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11/29/14 Freedom Solo Premier Casino Cruise Review


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Wednesday, 12/3, Aruba


We weren't due in port until 2 pm. It's a long way from DR to Aruba and I'm surprised that they can make that distance in under 24 hours!


I went up for my breakfast burrito. They young man who had been behind the counter on Monday was back and ask if I was still hung over. I honestly don't know how they do it. How many hundreds of people had he seen over the two days since Monday morning, yet he not only recognized me, but he remembered my comments. These people are amazing.


I wanted to get a little sun and reading time so headed up to Serenity. Again, it was not serene. I know it's windy up there and there are roaring vent noises coming from close by, and when you add the BLAH BLAH BLAH from the big TV, people end up bellowing at each other just to have a "normal" conversation. But, it's annoying. It really is. Serenity shouldn't just mean "kid-free zone." It should mean quiet and relaxing. It's hard to sit and read when there are groups of people behind you shouting and the big tv blaring.


I'm not sure what I did for lunch. I believe I went to the deli and had a turkey & swiss on roll. I really love those sandwiches.


Then it was off to find Sonny Binns for our tour. I'd also had a very difficult time trying to get just SIX people to sign up for this, despite having read very good comments about Sonny. Besides my hotel taxi friend, I eventually got people from the "other" roll call to contact him and we ended up with 7 (or maybe 9) people. Sonny has a larger van than those typical tiny vans you find in the islands.


Everyone seems to love Aruba, but I wasn't that impressed. Yes, I knew it was going to be desert. I actually do a little research on my ports before I sail. Every island is not like Jamaica or St Lucia or Dominica. I actually liked the desert-island aspect of it. But it's just so commercial and developed. I'm sure it's a nice place to fly to and spend a week in a hotel, sunning and swimming and eating and drinking. I just prefer islands that are a little less touristy.



Approaching Oranjestad


Our first stop was at the rock formations. Everywhere we went, there were large buses as well as small taxi vans. It was all rather crowded. I ran into people from the ship at every stop. It was next-to-impossible to get a decent photo without having random people walking into your shot just as you're ready to snap. Hey, tourists! Get out of my travel photos!


After my climb up and back down, I went to the little gift shop area and had my first Balashi beer. I always like to try the local brews.


Then it was over to the NE side of the island to see the Baby natural bridge and the remains of the original, which collapsed about 10 years ago. I thought the water and coastline was absolutely gorgeous. I'm not a swimmer, so I'd much rather be on this side of the island than the SW where all the hotels are located.



Baby Bridge




Next up was the Alto Vista Chapel. I won't post my photo because you can find many of them online (and my pics are all full of people). I did like the view behind the chapel. It's like being in Arizona but surrounded by the beautiful Caribbean. I do like that idea very much.




With such a late day here, it was already getting dark. We were going to stop at the beach for some sunset photos, but it was cloudy and no sunset was to be had this day. So we headed on up to the California Lighthouse. It really needs some restoration work.


It was dark by the time we got back to the ship. I dropped my bag off in the cabin and went straight up for dinner. No waiting since it was just 6 pm and many people were still out and about. This night's menu is the one that you don't get on the 7-night sailings. I had beef carpaccio, blackened tilapia, and the white chocolate bread pudding. This isn't nearly as appetizing-looking and Bitter-n-Blanc, but it was very, very tasty.


Although I was stuffed, I wanted to go back out and walk around, since we so rarely get evening port stops. I headed off the ship and turned right onto the main street. I stopped at the first place that looked interesting. The Paddock. It's mostly open-air and right on the water. The walls in the bar area were almost completely covered with currency from all over the world. They were very busy, but I managed to sit at the bar and have a couple of Balashi drafts. Not sure what the wheel was for (maybe you get a wheel spin if you write something on your money to put on the wall).






Back on the ship, I went straight up to Lido. Guardians of the Galaxy was the movie. The movie had already started and every lounger was occupied. I grabbed some popcorn (well, you have to have popcorn whether you're hungry or not, right?) and sat on a stool in front of the Red Frog Rum Bar. I wasn't particularly interested in the movie. I wanted to hear one of the songs on the soundtrack. Normally, I pay no attention to movie soundtracks, but it happens that way back when I was a teen in the Cleveland area, my sister and I were friends with a local band. This band has a track in the movie. Unfortunately, I think I had just missed it when I arrived. But how cool is that to have a song by a band you knew, oh, 45 years or so ago be on a best-selling soundtrack? I stuck around for a little while because, well, I had to have my popcorn, right?


Then I headed to the casino. I think I did OK that night but don't recall any specifics. I did not win the free cruise drawing for the Premier group.

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Well, that would be name dropping (even though most people have never heard of the band). It should be fairly easy to figure out, though! ;)


Since someone reading this is leaving tomorrow, maybe I should actually write my entry to Curacao. I've been very lazy. That's what cruising once a month does to me - makes me just never want to do any work ever again! :p

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Thursday, 12/4, Curacao


Third of my three new ports on this cruise. In my attempts at planning, I'd come across mention of a female taxi driver who did east and west-side tours. I hadn't bothered to contact her because when I mentioned it in the Roll Call, I got no interest, so I signed up for a tour with Irie Tours. Sounded a bit like more of a party bus that I typically want, but, hey, it was going where I wanted to go and sounded like fun. Well, when I returned from Splendor, someone on the Roll Call had contacted Natasja (Dushi Tours) and was asking for another 7 or 8 or however-many people to join, so I changed my plans to what I'd originally wanted to do in Curacao.


We docked at 8. After breakfast, I stopped in the lobby to meet the couple who had organized the tour, went back to the cabin to gather my stuff, and headed out to the pier. There were some vendors down there and the usual hoard of taxi drivers trying to drum up business.




We all gathered and headed down the street to her taxi which was a slightly-dented, fairly messy mini-van. I rode shotgun, simply because I was solo and I'm tall with back issues, and climbing in and out of the back of those vans is difficult.


We set off through Willemstad where she pointed out various sights and sites, and watched as the pontoon footbridge swung open to allowed a boat to pass. Then we were off across the big bridge and over to the Punda area.




She dropped us off at the beginning of the floating market. There are Venezuelan fishing boats lining the water with the stalls on the street side. There was some very tasty-looking fruits, vegetables, and fresh fish for sale. At the end of the market and across the street were other typical touristy stands selling jewelry and souvenirs. I liked a pair of earrings (I like to get them for DD) but the vendor wasn't interested in bargaining.




Natasja arrived with the van, but we were missing a couple of people. So, the pattern of waiting at every stop began.


Next, we were off to the Curacao Liqueur factory. There's a building with historical info and photos where you do a little walk-through tour. At the end is the tasting area, gift shop and rest rooms. I bought the 5-pack of orange-flavored mini bottles. I should've also bought the 3-pack that had the trio of chocolate, coffee, and rum raisin. Not sure why I didn't, but I didn't.






Back on the bus, one of the women realized she didn't have her sunglasses, so we waited while she and Natasja hunted for them. No luck.


We drove over to Venezuela Bay, then up to the gift shop with the (not) Million Dollar View. Our last stop was at Papagayo Beach Club. Those who wanted to use the pool and their beach got to cough up some cash. The rest of us wandered off. I headed to an open-air restaurant/bar to see if there was a local brew I could try. Don't recall the name of what I had. When I paid in USD, I got my change back in guilders. People there didn't seem to be quite as fluent in English as they were in Aruba (and in Aruba, if you paid in USD, your change was also in USD).




We only had 45 minutes here (partly because of having to wait at earlier stops), so at the appointed time, most of us were back at the van. It was quite hot both sitting outside and sitting in the van, despite the a/c. Natasja had to go off in search of several of our party. They finally arrived about 20 minutes after we'd been told to be back!


Now, some of you may be here and may read this, but I have to comment on this. Some may have apologized to Nastaja, but NO ONE said a single word to those of us who had been sitting there, in the hot sun, waiting for them. Hey, know what? I could've sat at the bar and had another beer and enjoyed the beautiful views. Or, if I'd know the time would've been 75-80 minutes instead of 45, I might've opted to buy the pass and enjoyed the infinity pool, too!


There's no excuse! She said 45 minutes. You look at your watch and it's 1:45. That means be back AT THE VAN at 2:30. It doesn't mean you go to the beach and go swimming and ignore everything and everyone else. But if you do, you AT LEAST could apologize to the people you kept waiting all that time. You know, something simple like "Sorry, I was swimming and lost track of time." How difficult is that?


Anyway, back at the ship, I didn't see many people tipping her as we left. I'm pretty sure the people who were always late weren't. Someone I spoke to later who was with us said they didn't tip because they felt it was her fault that the others weren't keeping to the schedule.


The VIFP party was at 4:30. The lower level was quite full. I went down to the left side, close to the stage. The drink people would come down the main aisle and start down the side aisle, where the people by the aisle, who already had drinks, would grab several off the tray. The server would then head back to replenish. The next server would start down the aisle and the people would grab several drinks off the tray. The server would then head back to replenish. See a pattern here? At one point, several of us stood and waved to try to get someone to come directly to us and I had to shriek at the guy sitting two down from me to PLEASE let us have one drink since they'd had about four and the rest of us hadn't even had ONE! Greedy jerks!


I mean, it's not like I needed more free drinks, right? It's that the servers, in typical Carnival fashion, can't say anything to any passenger, so they have to let the greedy ones just continue to grab drinks off their trays even when they're actually trying to get to other people.


So, Jen Baxter arrives and I know it's time for me to leave. There was drawing scheduled for 5 in the casino, so that was enough of an excuse for me! Of course, I didn't win the drawing, so I played Roulette for a little while then went back to the cabin to get ready for dinner. In the cabin was a box of a dozen huge cookies. Good grief! Did I really need more food?!?!


I went to dinner fairy early again, then to the sports bar to watch ECU football and Cavs basketball. Back out to the Roulette table until about 11:30.

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Thanks again for another great review. I sailed the Conquest 11//13 with you and will be on the Freedom repo cruise 02/15. Several of the ports are the same so its nice to pre plan.


I am right there with you on the " it's all about me" attitude on the excursions. Not only is it rude but it messes up the time line for the remainder of the tour.


I had to laugh at your experience with the past guest party. I actually walked over to the group with 3 drinks , stood in front of them and said in my sweet southern voice, " I don't know if you all are aware of this but some of us are still waiting for a drink" That is what came out of my mouth ( I hope) not what was going thru my mind......

Edited by springs741
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Thanks again for another great review. I sailed the Conquest 11//13 with you and will be on the Freedom repo cruise 02/15. Several of the ports are the same so its nice to pre plan.




I am right there with you on the " it's all about me" attitude on the excursions. Not only is it rude but it messes up the time line for the remainder of the tour.




I had to laugh at your experience with the past guest party. I actually walked over to the group with 3 drinks , stood in front of them and said in my sweet southern voice, " I don't know if you all are aware of this but some of us are still waiting for a drink" That is what came out of my mouth ( I hope) not what was going thru my mind......



Had to laugh [emoji2]



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We were on this cruise as well and wanted to mention that the 3hr. Irie Tour in Curacao wasn't a party bus, that day. The tour included free beer, water and soft drinks. We too had a few people who kept us waiting 15 min. at the liquor factory and were told not to be late again and they weren't. They didn't apologize to those of us waiting either. It was a good tour for the money we paid..$25 ea.

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I enjoyed Nastaja's tour and she's a really nice person. But one of the reasons I prefer non-ship tours is because they're less expensive, fewer people, and somewhat customizable. And you don't spend half your time in mobs being herded on and off big buses. And waiting for the inevitable stragglers. Now, the gift shop and rest rooms there were crowded, but it didn't take THAT much time to use the facilities and buy something!


And, at this stop, we were all back on time but the woman realized once she was in the van that she didn't have her sunglasses so the two of them searched the entire place. Hint: in the future, put your sunglasses on top of your head rather than putting them down, and you won't walk off without them.


I did really like Curacao. I think I'd like to return there. I say that about a lot of ports but when I check air and hotel prices (and add in meals), I realize that I can cruise 2 or 3 times (in my nice, dark, cheapo inside cabins) for what it would cost me to spend a week on one of the islands! It's what's been driving my cruise obsession the past decade.


Right. So I just had a look at flight & hotel packages for the first week of May. There are places that aren't unreasonable. Papagayo is one of the most expensive. I don't really need luxury. I just want a clean room with a comfortable bed. There's actually an all-inclusive for just under $2,000, which sounds pretty good. Hmmm. I must do some research about the DR. I know they have several really nice AIs.


Anyway, must get this finished. Just started reading Jane's review (Delta Dear) and they sailed two weeks after I did! I've been slack. :o

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Friday, 12/5, at sea


I was up at 8:15. Threw on a swimsuit, grabbed my stuff, and started the long climb up the forward staircase to the Serenity Deck (puff, puff; lots of stairs!). Every big, round lounger in the front was occupied or reserved, naturally. I think there must've been people who set their alarm for 5 am so they could grab one.


So, I figured if everyone else was allowed to save chairs, I would just dump my stuff on one and go have breakfast. The regular seats didn't fill up until much later, long after I was done with my sunbathing (I just don't sit out all day and bake). I went down and got my breakfast burrito and tea, scarfed it down, made another cuppa and went back up to sit in the sun and read until about 10.


Time for another drawing in the casino that I didn't win! Then out on Deck 3 to sit in the shade and read some more. I had Fish & Chips for lunch. It isn't as good as I remember. Yes, F&C should be greasy, but the batter just seems to absorb too much. And the fries should be fat, not skinny. Skinny fries can't soak up the malt vinegar!


Back out on Deck 3 for more reading. Yes, I like to spend my sea days relaxing and reading. At least it's fairly quiet on Deck 3, most of the time. I went in and played a little Roulette but I usually had better luck in the evenings.




It was second elegant night, so I got ready for dinner, took my bottle of Prosecco and left it, and went and sat for a good 20 or 30 minutes to wait for my table. Once seated, I ordered the Chateaubriand. Once slice was very, very good. The other never should've been plated. It was an end slice and was inedible. I pointed that out to John, but since I had had plenty to eat, it wasn't an issue.


I decided to take in the show that night. Now, I know there's lots and lots of complaining about the Playlist shows. Personally, I don't get it. I don't think the live band is that important. I think the staging is quite impressive, actually.


This was the 80s music show, which is not my favorite era of music, but I thought the singing and dancing was quite good. I recalled that someone complained in an earlier review about the background staging being so distracting. I thought they did a great job of imitating/replicating the actual music videos for the songs. Maybe if you didn't watch a lot of MTV back then, you wouldn't realize that that's what they were doing. Anyway, I enjoyed myself.


Back in the casino, I wasn't having any luck at the wheel, so I moved over to a slot. I had just sat down (to order a drink, really, since you're supposed to be playing), when along came the casino hostess with the board for the Hot Seat. My machine's number had come up! Finally! I won something as a Premier Casino player!! I won $75. I took my card to the window, got my cash, and immediately gave $60 of it back at the wheel.


Then, because I'd been drinking bubbly, I felt compelled to dance (semi-alone/chick-dancing) because the casino band was playing 80s funk. I think I was asleep by about 12:30.

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I have been reading your review, and enjoying it and pics :D

I checked with the Carnival website a little while ago, and see I have new premier offers with casino cash. But it doesnt show how much casino cash. Even when doing a mock booking, it doesnt show up. Did you get these offers? There are 14 dates and you have until feb19 to book. How much cash comes with this offer... do you know?

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I'm from Ohio myself just curious. It's ok if you don't want to say.



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no no... I don't mind saying... your avatar was showing something in Texas.. I was going to ask if you were from Ohio and then saw your avatar..:rolleyes:

I am from Columbus... where in Ohio are you from?

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Your ok, I didn't want to pry. I'm actually from a corn field in Ohio. And I'm sure there is some grazing going on near by. Not much of a blogger we just like to cruise.

I actually read here a lot. It is where I learned most of my good tips on cruising, ports, ships, private tours.. etc etc. I have booked my favorite tours from reading on here... I don't follow high school sports... (I am a gal) and actually only watch the Buckeyes.. go figure....:rolleyes: ....

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Yea it's really neat actually. I'm learning a lot myself. We went to the Big Ten championship game in Indi.



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I got to go to the Big Ten game in Indiana... with my now ex boyfriend.. I believe it was 2008? It was a great time! Except... we lost :(

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