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.......idle jottings


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Well, the news from Via Conditi is that Ho-Hum has added appreciably to his shipboard attire. Happy that Blondie persevered

as some of the outfits were getting a little long in the tooth, as even Ho-Hum himself observed. Remember "pink is in"!


Commander's designer, Mr. Phyllis of Omaha, has just sent some of his new fall designs for approval. Of course, being a bit on the

conservative side, many will be rejected out of hand. Shocking puce and devilish lavender popular with many in the light-in-the loafer set has not yet caught Commander's eye. But, Mr. Phyllis is such a camp, it is difficult to come down too hardly on him for fear of a hissy fit. Ho-Hum can check out his line at: http://www.thebutchclothingcompany.co.uk quite close his "posh" UK



You will get to see some of Commander's new rags on the crossing

in October. Each purchased to coincide with the various themed

nights we all so enjoy. In the meantime, all our love to you

and Blondie, with "shout outs" to Christophe, Frank, Gareth, Enes

and the others we hold in great affection.


Keep those shipboard missives coming, as they are great fodder

for our morning cappuccino.




Fashion tips appreciated.

Ho hum will similarly disregard http://www.thebutchclothingcompany.co.uk which, much to his surprise actually existed !

"Big hellos" will be dutifully passed on.

You will be personally delighted to hear that your protege Gareth has really sharpened up his attire: which you inspired and assisted with a wonderful tie donation from your Cary Grant collection.

Gone to is the goatee, which made him look like a 1960's folk singer ready to break out in "kumbaya my lord" !

Christophe on the other hand has grown a "half goatee" !

Still not decided on this new look. It happens to be speckled with ... Let's just say, not strong hair colour but the other kind which inspired the creation of "Grecian 2000".

Captain Lund has gone for the full beard. A mistake ho hum thinks.

All young men (and not so young men) are sprouting all types of facial hair.

It seems it is quite the fashion.

This is an attribute of manhood that ho hum is quite incapable of.

Ho hum remembers well that his father ridiculed the young ho hum in his early attempts at facial hair suggesting that if he applied cream to the wafts, the cat could lick it off.

These assaults on ho hum's masculinity combined with being raised by fanatical Jesuits in an all boy school would have dramatic consequences to his early encounters with the opposite sex !

Oh well, ho hum

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Awoke, water not working in shower-room !

Which means ho hum's early deposit stares back up at him as if to say "I aint going no where matey"

Oh joy !

So a few jottings to keep the baying hordes fed with gossip, intrigue, excitement....

Job done.

Sccccccchhhhhhh ! Water is restoreth. With delight and zest, ho hum returns to the pan and pushes the flush "Hasta la vista, baby. Chou"

Order is restored.

Now let's head out for a peak at what is going on.

Sailing into Capri is what is going on ! Photo at end.

Chat with Enes (maitre d') who ho hum has'nt seen for ages. What a guy !

We chat about where to go. We both agree on the higher slopes and miss out the main town.

The weather is lovely. The air is fresh and the light is sharp.

June brings de-tox tea.

And so here ho hum sits as the ship begins to fill.

A large guy with a garish sleeveless vest stands to the side of ho hum taking photos, chewing God knows what and "expertly" pontificating to "Elly Mae" (yes another pet name) of what and more importantly NOT what to see ! Quite an education for ho hum.

The general consensus is that Capri is completely un-developed as there are no high rise buildings !

And as he points in disdain to the lack of "progress", his hairy underarms glisten in the morning sun. Ho hum hates sleeveless tops.

Extraordinary commenting continues ! He ("Bubba": another pet name) & "Elly Mae" shuffle off for breakfast.


Back to an un-interrupted view as the deck fills with excited passengers looking forward to their first land adventure. Light cloud comes in and temperatures cool. Good one God: we'll appreciate that later. Turn with head upwards to say thanks and he has gone (again) !


The sole land adventure organised by SD is the Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto). We have never "done" it but it is supposedly beautiful if a little claustrophobic and if sea conditions allow.


Off we go. But first we have to negotiate the open tenders operated by the men of Capri. These are quite arduous actually to negotiate priming yourself between the swells that lift the boat up and down. A group of five octogenarians clamber down the steps to the platform and like mountain goats jump into the boat.

Nothing is going to keep them from the free samples of Limoncella !


So to Anacapri this time, a first for us by open topped taxi (€25) on the way up the taxi passes buses, cars coming in the opposite direction with a "cigarette paper's width" between them ! Quite hairy actually ! On the way up guess who we see ?

The Captain walking up ! Nay striding majestically up !

Now ho hum has told you before how fit he is when he beat the ex-commando's on the marathon round the deck from the trip between Mumbai-Athens.

Well here he is again ! What a guy !

So we arrive and amble around, take in the views and see the Villa San Michele (home of Swedish author Dr. Axel Munthe: no we neither).


We return to the ship, chatting to some very nice Norwegians for whom this is their first time on SD. They are very pleased. Ho hum noticed them at dinner last night having a romantic dinner for two. Lovely couple in their mid-20's.


A fantastic lunch of Italian tomatoes, mozzarella and olive oil is arranged by Chef Tomasz. Chef comes over for a chat. He promises to gather local food from Sorrento (salamis, sausage, smoke mozzarella etc..).

And so to lunch, ho hum has bought a Pinot Grigio by Jermann. Frank chills it and a little later we eat and drink from the deck with views over Capri. Bellissimo !

June serves, Enes pops by, Christophe too whom we thank for the advice given about Anacarpi.

Gareth the Activities Director joins us for lunch. A great guy. Please God make him stay. James Capello did a great job training him. Now you must keep him.


And so the rest of the day is spent lounging around. Blondie chats to the world whilst ho hum has his quiet time.


In early evening we slip away from Capri across the water to Sorrento and moor for the evening. Beautiful in the evening sun.

We eat with the crew tonight. Adrian the Chief Officer and Louie the Communications Officer. A first for us. Cocktails on the pool deck first.

Chablis villages wine

Thai beef salad

Chinese sweet and sour with egg drops

Ravioli with honey and goats cheese (shared with table)

Vegetable tempura

Chef T decides ho hum also needs a potato curry with rice !

Gallantly ho hum takes a few mouthfuls.

The chilli levels are insane and yet addictive: it is finished ! Has ho hum no shame ? Obviously not.

Grilled pineapple and a lychee yoghurt.

Earl grey tea

Brilliant meal. 10/10.


There are a good number of Aussies on the boat. Ho hum and blondie love the Aussies. They are good mates to one another and generously out-going: rarely pretentious just "straight as a die" and invariably have a wonderful sense of humour.

Very few Brits. Obviously preferring to spend their time at home watching their fellow countrymen being knocked out of the various sporting competitions at home and abroad however the weather looks good.


After dinner it's disco. A good number of movers and shakers including yours truly.

Blondie on the table, yet again. Roland working his magic.

Everybody having a great time.

It's becoming more humid so ho hum slips out at 11.50pm.

Aaahh the air-conditioned quiet cabin sans spin but for blondie who is still bopping....well we will have to see. No ho hum is sure she will be fine.


Sorrento visit tomorrow.


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Ho hum, don't you have a lie in on holiday? I know there's an hours difference with the UK, but 4.30am on hols:eek: Anyway I see you will be in Portofino in a few days time. There's a very nice Gucci shop there. You should treat your wife to a very nice handbag. I was treated to one in Portofino in 2008, still going strong. Wish I was on your itinerary, it's fabulous, enjoy:)

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Dearest Ho Hum

Forget Blondie! She has enough handbags already, and you will only have to carry it anyway. Instead, when you get to Portovenere, there is a small shop on the left, up past the fishermen, where you can get yourself some new linen shirts for the rest of the voyage. They are bound to have a subtle striped linen very much to your taste. You can't miss it.

Blondie will approve and I should think that the other passengers will be nothing less than thrilled. Just toss the old ones overboard. The shirts, not the passengers.... No point carrying the old ones back to England. They won't exactly set sales at the Charity Shop on fire now, will they.

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Dearest Ho Hum

Forget Blondie! She has enough handbags already, and you will only have to carry it anyway. Instead, when you get to Portovenere, there is a small shop on the left, up past the fishermen, where you can get yourself some new linen shirts for the rest of the voyage. They are bound to have a subtle striped linen very much to your taste. You can't miss it.

Blondie will approve and I should think that the other passengers will be nothing less than thrilled. Just toss the old ones overboard. The shirts, not the passengers.... No point carrying the old ones back to England. They won't exactly set sales at the Charity Shop on fire now, will they.


Yes abenaki,

no abenaki,

as you say abenaki,

thankyou abenaki,

you're right abenaki,

bye for now abenaki,

thanks again abenaki.

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Blondie arrives back just half an hour later ! Remember ho hum's talking about the disco.

She asks whether I saw the lady fall off the table. What !

No real injuries. Just to her pride.


Awake to views of Sorrento. Day looking good.

The visit to Pompei is the single land adventure but we elect for a stroll around Sorrento before the masses descend, returning for lunch of Italian fare gathered by Chef Tomasz who is shopping today.


Oh dears, why are you not here ?


One of the regrets about travelling was missing the World Cup football.

So ho hum was busy trying to obtain home tv on his ipad so that he would not miss a match.

But it transpired during communication between Gareth and blondie (prior to the voyage) that SD had arranged matches to be shown on both the main screen in the Main Salon and in the cabins !

Yes SD had arranged it on the cheap with a German channel. No matter it was available.

Congratulations SD !

Now why are SD not proclaiming this on their dull blog ?

Maybe they could arrange the same for our American friends with their Super Bowl.

So well done SD and well done Gareth who ho hum thinks is the man responsible for this initiative and well done, our dinner companion, last night, Louie the Communications Officer.


So ho hum is sipping his de-tox tea. By the way the bespoke teas are brilliant: made in England and really expensive to buy. Their Earl Grey is delicious too. Check them out next time onboard.

So Captain Lund ambles and we chat a while. Then Chief Engineer Bogdan is present. My God ! The most important man on the ship ! He is beaming, not a care in the world and his boiler suit is pristine white. All this indicates the engines are behaving themselves, not only that but the extensive repair/remodelling/upgrading, call it what you will were successful. The main body of the work was undertaken on the Singapore - Mumbai - Athens trip. Remember ho hum told you about the five Italian engine sub-contactors he encountered during emergency pirate attack drill ?

Well he was very relaxed, a good sign. Emboldened ho hum pounced and requested a dinner with him. "Why not ?" he replied and so after God knows how many voyages, we will be eating together !

It will be an opportunity to discreetly pump for engine information and "spread the word", (provided ho hum has his permission).


Ho hum was a tad concerned that Chief Engineer Lief had earlier decided to "hang up his wrenches" but Captain Lund re-assured ho hum that he has recruited a former long term colleague as a replacement. Thank God ! Truly great news, maybe just maybe, the owner is right after all, the vessel has many more years left in her. That would see old ho hum out and blondie would be looked after.


Right a quick shower and shave. As ho hum de-robes save for his socks which he bends over to remove a large gasp is heard, turning round he sees the door to the cabin has fully opened and a passing parade of octogenarian lady Brazilians are filing past !

Oh great. Blondie rushes to the door and closes it. Shouting sorry.

A heated inquest follows as to who is responsible for the open door. Each blaming the other.


So after a stand off we are now off to Sorrento, each wondering how long this silence and chilling civility is to last for !


We stroll around the old part of Sorrento before the crowds engulf the narrow streets and the heat rises. Bump into Chef Tomasz and Roderick the Provisions Master on their way to their local supplier, a family concern that only supplies hotels and restaurants within walking distance from their shop !


We return to the practically empty ship apart from our London chums and sit at TOYB chatting to Roland followed by Frank. Great opportunity to re-connect.

Then to lunch.

Chef Tomasz and June the waiter walk towards us carrying two plates each full of the local fare of fresh foccacia, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, mozzarlla, lightly smoked mozarella, two types of sausages, local hams, tomatoes, hazelnut bread and aged balsamic infused with truffles !


We are joined by two new chums from Glasgow. Thank God ! These plates of Italian fare stand a chance of being consumed. And so we better acquaint ourselves with this lovely couple and quickly discover three points of contact between us.

"You know Peter, the Glaswegian architect"


"We sailed with another couple from Glasgow......"

So did we.

Etc, etc, etc....

We even shared the same birth date !

That explained the two ladies, Leo's can be pig headed egotists they agreed !

Charming !


And so the awaited World Cup football match was not now being played in the Main Salon as it interfered with Captain's Welcome.

Ho hum returns to his cabin to watch the tv.

After the match, ho hum returns to the bar and then head on deck with our new Glaswegian chums for a splendid meal.

Chablis villages

Coquilles St.Jacques carpaccio

Foie gras

Champagne sorbet

Halibut in light cream sauce with white asparagus

Chocolate fondant


After the meal, we head to the main Salon to watch the second half of the Brazil v Colombia match.

Ho hum chats to Gareth and felicitations from Canada are passed on as requested. A smile arises on his face bereft of goatee facial hair. He remembers the two gentlemen with great affection for their encouragement and advice in ten early days of his career.

Gareth has the annoying habit of calling ho hum "Jeremy". For some reason Gareth thinks ho hum sounds and acts like Jeremy Clarkson from the TV show "Top Gear" !


The group of lady octogenarians are watching the football too but do not recognise ho hum. Thank God. Well they were'nt looking at his face but they would never forget the sight of those ample cheeks !

Quelle horeure !


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On our way to Sardinia. Quite choppy leaving Sorrento last night.

Day is looking great. Just blue skies.

We are heading for Porto Cervo to be precise.

Made famous by Prince Karim, the charismatic and philanthropic Islamic leader who developed the area as a private resort for the exclusive use of family and friends. Following this, other international financiers invested in the area also leading to further development.

The docking at Porto Cervo was very tricky and required great seamanship: it sent the soon to be adjoining boat crew scurrying about with extra "cushion" shaped objects to prevent bashing into one another (sorry for not knowing the correct maritime term),

Christophe explains that SD is the only line allowed into the port ! Quite a coup for SD !

He also tells about the fabulous hotels on the island: he is truly a font of knowledge un-equalled by anybody else.

So a stroll around this man made "town" filled with designer clothe shops and eccentric objets d'arts leaves you actually quite distant because it has no soul, instead it is filled with self-enclosed individuals who have "made it" and dont need other people except to tend the garden or make the beds and clean.

So back to SD, chatting to the guys at the Pool Bar over a few beers as various passengers return and we share our experiences.

Look it is very pleasant and the breeze is divine (from the vessel) but that is all.


Where ho hum got it wrong was not hiring a car and doing a mini tour of the island. Or even having a driver, that may have been better. To discover the real Sardinia and not this fake replica built just for an international elite devoid of grocery shops, wine shops etc.. Next time. Yes there was a tour but it seemed centred around predominantly modern developments.

Due partially to the awkward manoeuvring mooring and the detailed inspection by customs, we were not actually off the vessel until an hour later than planned.


And so to lunch. And guess who join us ? Yes the funny Glaswegian couple.

We are moored at the end of a row of gleaming white super yachts and yet SD dwarfs them as a mega yacht.

Would the owners of these yachts have such attentive service, fine wines and huge selection for lunch ? No, of course not. We feel like the Onassis's. A beautiful view of the harbour and houses whilst in the shade with fabulous company.


We leave late afternoon for Bonifaccio, Corsica.

The Captain announces that the anchor has picked up old chains and these have to be cut free resulting in a delay leaving and hence arriving at Bonafaccio.

Mission accomplished we head out to sea.

The water is a tad choppy.

We arrive early evening and moor. Dinner again with our Glaswegian chums who order a Chassagne-Montrachet, 2008, L'abbaye de morgeot by Olivier Leflaive: it is a supreme example of white burgundy.

Some consider Chassagne-Montrachet to be firmer and more masculine than the adjoining village of Puligny-Montrachet. Ho hum considers this too simplistic but he can see why people think this way.

So to the meal on the rear deck overlooking the etched and stratified creamy white, limestone cliffs of Bonafaccio.

Vegetable spring rolls

An exotic Asian salad

Lobster Thermidor

All the deserts shared: profiteroles, banofee and apple strudel with Chantilly cream

Petits fours and a capuccino


A truly wonderful meal. Kitchen has also sent up a curry ! Yes they know ho hum loves curry but this has to be rejected. The resultant flavours of the lobster and white burgundy should remain as long as possible but it was a nice thought.


Adele is being played "under the stars" on the pool deck. Just love "Fire in the Rain".

We sing the chorus from the deck above over coffees: most of the other diners left a while ago. The one remaining table comprising of a Norwegian and an American couple are most tolerant. We had sailed with the Norwegians before and they explained that they met the American couple on a previous voyage and had visited one another since and had planned this voyage together.

After our singing, a group of other passengers have gathered around the table at the end of their meals and we arrange to go for a night on the town (8 in all).


We leave via the side of the ship.

After a short while we arrive at a bar with a DJ pumping out great music and there are some of the crew (7/8).

We are beckoned in and duly mingle, hug, buy drinks, dance, take photos, you know, the usual stuff.


What a night !

The World Cup football match with the Netherlands playing Costa Rica is being played in a bar on the other side of the narrow alleyway and we pop across to watch the penalty shoot out.

It is an open sided bar with 100 people. 99 hip young people and 1 very un-hip and much much older person, in a strange shirt, yes, yours truly.

But this interloper is not bothered nor do the crowd seem to care about ho hum either.

Well what a great time.


After the shoot out we return to the original bar and dance away, posing for camera shots, hugging, drinking and laughing.

More and more crew arrive (20) as the handful of original passengers head home.

A truly great atmosphere.

Ho hum returns at 2.10am. Blondie is still with the crew and three passengers: the Glaswegians and one of our friends from London. Returning to the reception, one of our original party, a tall beautiful lady is being treated after falling: there is a bleeding gash on her knee.

Blondie returns soon after.

Now the shots were not the smartest thing to do.

Head hits pillow and yes your way ahead of ho hum.

Room spinning time ! And oh my Gods stated over and over again.


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One of the regrets about travelling was missing the World Cup football.

So ho hum was busy trying to obtain home tv on his ipad so that he would not miss a match.

But it transpired during communication between Gareth and blondie (prior to the voyage) that SD had arranged matches to be shown on both the main screen in the Main Salon and in the cabins !

Yes SD had arranged it on the cheap with a German channel. No matter it was available.

Congratulations SD !


Did you have any doubts that a co-operation with a German channel would cause any problems? ;)


Tomorrow night I hope, ho-hum has the chance to watch, when the host team will be knocked out of the competition by Germany.

Hopefully, he'll be fit enough to watch it - I recommend either German beer before and after dinner than Brazilian Pitu cachaca (because of less volume percentage) for a "clear view" at 10 pm ... :D

It is a shame, that the best brazilian player Neymar was knocked out before by his columbian opponent - our team wanted to compete with the best Brazilians!:(

Ho-hum - enjoy your cruise, especially the match and the very best players Schweinsteiger, Kroos, Muller and Neuer. ;)

Edited by gcmv
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Dearest Ho Hum

Forget Blondie! She has enough handbags already, and you will only have to carry it anyway. Instead, when you get to Portovenere, there is a small shop on the left, up past the fishermen, where you can get yourself some new linen shirts for the rest of the voyage. They are bound to have a subtle striped linen very much to your taste. You can't miss it.

Blondie will approve and I should think that the other passengers will be nothing less than thrilled. Just toss the old ones overboard. The shirts, not the passengers.... No point carrying the old ones back to England. They won't exactly set sales at the Charity Shop on fire now, will they.


Porto Venere ?

Are you sure ?

Could not find the small shop.

Found plenty of pesto shops.

You dont mean Portofino ?

Or is it Port Smouth ?

Ho hum trusted you abenaki

Had to run back to ship in case the housekeeping lady had emptied the cabin bin full of old shirts !

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Did you have any doubts that a co-operation with a German channel would cause any problems? ;)


Tomorrow night I hope, ho-hum has the chance to watch, when the host team will be knocked out of the competition by Germany.

Hopefully, he'll be fit enough to watch it - I recommend either German beer before and after dinner than Brazilian Pitu cachaca (because of less volume percentage) for a "clear view" at 10 pm ... :D

It is a shame, that the best brazilian player Neymar was knocked out before by his columbian opponent - our team wanted to compete with the best Brazilians!:(

Ho-hum - enjoy your cruise, especially the match and the very best players Schweinsteiger, Kroos, Muller and Neuer. ;)


Damn it gcmv you are right !

You are right !

And you are right again !


But ho hum wants creative flair from a sporting performance and for that reason ho hum is backing the Netherlands under Van Gall.

But German beer is better than Dutch (but not as good as British, naturally).


Anyway your football team has played with honour unlike the time England played against Germany when Frank Lampard scored and the goalkeeper scooped it from the back of the net !


So well done Germany and yes they will beat Brazil 1-0 scored by Muller in the 39th minute with a close flick into the goal.

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Are you suggesting that I don't know my Portos from my Portos? Well, it was 1982 after all, but things in Italy don't usually change very quickly. Are you sure you went up to the left?


Well never mind, I'll set up a fitting for you in St Tropez.

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Are you suggesting that I don't know my Portos from my Portos? Well, it was 1982 after all, but things in Italy don't usually change very quickly. Are you sure you went up to the left?


Well never mind, I'll set up a fitting for you in St Tropez.


1982 !!!!!!!!!!!!!



Are you suggesting that I dont know my left from my right ?



You were suggesting shirts for ho hum from the early 80's !!!



Ho hum is not trying for the retro look. Ho hum is starting with shirt styles from early 2000. Ho hum doesn't want to go backwards !!!



Finally before ho hum goes for that fitting in St.Tropez: when was it you last visited it ?



Well abenaki, you made old ho hum have a good laugh and you were very thoughtful t'boot. Will always be grateful to you for your concern and attempt at improving ho hum's attire.

But ho hum was hoping to find a fashion statement within the same decade !!


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And so the next morning, OMG, ho hum feeling grog (as the Aussies would say).

Blondie is in the gym, 4 hours after !

Feel queezy all day in fact. No sympathies ?


We enter the stratified, creamy white cliffs of Bonifacio, Corsica. This too is a tricky manoeuvre. But we are docked right into the port, a short and pleasant walk along the newly constructed (?) gangway with fabulous super yachts one side and open sided bars the other side, to the other side of which is a narrow roadway and more bars.


Feeling rather delicate this morning we head out mid-morning for a stroll.

The steep steps to the old town are hell but finally having ascended to the old town, the reward is an un-packed of people, array of streets selling real local fare and wine.

A most pleasant time is spent wandering around collecting various fare and wine for oneself and as gifts for the various female departments (Housekeeping, Concierge & Spa).


We return just before lunch for a few thirst quenching beers. Listen to a bit of Leonard Cohen which Roland likes to listen to: the vessel is empty apart from our London friends who are out-stretched on the Balinese beds with their own ipods and headphones.

A few bottles of Corsican rose wine are passed to Frank the sommelier for chilling.


And so we open the fare bought in the town earlier. Baguettes, terrine of porc and myrte (local herb), saucisson, goats cheese, goat and cow cheese, rose wine. Superb !


We have also bought 4 local bread/cakes. One is called faguzzi and appears as a giant macaroon but the essential ingredients are orange and chestnut: these are distributed to all the ladies on board.

The other bread is called pain de morts, yes bread of the dead: a sweet raisin bread. This is to accompany ho hum's afternoon tea.


A restorative nap in the afternoon to recover from the night before and then we must ready ourselves for the Captain's Welcome when caviar is served !

There are 81 Club Members assembled in the Main Salon.

Keeping the naughty boys and girls quiet at the bar is akin to riot control !

Need a few tear gas canisters and water canons t'boot as we are already in a party mood. We clap, whistle and holler at the end to partially make up for the immature and dis-courteous behaviour.


We eat with the Captain tonight and he has thoughtfully provided a Cakebread Chardonnay and a Duckhorn Merlot. Two Californian icons which assists ho hum choosing his meal and to gain full pleasure of said wines.

And so:

Corn & Chicken soup

Something which ho hum just cannot remember.

Peking duck

Pecan pie and ice cream

Earl Grey tea

Oh and the "Kitchen" decides ho hum must also have a vegetable curry !

Well there is room, there is time also, Captain, blondie and mystery guest are talking.

Wow ! That's damn hot !

What gives it away is Amar's half-smile. They have added so much chilli as pay back for the imported fare at lunchtime and ho hum's request to chef for a $30 dollar refund as we bought our own food !

They knew ho hum would not create a scene with the Captain present.

No Amar, it's OK but a request for yoghurt is made (to extinguish the burning fire in ho hum's mouth).

Nothing can be done about the sweating on ho hum's forehead.

This alarms the other diners. The Captain suggests ho hum removes his jacket.

Damn it if ho hum will admit defeat to the "kitchen" or the co-conspirator "waiting crew".

The yoghurt restores cool and ho hum finishes the bowl.

Respect for ho hum is the prize that he seeks.

A small spoonful was eaten by the Captain's mystery guest. Akarumba ! Or the Norwegian equivalent was blasted out.

And now the pay back.

Please tell the "kitchen" that ho hum found the curry needed more chilli but the Captain's honoured other guest will need to seek the doctor !

Horror on Amar's face as he thought through the consequences.

He returns after some time, no doubt having informed the "kitchen" of the flaw in their plan.

"Gottya Amar !"

He returns to the Kitchen laughing and a much relieved man !


And the meal itself. Well it was delightful.

The Captain is such an amazing character.

Blondie goes "all gooey eyed" when he sees him in his dress uniform.

Ho hum is second yet again and is regularly remanded by blondie "Dont interrupt the Captain !" even when he has never said anything !

Well he is a great guy. Being second is fine.

Maybe the new shirt purchases suggested by abenaki will help restore partial parity.

No, you're right. Never in a million years.

Oh well, ho hum.

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Are you suggesting that I don't know my Portos from my Portos? Well, it was 1982 after all, but things in Italy don't usually change very quickly. Are you sure you went up to the left?


Well never mind, I'll set up a fitting for you in St Tropez.


Ho hum is still chuckling away to himself and another thought popped up.

How on earth can you remember a trip into Portovenere and seeing a shop selling shirts from 1982 ?

How is that humanly possible ?

Abenaki, you are frigging amazing !!


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Ho hum cannot leave Portovenere without making some reference to the English poets and writers who were drawn to this area.

Ho hum saw the inscription to Lord Byron pronouncing the bay where he swam.

A most marvellous article is below which gives a brief outline of those poets who visited the area.




Portovenere and the Gulf of Poets

By Sarah Humphreys


“Italia! Oh Italia! Thou who hast the fatal gift of Beauty,”


Nowhere does Byron’s tribute to Italy ring more true than in “The Gulf of Poets” on the Ligurian coast, where Percy Bysshe Shelley was drowned in 1822. It is said that the spirit of the English Romantic poet still lives on between the inlets and promontories of this bewitching cove. It is easy to see why.


Stretching from Lerici to Portovenere, in a succession of beaches, jagged coastlines, crystalline waters and raw nature, the Gulf of La Spezia’s literary nickname derives from the attraction the area has had for writers, painters and artists, including Percy and Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, D. H Lawrence, George Sands, Henry Miller and Virginia Woolf.


Percy and Mary Shelley arrived in the tiny seaside village of San Terenzo in 1819 and rented a villa known as “Casa Magni”, whose whitewashed walls and arched colonnade can be found on the promenade. “A lonely house close by the soft and sublime scenes of the Bay of Lerici”, is how Shelley described the villa in his letters. These lines are inscribed on the walls of the now uninhabited villa, along with “I still inhabit this Divine Bay, reading dramas and sailing and listening to the most enchanting music.”


The Shelleys were often visited by Lord Byron, who resided nearby in Portovenere, supposedly in a cave. Byron is said to have swum the incredible 7.5 kilometre distance just to visit his dear friends. Standing at the bottom of “Byron’s grotto” which bears a plaque commemorating “the immortal poet who as a daring swimmer defied the waves of the sea from Portovenere to Lerici.” staring out over the rocks which peer up from the sea, it would seem this story is rather far-fetched, although the romantic in me chooses to believe. As night falls, the grotto takes on an eerie atmosphere, rocks transform into monstrous figures and it is easy to see how the poets found their muse in this stirring landscape. Byron is believed to have written his poem “The Corsair” in the grotto itself.


A sprinkling of brightly coloured houses line medieval streets that wind up to Lerici’s castle, which overlooks the entrance to the Gulf of Poets. The castle is thought to be the inspiration for Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.” Nowadays the castle contains a museum of palaeontology.


Shelley composed some of his most beautiful lyrics and songs in this area including “Lines written in the Bay of Lerici” and was working on “The Triumph of Life” at the time of his tragic drowning. Sailing from Livorno to San Terenzo, his boat named “Don Juan” by Byron, but referred to as “Ariel” by the Shelleys, was sunk in a severe storm. The bodies of Shelley and his two English companions, Edward Ellerker Williams and Charles Vivien, were washed up on a beach near Viareggio and cremated in the presence of Byron, and friends Leigh Hunt and Edward Trelawny. A copy of Keats’ poems was found in Shelley’s jacket pocket. According to legend, Shelley’s heart refused to burn in the flames and the ever-audacious Byron plucked it from the embers.


Shelley’s’ ashes were stored in the wine cellar of The British Consul in Rome before being buried in The Protestant Cemetery in Rome, where John Keats was laid to rest just a year before. After Mary Shelley’s death, her husband’s heart was found wrapped in a page of “Adonais”, Shelley’s famous elegy to Keats. Shelley’s heart was eventually buried in St Peter’s Churchyard in Bournemouth, Dorset.


Walking along the coast from Lerici to San Terenzo, the incandescent extent of the waters, reflecting the pastel colours of the attractive buildings, bring to mind Mary Shelley’s words “O blessed shores, where Love, Liberty and Dreams have no chains.”


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All is not lost...Saint Tropez is on the horizon...


EUROPANN, 46 rue Allard. Madame will be expecting you at 11 am. I have given her a brief description, so no need for lengthy introductions. Be aware that a number of their lines are fitted. Not that I am suggestion that HoHum isn't fit for fitted, but fitted may not fit. If you could pry you London chums out of the sun long enough, they would fit into fitted, wouldn't they.....From their deluxe brochure, "The famous linen shirts company is the leader of "easy-wear" men clothing for its perfectly tailoring and couture style, and its wide range of colours. Must-have summer trends for 2014 : chino cloth, "hippie chic" floral pattern printed fabrics, trendy tracksuits and polo shirts". It is worrysome to think of HoHum in hippie chic florals however, let alone in a trendy tracksuit, so be aware, Madame can be very persuasive with her Galoise je ne sais quoi...


If this isn't to your liking, move on to La chemise Tropizienne, at 23 rue Gambetta, they will have everything you need. Although they specialize in white, they have a full range of garish colours as well.


And while in the neighbourhood, and surely more to your liking... Founded in 1908, Vignobles de Saint-Tropez specializes in red, white and rosé as well as homemade vin du pays. Av. Paul Roussel


And by then it will be lunchtime, and you will be exhausted, but dripping in sartorial splendour.

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All is not lost...Saint Tropez is on the horizon...


EUROPANN, 46 rue Allard. Madame will be expecting you at 11 am. I have given her a brief description, so no need for lengthy introductions. Be aware that a number of their lines are fitted. Not that I am suggestion that HoHum isn't fit for fitted, but fitted may not fit. If you could pry you London chums out of the sun long enough, they would fit into fitted, wouldn't they.....From their deluxe brochure, "The famous linen shirts company is the leader of "easy-wear" men clothing for its perfectly tailoring and couture style, and its wide range of colours. Must-have summer trends for 2014 : chino cloth, "hippie chic" floral pattern printed fabrics, trendy tracksuits and polo shirts". It is worrysome to think of HoHum in hippie chic florals however, let alone in a trendy tracksuit, so be aware, Madame can be very persuasive with her Galoise je ne sais quoi...


If this isn't to your liking, move on to La chemise Tropizienne, at 23 rue Gambetta, they will have everything you need. Although they specialize in white, they have a full range of garish colours as well.


And while in the neighbourhood, and surely more to your liking... Founded in 1908, Vignobles de Saint-Tropez specializes in red, white and rosé as well as homemade vin du pays. Av. Paul Roussel


And by then it will be lunchtime, and you will be exhausted, but dripping in sartorial splendour.


Damn impressed abenaki !

You're on !

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All is not lost...Saint Tropez is on the horizon...


... move on to La chemise Tropizienne, at 23 rue Gambetta, they will have everything you need. Although they specialize in white, they have a full range of garish colours as well.


And while in the neighbourhood, and surely more to your liking... Founded in 1908, Vignobles de Saint-Tropez specializes in red, white and rosé as well as homemade vin du pays. Av. Paul Roussel


Saint Tropez-riddle: In which shop does ho-hum have to buy liquids to swap the white colour of the apparel bought at “la chemise Tropizienne” to red? :confused: ;)

Edited by gcmv
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Ho-hum - any questions about the football match so far?! :D


Unbelievable first half of our team - hope to play in the final against your favorite team - the Netherlands ...

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Ho-hum - any questions about the football match so far?! :D


Unbelievable first half of our team - hope to play in the final against your favorite team - the Netherlands ...


gcmv, you know ho hum told you about the lghtening last night.

Well it knocked out the tv channels !

So no tv on SD !!

We were eating out with a big party of friends on SD and every few minutes the waiters were coming up and giving ho hum the score 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0.

Ho hum didnt believe them and then he checked the internet, itisnow 6-0 !!!

Mein gott !!

Well done Germany. The whole world admires you. Go Germany. Bravo.

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Another wonderful morning as we sail into Portovenere.

Ho hum had a shower earlier and in part of his bathing and cleaning ritual has managed to almost completely plug both ears with those damn cotton buds rendering himself almost deaf !

Oh brilliant !


Is'nt Portovenere beautiful (to those that have been).

Portovenere is beautiful (to those that have not been).

And Sea Dream has arranged visits by ferry to the Cinque Terre: the five small towns along the Ligurian coast.

55 passengers have taken the tour and a party of 12 have decided to do it by private taxi.


Ho hum is quite incapable of describing this port or the five coastal villages: they are steeped in so much history and there is so much to say about them.

This is a first time visit for ho hum but blondie has been here twice before on her annual trip with her girlfriend.


Portovenere's most prominent point is the grey and white striped church built in 1277 on top of a cliff though there is evidence of the church dating from the 6th century: a large section of the original floor shows it's earlier origins.

The site has even more historical links to the past as a temple to Venus (hence Venere).


The town comprises of a plaza which was used as a market on our visit.

Then there is a walkway to the church and restaurant bar at the end where we had a glass of local wine.

Then there are the narrow streets comprising of shops selling an interesting selection of goods and the famous pesto from the area. Truly delightful. Very few tourists except for Italian holiday makers.


We stop at a part stall part shop run by a very confident lady. Confident that her pesto is the best. She has every reason to be so; it is out of this world.

Chef Tomasz has bought 3 large jars.

We buy 3 regular jars to take home. We also buy a special kind of flat pasta in a roll and two cheese spreads made from different grades of Parmesan cheese. We ask her to recommend a wine to accompany the pesto and she recommends the local wine: this is added to also.

Her husband is running back and forth between the shop and stall with various sample offerings of all and anything we express the slightest interest in. God this lady can sell ! Well the foods sell themselves really but lets just say she gives it an almighty push as well !


We buy Parmiggiano Reggiano from the local cheese man too. So cheap !


We return to a practically empty ship apart from our London friends and a Norwegian couple. We have pre-lunch drinks (again) at the TOYB and chat with the boys, Enes and Christophe. Enes arranges us all to take a photo to Facebook a missing Aussie friend, who will be visiting us on our return. He travels with his elderly mother who is a "game bird" and is loved by all. They are our winter travelling companions in the Caribbean (well for two weeks).


It transpires that we have one very un-happy passenger who felt excluded by the Club Member's party last night and is creating sedition amongst the passengers to anyone who will listen (nobody does). Her husband is also a victim to this wrathful lady. Later we encounter them returning from the Cinque Terre tour. They are a tad damp. It has rained. We ask if they are OK. The husband chats: the wife walks straight on without even a word or look toward us. Poor chap.


Lunch on deck is arranged by Tomasz and comprises of two types of mozzarella: the ordinary type and the richer burratta. There is the pesto with focaccia and tomatoes. Our local wine has been chilled by Frank. How damn perfect is this ?

Chef Tomasz ambles along to check on us. Great job Chef. We remind him that he was going to keep some Gazpacho from last night. This follows.


It has clouded over and it is raining. Dinner will be in the Main Salon for most people but we have a table outside but sheltered.

We will be eating with Chief Engineer "Bogdan" and Spa manageress, Tanya.

This is a first for us, to eat with the reclusive Bogdan. A most wonderful man who's importance on the ship extends to being a kind confidant and support to the younger crew. This role was shared with Werner but he is on leave for compassionate reasons caring for his mother. God, ho hum misses him but we keep in touch. At least he will be enjoying the World Cup and Germany's masterful performances. Surely they will beat Brazil.


The meal was again sublime. How does Chef Tomasz do it ? It is an all Italian themed meal apart from the Raw Cuisine and the Regulars.

Insalata caprese

Tuscan bean and sausage soup

Pasta with pesto



Chablis village wine


Bogdan is a great dinner companion as is Tanya. The evening passed so quickly. The big inquisition never got off the ground. A happy Bogdan means a happy engine means a happy Captain.


Tonight it rained and there are brilliant lightening flashes not far away.


One of the passengers was reunited with his luggage and looked really happy. Gareth has spent every evening chasing his bags around Italy. Ho hum hopes they appreciate that.


Blondie makes a special effort with grumpy lady at cocktails and ho hum is dragged in t'boot. God she is miserable.


The lightening display from the cabin is amazing.

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