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.......idle jottings


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Do I need to take my own? Hope not, but will if need be.


Cheers, Millie


I'm afraid, Millie, that I'm not going to give you the answer you want to hear. While the hair dryer is not one of those tubes on the wall, it is not strong enough to dry thick hair efficiently. Bring your own hairdryer. I did not bring mine on our January cruise and there was a lot of swearing in our room.

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Truth be told, first impressions of Hum are generally established by the fact that he is standing next to the spectacular Blondie with a look that says "I'm with her." Of course, once he does open his mouth you think "She's with him?" :)


Thank you, Trapper!! I am having a VERY BAD DAY -- and Idle Jottings and particularly your post brought what will likely be the one and only laugh of the day!


As to hairdryers, Zimmy does have very thick hair. Mine is less so, so I'm ok with the one on board, but Millie may well prefer having her own.



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I'm afraid, Millie, that I'm not going to give you the answer you want to hear. While the hair dryer is not one of those tubes on the wall, it is not strong enough to dry thick hair efficiently. Bring your own hairdryer. I did not bring mine on our January cruise and there was a lot of swearing in our room.


Thanks Zimmy. I swear enough as it is, so no need for extra cussing because of an inadequate hairdryer. Will take my own.

Appreciate the advice.

Cheers, Millie

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Jim, I LOVE this.....if only......




Sign me up!


It reminds me of a contest my son won, when he was 15. It was the Dreamers and Doers Contest. If you can dream it, you can do it.


It was 30 years ago and there's still no light rail in Tampa, which is what his winning dream was all about; so I guess you CAN do it, but WILL somebody?


Back to the SDIII -- somebody must've drawn it for a reason. Now who's going to build it???!!!

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So Hum's just back from lunch (jotted on Sunday) at a posh restaurant in town where we dined with SD chums: we meet up every now and again when we are both at home in the UK (or when we are on SD of course).

A delightful G&T to start proceedings: a sage leaf added gave a wonderful discrete light flavour.

Our chums have news, we have news.

We natter for ages and they are great fun. We tell them about changes on SD, Crystal Esprit, the crossing and where next (Rome to Venice).

They tell us about their daughter in America, her marriage plans, wedding dress from Barcelona etc...


Meal was fabulous. The restaurant is owned by a "B" class celebrity chef who never made it to the "Big Time". His food is good but the young waiters are awkward and the maitre d' is best suited as head of a funeral procession!

Of course Hum shakes them all up and they run around in an eager panic!


Hum returns to the Hum estate to find this posting by a chum!

Yes Hum expects this from the settlers in the northern tundra but TZ?

Surely not!

"Et tu Brutu"!


Truth be told, first impressions of Hum are generally established by the fact that he is standing next to the spectacular Blondie with a look that says "I'm with her." Of course, once he does open his mouth you think "She's with him?" :)


"Truth be told" you begin.

Hum likewise.

If the truth be told, someone has obviously been at the Manzanilla earlier than usual: double schooners too!!

What scurrilous commenting!

But nay, on reflection and a few "snifters", Hum cannot deny there may accidentally, be some truth in the "stinging" sentence.

Hum will pass by the obvious "et tu aussi, mon frere" as chums have expected something better, more erudite, classier than that offered by just a University Professor.

Hum's education came from a more impressive university and the only one that counts: the University of Life (education through failure and in Hum's case a lot: double firsts!).


Thank heavens for the more loving nature of all our lady partners/wives in choosing us wretched, foolish and irascible (at times) menfolk.

Your comment could easily apply to all men Hum knows!

Of course there is the occasional "hen pecked" excuse of a man.

With some maturity, Hum has learnt to appreciate the far more aware accomplishments of women over the lesser abilities of us guys.

Our range of interest and conversation is similarly mundane and dull (Norwegian men are the dullest).

And as for how we dress!

You see a lovely presented lady who has taken great care in her appearance (yes, it has it's downside: Hum swears a year of his life has been waiting for Blondie to dress!) and then some "Herbert" comes shuffling in behind her in a throw on shirt, baggy trousers and bland footwear and whose only concern is getting a ruddy drink.

Oh and we have so little of interest to say!

As we mumble blandly into our selected beverage about some inane subject or other or offers a point of view verging on the wholly in-appropriate!


Let us say TZ, most all men have a heck of a lot to be thankful and deeply appreciative for. Truly our respective partners / wives are the more accomplished "better halves".


It reminds Blondie asking for the wash-room, as you Yanks say.

Brits say toilet or "loo".

Why wash-room? Never seen anybody go there to wash only.

So Blondie and wash-room.

The waitress at the restaurant directed Blondie to the side of the restaurant where the Mens are on left, Womens on right.

"Aint that the truth, Women always right" Blondie says.

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That should you keep you chuckling thru lunchtime shouldn't it ol Hummie......


Now, "masculine Rugged appearance" and "draw-string trousers" don't usually appear in the same sentence, but if that works for you, fine. And yes, the people are laughing with you , not at you..... I can just hear Mrs Adonis saying to Mr Adonis, "don't forget to put your draw-string trousers on before you go to work, honey. Very likely.....


Yes, Hum is terribly proud of his stunning golden locks, the tousled curls of misspent youth. He often is known to stand with his back to the setting sun, so that the parting rays of the evening sunlight cause a natural halo to form around his face, so appropriate, really, for a saint. I certainly wasn't going to mention it, far be it from me to comment, but why not now, I say. The last couple of photos that have appeared on FB have led me to thinking that perhaps the toupee is getting a little thin on top? Now, it may be that Hum has just changed his conditionner? Charitably we may say that the humidity has been at an all-time high?


The truth will come out in early December, when the casting of the Village Christmas pageant is revealed down at the Grange Hall. Hum may go from his traditional role as lead Cherub to just "3rd Putti on the left... It will be a devastating moment, on the heels of his silver screen premiere.


Never you mind, I know a workshop on a narrow side street in Roma that makes hairpieces for all the Hollywood stars, Rochetti di Roma, they have been there for generations. Very hush hush, perhaps you know of them already?


Oh to be so cruelly ridiculed but also to enjoy it immensely!

How delightfully perverse!


Only a man of great intelligence and refinement can do this.

So Hum’s question is.

Who really writes your posts?

It can't be ol' "grey pants"!



Nay, Hum concedes, yet again to the greater twit (sorry wit) as Hum truly does chuckle at the softer but so more effective prodding at Hum’s faux egotisticalness.

Bravo, bravo dear chum.

True maestro of the withering line deflating Hum so.


You too have noticed the thinning of the crown.!

Soon Hum will be joining you of the follicley challenged, well in your case, follicley utterly vanquished!


Yes the twilight years have begun for Hum just an instant after the release date of the epic film. And Hum completely understands that you will be too embarrassed to watch a thinning, tubby Hum strut about saying simply the most bizarre things so

Hum will spare giving you the release date thus saving you from the sad spectacle of Hum making a "horse"s posterior" of himself.

No, Hum insists.

It is to spare you dear chum. Hum knows what an upset it would cause you.


Rocchetti di Roma?

Do you not mean Rocchetti & Rochetti just behind the Vatican on the via Gregorio?

No, Hum has never heard of it.

Can they replace these spun gold locks?

No, Hum didn’t think so.

What do you do with all your cast offs?

There must be one in there which isn't Afro green?


Hum is inspired by yourself Abenakikins.

You don’t seem to be bothered by your atrocious decline physically, intellectually, morally into depravity of the worst kind so why should ol’ Hummie?

Nay, Hum jests with you dearest of dears.

To be insulted and have a huge chuckle too is genius, worthy of the "Bard" himself.

Hum prostrates before you in adoration and salutation.


Well toodle-oo and toodle-pip.

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Mr. Hum,

Enjoying your writings this a.m. and always love reading about attire. Yes, those linens can be a problem. When beautifully pressed, nothing more stunning than an entrance made in the flowing white fabric.

A tip on where to find many gorgeous linens for the ladies. My favorite place is called Blitz in Positano. When you are walking down the narrow street to the water, it will be on the left side. I always stock up, and once you know your sizes and the wonderful quality, you can order and have shipped. They have a website for ordering online, also.

They are perfect for anywhere on the Riviera and for dining al fresco on SeaDream.


Oh portofino, apologies for having to pist amongst those earlier vagabonds.

A lady of your obvious refinement and taste having to jostle alongside Abenaki and TZ!

Well really!

Hum is trying to raise the level of sophistication of this forum but alas the "oiks" will create a "hullabaloo" every now and again.


Porto darling, we are of one mind on matters of attire (amongst other things Susan S and Julie C too).

Simplicity yet darn fine material t'boot, nothing oozes class and a bit of "ooh lala".

All a lady has to do for Hum is wear a simple starched white blouse and Hum is "putty in their hands", Hum admits it.

Elegance, simplicity and graceful manners and Hum is vanquished, utterly and completely.


Once Hum was on SD (surprise, surprise) and there was this huge British African guy (formerly from Nigeria).

Well this guy wore a pressed white shirt (classic cut, of course) every day and he looked CLASS.

Oh boy!

And so plain white on guys can also look great, nay does look great (provided it is a classic cut with proper collars).


So, porto, where are you next?

Skiing with husband over?

Cruises with family done (phew! How brave)

Auberge du Soleil in Napa perhaps?

SD even?

Do tell.

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Thank you, Trapper!! I am having a VERY BAD DAY -- and Idle Jottings and particularly your post brought what will likely be the one and only laugh of the day!



Well if TrapperZimmy's scurrilous comment about "moi meme" helped a tad on your dark day then he is completely and utterly forgiven.

Hope some sunshine comes your way Lady V, sooner rather than later.

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Aha, so I was perhaps correct in assuming that the thinning of the pate has begun for the Great Hum. Oh dear, your greatest (apparent & visible) attribute. This calls for action. The Trumpish comb-over will not be of any help to you, but perhaps a technique of one little curl supporting and holding up the next little curl, and so on and so forth up and over your larger-than-life cranium might be employed.


Despite your prowess on Google, the Rochetti behind the Vatican is merely the Fancy Dress of wiggery, for the punters, not for the likes of you. No, you shall be taken to a small unassuming door near the Campo dei Fiori, where Giancarlo, Marcello and Sophia have been attended to over the decades. I have asked that you be given the total transformation, pull out all the stops, I said. With the aid of 14 Bobby Pins and the foot from a pair of Blondie's disgarded panty hose, they have a technique whereby all of that excess skin at the back of your neck will be twisted and secured under your new hairpiece, giving you the continuing look, for all the world to see and love, of the matinee idol you once were. Back in the security of your stateroom, away from the prying eyes of the papparazzi it will be another (sad) story.. But unleashed upon the Via Veneto, the flashbulbs of the tourists will be popping like it was 1969.

After all, Now that you are going to be fluttering around in the white linens of Portofino. Oy vey.


And for heavens' sake, in your next contract, you must have written in that you will have your hair & makeup done at home, before arriving on Set. This way, no one with nasty intentions will see the before and after, and your dirty little secret will be safe with me, as of course I am bound by professional secrecy.

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So, porto, where are you next?

Skiing with husband over?

Cruises with family done (phew! How brave)

Auberge du Soleil in Napa perhaps?

SD even?

Do tell.


Mr. Hum, Enjoying your response this early a.m. while sipping my cappuccino.

We are in NY at our estate (20acres) on a beautiful lake in an area called the Adirondacks. If you are familiar with the Great Camp era and the fabulous homes and architecture created during this period, you will understand how special this is. If not, Google is your friend and am certain you will find this of interest.(Think Marjorie Merriweather Post)

We have a very large home on the lake, with a boathouse (a must) and all of this requires quite a bit of maintenance. We have spent 2 years on renovations, rebuilding, etc etc. Currently, the last of it is taking place with a new roof being put on a 10,000 sq. ft home (for just the 2 of us, LOL).

Typically, we spend our Spring in Europe, but decided to pass this year. A month long cruise around S. America will be our experience mid October and then back to snow skiing.

We love our lake home and try to maximize our time spent here in the Summer. Early Autumn in New England, is also very special with the vibrant colors. It also creates many wonderful memories for family members that come to visit. Campfires/S'mores, boating, kayaking, waterskiing, barbecues, etc. etc.

We are also 2 hours from Montreal and 4 1/2 from NYC if the need for a city fix is in order. The best of both worlds.

Thank you for asking.

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For the Nautically Challenged among us, the attached link might be informative as to what yacht crew really means when they use certain terms..........:eek:



Especially informative is that deck often referred to as the "Bimbo Pad".:D

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Well if TrapperZimmy's scurrilous comment about "moi meme" helped a tad on your dark day then he is completely and utterly forgiven.

Hope some sunshine comes your way Lady V, sooner rather than later.


I truly appreciate Hum's forgiveness of my showing of my dark side. As for your comment about washrooms, Zimmy and I are currently in a lovely little hotel in the St. Germaine district of Paris before we travel down to Barcelona to board SD1. I looked in our bathroom, which you enter from our bed chamber, and said something is missing. It has a bath, so it is truly a bathroom, and it has a sink, so it is also a washroom. But where is the toilet? We found it all by itself in a little room off the foyer. So in Paris you go to the toilet (toilette) and then go to the washroom. Ah, zee crazee French.

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Aha, so I was perhaps correct in assuming that the thinning of the pate has begun for the Great Hum. Oh dear, your greatest (apparent & visible) attribute. This calls for action. The Trumpish comb-over will not be of any help to you, but perhaps a technique of one little curl supporting and holding up the next little curl, and so on and so forth up and over your larger-than-life cranium might be employed.


Despite your prowess on Google, the Rochetti behind the Vatican is merely the Fancy Dress of wiggery, for the punters, not for the likes of you. No, you shall be taken to a small unassuming door near the Campo dei Fiori, where Giancarlo, Marcello and Sophia have been attended to over the decades. I have asked that you be given the total transformation, pull out all the stops, I said. With the aid of 14 Bobby Pins and the foot from a pair of Blondie's disgarded panty hose, they have a technique whereby all of that excess skin at the back of your neck will be twisted and secured under your new hairpiece, giving you the continuing look, for all the world to see and love, of the matinee idol you once were. Back in the security of your stateroom, away from the prying eyes of the papparazzi it will be another (sad) story.. But unleashed upon the Via Veneto, the flashbulbs of the tourists will be popping like it was 1969.

After all, Now that you are going to be fluttering around in the white linens of Portofino. Oy vey.


And for heavens' sake, in your next contract, you must have written in that you will have your hair & makeup done at home, before arriving on Set. This way, no one with nasty intentions will see the before and after, and your dirty little secret will be safe with me, as of course I am bound by professional secrecy.


The glee in your post at Hum's demise is palpable, you cruel, cruel man!


And what next contract?

Crashed and burned, crashed and burned.....that's the end of Hum.

No big producers will take the risk henceforth whether with "rug" and a "bit of slap" or not.

Alas Hum has retired from the "boards" too.

Maybe Hum will partake in a "Waiting for Godot" for the local "luvvies" in aid of the Church roof repairs.

And the days of the nubile "groupies" are well and truly over.

But for Blondie....the world will be captivated by her performance.

And she has some brilliant quips expressed coquettishly to camera with her wonderful quintessentially English voice.

Now that Judy and Helen are advancing in years, Blondie has her breakthrough opportunity.

"A star is born"

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Mr. Hum, Enjoying your response this early a.m. while sipping my cappuccino.

We are in NY at our estate (20acres) on a beautiful lake in an area called the Adirondacks. If you are familiar with the Great Camp era and the fabulous homes and architecture created during this period, you will understand how special this is. If not, Google is your friend and am certain you will find this of interest.(Think Marjorie Merriweather Post)

We have a very large home on the lake, with a boathouse (a must) and all of this requires quite a bit of maintenance. We have spent 2 years on renovations, rebuilding, etc etc. Currently, the last of it is taking place with a new roof being put on a 10,000 sq. ft home (for just the 2 of us, LOL).

Typically, we spend our Spring in Europe, but decided to pass this year. A month long cruise around S. America will be our experience mid October and then back to snow skiing.

We love our lake home and try to maximize our time spent here in the Summer. Early Autumn in New England, is also very special with the vibrant colors. It also creates many wonderful memories for family members that come to visit. Campfires/S'mores, boating, kayaking, waterskiing, barbecues, etc. etc.

We are also 2 hours from Montreal and 4 1/2 from NYC if the need for a city fix is in order. The best of both worlds.

Thank you for asking.


Simply divine porto, simply divine ......

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For the Nautically Challenged among us, the attached link might be informative as to what yacht crew really means when they use certain terms..........:eek:



Especially informative is that deck often referred to as the "Bimbo Pad".:D



"Roger that" (although "roger that" has another connotation to certain Brits ......yes of course it's vulgar! Let's just say, using that term whilst on the "Bimbo pad" may be considered a tad over-familiar and forward!).

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I truly appreciate Hum's forgiveness of my showing of my dark side. As for your comment about washrooms, Zimmy and I are currently in a lovely little hotel in the St. Germaine district of Paris before we travel down to Barcelona to board SD1. I looked in our bathroom, which you enter from our bed chamber, and said something is missing. It has a bath, so it is truly a bathroom, and it has a sink, so it is also a washroom. But where is the toilet? We found it all by itself in a little room off the foyer. So in Paris you go to the toilet (toilette) and then go to the washroom. Ah, zee crazee French.



Well a "Mon Dieu" and a "Zut Alors" to you mon ami.

The French ehh!

Plumbing in the great city is still 30/40 years behind the Brits.

And it is "basin" dear chum: "sinks" are for kitchens or are you washing your hands and "smalls" in the hotel kitchen!!

Well nothing would surprise Hum!


Ahhh Parisian "bogs".

Hum recalls the time when using the "facilities" at a cafe, he was directed to a door at the rear which was in full view of the cafe, where upon entering he was disappointed to discover a "hole in the porcelain (floor)" variety of WC!

After arranging himself (trousers around ankles) and inspecting the gaping hole with back to the door another potential user of the toilette opened the door and Hum's pert cheeks (it was a few years ago) were on display to the cafe's patrons and passing tourists!

The lock door was broken. And so Hum now had to arrange himself in the correct position for "missile launch" which, upon successful completion, Hum had noted that his lighter had fallen out of his pocket, slid across the grubby porcelain and plopped "slap onto" the recent deposit!

Somehow the lighter was retrieved and again another candidate for the "little room" again opened the door despite the protest from incumbents in the cafe (a tourist who didn't understand la Francais). The "eeewws" were understood by everyone.

Hum again tries to secure the door and re-assemble his garments followed by a flush from a sisal string. The string becomes detached from the arm that operates the flush! And so Hum has to re-secure the string to the high level arm positioned over the gaping hole below.

Finally with the string secure, a proper flush ensued and torrents of water were discharged as Hum stood on the two raised promontories for one's feet but the water level rose and rose and soon lapped over the porcelain foot places and began to rise above the leather soles of Hum shoes. The water rose and edged towards the door and still it rose and Hum could hear squeals from outside and patrons moving, chairs being abruptly pulled back, tables being bumped into.

Finally there was an almighty "gulping" sound behind Hum and both water and contents had gone, finally and water gushing had similarly stopped.

The devastation outside was terrible, the Gitanes smoking proprietor was gesticulating wildly and the waitress was busy mopping the floor.

Hum rushed head long for the door, leaving a franc in a silver dish on the counter, grabbed his lady and into the "rue" outside.

There had been no wash hand basin either.

The WC was for use by patrons and staff.

Where did they wash their hands (if at all)?

The sink!!!


Have a fantastic time in Paris and Barcelona and of course on SDI.

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Another of Hum's "shenanigans" onboard during the crossing occurred during a talk by a "head honcho" from Oslo in a "getting to know" management talk in the Main Salon.

The Activities Manageress asked the audience of passengers to guess where "head honcho" was born, Hum said:


"Bethlehem" ?


Hum was slightly bored and wished to cast some gentle ridicule on some of the divine "Commandments" (policies) from Oslo

Quite funny Hum thought and quite well "pointed" but there were gasps of shock from an offended, elderly, American couple with "dagger" stares at Hum and with hands out-stretched pointing at Hum and repeatedly shouting "heresy, heresy"!

The religious right in "Yank-burg-shire" is very strong in some parts.

Their subsequent petition amongst other passengers for a "heretic burning" was declined on safety grounds by El Capitano and their alternative suggestion for a "stoning" around the Pool Deck before cocktails was narrowly defeated because of disco night later that evening which required a dry deck for bopping and jiving (to "Devil" music, no doubt. Love dat "Devil" music).

OK the first part of this was true; the second was how Hum interpreted an American couple's "frosty" response to Hum's cheeky answer


- - - - - -


During dinner with Executive Chef and "head honcho" from Oslo one night, Hum couldn't accept a rebuttal to Hum's impassioned request for a modification in policy to some inane decision by Oslo and Hum actually threw his napkin at him in protest at the "Corporate speak" response (or so Hum interpreted it).


Yes we had known one another for a long time and it was really a cheeky, friendly bit of play between chums but even so.

Well they insisted on eating with Blondie and Hum again, which we did and we dropped any contentious issues about Oslo's many shortcomings but again Hum threw a napkin at the Executive Chef, in celebration of him this time.


But Hum's grip on reality, acceptable behaviour and observing the social niceties has almost completely deserted him.


Is this the early stages of a form of another form of mental degeneration? (along with moral degeneration).

It is becoming nigh on impossible for Hum to behave himself sometimes.

Blondie remains remarkably tolerant but suggested it is probably best to keep the briefest of contact with fellow passengers who do not know of Hum's proclivities to cause mayhem and act subversively.

Hum concurred.


Of course in Oz, Hum will "go down a bomb"!

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An Idle Question: What has Ho-Hum done with Ol Ragnar???:eek:


Hum has 3 words for you Jim:PAN A MA.

The authorities are obviously on to him.

So he's "lying low" with his "moll" (sorry, Hum was brought up on all those great "Westerns") .


Or maybe he has joined "the bright young things" In Southern California.

The "lotus eaters".

What with his fancy wine cellar and smart neighbour chums, he has joined the "high achievers".

No, not really our type.


The truth is, he has had enough of the cruising type of vacation and Caribbean but has some interest in the adventure kind of small ship voyages.

He continues to work on his property: the "palazzo" as he calls it (he always had a great sense of humour).

But he remembers his old chums.

So long as he and his lady are happy, good luck to 'em (just hope wherever they go, the "light is right" and the beer is good and there aren't too many of those "pesky" French roundabouts! ).

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Yes Hum knows TrapperZ!

And if you bump into him at cocktails ask him if he is looking forward to the BBC2 documentary and whether he has seen it.

You can also tell him that a chum of his has and it reflects SD brilliantly.

He must be sooooo grateful to the loyal SD couple that arranged it!!!


Of course you could also add that it was YOU who suggested it in the first place!

Well have a great trip. It looks a bit on the "cool side" but so many interesting ports o go off searching around in.

Love to Z.

Any chance of a "reviewy-poo"?

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