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Cheapo dad’s trip report on Allure of the Seas sailing December 14, 2014

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Harry, this is an extraordinary "review," I am enjoying all of it. I'm sorry that I didn't see this thread before today, but better late than never! it was so nice to include us in your thread, and I really appreciate the shout out! It was good to connect with you and your family, however briefly at the Welcome Back party. It was a special cruise for us, and your blah blah blah has made it even more memorable.


Thanks again :) (Still reading...)


Hi, Karen,


Thanks for the compliment. I figure you would read this sooner or later.


Thought you must be on one of your 18 planned cruises on any given week.

If Royal/Allure was going to give you recognition for the high achievement of 2,100 C&A points, the least I can do is point it out in my cruise summary (although it’s turning more into a tome rather than the Cliff notes version). Think by time you come back from the next cruise, I might still be slogging away on day 6…


Good chatting with your again and hope to see you on our next RCI cruise.

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Hi, Karen,


Thanks for the compliment. I figure you would read this sooner or later.


Thought you must be on one of your 18 planned cruises on any given week.

If Royal/Allure was going to give you recognition for the high achievement of 2,100 C&A points, the least I can do is point it out in my cruise summary (although it’s turning more into a tome rather than the Cliff notes version). Think by time you come back from the next cruise, I might still be slogging away on day 6…


Good chatting with your again and hope to see you on our next RCI cruise.


Absolutely, we look forward to it, but only if you promise to do another thread. :)

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Winding our way through the walk way




Then you get to this top scenic spot. For me this is the best place to take picture of the ship as it’s nearly impossible to get a frontal full view shot of the ship while you are on the cruise the way she is docked at the various ports. Especially here, you can see how big the ship is in comparison to the surroundings.


My wife’s picture is the first one I picked in my introduction on post #1 as I think that is the best picture from the cruise. This one is mine, pretty much the same but I am sure she will tell me her picture is better due to…




Here are few more pics from the area (from both of us)




Good to be going back to the ship





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The official time of departure on the brochure/online for Labadee is 5 PM and I have seen copies of the older daily compass that has the “all aboard” at 4:30, which is in line for a 5 PM sail away. But for our sailing and recent sailings prior, Allure has been leaving Labadee earlier. Now the “all aboard” is at 3:45. So in essence, RCI cheated me out of 45 minutes of port time.


I am sure 99% of the people don’t care as after few hours of the beach (especially during the summer when it’s super-hot), they are more than happy to run back to the air conditioning environment of the ship but for those of us who likes to explore, I could have used the extra 45 minutes to see more things.


I know there have been postings by other cruisers on Allure’s engine/pod problem back October/November time frame and I believe one eastern sailing was so late in arriving at St. Thomas that tours had to be cancelled and OBC were provided to everyone. Supposedly Allure has a temporary fix for this problem until dry dock but I think they are sailing earlier to give themselves a cushion to make it to Falmouth on time the next day.


Finally for what it’s worth, somehow extra port charges were refunded to all our accounts later in the cruise – saw this reported with other sailings as well. From what I read, the amount is different per each cabin depending on what you paid for your cruise – we got $17 OBC back per person. Don’t know what that is related to and which port/taxes got refunded. Typically people don’t care/ask questions when they have extra credits coming back but I bet if there is $2 extra showing up on the bill, people would be lined up by the hundreds in line with guest services complaining about the error.


OK, here is a picture of all the stuff they are bringing back to the ship. Royal version of “BYOE” party. “E” stands for everything since everything is brought off the ship for the day.




Picture of the map area on the wall in case you get lost




Different picture showing other map info. Guess we were at looking at the “Dragon Lookout Point” earlier that we couldn’t gain access through the gates. They say it takes you only 12 minutes to walk from here to Columbus Cove. Not sure about that. Seems aggressive to me as it’s pretty far.




There are various boats at the docks. I think I saw one sign that said, free boat ride when I first got there but I didn't pay much attention to it as I wanted to go to Columbus Grove. Maybe we will check that out next time we are there.







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One last picture and then time to go back through the security check point




OK, now notice anything different with the 2 blue buildings in the background compared to earlier? NO LONG LINES!


Like I said, come back a little bit later and you avoid the misery of the crowd




Even the performers weren’t enthused to see the few remaining stragglers coming back to the ship




After washing our hands, time for a snack break at the Café Promenade







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Just wanted to say I've been reading along and love your trip report. Thinking of taking our kids on their first cruise and love hearing other reports from parents-especially other Left Coasters!



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Just wanted to say I've been reading along and love your trip report. Thinking of taking our kids on their first cruise and love hearing other reports from parents-especially other Left Coasters!



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Thanks for following along. Hopefully this info will help you and your kids in a future cruise.


Wow, first cruise on an Oasis class ship for your kids would be such an amazing experience. Think most people will agree that this class of ship provides the maximum options for kids/families to enjoy their cruise vacation. If you follow along until the end of this report, then you can see what we did as a family and ask any questions you might have.

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So after refueling with the snacks, we made our way back to the cabin. Took a picture of the bottom of the rising tide bar. From this angle, sure looks like a spaceship to me.




Saw one of the neighbors hanging stuff to dry after their beach day. That’s one advantage if having an outside balcony versus an inside view cabin.




Then I looked at the back of the aqua theater for the view and saw that we have sailed away from Labadee. We all headed back to the secret balcony again and sure enough, even though it was only 4:01, we have already pulled a good distance away from the pier.




Took few more pictures from the area but realized we have too limited of view, we decided to go top deck. Given we are on 14, it was just a quick walk up and we are there to take more pictures.


Here is a different angle of where we were earlier







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Depending on what time of the year is your cruise and your dinner time (early or late seating), the sail away from Labadee could be your one and only sail away event. If you cruise during the winter time when the sun sets around 5 PM, the only sail away you will see is Labadee as the other two ports sails away around 7 PM. But if you have early dinner seating, even during the summer months, you will still miss the other two sail away as you will be in the MDR by then. So if watching the sail away is important to you, plan your meals accordingly for these port days.


People watching the sail away and few sample pics












This is where the high platform where the diver comes out



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Love your review and your family! I am going on the Allure on the 25th with my daughter and her husband and we can't wait. I feel like I've already been there thanks to you!

You have a beautiful family and must promise to cruise again and share with all of us!!!



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Love your review and your family! I am going on the Allure on the 25th with my daughter and her husband and we can't wait. I feel like I've already been there thanks to you!

You have a beautiful family and must promise to cruise again and share with all of us!!!



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Still along for the ride Harry. Thanks for taking us on vacation with you!


Still here and following along. So when is your next cruise? LOL. Looking forward to reading another one:) Just love your style of writing. Very entertaining.


Many thanks to all for the kind words and for following along. This is my first “real time” review in starting a thread and constantly updating it so I appreciate the interim feedback. Per my signature below, I had written two cruise reports previously but those were for the “review” section in one big chunk, not a piecemeal post by post recount. Although I do recall even my old reviews were long winded as I had to specially email the review in Microsoft Word to the cruise critics staff for them to post it because their software’s space was too small for what blah blah stuff I had to say and I couldn’t upload the info on my end so they had to do it for me.


Other than the beginning blah blah part where I had to tell my dumb jokes, the rest of this trip report is pretty easy to put together as the pictures lead the way, I just string together bunch of nonsensical words together and hope the reader won’t ask me questions that I have no answer to…


No future cruise planned yet. As with all OCD/anal cruise critics people, I looked for the next cruise within hours/days after coming home but haven’t decided on one yet. My wife is a purist and she doesn’t like the idea of constantly taking kids out of school during the holiday period and cheap dad has mini heart attack when I price out the Christmas sailing for 4 people on the high premium cost so we are at a standstill for now on the next cruise.


Not sure anyone wants to read my next cruise report anyway as I will just recycle the same old stale joke of peasants/crazy aunt/blah blah. Not as if I have new joke material constantly. Just like those singers that have one song in the top 40 you liked for few days and after that you never heard from them again…


Again, thanks again for those following along. We keep plowing along.

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Loving the report!


We just booked Allure for the Western Med this summer and while I know the port days are completely different, I'm enjoying all the pics around the ship.


Another somewhat anal-retentive accountant (not a CPA, though - that's my wife :p ), so I can also appreciate all the planning. Especially now that I've been nominated as mini-cruise director for our party of 8 (including my parents and my MIL).

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Loving the report!


We just booked Allure for the Western Med this summer and while I know the port days are completely different, I'm enjoying all the pics around the ship.


Another somewhat anal-retentive accountant (not a CPA, though - that's my wife :p ), so I can also appreciate all the planning. Especially now that I've been nominated as mini-cruise director for our party of 8 (including my parents and my MIL).


Wow, family of 8 cruising in Europe. Very nice. Come back with lots of pictures to share.


The ship has plenty to do and see for multi-generational family. Between the shore excursions in Europe and what the ship has to offer, your biggest challenge is which activities you need to leave off your schedule as it will be overloaded.


Have wonderful time on your cruise.

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So here we are out on deck 15, where you once again see more flow rider action. Seems every time we walk by there, the stands are full of people just watching the action.




Here is one guy struggling to be in balance even with someone holding his hand.




Not looking too good








Here is view from the stands




The younger ones stick to the safer side of the flow rider (there are 2) where you do the boogie board style over at the starboard side.



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After watching the flow riders for a while, the boys wanted to play miniature golf so we headed over to that section. It started out with the boys and grandpa playing but later on, my wife joined the fun as well. With the playing, I took over my old duty of handling the camcorder.












My wife took this picture and I like pictures that show more than one thing. More of my “quantity versus quality” style. So besides the obvious thing of the family playing golf, you see the overall surroundings aft area of the ship. There’s the zip line worker over on the left with the white t-shirt waiting for the next rider to zip through and there’s a crowd waiting at the end so they must be waiting for someone to come through.


Looking up at the structure to the left, you see the windjammer windows overlooking the area and the loft suites above that. It’s a bit hard to see from this picture, but underneath the windjammer on the other side of the ship are the ping pong tables – you can kind of see a crowd over my younger’s shoulder way in the back (girl in white t-shirt and red shorts).


Finally in the background, on the other side of the zip line chasm, you have the sports court where they play basketball/dodge ball. So this one picture encapsulates the myriad of activities you can do on just this one section of the ship (of course the flow riders described previously). Many things to keep the active crowd happy.



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Besides the typical 9 hole miniature golf you typically see on cruise ships, they also have a special golf section for the little ones to play in. Very cute area. For the folks who love the miniature pictures, I found couple that I took as I was playing around with the filters on the camera.










Ever wondered how a fish (eye) sees the world? Wonder no more





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Couple more misc. pics from deck 15 before we grabbed a soft cone ice cream to go back to the cabins.






Chilling out with ice cream (free from the self-served machines – cheapo dad won’t pay the premium scoop type) in the balcony. Noticed the partition is opened between the 2 balconies?




Checking out the neighbors and the activities below on boardwalk. After the ice cream was consumed, time to get out of the swim suit and shower and get ready for dinner. Yeah, I know, shocking, eating more food on a cruise. Nobody would have thought that would happen.





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Awesome review and photos. I love the miniature pics. I have that setting on my camera, and never played with it too much, but will definitely use it more on my next cruise.


I too was hesitant to sail one of these megaships due to crowds, and its helpful seeing your comments and pics.


Looking forward to more! :)

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As with many cruise ships, they display the navigational map on TV. After leaving Labadee, looks like Captain Tore is putting the pedal to the metal in zipping us along at a good clip of 19.6 knots. On this route, only Falmouth is a “back to back” port in that there’s no sea day in between so that means the captain has a tighter schedule to make it to the next port on time.




For those following along at home with the daily menu, tonight’s menu is “Pimiento”. I have no recollection of what I ate that night. Wasn’t anything memorable or outstanding.










Blurry picture of what I think is minestrone soup



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Awesome review and photos. I love the miniature pics. I have that setting on my camera, and never played with it too much, but will definitely use it more on my next cruise.


I too was hesitant to sail one of these megaships due to crowds, and its helpful seeing your comments and pics.


Looking forward to more! :)




Thanks for the kind words. I see we have something in common in sailing on the Carnival Splendor in our cruise history.


Mega ships have its pros and cons. I try to point out the potential problems that a cruiser might encounter (e.g. long lines) and hopefully they can avoid those.


Yes, these miniature pictures are really fun. From my experience, they work best when you are further away/up high/find things that are repetitive (such as building/cars/seats) and those will turn out nicely. Look forward to seeing your pictures in a future cruise report.

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Part 2 of the dinner pics


roasted garlic soup






my son’s pasta of the day selection – Lasagna




Tiger prawns




Classic Tiramisu




For the first 2 nights, my son only ordered the same ice cream (strawberry) for dessert and tonight, he wanted to try something different – vanilla ice cream. Like I said, picky eaters don’t venture far from the beaten path. Since the waiter/asst. waiter knows us by now on 3rd night, they knew he liked strawberry ice cream so for his dessert, they gave him both strawberry and vanilla in case he misses this favorite. Very nice touch.





I think now is a good time for me to say what I like about the traditional dining experience. Maybe it’s occupational hazard, but I like some consistencies in life. I know there are major fans of my time dining out there but for me (and us as a family) we prefer set time dining in that the waiters knows us and our preferences (such as strawberry ice cream). Being Asians, the adults like to drink our hot tea during the meal, not afterward. By day 2, the assistant waiter already knows that and has the tea bags and cups all set before we even sat down so we didn’t have to ask him for it during his busy time.


Besides, on a large cruise ship like the Oasis class ships, you seldom will see the same wait staff twice in other venues so it’s nice to have a brief chat with a familiar face nightly. I like the concept of having a special table reserved just for us for 7 nights. Makes me feel special compared to what we could never get on a land based restaurant where you stand by with a pager waiting with many people to be served next. For me, this is part of what makes a cruise vacation special. You walk into the MDR, you sit down, and the waiters know you and your preferences. Hey, in this world where you are only known as a series of number by the computer software, that means something.


I am in no way a fan of dynamic dining as they have taken that special feeling away from my dining experience. Instead of me changing to a special theme dining restaurant nightly the way Royal wants me to do with dynamic dining, I rather the special theme come to me nightly. I am glad they are postponing the dynamic dining for a while and have no immediate plans to have it at other ships in the fleet other than the Quantum/Oasis class ships. All things being equal, I would choose a ship with traditional dining versus dynamic dining in an instant.

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I see the strawberry soup that became my older son's go to on our Freedom of the Seas cruise! After he tried it on the second day, he ordered it for his starter (whatever chilled soup they had that night) every night after. :)


I think my son attended the same food preference school as your son. All the cold soups from the cruise pictures were his orders. His preference is simple, shrimp cocktail nightly, some sort of cold fruit soup (which in reality is just like a mini smoothie - cheap Jamba juice) and pasta of the day and ice cream. Well, at least he graduated from the kids’ menu…


Although I do want to point out that Carnival does a better job in presenting/plating their soups than Royal. Here are 2 pics from our 2012 and 2013 Carnival cruise. They come in bigger plates with attractive garnishments and the waiters’ put on a show in pouring the soup in the big wide open plate bowl.





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