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Mitsugirly's extensive back to belly sun & sky review


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You said you had breakfast in Moderno; where you in a suite? Is it open to everyone for breakfast?


If you have VIP status, you get to have breakfast in Cagneys or, now on some ships, it's Moderno. Not everybody got to eat there when we were VIP this past February. They checked our room cards every time we went in.

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If you have VIP status, you get to have breakfast in Cagneys or, now on some ships, it's Moderno. Not everybody got to eat there when we were VIP this past February. They checked our room cards every time we went in.



Moderno was free for everyone on the Sun. It was open for breakfast every morning and was like a smaller sized buffet (table with food in trays and a food bar) plus they had the stations (like in the buffet) with waffles or made to order omelette's. There was hardly ever any waiting.


La Cucina was the VIP place for the Sun (although we only made it there the first day and completely forgot about checking it out for breakfast and lunch on the other days <---I have a habit of doing that lol)

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Moderno was free for everyone on the Sun. It was open for breakfast every morning and was like a smaller sized buffet (table with food in trays and a food bar) plus they had the stations (like in the buffet) with waffles or made to order omelette's. There was hardly ever any waiting.


La Cucina was the VIP place for the Sun (although we only made it there the first day and completely forgot about checking it out for breakfast and lunch on the other days <---I have a habit of doing that lol)


Thank you for that clarification!

I am waiting on pins and needles for you other posts! ;)

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The little fish hanging with your daughter in Costa Maya are probably Mojorra.


Love all the photos your took of your cruise! It really brings your review to life.


Thanks for the info on the fish. Now at least I have a name to go along with them. They were funny to watch and quite interesting. :) Well, maybe we were the interesting ones...I'm not sure. :D


The dome building in Costa Maya looks like a Sweat Lodge to me. The Mayan's used these for purification rituals (similar to a steam bath spa treatment.) Nowadays they have sweat lodges for tourist attractions. Check this out:




Wow, thanks for that info. I think that's exactly what it was looking at that video. Thank you. :)

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I thought I would finish a little more tonight before heading to bed (only 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm exhausted).





FRIDAY: Our day in Cozumel, Mexico.


I set the wake up call for 7am. Can anyone guess what happens next? I bet you can...I'm up at 6:45am.






On our way out the door, we noticed this:




There seems to be something missing. Yep, someone stole our decor off the door. Sakari was completely bumed, but I knew this was a possibility when I put it up there.


We ate at Moderno this morning and headed up to the deck to watch us pull into Cozumel.


Meanwhile the goof balls were having fun and didn't realize I was snapping pictures of them.




She loves her daddy so much.





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We headed down to the Stardust Lounge at 8:30 to meet up with our excursion group.





Yes, believe it or not, I purchased my second SHIP SPONSORED excursion this cruise. YIKES! I know it's so unheard of for me...but hey why not.


I have been wanting to go to Passion Island for several years now. I loved the pictures that I have seen people post on here and when you hear "That's where they filmed one of the Corona Commercials" you know that it has to be beautiful there right??


So I knew I had to at least try this place out...if not only just to tell people "Hey, I've been there...now what???"


It seems as though for years, Carnival was the only cruise ship I could find that had an excursion here (well, I'm sure there's others, but didn't research much in to it) and they did it by the Twister boat, which looks like it could be fun...but I'm not sure with a small child. No need to get whiplash right?


I tried to figure out the best way to do it on my own, but it seemed like it's very time consuming. Book with someone after getting off the ship...walking to where they are. Getting in a taxi/car to take you to where you then have to get on a boat to go over to the island. It really didn't appeal to me. I would much rather just get off the ship and get on the boat and just take me there darn-it!!! I don't like to waste time.


So...we booked with the cruise line.




We met at 8:45pm and got our wrist bands.





They announced that the catamaran would be a little late, possibly 10 minutes or so. So we waited....


I have to say that all of the announcements over and over while sitting in the lounge...they really push selling their water and have a table set up with staff to purchase it from. I have yet to see anyone actually buy it though.


When it was time to go, we got off the ship and headed down the dock. Of course you always have to stop for the "picture" from the great NCL photographers.






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Well would you looky here...here comes the Epic! I was super excited to see her. I absolutely LOVE this ship. She was the first ship we sailed on when I started cruising again (and my husbands very first cruise) and I love everything about her. The entertainment, the casino, her beauty and decor, the water park...I just love her. I know there's a lot that don't and the poor Epic has been under fire about her "hat" since she was built. But hey, it gives her a look of her own! I'm all for being your own person...be the leader, not the follower! hehe





A look at the Suns "rump"








This would be the boat that takes us over to Passion Island. It was docked right there on the pier next to the Sun. Not far to walk at all and that made it nice. We didn't even have to go into port...winding our way around all the vendors in the 2 story complex.








Pulling away, I was able to get a few more shots of the Sun docked.





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Before we took off, we were told that it was a little wavy out today and it might make for a little slower ride on the way to the island. We were going against the waves and the wind.


By then the Epic was "pulling in"





On the way (leave it to me to pick the wrong side), they closed our plastic blinds right after I snapped this picture and the water was splashing everywhere.





Epic still pulling in. She is going to look massive next to the Sun.




Sakari sporting her sun-specs




It was about a 20-25 minute ride to the island.





The island looked beautiful with powdery soft sand and we got off the boat.


Glancing down the beach, I just couldn't wait to pick our spot for the day.




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Looking toward the opposite side of the island where the boat docks.





Beautiful palm trees line up. I can see why this place was a choice place to film the commercial.





The guides from the boat told us as soon as we got off the ship that we would walk over under the trees and he would give us a quick "low-down" on the day and where everything was at. He also warned us about the "photographer" guys that will line everyone up to take pictures. We were told that if we didn't want our picture done to just tell them no and keep walking.


Well, the people ahead of us did just that and they actually started yelling at them...to the point that they said "hey lady, GET BACK HERE!!!" It was really rude like and kind of took me back a second. We decided at that point that we wouldn't stop and instead of staying in their hearding line, we walked AROUND them and of course got yelled at (yes I did this on purpose after hearing how they talked to the other people). We just kept on walking and didn't look back.


We made it to the spot where "the speach" took place. They had the cutest little "pineapples" there. It didn't realize pineapples grew in the sand like that. Can you see them?




Now THIS is what I'm talking about!!!





I could look at this all day (and I would...well kinda).





This would be where they want you to stop and have your picture taken.






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They said this is the exact spot where they filmed the commercial.










Can you tell I'm not paying a bit of attention to "the speach"?



There's just too many neat things to take pictures of...you can hold down my attention to boring talk.





Sakari standing on the pineapple





FINALLY the talk was over and we scattered like someone had just stepped on fire ants. The gun went off and the racers started the race...off to find the perfect spot for the day.






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We passed the showers





This looked interesting...if only it was closer to the water!!






Of course our late arrival left us with no beds. Others beat us to them.





We decided to just put our things down at a table under a palapa. Now do you notice anything about this area?





It's really far from the water as well. Geesh. See this is the type of thing I don't like when going somewhere. I like there to be areas that are very close to the water both in the shade and the sun. I don't like to have to walk a mile to go to the water and I sure couldn't let Sakari play there while sitting in the shade. You are pretty much forced to sit in the weird S chairs in the sun the entire time if you go down there.


There was a playground directly behind us and I was hoping that Sakari might make some use of it and we would be able to see her at our table while relaxing.






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We were informed that this was an AI...all you can eat and drink all day long!!! YES!!! So this was the AI that I was talking about when I thought it was the free lunch you get on our excursion with Shark Ray. I guess I'm kind of glad it ended up being this place instead since we would be staying her all day instead of just enough time to eat like at shark/ray.


This was the dining area under the roof. They served food all day long and as much as you wanted. They had 2 bars here as well...or your server would get anything you wanted for you.








The playground area:





I guess I'll start the day off with the Passion Island drink. Let's get this party started. Throw caution to the wind and forget about what time it is. Drink, eat and be merry. We are on island time!





Looking at my beautiful surroundings.





The weird thing I didn't like was that you had to walk so far down the beach to get to all of the beds and chairs and tables (from the boat dock). The area around the boat dock is very beautiful and I wished that they had chairs and loungers down there.


The other problem is that the restrooms are back the other way and can be quite a walk depending on where you decided was your spot. I'm glad we didn't go "too" far.


Before long Sakari was having a fit about heading down to the water and I knew I couldn't hold her off much longer...but yet I wasn't sure how we were going to do this. I sure didn't want to sit in the sand in the sun the entire time.


We grabbed a couple of beach towels and headed down. She couldn't wait to get in the water.





I have to say, it looked pretty "icky" to me. It was real wavy out instead of calm and there was a lot of seaweed. I know you can't control this and it's a mother nature thing...but not exactly what I had pictured in my mind when coming here.

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The beach looked lovely and you could tell that they kept it clean and raked. We did see them doing more work to the island, but it was just the water that was a bit of a turn off for me. They had a bunch of hammocks out in the water. They looked very inviting. However, one toe in the water and YIKES!!! It was freezing. I tried my hardest to get in up to my ankles and it just wasn't working for me. As much as I wanted to make it out to the hammocks and just hang out, it just didn't feel worth it to me.








Sakari however was determined to go out there. Since it was so rough in the water, I insisted on her putting her puddle jumper on. I wasn't about to risk it and sure wasn't going to ruin my day by going after her.





Of course once she got out there, she couldn't get in them. I'm not sure I could have gotten in them myself without getting knocked over by the waves.


We seen the water toys out in the water. They looked like they could have been a lot of fun and it was a great opportunity to be able to use them for free...but once again, I wasn't getting in this cold and wavy water to try it out.





But you know Sakari would attempt it.





Of course she couldn't do it by herself and started swimming back. The water was just so churned up it didn't look inviting at all.



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I yelled for Sakari to come out of the water so that we could go back up to our table. She got about waist deep and screamed. Then came out of the water crying and holding her leg. Oh no...what now.


This was her leg:





She cried all the way back to the table and every time I looked down at her leg, it was getting worse.








By the time we made it back to the table, it was now all the way around her leg and was swelling. Oh just great...are there jelly fish here today? I know that they told us that we could go over and look at the "Lagoon" on the other side of the island, but we would not be able to swim there because they have jelly fish there AND crocodiles!!! Really? If they are there, then they are probably here as well right?


Jorge, one of the tour guys that came over on the boat with us immediately noticed her crying and came over. I showed him her leg and he said it was from the fire coral. He explained how they were out there and when the water gets rough and turned up, sometimes their tentacles get broken off and they float in the water and people get stung.


He went over to the buffet and brought back vinegar to take away the sting and a tomato to take away the itch. He explained to Sakari what to do and how to use it. He promised her that if she didn't scratch it, it would be gone in about an hour. The key to not scratching it would be to use the tomato every time instead. She thought this was quite funny to be putting a tomato on her leg but liked that it worked. She still talks about it and would use this as a teaching tool on another excursion we did the following week. (I'm glad to see she was not only paying attention, but understood why it was being done).




Jorge was wondered and kept checking in on us all day. Sakari was pleased that he did tell the truth about it going away. It was gone within an hour and there was no trace of anything happening by the time we left. Sakari decided that she was not going back in that water for the rest of the day!


A few selfies












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So since you can't swim in the ocean for fear of being stung...what else is there left to do for a child? EAT OF COURSE!


I had to go get Sakari some food, since she was now disabled and all...






"Our" spot for the day




Part of the childrens area




They had hammocks to lay on in there.






They also have an area to play some hoops





The beach that could have been, but never will be now.






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I really love using the tilt shift feature on my camera so you will find pictures all during this review using this feature. It just looks neat to me, even on the ground (but works out better from a distance). I also liked using the "soft" focus to when it comes to the palm trees. It just looks dreamy.





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Although this place didn't have the traditional Mexican food that I oh so love when I'm in Mexico...the food was still very good and we ate all day.











Daddy "claims" he had to use the restroom, only he didn't return for awhile. (Remember how I like to do this?)...well, I figured out why he wasn't returning...he found the food as well.





Sakari's leg was all better now and she was ready to play.





We headed into the playground and she started with the trampoline.






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Odd picture and I liked it...





There is a lady who works in the playground. They call her "The nanny". She pretty much works all the arts and crafts and has tons of things inside the little hut for the kids to do.


She pulled out a picture for Sakari to paint on. (Now remember what a good artist Sakari is...don't judge her by that...she's terrible at painting!!! lol Then again, so am I).


Jorge taking her up to the nanny to find her something to paint.





The nanny getting her set up.





Meanwhile, this is what I'm doing...








I was relaxing there for quite some time and enjoying it.


I was also taking pictures as I laid there too. LOL (Well, come on now, you guys know me...if I seen an ant crawling across the hammock I would snap a picture).



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The nanny hut





Meanwhile...I see something out of the corner of my eye run across the playground and it wasn't a child.





She was sneaking and would run over behind one object and then continue to the next.





Sakari had no idea what was going on right in front of her.





However the nanny did. When I said something to her, she said that it was a mommy raccoon and she had babies over in the playhouse...um say what? And they let children play in here??? Yikes! Just what I needed...to have my child stung by fire coral and bitten by a raccoon.


Of course Sakari, lover of all creatures until the bite or sting her, says "awww, how cute" (she says this for everything even if it's the ugliest monster looking creature ever created).


Then she went back to her drawing.





I'mmmmm thinking it's time for some morrrre food.






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...and possibly some more drinks??? Sure why not. There's one thing about this island...they will load you up with drinks and before you can finish one, they are bringing you more. The ONLY problem I had was I normally like frozen drinks. They didn't have frozen drinks.





The blue drinks...ewwwy, very sour.


Some of the shops. I did not bother to go to any of them.





More drinks









Me wondering off...saying I was headed to the restroom...and doing my thing.








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Here are the restrooms. They have the mens and womens together in the building, but separate entrances.


There was some talk...well someone that was supposed to be on a Carnival excursion to here posted a review on TA saying that they had a peeping Tom at the restrooms and really raised a stink about this alleged allegation. They claimed they were in the restroom and it was dark in there. They said that they looked up and seen someone looking in the window behind them with a camera or something like that.





Now I'm not really sure since I've been there about this. I had something TOTALLY different pictured in my head about the restrooms.


If they did have a peeping Tom, they no longer peep. The windows are boarded up.





The bathroom is not at all "dark"




I mean the entire place has an open roof with plenty of light.


I'm just really not sure. I mean yes, I guess they could have boarded the windows up after this incident, but it was just way different than what I had pictured (which was more like an outhouse shack type of thing, dark and dingy, small and a little more accessible from the outside.) But whatever. You don't have to worry about it now.









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There are 2 openings to come in the the restrooms and then the restrooms are on either side. I must have gotten turned around when I came out because I then managed to get myself lost. I was just busy taking pictures along the way and didn't actually notice that I was never coming to our spot until I came across the boat dock area. LOL Silly me.





I think I just manage to find termite trees everywhere I go















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