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One Gem of a Vacation...October 18-27


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A little about us first....hubby and I were first time NCLers, first time in a suite, and first visit to all of the ports we visited. This was our third cruise overall. We are in our early 50s, kids are grown and boy, did we need a vacation.


Day 1: embarkation


After an uneventful drive into NYC, picking up hubby's annoying co-worker and his wife, who assumed if they booked the same cruise as we did that we would be vacationing together, as in doing everything together...more to come on this as the review progresses....we parked very close to the elevators down to the terminal. Parking in NYC is a huge expense, but it was worth it to have the car right there. I ran downstairs, grabbed a porter (hubby's co-worker has early MS and six bags and wants hubby to carry them...I was having none of that). The nicest young man came up and gathered the bags and we were off. He was so polite and friendly and I was hopeful that he was setting the tone for our cruise. Dropped the bags out front downstairs and went inside. We were whisked into the VIP check in area, as it was about ten thirty there was no line and we found ourselves checked in and in the VIP lounge area within a few minutes. Carlos was there about ten minutes later greeting us warmly, asking if we had questions, and giving us our amethyst colored room keys. There were snacks and juice, coffee and tea available. There was a slight delay in getting clearance because there was an inspection going on but by 11:35 we were heading through the crowds, and we were taken onboard the Gem.. She is a gorgeous and well-cared for ship and it was evident from the moment you stepped on board. Every crew member we passed smiled and offered a phrase of welcome. We were taken up to the thirteenth floor where we waited in the Star Bar Lounge for about five or so minutes and then it was time for our first Cagney's experience. Good thing, because we had skipped breakfast and the snacks in the waiting area and we were hungry. Lunch was good. The appetizers...shrimp cocktail for me and smoked salmon for hubby were very,very fresh and simply delicious. We ordered the risotto and the shellfish was fine but the rice was undercooked...we were too excited to care because they announced our suites were available and we went off to see our cabin and drop off our backpacks. We were simply stunned at the lovely suite we had been lucky enough to secure...it was a forward penthouse, cabin 10000 on the Gem. Carlos had told us that it and 10500 were his favorite of the penthouses and he was right...it was an awesome suite. We had already met a few nice people in the lounge and at Cagney's, everyone on the staff so far had been remarkably warm and friendly and now we were standing in this gorgeous suite....we were just so happy to be onboard and on our way to what we hoped would be a super nine days.


Everything we asked for ahead of time was ready when we arrived...our pillow selection, fridge emptied and stocked with juice, tea and water. Snacks were in bowls on the dining table. Everything was ready and done impeccably. The cabin was spotless and everything was in good shape save for a wicker box on the balcony that was broken, it held our chair cushions. There was a note saying it would be replaced by the next day. Wonderful! We were thrilled.


We were still looking around when our butler William appeared at the door. He was warm and smiled and asked if everything had met our expectations...we enthusiastically let him know that he had already exceeded them. He showed us how to use the coffee maker, chatted a few minutes and he was off to meet other guests. We wanted to have snacks for sail away as hubby's more than annoying co-worker and his wife were joining us. William could not get room service until the ship was underway so I decided to go up to the buffet and put together a few things. William called up there, without my knowing. I was greeted at the entrance by a lovely young lady with a tray who guided me to the various items and helped me get what we needed. She was so helpful and friendly. We chatted while we gathered the snacks. She wanted to carry the tray to the cabin but I insisted I could do it myself. With that set up, and the plates covered with napkins for the time being, hubby and I took a quick walk. It was nearly time to sail away and we wanted pictures so up to our balcony we went. Half of our luggage was there..so while hubby took pics I quickly unpacked those things. Time for the easiest muster drill I have ever experienced and we were headed back to experience the sail away on our balcony. I uncovered the snacks, hubby brought in our other bags and our water...we put everything away and we were on our way down the river. We had a magnificent view from our balcony. Eventually...and might I add late as always...his coworker and the wife joined us for wine, snacks and lots of photography. They soon left and we sat and enjoyed our balcony for quite some time....


More to come...I am wordy and say far too much so feel free to skip this review or just skim it over!!

Edited by medsed
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Caution- I once almost wrote something derogatory about someone in a cruise review and to my amazement a year later he mentioned reading a review that sounded like me because he was researching the same cruise. If I had written what I had first thought he would have been furious. And it would not have been well because we had to have lots of social interactions. I would have never guessed he would have even found my review little own tied it to me. He just knew I had been on a certain ship.

So if you would say to your husband's Co worker to his face what you are writing here the continue. If not go back and edit him out. We want to hear about your cruise and not a travel mate anyway. How would it be if he read this and knew you had posted it? I am glad I didn't write what I was going to

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Caution- I once almost wrote something derogatory about someone in a cruise review and to my amazement a year later he mentioned reading a review that sounded like me because he was researching the same cruise. If I had written what I had first thought he would have been furious. And it would not have been well because we had to have lots of social interactions. I would have never guessed he would have even found my review little own tied it to me. He just knew I had been on a certain ship.

So if you would say to your husband's Co worker to his face what you are writing here the continue. If not go back and edit him out. We want to hear about your cruise and not a travel mate anyway. How would it be if he read this and knew you had posted it? I am glad I didn't write what I was going to


Excellent observation.

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Complete and utter "-1" to the undoubtedly wise and mature but fun-stifling potato-head who urges caution. This site's best threads and most memorable reviews are about the chair hogs, the very occasional rude waiter, and so forth.


Give us dirt, dammit :)

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Finishing up day 1


For us this was a rather lazy first day on a cruise...we loved our suite and our balcony so much that we just stayed in a good bit. Eventually our doorbell rang and it was Carlos, the concierge, asking what we had planned for the evening. I told him that the annoying one did not want to go to a specialty restaurant..he had suggested the buffet for dinner...I don't mind the buffet but never do it for dinner while cruising...Carlos secured us a table by the back window in Grand Pacific for four for a nice time. We called the annoying one told them when and where to meet us, and we set off to explore some more. We listened to music here and there and eventually headed to dinner. The annoying one sent his wife..a woman a good two decades older than us who we had met three times in the last...and he stayed in his cabin claiming he was sea sick...remind me to let you all know how we knew this was not the case around day four or so. Dinner was good, servers were pleasant and efficient. Hubby cannot eat a lot of sauces and has to watch carbs and there was no problem with them accommodating his needs and it did not seem to slow the meal down any. We had pleasant conversation, a leisurely meal and afterward we took a walk and just chatted some more. Finally the coworkers wife decided to check on him and we all went to their cabin...he was watching television and seemed fine...we parted ways. Hubby was tired and itchy....tomorrow we would know,why. We went up to our freshly tidied room and read and chatted about what was to come and fell fast asleep in a very comfortable bed. The seas were rather rough...it was very windy..and the ship,just rocked,us to sleep....ahhhhhhhh


Next up...our first full sea day!

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Day 2.....a windy and rocky sea day...


So, last night the annoying one wanted to know if my husband would come to his cabin to watch some football games.....ummmm...there are a number of issues with this...first he is in a balcony cabin , we are in a much larger suite...second his tv is tiny, tiny, tiny, third, they are showing the games on that huge screen in the atrium complete with popcorn and bar service, fourth and most importantly we did not come on a cruise to sit and watch anything on TV (especially since they weren't showing either of our teams). Now, it was going to be a great sea day, relax, enjoy, etc.


We get a phone call from the annoying one's wife and they want us to forgo our Cagney's breakfast for one in the buffet....ummmmm,, no, we had been looking forward to the special breakfast and reminded her that we had told them before the cruise that we would be having a very different experience from them since we had booked a suite.


Let me interject here, we had booked this cruise as a special treat. Hubby was talking to some coworkers, this guy overheard it and thought he would join us, no conversation, no nothing. About two weeks after they booked it his wife calls me...they have a book at work with the phone numbers so he got ours...she informs us that they booked the same cruise and immediately starts talking about all of the things we will be doing together. I was taken aback. Suggested that we were in a suite and that we would have many perks that they would not have unless they booked a suite, etc. we even took these people to dinner and gently but firmly let them know that we wanted alone time, that we loved the beach, that we liked to snorkel, that we would be taking full advantage of our suite perks, etc...so this was NOT news to them.


Breakfast in Cagney's was awesome...fresh, cooked to order, delicious choices. A lovely atmosphere, and again we were enjoying meeting other suite passengers and seeing the same faces as we saw in the VIP lounge and at lunch the day before. There were so so many really nice people onboard. The crab cakes Benedict was delicious, hubby had the salmon frittata made with egg whites and no cheese...he loved it and ate it nearly every day. He also piled up the smoked fish from the small buffet. I enjoyed muesli and fruit and nuts.


We had showered and dressed quickly before we went to eat and had noticed hubby had hives...he had started some new medication Friday and these hives got worse by the minute while,we ate. I took him back to our cabin where he took a high dose of Benadryl and I tucked him into bed...he would soon be zonked from the medication...minor glitch. I was determined to have fun and so was he. I put the football game on in case hubby woke up and was drowsy but not able to sleep. I then left and went to the shops. Grabbed the item I had forgotten to pack, wandered around for a bit. Then it was time for our meet and greet and slot pull...it was a ton of fun...GREAT people and we broke even on the slot pull!! Went outside and walked around the ship twice. Watched some people playing basketball as well. I went back and checked on hubby who was sound asleep. Went out on the balcony to read. I lost track of time and realized I had better run to lunch...too late for Cagneys so off to the buffet for me. As I left the suite our wonderful butler passed by...he asked where I was headed, he inquired about hubby..when I told him what was up he insisted hubby must have lunch..asked what he liked best...I told him fish and seafood. He then said he would set it up in the room for hubby and not to worry...and he did just that. Now, apparently the annoying one was angry because he had not heard from hubby...he called a bunch of times and finally hubby answered, told him he was sick and the annoying one left a message for me which I later found out was relayed to our butler when he came in as hubby in his drugged state thought I was in the room.


Eventually I ran into the wife of the annoying one and as I was on my way to play trivia she joined me. After trivia we wandered about the shops some more...her idea. I said I wanted to check on hubby and we parted ways. She asked about a dinner reservation again...she realized that our perk was lovely...the concierge would take care of things....Carlos stopped by shortly after I returned and he reserved us a table again. I was wanting to try a specialty restaurant this night but since hubby was possibly a no show for dinner I figured I might as well jus make a reservation for four and eat with the coworker and his wife.


Well, hubby got up in time to eat and we dressed for dinner and we were off...now, we made a reservation and included the coworker and his wife..and they were late again...a good bit late might I add. Finally we were all there. The two of them order drinks..coworker ordered a double Jim Beam because he had never had it...why you would get a double if you never had it is beyond me....

Now, this coworker does the following regularly...leaves for work early and stops for fast food, arrives early and gets dinner at the cafeteria, convinces one or more coworkers to bring in food for him and orders one to three more times a night, in addition he regularly tries to get others to let him eat whatever they have brought in...he has even helped himself to hubby's food in the past. He stops for breakfast nearly every morning on his way home.


So, we order dinner and he is picking at the food eating a few bites of everything on his dish, but looking might hungry. We are finished with our main course when he says he must use the bathroom and he will meet his wife back in the room. However, he still has the double drink...so he says what should I do with this...I tell him take it with you...he says he might stop in the men's room, so I suggest the wife bring it up...weeeellllll...he decides to guzzle it...makes a horrible face and instantly starts to look green...he runs out and loses it in the men's room...blames it on the rough seas...No, it was clearly that double whiskey...it was visible...so, now he is too sick to do anything but decides he is gonna walk around...probably to the buffet or blue lagoon or somewhere to get food. Wife goes off to shop some more and hubby and I take an evening stroll. Hubby says he wants to wait to take Benadryl for a while and enjoy some of the cruise....that is when we discover this great guitar music a floor below us...LEO!!!! He is wonderful...we go downstairs and listen and sing along for a while....some of the people we have been running into in Cagney's are there and we all sit near one another....it was a ton of fun...Leo is incredibly talented...incredibly! Hubby gets itchy and is still tired so we leave and promise our new friends we will be back.....tomorrow is San Juan and we will be going to see the forts and walk around the old city....apparently the annoying one and his wife will be joining us mostly because they want to get off the ship early...again. They want our perk but sure didn't want to pay for a suite....


To be continued.......and yes...he gets more annoying and we still have a FABULOUS cruise.....NCL knows how to treat its passengers and the Gem staff is the best!!

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We saw you all doing your slot pull. From the hooting and hollering we were hoping you hit it big!


I did see a man hit the poker machine for $4,000 and a lady hit the 2 cent slot machine for $15,000! Lucky them!


Glad you had fun (and I hope despite that wicked afternoon and evening coming back). We did as well. One of our most relaxing cruises



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We saw you all doing your slot pull. From the hooting and hollering we were hoping you hit it big!


I did see a man hit the poker machine for $4,000 and a lady hit the 2 cent slot machine for $15,000! Lucky them!


Glad you had fun (and I hope despite that wicked afternoon and evening coming back). We did as well. One of our most relaxing cruises




So true...it was a wild ride back bust we had a great time and it was so relaxing!


Wow, those are some lucky folks you saw...we are not really gamblers and I am asthmatic so the thick smoke in the casino is not really good for me...we managed to find many other wonderful things to do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry everyone..just found our that what they thought was gall stones is actually cancer of the gall bladder and liver...my brother is quite ill and we have a lot of plans to make for his care, etc...I will be back and will finish up as soon as I can

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Sorry everyone..just found our that what they thought was gall stones is actually cancer of the gall bladder and liver...my brother is quite ill and we have a lot of plans to make for his care, etc...I will be back and will finish up as soon as I can


Your brother's health is much more important than finishing a review. I wish you peace at this troublesome time.

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Sorry everyone..just found our that what they thought was gall stones is actually cancer of the gall bladder and liver...my brother is quite ill and we have a lot of plans to make for his care, etc...I will be back and will finish up as soon as I can


Prayers for a speedy recovery for your brother!

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Sorry everyone..just found our that what they thought was gall stones is actually cancer of the gall bladder and liver...my brother is quite ill and we have a lot of plans to make for his care, etc...I will be back and will finish up as soon as I can


Life can change so quickly, take care of your brother. Down the road finishing this review might offer you a much needed break. We will all wait patiently in anticipation for your return & assume you did not throw the annoying coworker overboard ;)

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