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.......idle jottings


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Have a great trip! Anything other than eating and drinking planned?


If you are down near the Ponte Vecchio, drop into the Frilli Gallery statuary shop on Via del Fossi, just up from the river. Don't often see so many large statues for sale. Especially out here in the hinterlands of the California coast. Well except maybendcf these:




Dear Sir,

You forgot "idling".

As in eating, drinking and "idling".

Hum's strongest discipline of that particular triathlon (well any triathlon come to that) !


One disappointing thing about Michelangelo; he did very few marble sculptures of "bear waving at tourists" !

That would have put him up there amongst the greats alongside the noble chainsaw proponent who cut up that redwood trunk: the clear work of "Chuck the Chainsaw" if Hum is not mistaken. His signature clipping to denote bear fur is the only sign Hum needs to discern him from mere mortals of the chainsaw fraternity (though the Canadian "Abenaki the Axe" must not be over-looked but he prefers to work in miniatures).


And thanks for the tip Signor Raggy Corleone.

Hum will mention your name when visiting Luigi's "Largest statues in Italy" emporium at Florence's Factory Outlet Store.


And finally is that YOU next to the bear ?

Crikey !


Notes to oneself:

- never be cheeky to others unless you have first checked their height, build, age, proximity to Poshland and whether they could beat you to a pulp !

- check that Parkers picks Sundance up on time. Book Acquacars and Smiths of Londonium also just in case. He must not miss that ferry or you are in big "doggy-dooh".

- contact Host Dan that Hum's life may be in danger and ask him to arrange the Cruise Critic Hit Squad to mobilise to California for a potential "hit": tell them they will need big ruddy bullets to take him down (perhaps rocket launchers too)

- Ho Hum reports sighting "Big Foot" standing next to a bear waving for help: the animal must have been petrified

- tell Sundance that Hum is (obviously) not the "brains" behind the cheeky comments. Mr. Big from Arizona is the head honcho. HH is a simple pawn or should that be "prawn" ? Whatever, but he is after the wrong man.

- refer to Sundance as "Dear Sir" henceforth just to be on the safe side ! A show of platitudinous respect may fool "The Incredible Hulk" (not to be confused with Ho Hum AKA "The Incredible Bulk")

- if it's not him: merciless "ribbing" to be resumed with a vengeance. Putting Hum thro' all this an' all.

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Is it safe to come out ?

Have they stopped going on about "Kids" yet ?

Get a "right lather up" don't they ?

Oh well Hum's off to Florence for the week.

Should have all blown over by the time Ho Hum returns.

Intend to be a lot more idle, so this will be a "jotting free zone" for quite some time.

Finally, you sigh with relief.

No more drivel.....aaaaaahhhhh.


.....enjoy Florence Ho Hum. Have a great week! I'm packing and leaving this evening. Flying 7am tomorrow. Coffee machine has packed in this morning and now I'm reading this will be a 'jotting free zone' for some time:eek:

Pity Livorno's not on my itinerary otherwise I'd join you for lunch in Florence! Second thoughts, I might miss the very long transfer back to port after a very long lunch. Haha! Enjoy:)

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Pity Livorno's not on my itinerary otherwise I'd join you for lunch in Florence! Second thoughts, I might miss the very long transfer back to port after a very long lunch. Haha! Enjoy:)


This is an excellent point. I learned a few years ago that drinking one (or perhaps it was 2) grandi bierre in Florence prior to the trip back to the port in a bus with no restroom was not one of my wiser moves.


Ranks right up there with the day that I complimented h-h on his new shoes after his shopping spree in Nice last year. But that's a story for another day.

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The artist in the photo is much smaller than ol' Ragnar, and of much gentler mien.


Almost Shakespearian "of much gentler mien".

HH had never heard the expression "mien"....so had to look it up.

Aha...demeanour is a similar meaning.

The things you learn on this forum.

Early 16th century: probably from French mine ‘expression’, influenced by obsolete demean ‘bearing, demeanour’ (from demean2)



.....enjoy Florence Ho Hum. Have a great week! I'm packing and leaving this evening. Flying 7am tomorrow. Coffee machine has packed in this morning and now I'm reading this will be a 'jotting free zone' for some time:eek:

Pity Livorno's not on my itinerary otherwise I'd join you for lunch in Florence! Second thoughts, I might miss the very long transfer back to port after a very long lunch. Haha! Enjoy:)


Have a great time.

By the way, stick to tea: no fancy gizmos needed there.

No jottings !

Must be what it feels like "being pain free".

Yes any lunch with Hum would take 3 hours. Allowing one bottle per person (but more if Hum lunches alone).



This is an excellent point. I learned a few years ago that drinking one (or perhaps it was 2) grandi bierre in Florence prior to the trip back to the port in a bus with no restroom was not one of my wiser moves.


Ranks right up there with the day that I complimented h-h on his new shoes after his shopping spree in Nice last year. But that's a story for another day.


The gift of a tip wrapped in a story from the great man himself plus an anecdote !


A true feast, indeed.

It makes this humble forum seem worthwhile when a post like this arrives (albeit by the wizardry of electronical telecommunications and all......well it's beyond Hum, that's for sure).

Quite chatty today are we not ? From a man known for his succinctness.

Ever thought of haiku poetry ? Yes it does drone on.


words from the master

tears fall

happy countenance shines though


Blondie and HH were talking about you roughly at the same time you penned this extensive piece.

Truly (and always, all good).

We were saying we had not heard from you for a while whilst your dear lady offers us a true bounty of comical life observations in a popular cultural forum used mainly by the young and the socially confident.....and here you are !

As bold as brass and twice as brazen ! (As our fellow countrymen and women would say up North).


But what a tease you are leaving all the readers usually accustomed to a diet of plain, un-nourishing drivel, hanging on til the day you complete the shoe story.

The master of suspense.

Ever considered a novel ? Or even a novelette.


Maybe your brevity is due to saving your hand and lower arm from potential injury such as carpal tunnel syndrome and the like.

Hum respectfully suggests it may be the repetitive beer sipping that may be the greater cause. The solution is quite simple in fact, do not drink beer or write lengthy posts whilst travelling through a tunnel in Carpal (one of those long tunnels you often find in coastal roads along the Amalfi coastline: not to be confused with Capri. Sounds similar but quite different, take Hum's word).


Your sage advice about drinking (beer....obviously) before commencing a journey by public transport reminds Hum of advice (from personal experience also) of how to instantly cool down on a hot day whilst drinking a lot of rose but stop Hum if you heard the story........... oh you have ! Yes of course you were there ! Hum blames you of course. Peer pressure was the root contributory cause.



To partially compensate the dear readers of this terrible forum, HH offers another complaint by a cruise ship passenger before wishing you all a great weekend.



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"Oh Lordy, Lordy !!"

And they're off again.

Reminds Hum of a posse of cowboys a ridin' into an old Western town, a shootin' and a hollerin' and frightenin', innocent, decent people going 'bout there civic duties like you and HH.

Quite a commotion ain't it.

What we needs is a sheriff round these here parts.

A man we can all respect....(so that rules out HH then !)

Captain Courageous.....a fair man but with his dearest chums visiting very soon, we may have to think again.

No not ol Cabbie......a "hang em high kind a guy" and that's on his good days ! Indeed !

There is a man.

They call him ctbjr 1309.

Yes it sounds like a laxative but Hum knows him.....he is our man.

Will he restore order ?



"Keep off the streets.........don't approach these guys when they are in such a fightin' mood..........stay under cover.......eyes averted.......hold your hands up in "I surrender" stance (not that this means anything in some parts).......rollover and act dead........well anything and in no circumstances ever, ever suggest they may be being a tad paranoid........oh no, then you would be a dead man".

Think 'ol Hum will keep his head down again for a tad while longer.

Yes a right 'cowardy custardy" but an alive 'cowardy custardy".

Well what can Hum offer when they've got all steamed up ?

What can anyone offer ?

Oh yes, of course there are genuinely, huge sympathies for all those affected and had their voyages ruined by kids.

HH and Blondie do know what it is like of course.

We have not been immune but certainly nothing like that has been recently reported of historical events (if Hum is not mistaken).


Feel a tad sorry for those new to SD about to embark though, they must be concerned.

Now HH would'nt want to inflame the old guys over yonder parts but in HH's experience it is a rare occurrence that there will be kids that disturb your voyage to such a degree.

Just sayin'.

Don't beat up on Hum now.


So anyone up for a bit of drivel instead ?

Un peu du divertissement, si vous voulez.


OK.......Hum gets the hint ..........Hum will return in a while then.

Hum will get back to his landscaping works and enjoy a little late summer flourish.

And more idling t'boot.


Over the weekend, we met up with chums for lunch (at our humble home) whom we first met on SD.

Oh ........ and they are bringing their 5 year old and 1 year old daughters.

One huge difference between our chums and a few (and certainly not all) who bring their kids onboard:

- they dont think their kids would like it onboard: need lots of activities for them

- concerned about annoyance to others

- concerned about safety

Now they do sail on the big cruise ships and they reckon it is great because these ships really do cater for families and they dont feel ostrich-ised (well if the spell checker says it's OK then it's good enuff for Hum. You sure about "enuff" spell chicker ?).



- is the issue about simply kids being onboard (but not actually annoying anyone and it is possible) or actual annoying kids onboard ? You wonder don't you ?

- or is it the fear that they could be annoying which is the ever present concern

- Have their been any actual reports recently ? Hmmmm. That's what Hum was thinking too.

- but do complain if your voyage is affected. Loudly and vigorously. First to the HM onboard, then SD HQ, then your TA and naturally here. Oh and ask for a refund if in-sufficient action is taken.


There, Hum has been able to offer something but will post it here (a safe distance away) just in case of reactivity

Oh, one other thing. Maybe we could all report on the "Kids" forum, the actuality onboard after a trip. Something like: SDI voyage Athens - Timbuctu: No kids / Thousands of the "blighters", we fought them off as hard as we could but were simply over-run ! It was awful ! Many causalities !




Of course SD dont come out of this very well.

They need to be clearer and communicate but you know, maybe Hum is deluding himself but Hum thinks there has been a "firming up" by SD on the issue.

Of course, could be wrong.

And finally once again, Hum does have genuine sympathies for those so adversely affected by parents that dont control their progeny.


The End (hopefully)

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I get it Ho-Hum, I get it. No more participation by Jimbo in Dead Horse Beatin' contests. I will confine myself to Idle Drivel or Current Events I Have Personally Witnessed. Well done, by the way. Keep up your practice and you might earn a respectable living as a scribbler some day.:D

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Good news for us, not so good news for those that biard after us, from SD shoreside:


"Thank you for your email. It is a bit early but the only few reservations we have on that voyage there are no children nor are there any groups. That voyage date does not usually have children, perhaps the 2 that follow but not on yours. You are welcome to check again with me in spring of next year and we will certainly have a better idea. Have a wonderful Monday."



Will also post on that "other thread".


Keep in mind: Once bitten, twice shy.

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What we needs is a sheriff round these here parts.

A man we can all respect....(so that rules out HH then !)

There is a man.

They call him ctbjr 1309.

Yes it sounds like a laxative but Hum knows him.....he is our man.

Will he restore order ?


Looks like I got this handled quickly. Never forget h-h that I'm here to serve (if not soften things up)!

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Bravo Ho


You have always made Ho want to be a “better man”.

To emulate your good self.

Totally impossible but....

And at least Ho’s new shirt acquisitions will hopefully gain your benevolent acceptance for a tad longer.

Interesting story about those shirts but Ho must let you go...........red geraniums to plant no doubt for your esteemed chums Royal visit.

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How succinct.

ctbr1309 will be “spitting nails” at your inspired ingenuity of conciseness.

He of “Yep.” fame and his trademark “Oh my !’ (which Hum adores beyond reasonable comprehension).

And so not familiar with the “languageing” or knowing how to "stick them" (so to speak) nor wishing to give offence in case of in-appropriate employment…...…Hum will adopt the tried and tested method of the English language and say a plain “you’re welcome, dear chap, you’re welcome”.


PS Replies to other dear chums to follow.

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It may be the silly season where the great and the good and HH get away from it all but for us mere mortals it’s a time to stay at home and gasp with incredulity as both ol’ Blighty and the US of A are gripped in what seems to be never ending bad hair days.


Over here we’ve got the beard and over there you’ve got the barnet (London cockney rhyming slang for hair).


It was only supposed to be a bit of fun to liven up dreary candidate election contests was it not? Yet, the beard, trimmed and shaped for the first time in years could well win! And the barnet, (could be alive or dead depending on the prevailing wind direction…place your bets now) could go all the way to the big house painted white.


The beard actually believes Britain would be a much better place if we were only to pick up where Stalin left off (watch soon for the nightly swarms of British migrants trying to cut through the razor wire fence at Dover to reach the freedom of the Channel Tunnel and jump into the back of a truck heading for France whilst evading the bullets fired from the watch towers). It seems probable that the barnet would send anyone with a liking for tortillas back over the border and rename every landmark, grotesque or otherwise, in his own name…hmmm, a bit like uncle Joseph did himself.


Just imagine their first meeting as PM and President, carefully dissecting and deliberating the nuances of political and diplomatic life. Yes, you are not the only one in need of a cool facial towel. Now where can they be had? Could soon be time to sell up and cut a deal for a residency on SeaDream.

Edited by MACT
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I get it Ho-Hum, I get it. No more participation by Jimbo in Dead Horse Beatin' contests. I will confine myself to Idle Drivel or Current Events I Have Personally Witnessed. Well done, by the way. Keep up your practice and you might earn a respectable living as a scribbler some day.:D


Your friendship and respect is payment enough for HH old chap.

And Hum does'nt want you to "welch" on the drink you owe Hum and the offer to be shown your shootin' prowess with a few beers afterwards.

And we must do that voyage with Raggy one day !!!


But seriously, this is an issue that will be re-visited and should be re-visited if there are failures to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of passengers on a "high end" cruising product costing a lot of money.

AND if Hum discovers significant lapses than what is reasonable, then SDHQ will know about it ! As he has done so vehemently over the years (even though his experiences are drastically lower than a certain incredible 50% being claimed),

And the readers here too will know about it but let it be mainly confined to current experiences otherwise it tarnishes the relevance for a valid argument and we MAY simply appear “old grouches”.

Heavens forbid such a thing, so we must be circumspect, exercise reasoned judgement and above all play the “straight bat, doncha know, old chap otherwise what would the world come to ehhh… France !

Yea Gods, not France !

Just saying old fellas.

We had to go in and sort their mess out TWICE before !!

And did they thank us ? Huh…


You know fellas, Hum does have a sense things MAY have changed but of course he could be wrong.

He was wrong once before in 1969 when he thought Jimi Hendrix's "Electric Ladyland" was a better album than The Beatles "Revolver" !

No never did quite live that one down but it made Hum the humble man he is today: one of his greatest qualities among so many others.

As well as sincerity (when you can fake that…well, the world’s your ostrich as Shakespeare said).


You know just the other day, after taking a bath, Hum popped out and the towel he had wrapped around his expansive midriff slipped off as he was bending down in front of the full length wall mirrors to out on his fluffy Mickey Mouse slippers and do you know what.......he could have sworn he saw a bright light shine from his Ho Hum !

Praise the Lord…the sun truly does shine from his ar………. !


HH dedicates this piece of drivel (one of Hum’s finest critics say) and “devil may care ridiculous jollity” to Hum’s old and cherished amigo…..Sir James Avery. KFC, OMG and GONG.

God bless you sir !

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Your friendship and respect is payment enough for HH old chap.

And Hum does'nt want you to "welch" on the drink you owe Hum and the offer to be shown your shootin' prowess with a few beers afterwards.

And we must do that voyage with Raggy one day !!!


But seriously, this is an issue that will be re-visited and should be re-visited if there are failures to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of passengers on a "high end" cruising product costing a lot of money.

AND if Hum discovers significant lapses than what is reasonable, then SDHQ will know about it ! As he has done so vehemently over the years (even though his experiences are drastically lower than a certain incredible 50% being claimed),

And the readers here too will know about it but let it be mainly confined to current experiences otherwise it tarnishes the relevance for a valid argument and we MAY simply appear “old grouches”.

Heavens forbid such a thing, so we must be circumspect, exercise reasoned judgement and above all play the “straight bat, doncha know, old chap otherwise what would the world come to ehhh… France !

Yea Gods, not France !

Just saying old fellas.

We had to go in and sort their mess out TWICE before !!

And did they thank us ? Huh…


You know fellas, Hum does have a sense things MAY have changed but of course he could be wrong.

He was wrong once before in 1969 when he thought Jimi Hendrix's "Electric Ladyland" was a better album than The Beatles "Revolver" !

No never did quite live that one down but it made Hum the humble man he is today: one of his greatest qualities among so many others.

As well as sincerity (when you can fake that…well, the world’s your ostrich as Shakespeare said).


You know just the other day, after taking a bath, Hum popped out and the towel he had wrapped around his expansive midriff slipped off as he was bending down in front of the full length wall mirrors to out on his fluffy Mickey Mouse slippers and do you know what.......he could have sworn he saw a bright light shine from his Ho Hum !

Praise the Lord…the sun truly does shine from his ar………. !


HH dedicates this piece of drivel (one of Hum’s finest critics say) and “devil may care ridiculous jollity” to Hum’s old and cherished amigo…..Sir James Avery. KFC, OMG and GONG.

God bless you sir !


And a chatty good morning to you as well good Sir. So few understand just how hard it is to have a KFC bestowed upon ones self. Much rarer than the OBE which every other rock star sports. Yes, the Knights Fiddling Cross is hard to come by. I have to say I appreciate the rare insight to Ho-Hum's personal life. It has long been speculated as to where H-H's inspiration originates and now we know, bright light and all.:eek:

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Good news for us, not so good news for those that biard after us, from SD shoreside:


"Thank you for your email. It is a bit early but the only few reservations we have on that voyage there are no children nor are there any groups. That voyage date does not usually have children, perhaps the 2 that follow but not on yours. You are welcome to check again with me in spring of next year and we will certainly have a better idea. Have a wonderful Monday."


Will also post on that "other thread".


Keep in mind: Once bitten, twice shy.


Well there's a conciliatory bit of news.

Hum can see ol Raggy gettin' the email back from SDHQ and saying "Dammit. No ruddy kids ! Now I've got to tell smug HH !"


But your honesty and integrity speak volumes dear chap, volumes.

Respect to you.


What they did'nt tell ol Raggy in the email was the number of cancellations SD had when Raggy announced he was booking that cruise and people got to find out !!!

Well can you blame 'em ?

Awful mien they say.

Frightens the "Bejezus" out of people.

Dont want their little kids scared by the "Incredible Hulk" !

Aha !

That's the strategy to use for people with kids making enquiries about booking on SD.

"We must advise that a man with a frightful mien is onboard"

No frigging way........we'll book with Disney instead.



Thanks for the info.I think you have identified the key to insure a pleasant voyage:

"be more forceful in getting matters under control ASAP for all to enjoy."

I will have no trouble asking to speak with the captain if there are any disturbances on board (especially unrulely ho-hums).


Oh the Captains know about Hum and Blondie.

But those days have passed long ago.

Congenial conversation over a couple of bottles with chums suffice these days.

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Looks like I got this handled quickly. Never forget h-h that I'm here to serve (if not soften things up)!


Haha. Good one ctbjr1309.


Hum admits it was a risky strategy "weedling" out the great man himself.

But expert angling by Hum.

A dose of flattery (fully deserved mind you) and impish mischievousness by Hum (not quite the "full shillng" as you all know by now).

Yep, mentioning your name was all it needed.

Hum's been "dropping" your name for years now if the truth be told........do you know Hum has never had to pay for a single drink at the TOYB because of it ?

Oh yeah Hum's a sharp 'en, no mistakin' ?


Our dear chum Butch has got you summed up. Haha.

That's the reason they now have beer on draught.....can't stock enuff cold 'uns for you.


In recognition of restoring law and order in the wild parts of this here forum. We the people of SD forums would like to present you with this photo as your avatar.




Sheriff CTBJR is well known out West for being able to clear out a Saloon quickly. At least clear it of Red Stripe.:eek::D



Your no slouch either young man.

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It may be the silly season where the great and the good and HH get away from it all but for us mere mortals it’s a time to stay at home and gasp with incredulity as both ol’ Blighty and the US of A are gripped in what seems to be never ending bad hair days.


Over here we’ve got the beard and over there you’ve got the barnet (London cockney rhyming slang for hair).


It was only supposed to be a bit of fun to liven up dreary candidate election contests was it not? Yet, the beard, trimmed and shaped for the first time in years could well win! And the barnet, (could be alive or dead depending on the prevailing wind direction…place your bets now) could go all the way to the big house painted white.


The beard actually believes Britain would be a much better place if we were only to pick up where Stalin left off (watch soon for the nightly swarms of British migrants trying to cut through the razor wire fence at Dover to reach the freedom of the Channel Tunnel and jump into the back of a truck heading for France whilst evading the bullets fired from the watch towers). It seems probable that the barnet would send anyone with a liking for tortillas back over the border and rename every landmark, grotesque or otherwise, in his own name…hmmm, a bit like uncle Joseph did himself.


Just imagine their first meeting as PM and President, carefully dissecting and deliberating the nuances of political and diplomatic life. Yes, you are not the only one in need of a cool facial towel. Now where can they be had? Could soon be time to sell up and cut a deal for a residency on SeaDream.


You thought HH would not notice "the great and the good ...............and HH" !

So obviously not great or good......and you would be right of course but Hum is a tad slighted.

Maybe "great" in girth and "good" in sense of humour though.

Maybe that is what you meant.


HH is also at home after a short trip to Florence and is also in "jaw dropping" mode at some sections of society even considering these two "Herberts" either side of the pond for leaders.


One thing Hum will say for Comrade C (potential UK leader of the Labour Party) is that he is humble.

But he has a lot to be humble about !

But "The Donald" !

Yanks (mostly) love a showman. A gunslinger ! A hot shat ! They love hype. They are an excitable bunch and yes compared to the Yanks, the Brits are DULL though not as dull as Norwegians !!!

OMG they are dull especially when they talk......Hum goes into a coma instantly.


Hum had better stay off American politics.....they get very excitable about it and it's in their sacred Constitution written by God himself on the back of a "fag packet" that they are allowed to shoot anyone that even just looks at 'em funny ("fag" as in cigarette .... no not the other connotation.....really, please....some manners, if you will !).

Over here we know the politicians are mostly a bunch of "salad tossers" and HH had better confine himself to criticism (and ridicule) of British leaders so as not to gain the wrath of our wonderful American chums.


The only people who would vote for Comrade C are the self same true supporters of him in the Labour leader candidacy election.............all 3,000 of them.....countrywide.

And Hum makes that distinction of "true" supporters as nearly all the Conservative campaign fund is being spent on Conservative members becoming members of the Labour party to enable them to vote for Comrade C and so ruin chances of Labour ever winning an election !

Very clever strategy.


And have you seen the "Born Again Evangelist" representing the Liberals now ?

OMG............possibly a very nice chap is Tim but Dim.

But he has completely alienated the gay vote in the UK with his views on gay marriage.

The UK electorate is made up of 83% gay, lesbian and trans-gender voters, so it is an important niche.

The next important group of voters is the ethnicity vote.

The UK is made up of 84% Afro-Caribbean, Indian sub-continent, Irish, Asians from Uganda in the main part......soon to be followed by 81% of the Scottish people when they vote for Independence, elect Alec Salmond as Queen, throw the nuclear naval base out of Scotland, increase VAT on visitors from England and increase tax to 84% on anyone earning over 100 groats per annum.

Bring back Joe Grimond type...........yes, he of Orkney & Shetland constituency.

Now there was a politician........great pedigree too.

A thoroughly decent chap.


Oh and have you seen the Australian representing the Green Party (Nathalie Bennett).

Well old Paxman gave her "short shrift" and effectively called her "barmy". Yet the Greens have a lot of support round these parts. They are absolutely obsessed about re-cycling and cutting off all services (electricity) to your home and putting up windmills and being vegetarian and "hugging" one another et all.


Then there is lovable Nigel Farage of UKIP who expresses everything "middle England" hates but with no actual positive policies. Oh and his fellow aspiring candidates are a tad "shady".


But whilst all this is going on, Ian Duncan Smith is stealthily getting long time "idlers" to work by cutting all kinds of benefits and saving a fortune.

Last month the UK actually had a surplus in revenue over expenditure. A ruddy miracle.

Those severely disabled with no mobility are told to apply for the jobs of steeple-jacks and the like otherwise all their benefits will be cut, their house sold, children taken to the work house and with the proceeds will be deported to Australia. Who will be glad to have them no doubt.

And nobody has said a thing !

These immigrants will be in for a shock when they demand benefits and housing.

Maybe the exodus will start the other way.

Come on Abdullah we are leaving this God forsaken country.......no social benefits here.

Let's try rich Norway ?

No they are so dullllll there.


Sorry to all those not interested in British politics.....all about SD next, promise.

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In the US, I am hoping it comes down to Trump and Sanders. Gives a stark choice for which way people want the country to go. No middle ground between those two. My greatest fear is that it comes down to Clinton/Bush. They make the Norwegians seem interesting and transparent...


Ask yourself if you would rather have the Donald or Bernie? You will then know in your heart whether you are a capitalist or a socialist.




PS - found a photo showing the relationship between ol'Ragnar (or Jim) and the mighty ho-hum:



Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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Blondie is away.

Yes again !

Leaving ol HH to fend for himself.

The kitchen is a bewildering space for Hum with strange equipment.

Whenever he has tried to cook, it occasionally activates the alarm linked to the Fire station.

Hum knows the boys there quite well over the years.

They are always good humoured.

Hum opens a bottle or two and they have a good time.

A donation to their Xmas fund is also appreciated.

Maybe Hum will avail himself of the local restaurant's delivery services or their take away facilities.

BB (before Blondie) Hum kept many a take away afloat during tough times.

Gosh we have a lot in the town and they deliver.

But Hum is trying to lose some excess so this may put the "kibosh" on it.


So Blondie and her chum are off to Dubrovnik and on to SDII for a nice little trip (sans les enfants, j'espere).




It's a time for Blondie to fully appreciate HH and vica versa.

It's her one break for freedom......always surprised when she returns.

Yes she could do a whole lot better than yours truly whilst HH is "punching well above his weight".

Hope it's a tad cooler for my darling and her chum.

No its 33C and feels like 36C......crikey !

21C and a strong breeze is HH's limit !

With a chilled champagne in hand t'boot.

Maybe Hum could pass on some news from Blondie on the "front line" from time to time in between the woes of marauding kids.

Waddya say ?

Would you like that ?

No Hum forgets you are above simple tittle tattle.....let's forget that impertinent suggestion.

Please forgive HH.


There are a few on the voyage we know (no, not kids, big kids: yes) and a really interesting group which they actually wish to acquaint themselves with (hush-hush to protect the group).

They do sound fun though.


Oh and the Cruise Director who we have never sailed with but has a great reputation and seems a jolly nice chap (we met when both boats tied up together in Madeira during Spring x-ing).


Happy sailing to Blondie and chum and group and everyone else and especially crew.......always feel sorry for the crew when it is really hot.

My they have to work so hard.

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