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Ventura cruise N510 (Spain, Portugal and Gurnsey)


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This will be my first cruise, complete newbie. Going for my 30th birthday this year. Have read all the help and advice on P & O website but it'll be useful coming here for those tips that I may never have thought about before.

Anybody else coming on this cruise? We're driving all the way from West Yorkshire to Southampton.

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This will be my first cruise, complete newbie. Going for my 30th birthday this year. Have read all the help and advice on P & O website but it'll be useful coming here for those tips that I may never have thought about before.

Anybody else coming on this cruise? We're driving all the way from West Yorkshire to Southampton.


Ive no idea where Gurnsey it but have a great time regardless.


Ive done the drive, will take you about 6 hours, presume you are going down the day before and staying over?

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Ive no idea where Guernsey it but have a great time regardless.


Ive done the drive, will take you about 6 hours, presume you are going down the day before and staying over?


No we're setting off early in the morning on the day of the cruise pending on check in time. Its 4 and a bit hours according to google but we may stop somewhere for a break.

Guernsey, that's the right spelling isn't it lol!

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You will have a great time on Ventura. I am late 20s and my hubby is early 30s, and since our honeymoon we are addicted to cruising. We have been on Ventura, Azura and Oceana with p&o and enjoyed them all. I would love to go to Guernsey and we were meant to on one cruise but unfortunately the weather stopped us so we went to Cherbourg instead. One day we hope to get there! Where in Spain and Portugal are you going? What cabin type have you gone for? :)

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No we're setting off early in the morning on the day of the cruise pending on check in time. Its 4 and a bit hours according to google but we may stop somewhere for a break.

Guernsey, that's the right spelling isn't it lol!


Yeah thats right!


You can do the drive in 4.5 hours, its just over 200 miles but that it based on clear roads all the way.


If you are doing the M1 there a MAJOR sections of it that are currently down to 50mph for works, these stretch around 20 miles, add on the snarl ups etc and it can soon add up.


I'm sure you will be setting off early enough to add some contingency time in, but day 1 of a cruise can be quite tiring and involve waiting in lines, add on a long drive and you might feel you lose day 1.


No idea if its a cost thing or lack of annual leave thats stopping you but I would still be tempted to go down the day before.


If the Southampton hotels are expensive (they usually are the night before a departure) then you could get a Premier Inn say 50 miles out of Southampton the night before for £29 then at least you have broke the back of the journey.


Just an idea....

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You will have a great time on Ventura. I am late 20s and my hubby is early 30s, and since our honeymoon we are addicted to cruising. We have been on Ventura, Azura and Oceana with p&o and enjoyed them all. I would love to go to Guernsey and we were meant to on one cruise but unfortunately the weather stopped us so we went to Cherbourg instead. One day we hope to get there! Where in Spain and Portugal are you going? What cabin type have you gone for? :)


Cabins with shower/balcony - C635 and C637. We're stopping in Vigo and two other ports in spain/portugal then St Peters port in Guernsey.


Yeah thats right!


You can do the drive in 4.5 hours, its just over 200 miles but that it based on clear roads all the way.


If you are doing the M1 there a MAJOR sections of it that are currently down to 50mph for works, these stretch around 20 miles, add on the snarl ups etc and it can soon add up.


I'm sure you will be setting off early enough to add some contingency time in, but day 1 of a cruise can be quite tiring and involve waiting in lines, add on a long drive and you might feel you lose day 1.


No idea if its a cost thing or lack of annual leave thats stopping you but I would still be tempted to go down the day before.


If the Southampton hotels are expensive (they usually are the night before a departure) then you could get a Premier Inn say 50 miles out of Southampton the night before for £29 then at least you have broke the back of the journey.


Just an idea....


I'm leaving it up to my dad; he's doing the driving. Step mum is also on the audi's insurance so she can drive if he feels tired. He got us out of bed in the middle of the night to get down to Portsmouth for a ferry crossing to France before. I get 30 days annual leave but I'm two days down so only 28 due to several reasons last year. I'm taking Friday off to do washing/packing/sorting out other things but that's really it. Its a good thing I get bank holidays so I get Monday off free.

I'll suggest the hotel to him but if he says its fine then I'll go with whatever he does.

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Cabins with shower/balcony - C635 and C637. We're stopping in Vigo and two other ports in spain/portugal then St Peters port in Guernsey.




I'm leaving it up to my dad; he's doing the driving. Step mum is also on the audi's insurance so she can drive if he feels tired. He got us out of bed in the middle of the night to get down to Portsmouth for a ferry crossing to France before. I get 30 days annual leave but I'm two days down so only 28 due to several reasons last year. I'm taking Friday off to do washing/packing/sorting out other things but that's really it. Its a good thing I get bank holidays so I get Monday off free.

I'll suggest the hotel to him but if he says its fine then I'll go with whatever he does.


Fair enough, I was just putting it out there as an idea, sounds like you will be setting of at Dawn's crack so even with delays you should be ok and seen as you are not driving you can have a little siesta on the way down.

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Guernsey is lovely. We have been twice and managed to get in both times and hoping to go twice this year. It is lovely just to wander around but can be a little expensive.:eek:



Never been. Is it full of Eastern Europeans like Jersey?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Before the dreaded 50mph limits on the M1 I had no problem doing Leeds - Southampton in 4 hours. It is dual/motorway almost all the way for us. It will probably take nearer 5 at the moment.


We have travelled down on the morning, but prefer to stay over up to an hour from the port. There are plenty of Premierinns and Travelodges around Oxford which are much cheaper than those closer to the port.


We have visited Guernsey once, a day trip to St Peter Port from Weymouth and agree it was expensive.

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oh btw do they have any restrictions on people using the pools early in the morning? Sometimes I like to get up early and use the pool as much as possible when I'm on holidays with pools available. Early as in 7am I'm thinking.

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Cabins with shower/balcony - C635 and C637. We're stopping in Vigo and two other ports in spain/portugal then St Peters port in Guernsey.




I'm leaving it up to my dad; he's doing the driving. Step mum is also on the audi's insurance so she can drive if he feels tired. He got us out of bed in the middle of the night to get down to Portsmouth for a ferry crossing to France before. I get 30 days annual leave but I'm two days down so only 28 due to several reasons last year. I'm taking Friday off to do washing/packing/sorting out other things but that's really it. Its a good thing I get bank holidays so I get Monday off free.

I'll suggest the hotel to him but if he says its fine then I'll go with whatever he does.

If you can go down the day before it is more relaxed, we once had to drive from Stoke on the day of the cruise and had the misfortune to be behind 2 accidents, one on the M40 and on on the A34 both involving overturned caravans. The journey took 5.5 hours rather than the usual 3.5, it is no fun sitting in the car looking at your watch wondering whether you will miss the ship. We had built in contingency and were OK but were wrecks when we got there. We now always go the day before and get B&B somewhere closer to Southampton. For our next cruise we have booked a "stay and cruise" package at the Southampton Hilton, it is cheaper for us to have B&B, 15 nights parking and transfers to the ship there than it is to park with CPS at the docks

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We are from near Huddersfield.

Please do not allow 4 1/2 hours to Southampton.

We always stay overnight in Premier Inn a few miles from the Docks.

Ok you can get there in 4 1/2 hours but, having cruised from there a few times plus spent many a working hour driving on the M1 etc, I can assure you that is not a realistic time. If I was driving down on the same day I would allow 8 to 10 hours. 2 hour delays are the norm nowadays, took 8 hours to get back from our last cruise from Southampton.

Have a great cruise.

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This will be my first cruise, complete newbie. Going for my 30th birthday this year. Have read all the help and advice on P & O website but it'll be useful coming here for those tips that I may never have thought about before. Anybody else coming on this cruise? We're driving all the way from West Yorkshire to Southampton.


No, we're doing a similar one (N524) in August. You'll love it, Ventura is brilliant. I wish I'd started at 30 (first cruise at 49 :(, though we seriously considered it for our honeymoon ...)


Guernsey is really nice (been there) though you have to transfer by the boats, so you maybe get less time there than you would otherwise. We just pottered around St Peter Port.


I'd look at websites and forums to get a rough idea what you want to see and do in each port. Don't book lots of excursions. There are a couple of websites (whatsinport ?) dedicated to cruisers showing where you dock, what local transport is available etc. Especially if there are things you definitely want to do rather than just explore. One of the downsides about cruising is you don't visit places in any detail, it's like a series of snapshots.


If you like a drink in your cabin, bring it on board. My son's blood is about 95% Coca Cola I think, so we lug a crate on at Southampton. No problems with booze, though you drink it in your cabin - especially nice if you have a Balcony and good weather, obviously. Mrs Hat sneaked a bottle of Champers aboard our first cruise to great glee, spoiled only slightly when she found out they didn't mind.


I'd echo the advice of others not to do the whole W. Yorks to Southampton in one go. There's a vast options of places to stay, as long as you are further south than about Basingstoke it'll make your first day much more pleasant and you can probably get on earlier and explore. There may be places which do parking inc. as well.


When I started I wanted to know what the actual days were like, so on our 2nd cruise I collected and scanned all the Horizons (daily magazines) which are here http://www.studio2.org.uk/Horizon.pdf (it's about 30mb download) which was for a 7 night fly cruise, but it'll give you some idea.


Have fun !

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I have to agree with most others on here. We are from Sheffield and I would never dream of doing it on the same day.

Given that the main objective of a cruise holiday is to relax it would be a shame if you spent the first day worrying. An accident on the motorway could easily delay you by 2 hours, and just think what 2 accidents might do. We. Ruining a £1000 to £3000 holiday for the cost of a £50 hotel room would be too risky for me.

By the way, it's a matter of personal choice, but we normally go via the A42,M40 and A34 rather than M1 and M25.


Hope you have a great time anyway.

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We are from near Huddersfield.

Please do not allow 4 1/2 hours to Southampton.

We always stay overnight in Premier Inn a few miles from the Docks.

Ok you can get there in 4 1/2 hours but, having cruised from there a few times plus spent many a working hour driving on the M1 etc, I can assure you that is not a realistic time. If I was driving down on the same day I would allow 8 to 10 hours. 2 hour delays are the norm nowadays, took 8 hours to get back from our last cruise from Southampton.

Have a great cruise.


You are right, it could be, 4, 6, 8 or more hours it really depends on the traffic on the day - I quoted 6 as a happy medium but even then I would still build in a 2 hour buffer and an hour for dropping the car off.


It does sound like though that they will be setting off in the middle of the night or maybe 6am, so they should be fine.


But if you are doing that and know you are getting up at say 3am to get ready you never really sleep anyway!


I still stand by my original suggestion of travelling the day before and a hotel and the cheaper ways of doing it as stated if necessary.

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It does sound like though that they will be setting off in the middle of the night or maybe 6am, so they should be fine.


But if you are doing that and know you are getting up at say 3am to get ready you never really sleep anyway!


I still stand by my original suggestion of travelling the day before and a hotel and the cheaper ways of doing it as stated if necessary.


Never done it because we live in East Anglia, but considered it even for our 3-4 hour drive. But we did a fly cruise which involved getting up about 4:30 am to get a morning flight to Genoa and it did take a day or two to recover.


When you first get on there's not a lot going on in terms of entertainment, I reckon but there's usually some grub and as it's your first time there's the fun of just seeing your cabin, exploring round the ship seeing what you come across, everything is new and exciting. (It is still exciting after a few cruises but it isn't new ;-) )


I suspect cruising is a bit like I'm told Skiing is , once you've done it you are either meh about it, or you want to go an a cruise every other weekend.


PS: If you like cricket (from Yorkshire, it's mandatory ....) take a pair of trainers because there's usually a couple of knockabout net sessions on the top deck. Mind you once one of the crew joined in and I think he'd just come from the IPL or something ......

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By the way, it's a matter of personal choice, but we normally go via the A42,M40 and A34 rather than M1 and M25.


Hope you have a great time anyway.


Yep, M25 is awful, especially the M40/M4 section and the M4/M3 section, and the M3 going out is awful as well, camera alley too.


These days we go out via Reading, and if it's really bad we head off up the M40 and go round the back of Maidenhead. If you really want the M1 I would nip across through Towcester.


(Road geek mode off)

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You will have a great time on Ventura. I am late 20s and my hubby is early 30s, and since our honeymoon we are addicted to cruising. We have been on Ventura, Azura and Oceana with p&o and enjoyed them all. I would love to go to Guernsey and we were meant to on one cruise but unfortunately the weather stopped us so we went to Cherbourg instead. One day we hope to get there! Where in Spain and Portugal are you going? What cabin type have you gone for? :)


I was on that one - our first cruise :) We had been to Guernsey before for a week so we were quite happy to go to Cherbourg :)

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We're on a similar cruise later in the year and we're looking forward to a relaxing trip down to Southampton the day before. We love the anticipation of the pre cruise night, a nice meal out and a couple of drinks is the best way to start a cruise holiday to my mind!


We have gone down the same day but there's always a worry of something going wrong on the way.

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