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Live From The Decks Of The Summit B2B 4/19 & 4/26/14


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Gail: I always enjoy your postings, keep them coming! I plan to take the Summit again this summer to Bermuda. (health permitting).

One of our favorite dining areas was the made to order venue at the sandwich bar aft at dinner. (steak, chops etc). Is this still in operation?

On our voyage this past September it was nice change to be away from hustle and bustle of MDR, and just sit and watch the sunset.

Keep your reports coming…..thanks for posting.


My DH and I are booked on the Summit 8/10 sailing- we always enjoy sailing out of Port Liberty, and the Summit, a nice ship! Perhaps we will see you then.

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At sea! Two wonderful words when you are on board a ship! And this is the first sea day of this cruise. When you board in San Juan St Maarten is very close so you start with a port/touring/shopping day right off with no time to adjust from your travel day. I prefer a sea day right after you board but since this is a B2B for me I didn’t feel the need to do anything but relax on Sunday. Our first stop in St Maarten was only a day or so ago. Of course I didn’t get off then, either.

Breakfast is as usual, or what has become usual at the Elite Breakfast in The Normandie.

The trays on the tables show no sign of improving even after suggestions of what we really wanted for breakfast. The juice and coffee plus the mimosas are all I ordered. I haven’t seen anyone ask for smoothies or yogurt so not sure if those are still available. I have seen more people bringing in cereal and toast from the buffet. Tomorrow I WILL be one of them.

When Paul and Christine came in they told me they were having a big sale up on the pool deck. I went up for a while, watching the show of people grabbing and pushing and then standing in a long line to pay. Then I went back for another mimosa.

I went to the casino for a while. Not winning or losing, staying pretty even on my penny machine. Maybe I’ll give one of those computerized machines a whirl. Or the quarter Wheel of Fortune. Tonight maybe I’ll be BOLD! J

Lunch was a tuna melt with Mark and Randi. Both our waiter, Gwen (I miss identified her earlier as Sophia) and asst waiter, Sophia were working the sandwich bar. They have turned out to be quite a good team in the dining room and I do advise asking for them.

They are the best I’ve had in the two cruises.

I mentioned yesterday that the bar servers were gone from the dining room. Randi was told they were pulled out in February so I guess it’s fleet wide. Means more work for the asst waiter. I pray they don’t change the wine personnel. On Royal your asst waiter also serves the wine. Please, Celebrity, don’t do that to us!

I took a very short nap. Needed more but had to get up and get dressed for Elite Cocktails in Revelation. Tonight is formal night, the second of three on this 8 night cruise. Most of us didn’t feel like dressing for the main dining room so we had made other plans for dinner.

Last cruise whoever got to Revelation first saved chairs so we could all sit together. Everyone comes pretty close to 5 so it’s not like we’re keeping chairs empty for hours. And no one has ever complained. Tonight a lady walked by and asked ‘do you REALLY need all those chairs’? Which was okay, it was just a question. Next guy called me ‘greedy’. There were probably only about 30 people in this very large room so there were plenty of other seats. And within 20 minutes every one was there. And we filled the chairs.

As usual Colin, Ivo and Donavan served us. Ivo is just so cute! When he brings the food around he really wants to make sure you get exactly what you want. I always tell him I’m waiting on the ‘good’ stuff meaning the friend chicken, blue cheese soufflé and shrimp. Colin is there early but then he has to go to another venue. Donavan is there the whole time. Between the three of them we get excellent service. And they get very good tips.

I stayed until 6:45 and then went up to Mark and Randi’s Royal Suite where they were hosting a small get together with their tablemates and cocktail friends. Wonderful spread with champagne, wine, cheeses, shrimp (cocktail and grilled) and other stuff I never got to. We were there until about 8:20.

Mark and Randi hosted a table in Normandie for ‘the boys’ (Kevin and Jeff) birthdays and I was lucky enough to be included. We were seated at a lovely table near the feature wall. As always, the service was wonderful. I had the Lobster Bisque, the Lobster Tail and the Chocolate Soufflé. The food was as good as the company and conversation. It’s so good to be with Mark, Randi, Kevin and Jeff. Old cruising friends I don’t see nearly enough of. Now that Jeff is healthy maybe I will see them more and I might look at a Thanksgiving cruise on Eclipse with Mark and Randi. Unless they are all tired of me after this one!!

One thing we thought was strange with the Normandie dinner is that we were never offered the cheese tray. I thought I saw it on the menu but it never appeared and when we asked we didn’t really got an answer. Has anyone else experienced this? Just curious.

By the time we left the restaurant it was almost midnight (our reservation was 8:30) and we were all pooped! I know I was tired. I went straight to my cabin and right to bed. I think I was asleep in 5 minutes.

Bermuda tomorrow!

Bye For Now!

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Gail, do you know who is replacing Captain "Leo"? My DS was looking forward to seeing him again this year. Are there any other staff changes that you are aware of? Also, can you find out who is the sommelier in cellar masters, we are trying to see if Merrill is back on board? Sorry for all of the questions, just trying to be prepared for June.


Capt. Dimitrios is already onboard.

Asked about Merrill several times and no one seems to know. Will ask the head honcho at dinner tonight.

Capt Leo will be back in August. Don’t know of any other changes. We just got Lisa in as new CD.




Gail, what have they done to the Elite breakfast? That sounds awful. Where were the smoothies, yogurt, danishes, chocolate croissants, etc,???


Smoothies I guess you can order, same for yogurt. Just haven’t seen or heard of anyone doing it. The bottom tray does have one chocolate croissant, two Danish, an almond croissant and two of the rolls with salt on top. Have not seen slices of bread or mini bagel for several days. We did ask for the bagels (and some lox) one time but it took a little while because apparently some one has to go upstairs to get it. Already we see fewer people coming in every morning





Yes, I will get a picture.

Edited by tuggers
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After last night I had been so tired that I decided to sleep in. I put a do not disturb sign on my door and was all set to just sleep till I woke up naturally. Unfortunately I was awakened by a phone call from the CCH reminding me of a backstage tour today. Sure could have lived without that.

Once I wake up I might as well get up so I got dressed and went down to The Normandie. Even though it was only a little after 9 on a partial sea day (we are due to dock in Bermuda at 1PM) there was hardly anyone there. I had intended to go upstairs for oatmeal of something to take down there to eat but forgot. That left me with very little choice except a roll. I did have a couple of Cappuccinos and Mimosas. Nancy and Larry came first, carrying their cereal from the buffet, then Christine and Paul and, finally, Cil and Roger. We stayed until a little after 10 and then all went our various ways.

I went up to Café al Bacio to use the internet to post to CC and then tried to download emails. That just takes forever! I got some done but finally gave up. The internet is sometimes unbearably slow as opposed to just slow! J

I thought I would get to the casino before they closed but I was too late. Darn, a lost opportunity to give them more of my money! LOL!

Today Jeff and Kevin hosted a lunch at Bistro on Five for me, Randi and Mark. Although we thought at one time the service was going to keep us there as long as dinner last night, we did get out at 2:15. We had gone in at 1:00 so it did take a little longer than usual. Since only Kevin and Jeff were getting off we had time. It was steadily busy but not packed. I had the Fish Soup and the Beef Panini. It was very good but I need to branch out. The Panini is what I have every time although I did ask for artichoke hearts to be added today. Hey, it’s a little different.

A lunch like that called for a little nap so that’s where I ended up. Until about 4:00. Then I got up and got ready for cocktails.

Cil and Roger were the first ones in Revelation at 5. I didn’t get there until about 5:30 right after Paul walked in. We knew Cil and Roger would never save chairs so we assumed there were none being saved and we all started to sit in the seats as you first walk in.

It wasn’t nearly as comfortable as the window seats and, as it turned out, someone had saved seats. And we hurt their feelings. I felt terrible and guilty because I hadn’t gone to look before sitting down. And that I hadn’t gone up early as I had been doing and saved the seats myself. I hate it when I have a hand in hurting someone’s feelings. Maybe we need walkie talkies?

Dinner was good, nothing really special. I had the Short Ribs and they were tender. Mark had the Pork Loin and he said it was a little dry which was exactly how it was last week when I had it. The Chicken on that menu was not very good either. Can’t remember how it was prepared but I believe Randi said it was salty. I found several things last cruise to be salty but not on this cruise.

I’ve been having either the plain cheesecake or ice cream for dessert most nights. No

particular reason, just not finding things I like better than the ice cream or cheesecake.

Both of which are excellent.

Gwen and Sophia have been great servers every night. Like I said before, I had 4 different waiters last cruise and none were even half as good as Gwen or Sophia.

If you are very lucky, you will get them when you cruise on Summit. As good as they have been the asst Maître d’ has been curiously absent from our table. Not even sure who it is.

The new alliance of X and Sin City Comedy has been getting a pre-view on this cruise.

I have heard from some that it is too much on the ‘wild’ side and they didn’t like it. I have also heard that it has packed out on the scheduled nights and they have added one extra night to accommodate everyone. I did not go see it myself so can give you no first hand opinion however I have enjoyed other late night, adult comedy and have never found it to be too risqué. I think anything that would up the quality of entertainment on Celebrity ships would be welcomed as they have consistently lost points on the quality of their entertainment. Even RCL rates better!

That’s it for tonight.

Bye For Now!

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After she (CCH) opens the doors to Normandie in the morning she is not there. She will come and speak to me because I've made a habit of talking to her. I don't think she has the self-confidence to approach the tables and start a conversation. She doesn't circulate at cocktail hour either although she is usually at the door.


I've encountered a lot of negative thoughts about the NEW Elite Breakfast. Most think once the bean counters from corporate put it in fleet wide it's here to stay. I prefer to think they might care enough about their most frequent cruisers to actually listen to what we have to say. Less and less people everyday and a good number are bringing food from the buffet.


And yogurt is available if you ask. Have seen no smoothies served.


I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


A tip for B2B'ers: They will email your comment card about two days after the first cruise ends. Then you will only have a few days to reply or your chance goes away. I actually ate up some minutes on here to give my opinion because mine expired 5/3. I don't get off till 5/4 and not home till 5/5.

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After last night I had been so tired that I decided to sleep in. I put a do not disturb sign on my door and was all set to just sleep till I woke up naturally. Unfortunately I was awakened by a phone call from the CCH reminding me of a backstage tour today. Sure could have lived without that.

Once I wake up I might as well get up so I got dressed and went down to The Normandie. Even though it was only a little after 9 on a partial sea day (we are due to dock in Bermuda at 1PM) there was hardly anyone there. I had intended to go upstairs for oatmeal of something to take down there to eat but forgot. That left me with very little choice except a roll. I did have a couple of Cappuccinos and Mimosas. Nancy and Larry came first, carrying their cereal from the buffet, then Christine and Paul and, finally, Cil and Roger. We stayed until a little after 10 and then all went our various ways.

I went up to Café al Bacio to use the internet to post to CC and then tried to download emails. That just takes forever! I got some done but finally gave up. The internet is sometimes unbearably slow as opposed to just slow! J

I thought I would get to the casino before they closed but I was too late. Darn, a lost opportunity to give them more of my money! LOL!

Today Jeff and Kevin hosted a lunch at Bistro on Five for me, Randi and Mark. Although we thought at one time the service was going to keep us there as long as dinner last night, we did get out at 2:15. We had gone in at 1:00 so it did take a little longer than usual. Since only Kevin and Jeff were getting off we had time. It was steadily busy but not packed. I had the Fish Soup and the Beef Panini. It was very good but I need to branch out. The Panini is what I have every time although I did ask for artichoke hearts to be added today. Hey, it’s a little different.

A lunch like that called for a little nap so that’s where I ended up. Until about 4:00. Then I got up and got ready for cocktails.

Cil and Roger were the first ones in Revelation at 5. I didn’t get there until about 5:30 right after Paul walked in. We knew Cil and Roger would never save chairs so we assumed there were none being saved and we all started to sit in the seats as you first walk in.

It wasn’t nearly as comfortable as the window seats and, as it turned out, someone had saved seats. And we hurt their feelings. I felt terrible and guilty because I hadn’t gone to look before sitting down. And that I hadn’t gone up early as I had been doing and saved the seats myself. I hate it when I have a hand in hurting someone’s feelings. Maybe we need walkie talkies?

Dinner was good, nothing really special. I had the Short Ribs and they were tender. Mark had the Pork Loin and he said it was a little dry which was exactly how it was last week when I had it. The Chicken on that menu was not very good either. Can’t remember how it was prepared but I believe Randi said it was salty. I found several things last cruise to be salty but not on this cruise.

I’ve been having either the plain cheesecake or ice cream for dessert most nights. No

particular reason, just not finding things I like better than the ice cream or cheesecake.

Both of which are excellent.

Gwen and Sophia have been great servers every night. Like I said before, I had 4 different waiters last cruise and none were even half as good as Gwen or Sophia.

If you are very lucky, you will get them when you cruise on Summit. As good as they have been the asst Maître d’ has been curiously absent from our table. Not even sure who it is.

The new alliance of X and Sin City Comedy has been getting a pre-view on this cruise.

I have heard from some that it is too much on the ‘wild’ side and they didn’t like it. I have also heard that it has packed out on the scheduled nights and they have added one extra night to accommodate everyone. I did not go see it myself so can give you no first hand opinion however I have enjoyed other late night, adult comedy and have never found it to be too risqué. I think anything that would up the quality of entertainment on Celebrity ships would be welcomed as they have consistently lost points on the quality of their entertainment. Even RCL rates better!

That’s it for tonight.

Bye For Now!


Nice Review! I have seen Sin City Comedy on the Silhouette and Reflection.


If you are not a prude and will not be offended by comedy with some sexual content- you will enjoy the show. The comedians were great- One middle aged lady walked out of the show and said something nasty to the performer during her exit. At first, we all though that this was part of the act but it wasn't. The rest of her party stayed and looked very embarrassed. The show posts warnings about content of the show. Clearly this lady didn't read the notifications. However, everybody in the audience-except her, appeared to enjoy the show, as was evident by the loud and long applause, and were not personally offended.

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I agree about the robo calls. On our last cruise (January Eclipse), the CCH (Graeme) used a system that put them on your TV. I thought that was being done system-wide and think it a major improvement over the calls.


The only downside is we often didn't see them (it took me until 10 days into a 14 day cruise to realize they were there), but most weren't anything that interested me and the events that do interest me, I usually seek out.



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If you are lucky enough to be in Tortola then I'm sure you are in the water!

From the water looking at the hotels the pink Ryhmers Hotel is to the right and what used to be the big banana is just to the left. To the left of that is the little wooden two story building we rented our chairs from. Tell her I sent you and you MIGHT get a discount.:rolleyes: Of course you could get charged double. You're call! :eek:




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The day starts with a breakfast in The Normandie. I went up to the buffet and got some

cereal. Have to carry something to eat because the trays never have a good enough mix to make a meal. I don’t think they have any idea what goes with what. If you want lox you need a bagel. If you want cheese and meat you might want a piece of bread or a non sweet roll. Let’s just say it’s getting worse day by day.

Elite Breakfast. I think some of you think I am saying too much about this. In case you are fuzzy on the time this started because I am B2B, April 19th cruise was normal. April 26th cruise, this new thing started on first day of that cruise. First, I very much like the Elite Breakfast. I enjoy cappuccino and mimosa’s. I am not trying to be ‘elitest’. I just enjoy the quiet before I begin my day. Quiet is not big either in the dining room or the buffet and I chose to have breakfast with others and not alone in my cabin. Second, my big treat on cruises is that I like to have lox and bagels for breakfast with fresh squeezed juice. That is something I don’t have at home. Third, I don’t like to see the perks decrease for any tier of Captain’s Club. And lastly, the waste is horrible. At our usual table we have one set per table for 5 to 6 people. Two ladies like the Honeydew melon. That means a whole other set is brought over just for the melon. Anything else goes to waste. Even though we have asked for more lox and the mini bagels we continue to get 1 slice of lox, 2 dabs of cream cheese and no bagels. There are three of us that like the lox and bagels. Using the way they serve they would have to bring us 3 more tray ‘sets’. Plus the bagels. This, to me, is too much waste. I hardly ever saw those items thrown away when it was a buffet. I do have pictures and will try to get them posted. I will say no more on this subject.

This morning in Bermuda is sunny and warm. There is a breeze but the 70 degree temperature is nice and after breakfast Mark, Randi, Kevin, Jeff, Roger and I set off

for the Clock Tower Mall. It’s a nice little array of shops but the only thing you can count on still being there every year is Davison’s and a couple of other shops. The rest of the stores come and go from one season to the next.

We wander through, making some nice purchases. Shirts, t-shirts, slacks and my favorite, the car coasters with pictures of beaches. You know what I mean, those stone

coasters that fit in your cars drink holders to soak up drips and spills. I loved the beach scenes. Everyone bought a set! I asked for a commission but they said even the sales people don’t even get one!

From there we walked over to the drug store and all made purchases. It is sort of a one stop for everything store. You can buy souvenirs, get medicines, t-shirts and even buy a local authors book and have her autograph it. Like I said, it’s a one stop shopping spree!

And the prices are usually cheaper than Hamilton by a good bit. Just watch your receipt. Last year I was overcharged several dollars and had to go back but they were very nice in refunding my money.

By this time it’s after noon and we decide to take the tram back to the ship for lunch. There are a couple of restaurants we could have stopped at but having heard from other

passengers how much they paid for a glass of wine and a beer ($19) and cocktails ($12 to $15 each) we decided lunch on board sounded very good.

In case you think this was a very uneventful shopping trip let me enlighten you. There is a free tram ride from the ship to the stores and back. Almost as soon as we got on to go to the stores and the tram started, a man fell off the back. There was much yelling to get the operator to stop. A little later we saw a man fall on the uneven sidewalks around the craft area and going through Bermuda security prior to reboarding the ship a woman fell and they had to send for a wheelchair. Besides all that Jeff practically got strip searched by an innocent looking grand mother type as we came back through Bermudas security! The rest of use just walked right through. Go figure.

We all had different things for lunch in the buffet. Mark and I had Split Pea Soup, then went for pizza. The others had everything ranging from garlic lime chicken to egg salad sandwiches. I don’t think there was an area of the buffet we didn’t get something off of except the desserts. Those of us who had dessert had ice cream.

While we were there we (Randi actually) thought we would ask one of the asst Maître d’s

about our missing cheese course at The Normandie the other night. Turns out they still do it and we obviously got short changed. Although, since we were there from 8:30 to 11:50 there’s no telling when we would have finished dinner if we’d had the cheese course.

They offered us a 6 PM time to come in and be served the cheese course. We all agreed that would be great so we had one more thing to add to our list on the 3rd formal night.

We’ve eaten, we’ve shopped, we’ve eaten some more so I’m sure you all know what comes next. We head off for naps. But now that we have to be dressed for formal night by 6 our naps are going to be shortened. We also have the Senior Officers Cocktail Party at 7:45. Our social calendars are just so full when we sail! J

We made it to The Normandie at 6 and were escorted to the Wine Room which was set for 5. We ordered wine (we paid for that) and got the full treatment on the cheese course.

We learned about all different types of cheese and then were served the ones we wanted to try. I got a variety of all cheeses including the ‘stinky’ ones. To my surprise I liked every one of them.

After the cheese we sat with our wine for a while, talking and sipping. Until we realized it was time to be at the Senior Officer’s Cocktail Party. We were a little late getting there

but still had to wait in line. The place was packed! Almost standing room only but we did get to wish Capt Leo a good vacation and talk to some of the other officers.

Then it was on to dinner. Third formal night which I noticed some people ignored. Three is just too many on an eight night cruise.

We ordered, everyone having lobster except Jeff who had the Beef Wellington. Through a freak accident I ended up with my lobster in my lap! There’s never a dull moment with this crowd! The lobster was good. I’m so glad they stopped serving the little 2 or 3 ounce ones with the shrimp. This is a larger size served on it’s own. Jeff said the beef was also very good.

After dinner Mark talked to the restaurant manager about why we had not seen our asst maître ‘d once. We didn’t even know who it was. He told us her name, Oliana (that’s strictly the way it sounded so spelling is probably bad). When she came over, I assume at the RM’s request, we asked why she had never been to the table. She let us know she had been there, once, when only two people were at the table and that was on the first formal night. Not on the first night but on the first formal night. None of us were really impressed especially because she never even said ‘sorry’. Just that she had been there. I tell you the restaurant service is not what it used to be. We feel so fortunate to have Gwen and Sophia! They are worlds above any of the 4 different waiters I had last cruise!

I thought about the casino, the show, etc but in the end decided to go to my cabin and get

a few things packed so I won’t have so much to do tomorrow. I guess I finally will have to go home. Bummer!

Bye For Now!

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Thanks for all the information. I admit I haven't read every day, so if you covered this, I apologize. I read occasionally. I guess now that I've posted I'll get the updates so I won't forget.


A group of us from our roll call are organizing a sailaway get-together. On S-Class ships we usually meet at the Sunset Bar which allows us to expand onto the Lawn. I have seen conflicting deck plans (the buffet is called Waterfall Cafe on some, Oceanview on others). Is there a Sunset Bar on the Summit? Is it a good place for about 30 people to meet up and get a good view? We are sailing out of Bayonne and it would be neat to see NYC in the background as we leave. I don't know if that is even possible as I haven't looked at a good map.


Recommendations? If there is somewhere with better views, we'd love to learn about it.


Thanks, and I hope the rest of your trip is wonderful, or if you are home already, that you got home safely and well-rested.



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Thanks for all the information. I admit I haven't read every day, so if you covered this, I apologize. I read occasionally. I guess now that I've posted I'll get the updates so I won't forget.


A group of us from our roll call are organizing a sailaway get-together. On S-Class ships we usually meet at the Sunset Bar which allows us to expand onto the Lawn. I have seen conflicting deck plans (the buffet is called Waterfall Cafe on some, Oceanview on others). Is there a Sunset Bar on the Summit? Is it a good place for about 30 people to meet up and get a good view? We are sailing out of Bayonne and it would be neat to see NYC in the background as we leave. I don't know if that is even possible as I haven't looked at a good map.


Recommendations? If there is somewhere with better views, we'd love to learn about it.


Thanks, and I hope the rest of your trip is wonderful, or if you are home already, that you got home safely and well-rested.




Oceanview bar- Deck 10- outside the buffet. No "sunset" bar.

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No sunset bar - M Class ships are not great for views on sailaway - the Oceanview is the best bet but you need to be aware that one half of this bar is the seating for smokers so you would need to check with your group how they feel about that, its not like the Sunset Bars on S class, the smokers are much closer

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No sunset bar - M Class ships are not great for views on sailaway - the Oceanview is the best bet but you need to be aware that one half of this bar is the seating for smokers so you would need to check with your group how they feel about that, its not like the Sunset Bars on S class, the smokers are much closer


But the sunset bar is also 1/2 smoking on solstice class ships

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After she (CCH) opens the doors to Normandie in the morning she is not there. She will come and speak to me because I've made a habit of talking to her. I don't think she has the self-confidence to approach the tables and start a conversation. She doesn't circulate at cocktail hour either although she is usually at the door.


I've encountered a lot of negative thoughts about the NEW Elite Breakfast. Most think once the bean counters from corporate put it in fleet wide it's here to stay. I prefer to think they might care enough about their most frequent cruisers to actually listen to what we have to say. Less and less people everyday and a good number are bringing food from the buffet.


And yogurt is available if you ask. Have seen no smoothies served.


I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


A tip for B2B'ers: They will email your comment card about two days after the first cruise ends. Then you will only have a few days to reply or your chance goes away. I actually ate up some minutes on here to give my opinion because mine expired 5/3. I don't get off till 5/4 and not home till 5/5.

We just got off Summit this morning and have seen the comment card email. You have until 5/11 to respond.


Bill and Vicki

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Hi Gail,


As always, thank you for your wonderful insights from Summit. Hope you are having a great time !

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Saturday is a really sad day. First because I have to get ready to get off the ship when I would rather stay. And stay. But at least the weather is lousy, cool and rainy, so I feel like I’m not missing anything wonderful by being in my cabin and packing. Got the dirty stuff packed last night. Now just have to do the clean stuff. Extra laundry coupons are great.

I went up to breakfast in the Normandie one last time. Everyone was there but we didn’t linger too long. Lots to do: packing, sales by the pool and in the shops, then trying one more time to get in to the cruise sales staff. Started on Wednesday, finally left a paper in the drop box but have not heard anything back. Was planning to book this same cruise again but I guess I should have done it Monday or Tuesday. Even with 3 of them working there were always lines just to get to the seats to wait to get to the sales staff. J

The day sort of went by in spurts. Packed a while, went up to the casino, talked to some friends, etc. Everyone was kind of listless. I’m sure there were some people staying on for a full Bermuda cruise after this one but I never met any.

We (Cil, Roger, Mark, Randi and Jeff) all met at the buffet for lunch. As usual we all got food from different areas and then sat together to eat. Kevin was on a streak, not sure if it was winning or losing but he stayed at the Sex and the City machine while we ate.

Once again we all went our separate ways for most of the afternoon, attending to things that had to be done before we could get off. I was packed except for the little things that are the worst things to pack for me. Make-up, medicines, lotions, papers I need to keep, etc. That stuff is a nuisance to me when it comes to packing. Invariably I end up with something that has to be in carry on luggage that needs to be in checked.

Somewhere in here Jeff and Kevin had time to play Bingo and win over $300! Way to go, guys! Randi won almost that much in the casino! I was the big loser in our crowd!

Don’t think Cil won anything much either.

Most of us went to the Elite Cocktails. Something strange happened. There were Martini’s served in wine glasses, a Manhatten served in a water glass, etc. This happened at the Senior Officer’s Cocktail Party last night, too. I heard from others that the Martini Bar of all places served drinks in wine glasses! And one night at dinner we had water in cocktail glasses. What’s that all about? Is there a shortage of proper glassware on Summit? Never seen this on Celebrity before.

We got to say goodbye to our favorite servers: Colin, Ivo and Donnovan. They took great care of us and we hated to say goodbye.

Dinner was very nice. Allison and Mike went to Qsine so that just left the four of us.

I have known Mark and Randi forever and the same with Kevin and Jeff. It’s nice to have them meet and get along so well! We had a great time at dinner. Gwen recommended the Rib Eye Steak but, honestly, Mark’s turkey dinner looked better.

The Chocolate Soufflé which was a Chef’s special dessert was really good. Plenty of

Chocolate taste but not overly sweet. Sophia brought Espresso for everyone.

We said our goodbyes and I told Gwen not to be surprised if 500 people requested her tables on the next cruise. She laughed but I do think she was pleased.

It was an early night for everyone. We said goodbye just in case we didn’t see each other Sunday morning and left to do last minute things. I don’t want to wake in a panic Sunday morning because things are not done.

Did find out something about Merrill in Cellar Masters. He is off the ships and is in Dubai. He got a chance for a really good job there and took the opportunity.

Bye For Now!

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THE LAST DAY! How can a 15 night B2B go so fast? It seems like only a couple of days ago that we were flying in to San Juan and getting on the ship in sunny Caribbean weather. Now we are in Bayonne getting ready to disembark and it’s windy and cold!

I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE CARIBBEAN!!! If anyone was ever meant to live there it’s ME!!

Oh well. I guess crying and dragging my heels all the way down the gangway won’t help me stay on board so I’m going to have to pull up my big girl panties and get off like everyone else! Bummer!

I met Cil and Roger at the midship elevators (deck 3) on our way to the MDR at a little after 7. Elevators were not easy to come by but after a few minutes we managed to get to the dining room. It was busy but we were seated quickly and put in our order. There was no delay getting food so we were out in less than an hour after eating a hearty breakfast.

Again we had the problem with elevators but managed to snag one after 5 minutes or so and got down to the Normandie. I must say, Raluca came through. She had wheel chairs there for Cil and Roger and when our number was called (5) she had one pusher and got another one within a few minutes. After that it was just a matter of getting an elevator and we were on our way. Now this has happened to us several times over the last year and I really don’t understand it. We made it all the way to security, Roger went through with no problem but when we got to Cil her pusher had no ship’s ID and no passport. Wouldn’t you think everyone working on a ship would know you can’t just get off and on without papers? The security officer was very nice. He yelled over to Luigi the activities guy and he got us to the bus.

The bus is easy on and off but it’s still a pain to have to board a bus to get to the terminal.

Then get off, have to find someone else to push your wheelchair and a porter for your luggage. But we managed to pull it off. Once through customs we had to find our bus from Academy Tours for the trip to Providence ($55).

I was really nervous about making my 3 PM flight out of Providence but once on board we found out that this was a direct to Providence bus. Only 20 passengers and just the one stop. We had a great driver and we made it there by 1:10.

The only problem was getting picked up. They won’t let you stop near the bus but make you go in to a parking lot and then walk your luggage. While Cil and Roger were working this out with her daughter I managed to find a van that would take me to departures for SW curbside check in for $6. I hastily said my goodbyes and took the van.

Once I was at SW I stuck my hand in my pocket and realized I had Cil’s cell phone in my pocket. Luckily they were still loading luggage so I was able to leave the phone with SW and they drove over and picked it up.

I was in the airport and through security very quickly. 2 PM on Sunday must be their deadest time because the place was deserted. However, 3 o’clock came and went and the plane had not even arrived. Late leaving there meant late into Baltimore (no change just a stop for me) which made the plane late into Jacksonville. It was starting to go from dusk to dark when I had my luggage and was ready for the shuttle to the hotel where I left my car. I’ve never had the shuttle take very long but today it was almost a half hour. By the time I on the Interstate headed for home it was after 8.

I was all set with 5 Hour Energy Drinks but, surprisingly, I didn’t need them. I had gotten up at 6AM after going to bed at 1AM so it had definitely been a long day but I made it home. After 10PM but alive and still awake.

I’m still up, after midnight because the babies were so glad to see me that I couldn’t just go to bed. I needed to spend some time with them. But pretty soon I’m going to have to find a bed. I’m fading fast.

Hope you’ve enjoyed following along on this, my latest B2B. If you still have questions I’ll be glad to try to answer them.

Bye For Now!

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I have to say that on this last 8 night cruise Raluca (I know I've been spelling that wrong) has gotten better. The last Elite Cocktail Hour she was talking to several people at different tables. She seems to have more confidence.


And like I already said, she kept her word on the wheelchairs and pushers.


Maybe she just needs more time on the job. I still wish she would wear a long gown on formal nights like the other CCH's but she has been dressing up more.


I had a pretty good talk with her about feedback from passengers and she told me that she makes sure it gets to corporate after each cruise.


She also said there is a new drink menu including more wine, bottled water, cocktails, etc that she had just gotten from corporate. I guess it will be implemented either this cruise or the next one. It'll be interesting to see what it will be.

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Had couple of emails this morning about not doing a wrap up so here goes.


First of all, I was on a ship for 15 nights so it was wonderful! Any time spent on a ship in the Caribbean is wonderful in my book!:D


Sure, there were some things that weren't exactly as I liked but all in all my cruise on Summit was great. There are obvious cut-backs in staff and crew. The only number anyone in my group got was a cut of less than 40 people ship wide. If that's all they were missing then those must have been very important people who gave lots of services to guests because we all felt the loss.


It's still Celebrity and I still feel the service is above and beyond other lines in this price range. But is it the Celebrity of a few years ago? No. The most it affected me personally was in food service and food quality. Still good but the food has lost a step, the service, two steps.


The (now Canyon Ranch) Spa from what I heard, has experienced a significant jump in prices. I remember you used to get, on a port day, a special of a facial and a massage for around $159 (doing that from memory so bear with me). On this cruise it was advertised as $99 EACH. Not sure how many used the spa but several people I knew who would normally partake as a treat passed it up.


More drinks consumed. I assume because of the drink packages but that thing with bar glasses was weird. A Martini in a wine glass must taste the same but it sure looked weird! Ditto for a Manhattan in a water glass!


Not so many bar servers by pool and bar servers are gone from MDR. Asst Waiter now has to fill that role. Leads to some glitches in service if drinks are ordered with and throughout the meal.


Activity staff seemed smaller to me. I sat in on progressive trivia and the questions were, to me, not very hard. It was one toward the end of the cruise and I knew 9 of the last 10 questions and I hardly ever play!


Service was quite good in the Elite Cocktail Lounge. It was busy but drinks and (very good canapes) were readily available.


Elite Breakfast some days had plenty of servers and some days two or three guys struggled to keep up.


Captain Leo and his officers were out and about on the ship interacting with passengers. He is one of my very favorite Captains. He's off now on vacation but will return in August.


CCH was very timid and unsure of herself on my first cruise but I did think she was better on the second. Maybe more time on the job will help. She is very sweet but young and in her previous job in Guest Relations had people coming to her for problem solving. She's still learning about approaching guests on her own and having a conversation.

I did think she did a GREAT job running the Normandie on disembarkation day. Made our day easier.


I think that's about all I remember but I'm washing clothes and rushing to get to my Mah Jong game. If I think of more, I'll post later. Just be sure you take from this that I really enjoyed my cruise. It was different but still the vacation for me! Celebrity has taken a step back in service but still fits me and my friends better than the others including Royal.



Bye For Now!



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