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Eyes opened to solo cruise...I'm stoked!


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I just wanted to share a quick story that helped reconfirm that doing a cruise solo was a good idea.


I have been wanting to go to Europe for like EVER. I'm 40, recently divorced with no kids. I had always planned to go with my husband or special someone to Europe. Well that never happened. Then my friends were talking about wanting to go as well so I gave that another year to work out and nobody was ever willing to talk seriously about it. So in Feb this year I said, SCREW IT! I'm going alone! I am booked on the NCL Epic for a 7 day Western Med cruise out of Rome.


I won't lie and say I don't have my fears of traveling solo. Will I be lonely? Will I feel awkward? Is it safe? Will it be the same if I can't share my experience with a significant other or friend?


Well I can't comment on all of the above just yet, but I did want to mention one really positive thing that I just experienced.


My family (mom, dad, sister who all live in NY) and I just went on a 3 night cruise on the Disney Dream last weekend. (I live in Florida making Caribbean cruising really easy). During the short trip, virtually nobody ever wanted to do the same things. My sister is 29 so she wanted to drink like ALL the time, I'll have an occasional drink, but I'm not a drinker. My mom wanted to be on the beach laying there doing nothing non-stop, while I wanted to be exploring a bit. I like laying on the beach, but I get easily bored and want to do something else. I wanted to go see the shows each night and my parents were more interested in having a drink on their balcony. My sister wanted to sleep late and I wanted to be up early to get off the ship and into port.


You see where I'm going with this right?


By the end of the 3 night cruise, I was just exhausted and irritated. Trying to keep 4 people happy including myself...was just impossible. And it's like nobody was willing to compromise.


When we arrived back into Port Canaveral last Sunday, I told myself this short cruise with my family was a sign sent from above. It was to reassure me that going solo to the Med wasn't going to be a bad thing, it was going to be a trip that I can do WHATever I want and WHENever I want. And I don't have to consider other people's desires, like I do on every other trip I've been on. I realized this is the reason I never liked traveling with groups of people, it was me and my husband and that's it. Now it's just me!


Anyway, that cruise couldn't have happened at a more pivotal time for me as I am planning excursions in Europe and planning the rest of the trip. I feel good about it now and am determined to have a great time!

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By the end of the 3 night cruise, I was just exhausted and irritated. Trying to keep 4 people happy including myself...was just impossible. And it's like nobody was willing to compromise.


Valid observations! :-)


Traveling NON solo takes special skills in my opinion. The last time I cruised with a friend I felt like we spent half our time waiting for each other to get ready (in the small bathroom, etc.). Fortunately we had agreed that we didn't need to be attached at the hip, so we each went off on our own from time to time. That was a great trip, but only because we didn't make demands on each other's time.

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Valid observations! :-)


Traveling NON solo takes special skills in my opinion. The last time I cruised with a friend I felt like we spent half our time waiting for each other to get ready (in the small bathroom, etc.). Fortunately we had agreed that we didn't need to be attached at the hip, so we each went off on our own from time to time. That was a great trip, but only because we didn't make demands on each other's time.


Yes, they both require different skills -- and different expectations. I go on an annual trip to Vegas with 8-10 (extended) family members, and the only reason it works as well as it does is that there are no expectations to do everything together. We usually meet for dinner, and we'll toss out ideas for the next day; various groups of 2 or 3 people will do different things at different times, or some will do some things solo. We don't expect to have company all the time, and we don't expect to get to do everything we want.

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I just wanted to share a quick story that helped reconfirm that doing a cruise solo was a good idea.


I have been wanting to go to Europe for like EVER. I'm 40, recently divorced with no kids. I had always planned to go with my husband or special someone to Europe. Well that never happened. Then my friends were talking about wanting to go as well so I gave that another year to work out and nobody was ever willing to talk seriously about it. So in Feb this year I said, SCREW IT! I'm going alone! I am booked on the NCL Epic for a 7 day Western Med cruise out of Rome.


I won't lie and say I don't have my fears of traveling solo. Will I be lonely? Will I feel awkward? Is it safe? Will it be the same if I can't share my experience with a significant other or friend?


Well I can't comment on all of the above just yet, but I did want to mention one really positive thing that I just experienced.


My family (mom, dad, sister who all live in NY) and I just went on a 3 night cruise on the Disney Dream last weekend. (I live in Florida making Caribbean cruising really easy). During the short trip, virtually nobody ever wanted to do the same things. My sister is 29 so she wanted to drink like ALL the time, I'll have an occasional drink, but I'm not a drinker. My mom wanted to be on the beach laying there doing nothing non-stop, while I wanted to be exploring a bit. I like laying on the beach, but I get easily bored and want to do something else. I wanted to go see the shows each night and my parents were more interested in having a drink on their balcony. My sister wanted to sleep late and I wanted to be up early to get off the ship and into port.


You see where I'm going with this right?


By the end of the 3 night cruise, I was just exhausted and irritated. Trying to keep 4 people happy including myself...was just impossible. And it's like nobody was willing to compromise.


When we arrived back into Port Canaveral last Sunday, I told myself this short cruise with my family was a sign sent from above. It was to reassure me that going solo to the Med wasn't going to be a bad thing, it was going to be a trip that I can do WHATever I want and WHENever I want. And I don't have to consider other people's desires, like I do on every other trip I've been on. I realized this is the reason I never liked traveling with groups of people, it was me and my husband and that's it. Now it's just me!


Anyway, that cruise couldn't have happened at a more pivotal time for me as I am planning excursions in Europe and planning the rest of the trip. I feel good about it now and am determined to have a great time!


I did my first solo cruise last year in the Med - it was GREAT. I discovered cruising is the way to go when traveling solo. Dinner in the Main Dining room is the only time you will be aware you are alone. But I usually sat with very nice, friendly people and really enjoyed it. One night I was too tired for small talk and they sat me at a table alone.


Eating at the buffet or other places is super easy.


Enjoy - you may become addicted like me

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I had to laugh at your experience. I've had it several times.


My favorite was a friend that I went on a 3 day all inclusive. Her favorite thing to do was set on the beach ALL DAY and argue with the vendors over prices. I'm telling you the truth ALL DAY and leave with nothing. Wouldn't go on any excursions because they cost money. I paid for the taxi into town one day. And when we got home had no money for gas for the 3 hour trip home from the airport.


Needless to say that was the last trip together.


And I'm addicted to solo travel.


Enjoy your cruise you have made the right decision.

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Thanks for the story:)


I have been traveling solo for several years now and love it too:D


Funny, how we all have different families, lives, etc....my sis and bil

love cruising too:) but we have never cruised together.....timing just

never works. We get along really well and would probably do so on

a ship too but we just never have....and we don't really feel like

we have missed out.

I LOVE sailing solo and honestly, I value my own space too much to

ever give it up..sharing a cabin with someone? No thanks!:)

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Enjoy your time in Europe & your cruise. I always tell new solo cruisers welcome to your new addiction. I enjoy cruising with others but I am always worried about what they would like to do. Solo cruising gives me a chance to spoil myself. Started solo cruising at 36. The only regret is that I didn't start sooner. About to go on solo cruise #4 in November as my belated 40th birthday present(Would go on my birthday but it is at the height of hurricane season.). Again, enjoy your cruise. :)

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I won't lie and say I don't have my fears of traveling solo. Will I be lonely? Will I feel awkward? Is it safe? Will it be the same if I can't share my experience with a significant other or friend?


...it was going to be a trip that I can do WHATever I want and WHENever I want. And I don't have to consider other people's desires, like I do on every other trip I've been on. I realized this is the reason I never liked traveling with groups of people, it was me and my husband and that's it. Now it's just me!quote]




I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in here on solo cruising. I, too, am female, aged 49, but am married (no kids). My hubby doesn't like cruises and also has MS, so he's limited to the types of travel he can do. He sends me off on my "solo" vacations with a kiss and a hug. Personally, I think it provides BOTH of us some needed alone time to recharge our batteries. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so to speak. :)


A little background on me: I was born and raised in a very small country farm town in Ohio. The only time I had ever been out of the state itself, I was always with someone else, who took charge. Top it off that I'm rather shy and can be considered somewhat of a loner, with no worldly experience, and I was seriously scared to go it all alone. But, by then, I was in my 40s, no living family left (other than hubby), and determined to be an independent woman who doesn't have to rely on someone else. After all, with hubby having MS, one never knows how the future will turn out and I need to be able to take care of myself, my finances, etc. You get my drift. I'm also a realist. :o


Anyway, my first "solo" vacation/cruise was a 4 day to Bermuda and back, out of NJ. It stared with the airport...am I going to be able to find my way to the transfer bus, will I get lost, etc.? Then, what about when I get to the cruise terminal? How will I know where to go, etc.? On the ship itself, will I be stared at for being alone, will people feel sorry for me, what do I talk about at dinner, on and on. In Bermuda, how safe is it, is it ok to take excursions by myself, what about shopping, etc. I did tons and tons of research, which helped me feel just fine about Bermuda, safety, etc. But it didn't relieve the worries about the airport and the ship itself. Common sense helped in the airport. Just read the signs and I figured out where to go. Silly, but one can't help those thoughts that pop up, you know?


I was just fine on the cruise ship. I had an interior cabin all to myself and I found that I was able to do WHAT I wanted, WHEN I wanted and didn't have to coordinate with anyone else. It was absolute HEAVEN!! Dinners went ok and the people I sat with were nice and let me participate in the conversations as I wished. (At home I eat out at lunch alone at work and read, so I'm used to that and enjoy it alot.) I did get a small feeling of "we feel sorry for her" a little bit, but I just ignored it. After all, I didn't know these people and would never see them again, so who really cares? The only thing I didn't like was at times I would have loved to shared something with hubby and he wasn't there. I just took lots of pictures and when I got home, shared everything with him through stories and the photos. I think he might have gotten a little bored with my photos (water, water, sunrise, water, etc. LOL) but he said he was glad I had a good time.


Like you, I'm not much of a drinker, so I didn't hang around the bars, etc. I never got hit on or even flirted with (hmmm, should I be concerned about that? LOL) and maybe I give off a vibe to leave me the hell alone, I don't know. But I found that I got up when I wanted, went to bed when I wanted, ate when I was hungry, caught up on my reading, people watched, and did a lot of inner contemplation and meditation. I LOVED it!


Since then, I've also traveled solo to Mexico (THAT was an experience!!) to an all-inclusive resort (2013) and am going on my second solo cruise in May 2014. This time I'm able to afford a balcony room, since the cruise fares are lower with the recent bad publicity, etc. But what's really hard for me right now is that I don't want to let on to hubby how much I'm excited and looking forward to going (AND going alone). I would NEVER want to hurt his feelings and we do, in fact, have a vacation planned together in October, so we'll be able to share that. It's just that for me, when I travel with hubby with his MS, I find that I become even more the "caretaker" and am not able to enjoy things like I used to. Everything (I mean EVERYTHING) revolves around his schedule (what he can eat, what he's physically able to do, how much help does he need, etc.). It's like parents traveling with kids. They spend so much time looking after them, taking care of them, that the parents aren't really able to relax...like we can when traveling solo.


Wow, I didn't realize I was going to ramble as much. :o


In a nutshell, just take your time, read your signs, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Do your research online to familiarize yourself with your stops, etc. And finally, ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings and be safe. Keep your passport in a safe place close to your body, just like you would with your money, and while I want to say don't trust anyone, you really shouldn't, but that doesn't mean you have to be a scared rabbit and shy away from everyone either. Just be cautious and safe. Do a search through Google for "women solo travel" and you'll find a few great websites that focus on us. They offer amazing advice.


Congrats on doing what you really want and have a BLAST!! :D

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I just wanted to share a quick story that helped reconfirm that doing a cruise solo was a good idea.


I have been wanting to go to Europe for like EVER. . . So in Feb this year I said, SCREW IT! I'm going alone! I am booked on the NCL Epic for a 7 day Western Med cruise out of Rome. . . I feel good about it now and am determined to have a great time!


Did you book a solo cabin?

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I just wanted to share a quick story that helped reconfirm that doing a cruise solo was a good idea.


I have been wanting to go to Europe for like EVER. I'm 40, recently divorced with no kids. I had always planned to go with my husband or special someone to Europe. Well that never happened. Then my friends were talking about wanting to go as well so I gave that another year to work out and nobody was ever willing to talk seriously about it. So in Feb this year I said, SCREW IT! I'm going alone! !


I hear you!


I put off vacation for so long because I was always trying to work something out with family and/or friends. There was always some kind of excuse (and to be fair normally totally legit ones) and plans fell through. But I also finally said screw it too. Most of my friends are younger and have less flexible work schedules. Only my sister has cruised before and the rest are afraid to cruise lol but I am working on them.


Kudos for you for trying an overseas cruise for your first solo cruise. That is on my bucket list.


I love my family but they stress me out when I travel. For example, making decisions on the littlest things require an act of Congress. So needless to say, I found solo traveling liberating. It may sound selfish, but I like having me time.


I find that journaling and taking pictures helps me feel like I am sharing my day with a friend. There is always internet access if I need a family/friend fix.


Don't get me wrong, I would love to travel with the right someone but life is too short to put your dreams on hold! : )

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I just did a week-long solo on the Breakaway last month, and it was... honestly? Probably the best vacation of my life, for a lot of reasons.


One thing I'll recommend: Be active in your trip's cruise critic roll call. What was awesome about doing so -- the meet & greet, the slot pull -- was that it opened me up to options. I met a bunch of fantastic people, so that if I wanted to hang out with someone, I could. If I didn't, I could hang on my own. (The review of my trip is in my signature, if you're interested... and if you have any questions about traveling solo, just let me know!)



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I hope you have a great trip. I did two solo cruises on the Epic in the med last year - may and october. I turned 45 and my dream was to go to Italy. Because we have a child with cerebral palsy and another child, I knew we could not go as a family and even my hubby and I because of the kids. He said go - I did and loved it!!!! The first trip in May - I did the land tour/cruise tour in Rome offered by NCL. There were 30 of us - great group, really had fun getting to know everyone and the tours were excellent. In fact I keep in email contact with lots from that trip. Became real good friends with another solo traveler and then on another trip met another solo - long story short, now 5 of us women are meeting in Venice in a month, touring a few days then sailing on the Jade. I'm super excited to have met other women who love to travel and are able to.


Long story short - I hope you meet some wonderful people, enjoy everything that you want to do and make wonderful memories that will last you a lifetime!!!!

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Beware : Solo cruising Is addictive ! Enjoy !


Okay, lemme re-phrase that: my DH hopes not! :D


I'm doing my first solo 3-day and I can't wait...to do one alone!! Don't get me wrong: we're ridiculously happy, but we rarely get time off together and I'm still (after 12 years together) kind-of a loner, independent gal. No schedules to follow, no bathroom sharing, king bed to myself...whatever the heck I feel like doing! If I gotta cruise alone, by golly, so be it! :D

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Congratulations - you'll be so glad to have booked this! I've traveled solo, with DH, with sis, with GF - and while they were nice, the solo ones (Europe, Alaska, Coastals) have been by far the best. I now have two transatlantics booked solo and can't wait.


You're doing it for all the right reasons - mainly to get to choose anything, everything, or nothing - all for what you want to do.

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I'm not a solo cruiser right now but my bf and I like different things so I seem to have the best of both worlds. We do some of the 'coupley' stuff together but then we go our separate ways to do things we each enjoy that the other may not.

That way we both get our ME time:D and there's no hurt feelings.


I think it's great that you are going it alone,

I would do it in a minute if my situation were similar to yours.


Have a great trip!!

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I'm with you! Just got dealt the divorce blow, and after the initial shock and pity days, I decided "You know what? Now I can do exactly what I want to do!" We went on a cruise last year, and though fun, it was also frustrating because we wanted to do completely different things but to have the other one there. Now, I don't have to deal with it!


I'm booking the 12-day Caribbean with NCL Breakaway at the end of 2015. And I can't wait!

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I do solo cruises always. Hubby does not like cruises. So we go on various vacations together, but when I want to cruise, I go alone. Love it! You have time to do whatever you want whenever you want. Want to sleep til Noon, go ahead and do it. Want to have ice cream for breakfast, go ahead. There are plenty of opportunities to meet other people, but if you want "me" time, this is absolutely the best way to do it. I love sitting on my balcony and reading. I love having time to pamper myself. You will absolutely have a grand cruise. Enjoy it!

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I am a bachelor in my 50's and have been on 34 cruises since 1983, always with a group; sometimes 3 of us, sometimes up to 10 people. A year ago I became an outside travel agent for a local firm and am loving it. Just 2 weeks ago I found quite a deal for a cruise by myself on Carnival Dream. I have been reading about solo cruising here and I think this might work out just fine. Even though I consider myself a people person, come from a big family, etc., I do enjoy ME time. As some of the previous posts suggested, when traveling with other folks, I often found myself acting as the tour director, organizing shore excursions. There were times when I found it difficult to please everyone and get everyone on the same page. And in the mean time, my needs and wants were not being met.


Well, this might just be what I need right now. I'm going to take this opportunity to chill out at the spa, do some reading and meet some new folks.

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My Bucket List became really important to me after my husband died young. I had parked myself on a beach in Hawaii before, but my first solo cruise was intimidating. Thanks to Cruise Critic, it went off without a hitch, and I have met some great people from all walks of life, still keeping in touch with some.


It's great not having to answer to anyone else. It's good to have a plan for dinners. Over the years I've met some wonderful people on the CC roll-calls, e-mailing beforehand to get to know one another, signing up for (off line) shore excursions together, meeting up for dinners. I have found that the specialty restaurant servers are very attentive to a solo, perhaps because an additional tip may be in order.


You can do what you want, when you want, not do whatever anyone else thinks would be fun. If you only have a limited vacation time, spend it with the best person suited to your desires - YOU!



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  • 3 months later...

Lilystar, have you gone on your cruise yet? If so, I hope it was all you dreamed! I've booked my first solo cruise--I usually take DD (19) along, but she can't make it this time, so I'm doing an Adriatic cruise all by myself. I can't wait! Would love to hear about yours and how it went. I'm very curious about the Epic (I'll be on the NCL Jade). I'm concerned about the size of the Epic and how that impacts getting off and back on the ship in ports. It just seems like it would be crazy--would love to hear about your experience with that.



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I thoroughly enjoyed my cruise in May. I got to do what I wanted, when I wanted. Met some really nice people that I met on CC. Was never bored.


The cruise was on Carnival Dream from New Orleans in May, 2014. What I want to share is that the music level on the pool deck was WAY too loud at times, especially during sailaway from NOLA. I am a performing musician and I am always sensitive to how loud my music is. If the people cannot talk to each other, that's not good. There were several times when I had to SHOUT my order to the bartenders. I regret that I did not say something to the deejay about it. Surely I was not the only passenger who thought it was loud.

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