentially harmful chemicals in Electronic Cigarettes but has done no study on those potential harmful chemicals in like for like LD50 levels compared to other harmful chemicals that are in the air we breath and ingest.


Non smokers will always blame smokers for "something" even very minor because they are being conditioned to blame one thing so as to take their minds off of the other un trialled and shot term tested deadly chemicals and pharmaceuticals we are all exposed to in everyday life! :)


Diesel fumes are far worse than cigarette smoke but a nation would stop without Diesel so no blame to transport companies like a smoker.


Please give up smoking it will lead to ill health and in many cases premature death.

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OP- I just want to encourage you to quit smoking also. DH quit cold turkey when he was smoking 4 packs a day, and about to open pack #5. I quit cold turkey, at 3 packs a day, because we were going to get married.

If we could do it, anyone can quit. I hate to think where we would be if we hadn't quit. Probably dead or sick with emphysema or cancer.

Good luck in your effort. I know you and your hubby can do it.

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The USA FDA knows that cigarette smoke contains many chemicals that are prematurely killing smokers and non smoker alike but you are still allowed to buy them and smoke them?


There are a lot of legal things that kill people prematurely every day that are legal. Food and alcohol come to mind first but I am sure I could think of more. Jumping off my soapbox now :D

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First, OP, I also would like to encourage you to go ahead an quit smoking. I did so many years ago, I've forgotten how many! :eek: and I know my life has been more enjoyable because of it.


I'd also like to say, that if more smokers had your attitude towards others, I don't think we'd ever have a problem. It's the "it's my right to smoke so you just shut up and deal with it" in your face kind of people that give smokers a bad rap.

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I wish you luck with your quest to stop smoking. If you really want to quit you will, it's mind over matter. I never thought I could, but when I finally stopped it was cold turkey. That was 25 years ago and I never looked back.


I don't say anything to smokers when I'm around them because I understand how it only angers them, as it did. But within a year of stopping, I finally understood how offensive it is. I truly believe a smoker cannot possibly know this, even outside, even with a breeze blowing


Again, I wish you and any smoker who wants to stop success.

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congrats on trying to quite. I was a smoker and although most of the time it doesn't bother me, the time it does is as when I'm around someone who has perfume on. I have allergies to perfumes and dyes and yes, i go into an allergy attack and I literally can't breathe and have to have an inhaler. So perfumes can kill! literally!

Sorry to be so blunt. Thanks!

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You make some valid points OP. People who don't wash their hands after using the restroom and people who fill up tiny spouted water bottles directly from the spout at the refill station would be on my list of people's who's "bad" habits affect me before a smoker, smoking outside. I still like the idea of having dedicated balcony cabins for smokers and they can make the first cabin before and after the smoking cabins $50 cheaper and note the reason why so those cruisers don't complain about the smoke.

Edited by Karysa
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OP - I am not going to lecture you about quitting. What I will do is second your comments about the poor behaviors that are just as obnoxious as smoking.


While I do agree that second hang perfume wont kill you (well it might kill someone who has serious allergies), I find those that think it is ok to literallly bathe in it more offensive than cigarette smells!


The problem here is that you put a LOT of people together in a confined space. Most times people adjust their behaviors so as to be courteous, but some do not. It is those small minorities that make it difficult for the rest of us. What needs to be done is for the cruise lines to pleasantly enfore the rules. If the rules were enforced consistently people would just not do it anymore!!


I do understand that the cruise lines don't wish to make anyone unhappy, but what they don't understand is that by coddling to a few, they upset the any.

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Smokers are less than 20% of the US Population at this point. It is a dwindling number (cigarettes and their side effects are taking care of that).


In the case of a balcony and smoking, one cruise I was on had three nearby smokers who at some point were pretty much were fouling the air at some point during the day. Do I as a non-smoker have to ask three discrete people to stop smoking each time I wanted to open my door?


As to diesel fumes, there is one place that the diesel fumes come out of the ship, and it is way above the side of the deck. Furthermore, the ship is typically moving forward when the stacks are emitting the most fumes, and the stacks are designed to make sure that those fumes are not going to affect the ship, or the occupants of that ship. So to compare diesel fumes with smoke is "grasping at straws".


In relation to perfume, on a balcony there is no way someone's perfume will produce the quantity of particles that a lit cigarette will. The only way it could possibly affect you is if the person is spraying the perfume into the air constantly. Smoking produces smoke, OTOH perfume smell only happens with the air comes in contact with someone who is wearing the perfume.


In terms of enforcing the rules, you are correct that the enforcement of the rules seems to be "hit or miss". But in spite of this, it is no reason to not have the rules.


But the bottom line is that smoke stinks, and I should not have to deal with it.

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What you need is something to occupy your fingers, instead of holding a cigarette.


Have you considered carrying a "return" key and pressing it a few times? Not only would it give your fingers something to do, but adding paragraphs would make your post easier to read. ;)

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In relation to perfume, on a balcony there is no way someone's perfume will produce the quantity of particles that a lit cigarette will. The only way it could possibly affect you is if the person is spraying the perfume into the air constantly. Smoking produces smoke, OTOH perfume smell only happens with the air comes in contact with someone who is wearing the perfume.


I beg to differ. I work with some women who wear waaaaay to much perfume. When I get into the elevator, it knocks me over. Yes, that is in a confined space, but my neighbor also bathes in cologne. When he takes his dog out, I can smell it all the way in my backyard!!!!!!


While smoke is now confined to the outdoors, perfume comes inside, so, for me, I am more tolerant of smoke than perfume!

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I think most people psych themselves out about quitting. They have been so bombarded with aids and devices and commercials and friends/family and pressure... It becomes this gigantic mountain to be climbed, where people assume they are destined to fail.


Just decide you are done and stop. Or don't. That's really what it boils down to. I smoked 25 years. I'm now 8 months smoke free. One day I ran out of cigarettes and said, "I should probably stop." So I did right then, and I'll never have another cigarette. It's not about gimmicks and medications and patches, etc. It's about self-discipline.

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Here are my thoughts about smoking....if you want to smoke, go for it. I'm a non-smoker and I know when to dodge the smokers. As an ICU nurse, I've seen what smoking does to people. Not just cancer, but chronic emphysema, stroke, aneurysm ruptures and blood clot formation are big culprits. We educate them on cessation but some of them continue to smoke.


Overall, it's your body and you can do whatever you want with it.

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Here are my thoughts about smoking....if you want to smoke, go for it. I'm a non-smoker and I know when to dodge the smokers. As an ICU nurse, I've seen what smoking does to people. Not just cancer, but chronic emphysema, stroke, aneurysm ruptures and blood clot formation are big culprits. We educate them on cessation but some of them continue to smoke.


Overall, it's your body and you can do whatever you want with it.


You have also seem what obesity does. Let's all tell fat people to stop eating. Ok, we would have no friends or family members left. What are the side effects of obesity?


OP- I am a non smoker but can't be around or even wear perfume. I wish I could tell you what to do but before that I will try and drop a few pounds from my butt. Yes, someone eating a half pound burger with double cheese and triple bacon but a diet coke will be the first to say smoking is bad for you. I worked fast food where people would get upset if you forgot the diet coke.

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You have also seem what obesity does. Let's all tell fat people to stop eating. Ok, we would have no friends or family members left. What are the side effects of obesity?



Huh?? You don't tell an obese person to stop eating, which is ludicrous. You educate them on healthy eating options and what they can do to combat it. The key word is educate....which means they learn the info and then they make the decision on what to do.


And I don't understand what you mean by "no friends or family members left." Side effects of obesity? Let's see....type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, etc etc etc.

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This is only a thought that came to mind after reading all the post about the new smoking policy so please don't respond to it with any repeat negatives at smokers. My DH and i are smokers and yes we know it's bad for us and we are in process of trying to quit but in the mean time we(along with many other smokers in the world) have always considerd the non smokers rights and respect them. cigarettes are legal and so is smoking so why do some people talk about and treat smokers like criminals? I have allergy reactions to some perfumes which some people think they need to put way to much on while on a cruise but i just walk away from it or not sit near them if i can, and please don't say its not the same thing as smoke because i know that, but also how do i know that someday the chemicals in perfume that goes into the air won't be found harmful? Now back to ship policies, we have been on many cruises and follow the policies like smoking where we are allowed and so forth but have yet to see any crew members enforce policies like no chair hogging at the poolside or babies wearing diapers in the pool, so maybe they should also fine those people who break the rules. As far as smoking on Balconies, i think you should be allowed and if next to a non smoker and out there at the same time why can't the non smoker next to you just ask the smoker not to while your out at same time, most of us respect that, i know there are rude smokers, but there are also just as many rude non smokers. If you are a smoker who throws your butts overboard, you are not only stupid but should be ashamed, and if you have voiced your disapproval about the new policy think that you could also be part of the reason why it is now in place.


I will make several comments. Number 1 I am a previous smoker or 16 years and have been quit for 10 years now. I respect other people's right to smoke and will move if it bothers me. Number 2- like you perfume bothers me. Not as much as when I was younger and it caused asthma attacks but now it still can lead to migraines. It is sad that those who wear perfume don't view it the same as smoking. Number 3- I have seen cruise line employees enforce both the chair hog rule and the baby in diapers rule. Unfortunately it is like cops and speeding you only really notice them enforcing the rules when you are affected. Many more people get away with these things. I'm sure the same will be true of breaking the smoking rules. The biggest problem will be that those, like you, who want to respect the rules will be unhappy. Those that don't care about the rules will continue as if they don't affect them, just like the chair hogs.

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Huh?? You don't tell an obese person to stop eating, which is ludicrous. You educate them on healthy eating options and what they can do to combat it. The key word is educate....which means they learn the info and then they make the decision on what to do.


And I don't understand what you mean by "no friends or family members left." Side effects of obesity? Let's see....type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, etc etc etc.


If I told my friends and family what to do, when they did not ask, they would beeecth slap me. So you chose to tell the smoker what to do, as in if you want to smoke go for it. If you are going to tell the smoker not to smoke, tell the fat person not to eat. Why aren't you educating the smoker instead of telling them to go ahead? I on the other hand, work on myself.


If I am going to tell someone not to do something unhealthy, I am going to make sure my health is in order, is yours? No nothing against fat. I am from a culture where meat on the bones is a sign of wealth and good living.

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If I told my friends and family what to do, when they did not ask, they would beeecth slap me. So you chose to tell the smoker what to do, as in if you want to smoke go for it. If you are going to tell the smoker not to smoke, tell the fat person not to eat. Why aren't you educating the smoker instead of telling them to go ahead? I on the other hand, work on myself.


If I am going to tell someone not to do something unhealthy, I am going to make sure my health is in order, is yours? No nothing against fat. I am from a culture where meat on the bones is a sign of wealth and good living.


Let me explain this again since it's quite apparent I was not clear in my original post. When I tell someone to go ahead and smoke, then it's their choice but that's after I educate them on why they should stop smoking. I tell them all the awful stuff that comes with smoking and afterwards, THEY CHOOSE. You can't force someone to stop what they want to do. All you can do is teach them and give them the option. So again, if someone wishes to continue smoking, let them! It's their health!


And who the heck are you to ask me if my health is in order? I'm a registered nurse and in order for me to take care of my patients and my family, I have to take care of myself first!

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Let me explain this again since it's quite apparent I was not clear in my original post. When I tell someone to go ahead and smoke, then it's their choice but that's after I educate them on why they should stop smoking. I tell them all the awful stuff that comes with smoking and afterwards, THEY CHOOSE. You can't force someone to stop what they want to do. All you can do is teach them and give them the option. So again, if someone wishes to continue smoking, let them! It's their health!


And who the heck are you to ask me if my health is in order? I'm a registered nurse and in order for me to take care of my patients and my family, I have to take care of myself first!


I am a poster seeing you dishing out advise the OP did not ask for. That leads me to believe you are posting or living by example, clean and healthy life. Since I hate to assume, I asked, how is your health and any issues that might put you at risk, other than tobacco? Your health is good, advise away. I have an overweight cardiologist I would love for you to talk to.


What the big deal about asking about your health on a health related thread. If you are truly healthy then that should be a blessing, own it. My health sucks, double open heart surgeries with an ejection fraction of 35-40 percent.

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I am a poster seeing you dishing out advise the OP did not ask for. That leads me to believe you are posting or living by example, clean and healthy life. Since I hate to assume, I asked, how is your health and any issues that might put you at risk, other than tobacco? Your health is good, advise away. I have an overweight cardiologist I would love for you to talk to?


What the big deal about asking about your health on a health related thread. If you are truly healthy then that should be a blessing, own it. My health sucks, double open heart surgeries with an ejection fraction of 35-40 percent.




Where did I say that I gave OP advice? I said at the beginning of my post as an opening line "Here are my thoughts." Thoughts are not advice! And why would I speak to your cardiologist when he/she is a medical professional and already knows what obesity can do to the body?


What's the big deal? This thread is about the OP giving her thoughts about smoking and you decided to derail it by asking me about my own health. This isn't about me, it's about the OP and I decided to share my thoughts on the subject she's talking about.

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Where did I say that I gave OP advice? I said at the beginning of my post as an opening line "Here are my thoughts." Thoughts are not advice! And why would I speak to your cardiologist when he/she is a medical professional and already knows what obesity can do to the body?


What's the big deal? This thread is about the OP giving her thoughts about smoking and you decided to derail it by asking me about my own health. This isn't about me, it's about the OP and I decided to share my thoughts on the subject she's talking about.


Fair enough:D


If I had good health I would not have a problem saying so, wouldn't consider it a derail, just a blessing. People say I am not a smoker, so once you declare what you aren't, I figure you open the door or more disclosure. :D



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Fair enough:D


If I had good health I would not have a problem saying so, wouldn't consider it a derail, just a blessing. People say I am not a smoker, so once you declare what you aren't, I figure you open the door or more disclosure. :D






I wish you all the good health in the world! I can't imagine having 2 heart surgeries and still be able to go on a cruise. Usually after 2 heart surgeries, the patients I've taken care of are limited to what they can do. It sounds like you're the exception and that is a blessing!


Take care and have fun in your future cruises!

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