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Sea Trek II - The Wrath of Alaska

Captain Carnival

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FD@S1 - Fun Day at Sea One



We awoke to what I would say was considerably cooler temperatures in the 50's and majestic views right off of our (starboard) balcony giving us incredible views of the shoreline vistas throughout the day. The weather in Tampa Bay was still in the 90's with the "feels like" temps eclipsing the 100 degree mark so by cutting the air temp nearly in half was very welcoming indeed!






Here comes the sun and I'll say it's alright!


We spent, like most FDAS's, by just relaxing and walking about the ship. This cruise however was indeed a bit different insofar as we were not sailing towards the tropics but rather towards the artic requiring us for the most part to trade in our shorts and T-shirts for blue jeans and sweatshirts.







An incredible and breathtaking view; the ocean in the background is ok too!



And although the retractable roof was closed over the middeck pool area I only saw a very few scant people use the pool and just a few braver souls tryout the hot tubs. Although we both packed bathing suits "hoping" that we would try out the pool just so we could say "we went swimming in Alaska" it just never came to pass.






Today was Patriot's Day - September 11th and a large USA flag was hung high atop the atrium and the very least I could do was display the colors with a USA T-shirt.



During the day we witnessed some of the customary lido deck activities such as the ice carving demonstration and mixology contest - the winning drink being "Goose on the Loose" that I tried during the cruise and have been trying recreate here at home too.


We also happened upon a cooking demonstration that took place in "Nick & Nora's" steakhouse restaurant located on deck 11 and just underneath the red glass portion of the whale tail funnel. I thought that there might be a small charge for this however it was completely free and wait for it....they fed us too! Small samples mind you but almost just enough to say you had a meal.





They prepared 4 samples dishes starting with an incredible mushroom soup, a spinach salad, a chicken marsala dish, finishing up an incredible tiramisu. All-in-all a pretty relaxing and "tame" day by cruise standards and before we knew it was time to get ourselves together for the first of two elegant nights.






Could there be an ICEBERG straight ahead?



Upon returning to our stateroom we found a literal wall of fog just off of our stateroom balcony that although blocked our view of the water it did provide an opportunity to have a little photo-fun. Not only did we see (sea) fog but we heard the fog horn sound every few minutes when the visibility was significantly reduced.






The end of a great day and the start of an even better night to follow!!!


Stopping off at the atrium bar just before dinner in the Bacchus dining room. Bacchus is the Greek god of wine which explains why it is just so grapey - Cheers For Now!!

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WF@N - Wet Feet @ Night


Just one little post-script to our FD@S that I have aptly titled as WF@N that occurred in the Phantom Theater and due chiefly in part to three unique ingredients – A glass of wine, a klutz, and a plethora of boobs!




The Phantom Theater


While waiting for one of the many nighttime shows to go on my Bride and I (along with Angie and Greg) were just sitting in our row and we had brought down a tall glass of wine from our carry-on stock that was sitting on one of those small tables. As many of you know the tables themselves are situated in such a way that in order to navigate down the row you need to blade your body in such a manner as to walk ahead but slightly sideways and for many, if not most of us it can be done with little to no effort whatsoever….unless you’re a klutz and/or distracted by boobs.




The infamous drink tables.


Now despite the physicality’s of needing to bend this way and walk that way the glass of wine that was sitting incredibly conspicuously in plain view and must add LARGER THAN LIFE must have been obscured by something, presumably the boobs, preventing someone (Mr. Klutz) from seeing the glass with his eyes but not his hand that not only hit the glass of wine over….BUT…the entire contents of the glass never hit the ground!! Apparently a real life miracle took place on the Miracle (see what I did there) and every ounce of wine poured from the glass and into my frigin shoes with the remainder being soaked up by my jeans!




How can you miss something in a glass of this size and shape?


Now I know accidents can happen and although I really wasn’t angry at Mr. Klutz but really more dismayed and perhaps equally amazed that 1. He hit the drink over, 2. The wine never hit the ground, and 3. My feet were not only soaking wet (as were my pants from the knees down) but they were intoxicated too. As I sat there soaking, not steaming, my Bride along with Angie & Greg were nothing but considerate and understanding as they burst out into laughter that raged on for at least 15 minutes.





These literally filled the theater and were seen everywhere!


Now as for the real culprit, the aforementioned boobs, let me just say that they were everywhere to be seen in the phantom theater just hanging there in pairs that I would attribute as being the chief distractor for Mr. Klutz who was neither blind nor infirmed.


I took it all in stride mind you and no words were exchanged, save for an embarrassed apology from you know who (who did offer to pay for a replacement glass of wine that was declined) but he could have coughed up some quarters that were needed to dry my shoes in the drier (a service not included in your platinum perks).


Oh yes, just one last PSS….this wasn’t the first time my poor shoes/feet were trampled upon as earlier that day while listening to Michelle (the on board naturalist) talk in the Phantom Theater another guy who was navigating down the aisle seemed to go out of his way and step on my right foot with all of his weight allowing me to practice my French aloud!


I guess it was just one of those days for me, and my feet, and although my feet were either wet or in pain, my Bride had some really good laughter that day and a good story to tell to one and all….and she still does!

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Hiya doin Captain? It was a great cruise wasn't it? If you see Zydeco cruisers pics he has some nice pics of whales. If I can ever figure out how to post her, I have some pretty good whale and eagle pics to share with everyone. Hope you have smooth sailing and calm seas in your future. :)

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Love it! My wife and I are looking at cruising to Alaska next year and are in the beginning phase of research...and boy is there a lot to look into!


Yes there is a lot of planning and hopefully this review will be of assistance to you!


Hiya doin Captain? It was a great cruise wasn't it? If you see Zydeco cruisers pics he has some nice pics of whales. If I can ever figure out how to post her, I have some pretty good whale and eagle pics to share with everyone. Hope you have smooth sailing and calm seas in your future. :)


Thanks and I'm sure he has an abundance of great pics, he always does!! :D

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OMG! We were sitting in your row on WF@S night! We weren't with Mr. Klutz, but did see it all happen! Funny, sitting right next to you and your party! But who can forget the wine flying . . . unfortunately into your shoes.


Looking forward to remembering our cruise with you.

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Soggy Shoes and Sunny Sitka



Despite the soggy shoes episode in the Phantom Theater an enduring continuous bursts of spontaneous laughter from my Bride whenever she thought about the look on my face after my feet were nearly drowned in wine we actually had an incredible evening watching (as I recall) the juggler show and then heading down to the Mad Hatter Lounge and the Punch Liner Comedy Show. Nevertheless and after a few spins in the clothes dryer and some added heat from a hair dryer my shoes were now dry and sober and looking forward to our first port of call - SITKA!






As we sailed into Sitka waters I made my usual "Coffee Butler" run up to the Lido Deck and grabbed a couple of cups of coffee and some pastries to get things started before we got ourselves together and went out onto our balcony to view the majestic shoreline begin to come alive and also scan the water for any signs of life too.



As we starting sipping on our Coffee my Bride commented on just how beautiful the view was and also inquired "do you think we'll see any whales?" to which I replied - "yes I don't see why not" and then it happened - SWOOSH!!!!! Just at that moment a Humpback Whale breached the water expelling air from its blow hole in a distinct "swoosh" sound - it was magnificent!







Captain - There Be Whales Here!



We watched for several minutes as several whales, both large and small shadowed the ship cresting the surface and expelling a misty combination of air and water into the air and taking another quick breath before submerging once again. Sadly, we were never able to witness and large and full body breaches but were hoping we might on the voyage home.












It was no "fluke" that we captured this whale tail waving at us!



After witnessing nature at its finest we got ourselves together had some breakfast up at Horatio's* Restaurant before arriving in sunny Sitka.





* Horatio's (whose bust is prominently displayed along the lido deck) is named after C.S. Forester's fictional character Horatio Hornblower who would later become an inspiration for Gene Roddenberry's character creation Captain James T. Kirk.


Up Next: Sunny Sitka

Edited by Captain Carnival
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OMG! We were sitting in your row on WF@S night! We weren't with Mr. Klutz, but did see it all happen! Funny, sitting right next to you and your party! But who can forget the wine flying . . . unfortunately into your shoes.


Looking forward to remembering our cruise with you.




Thanks and I'm glad I kept you guy's entertained too - LOL!!! :D

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Keep your eyes peeled for nuclear wessels.


We were so close to Russia we may have just sailed right over them! :D


Admiral, there be whales here!

I mean Captain Carnival


"Admiral Carnival" just doesn't have the same ring to it, Commodore perhaps but not Admiral....right Scotty (who was even made it to Captain). :D

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I'm enjoying your review - thanks for posting. We did the Alaska cruise on Miracle in July and loved it. It's just such a different experience than a Caribbean cruise.


Thanks! We chose the very last Alaska sailing of the season as we really wanted it to be as cold as possible; I guess 50's during the day and 40's at night was the best we could do.

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Welcome To Sitka


After enjoying some whale watching and the fantastic views of the Alaskan coastline we finally came arrived around noon at the small port of Sitka. Although I was excited to finally arrive at our very first port of call and literally set foot upon Alaskan soil for the first time, I was equally surprised and a bit dismayed that we tied up to a very small and antiquated looking fishing pier that looked like it was retrofit to accept cruise ships. Of the four ports of call we were to visit, Sitka was the only one that we did schedule an excursion for and opted to explore the town by foot.





Bud & Doll Going Walkabout – Sitka Style


Once we debarked the ship we found that FREE bus shuttles were readily available taking us into the heart of the town and we were let off at the visitors center and picked up a map and headed out. Essentially there were two sides to choose, (left or right) so we headed left and explored what would essentially be a downtown area complete with a few souvenir shops, restaurants, museum, and a Russian Orthodox Church. After a brief tour of the area and of the church itself we headed off towards the other side of town and in the direction of the Raptor Center.


Along the way we met up once again with Angie and Greg who were also enroute to the Raptor Center that included a stop at Park Service Center that included several magnificent totem poles.




We then set off for the Raptor Center traipsing through trails in a rain forest area being ever watchful for wildlife - especially for bears - oh my!




Here to fate stepped in yet again as we met two other of our MDR tablemates - David and Patty who were also heading to the Raptor Center. David, who is a master bronze sculptor, interestingly had a meeting with the Director of the center who was interested in obtaining a real life sized sculptor for the entranceway - I'm sure David is a top contender!



The word "Raptor" may conjure up images to many of us familiar with the Jurassic Park Films and the Velociraptor's, however in this case the center housed many raptor's - birds of prey who were injured and required special care. Chiefly among the raptor residents were several bald eagles, owls, hawks, and other eagles (sorry no Romulan’s) that were on display in both small and large aviaries. It was great to see these majestic birds up close and yet sad to see some of the visible scars as to why they were being housed in a protected environment.




After spending around an hour at the center we retraced our steps back towards the visitors center to catch a bus back to our Carnival Miracle and a night full of ship board activities and fun. Our next day Alaskan adventure was of course the magnificent Glacier Bay National Park!


More Raptor Pics To Follow Soon!

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Welcome To Glacier Bay


After departing from Sitka and enjoying another Funship evening we awoke at the entranceway to Glacier Bay National Park for a day long adventure of sights, sounds, (and sales) plus the first real hint of cool Alaskan air. Now for future cruisers either to Alaska, or any destination, this is where getting a balcony stateroom really pays off as you a personal front row seat to the show and in this case the glacial wonders of Glacier Bay!




As a National Park, Glacier Bay is under the ever watchful eye, protection, and conservation of these natural wonders that literally have a life of their own. Today there are no less than 25 functional glaciers within the park area and we were to be treated to two of the largest that have made their way down from the high mountain tops to the waters of the bay those being the John Hopkins and Margerie Glaciers.


As a protected National Park cruise ship vessels must operate in very strict operating restrictions with only one ship being allowed into any one "branch inlet" of the bay at a time; today only the Carnival Miracle and Island Princess were granted access taking turns in each inlet.




Iceberg Straight Ahead - And Surrounding Us Too!


Aside from the distinctly cooler air temperatures, the water itself was incredibly different as it was not only uncharacteristically glassy, smooth and calm but had a very unique green/blue color, not teal but more of a lime color due chiefly to all of the rich mineral deposits that have been deposited into the bay itself.




In addition to the color, we also were surrounded by thousands of icebergs that are pieces of glacial ice that are now swimming in the bay. Mind you that these were not "titanic" sized icebergs but smaller versions with only 10% of their bulk protruding above the water line hiding the remaining 90% just below. From what I could see and estimate some of the icebergs (top to bottom) were as large as a school bus.




The glaciers themselves are massive in scope extending for miles and miles back into the mountains and spread out more than a half-mile in width and 100 feet high at the base. One of the unique features of glacial ice is blue tinges and steaks of color that permeate the ice giving it a diamond-crystal look.




And not only beautiful to view but fascinating to listen to as the glacier is alive with subtle or surging movements causing calving or calvitation to occur where small of large chunks of ice crack, shift, and split off of the glacier creating a series of snap, crackles, and pops that to me were reminiscent of guns shots ranging from small arms, shotguns, or a small canon.





As previously mentioned, we also experienced some "sales" while in Glacier Bay as many of the Carnival items for the Alaska season had "2014" on them and as this being the final Alaska cruise of the 2014 season these items needed to go. We accidentally came upon several tables of merchandise that had been brought up onto the Lido Deck and marked down quite considerably. We were grabbed a couple of T-shirts and a totems too and a nice $avings!


The Glaciers were spectacular and perhaps the highlight of the entire cruise however after spending and entire breathtaking day there we ended up moving out of the park and onto our next Alaska adventure - the Town of Skagway and the Yukon!

Blue Ice & Blue Eye's!

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