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suitcase thefts

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Having read a few of these, I don't think (or sincerely hope not!) that the tampering has happened on the ship. There are so many places these days where the cases can be tampered with, and as has been said, it is easy to put a pen through the zip, rifle through the case then zip it back up again.

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Are there any common links? For example did those reporting such cases (sorry - bad pun....... should change that to 'incidents' :o) fly from the same airport? I wonder whether any had done day before check-in too. Although I love the idea of getting rid of our cases the night before it always occurs to me that they're hanging around the airport for a long time - and presumably a quiet time too once bag drops close.

Edited by kruzseeka
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I had a camera stolen from a suitcase (plus Her Ladyship's cosmetic bag) on the return leg from Red Sea Magic a few years ago.


The theft certainly didn't occur on the ship, or during luggage transit to the coaches at Sharm el Sheik - the cases were intact at airport check in.


I suspect it must have happened in Sharm airport prior to loading the aircraft.


Thomsons gave me half of the cost of two new suitcases - after I'd sent photographic proof of the busted eyes on the zips where the padlocks were yanked off.


It would have been 100% if I'd kept the original proof of purchase receipts - but who does ?


I now secure the case zips with a padlock and a plastic cable tie - the latter are not theft proof, however they (hopefully) deter opportunist thieves who want to make a quick acquisition.


The small print in Thomsons brochure instruct customers not to carry valuable items in hold luggage - and I imagine travel insurance policies are similar.

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I had a camera stolen from a suitcase (plus Her Ladyship's cosmetic bag) on the return leg from Red Sea Magic a few years ago.


The theft certainly didn't occur on the ship, or during luggage transit to the coaches at Sharm el Sheik - the cases were intact at airport check in.


I suspect it must have happened in Sharm airport prior to loading the aircraft.


Thomsons gave me half of the cost of two new suitcases - after I'd sent photographic proof of the busted eyes on the zips where the padlocks were yanked off.


It would have been 100% if I'd kept the original proof of purchase receipts - but who does ?


I now secure the case zips with a padlock and a plastic cable tie - the latter are not theft proof, however they (hopefully) deter opportunist thieves who want to make a quick acquisition.


The small print in Thomsons brochure instruct customers not to carry valuable items in hold luggage - and I imagine travel insurance policies are similar.


Good tip re cable ties. We recently had new cases with a number of (fairly useless) external pockets which we thought would be dead easy for someone to slip something into! As we didn't think we'd use them ourselves we've used cable ties snipped very close to the zip so they can't be easily opened - at least not by an opportunist.


Also good advice re valuables kept in hand luggage. Your stolen camera was a valuable item WCM - do you suppose they watch the scanners to try to identify luggage with cameras, binnies etc inside to target them? Fancy taking Mrs WCM's makeup though!

Edited by kruzseeka
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If you use cable ties don't forget you need something to cut them with, I forgot :o


Yes useful to point that out dave. I had that idea to secure our main zips too and would have done until DH reminded me that we wouldn't be able to carry any scissors or snippers in our hand luggage! :o

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"Also good advice re valuables kept in hand luggage. Your stolen camera was a valuable item WCM - do you suppose they watch the scanners to try to identify luggage with cameras, binnies etc inside to target them? Fancy taking Mrs WCM's makeup though!"


That's a possibility ref. the scanners.


The camera was a decent spec compact - but I'd left the memory card in it and lost all the holiday images.


Lesson learnt the hard way.


Totally baffled as to why the cosmetics were attractive items to nick - maybe there was a local drag artist who wanted to be Queen of the Desert ?


"Yes useful to point that out dave. I had that idea to secure our main zips too and would have done until DH reminded me that we wouldn't be able to carry any scissors or snippers in our hand luggage! :o"


Cue pantomime audience......Oh yes, you can !!! :)


You are permitted to carry scissors in hand luggage - as long as the blades are not more than 4 inches (100mm) in length from the fulcrum pin to the tip.


We have small folding sewing scissors which you can pick up on Ebay (for example) for a couple of quid.


That may be a relatively recent relaxation - I can't mind what the original restrictions were, or when the change came into effect.


I confirmed this with Glasgow airport - have had no issues with our scissors passing through checks there, likewise at Edinburgh and Newcastle.

Edited by WeeCountyMan
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Yes useful to point that out dave. I had that idea to secure our main zips too and would have done until DH reminded me that we wouldn't be able to carry any scissors or snippers in our hand luggage! :o"


Cue pantomime audience......Oh yes, you can !!! :)


You are permitted to carry scissors in hand luggage - as long as the blades are not more than 4 inches (100mm) in length from the fulcrum pin to the tip.


We have small folding sewing scissors which you can pick up on Ebay (for example) for a couple of quid.


That may be a relatively recent relaxation - I can't mind what the original restrictions were, or when the change came into effect.


I confirmed this with Glasgow airport - have had no issues with our scissors passing through checks there, likewise at Edinburgh and Newcastle.


Oh that's good to know WCM - hadn't realised that was possible. Will be checking out eBay and using the cable ties on all the zips in future! I know nothing will deter a determined thief but if it just makes it a little more difficult hopefully they'll take a pass.

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On reflection, I decided to double check the regulations reference the size of scissors permitted in hand luggage - in case there has been a revision since I last enquired.


The websites found are stating no more than 60mm from pin to end of blade.


That easily accommodates the typical small folding sewing scissors such as we have.


This website indicates the size as no more than 4 inches/60mm.




Maybe it varies between countries - and/or some websites have not been updated ?


Best to 'phone the airport ahead of travel to make sure.

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I have never locked our cases.


I'm hoping this will convey the message that there is nothing in them worth taking.


Anyone who has seen how we dress will confirm that, lol.




That's what I do, with the same reasoning.:D

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I hope I didn't imply that they were broken into on the ship :o:o


Regarding booking the suitcases in overnight, I wonder where they DO store them as last year when we went on the Majesty, we booked them in at Gatwick, stayed the night in a hotel and when we got to the ship and went to unpack them, our clothes were wet!


We have sometimes put a padlock on and sometimes not, and so far so good ;) Fred.Olsen had a better idea for security tags for coming home. They were plastic tags, similar to cable ties - Thomson please note that those plastic sticky things are rubbish and it takes ages to get all the bit off your case when you get home!


Regarding scissors, do you think that children's paper scissors with round ends would be OK in hand luggage, although I wonder if they would be any good for cutting cable ties :rolleyes:


Od course all this is acedemic if thieves can open the zip with a biro and close it up again without leaving a trace! We used to have Samsonite cases, which were much safer, but of course with all the cuts in luggage allowance, everyone is investing in flimsier cases now - a thieve's dream of course!

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I had a camera stolen from a suitcase (plus Her Ladyship's cosmetic bag) on the return leg from Red Sea Magic a few years ago.


The theft certainly didn't occur on the ship, or during luggage transit to the coaches at Sharm el Sheik - the cases were intact at airport check in.


I suspect it must have happened in Sharm airport prior to loading the aircraft.


Thomsons gave me half of the cost of two new suitcases - after I'd sent photographic proof of the busted eyes on the zips where the padlocks were yanked off.


It would have been 100% if I'd kept the original proof of purchase receipts - but who does ?


I now secure the case zips with a padlock and a plastic cable tie - the latter are not theft proof, however they (hopefully) deter opportunist thieves who want to make a quick acquisition.


The small print in Thomsons brochure instruct customers not to carry valuable items in hold luggage - and I imagine travel insurance policies are similar.

I think you did well to get 50% of the cost of the case from Thomson. A couple of years back we had the handle of an expensive case broken off on the coach transfer from ship to airport . It was reported to thomson staff at the airport but the coach had already left We reported it to or T/A (thomson shop) the next day but after about 6 wks Thomson would not give us anything.

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I have never locked our cases either, all our valuables are in my hand luggage and i insist that cameras/phones/laptops/kindles are swabbed rather than scanned at security


mishandling of luggage is another problem tho..........so far we have gotton thru several bags (on thomsons airline)


1 holdall ripped to shreds (gatwick sharm)


wheels smashed off 2 rigid cases one of which was on its first outing (exeter barbados & gatwick dalaman)


and the zips ripped on another holdall (palma)


we use a company called damagedluggage.com you can claim online using a photo and the airline label (the one they put around the handles on check in) they also have a 24hr desk in the baggage hall at gatwick north so you can report any mishandling before you leave the airport, they have always sent a new identical replacement bag by courier within a few days


I guess they then go on to make a (usually long winded) claim directly from the airline (saves me the hassle)

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Regarding scissors, do you think that children's paper scissors with round ends would be OK in hand luggage, although I wonder if they would be any good for cutting cable ties :rolleyes:


Linda - round ended scissors wouldn't work in my experience. You need a sharp pointed pair.


Nail clippers with the short sharp cutters also work well - but small folding sewing scissors are ideal.


Dave - I wrote direct to Thomsons HQ and was quite persistent. It may be that they consider "enemy action" (theft) differently from other damage.


It shouldn't be of course.

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geo - I've just looked up that website. How does it work? At first sight it doesn't look as though there is a premium to pay. Is that right? What's in it for them do you think? Selling your details to holiday firms for advertising purposes? Seems too good to be true although clearly it has worked very well for you. Never heard of this before - and clearly wandered round Gatwick in a dream - though that isn't unusual given the usual hour we're there! :confused:

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geo - I've just looked up that website. How does it work? At first sight it doesn't look as though there is a premium to pay. Is that right? What's in it for them do you think? Selling your details to holiday firms for advertising purposes? Seems too good to be true although clearly it has worked very well for you. Never heard of this before - and clearly wandered round Gatwick in a dream - though that isn't unusual given the usual hour we're there! :confused:


not sure how it works tbh kruz? all I know is that it is a quick and easy procedure (even at 6am after an overnighter!) easier to do before you leave the baggage hall tho


like you I too was a little cynical the first time I did this..but no! it was hassle free


there is nothing for passengers to pay? my guess would be that they claim a specified amount from the airlines (whatever they may be paying out for a damaged bag?) and then supply you with a new case at a wholesale cost to them and pocket the difference?


nope never had any spam relating to luggage so i dont think they are selling any lists? (cant be 100% sure on that tho)


at gatwick north the desk is in the far right hand corner of the baggage hall next door to the british airways desk (past the customs channel....no one ever walks up that far) they cover all the airlines that use the north terminal...I guess there are similar desks at other airports?


the desk is manned 24hrs, you fill in a form and hand over the airline luggage label, they inspect the bag and give you a copy of the report, takes a few minutes only...never any hassle...and never any queue at 6am in the morning either


they will either: send you a new identical bag by parcel courier or if they cant source one? you can choose a similar bag from a list

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will also add for those travelling via malaga....I know malaga airport well.......malaga airport is very large and (unfortunately) notorious! (along with sharm....chaotic!)


we never put anything valuable in our hold bags (and havnt noticed anything going missing) but we have noticed that bags have been searched? on occaision


i usually put some colourfull duck tape over the zipper pulls and at various places around the zip....then I can see instantly if my bags have been tampered with and make some checks before I exit

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Thanks for that info geo ..... will follow that up too. :) Good idea about the tape - no guarantee of preventing someone tampering with your case - or searching it but as you say, you will know so will be able to check your case before leaving. That's the biggest problem if you don't know before leaving the airport as although I haven't tried making a claim I'd imagine once you leave the airport they will effectively wash their hands of you.

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We were once told by someone at customs that they can randomly open any case. Since then we never lock our cases or put any valuables in them. Rather chance it than have the cases ruined.


Even worse, we met someone on a cruise this year and both their cases went missing. They got them 5 days later and had to wear the clothes they traveled in until then.

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yes ....all bags are scanned sometimes a couple of times, security officials will search bags if there is something on the scanner that they dont immediately recognise? (hair straightners) ....my own problems is....


because the coffee on dream is so ghastly! I take my own.... when you are travelling with lots of little bags of powder? (coffee sachets) they tend to want to take a closer look at them....thats why I leave my bags unlocked (coffee sachets are always still intact the other end.... all-be-it strewn around the case a bit sometimes)


just for your interest… if they do find anything of interest? in your case (lots of duty frees/restricted food items/wild animals) they will send a message ahead and you will be watched (and pulled) as you pick up your bag the other end

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