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I don't think I could ever go on a CC group cruise - Could You??

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After reading these boards for a long time (ignore the post count) I realize that there are definite advantages to joining a CC group cruise but I don't think I would want to. Too many posters are so critical of newbies like myself that I would be afraid to leave my cabin LOL for fear of unintentionally offending some of you. :rolleyes: ie; dress code, tipping, children, etc. You get my drift.............


How many of you feel the same?

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I spose there are benefits to going on a cruise within a large group but I much prefer to 'do my own thing', which I am not sure would be so easy to do on a CC cruise. I, personally speaking, would almost feel obliged to go with everyone else and would feel awkward if I didn't join in with everything.


Perhaps I am wrong, I don't know, but I just prefer to go it alone, please myself as to what I do and where I go and when. I am travelling alone on my holiday later this year and I will no doubt make new friends who I will stay in contact with afterwards. At least when travelling outside of a huge group there are no possible problems with personality clashes etc, which could easily put a dampner on the holiday.


So, IMHO, the benefits of such a group cruise are far outweighed by the possible difficulties. Sorry, and those who do go on group holidays, I mean no offence, its just not for me, thats all.

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by what I've read, many people just book the CC cruise for the discounted fares and then do it on their own. There is no obligation to hang with the other CC cruisers. or...you can pick and choose what you wanted to do. Some like to stay up late and party, others like to spend a quite evening...each does their own thing.


Our last cruise was not a CC cruise, and I couldn't believe how many CC readers/members we kept meeting...and each of them was very nice.

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Like most of cyber space I like being anonymous on boards and news groups and such. So I'd have to 'come out' so to speak if I was to join in on a group thing, and as others have said, the group thing 'ain't my thing'.


That said, I have an Aunt and Uncle that have done tons of group trips. They're not CC-ers but belong to other organizations, and I have to say they have a ball. Since retirement they have been around the world and back, usually with 2 or many, many more couples, and are always glowing from their trip.


I think it's cool bunches of people here have formed a clique or sorts and enjoy their mutual love of something. So far so good on getting myself flamed thus far. Then the boards get annoying, posting stops being useful, and people get on the deffense, hence the reason I lurk here and other boards WAY more than I post. I gave up fighting on boards ages ago. You'll never convince the jean wearer it's wrong, the non tipper they're being cheap, the booze smuggler will smuggle, and so on. I've had the breast or bottle fight, the working mom vs. stay at home mom fight, and the what to feed our children conversation til I'm out of things to say. (other boards, obviously) And I'm just done. There are all kinds of people out there. Once in a while I get a good kick out of someone, sometimes some laughs at my jokes. All too often, someone out there wants to start trouble.


Sorry to go slightly off topic, but I also want to say, this is the best cruise board out there. There is another site out there. I know we can't name names, but they have some of the most obnoxious regulars on there, that 2 boards read, and I feel annoyed almost immediately. I had found that site before this one, but since finding this one, I really haven't been back to the nasty other one.


I'm sure eventually some of the groupies are going to come along and insist they don't bite and that we all should join. And I do believe here, they are sincere. Maybe someone would like to give it a whirl that thought they never would. I am giong to be sticking in the never would catagory though.;)



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There were a few times when several of us cc'ers made arrangements to meet on the ship. We did not belong to anyone of those special ones that you see on the board. It was nice. And we really met some lovely people. Most of the time we never had another get together. Only on one cruise did about 10 of us meet nearly every evening before dinner just to chat a while.

But to go on an organized CC cruise - not for us. Lately some of the cc'ers on some of the boards have been getting pretty nasty towards each other and a lot of threads and posts have been pulled.

Someone started a thread last week congratulating me on reaching 10,000 posts. It was there for a few days and when I went to go back and read it about 3 days ago - poof - it was gone. I have no idea why or what happened.

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I'm new to crusing (first cruise in Jan) and new to CC. We are going with a group on our cruise (local people, not those that we've never met). Some of us are having dinner together and partying on the ship together, but we will have a lot of alone time too. I think if we went on a CC cruise, we would do it the same way. I think CC has a handful of people who might get on my nerves, but way so many nice folks. You just have to spend more time with the people you like most.

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It's really no different than any other group outing you might go on. The chances that you are going to LIKE & get along with everyone are very slim. People also tend to be more vocal when they aren't face-to-face. That's why it's called "cruise CRITICS" right? this is a discussion board... i'm sure if you were on a cruise together you wouldn't be criticizing everything that was going on, but rather, enjoying a fabulous vacation with new friends.

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I think I would be afraid of going with a group of "professional cruisers." :rolleyes:


While I have learned some wonderful tips from this board, I don't use a lanyard, carry my own mug, or hang a shoe organizer.


And I like to spend most of my vacation time on board with my own family ( since our regular schedules are so busy.)



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We are big on the group thing, but did get together with the roll call folks on our last trip (http://members.cox.net/geezerjim/ccgroup.jpg). We all met at one of the bars, had a drink together, and chatted about what we were planning - excursions etc.


We actually spent more time 'talking' on the roll call boards than we did in person. In the planning stage, it was nice to share information about the different ports and what each of us had found. It was also kind of nice to put the faces with the screen names and to 'know' someone on board that we could say hi to.


I avoid the name calling, subject bashing few that lurk on these boards. Everyone has an opinion, and some express it more agressively than others. Some of the posters are pretty funny, and most are very helpful in sharing information. I've gotta admit, I do have a lanyard and a shoe organizer, but don't bring my own mug.

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I wouldn't go on a group cruise if you paid my fare. Doesn't matter which group. I am a loner (altho personable) and prefer to wander around ports by myself, to read a lot in the Lido with my endless cup of tea. If I am with people (as RuthC will tell you), I will happily keep up my end of the conversation and you will find me good company, but if you want a friendship-stopper, just say, "Now, you have to do this and I won't take 'no' for an answer."


If I am with blowhards, CC'ers or not, you will see them turn up on my "Live from the xxxdam" threads!

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Hi OP here! I am not against cruising with a group whether it's family, friends, or strangers..............it's just CC members who intimidate me. (Not all of you of course - most are very nice!!) I'd be terrified of making some cruise faux pas (sp?) and having it ridiculed here on the boards.....:eek:

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I think I would be afraid of going with a group of "professional cruisers." :rolleyes:


While I have learned some wonderful tips from this board, I don't use a lanyard, carry my own mug, or hang a shoe organizer.


And I like to spend most of my vacation time on board with my own family ( since our regular schedules are so busy.)




LMAO, I too am not "ready" for group cruising. Nothing against group cruising, just not my thing.

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We have a stead fast rule when we cruise with friends. We all do our own thing! If it happens to be the same thing, great. We meet for dinner then again we each decide to do what we want NOT what our friend(s) want.

Had a neighbor who hated her cruise because memebers of their group ( a large church group) got mad at them if they didn't join the others during the day! Just because its a CC cruise does not mean the whole ship will be cc! Always just do your own thing!

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As a first time cruiser, I have absolutely loved these boards, and have learned so much more than anticipated.


Our group will be having a CC Meeting the second day of our cruise. I would imagine this to be the only "planned" activity including all of us. If we happen to meet from time to time on the ship, that will be an added bonus. I feel no obligation to join any further activities with them unless I absolutely want to. If a long term friendship develops from this meeting, that too will be wonderful. If not, that is just fine.


It has been absolutely delightful sharing our anticipation, and plans for the upcoming trip. Our small group has chatted almost daily.


We are not "joiners" at all. So, probably this one time meeting will be the only planned activity of our trip with CC members. I am anxious to be able to put faces with the comments which we have been exchanging. I am quite sure that after our return from the cruise, we will continue to share ideas, and thoughts on the boards, then drift our separate ways.


As for going on an organized CC cruise, we absolutely would not consider that.


SailAways :)

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I have been on several group cruises that were not part of CC. Any cruise I have been on I did my own thing. The CC I'm on coming up is for my Daughter's wedding. The Bottles of wine will be used at the wedding. We are planning our own entertainment buty I do intend to meet the CCgroup anyway. The grandchildren will be going to kid's club too.



What I like is the extras you get with the group. Some have been rather nice and I would not get it on my own.

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There is no catch--

I received some emails asking me "What's the catch with this group thing? Do i have to do all the group functions?"


No catch, no required participation. Period. If you would like to join our cruise just because the rates average $100pp lower than the discounter fares advertised on travel sites, that cool! Any participation in group activities is entirely up to you. You determine your level of participation in group events, in cruise critic posting, on emails, etc., based on your comfort zone. The only thing I as group leader, know about you if you book are your first names and that you booked. I am wanting to make sure you get everything you are entitled to by booking as a group.


On the other hand..... let me tell you what I see as some of the nicest benefits of our group, and group participation.


1. Rates (of course!) Without asking for special rates or joining other groups, our group rates are very good, and as our cruise's cabin rates go up, they'll look even better. I will watch pricing and if it comes down any-- I will make sure we get all that is coming to us.



2. Port Knowledge. Yes, you can get info on port sites and sounds by lurking and reading our posts. On the other hand, you don't see our emails! Get ideas on what to see and do on eachport.


4. Friendships. Building new ones BEFORE the cruise is wonderful if you're interested!


5. Shore Excursions. Planning shore excursions in advance, with folks we've grown to know (and LIKE!) is exciting.


6. Cutting costs. Sharing expenses of shore excursions, and getting special tours at great rates cuts costs. We have two of the best drivers already for Naples and Rome.


So there you have it. No catches, but loads of benefits.


My group on the Liberty has 4 cabins of people who do not post...I send them emails with updates--- again i just want to make sure that they get everything coming to them. In ports Joe & I are doing our own thing as everyone wants to do different excursions.

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Thank You All for sharing your thoughts and feelings!!!!! I too was intimadated by CCers.. Especially the ones about the kids!!!! I allways cruise with my kid so I formed my own Group Cruise!!! I am the only Group Leader with a CC Group Cruise for familys and Kids!!!!!

I would hope you would not discount my group from what you think about another groups !!! I have only cruised twice the last one being in April!!! So I am no pro at this I am just tring to get a great group of people together with their familys and kids!!!!! My group is so much diffrent than the other groups!!! We have kids!!! Kids need attention and parenting during the week so we are not planning lots of things we do have a bunch planned but it is up to you if you would like to join!!! I have several people going that have never posted and are not getting involved in anything we are doing as a group!!!! No problem!!!!

There are several groups with lots of CCers going that seem like The ones you are talking about, but there are several quiet smaller groups that are not as intimidating!!! Oh yea I can't spell worth a toot eather and I do take a bit of razzing for it being a group leader and all but what the heck no one is perfect!!! LOL

I tell all my cruisers I am your pre cruise director when we get on the ship they have a cruise director and it is not me!!! LOL I take a lot of time to my self on my balocny and doing what I and my family would like to do!!!

So once again Thank You for all your input I really injoyed the posts!!!!!

For all the reasons posted here for not cruising with Group CCers is one of the reason why I formed my own group now I guess I am part of the cog!!!! LOL;)

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ok, this thread was sent to me by another group leader and i guess she felt that i would be able to eloquently state some facts...


first...when you book a group cruise, you are in no way obligated to "hang" with the other members of your group. no one is tying you together with a rope...lol


second...i have been a member of the cc boards for about 3 years now and i've sailed on 2 cruises where rather than a "group", we sort of met on the boards and chatted and then met on the ship and wound up doing a lot of things together because these people have become not only my friends, but my family. really....


third...i invite you ALL and i do mean ALL, to stop in on my group board. you will not find one nasty comment, nor one single criticism of anything anyone packs, wears, or says, for that matter. we are booked on the same great cruise, for a great rate and the companionship of other fellow cruisers. whether we have a drink with them, eat dinner with them, or never see them at all...that is totally up to us! not one of us feels forced to do a single thing.

i chose to be a group leader because after 2 cruises with fellow cc'rs, i have to tell you i would personally never cruise again, if i couldn't chat with other folks beforehand. when you get on the ship, it's like a family reunion! we've been chatting for nearly a year, some longer and we know as much about each other as if we were living next door. it is the most rewarding feeling when someone comes up to you on the pool deck, the very first day and asks, "are you dana???" and after you say, "yes." the hugs begin..... it is totally awesome!

i'm generally a loner. i like to hang with my hubby and be alone. when i've cruised with cc'rs, it's been a most marvelous, loving, family atmosphere, that i forget all about being by myself and tend to want to gravitate to the amazing people i've met on the cc boards.

if you feel insecure because someone is going to criticize anything about how you travel, then you've been reading the wrong board!!!! come on over to my board.....you are guaranteed to feel the love!!! and i'd bet you book a group cruise next time around!!!!


benjidog knows what i'm talking about because she's chatted with me on my group board. we all welcomed her and any questions she had were answered with a smile! (we use lots of smilies in my group...lol)


chuck, the gentleman that posted above me, is a friend of mine as well. we met on the boards when he was setting up his group. he asked me for help and i gave him everything he asked for...his way of paying it forward, as it were, is to make my group their very own baseball caps with our name, ship and date embroidered on them! this is what the cc boards are all about! i have helped many people get started with their groups and they've helped me right back.


there is another cruise message board out there....there are really obnoxious people on that board. i've tried to read it and can't really get past one or two posts...thank GOD that's not the case on the cc boards! you will occasionally find a disgruntled individual, but pay them no heed....they might just be having a bad day, or perhaps a bad life! lol


so...with that said...fee free to lurk, snoop, or whatever it is people do that don't post, on my board! you will giggle, cry, and fall in love with my family jewels! we are here for one reason and one reason only....to make the most out a vacation we all work very hard to pay for! it might be your 8th cruise this year, or your only vacation IN a year...why not make it a lasting memory...a great memory??? travel with other people, from all over the world that love to cruise as much as you do! and get a lower fare for doing it! wow! i think i just convinced myself to book my cruise again...LOL


sorry that people have been rude, or insensitive. ignore them...they're not worth it....

ok, i'll get off of my soapbox now...tee hee...i'm not too long winded am i? i'm just very passionate about the cc experience...it's been awesome for me and i'm paying it forward to you!

see you on the boards! :)

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