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DH and I will Celebrate a Special Event........


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2006 will be a special year for DH and me. We wish to celebrate where else but on an HAL ship, or course......

Here's the criteria:

It has to be between 10-15 days on the ship. We can do a day or two pre and post cruise. It has to be in summer 2006. It can't be Alaska.

Will you help with suggestions?

Thanks for any comments that help us pick the perfect cruise.

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Thank you for trying to help us, Mark..



Summer (for us) could include from June through the end of September. Our preference would be from about the end of July to end of August but we're flexible to some extent.

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After just returning from the Baltics on the ms Rotterdam, I highly recommend that cruise for a special occassion. The ship was fantastic and the ports were so seeped in History, it was unbelievable, It was a 12 cruise with two days in St Petersburg. I also recommend a private tour with Red October while in St Petersburg, it added icing to the cake. The whole experience was fantastic and I can not say enough good things about the whole cruise.


Please let me know if you have any questions about the trip.

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You and DH are tough to think for because I think you have probably been everywhere *LOL*


But I was thinking Europe, Hawaii.


Then again is there anywhere you and DH have never been that you have always said "one of these days" ? Or a place that you have been to that holds a special memory for you.


If this is such a special occasion for you two, this would be the perfect time to go there. I am not sure that you can get there on a HAL ship, which I know would mean a lot to you. But just a thought. :)


Have a great time whatever the occasion is and ENJOY!!!!! :)

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Here's your trip! It's an interesting itinerary, within your timeframe, round trip for ease of air travel, and it's on the new Noordam, so it's your chance to sail her during her first season. And what better place to pre or post than Rome?


My DW and I talked about this cruise this weekend. It departs Rome on our wedding anniversary! We're ready to book. I'm just trying to decide whether to wait another 4 weeks and book while we're onboard the Prinsendam to get the booking credits, or just go ahead and lock in our preferred cabin now.

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If you are interested in s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g your dates into October/06, you could join DH and me on the Rotterdam for the 12 day Ancient Wonders Mediterranean cruise. We were in the Med. in June/04 and are excited about returning, particularly on a different ship - we were on the Prinsendam last year. It's just something else for you to consider, but you know wherever you travel, you'll enjoy the trip if it's on HAL.


Early congrats on your "special year" ... how many?


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)

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I take it then that you are now willing to fly a distance, such as to Europe or the Pacific? I know many times you have said that at the present time you did not wish to fly any greater distance than FL. Give us your flight requirements if you will. :confused:


Something will HAVE to change, either destination of flight, cruiseline, or time period from what you have said previously you wanted in the summer.

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If I remember correctly, your anniversary is in August.

Since you don't want to go to Alaska - and HAL will not be doing any Caribbean cruises in 2006 - it looks like you will have no choice but to sail on "your" Maasdam on back-to-back cruises in Canada/New England - just like you did this past June.

DH and I will be celebrating our anniversary in Alaska on the Statendam.

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Here's your trip! It's an interesting itinerary, within your timeframe, round trip for ease of air travel, and it's on the new Noordam, so it's your chance to sail her during her first season. And what better place to pre or post than Rome?


My DW and I talked about this cruise this weekend. It departs Rome on our wedding anniversary! We're ready to book. I'm just trying to decide whether to wait another 4 weeks and book while we're onboard the Prinsendam to get the booking credits, or just go ahead and lock in our preferred cabin now.




You're right. That is a wonderful cruise. Rome is one of our favorite cities. We have been there about 8 - 10 times but not for at least 8 or more years now.


KK is right when she says that I have been unwilling to fly very far in recent years. I still do not like the idea but am becoming a little more comfortable about doing so. I could imagine arriving and departing Leonardo DiVinci Airport. It is familiar to me and, therefore, comfortable.


Spain and Italy are among are very favorites of all of Europe. We have been all over Spain but never to Barcelona and that is absolutely a 'draw'.


Hmmm.... you really did come up with something VERY interesting for us to ponder.

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Your Maasdam (which you were so kind to share with DW and I) will be making a very nice sounding trans-lant in July with stops in Le Havre and Dublin, and ending up in Boston. It looks like you could pick it up in England.


Just a thought. Good luck.



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If I remember correctly, your anniversary is in August.


Since you don't want to go to Alaska - and HAL will not be doing any Caribbean cruises in 2006 - it looks like you will have no choice but to sail on "your" Maasdam on back-to-back cruises in Canada/New England - just like you did this past June.


DH and I will be celebrating our anniversary in Alaska on the Statendam.



Yes, KK....you're right. I have not wanted to fly long distances in recent years. Somehow, I guess surviving heart attacks and open-heart surgery has made me think more seriously about these silly limitations I have placed upon us.


My DH really wants to return to Europe where we have traveled a great many times in the past.....the too distant past for his taste. I guess 'he has rights, too', :) so I am seriously trying to make myself agree to book, go and enjoy.


You have an excellent memory. Our Anniversary is in August but that is not the principal reason for our celebration though I most definitely celebrate and appreciate them all. If we are fortunate and make it to our anniversary this year, (let alone next year :) ), it will be 37 years.

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Your Maasdam (which you were so kind to share with DW and I) will be making a very nice sounding trans-lant in July with stops in Le Havre and Dublin, and ending up in Boston. It looks like you could pick it up in England.


Just a thought. Good luck.





Thanks, Mark. I have, indeed, been pondering the transatlantic. We've never done a crossing and somehow it seems with all of our travel and cruising, it is a blaring omission.


Disembarking in Boston would be a huge plus for us. :) Just thinking of all the fun things I could shop for and not worry about how to get home makes it worth it all by itself. ;)


We are so happy whenever we hear of anyone who loves "My" Maasdam and are very willing to share with all who 'treat her kindly'. :)

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Ger 77, babyher, keep on cruising, bookworm.....


Thank you all for 'trying to help me.' I appreciate it.

I'm starting to think that maybe if I grit my teeth, dig deep down inside and remember the wonderful times we've had in Europe (including cruising in Europe on Maasdam, Statendam and Rotterdam), that Europe it just might be for us in 2006.


I can't say that right now I'm jumping for joy about it but maybe once we actually firm up a choice and book it ......then I'll remember that excited feeling about going to Europe.


I have to admit the cruise that Jim found really does appeal to me more than any of the others I've looked at. I had not seen that itinerary. (I really had only casually glanced at the choices as I wasn't all that into finding something I knew DH would love.)


Thanks, Jim...... :confused: I think???

I know some might think it silly that I would have asked this question on this Board, but I really did want your suggestions/help and appreciate that you have helped me. Thank you.

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Join us in Amseterdam for 16-days on Prinsendam...



Scenic cruising North Sea Canal

6/25 Enter Kiel Canal at Brunsbuttel Locks*

Daylight transit Kiel Canal

6/26 Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark

6/27 Visby, Gotland, Sweden

6/28 Helsinki, Finland

6/29 St. Petersburg, Russia

6/30 St. Petersburg

7/1 St. Petersburg

7/2 Tallinn, Estonia

7/3 Stockholm, Sweden

Scenic cruising Stockholm Archipelago

7/4 Gdansk, Poland 4:00 pm

7/5 Gdansk 16:00 pm

7/6 Warnemunde, Germany

7/7 Copenhagen, Denmark

7/8 Scenic cruising Oslo Fjord

Oslo, Norway 10:00 am

7/9 At Sea (North Sea)



We'd love to have company!

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That sounds like a wonderful cruise. I wish we could consider that one but it is just a tad too long. DH can't be away from his office more than about 16- 17 or so days. If we were to cruise out of Amsterdam, we'd have to come at least one day pre-cruise. Then we'd need at least one day post cruise in order to get a decent flight home. It would be so hard to be in that great city but not have time to spend a little time there. It's stretching it too long for DH. I do really like round trip out of the same city though.


Thank you very much for mentioning it. I'm very happy you have that great cruise to look forward to. I know we would have enjoyed cruising with you.

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:) :) :) :) :)


S7S - I am so happy to read this thread!


Just so you know, whereever you choose to cruise, on whatever ship you choose to sail on, for however long you choose to be gone ..... you have already chosen the best! You've chosen to share the best of your life with the best in your life, your special DH! What can be better than that? You are such a gracious, giving, caring person, full of joy and happiness! Time has come for you to go and sail the seven seas again! Go and Enjoy!

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Love Life.....What a beautiful message. Coming from you, it means a lot to me.


Yes....I think it is time I got back to 'sailing the 7 seas'. Time to do all we


used to do. ;) He really is a special man, isn't he? :) (Can't wait to sail again with you!!!!)

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Hi Sail7Seas,


When we fly to Europe, we always try to get a daytime flight which makes the acclimation to European time very much easier.


Both British Air and American Airlines have morning flights from Boston and I am pretty sure that British Air has an early morning flight from New York.


These flights get you to London in time for a quick dinner and then it is off to bed. The next morning you can fly off to wherever your ship will be, feeling fresh as a daisy.


It is much more pleasant and much easier on the body than an overnight flight.


Also, if you book Business Class on British Air, you get a seat that makes up into a bed if you need the rest.


Have a terrific time.



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That Noordam cruise Jim brought up sounds very nice. Sounds like it fits in your time frame. You love Europe and haven't been in a while and you get to go to Barcelona (I HAVE BEEN SOMEPLACE YOU HAVEN"T BEEN????????????) HA HA HA :) JUST TEASEING




Seriously though, I understand your apprehension about long travel after your medical problems, My Dad was the same way for a while after his heart attack. But as long as the doctor approves it and you feel up to it. I say Go for it and Enjoy.


Yea DH has rights too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( us guys have to stick up for each other *LOL*) But you know your limitations and what you are and are not up to.


I think once you book and get into the excitement of planning the trip and getting back to Europe after so long, that will take the edge off the anxiety.


Whatever you decide just enjoy and have a very Happy Anniversary :) :)

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Hi Sail7Seas,


When we fly to Europe, we always try to get a daytime flight which makes the acclimation to European time very much easier.


Both British Air and American Airlines have morning flights from Boston and I am pretty sure that British Air has an early morning flight from New York.


These flights get you to London in time for a quick dinner and then it is off to bed. The next morning you can fly off to wherever your ship will be, feeling fresh as a daisy.


It is much more pleasant and much easier on the body than an overnight flight.


Also, if you book Business Class on British Air, you get a seat that makes up into a bed if you need the rest.


Have a terrific time.








Thank you, Roberta. I think you are correct about the British Air and AA to London. If we fly to London, we will book a morning flight and definitely we will book Businesss. We have always flown at least Business but mostly First when going to Europe. (We have lots of miles to use up. :) )


I haven't checked yet but I think it possible for us to fly non-stop to Rome from Boston. We'll try very hard to avoid going to New York but would rather connect in Europe if a connection is necessary.


Thanks for your help.




Babyher......Thank you so much for Your help. I think it's a matter that I am now 'far enough away' from it that I feel way more comfortable. Doc has put no restrictions whatsoever on me (except common sense) so.....


I think we will be fly, fly, flying away. Yup, We ladies have to admit you guys also have rights!!! :) (now and then :p )


(Hope your Dad is doing well.)

Actually, this celebration is about both of us having a big birthday. Our birthdays are days apart and only a few weeks from our Anniversary so on the 'big year birthdays', we combine all three events and make it a big celebration!!!

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Actually, this celebration is about both of us having a big birthday. Our birthdays are days apart and only a few weeks from our Anniversary so on the 'big year birthdays', we combine all three events and make it a big celebration!!!
That's what we're doing this year. DW's BD is end of July (a "major" one this year,) our anniversary is in August (#36 this time,) and my BD is September. Plus, DW is retiring on 8/15 after almost three decades of teaching. So we're circling the British Isles for 14 days to celebrate!

Of course, who really needs an occasion to cruise? ;)

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Then by all means go and have a ball :)


As long as everything is good physically , then it is just a matter of psyching yourself up. And how much psyching up do YOU need to go on a cruise *LOL*


Besides it is a "big Birthday" . How many times in your life are you going to turn 39?????


Go and Enjoy :)

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How Wonderful!!! Next summer will be a big celebration for all of us!!


Besides it is a "big Birthday" . How many times in your life are you going to turn 39?????



If I could arrange it, it would be again and again and again. :) What a gentleman you are!!! :cool:


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