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Ship photographers really messed up this time

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I fail to see how not having pictures of the wedding event would ruin the event for those who attended.


If they were there, they saw the event.


Why do we need photographic evidence of everything we do now?


What happened to just enjoying the moment, instead of having to having pictures of the moment we just experienced?


Well, that's good. If a photographer screws up at your wedding you can just shrug it off. The couple didn't feel that way, however, and they certainly have the right to have their own priorities on the lost photos and to express their very legitimate anger as they wish.

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I think the importance placed on photos, so much so that it can ruin a wedding, is very strange indeed.


After all, people were married long before photography was invented, and the point of getting married is nothing to do with photography, that's an added extra.

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Well we can certainly agree to disagree, very respectfully. If they'd taken care of the couple they wouldn't be dealing with the negative press and the online coverage that will be around for a long time. I think that will ultimately cost them a lot more.


We can't know the couple's motivation, but to me that's irrelevant. What's important is that RCI is responsible for what happened, ultimately, and their effort to take care of these people was to me, negligible.


But it is nice we can discuss these things in a positive way . . . it's great when people can do that on a discussion forum! :)




Please.....negative press for along time



There are murders and horrible accidents that a week or two later after the funerals and news cameras go away the public can't remember.


Even here this is the big to do du jour and next week this thread will be on page 53 and we will be back to worrying about a dress codes, and tipping and chair hogs and smoking.

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I think the importance placed on photos, so much so that it can ruin a wedding, is very strange indeed.


After all, people were married long before photography was invented, and the point of getting married is nothing to do with photography, that's an added extra.





and I am sure that this isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened and I am sure it won't be the last.


How many threads do we see here about someones vacation "RUINED" by some little glitch . They rant, people throw in their 2 cents either way. The people that don't agree are labeled heartless . And so it goes.


Next week we will be ringing our hands over an on board Bris that went terribly wrong when a rogue wave hit the ship just as the Moyle was doing his thing.


The cruise lines will still be in business and the ships will still be sailing

Edited by babyher
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Really? You can't understand? They came all the way from the UK, probably spent a fortune, and on top of that, have no photos of their wedding. I can understand how they'd be heartbroken.




When we were in Labadee last winter, my cell phone was stolen (along with all the photos on it). I was so upset, primarily because the photos were lost...my kids' first cruise, etc. Luckily my story had a happy ending (bribery of locals and a returned phone :rolleyes:), but to have no wedding photos? I can understand how that could ruin something: not just a vacation, but a vacation/wedding/honeymoon!




Sad for them.

Considering that it was a British Columbia radio station website, and that there's a Surrey not far outside Vancouver, I don't think they came all the way from the UK.



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I think the importance placed on photos, so much so that it can ruin a wedding, is very strange indeed.


After all, people were married long before photography was invented, and the point of getting married is nothing to do with photography, that's an added extra.

But to a true Bridezilla the marriage is merely the inconvenient aftermath of the true attraction - the wedding where everyone (especially the photographer) is expected to worship her.


Did anyone else think that the groom, in the one picture that has surfaced, looks like he is thinking "Oh CRAP, what have I gotten into?" Not a happy looking guy.

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Please.....negative press for along time



There are murders and horrible accidents that a week or two later after the funerals and news cameras go away the public can't remember.


Even here this is the big to do du jour and next week this thread will be on page 53 and we will be back to worrying about a dress codes, and tipping and chair hogs and smoking.


Yeah, you're right . . . people who are researching cruise weddings and searching online search all the time about murders and horrible accidents. :rolleyes:


This thread will be online for a long time - actually, that's part of why I kept posting on it, to expand the keyword content which will be used by search engines to rank this thread. Ironically, the people who posted with opposing views added to the keyword content as well - so thanks for chiming in.


In the future, when people search on phrases like RCI cruise weddings, cruise ship wedding photography, getting married on a cruise ship, cruise ship wedding packages, problems with cruise ship weddings, etc. this thread will come up. Or, if people come here and search the discussion forum on those phrases, they'll find this. And then the couples can read about what happened and make their own decisions about going with RCI or some other cruise line.


I do search engine optimization as part of my job, and this is how it works. RCI is a big company and I'm sure they'll be just fine, but if this story costs them even one wedding with guests they will have lost more than if they'd just taken care of the people in the first place.

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But to a true Bridezilla the marriage is merely the inconvenient aftermath of the true attraction - the wedding where everyone (especially the photographer) is expected to worship her.


Did anyone else think that the groom, in the one picture that has surfaced, looks like he is thinking "Oh CRAP, what have I gotten into?" Not a happy looking guy.


Ha Ha :D

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Yeah, you're right . . . people who are researching cruise weddings and searching online search all the time about murders and horrible accidents. :rolleyes:


This thread will be online for a long time - actually, that's part of why I kept posting on it, to expand the keyword content which will be used by search engines to rank this thread. Ironically, the people who posted with opposing views added to the keyword content as well - so thanks for chiming in.


In the future, when people search on phrases like RCI cruise weddings, cruise ship wedding photography, getting married on a cruise ship, cruise ship wedding packages, problems with cruise ship weddings, etc. this thread will come up. Or, if people come here and search the discussion forum on those phrases, they'll find this. And then the couples can read about what happened and make their own decisions about going with RCI or some other cruise line.


I do search engine optimization as part of my job, and this is how it works. RCI is a big company and I'm sure they'll be just fine, but if this story costs them even one wedding with guests they will have lost more than if they'd just taken care of the people in the first place.


No what i meant was really important events like murders and accidents are forgotten by the public pretty quickly, so imagine how fast some wedding photographer debacle is gonna fair.


I will be willing to bet you a plate of garlic fries this thread is gone in a few days , unless of course you persist in hashing it up over and over again (and you seem like the type that will) and then you might get it closed by the moderators. It won't be that big a loss if I am wrong, I will just say it took too long for them to arrive and I'll get them for free.


And bad reviews are a part of life in any business. You will never make everyone happy.


You take reviews good and bad with a grain of salt. You check the balance of the reviews on their own merit . The whiny melodramatic, obviously looking to be over comped ones, I discount on the spot. I take the reasonable ones good and bad into consideration and make the best decision from there .


You roll the dice and take your chances.


I am sure that there are many many good experiences and reviews for these on board weddings , or they wouldn't be as popular as they are.

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But to a true Bridezilla the marriage is merely the inconvenient aftermath of the true attraction - the wedding where everyone (especially the photographer) is expected to worship her.


Did anyone else think that the groom, in the one picture that has surfaced, looks like he is thinking "Oh CRAP, what have I gotten into?" Not a happy looking guy.





LIKE.....LIKE ......and LIKE some more .


You know I looked at the picture again after reading this post and you are right *LOL*




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No what i meant was really important events like murders and accidents are forgotten by the public pretty quickly, so imagine how fast some wedding photographer debacle is gonna fair.


I will be willing to bet you a plate of garlic fries this thread is gone in a few days , unless of course you persist in hashing it up over and over again (and you seem like the type that will) and then you might get it closed by the moderators. It won't be that big a loss if I am wrong, I will just say it took too long for them to arrive and I'll get them for free.


And bad reviews are a part of life in any business. You will never make everyone happy.


You take reviews good and bad with a grain of salt. You check the balance of the reviews on their own merit . The whiny melodramatic, obviously looking to be over comped ones, I discount on the spot. I take the reasonable ones good and bad into consideration and make the best decision from there .


You roll the dice and take your chances.


I am sure that there are many many good experiences and reviews for these on board weddings , or they wouldn't be as popular as they are.



Agree big time.

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No what i meant was really important events like murders and accidents are forgotten by the public pretty quickly, so imagine how fast some wedding photographer debacle is gonna fair.


I will be willing to bet you a plate of garlic fries this thread is gone in a few days , unless of course you persist in hashing it up over and over again (and you seem like the type that will) and then you might get it closed by the moderators. It won't be that big a loss if I am wrong, I will just say it took too long for them to arrive and I'll get them for free.


And bad reviews are a part of life in any business. You will never make everyone happy.


You take reviews good and bad with a grain of salt. You check the balance of the reviews on their own merit . The whiny melodramatic, obviously looking to be over comped ones, I discount on the spot. I take the reasonable ones good and bad into consideration and make the best decision from there .


You roll the dice and take your chances.


I am sure that there are many many good experiences and reviews for these on board weddings , or they wouldn't be as popular as they are.


Exactly :)

When I read Paris hotel reviews, I discount low ratings that whine about rooms being small. Similarly, if I were looking for a cruise wedding package, I would read the article linked in the thread, see that perfectly adequate compensation was offered and refused, and see no strike against RCI at all.

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You know what? This could be great for those that always look for a deal.

Engaged couple wants to get married on board a cruise ship. Reads the article, tells their friends and family to take lots of photos on their own camera and pray that the ship's photographer messes up again so they get comp'd a free wedding! LOL

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but if this story costs them even one wedding with guests they will have lost more than if they'd just taken care of the people in the first place.




They DID take care of them - refunded the entire 2,000.00 wedding package. What more do you think they should have done!?!?!!??

Edited by bouhunter
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You know what? This could be great for those that always look for a deal.

Engaged couple wants to get married on board a cruise ship. Reads the article, tells their friends and family to take lots of photos on their own camera and pray that the ship's photographer messes up again so they get comp'd a free wedding! LOL




Sounds too risky to me .


To be on the safe side you would need to bring a defective model of the exact camera the photographer will be using and when he is not looking , switch cameras.


Then you would have to discreetly toss the good camera overboard, or manage to switch cameras back right after the wedding ceremony .


Putting knock out drops in a glass of champagne and then offering it to the photographer during the ceremony would work while making the old switcheroo *LOL*

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Sounds too risky to me .


To be on the safe side you would need to bring a defective model of the exact camera the photographer will be using and when he is not looking , switch cameras.


Then you would have to discreetly toss the good camera overboard, or manage to switch cameras back right after the wedding ceremony .


Putting knock out drops in a glass of champagne and then offering it to the photographer during the ceremony would work while making the old switcheroo *LOL*




Please note, I am sympathetic to the wedding couple's disappointment.

What irks me and many others on this board is the bride's melodramatic statement, " I have nothing. "

The trip was ruined. Yes, it was ruined because she allowed it to be.


I will never forget an episode on Phil Donahue regarding wedding disasters. One of the stories involved a bride and groom in Connecticut who were in their limo heading over to the reception and could see smoke from the highway. Jokingly, they said, " bet it's our catering hall. "Sadly, it was indeed. :(


The reception hall arranged at the last minute to have their reception at a diner..yes you read that correctly, a diner that could accommodate all of the guests at an outdoor venue.


The bride and groom admitted that they were stunned and disappointed but ended up having the best time because the people that they held most dear were with them on the most important day of their lives.

That couple had their priorities in order.



Did she forget she got married to the love of her life with family members in attendance on a beautiful ship sailing in the Caribbean?

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They DID take care of them - refunded the entire 2,000.00 wedding package. What more do you think they should have done!?!?!!??


He thinks the bride and groom should have their entire cruise comped. I don't think he's said what the family and friends, who also claim their cruise was "ruined",should receive.

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He thinks the bride and groom should have their entire cruise comped. I don't think he's said what the family and friends, who also claim their cruise was "ruined",should receive.


Safe to say, she wanted everyone comp'd.

Does anyone actually believe that the boyfriend of her sister had a miserable time?

Perhaps if he listened to the bride wailing the entire trip.

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Please note, I am sympathetic to the wedding couple's disappointment.

What irks me and many others on this board is the bride's melodramatic statement, " I have nothing. "

The trip was ruined. Yes, it was ruined because she allowed it to be.


I will never forget an episode on Phil Donahue regarding wedding disasters. One of the stories involved a bride and groom in Connecticut who were in their limo heading over to the reception and could see smoke from the highway. Jokingly, they said, " bet it's our catering hall. "Sadly, it was indeed. :(


The reception hall arranged at the last minute to have their reception at a diner..yes you read that correctly, a diner that could accommodate all of the guests at an outdoor venue.


The bride and groom admitted that they were stunned and disappointed but ended up having the best time because the people that they held most dear were with them on the most important day of their lives.

That couple had their priorities in order.



Did she forget she got married to the love of her life with family members in attendance on a beautiful ship sailing in the Caribbean?



Hmmmmmmmmm yeah I bet the husband feels really good to know the bride feels she has "nothing" No wonder he has that look on his face.


Funny I live in Connecticut , I know it has bee a long time since Phil Donohue has been on, trying to remember which hall it was.


I laugh when people get so hung up on what people are wearing , and the table settings and what color the table clothes are. You are with the people you love and having a wonderful cruise , or a family wedding or whatever, that is what matters.

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Safe to say, she wanted everyone comp'd.

Does anyone actually believe that the boyfriend of her sister had a miserable time?

Perhaps if he listened to the bride wailing the entire trip.



hell if I was the boyfriend of the sister , I would be worried that it runs in the family, getting really drunk on the cruise , and then run for my life the minute we disembarked. *LOL*

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They DID take care of them - refunded the entire 2,000.00 wedding package. What more do you think they should have done!?!?!!??



Buy them a house, pay for the birth and college of all there kids and a anniversary trip for every year they are married to each other or anyone else ;)

Even then, they still wouldn't have pictures of the wedding day lol




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Oy, excuse the auto correct ;)

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hell if I was the boyfriend of the sister , I would be worried that it runs in the family, getting really drunk on the cruise , and then run for my life the minute we disembarked. *LOL*



I was thinking the same, lucky he saw this before he got hitched to the family ;)




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Oy, excuse the auto correct ;)

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Hmmmmmmmmm yeah I bet the husband feels really good to know the bride feels she has "nothing" No wonder he has that look on his face.


Funny I live in Connecticut , I know it has bee a long time since Phil Donohue has been on, trying to remember which hall it was.


I laugh when people get so hung up on what people are wearing , and the table settings and what color the table clothes are. You are with the people you love and having a wonderful cruise , or a family wedding or whatever, that is what matters.


Indeed, it was years ago,. I recall that the mother of the bride stated it was arson started by a disgruntled employee. :(

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