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.......idle jottings


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Resist the temptation Ho-hum. I don't think they are really "you"…

But then again they may provide entertainment for fellow guests :D


May I make two suggestions for latest beachwear?

One allows for maximum tanning, the other in support of England at the World Cup!


With the sophisticated Gyro poo-pooing ho hum's choice of pants except for entertainment value !

Well really !

He has reluctantly decided to heed her advice.


But ho hum had also been looking for beach wear or for just hanging out round the pool or at the TOYB (maybe catchin' the eye of the fillies too !!!).

What ho hum does'nt make up for in the so called "toned" look he feels sure that the ample, round look will turn heads (may be stomachs too).


The two eye-catchin "costumes" posted by Poppy are perfect !

The mankini provides sophistication and patriotism but the straps around the neck seem to be under pretty heavy strain.

A "Brazilian" will be required first however as it's a bit of a forest down there !

The rear view is similarly heavily thatched !

Eewwww !


OK ladies keep calm !

Dont crowd ho hum all at once !!!

Take a ticket and join the queue and no pushing in, plenty of ho hum to go round.

Ho hum the "stud" has arrived (sick bags also available: nervous excitement effects the "huns" in different ways ho hum has found).


Must find the chunky golden medallion and grow that handle-bar moustache and ho hum should be up and ready.

Drenched in Old Spice.

Pluck that nasal bush ?

No the ladies like the natural look but a "sheep dip" in spray tan would'nt do any harm for that orange day glow look.


Must practice those gyrating moves and pelvic thrusts and yes, the babe magnet, here he comes.

Just hope the knees hold out !

Oh and the back !

Not forgetting the arthritis (yes that's what we are calling it now Commander, OK !).


"Night fever, night fever, we know how to do it........." Soooooo hot (well tepid at least).


Practice the chat up lines. "OK, get your coat, you've pulled"

Hang out by the bar with a Pina Colada avec umbrella and await the hordes of totty.

They dont stand a chance !



(Oh ho hum you fantasist ! Blondie's the only gal for him. Truly blessed).


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With the sophisticated Gyro poo-pooing ho hum's choice of pants except for entertainment value !

Well really !

He has reluctantly decided to heed her advice.


But ho hum had also been looking for beach wear or for just hanging out round the pool or at the TOYB (maybe catchin' the eye of the fillies too !!!).

What ho hum does'nt make up for in the so called "toned" look he feels sure that the ample, round look will turn heads (may be stomachs too).


The two eye-catchin "costumes" posted by Poppy are perfect !

The mankini provides sophistication and patriotism but the straps around the neck seem to be under pretty heavy strain.

A "Brazilian" will be required first however as it's a bit of a forest down there !

The rear view is similarly heavily thatched !

Eewwww !


OK ladies keep calm !

Dont crowd ho hum all at once !!!

Take a ticket and join the queue and no pushing in, plenty of ho hum to go round.

Ho hum the "stud" has arrived (sick bags also available: nervous excitement effects the "huns" in different ways ho hum has found).


Must find the chunky golden medallion and grow that handle-bar moustache and ho hum should be up and ready.

Drenched in Old Spice.

Pluck that nasal bush ?

No the ladies like the natural look but a "sheep dip" in spray tan would'nt do any harm for that orange day glow look.


Must practice those gyrating moves and pelvic thrusts and yes, the babe magnet, here he comes.

Just hope the knees hold out !

Oh and the back !

Not forgetting the arthritis (yes that's what we are calling it now Commander, OK !).


"Night fever, night fever, we know how to do it........." Soooooo hot (well tepid at least).


Practice the chat up lines. "OK, get your coat, you've pulled"

Hang out by the bar with a Pina Colada avec umbrella and await the hordes of totty.

They dont stand a chance !



(Oh ho hum you fantasist ! Blondie's the only gal for him. Truly blessed).


"Heavily thatched" rear view. Double eeewwww!! Methinks Ho-Hum is dipping into the cooking sherry again.:D

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Idle Jottings is less than 700 views from becoming the all time leader eclipsing even the "Kids on SeaDream" thread. Ho-Hum is verging on greatness. It will be well worth it to pay my debt of a premium pint of bitter at the pub of Ho-Hum's choice (as long as it is in the Posh Part of England) in order to meet the Greatest. Payment due next Spring if our travel schedules mesh.:D:D:D

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Idle Jottings is less than 700 views from becoming the all time leader eclipsing even the "Kids on SeaDream" thread. Ho-Hum is verging on greatness. It will be well worth it to pay my debt of a premium pint of bitter at the pub of Ho-Hum's choice (as long as it is in the Posh Part of England) in order to meet the Greatest. Payment due next Spring if our travel schedules mesh.:D:D:D


Oh Jim, ho hum unfortunately must gently correct you old chap.


Whilst this silly little, impertinent thread may well indeed surpass the "Kids" thread it is still woefully behind other historic threads which this thread will never surpass.

And the doyen of 3 of those threads as well as the all time greatest thread is from wonder woman "Frequent Traveller" with her thread "And you know when you're addicted to Sea Dream" which currently has an incredible 54,320 views !


Neither will this thread exceed the most replies.

This attribute belongs to "SD2 Fall '10 Transatlantic Crossing" (which ho hum was on actually) which was begun by the illustrious ctjbr1309 and has 675 replies !


These two, truly great contributors (as well as your good self, Jim) are legends that ho hum will never pass or surpass.

What ho hum can say is that he has "met" some wonderful people on this forum and this has been the single most pleasure as well as being allowed to be very foolish.


And you, dear readers have been most tolerant; receiving the (outrageous) posts (at times) in good humour which is a great testimony to the followers of this whole forum (not just this thread) and typical of the majority of wonderful Sea Dream clients.

Which is the reason why, with all it's frustrations originating by shoreside management/owner, the shipside experience is still the best out there.


Finally Jim, it would be great to meet up at a pub for that pint if our plans hopefully coincide.

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Did ho hum really say that !!!!


Ho hum wishes to fully retract the allegation that Norwegians are dullllll !


Ho hum was just plain wrong (well wrong-ish),


Norwegians are just sooooooo polite en masse preferring to dine with fellow Norwegians to whom they discuss the amount of snow that fell in their part of Oslo or weekend island retreat (they all have island retreats) or the shocking price rise in reindeer meat or whatever parochial banalities that engrosses Norwegians.


However when they do break out of the herd, they are simply wonderful !!!


Ho hum remembers some great countrymen from the land of the fjords that have enriched his life and with whom he has enjoyed travelling with on SD,


Once there was an outside concert featuring Adele.

So this young Norwegian guy and ho hum were well lubricated as we stood on the platform around the pool singing out loud every song to the chagrin of the poor unfortunate other passengers that dwindled away as the concert progressed.

The finale was "Fire in the rain" which we felt would best be concluded by dive bombing into the pool (fully clothed) thus inadvertently showering our remaining fellow passengers !


Ho hum also loved the company of a sister of a very well known guy loosely associated with SD and her lovely son. Fun, fun, interesting lady. Promised to sail with again. You bet.


Then there were two couples whom we ended up on the tables with, prior to lunchtime at TOyB dancing away.


And there was also an amazing son of a senior crew member who ran the best disco ever and (on a separate trip) joined us for lunch every day with his girlfriend and two best friends whilst visiting the boat in the Med during their travels around the Adriatic.


Then there was a truly beautiful lady who "knew" Leonard Cohen in his Hydra days !

Knew him very, very well in fact !! Truly fascinating for an LC devotee like ho hum.


Then we have the Captains. Truly great, inspiring gentlemen.

Dont think ho hum would ever have stayed with SD for so long if it had'nt been for "Johnny".


So sorry to all the Norwegians ho hum has encountered.

Truly loved your company (just dont invite ho hum to a big table though !).


When ho hum was first invited to the Captain's table, he thought he would tell a Norwegian joke. This was totally against the advice of blondie.

But ho hum continued. "Well Captain, did you hear about the two Norwegians driving at night.

The driver starts to worry something is wrong with his blinkers so he pulls over and asks the other Norwegian to get out and check them.

"Hey," the guys yells from the front of the car, "It works... Wait it doesn't work... No now it works... Wait it doesn't work... No wait, now it works... Oh sorry, it doesn't work..."


The Captain did'nt laugh and said "Always best to check the car before driving".

The other diners did'nt get it either and blondie was just staring at the plate.


So ho hum tried another.


LITTLE OLE was sitting at the kitchen table doing his school homework.

He was writing an essay about his origin when he suddenly turned to question his mother.

"Mama, where did Grandma come from?" he asked.

"The stork brought her," answered Lena.

"And where did you come from?" asked Little Ole.

"The stork brought me," answered Lena.

"And where did I come from?" Little Ole asked.

"Well, son, the stork brought you, too," Lena answered.

Little Ole picked up his pencil, turned to his school tablet, and started to write his essay:

"There hasn't been any natural births in our family for three generations!"


Zilch ! Zippo ! Niente ! Nuffin' !

And so the conversation moved on to the price of reindeer meat much to the relief of blondie.

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Ho hum knows this unusual (so what's new) but he would like to suggest checking out a wonderful little book:


Lost Cat: A True Story of Love, Desperation & GPS Technology.

Though “about” a cat, this heartwarming and heartbreaking tale is really about what it means to be human — about the osmosis of hollowing loneliness and profound attachment, the oscillation between boundless affection and paralyzing fear of abandonment, the unfair promise of loss implicit to every possibility of love.


The illustrations are "touching" (see the attachment below).

Ho hum does'nt own a cat/s but if he did they would be called Billy and Bolly (after the champagne houses Billecart Salmon and Bollinger).


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Dr Who lounge pants for Ho-Hum!




Eureka they would suite ho hum perfectly !


So ho hum began ordering a pair each but then it came to SIZE !


And this Meat Loaf song came to him:

“Stop right there ! I gotta know right now, before you go in any further, do you love me, will you love me forever…………..”

Sang by the expressive, funny, beautiful strumpet Karla da Vito; 5.03 minutes into the You Tube video below.



Ho hum actually went to a Meat Loaf concert (Hammersmith Odeon, London) before they performed this on the legendary BBC tv programme, the great “OGWT”.

Happy Days.


Well it seems ho hum was right to be apprehensive at the size stage, for you see, Ho hum aspires to the waist size that the garment goes up to !

42" is the promise land for ho hum ! The Holy Grail if you will. Shangri-la, Nirvana, the roads end, the Alpha and the Omega....... Well you get the point.


Now did Gyro know that the sizing would be an issue ?

Was this not just a cruel joke or is ho hum being over-sensitive about his ample girth ?

That Gyro is a wickedly funny lady: could go either way.

Verdict suspended (for now !).


Already, it had not been a great day.


A dear chum had cruelly and viciously admonished ho hum for even considering "sprucing up" his travelling outfits and ensembles which he only did to ingratiate himself to them !

They clearly stated that if ho hum were to ever even consider wearing a mankini, that he would not be allowed to accompany them to the restaurants planned at a week long, villa stay in St.Bart's and would be consigned to stay behind or at some nudist beach whilst they (and blondie) would enjoy long al fresco lunches sans ho hum !


The cruel dejection was too much for ho hum and un-characteristically (yeah right) ho hum snapped after the dear chum had confided that he found the "idle jottings" posts somewhat amusing which he read at some un-Godly hour (04.30am) after having fed the cats and sipping his capuccino.


So ho hum told him that he hoped the cats would piss in his coffee ! If that is the way ho hum was to be treated.


Not a word since !


Where did it all go so wrong ? Why did ho hum even bother ? And at his age too !

Vanity, vanity all is vanity.


So ho hum has trolled the beachwear magazines and has found a unisex outfit that should satisfy all.

Yes he will look like a beached whale (it only comes in black) but this cannot be considered offensive and will enable ho hum to be allowed to join his dearest friends for those lunches which he is so looking forward to in their delightful company.

See photo.


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What about the Captain America (hehehe!) Lounge pants?


I didn't actually look at sizes or think you may be outside the available range my dear! Optical illusion obviously.


Not quite sure about the muslims women's swimming costume…

but I think this Tshirt would be quite good for those cocktail hours when you would rather be in your PJs??



And if in doubt for beach wear just go for blinding colour..then the rest will fall into place!



Edited by gyroscopic
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What about the Captain America (hehehe!) Lounge pants?


I didn't actually look at sizes or think you may be outside the available range my dear! Optical illusion obviously.


Not quite sure about the muslims women's swimming costume…

but I think this Tshirt would be quite good for those cocktail hours when you would rather be in your PJs??



And if in doubt for beach wear just go for blinding colour..then the rest will fall into place!




A size that actually fits ! (and that's how people will respond......in "fits").

Ho hum can go causal but look debonair (that will be a first).

Great job Gyro.


Allah be praised (ooops !).

Sorry I meant Jesus "take the wheel" (always looking for any designated driver).


Just need something to keep the babes throwing themselves at ho hum (sorry meant "throwing up" at ho hum).

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Ho hum's a tad concerned.

Jim has'nt been taking his medication for a few days (tequila shots every hour).

It's approaching "Kids" thread passing time and .... well, not a jot from the Legend.

If you see him wandering aimlessly from the shooting range on his way into the arms of the patient Lois, please let us know.

He is our root Guru.

Life is meaningless without his approval or disapproval but NOTHING !

No. Cannpt be endured a mote.

Jim, if you dont report in.

Ho hum will be searching the desert, searching the bars, just plain a searchin'

Commodore Dave is on his way from far off Canada.

We need you ......... (so that ho hum can rub your nose into the completely erroneous prophecy you made in mid-April !).

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Aw-schucks Jim !


You know, some of us on this side of the Pond actually use a good deal of night time for SLEEPING! Then to wake up to "I told you so" from the Oulde Country is enough to make me put Irish in my coffee. But, to give credit where due, well done Ho-Hum. You have truly taught us all a thing or two while entertaining us mightily. I will come out of the closet and admit that "Idle Jottings" is the first thing I turn to in the morning. (Er, after Lois, the dog, and the Arizona Lottery website but you are right up there). For your exemplary service to past and future SeaDream passengers, we have had secret balloting for a new award. You are the very first recipient of the "Atle". Oscar has just taken second place. All the best from rootin tootin Arizona.:D

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You know, some of us on this side of the Pond actually use a good deal of night time for SLEEPING! Then to wake up to "I told you so" from the Oulde Country is enough to make me put Irish in my coffee. But, to give credit where due, well done Ho-Hum. You have truly taught us all a thing or two while entertaining us mightily. I will come out of the closet and admit that "Idle Jottings" is the first thing I turn to in the morning. (Er, after Lois, the dog, and the Arizona Lottery website but you are right up there). For your exemplary service to past and future SeaDream passengers, we have had secret balloting for a new award. You are the very first recipient of the "Atle". Oscar has just taken second place. All the best from rootin tootin Arizona.:D




Awwww Jim.

Dont know what to say old chap.

Ho hum is a "flash in the pan" compared to you and make no mistake guvnor.

As the first recipient of the first "Atle" award.

As is Atle's custom, ho hum has nought to say. Except....

It's been a blast. It really has.

Readers are a polite and tolerant bunch. Quite amazing bunch.

Ho hum has stretched the sense of humour at times. You have been perfect dears.

It has been mostly "tongue in cheek" posts exceptin' shoreside management/owner's shenanigans ! That makes ho hum's blood boil sometimes.

No offence intended just wish to add a bit of "frizzante" to the day (like a very spicy Bloody Mary or a stiff Martini).


But even management/owner have been a little less aggravating these days. Haven't they ?

Credit to ho hum ? Dont be damn silly !

It gives ho hum some pleasure though that there is a designated person who reads this "waffle" to "Attilla".

And then Mr.Burnt-toast, ho hum said you are weird, should resign and go to a remote Norwegian island blowing glass ! Haha

Maybe she has a little giggle (for it is a "she").


Now ho hum will be takin' it easy from now on.

So no guaranteed dailies.

Sorry 'bout that.

But you know these psychological evaluations are taking so long. Test after test after test.

Well let's just see how we get on. No promises mind.

Most will be saying "well maybe we can have a sensible forum back again" and boozelady will be back saying "well I have'nt been on SD since 1971, the gin measures were tiny and the Chateau Lafitte was quite un-drinkable ! Dont call me dahling, dahling ! You sexist pig !" Hic.


There are a number of ramblings already committed to draft but the team of top notch psychiatrists are poring over them thinking they have discovered a completely new type of deranged thinking.

Even ho hum re-examines them and says "where the hell did that come from !".

Dropped as a child probably (dropped off at the orphanage ! 'tis true).


But to all who rise in the morning and say "Oh God, still here. What crap is about to rain down on me to-day?"

Ho hum was there to prepare you for a gentle easing into another "Groundhog Day" wishing you were back on SD with the wonderful crew.

But dearest, you have a chum here. You really do. For we can rant and we can laugh together.


God bless each and every one of you (and please God forgive Jim for his doubts that this worthless thread would ever exceed the "Kids" thread. He knoweth not what he does. Well does any of us when all said and done. Life, these days, seems a continuos revelation of absolutely incredulous events.


And the sheer irony !

By replying to your post Jim.

This humble thread has reached second place in the number of replies ever on over 1400 threads since this forum started.


No justice is there, Jim ?

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Well you know what day it is dont you ?

Yes it's Saturday.

Yessssss but what else ?

Nasal hair trim day ?

No blondie

Putting the bins out ?


Oh no, not enema replacement ?


Oh God your mother's visiting ?

No and dont be un-kind, she has had a hard time just recently.



Errrrr....... Dunno.....give up.

Oh come on !




Oh Yeah.


THAT's right.


Remember the time; you've flown from God knows where and sensibly arrived a day or two + before to make sure luggage has arrived and see the sights.


No ! You arrive in the morning of the trip ? Are you mad ?


Remember the excitement, the anticipation, seeing favourite crew, seeing people you've travelled with before, checking for weirdos, groups, KIDS !

No, thank God followed by big sigh of relief.

Now you can begin enjoying the time away.


And what truly lovely voyages they are.

SD are on their "home turf", doing what they do best. So envious !


SDI is in the Baltic starting off in Stockholm, Sweden.

Then: Helsinki, Finland - St. Petersburg, Russia (2 nights) - Tallinn, Estonia - Mariehamn, Aaland Islands, Finland - returning to Stockholm, Sweden

Check out activities too on link below:



Between 7-15 deg C, partly cloudy.

So it's more of a historic city type of voyage. Activities sound good.


SDII is in the Mediterranean (well Adriatic to be precise) starting off in Venice, Italy.

Then around Croatia, Rab - Ribenik - Hvar - Dubrovnik - Kotor, Montenegro - Sarande (Butrinnt) - Taormina (Etna) Sicily - Stromboli, Sicily - Positano, Italy - Capri, Italy, Ponza, Italy - Rome, Italy

Check out activities too on link below



Between 16-27 deg C, partly cloudy.

So it's delightful. Crew report they are having a great time (see photo). Beginning in one of the most beautiful cities in the world then the wonderful Croatian ports and then the classic Italian Riviera after delightful Sicily. Magic. Bellisimo.


What would be your choice ? SDI or SDII's itinerary.


Favourite port ? favourite activity, restaurant ?

Worst (we like a little rant too: this thread is an equal opportunity thread after all).


And if you happen to be on one of those voyages, then let us know how it is.....pleeezz.


Photo is of some of the wonderful crew of SDII.

The amazing Garfield (desert chef SDII), beautiful Coral (former Activities assistant SDII), Mr.Smooth Enes (maitre d' SDII) + beautiful lady all having a gas at Vodnjan, Pula, Croatia.

Great to see them having fun 'cos they will be "pumped" for all those guests.

Just wish ho hum and blondie was there.

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Oh Ho Hum you've started me searching for a cruise around the Adriatic. My favourite area to cruise. Just love that location. I've done so many cruises there. Been to most ports on the SD2 itinerary you mentioned apart from Sarande? (Albania) ? Such a great itinerary. Can't remember which port I was in but decided to have a relaxing beach day, arrived at the beach and discovered it was a nudist beach:eek: think it maybe Rab?

Miss prudish Poppy nearly fainted.

Think your Ribenik should be Sibenik and if so check out the krka waterfalls in the national park. Absolutely beautiful.

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Your photo did not come through of the amazing Garfield, the lovely Coral, and the smooth Enes. But i saw it on Enes's Facebook post. Looked like it was a fabulous party!


We did essentially the same cruise out of Stockholm 2 years ago on SDI as you were describing on your post. It was a really nice cruise. They did a very good job on the shore excursions. Will be interested to hear if they do as good this time. The great Michael was CAD then. We have friends doing BTB's on July 5 and July 16. Hope to hear from them while on board or shortly after.


We are doing the Dover to Lisbon cruise leaving on August 30, Voyage 11431. Would love to know if you have any good recommendations for not to miss things to do on this cruise.


Was sorry to see that Enes will be on SDII. We will miss him so much!


Does anyone know who will be on SDI for the Baltic cruises? Perhaps Pierre and Silvio?


Any reports yet about the improvements after DryDock?


Ho-hum, I'm counting on you for good inside info!

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Oh Ho Hum you've started me searching for a cruise around the Adriatic. My favourite area to cruise. Just love that location. I've done so many cruises there. Been to most ports on the SD2 itinerary you mentioned apart from Sarande? (Albania) ? Such a great itinerary. Can't remember which port I was in but decided to have a relaxing beach day, arrived at the beach and discovered it was a nudist beach:eek: think it maybe Rab?

Miss prudish Poppy nearly fainted.

Think your Ribenik should be Sibenik and if so check out the krka waterfalls in the national park. Absolutely beautiful.


Yes the Adriatic is wonderful, especially when starting off in Venice (after a few days there) but ho hum loves the islands of Sicily and Corsica, so sailing round those islands with a bit of the French or Italian Riviera is good too but hate the crowds.

So never July.

Ooops, we are going to the Italian Riviera in July !

Well SD usually starts early in these ports so first off should helpfully avoid the great un-washed.


Quite correct, the Croatian port should have been Sibenik.

Ho hum will have a strong word with Miss Jones from the typing pool !

Beautiful girl but her assets didn't reach her brain.


What is it about people wanting to dis-robe and display their ganglia on a beach of all places !

And why do they always insist on playing mixed doubles as soon as they get their kit off or saunter about the garden or have barbecues and the like.

Or was it the kind of short, black and white, "Health & Fitness" films that cropped up from time to time during ho hum's early years.

Ho hum hates most physical activity, playing games and especially barbecues.

As well as jolly people smiling and playing sports.

Hate the beach too.

Sitting on the actual ground and being naked sitting on a beach ! Yugghh !

Does'nt it get up the "crack": the sand, pebbles, discarded rubbish, tar, fish etc.. !


Ho hum is very mush ashamed of his body and would never have the affront to parade it around others.

Yes the good Jesuits (God's elite squad of storm-troopers) did a fine job on telling young ho hum that his body was an abomination in the eyes of God.

Well if it was so repugnant to him, why did he make it and what was he doing looking at a naked ho hum in the first place.

Well ho hum readily accepted his body was an abomination and the genitalia was a complete cock up. Philip Glass would have certainly improved and refined the appearance.

God's report that day must have been "must try harder: his genitalia looked like a sausage set between two hairy potatoes".

Bet God's mum, did'nt half give him one when he got home with the report card: no tea for you tonight God. Go straight to your room.

Awww Mum, I'm sorry it was my first time at genitalia.

Well all ho hum can say, is where he completely cocked up on boys, he well, and truly made up for it on girls. Bravo, encore.


Of course ho hum loves to "get back to nature" too, nothing like a restaurant with a sea view and the vinous fruits of the vine; that's as close as ho hum likes to get.

But is'nt there a dress code even for nature and that kind of thing.


Ho hum would'nt go the full hijab but there are quite a few, who converting to Islam for the summer vacation would be highly recommended and appreciated by the rest of us for that matter.

No blondie, your safe.

Dont deprive ho hum of your wonderful natural ensemble.


Is the wet room finished ?

Photos ?

No !

The wet room !

Not you !

Oh God forget it.

Start again, is the wet room finished Poppy. That's all, ho hum was trying to say.



Whatnot: speak soon.

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Your photo did not come through of the amazing Garfield, the lovely Coral, and the smooth Enes. But i saw it on Enes's Facebook post. Looked like it was a fabulous party!


We did essentially the same cruise out of Stockholm 2 years ago on SDI as you were describing on your post. It was a really nice cruise. They did a very good job on the shore excursions. Will be interested to hear if they do as good this time. The great Michael was CAD then. We have friends doing BTB's on July 5 and July 16. Hope to hear from them while on board or shortly after.


We are doing the Dover to Lisbon cruise leaving on August 30, Voyage 11431. Would love to know if you have any good recommendations for not to miss things to do on this cruise.


Was sorry to see that Enes will be on SDII. We will miss him so much!


Does anyone know who will be on SDI for the Baltic cruises? Perhaps Pierre and Silvio?


Any reports yet about the improvements after DryDock?


Ho-hum, I'm counting on you for good inside info!



It's surprising that but the reason for the photo not coming out was because ho hum completely forgot it.

That will be corrected.

And yes it is a lovely photo.

Makes you smile seeing these amazing young guys have a bit of R&R and enjoying one another's company.


Yes the Baltic cruise sounds great and ho hum is sure the activities will all be spot on: well it's their backyard and the Scandinavians are the whole enchilada when it comes to organising things.

Yes Michael from SA; an amazing competent person and nice t'boot.

SD has been struggling ever since to meet this level of competency and when Jeff left too !

Well disaster ! Love Gareth though: will be seeing him on SDII in a couple of days. His re-modelling to the success and stud he is now is down to a wonderful pair of gentlemen who generously offered clothing advice. They never offer ho hum such advice except dont wear that if you are planning to stay chez nous ! Tres charmant n'est pas ? Non !

SD pay the right rate for such an important position: these are the guys who encourage and book future voyages. Some financial incentive would attract better candidates (and possible returnees) and dont say it is against your damn principles: that is a joke when compared to the generous commissions paid to TAs (and ho hum has mo problem with that).


What boat are your friends doing the B2B on in July (note the hip abbreviation picked up from "hanging" with the boys in the "hood" as ho hum listens to his rap music on his headphones whilst wearing a baseball cap and displaying "SDI" and "SDII" tats on each knuckle: got a problem with that !).


Sorry, completely out of character, where was ho hum.

Must stop watching MTV.

Ho hum's more a Radio 3 guy (of course that means nothing to anybody outside the Home Counties ! Ralph Vaughn Williams is my homey (whatever that means


Sadly whatnot, ho hum has never done the Dover to Lisbon voyage but he knows most of the areas and will give it a go, yet the programmes look wonderful. Sea Dream at it's best.


What fantastic ports and activities !

Dover, UK - Jersey, Channel Islands - St. Malo, France - Belle Ile, France - La Rochelle, France - Port-Medoc (Bordeaux vineyards) - Santander, Spain - Vigo (Bayona), Galicia, Spain - Porto, Portugal - Lisbon, Portugal. (the Sea Dream website has Jersey as part of France ! Napoleon up to his old tricks again ! It's like calling Sea Dream, a Swedish company !),


So something to consider whatnot:

Dover: visit Dover Castle. Sailing out of Dover you see the white cliffs. These are soaked into the British psyche as they were the first sight of Blighty for returning airmen during WWII as was famously evoked in the song "White Cliffs of Dover" by Vera Lynn (the forces sweetheart: still alive at 96).

Please watch link below:


Jersey: find a restaurant, seafood, seafood, seafood with a Chablis village. Lovely beaches. Duty free shopping too !! Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds !! Ho hum tells blondie there is a severe Ebola out-break on the former leper island and the island is sealed off. Bless her.


St.Malo: find a restaurant, seafood, seafood, seafood with a Sancerre village.


Belle Ile: find a restaurant, seafood, seafood, seafood with a Muscadet de Sevre. Lovely beaches. Keep an eye out for Johnny Depp. He may be visiting the kids after his split with the gorgeous Vanness Paradis (of Joe, le taxi fame).


La Rochelle: find a restaurant, seafood, seafood, seafood with a Limoux.


Port Medoc: Do a tasting with chums of ALL the Bordelaise wines or at least one of each of a condensed version (Pauillac, Margaux, St.Julien, St.Emilion). Eat the entrecote de Bordelaise. Visit a chateaux-winery. And if you are asked to comment about a wine tasted: reply as follows: "yes, it's still very young, 5-6 years more in the cellar and decant, naturally. An interesting vintage, weather conditions not ideal but with judicious picking I believe it is a good example of it's region, if not village".


Bar a Vin (for wine tasting).

Conseil Interprofessionnel du vin de Bordeaux

3, cours du XXX juillet

33000 Bordeaux

Tel. : 05 56 00 43 47

Opening times

Monday to Saturday, 11am to 10pm (except public holidays).


San Sebastien: must do a Spanish market (food, fish etc..). Then why not a local restaurant, maybe some seafood prepared so that it goes well with a Rioja.


Santander: visit the Guggenheim. Wonderful. A fantastic building designed by the extraordinary Frank Gehry. Please dont say you dont like "all that modern stuff". It is a modern day wonder of the world. Sadly the exhibitions are not to ho hum's taste (Georges Braque, Joko Ono and a weird Scandinavian) but the building. Wow ! If only from the outside.

Find a restaurant, offal, offal, offal (not for the squeamish: almost every part of a bull's nether regions ! Mmmmm) with a Galician red.


Guggenheim website:



Vigo: Santiago de Compostela !!! Aaaaa. The pilgrims travels ended here (for those that made it). And pilgrimage has revived in the last decade. Now the pilgrims dining expectations have improved. Restaurants are plentiful and Galician wines are worth exploring.


Porto: well Port of course. Again a tasting with chums: you wont believe how many types of port there are !

Find a restaurant, seafood, seafood, seafood with a Vinho Verde or Alvarinho (or both of course).


Lisbon: go to a club for Fado. Take a tissue. Beautiful soulful music in which the singer basically says "life is full of sorrow". Listen to Cesaria Evore beforehand (yes she came from Cape Verde but you will get the feel). Soldade is perhaps one of her best songs: how can you not be moved. This is where you find soul. Take a Touriga Nacional red wine served in a tumbler (ideally clouded from the years of use by peasant farmers whose donkey is tied up outside and whose deposits are collected for the allotment). Well take the wine in lustful mouthfuls with some bread. Celebrate the bitter-sweet of life like un-ripened cherries. God ho hum loves it. But Portugal, clean up that damn graffiti ! Get those punks showing some respect to their true culture not the hip crap passing as gritty urban reality.


Your loss (regarding Enes), ho hum's gain as blondie and ho hum will be sailing with Enes onboard very, very soon (does anybody want a daily report ? Will only accept un-abashed begging).

Probably you will have Silvio for maitre d' (just started his vacation: he did an amazing job). Pierre is likely to be the hotel manager on SDI.

The fabulous Christophe is expected on SDII when we begin our voyage very soon, relieving Jamie.


Yes the only "improvement" noted (for SDII) after dry dock was the appalling refurb of the Main Salon. Saw very little else but that's not inferring nothing else was done.


As for SDI, ho hum's moles were captured, ruthlessly interrogated, made to walk the plank and were press ganged into a one year contract on the Hurtigurten during their the winter season (lasting from mid-July right round to mid-June).

So that is a no, ho hum has no clue about improvements or repairs.

Actually completely forgot all about the refurb.

Yes, a good point.

So anybody with any (sensible) info, kindly consider letting us know.


You will have a great time whatnot, fantastic itinerary, great ship, fabulous crew, wonderful land adventures and perfect time of year.

And if you see Vanessa, say bonjour from ho hum.


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Think I got the message!




Sounds good to me! I will make notes of what wine you suggest for each port.


I sorta knew that you had not taken the Dover to Lisbon cruise but figured you were familiar with a lot of the areas.


I thank you so much for your suggestions. Most of the ports I have not visited. We did spend a week in the Bordeaux region a couple of years ago so we did a lot of vineyards and wine chateauxs on that trip. Also spent a couple of nights in Lisbon at the end of a SD Barcelona to Lisbon cruise.


We are spending 2 nights in Canterbury prior to boarding SD I in Dover. Our only other major planned event is in San Sebastian. My husband and I are traveling with 8 other chums. The 10 of us are going to do a private walking tour to the market and a Pintxos Walkabout in San Sebastian visiting the best bars, etc (wine included). The tour company is Tenedor Tours.


Do like the Duty Free info for Jersey. My traveling chums will be so excited about that! (at least the ladies) Have you been to the Lalique Church or the underground WWII German bunkers? The Stephensons, who I am sure you know, had suggested them as places we should visit.


We are looking forward to this cruise very much. We will be traveling with good friends, seeing our old SD crew friends again, eating good food, drinking good wine, and exploring new places. What more can you ask for in life! Sea Dream has the best crew but you also meet the best people on board! Our chums are all people we met on board.


Our friends who are doing the BTB will be on SDI. They are doing Stockholm to Copenhagen on July 5 and Copenhagen to Bergen on July 16.


Will be on the lookout for Johnny Depp. Guess I better Google a picture of Vanessa since I'm not sure what she looks like.


Thanks again for all of your info! I will try to report on on our adventures.


Please do report on your next cruise! Will be waiting for all the juicy details!

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Think I got the message!




Sounds good to me! I will make notes of what wine you suggest for each port.


I sorta knew that you had not taken the Dover to Lisbon cruise but figured you were familiar with a lot of the areas.


I thank you so much for your suggestions. Most of the ports I have not visited. We did spend a week in the Bordeaux region a couple of years ago so we did a lot of vineyards and wine chateauxs on that trip. Also spent a couple of nights in Lisbon at the end of a SD Barcelona to Lisbon cruise.


We are spending 2 nights in Canterbury prior to boarding SD I in Dover. Our only other major planned event is in San Sebastian. My husband and I are traveling with 8 other chums. The 10 of us are going to do a private walking tour to the market and a Pintxos Walkabout in San Sebastian visiting the best bars, etc (wine included). The tour company is Tenedor Tours.


Do like the Duty Free info for Jersey. My traveling chums will be so excited about that! (at least the ladies) Have you been to the Lalique Church or the underground WWII German bunkers? The Stephensons, who I am sure you know, had suggested them as places we should visit.


We are looking forward to this cruise very much. We will be traveling with good friends, seeing our old SD crew friends again, eating good food, drinking good wine, and exploring new places. What more can you ask for in life! Sea Dream has the best crew but you also meet the best people on board! Our chums are all people we met on board.


Our friends who are doing the BTB will be on SDI. They are doing Stockholm to Copenhagen on July 5 and Copenhagen to Bergen on July 16.


Will be on the lookout for Johnny Depp. Guess I better Google a picture of Vanessa since I'm not sure what she looks like.


Thanks again for all of your info! I will try to report on on our adventures.


Please do report on your next cruise! Will be waiting for all the juicy details!



Well you have already got it sorted: it sounds fantastic and to travel with like-minded chums too on a great itinerary with a fantastic crew and at that time of year !


Canterbury: perfect. You will be visiting the cathedral no doubt. (Say a prayer for ho hum: God's not been answering ho hum's calls for a while now: goes straight to answer-phone but ho hum knows he's in, probably watching his favourite soap "Life on Earth"!).


Jersey: oh yes the church but ho hum has never been to the island, only blondie (on business) who managed to conduct most of it in restaurants (including drinking copious amounts of wine) and bought one or two trinkets too along the way ! Well it was the '80's. All business was conducted in restaurants or wine bars then, then we imported the American work ethic and it has been downhill ever since !

Why do Americans take working so seriously ?

Ho hum did use to watch a lot of "Bergerac" though: a 1980's detective series set in Jersey with the heart-throb John Nettles, so that kind of makes ho hum an expert on Jersey, does'nt it ?

And of course there are the cathedrals of northern Spain. (If you dont get through in Canterbury, try Spain. "Ole God-io ...," well you know the rest. Just get God to call ho hum...big party coming up, not much wine but lot's of water.....he'll know what to do ! Capiche !)


Juicy details ! Moi ! You bet !


But for something to get you in the mood, try these related "juicy" treats:

- read Chaucer's, "Canterbury Tales" (The Wife of Bath's Tale in particular !) Read excerpt at end. Ho hum is assuming you have permission from BOTH your parents young lady: you'll be listening to rock and roll next !)

- watch heart-throb John Nettles in "Bergerac". Photo attached.

- watch young heart-throb Vanessa singing (Jo, le taxi).

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g27uDHdZGQI&sns=em



You drink between a third - half of a bottle of Galician red (each) before the offal !

You will be surprised how hungry you become and how tasty offal is but don't read the menu (or translate it): just ask what the locals eat.

(Sorry Poppy)


Opening lines (in modern-ish English) from Chaucer's, "Canterbury Tales" (The Wife of Bath's Tale).

"Experience, though no authority

Were in this world, would be enough for me

To speak of woe that married life affords;

For since I was twelve years of age, my lords,

Thanks be to God eternally alive,

Of husbands at the church door I've had five

(If I have wed that often legally)"


Finally, finally.

Yes Vanessa was just 14 years old at the time of the song !

Non ! quelle horeur !

But she is French !

So applying the exchange rate operating at that time: that would make her 21 in English and American years.

Oh and Chaucer was writing about a woman married at 12 !

So can we all just calm, the hell down please !


Yea please try to report on your adventures. It sounds amazing.


Finally, finally, finally.

Did ho hum mention about sampling the seafood and local wines ?

Must have completely slipped his mind, Vanessa, sorry, whatnot.


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