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Mitsugirlys graduation getaway cruise


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We went up to the photo place to see if we could find any pictures. We managed to find one in the mob of never ending pictures of the hubby walking the plank.




We knew tonight was going to be the 80's party. I absolutely love the 80's and consider it probably the most amazing time in my life. I love the music, I love the dancing, and I love the big hair. hehe big grin.


We had been planning on the 80's party for some time now (us girls) and had been working on some outfits, makeup and hair. We were ready for this.


We went and picked up Sakari at the kids club and headed back to the room to get ready. She was a little upset that she didn't see us along her pirate route. I told her we tried to find her but couldn't. I told her I would take a picture of her pirate face.


Sakari just naturally poses when you take her picture. She has been doing this (put your hand up by your face thing) for awhile and now automatically does it whenever she knows you are ready to take the picture.






I told her pirates do not look like that. They are scary. So this is what I got instead.





I started getting ready and fixing my hair up on the side with a huge big teased POOF. Yep, it pretty much looked just like it did back in the 80's.


It didn't take me long to get ready since I was a pro at doing this once upon a time. Once I was ready, we headed off to Kendra's room where...you guessed it, she was still getting ready.


Kendra had bought me an outfit for the Glow party, but I decided I would wear it tonight instead.










Man the place was packed!!! It was definitely standing room only.




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We headed toward the front of the deck (or would that be the back lol) toward the big screen tv. I did previously read that this was the best spot to view the fireworks that would happen later that night.










The party got started and the CD, Joel, was rocking the house.













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Uh, so sorry about the start of your cruise in FLL. I have to say that I hate that K-mart with a passion (my work is the next exit down on 95). I wish there was an area that we could post "do not go" warnings. :D


Loving the rest of the review, just finished Day 2. Thanks for all the pictures, can't wait to go in October.


Oh, and those emails with the $149 rates are really few and far between. And crappy rooms at that rate and you have to go within the week. So don't leave Columbus for 99 degree FLL weather - just saying... (originally from Akron)

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Here's a video of some of the party.






The fireworks was to start at approximately 10:45pm and it was a lot later than that when it actually started. The anticipation was building and we couldn't wait. I had purposely not told Sakari about it and wanted to surprise her, but she found out (Brayden). But I'm still sure she had no idea what was about to happen.


We absolutely LOVED the fireworks. It was played to 80's music and synchronized to the music. So great job NCL.


I'm waiting for the video to upload and have had to start it over several times. So...I'll post it when it finally works.


After the fireworks, we danced and danced. Then they cleared the back of the stage (by the tv screen) and said they had "guest stars" coming out. I have no clue what this was about.


They had people dressed up (I think staff) impersonating singers. I will say, it was horrible. I couldn't wait until it was over actually.


First was what was supposed to be Bon Jovi. Now I'm sorry, I always thought Jon Bon Jovi was hot, even in the long hair days...and these guys made me want to puke in my mouth.






Then they brought out Madonna singing like a virgin. Um....ok, yes this is a guy.






Then came someone that was supposed to be Tina Turner. I'm sorry, she didn't dance like Tina, didn't look anything like Tina, her hair wasn't even like Tina's and she sure didn't have Tina's legs!!! Here's the kicker...she didn't even know the words to the song! At least all the rest were lip sinking. I mean come on. I couldn't even bring myself to take a picture of her (or either I did and deleted it).


Then they had KISS. At least they had on full face mask so you couldn't tell if they knew the songs or not.





FINALLY it was over and I can get back to dancing. What a waste of time. I know it was all in good fun, but it really wasn't enjoyable for me.


Joel got the party going again.



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I was getting worn out and I knew that we had to be up early in the morning for our arrival in St Thomas. I waited and waited and waited for them to do the Thriller flash mob. At first they said it would be at 11pm, but 11pm had come and gone a long time ago. I don't remember what time it actually started, but it FINALLY did and I jumped right in. I handed my hubby the camera and away I went....only my hubby WATCHED and didn't tape. Seriously? Uh.


As soon as the dance was over back to the room we went to pack for tomorrow in St Thomas.


Sakari's towel animal for the night. How did they know she loved dinosaurs? She can name almost every type there is. For Christmas Kendra bought her a HUGE box off craigslist (and when I say huge, I mean huge). It has every type of dinosaur, every color, every size...and comes with the play land with mountains and everything. She loves her dinosaurs.






I believe it was this day when I was packing for St Thomas and we were deciding what to wear the next day that my hubby discovered he had a bunch of clothes missing. He ask why he had very little clothes and why I hadn't packed everything he laid out on the bed for me to pack. Now I know darn well that I packed everything he laid out. He made mention of a certain shirt (and I knew exactly what shirt he was talking about) and said it was no where to be found. I do remember 100%, that I packed it. I can also tell you that I did NOT pack anything in the side outside pockets (you know, the one that was torn off?). So, I'm sitting here wondering how some of his clothes could go missing like that when they were packed inside. Did someone open the luggage and steal some of his clothes somewhere between saying good bye to them at the airport in Columbus to arrival on the ship when we picked it up at Customer Service (remember, it wasn't in the "missing" pile of luggage but the customer service rep knew exactly where it was). Hmmm :confused:



So this is the end of Day 4...and my soda in the fridge is STILL NOT COLD!!! :(

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I always enjoy your reviews. One good think about the cap (tooth) as you have it & the dentist can fix as opposed to paying for a whole new crown. I've actually crazy clued them in :p in a pinch ....my dentist loves this but Gee it's always on something like a cruise, an hour before a wedding etc these things decide to fall out. Ouch to your poor toe ! I about a week prior to my Epic cruise this last March was in an accident & fractured my knee, all I wanted to know from ER doc was can I go on my cruise??? Me & my full leg immobilizer passed many people with 2 good legs. Now I'm waiting to get my ACL reconstructed, MCL & meniscus repaired. Congratulations on your graduation, I did my RN in 1978 & then in 2008 decided to do my BSN then thought what the heck & then did my MSN. It's tough working & going to school as you for sure know.


Oh my gosh, I thought my hubby was joking when he told me to just put it back up in there and glue it. I thought he was a mad man. :p LOL


I can't imagine fracturing a knee prior to a cruise. I hope you have a speedy recovery from surgery when you do it. I know you can be down for many many weeks. My ex had his knee done once and it wasn't a "delightful" time for us during his recovery to say the least. :D


Thanks for the congrats. I hope to start practice and within 6 months to a year start on my BSN. That should be a breeze since I don't mind writing papers at all. I have the gift of gab and things just flow freely with me when writing. :p


Your pics are gorgeous. Looking forward to the rest of your St Maarten review, we're considering a similar itinerary.



Thanks so much. I was so happy to get back to the Eastern Caribbean. It had been way too long for us.

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Wow...great review and pictures. So very sorry for all that happened to you. Hope you have another cruise booked to look forward to? N think you handled all thugs so well. I think I would be in a martini coma or in a corner crying. Lol


Thanks and I most definitely do have another cruise booked. We will be on the Sun in 5 months, 8 days, 13 hours, and 22 minutes. :D


LOL, it takes a lot to have me in the corner crying. After all, I work in the ED and it can get pretty abusive in there. I have learn to handle myself and my cool well over the years. :p



I applaud you for staying so calm with those sales people. I do believe I would have walked out after making sure they knew how much business they would be losing and how I would be posting everywhere I coud on line!


Yea, I try to stay as calm as I can. I wasn't about to let it spoil my day. I just walked out thinking they had no clue what they could have sold that day. Their loss. They say a mothers looks can kill...and I'm sure mine did. ;)

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Thank you so much for this review! I am going on the Getaway with my DD in October! If she misses her flight from Calgary to Toronto she will need to figure it out but since she is so much like me (despite her protests otherwise) she wil meet up with me in Toronto. I don't think my child would be upright after missing a flight.


Was the bar in St. Maarten the one to the right if you are facing the beach? I sent DH there for a "rum punch" the last time we were there and got mostly rum and no punch!!!:D. Don't remember much of the taxi ride back to the port. Plan on giving DD that drink so then she can't tsk tsk me anymore!!!


snow bunny


Yes, the Driftwood bar is on the right if you are facing the ocean. I assume the drinks were pretty strong or either my son had too many and I didn't realize it. :p


Uh, so sorry about the start of your cruise in FLL. I have to say that I hate that K-mart with a passion (my work is the next exit down on 95). I wish there was an area that we could post "do not go" warnings. :D


Loving the rest of the review, just finished Day 2. Thanks for all the pictures, can't wait to go in October.


Oh, and those emails with the $149 rates are really few and far between. And crappy rooms at that rate and you have to go within the week. So don't leave Columbus for 99 degree FLL weather - just saying... (originally from Akron)



Yep, I needed a "warning" not to go into that K-Mart. They were the worse. I know something else happened at the register when we were checking out, but I couldn't remember what it was, so I didn't mention it.


I seriously can't stand Columbus. I HATE the snow. I HATE cold weather. I despise the fact that my parents brought me here when I was young (I was born in Alabama). I would be the happiest girl alive if I never had to see a flake of snow again. :D

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Hey Girl - You totally rocked the 80's hair! Haha Wow! What an adventure!! I also love that Kolin's GF's name is Courtney. You know the whole Ka thingy. lol



LOL, I swear I have a picture of me with that hair style and I look exactly the same. I'm going to have to dig it out and compare to see if I got it right. :D


Yea, I keep telling Courtney she doesn't spell her name right and she needs to change it to Kourtney. ;) She's not having it though. LOL

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Yes, the Driftwood bar is on the right if you are facing the ocean. I assume the drinks were pretty strong or either my son had too many and I didn't realize it. :p





Yep, I needed a "warning" not to go into that K-Mart. They were the worse. I know something else happened at the register when we were checking out, but I couldn't remember what it was, so I didn't mention it.


I seriously can't stand Columbus. I HATE the snow. I HATE cold weather. I despise the fact that my parents brought me here when I was young (I was born in Alabama). I would be the happiest girl alive if I never had to see a flake of snow again. :D



When I was in high school, I worked at a kmart for a small time. Small town, so limited options. Worked in the photo lab, but also helped out in women's and let me say this, Kmart is without a doubt the grossest, least clean place I have ever seen. So dirty, so gross, I will never go into one willingly. Oh the stories I could tell ya about kmart! I've never been in one I've liked



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Yes, the Driftwood bar is on the right if you are facing the ocean. I assume the drinks were pretty strong or either my son had too many and I didn't realize it. :p





Pretty sure if he had the "rum punch", he would likely not need more than one!:D:D OMG, plan to give DD one so she can quit bugging me about my actions after one in March!


I thanked your for your Dawn cruise as we took all of our family on this for NYE. Had a blast and enjoyed having all of the family together.


snow bunny

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I seriously can't stand Columbus. I HATE the snow. I HATE cold weather. I despise the fact that my parents brought me here when I was young (I was born in Alabama). I would be the happiest girl alive if I never had to see a flake of snow again. :D


I live in NE Ohio and I couldn't agree with you more. I joke that my only goal is to get the h#ll out of this state. Hate it!!

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I've read this whole thread in on sitting.....love all the pictures!!!


One cruise my family were the ones running through the airport, we almost missed our flight but made it. The people hoping to get our seats were cussing us as we boarded. After that I've arrived at the airport way too early, just in case!

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:confused: I haven't been on the Dawn. :p


Oops, now that I think of it, was it a Star cruise that you did around Christmas/New Year's Eve? I know I saw some holiday pictures and since the two are sister ships and I have now been on both, I thought it was the Dawn.


snow bunny

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My DD and I plan to do this same excursion, now I am waiting to hear what you did in the other two ports as we are not sure what to do. Thank you so much for the review, I have asked my DD to sign in and read it so she knows what to expect. She has only been on Carnival's Legend and on the Dawn so she has never experienced a "big" ship!


snow bunny

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I live in NE Ohio and I couldn't agree with you more. I joke that my only goal is to get the h#ll out of this state. Hate it!!


Move on down to sunny North Carolina! I teach at a major university here that offers both batchelors and masters programs in nursing AND NP AND CRNA! You could go to school for ever here!


We get a little snow every 3 or 4 years. Just enough to be fun!

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Thank you for posting a lot of St. Maarten pics. I definitely want to go there in the near future.


While viewing your family photos, I am smiling and imagining that I am having a good time with your family.


The pic of you and your husband is wonderful!

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I seriously can't stand Columbus. I HATE the snow. I HATE cold weather. I despise the fact that my parents brought me here when I was young (I was born in Alabama). I would be the happiest girl alive if I never had to see a flake of snow again. :D


I was just in Columbus and loved it! Better weather than here! We paid a visit to the new American Girl and visited the Columbus Zoo! The hotel we stayed in was pretty nice...but it could be because it was relatively new.


Loved the fancy mall...especially Graeter's Ice Cream!! 🍨 I can't wait to go to the water park at the zoo!!!

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I live in NE Ohio and I couldn't agree with you more. I joke that my only goal is to get the h#ll out of this state. Hate it!!


I couldn't agree more. The weather here is crazy. Just when you think the bad weather and snow is gone, it comes back. I even seen pictures of friends posting on facebook the week I was gone how they had huge hail balls. :eek:


I've read this whole thread in on sitting.....love all the pictures!!!


One cruise my family were the ones running through the airport, we almost missed our flight but made it. The people hoping to get our seats were cussing us as we boarded. After that I've arrived at the airport way too early, just in case!


You must be a speed reader or had a lot of time on your hands. :D


We were definitely the family sitting there while they made final calls of names were the people were late and we were holding our breath. :)

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Oops, now that I think of it, was it a Star cruise that you did around Christmas/New Year's Eve? I know I saw some holiday pictures and since the two are sister ships and I have now been on both, I thought it was the Dawn.


snow bunny


Yep, we did the Star the week before Christmas in 2012. :)


Move on down to sunny North Carolina! I teach at a major university here that offers both batchelors and masters programs in nursing AND NP AND CRNA! You could go to school for ever here!


We get a little snow every 3 or 4 years. Just enough to be fun!


That sounds like....a lot of schooling. :p I think I'm probably a little too old to finish all of those. I kept telling my husband "I swear by the time I graduate nursing, I'll be ready to retire." :D


A "little" snow every 3 or 4 years would work for me. ;)

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Thank you for posting a lot of St. Maarten pics. I definitely want to go there in the near future.


While viewing your family photos, I am smiling and imagining that I am having a good time with your family.


The pic of you and your husband is wonderful!


Thanks so much for the comments. I'm reliving them too as I post them and the more I see of the places we went, the more fond memories I have.


I was just in Columbus and loved it! Better weather than here! We paid a visit to the new American Girl and visited the Columbus Zoo! The hotel we stayed in was pretty nice...but it could be because it was relatively new.


Loved the fancy mall...especially Graeter's Ice Cream!! 🍨 I can't wait to go to the water park at the zoo!!!


I love the Columbus Zoo. They have done a lot with it over the years. I just find it weird that several years ago they took away the zebras and giraffes. I'm not sure what the reason was, but I was thinking I read the other day that the giraffes were back?


I have only went to the water park once after they redid it (it used to be a small amusement park with only a few rides that involved water). When we went, everything wasn't done yet. I'll have to try it again, you know, some day when I lose all my cruise/nursing school weight. ;) You should see the place at Christmas. They have a Wildlights Wonderland there and it has thousands and thousands of LED lights around the entire zoo. They always have something going on. Then of course there's Jungle Jack Hanna who is famous everywhere. I swear every time I turn around he's on some t.v. show. :p


Which mall did you go to? Was it Easton? Easton is the mall that's like an open air mall/little town type of thing. It's really nice.

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