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Cheapo dad’s trip report on Allure of the Seas sailing December 14, 2014

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Sorry to interrupt Harry's outstanding story, but I wanted to add my perspective on kids and Chicago. Every kid is different, and every parent has a different way of thinking about what's right for their kids, so hopefully another "data point" will help you.


We took our then 13 and 16 year old daughters when we were on the Allure and they loved the show. My then 13 year old dances competitively and she really wanted to see the dancing. The theme is definitely mature (adultery, murder) but there's no nudity or swearing. Depending on you perspective, you might think that some of the women are scantily clad (although not much different from many dancers). There is also some innuendo in the dialog/songs. I figured that it was stuff that my daughters had already heard anyway, although I later found that my younger daughter said some of it went right over her head. I took several pictures if you want to get a more visual feel. Jump to posting #34 here:



Back to Harry. Bring on Cozumel!


Ok, I am now all caught up on Harry's Central Park tour. Great photos by the way and still really enjoying the review.


Just a side comment on Chicago as another perspective - I agree completely with the comments above. We watched Chicago with our teenagers, 15 and 16 years old at the time, and we all enjoyed it, my DH most of all :). I honestly felt that my kids had seen worse stuff on TV during prime time, but then what we watch and what we let our kids watch is subjective - and for our family it is all about the communication afterwards. We definitely would not have been happy say if the kids had seen this without us - and DH and I did discuss attending with the kids both before and after, and while we were ok with it, I think if our kids had been a lot younger we would have given the show a pass.


I will say that the CD on our cruise made the comment before the show started: These performers work hard ladies and gentlemen, so if you see something that you like please let them know. Well, when the curtains opened and the female cast could be seen wearing form fitting costumes, there was a LOT of appreciation shown by the teenaged (and many no longer teenaged) boys in the audience 😀

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Great minds think alike. :D







Loving your review! Very entertaining. You're also bringing back great memories that I haven't thought about in quite a while.





Another selfie fan.


In looking at both of our pictures, think it makes us look constipated in our squatting position in needing a laxative. Maybe next time we should try to look a more classy posture?

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Since I am not sure of the specific etiquette on this board, I will simply say if you Google, Disney Sheep Go Rogue an Allure-ing trip report you should find it. In general, I compare our Allure cruise to our previous cruise experiences (see my user name :).


On this board I found FamilyGoBoston, Gambee and Middle Aged Drama Queen to have great reviews. FamilyGo Boston's was a family vacation with teenagers, so that was a good basis for us.


Now, back to Harry's entertaining tales. DH and I hope to check out the Central Park tour in March.


No worries. These reviews were the legends of the boards that I referred in the beginning of my thread. I read every one of the reviews in my cruise preparation. They help me make our cruise an enjoyable experience. That's the whole purpose of these boards/reviews - to pass onto the next set of cruisers what we know. I keep referring to my "evil twin" for this exact reason.


Think I mentioned that I went back and looked at every review in the past 2.5 years as long as they had a picture or two in it. The ADHD in me can’t read reviews without pictures. Don’t have the imagination to picture things in my head.

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OK, the next event after the garden tour is ice skating. I haven’t ice skated in 20 plus years and even that experience was just a beginner level person so let’s just say my experience on the Allure wasn’t exactly pretty. My father in law took few pictures of us (and me) trying to stay upright and it’s not pretty. Since I am the editor that decides what pics get uploaded, those didn’t make the final cut for some unknown reason…


On top of every elevator, they have icons to give you an idea on where the important neighborhoods are in case you don’t know how to get to where you want to go




Studio B entrance to the ice skating area




Key points to remember about ice skating are to sign the waiver online before you go so you don’t have to do it there and also bring your sea pass with you. My older one forgot to bring his and I had to run back to the cabin to get it (and needed oxygen on the way back).


Each skating session is 30 minutes and they have a limit on number of people per session so try to arrive early before your session as each one we saw were al full. Actually there were 2 Asian women in front of us visibly upset and arguing with the worker there and he had to tell them it wasn’t fair to others for them to skate again. When they left, I thought the next session was full but as it turned out, the worker told me that those 2 women wanted to skate back to back and the policy is give higher priority to new skaters like us that haven’t skated yet on the cruise.


The session before ours




After I tried to go around the skating area few times (but didn’t fall), figure it’s better to leave while far behind and went back to the stands to take few pics of the wife and kids before the 30 minutes was up


If you are new, the railing is your new best friend







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Great skating photos. And thanks for the tip about signing a waiver before you go. I'm creating a document and have noted all these little tips including that one.


One silly question...is there a charge or is it included in your cruise?

Edited by LuCruise
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So all done with ice skating and with no broken body parts, we walked up one deck to RP and saw more people visiting their uncles in prison (aka inch of gold sale and bracelet sale on the other kiosk). Walking past them, we made a pit stop at the café for something to drink and eat. You know you can’t go more than 2.5 hours on a cruise without getting something to eat & drink, right? It’s written on page 15 of the cruise contract, subparagraph 2, line 1, which we all just signed electronically online without reading a single word of it.






Sorry, ate the cookie half way before I realized I needed to take a picture as I am sure people back home have NO IDEA what a cookie looks like if I hadn’t taken a picture of one for them to see (taking pictures of dirt)






The always busy guest service area (right next to the cafe) with the line – wonder anyone in line to ask about the list of small wonders? Right, Miryam1234?




After that, we headed out to the Boardwalk to ride the carousel one more time. Here are the not so free snacks that they could be giving away for free to generate goodwill but being the greedy gravy sucking pigs they are, they don't.




On the way there, saw Alex the lion from Madagascar and we had to stop and take a picture with him. Note that as a Disney fan, I was wearing the Grumpy t-shirt from Snow white that says – this is Grumpy Inc. “If you can’t something nice at this workplace, you are hired”.





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Great skating photos. And thanks for the tip about signing a waiver before you go. I'm creating a document and have noted all these little tips including that one.


One silly question...is there a charge or is it included in your cruise?


Free, of course.


Remember the title of this thread (Cheapo dad) - if it costs money, I wouldn't be going to it. Besides shopping (visiting uncle) and photos on the ship (visiting aunts) which are personal in nature, the only money we spent were on day 7 when we had something to drink at the Rising Tide Bar. Even that was optional as you can ride it for free but I just figure it was day 7 and we had discounts as gold members so I "splurged":p

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Thank you for this wonderful review. It will make our travels on Allure much better and to look for all those wonderful places you have photographed. This rates up in the top for reviews that I have followed.



Thanks for the kind words. Glad I am able to help out in your cruise planning. Have a great cruise in March.

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View of the balloon man and Boardwalk activities from the carousel




As we had few minutes to kill before the next event of the day, we headed back to the cabins to chill out for a bit. I can’t really describe it but there’s always that warm fuzzy feeling (Well, maybe air conditioning cool feeling away from the Caribbean heat) but always feel good to be back in our own cabin after few hours away. Just to come back and stretch out and even peeing/pooping in my own toilet has a more comfortable feel to it than the public bathroom (yeah, I know, too much info).


Saw the zip line people going by every minute as well as the ocean water view from the rear. Where is Grand Caymans? If we were on the Freedom doing western Caribbean, we would be on a beach somewhere just about now…






Another view of the Boardwalk from our cabin above. The top line is for the balloon man. The bottom line is for the face painters.




Then it’s time for the 12:30 event in the aqua theater – they have a “Vintage Swimwear Fashion Show”. Basically it’s a history of the swimwear. Starts with a video on the big screen on the various history of the swim suit and how it evolved to be what it is today. Then they have some handsome guys/gals displaying the various vintage swimwears. This is basically a warm up act to get the people into the area ahead of the big “belly flop” contest.





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During my day 1 posts, I used the vintage filters for the Boardwalk pictures and some people liked that approach. So I figure I will do the same for these pictures as the swimsuit being shown are more period suitable for the older filter look. The only issue I had in trying out the different look was I couldn’t decide which filter to use so I decide to use them all such that each set of pictures I will upload is the same picture but will be shown in 6 different “style” as the software calls it “time machine” in dating each color scheme. I will explain the scheme in the first set only as they are done in the same order for all 6 pictures. Then at the end, I will show what the real picture looks like in modern day colors.


Sounds somewhat confusing to explain it but once you see the entire set, it will make sense. Hope somebody like this approach as if nothing else, it breaks up the monotony of more “days of our lives on the ship pictures” and wake up the people snoring from the windjammer analysis. Keep in mind I just used what the software lets me do, I am by no means an expert at these historical stuff. Just typing what the software says they were.


The first picture of every set below for next 6 posts was the “Daguerreotype” – widely used back in 1839-1855 era. No negatives were made for each picture back then using this method so each copy was unique.




The second picture of each series was “Albumen” – widely used in 1855 to 1890’s era. Negatives were captured on glass and then paper print were used albumen from egg whites to bind the chemicals to the paper.




The third picture in each series was “Cyanotype” – popular in late 19th century and early 20th. This method uses UV light coverts chemicals to a Prussian blue color. This method is used for creating blueprints.




Fourth picture in the series is “Platinum” – Popular from 1873 to 1920. This method used platinum based chemical on the paper and the negative, but very expensive due to high cost of platinum.




Fifth picture in the series is the basic black and white pictures from the box cameras from 1900 to 1960’s.




The last picture in the series is the aged “old newspaper” look



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At first, I was going to drop in the original pictures right after the different filters so everyone can see what the original picture looked like but maybe it’s best to let some people with good imagination to look at the pictures and see if in their mind’s eye they can guess what were the original colors of the swimwear and background (husband and wife can have contest).


We will make this a more interactive exercise and not just me doing all the work. Go back to all 6 sets and try to imagine the real world color scheme and I will post it later on…

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Omg I am loving your review! I have laughed out loud so much. Thank you for that! We will be sailing on the Allure in 2 weeks

I am looking forward to it. You have made me more excited and more educational about the trip. I look forward to the rest of your review. Like most people have said its one of the best reviews I have read. Looking forward to the rest.



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Another selfie fan.


In looking at both of our pictures, think it makes us look constipated in our squatting position in needing a laxative. Maybe next time we should try to look a more classy posture?



Love the Allure selfies. I have some in the WJ glass on the top deck; the glass on the front Sun Deck; the fun mirrors on the boardwalk; and yes, the ball on Central Park.


Too bad to see the ball is tarnishing in the comparison photos. :(

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Free, of course.


Remember the title of this thread (Cheapo dad) - if it costs money, I wouldn't be going to it. Besides shopping (visiting uncle) and photos on the ship (visiting aunts) which are personal in nature, the only money we spent were on day 7 when we had something to drink at the Rising Tide Bar. Even that was optional as you can ride it for free but I just figure it was day 7 and we had discounts as gold members so I "splurged":p


Ha ha...I forgot the title of your report.

I'm so loving your report btw...and you have a great sense of humor. Just read your comment about the RCCL contract saying how you must eat every 2.5hrs...and your cookie comment. Too funny. :D


Our cruise is so far away, but its reports like yours that keeps me waiting patiently and getting more and more excited. Looks like you and your family are having such an amazing time.

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OMG, Harry, what a nice compliment, I wish it were true. :) I know for certain that Oasis and Allure attract more international customers than any other ship in RCI's fleet. They are both considered very prestigious and give the international customer bragging rights back home. Just like here in the U.S. :D But, I will also ask the HD on our next cruise, which is imminent.


I have trouble believing we were on the same sailing (although I know we were, lol!). You have opened my eyes to so much of the ship that we either took for granted, or just plain did not know about. Looking forward to booking our next cruise on her, as soon as they open the new schedules.


I still believe, based on many comments here, that you have convinced many "doubters" to give this class ship a try. There really is something for everyone. :)

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Where is Grand Caymans? If we were on the Freedom doing western Caribbean, we would be on a beach somewhere just about now…


If it makes you feel any better, we were on the Freedom in 2013 for Thanksgiving and due to rough seas, we couldn't tender in Grand Cayman, so all we saw was the island as we sailed by.

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More skating pics


Hi Harry,


I am loving your review and the details you are providing. I have one quick question for you if you have time.


How wide would you say the seats are in Studio B?


The reason I am asking is I am on the Oasis in Dec for a Bingo Tournament and most of the sessions will be taking place in Studio B with us sitting in the stadium seating. I am not an overly large lady, but I am bigger than most in your family. I am trying to decide if I could handle sitting in these seats for 3-4 hours at a time 2 times a day.




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