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This is why you need insurance !


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If you want medical/evac insurance only consider the DAN Guardian plan for 125/year: https://www.diversalertnetwork.org/scuba-dive-insurance/?


DAN is mainly for scuba divers but the top 2 plans cover non diving accidents. Very reputable, been in business for a long time. The yearly flat fee may be a better deal for some, but a reminder it won't cover the vacation that you lost.


For scuba divers the plan is absolutely amazing. Covers specialized emergency treatment so expensive you would faint at learning the cost.

Edited by JasonV1
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Thanks for all the information folks !


And they do not allow anyone to get off the ship without someone to accompany the sick or injured person.


Does anyone in CC land have a good recommendation for travel insurance other than the Carnival version ?


When its all said and done, my sister will end up paying about $5500 in medical expenses and another $2500-$3000 for a hotel, travel on Grand Cayman, food, and miscellaneous expenses.


I will want to purchase a policy that will cover medical expenses and all of the non medical expenses as well.



I have a friend that had a severe case of diverticulitis while on their cruise and was left in Cozumel with his father in law at the local hospital. He was there for 5 days before they were able to fly back to Florida. The rest of the family stayed and finished the cruise. The trip was paid for by his in laws and was the first time they DID NOT purchase travel insurance. However, when they returned home, they realized they had coverage through the credit card that was used to pay for the trip. Any chance you used a card with coverage?

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I was on the Paradise out of Tampa that sailed on November 10th, 2014.

My wife and I sailed with my sister and sister in law.

We had 2 cabins on the Empress deck.

On Wednesday November 12th, my wife and I returned to the Paradise at about 2 pm after visiting downtown Georgetown.

We heard a page requesting that my sister and sister in law contact guest services.

We went down to guest services and were of course shocked to hear that my sister had fallen up on the Lido deck, that she was down in the medical area, and “was going to be taken off the ship.”

My sister was tendered over to Georgetown, put into an ambulance, and was taken immediately to the hospital.

My wife and I [who went back on the tender to the ship] were given 15 minutes to pack up and leave the ship.

My sister was in tremendous pain and was later that evening [after several CT scans] was diagnosed with some cracked vertebrae.

She was given pain and inflammation meds via IV, and was told she would remain in bed until she could walk with no pain.

My sister was received what I consider to be excellent care in the hospital. She was in the hospital for about 30 hours.

The hospital bill, which had to [of course] had to be paid before being discharged from the hospital and being allowed to leave the country, was $4789.44 US.

The doctor bill, which was separate from the hospital bill, was about $700.00 US.

My wife and I stayed on the island until Saturday, when all 3 of us flew back to the US.

The total amount that was spent on the hospital, doctor, accommodations, food, & transportation was be close to $8000.00 US.


I like to mention that we were helped immensely by Carnivals dock agent in Grand Cayman.


My point in writing this post is to encourage everyone to purchase some type of travel insurance that would pay for at least some of your expenses if this was to ever happen to you.


I’d like to ask the Cruise Critic community a few questions:

If you were on this cruise, and happened to witness this accident, please contact me.

And also, I also was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to view your Sign and Sail account AFTER your cruise.

Sorry to read about your sister. Hope for a speedy recovery.


We always get travel insurance when traveling outside of Canada, it's a "Peace of Mind" knowing that if something should happen we're covered.


The first and only time we needed to use the insurance was back in 2005, long story short my wife fell and she needed medical help via hospital in Tampa. We had the bill mailed to our Canadian address - ( eye opener ) on the cost.


The bills totalling 15 thousand US Dollars approx.

Being Canadian factor the exchange and those bills were in the 18 thousand range.


The best advise to give anyone travelling - get the coverage - you never know what can happen or when?

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And don't think you don't need insurance if you are young or kids are young. My sister and her husband were taking her 9 yr. old granddaughter on a cruise last year and right before they got off the shuttle to go on the ship, the child had a grand mal seizure (had never had seizures previously) had to go to ER and no cruise (except for the luggage, it had a nice trip!). Fortunately, they did have insurance on all 3 and reimbursed for the cruise, etc. You just never know.....

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Never brought it, never will.


42 years of cruising.


While we could afford to lose the cost of airfare and the cruise, a medivac would certainly have a negative impact on our finances. On another forum someone posted a medical transfer from St. Petersburg Russia to the US was $113,000. Even a transfer from some places in the Caribbean would be pretty expensive.

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To those who never buy it. Do you still buy home-owner's insurance or car insurance even though you've never had an accident or fire?


Most people carry that insurance only because the bank that holds the note requires it or state law requires it. I suspect that many would not carry those types of insurance if they were made to. Fortunately the decision to not have travel insurance only impacts the person that making the decision. My health plan covers me worldwide if I am using an in network doctor, but it doesn't cover anything for medical evacuation and that's the primary reason that I get the travel insurance.

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Elaine515 this is off topic but I don't know how to send pm messages on CC. Anyway, I noticed in your signature you cruised the Destiny several times. You must make sure you do the Sunshine in one of your future cruises. If you loved the Destiny you will fall in love with the ship all over again as the Sunshine.


To the OP, so sorry these things happened to your sister and family.

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Sorry to hear that your sister was injured. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I've cruised 16 times and have had insurance for all of them. I want to make sure I understand your situation so are you saying that your insurance won't pay for any of your expenses while you had to remain on the island or your return home costs? Since your sister couldn't be left alone during her medical crisis I'd think you should be able to submit to your insurance? This type of information will be helpful when choosing future insurance plans. What about the trip delay or trip interruption part of the insurance?

OP did not have insurance of any kind

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On our first cruise ever with Norwegian we learned this lesson.

When my dad and I went back to the ship in Cozumel to go check the achoal in before going back and meet up with the rest of our group.


He passed out as soon was we cleared security. He was rushed to the Medical room and the doctor did an upper and Lower GI on the ship. Turns out he ate something that scratched is stomach and was causing him to bleed. He and mom had to get off the ship and the brought them to a hospital.


No one from the cruise line went with them. because they did not have any type of insurance.


Thank god my older brother and is wife did not come and was able to wire mom money to get dad out the Mexico hospital and fly them home.


I don't remember the cost but it was a lot. Thank god mom was able to file claims with their insurance once they got home.


We may not take out the carnival insurance but we get some kind of insurance.

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OP learned a hard lesson by not having trip insurance. We always buy trip insurance for any kind of trip that we have to put a large deposit on/pay in full before the trip begins. The first time I went through insuremytrip.com, and we have since then bought the insurance straight from the company we use, Allianz.


We had to file a claim with them in 2008, because the day of my father's funeral was the day we were supposed to fly to Florida to meet up with family to go on a cruise. We flew out the day following the funeral, but had to pay $312 for the difference in airfare. We filed our claim when we got back and had a check for that amount in 2 weeks. I realize that amount is not a huge amount, but made me realize even more how travel insurance is a must for us. We just figure it into the cost of the trip.


To beta98beta: Cruise Critic does not allow the sending of personal messages. :( There have been many times I'd like to ask a question to a specific poster or discuss something with them and there is no way to message them. Really surprises me that with the size of this message board they don't let you send PM's.

Edited by Yvonne
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I was on the Paradise out of Tampa that sailed on November 10th, 2014.

My wife and I sailed with my sister and sister in law.

We had 2 cabins on the Empress deck.

On Wednesday November 12th, my wife and I returned to the Paradise at about 2 pm after visiting downtown Georgetown.

We heard a page requesting that my sister and sister in law contact guest services.

We went down to guest services and were of course shocked to hear that my sister had fallen up on the Lido deck, that she was down in the medical area, and “was going to be taken off the ship.”

My sister was tendered over to Georgetown, put into an ambulance, and was taken immediately to the hospital.

My wife and I [who went back on the tender to the ship] were given 15 minutes to pack up and leave the ship.

My sister was in tremendous pain and was later that evening [after several CT scans] was diagnosed with some cracked vertebrae.

She was given pain and inflammation meds via IV, and was told she would remain in bed until she could walk with no pain.

My sister was received what I consider to be excellent care in the hospital. She was in the hospital for about 30 hours.

The hospital bill, which had to [of course] had to be paid before being discharged from the hospital and being allowed to leave the country, was $4789.44 US.

The doctor bill, which was separate from the hospital bill, was about $700.00 US.

My wife and I stayed on the island until Saturday, when all 3 of us flew back to the US.

The total amount that was spent on the hospital, doctor, accommodations, food, & transportation was be close to $8000.00 US.


I like to mention that we were helped immensely by Carnivals dock agent in Grand Cayman.


My point in writing this post is to encourage everyone to purchase some type of travel insurance that would pay for at least some of your expenses if this was to ever happen to you.


I’d like to ask the Cruise Critic community a few questions:

If you were on this cruise, and happened to witness this accident, please contact me.

And also, I also was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to view your Sign and Sail account AFTER your cruise.


What if you can't afford to pay that much money? They won't allow to leave the country?

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FYI, On many third party insurance carriers you can get insurance coverage up to 48 hours prior to travel date.

[quote name='janie315']PurpleDog - Wishing your sister a speedy recovery! Funny, I just purchased cruise insurance just yesterday for my upcoming cruise. I may add that you can purchase insurance up to 15 days prior to sailing.[/QUOTE]
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For anyone who is a member of the Canadian Public Service, and I know there are many of us who frequent these boards, know that you are covered by the Public Service Health Care Plan (Public Service Travel Benefit and Emergency Travel Assistance Benefit).

[B]Travel Benefit[/B]

The Public Service Health Care Plan covers you and your dependants for up to $500,000 each in eligible medical expenses incurred as a result of an emergency while traveling on vacation or business. This coverage continues for up to 40 days after departure from your province of residence.

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In 2002 my husband fell ill on board and was taken ashore to a hospital in Belize. Fortunately we had purchased insurance for this trip where previously we would not have. My husband passed away a few days later and I had to arrange for embalming, etc before flying him home. The insurance reimbursed me for the hospital bill, the hotel I stayed at and the airfare home. But I'd like to add that these were the days before the cruise lines required a passport (which they did shortly after 9/11 ) and neither of us had one. Carnival had some port agents helping me (Thank God). I had to go to the US embassy, get photos and a Visa etc before I could leave the country. I learned to buy insurance AND to get and carry a passport with me on any trip outside the US ! and I always carry a color copy of my passport with me while on shore.
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What most people don't understand is that the United States is the only place where you can go to a hospital for treatment, get the best care anywhere and walk back out without paying a dime. Other countries don't do that. As one working in the medical field, I don't blame them. Medical care is expensive, the training is expensive and I am tired of having people think they are "owed". Sorry for my rant, but the insurance is well worth the alternative. Although, If something happened to DH on a cruise in the Med, I might just tell them to bury him in the ocean. He does love to cruise after all!
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Thanks again everyone for all the kind words and all of the information. The Cruise Critic site and in particular the message boards really are amazing. I have learned so much on here !

My sister is doing much better. She is not yet back to work, but with each day of rest, she is feeling better.

The real eye opener to me from all this is that fact that Carnival decides if you stay on the ship or not. Don't get me wrong, in my sisters case, there was no way were were NOT going to go to the hospital.
Keep in mind that the moment you step off the ship, even though the decision to leave might have been made for you, you are responsible for any and all expenses, no matter what they are.

I should mention 2 things: its ended up costing the 3 of us almost $1600 to get my sister back to Tampa and my wife and I back to Greensboro.
Flights are VERY expensive if you need to take one the next day ! =)

I also want to mention that Carnival did provide us "boots on the ground" help with everything in the form of their dock agent in Georgetown.
Carnival was and is very clear that they will not provide us with any type of compensation for this accident, and I cant argue with that, but they have called and asked about my sister several times.

I am 58, and each year it seems like I have more aches and pains than the year before. I occasionally [2-3 times a year] will pull some muscles in my back and will be confined to my bed or sofa with a heat pack for 2-3 days. I cant help but wonder what Carnivals medical team would do if I showed up at the medical department with a pulled muscle and in obvious pain ?

On our cruise in January 2014 on the Paradise, I was eating a pastrami sandwich from the Lido deli and noticed that something was lodged in between 2 teeth. I tried rinsing and floss, but it just would not come out. I went down to the medical department were I was told they do nothing whatsoever with teeth but that I could, if I wanted to, pay $125 to see the doctor on board. It was repeated 3-4 times that he did no type of dentistry work at all. It was suggested that I "go up to the MDR and get some toothpicks." I mention this incident only to perhaps educate folks on what the medical team on the ship does and does not do.

I have already begun to look at policies for the next "out of the US" trip we take.

Thanks again everyone.
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Always buy Travel Insurance. I was a travel agent and always heard many different issues that are unforeseen.
Last 3 cruises the ship had to medvac psgrs.
I recommend Travel Guard. It will usually cover pre existing conditions of purchased 7 days from your deposit. You can also add on options like " cancel for any reason"

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[quote name='Gerry P']What if you can't afford to pay that much money? They won't allow to leave the country?[/QUOTE]

The embassy would probably help you out. I don't know exactly what all the services are but I'm sure there's something they can/will do.
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We always buy Travel Insurance and it is costly because we are in our early 70s. I cringe whenever we buy it! Medicare does not cover out of the US. Our Medigap policy would cover 80% after a $250.00 deductible. However, if it was a $50,000 Medivac bill it would still be very expensive.

We purchase through InsureMyTrip and choose one that is PRIMARY. Carnival's insurance is SECONDARY so you have to submit to other insurance first.
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[quote name='bradboy']Always buy Travel Insurance. I was a travel agent and always heard many different issues that are unforeseen.
Last 3 cruises the ship had to medvac psgrs.
I recommend Travel Guard. It will usually cover pre existing conditions of purchased 7 days from your deposit. You can also add on options like " cancel for any reason"[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this entire thread. I usually purchase travel insurance, but I was going to go without as CCL was charging $100 per passenger in my party of 5. Went to Travel Guard and purchased a comparable policy for $150 total. Feel much better now.
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I purchased only one time as my FIL was very sick. Unfortunately he passed before our cruise. But I did need medical care for the only time so it paid for itself. Would not buy insurance unless a similar circumstance arose. Of course as I get older or have health issues I would probably purchase regularly.
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