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EQUINOX - 10 Day Ultimate Caribbean - Picture Trip Report 3/14/14...


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Ships in with us at St Kitts


RCL's Adventure of the Seas in docked besides us today and a little off to our right is SilverSea's Silver Cloud.






So after our breakfast at Blu we had to get down to the pier for our Zip Line queue. We had to sign waivers and also write down our weight sorry people there is no cheating here with the weight thing. Because they had a bathroom scale that you had to hop on when you handed in your signed waiver. The scales were weighing a little on the light side. The trip to "SKY SAFARIS" was like its own little excursion the driver giving commentary all the way out.




The drive was not a very long one maybe 15-20 minutes. Sky Safaris is located at an old abandoned Sugar Kane farm.




Sky Safaris Zip Lining was designed and I think owned by a Canadian. They have designed many safety factors into this attraction. If you Zip lined at Labadee it is the same style. The Harness is very comfortable and allows you to remain in a seated position. The Zip Line them selves are not tied off to trees but rather are anchored into substantial concrete structures. Your harness hooks up separately to the truck or dolly. There are two separate line running over your head one for your Dolly/truck and the second smaller cable is where a safety tether is connected. The staff appeared to be well trained.




The gentleman's wife in the picture above (beside Donna) bailed out on zip lining after the first training run. Not sure if she even tried that one. I also think someone else bailed out at that point. First stop was to get the harness and helmet. I like the helmet because it had a spot for the GoPro Helmet strap to fit on. This would be my first attempt at wearing it onto of a helmet. The staff were great and helped getting the GoPro attached.




Donna is holding the Go Pole Reach which of course is made for specifically to mount a Go Pro. But I modified a Go Pro Tripod mount that allowed me to mount any camera (within weight) on it. The Sony LCD Flip Camera was used on the Go Pole today. We took turns holding the camera allowing us to be all video captured on our flights.


More coming with next post...



Kevin Reid

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Missed Mentioning Slut Pull


Please allow me to back track here a bit because I forgot to mention the FUN slot pull that Kathleen (Still-Learning) organized for second day at sea for our roll call. We all meet (all 44 of us) at the "Wheel of Fortune" slot machine at 2:45 PM as per directions. Everybody had $15 in hand which originally Kathleen planned on a Five max bet pulls person. But, Max Bet price was $3.75 not $3.00 Kathleen was happily that the math still worked out to 4 pulls person. I do not have any photos of this because the casino does not like you taking pictures in there. So one Wheel of Fortune machine got loaded up with $660 dollars or 2640 credits. Addie was the most successfully puller and we finished with almost as many credits as we started with and each player got $14 back. Not bad $1/per person for over an hour of entertainment.


Copied and pasted below are the Slut Pull rules that we followed:


1. The entrance fee is $15 per person - must have exact change ($10 and $5 bill work the best).


2. We will use a $1 Wheel of Fortune slot.


3. You play the maximum bet ($3.00) on the machine. (Changed to $3.75)


4. There will be FIVE pulls per participant. (Changed to 4 pulls)


5. You must sign-up in advance and be present to participate.


6. Once the first pull is taken, no one else can join in and the game is closed. The slot pull will end after the last person entered has taken their turn on the slot machine.


7. You have to be with the group at the finish to collect your share of the winnings. (I will NOT spend my time trying to track down people to give them their money.)


8. Please bring EXTRA $1.00 bills (in addition to entry fee) it is much easier to pay out at the end that way!


9. Remember this is a FUN event with a chance to gain a few dollars and enjoy the company of others in your group. I highly encourage everyone to cheer on the slot pullers and mingle with others in the group.


10. Keep track of the person who has the most winnings during their pulls, and that person gets all the change. For example, if the cash out is $15.75 per person, everyone gets $15, and the person with the highest pulls gets all the $.75's. You don't want to have to mess with coins.


Thanks Kathleen!


Kevin Reid


I LOVE a good slut pull !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Seriously isn't this a pretty ridiculous looking picture with that contraption fastened to my head? Oh! the things I do for memories.




A group selfie before we start Zip Training.




I like how they start you off because you would still have the chance of graciously bailing out. The course is made of five runs with the first one being the shortest and also the training line. The five runs are as follows:


1) Monkey Training - 140 feet (two separate runs/lines for two)


2) The Boss - 1350 feet -250 feet above the rainforest and the longest and most spectacular view.


3) Mango Tango - 1000 feet


4) Brimstone Blast - 900 feet


5) River Rocker - 500 feet ( with dual lines for two people)


So after your training run and you have not bailed out your are loaded onto pickup trucks for a very difficult drive up to the first run.




Zip Lining is not a very physical excursion but warning the hardest part from a physical standpoint could be just getting to the first run. Then from their is is all down hill. The ride up was not very comfortable. I wish they had of used the trucks that was pictured in the video that linked earlier today. Anyway we made it to the top and got our first run in. The view is GREAT and so much fun.


Picture of Donna being unhooked from her first run.






Between runs you had to carry your truck to the next run. The staff recommended just putting them over your shoulder and they are actually heavier than they look. So if you have smaller kids you may end up carrying theirs. Next picture you see Donna and I carrying our trucks.




On the final run you can go along with your partner. At the end they just let you roll back at the ending. When you exit the final run that is where they have their tip box. Please leave a tip if you had a great time we did.


Go Pro Note. I had planned to take the remote with me to control the Go Pro but the darn remote's battery was dead. So I took my iPhone 5s with me instead to control the Go Pro. Good Choice the smart phone app is much better. You can preview where your head is shooting and very easy to use. The iPhone only came out of my fanny pack when I was on the ground and never on a run. Just to expensive to drop.



Kevin Reid

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Back to Ship


Here we are back on solid ground and with helmets gone.




You don't have to long of a day in St. Kitts with Equinox leaving at 3:00PM because it quite a long sail down to Barbados. Good idea to take a ship tour that day. Should also mention that the Zip Line was quite busy that day with lots of buses coming and going. On our bus trip back to the ship the driver was quiet so I just snapped a few pictures out the window. Here is one of the ships as we get close to the port. We offered our driver a tip but, he refused it saying it was not necessary. How often does that happen in the Caribbean?






Back to the ship for lunch then we would come back to explore the port a bit.




That is it for now because I don't have any more photos uploaded. But do stay tuned.


Hope you are enjoying the adventure? Please post your comments and questions.



Kevin Reid

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Great review and GREAT pictures!


We had a wonderful time on your beautiful PEI last summer!


Have you been to Cedar Point? I like Kings Island but LOVE Cedar Point. Go every summer. :)


Did you cruise to PEI or travel there on vacation?


Have I been to Cedar Point? Yes! we made many trips to Sandusky when we lived in Newmarket, Ontario. During 2002 we actually had Cedar Point season Passes. I moved back to PEI in 2007 and also the same year that Cedar Fairs (parent company of Cedar Point) bought all the Paramount parks including my Canada's Wonderland. If I still lived in Newmarket I would be purchasing Cedar Point Platinum Season Pass which includes admission to all parks including Canada's Wonderland, Cedar Point, Kings Island. I cruise now rather than ride roller coasters.



Kevin Reid

Edited by FRMPEI
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Really enjoying your photos, etc... Have you ziplined anywhere else? Wondering how St. Kitts compares to other Caribbean zipline ports.




Our first ever Zip Lining experience was our 2012 Solstice Cruise while docked at Roatan. I believe the name of place is Jungle Top Zip Lining and you can actually see it from the dock. I believe the price was $40/person. They didn't have all the safety features that St Kitts had but, they had about 10 runs compared to 4/5. Too Bad St. Kitts didn't have about double the runs. The walk up to first run at Jungle Top is pretty intense and not for people not in the best of shape. We had so much fun it still ranks up there as one of our favourite excursions. When I get home to night I will post a picture I took of the view you get of the Cruise ship from one of the runs. I used that same picture as the cover for an Apple iPhoto book. Youngest son, Nolan, took along his Flip camera and made a video. I will try to upload that tonight to Smugmug and share here. Second Zip Line was last year during the second half of our Silhouette B2B while docked at Labadee. The Dragon's Breath Zip Line if you don't already know is composed of one junior training run then the longest Zip Line in the world over open water. It is a wee bit on the expensive side $90 for basically one run. But, they do have a captive audience there. Now the Labadee Zip uses the exact same harness system that St Kitt does and gives you a very safe feeling.


Are you going to give Zip Lining a try at on your next cruise?



Kevin Reid

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.... We had so much fun it still ranks up there as one of our favourite excursions. When I get home to night I will post a picture I took of the view you get of the Cruise ship from one of the runs...


2012 Picture of Celebrity Solstice from Jungle Top Zip Line Roatan, Honduras.





Kevin reid

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Post Zip Lining


So we all survived Sky Safaris Zip Lining and nobody had to be checked into the underground hotel. (That is what our bus driver called the cemetery as we passed) So after a quick snack at OceanView we ventured back out to browse some of the shops. But first a nice walk down between Adventure of the Seas and Equinox. Adventure of the Seas is a wee bit bigger in Gross Tonage than our Beautiful Celebrity Equinox.








It is amazing how fast the prices drop in the diamond stores when you show any interest in their product. I am going to share a 2010 St Kitts diamond shopping story with you and the perfect response to the salesperson to walk away without buying. Donna's first job out of College was working at a locally owned jewellery store so she did pickup some diamond tips. So we walk into one of the stores pictured above (not to mention any names but, it has a black sign) and Donna starts looking and almost immediately the trays of diamonds come out. This one ring had a price tag on it like $6500 "Oh! no madame this ring we can give to you today for (click click sound of calculator keys) for $3200. Donna tries it on "madame walk outside to see how it shines in the sun". Donna obliges by giving the ring a walking tour. "Madame just look at the clarity" as he get his Jewellers eye glass out. Donna still not showing to much interest then, bam "Madame how about $2100 and we get it sized for you today?" Donna still not taking the bait and his partner shows up with a whole tray of rings from other stores. Long story short his price drops again to $1200 this time and Donna's response, "I just don't Love it" hands the ring back and we walk out of the store. FWD to 2014 and Donna didn't want to go back into that store again this year for some reason.


We had our helicopter on standby just in case we needed it.




This next picture is kind of neat because it has two ghosts in it. We had enough of walking around the port so back to the Beautiful Celebrity Equinox we go.




Donna and Norma Jean walking back empty handed. Yes!




Up next more picture wandering before leaving.



Kevin Reid

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Afternoon Wandering Pictures


Once on board a quick stop at Cafe al Bacio for a cold Igloo drink for Donna to take back and enjoy on our balcony. To get this picture to turn out right the flash had to go off. How would you like to be one of the guys standing outside and tethered on the bridge of the Adventure of the Seas? Not me no thanks. All I could think of was losing footing and tether then sliding all the way down the front of the superstructure and landing in the water.




A zoom in on the guy painting the outside of the bridge.




Next picture taken from deck 15 and looking back on both ships.




Next a pano of the Pool Area with St. Kitts in the background.




Don't you just love these benches that are up on the Lawn Club? Won't they look good on your patio at home?




The Hot Glass Show. Donna is not a big fan of the Hot Glass Show and really stems back to 2010. Back into 2010 we were all excited to see this for the first time. Once you get to know the Reid's we are never late for anything always early. So we get to a Hot Glass Show early with prime seating then when the show starts the late comers stand right in front of Donna. 2011 Solstice, 2014 Equinox you did not catch Donna anywhere near that Glass Show. I guess that is why Donna also liked the Silhouette - NO HOT GLASS SHOW.




Coming up next Sailaway.



Kevin Reid

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.... Youngest son, Nolan, took along his Flip camera and made a video. I will try to upload that tonight to Smugmug and share here.


So here is a YouTube video link to Nolan's Jungle Top Zip Lining Video. Nolan has the Flyers baseball cap on.




Kevin Reid

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All Aboard - We are Leaving


One more wandering shot of the Lawn Club.




The ropes for both ships. A sailor told me a tip on how you can tell which ship is going to leave first. The rope placements. Equinox's ropes are on the left and clearly are the easiest ones to take off. So we are the first to leave. Thank you Douglas Williams First Class Navy Seaman Canadian Navy. (Ken and Norma Jeans Son the person with the monkeys at the end of the Jungle Top video) What video you say? Well go back and click the link and watch it.




In a previous post I had mentioned that the captain was very punctual and likes to get away early when he could. But not today. All guests on board 2:45 PM Yes! it say so on the sign as you leave. At 2:55 PM Staff on dock patiently waiting for late comers. See picture below.




Even this little Panda Bear perched on ocean view window of the Adventure of the Seas was waiting for the last Equinox guests to arrive. Cute! I know.




Then at 3:00 PM a couple stroll/stumble up to the Adventure of the Seas refreshment stand and try to strike up conversations. Celebrity staff figured it had to be them and motioned to them to get over here and rushed them aboard. I was watching this from deck five and of course taping the whole thing. Not quite a port runner story just inconsiderate passengers.


So we do push off a few minutes late. Next Stop Barbados. Like I said before deck 5 is such a great spot to watch sail away. Keep it a secret okay? Adventure of the Sea this was suppose to be the last time we were to see her this trip. Unexpectedly we see here again when we pull into St. Maarten. Heard thru the grapevine that they experienced some kind of mechanical problems and had to stay overnight.






Next up time for a dip in the Solarium and back at Blu for Dinner.



Kevin Reid

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Dip, Blu, and a Show


This was become routine hit the Solarium pool before Blu.






Tonight we had no intentions of going to the show in the Equinox Theatre. Why? purely based it on the lobby sign we read... Piano Legends by Michael Anthony Perna. First thought Michael Anthony wasn't he guy in Van Halen? No can't be... he was the bass player. Figured this would be a boring non entertaining event. Wrong! So while getting ready for Blu I had the TV on while Donna was in the shower. I watched a preview for tonight's show. It caught my eye and said to Donna this doesn't look too bad lets go. We went and boy was it good. Michael was a fantastic piano player and we loved how he took us on his journey. What they do with Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" will have you up on your feet applauding. Michael played the full hour I wished he could of gone on for more. We were very disappointed that the CD did not have him back for the final evening. We were also under the understanding this was Michael Anthony's first stint with Celebrity. Four thumbs up from the Reids. Oops got ahead myself there and now I have to get back to Blu.


First a GoPro shot of our stateroom. Slight fisheye effect get the whole room into view.




So here we are our first night back in Blu after our disappointing not hot previous Blu meal.




Greeted by ever so friendly Blu Host and we asked for the MDR menu which she had readily available. Quite honestly I can't remember if I ordered from the MDR menu or not.




The food this evening came out perfectly. Blu Staff were true to their word. Ken had this and I have no idea what it was.




Since I already told my Piano legends story that pretty takes our day in St. Kitts to an end. It was a very fun day especially liked the Sky Safaris Zip Lining.


Next up Day 06 Barbados. The Sweet Chocolate factory tour. Stay tuned lots of pictures to come.


Please post your comments and questions.



Kevin Reid

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Enjoying your post, especially all the pictures!


From A Cedar Point Gal. Grew up in Sandusky and worked there every Summer. Since I have most of my family there we take the kids every year, still riding the newest biggest fastest latest roller coasters every year! :)

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Enjoying your post, especially all the pictures!


From A Cedar Point Gal. Grew up in Sandusky and worked there every Summer. Since I have most of my family there we take the kids every year, still riding the newest biggest fastest latest roller coasters every year! :)


Thank you so glad you are enjoying my Trip Report. Love Cedar Point and so Glad that Cedar Fairs bought King's Island and Canada's Wonderland. Finally installing some serious world class coasters at these parks. Did you ever make it up to Canada's Wonderland? You may find this hard to believe but, Canada's Wonderland is the number 1 attended seasonal park in North America. Cedar Fairs has rewarded them by installing two superb B&M monster roller coasters.


This next picture is especially for you. You know what and where it is. Right?




Could not resist a roller coaster comment long before cruising I was a member of ACE. (American Coaster Enthusiast)



Kevin Reid

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As Promised here is our Carnival Valor winning Trivia pose with our trophy.





Kevin Reid


That is a great picture. And while all moments on cruises are usually memorable, those are memories for life. We won the Jeopardize Trivia Contest on Princess NY Eve of 2012. None of had met before the cruise...&......what a moment. The last night....last game of Trivia..we were a bit misty eyed. Or I was. I notice you have commented several times on what nice people you meet on cruises. So true. Your review is one of the most enjoyable ones I have read, and I have read a lot.

And we are checking Carnival and Princess for Canada. We don't like to fly, but we live in an area that is close to the Silver Star on Amtrak. Canada and the USA must share old documents. The National Archives has the handwritten copies of the land grants he received in Nova Scotia, when his children were born (all of them born in Canada) If you ever get the ancestor hunting bug..............the bite goes deep.

If I lived on Prince Edward Island, and it is even half as idyllic as it is portrayed in the Montgomery books, I would stay there in the summer too.

Sometime.....when you have time......think about ...reading Anne of Green Gables. You will recognize so many things on your Island....and In Charlottetown.

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Thank you so glad you are enjoying my Trip Report. Love Cedar Point and so Glad that Cedar Fairs bought King's Island and Canada's Wonderland. Finally installing some serious world class coasters at these parks. Did you ever make it up to Canada's Wonderland? You may find this hard to believe but, Canada's Wonderland is the number 1 attended seasonal park in North America. Cedar Fairs has rewarded them by installing two superb B&M monster roller coasters.


This next picture is especially for you. You know what and where it is. Right?




Could not resist a roller coaster comment long before cruising I was a member of ACE. (American Coaster Enthusiast)



Kevin Reid

Oooo, oooo, pick me, pick me!! That would be the Millennium Force. At the time it was built it was the highest peak, 310 feet, and sharpest angel of decent, 80 degrees in the world. From personal experience, 80 degrees feels like straight down.

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Great review...keep it coming!


So glad you are liking this. I have lots more to come please stay tuned.


Question for you. Please tell me the origins of your screen name?




Kevin Reid

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