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Silhouette Picture Review: Eastern Caribbean April 2015


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Laurie, I just stumbled upon this today as I spend most of my time on the Princess Board.


I'm taking my first non-Princess cruise next January and it is on this ship and this itinerary and your review has got me drooling, but I have a roll of Bounty Towels here so not as messy as it could be.


It's a great pot-boiler, page-turner narrative and the photos could not be crisper or more evocative.


I'm loving it!


Nice job.

Thank you!



Hi Norris! I'm glad you found my review! I remember you saying you were sailing on the Silhouette, but I had no idea it was the same itinerary! I have never sailed Princess (or any other line), so I can't compare, but I think you will love it. What type of cabin do you have?


Thank you for the compliments about my pictures. I have just started playing with my new camera, so I still have loads to learn, but hopefully I'm on the right track :)


Looking forward to your Emerald review! Yay Rome and Barcelona!


Hi Laurie,


I just spent the most of my Wednesday evening reading your wonderful Trip Report. Can't wait for the rest. Just don't take as long as I did to finish it. :D Thanks for the honorary mention earlier in your Trip Report.



Kevin Reid

Hello Kevin! Thanks for stopping by! I loved your Silhouette review so much and you started posted it at the very best time for me (got me all excited before my cruise, and brought back great memories after).


That spot was the very best to snap sunrise pictures. No glass in the way and we had the place to ourselves. Thanks again for the tip :)


We took a tour to Nevis, which have the same sheep/goats. Our guide explained that the different tails indicate that the goats are ready, but the sheep are just thinking about it.:D


Loving your photos & you are a terrific writer!


Hahaha! That's excellent! Thanks for the laugh!


I'm glad you like my review and pictures :) Thank you; you are very kind.

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Thursday, April 16th - Day 5

I woke up a bit later that day, so I didn't go off on my own to explore the ship. It was a very exciting day for me: we would be in port with the Allure of the Seas! My stepmother has been telling me about the Oasis class for ages, way before I knew I would one day go on a cruise. When I started reading cruise reviews and saw the Oasis class, I knew I wanted to sail one of the sisters one day. For a trans-Atlantic, if possible, because I figured the abundance of sea days would allow me to enjoy as much as the ship as possible. But who knew when that would happen!


Then, the Harmony sailings were posted and there was a TA and the price was reasonable and I couldn't resist. A few days before I left for this cruise, I booked one of the last accessible cabins with a balcony. So, long story short, seeing the Allure up close was very relevant to my interests!


Breakfast, again, was at the Oceanview Café, and we could see that we were getting closer to St. Maarten. The Allure was already in port, and it looked like we were going to be docked on the good side and I'd be able to ogle her from our balcony. Score!



Arriving in St. Maarten.



The Allure waiting for us.



Docked in St. Maarten.


Today was the first day where we wouldn't all be together. Aunt and Friend weren't interested in parasailing (in fact, they thought we were a bit crazy for doing it), so they had booked a Celebrity tour in which they would ride a half submarine and go on a sightseeing tour of Marigot.


Again, we rode the elevator up to Deck 14 before going down to disembark on Deck 5, which worked in our favour. We got off the ship without a hitch. Unlike in San Juan, the meeting point for the Celebrity tour wasn't the theatre, but right outside the ship. It was very easy to spot the person in charge of their tour as they were holding a sign with the excursion name on it (See and Sea Tour). After taking a bunch of pictures, we went our own way.



Doing my imitation of a refrigerator on moving day. Looks like he's pushing me up, but he's holding me back as we go down.



Today wasn't all about the Allure. Silhouette also looked beautiful and impressive.



When you see this, you know you're in St. Maarten.


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Thursday, April 16th - Day 5, continued

The parasailing company we had booked with, No. 1 Parasailing SXM, is the only parasailing company on the Dutch side of the island. It's situated at the far end of the boardwalk. They fly people with disabilities, but you need to make a reservation in advance in order for them to prepare the right equipment. You don't need to be able to walk or to get into the boat without help in order to fly. In fact, here's part of the email I got when I first inquired about parasailing:


We have flown several people that were not able to use their legs at all. As

long as you can sit, we can fly you. My guys will carry you on board the

boat from the pier, which is 2 steps. You can use you wheelchair to access

the pier.


I do have to say that we will only fly you when the weather conditions are

good. If there is too much wind or the waves are too high we will not be

able to fly you safely and we will cancel your activity for your own safety.

This I can only tell you a few days before your trip here or maybe even on

the day self. I hope you understand.


What we can do is that I make note of the reservation, but I will not charge

you the regular 20% deposit. You can pay us on the actual day. That way we

dont have to refund you if it is not possible to fly.


We fly between 9am and 4pm. However, I would recommend making a morning

reservation since it is less busy and the light is better to take some great



The person I emailed, Christel, was incredibly helpful and nice. Even before reaching St. Maarten, my experience with them was a super positive one. I had made a reservation for 10:00 to give us plenty of time to find the place. They are situated at the far end of the boardwalk and we planned on getting there on foot, since the Water Taxis aren't wheelchair accessible.


The plan was not to linger once we started heading to the parasailing place, because we didn't know how long it would take to get there and we'd have plenty of time afterward to shop and chill. I had taken a Google Maps screen shot of the route that would take us to the boardwalk, but I didn't even need to look at it. At first, we just had to follow the hoard of people. Most of them stopped at the Water Taxis, but we continued and quickly found the sidewalk that would take us to the boardwalk.



The sidewalk that will take you from the port to the boardwalk. This picture was taken facing the direction of the port.


It wasn't a pretty walk in any way, but it was mostly flat the whole way and there were signs pointing us in the right direction once we got closer to the boardwalk. The boardwalk area is a lot of fun! You can see the ships in the distance, there are plenty of bars and restaurants, and you could even choose to relax on the beach with an umbrella and a bucket of beer. If you enjoy shopping, you'll find plenty of that, too.



At the very start of the boardwalk.



The view from the boardwalk is beautiful.



Boardwalk beach. While I liked the boardwalk, it's not where I would go to spend a day at the beach.


On our way to the parasailing place, we saw a couple of flags we recognised. They even had a sign advertising they spoke French and had free WIFI, so we pretty much knew where we would have our Guavaberry Coladas once we were done with our parasailing adventure.



O Canada!


It took approximately 40 minutes to reach the end of the boardwalk, but we could have done it in half an hour if we hadn't stopped for a few pictures along the way. Once there, we easily spotted the yellow building where we had to go, but it was strangely quiet and we couldn't see anyone. Mom went to check it out and Christel was waiting for her there. She had bad news for us. The winds were too strong and they wouldn't be flying at all that day. Noooo! Christel had tried emailing me that morning to let us know so we wouldn't go all the way over here, but without an internet package, I couldn't check my emails that morning.


What a bummer! I was disappointed, but it's hard to be too disappointed when you're on vacation, the sun is shining, and there are plenty of fun things to look at around. One thing is sure: if I'm ever in St. Maarten again, I will make a reservation with them again and hope for better weather. My shore excursion options are very limited and they're usually all about sightseeing, which is fun, but I would rather throw myself off cliffs or zipline or bungee jump, so I was very excited to have found something that would provide a bit of an adrenalin rush.

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Thursday, April 16th - Day 5, continued

We knew of two things that would make us feel better: alcohol and free WIFI. Hmm…where could we find those…of course, we knew exactly where we wanted to go! We found the familiar flags we had spotted earlier and found that not only did the owner speak French, but he was also from Quebec. We each ordered a Guavaberry Colada and it was delicious! Refreshing and fruity and cold: exactly what we needed! Alright, so it was only ten in the morning, but ten o'clock is a totally acceptable time to start drinking fruity cocktails when you're on vacation.



Nü Love from the boardwalk.



Guavaberry Colada!


The WIFI was quite slow, but we still manage to Facetime my friend for whom I was buying shooter glasses. She was relieved to hear that our parasailing activity had been cancelled. What a chicken! By the way, if you're like me and always have ALL THE APPS opened at the same time, try closing them all (except the one you want to use) when WIFI is slow. It made a world of difference for us. I checked my emails, and I saw that Christel had indeed emailed me to let me know we wouldn't be able to fly. Just rub it in, why don't you! Another cocktail, s'il vous plaît!



Mango Tango!



Our view. Like the Carambola Beach Club, it looks like St. Maarten is trying to be a beer ad.


Next, I tried a Mango Tango, which was also delicious and very refreshing. We were so happy with our drinks that we asked the owner where we could buy the rum they use in their cocktails. He told us to go on the street parallel to the boardwalk, Front Street, and then look for Old Street. On the way, my body started letting me know very insistently that it was feeling a little too hydrated and could I please find a restroom.


We asked around and were directed to the Holland House Beach Hotel on Front Street. The restrooms are in the basement, but there's a tiny elevator that will take you there. They didn't have a wheelchair accessible stall, but I thought I would fit anyway. I did fit eventually, but I had to position my chair in a very specific angle and if I was a little off, the door wouldn't close at all. Closing the door on my own would have required some serious Cirque du Soleil moves, so I was glad my mother was with me.



The Holland House Beach Club as seen from Front Street.



The elevator is in the hotel's lobby. A ramp will get you there.

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Thursday, April 16th - Day 5, continued


Downstairs where the restrooms are.



The stall that wouldn't let me enter, and then that wouldn't let me get out.



Front Street.


Eventually, I appeased my overly hydrated body and we started looking for rum. We easily found Old Street and it was very charming. Colours everywhere, an old car parked as decoration, it was everything I had imagined a Caribbean port would look like.



Old Street is very hard to miss.



The charms of Old Street.


It was very easy finding the rum place; there was a tasting station outside. I can't believe I didn't take a picture of the outside of the shop, but I remember that there was a very small step to enter the shop. I'll borrow someone's picture to show you. Bare with me. I'm still learning.



Where all the rum was.


Did it work? Did anyone get naked?

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Thursday, April 16th - Day 5, continued

The place is called "Rhum Ma Doudou" and it's the loveliest little shop I've been in during the whole cruise. Rows and rows of hand painted and colourful bottles, seemingly endless tasting opportunities, a joyful and personable employee who seemed very proud to show off his products… We both loved it. Not only did they have rum, but they also had preserves, sauces, spices, etc. I sampled several different flavours of rum, and in the end we each bought a bottle of guavaberry rum and I also got a bottle of vanilla rum. We could even pick between a glass and plastic bottle, which, when you have to worry about luggage weight and potential spills, is very important. According to the recipe leaflet they gave me, they also have a place in Marigot, so you don't have any excuses not to stop there.



So many bottles!


After another quick stop at the Holland House Beach Hotel, we went back to the boardwalk and started slowly heading back to the ship. We saw the funniest bicycle I had ever seen. There's one guy steering, and the other people are pedalling and having a drink. That's my kind of exercise!



The perfect bicycle.


While Mom was shopping for a new beach bag, it started raining, which was refreshing. That day was insanely hot! It lasted approximately five minutes. Just long enough to be pleasant!



Shopping in St. Maarten.


For a minute, I was super excited because I found a candy shop that had a ramp AND the little wheelchair dude logo on the door. Unfortunately, the logo was a lie and I couldn't get in because of the store's layout. Too much stuff in the way. Would this day ever stop breaking my heart!?





The walk back to the port was uneventful, except for those pigeons I saw. What can I say? I love pigeons.



Tired pigeon taking a little rest.



We stopped there to get some rum for my brother.

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Thursday, April 16th - Day 5, continued

Back at the port, we took a bunch of pictures and marvelled at how beautifully blue the water was. Even prettier than in St. Kitts!



In the port area of St. Maarten.



Plenty of shopping opportunities if you're into that.



I spot our home for the week!





I had never seen water like that.


Accessibility-wise, the biggest problem I had in St. Maarten was finding an accessible bathroom. I never encountered any steep hills or annoying cobblestones; everywhere I went was relatively smooth and easy to roll on. When I used the sidewalk, there were dropped curbs everywhere and it would be an easy port to visit alone. However, I do realise that I have seen a very tiny portion on the island, so it may not be as easy everywhere.

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Thursday, April 16th - Day 5, continued

We got back on the ship, left our three bottles of rum in the hopefully capable hands of the Celebrity people who asked us to sign a form with our cabin number and what we had bought.


Our first stop was to leave a note on Aunt and Friend's cabin door to let them know that we were planning to hit the Oceanview Café for lunch, and then go to the Solarium for some relaxation out of the direct sun. They caught up with us while we were having lunch at our usual table.


To say they were pleased with their tour is and understatement. They both LOVED it! We told each other about our day so far while we ate. While they were disappointed that we didn't get to parasail, Aunt admitted that she was a bit relieved, too. Geez, another chicken, am I right?


After lunch, Mom and I went to the Solarium while Aunt and Friend went to put on their bathing suits. In the Solarium, I found a Pool Butler and asked whether I could use the pool lift. As suspected, the battery for this lift was now in the Outdoor Pool's lift, but he went over there and retrieved the battery. Getting into the Solarium pool was just like getting into the other pool, but with more room to move around the lift.


Into the pool I went, to the amazement of the couple of sweet ladies who were watching me like hawks. The water was a bit on the cold side compared to the Outdoor Pool, but it was so hot that day that I didn't mind one bit and found it very refreshing. It wasn't long before we were joined by Aunt and Friend, who also got into the pool. We found a couple of French speaking peoples in the pool, and then two more, and then a couple more. It was like francophone hour in the Solarium, I couldn't believe it!


Eventually, the water got a bit too cold, even for my Canadian butt, and I got out. Getting out of that pool was actually easier than getting out of the Solarium pool. Remember when I said that the seat in the Outdoor Pool didn't go all the way down? Well, this one did. All I had to do was drag aforementioned Canadian butt onto the chair, no effort required at all. Outside, I wrapped myself up in a very plush towel while my travelling peeps continued socialising in French. Mom and Aunt even found someone who was friend with their cousin. Small world!


When everyone was refreshed, we returned to our cabins where we got ready for dinner (seriously? I have to wash and blow dry my hair AGAIN!?) and watched the Allure sail away. She looked so majestic and beautiful and I got to see the Boardwalk balconies from afar. October 2016 can't come soon enough!


Before dinner, we decided to revisit the Martini Bar. I was hoping we'd get seats at the actual bar, but it was full so we sat at the same table as the time before. We got: Blue Martini (me), Pear Martini (Aunt), Fresca Martini (Friend) and a glass of Amaretto (Mom). They were good, but I wish I had tried the Fresca Martini.



Our martinis (with Mom's drink hiding in the background).


We ran into the people who were sitting at the table next to ours every evening in the dining room and exchanged some pre-dinner pleasantries. When we were done with our drinks, we headed to the dining room, but they had nothing available right now, so we took the beeper and did Martini Bar, the sequel. I had seen a lady drinking a very sexy drink earlier and had asked what it was: a Sunset Martini. That's what I ordered and it was very sexy indeed. Tasted like a Piña Colada on steroids.


It wasn't long before we were called to the dining room. At the recommendation of our dining room buddies, we made a reservation for 19:00 the next day since it would likely be busy because of formal night. We weren't at the same table that night. Instead of being beside our dining room buddies, we were behind them. As long as we had the same waiters, we were happy, but despite being right next to the window, I didn't like that table as much. Felt a bit more crowded than the other one.


Ivan came to our table and asked what we wanted to drink. I was heartbroken to tell him that, sadly, I was accidentally tipsy and wouldn't be drinking anymore that night. He asked how it had happened. Well, my gorgeous sommelier, it all began when the dining room didn't have a table for us and I had to order another martini. That I drank rather quickly.


The day before, I didn't have enough appetite for dessert, and that was just unacceptable. I knew I couldn't keep going on like that. If I had to eat fewer veggies in order to eat dessert, then I would do just that! So that evening, dinner was:



Escargots à la bourguignonne (again).



Veal Cordon Bleu (I skipped the soup).



Chocolate Torte.


Again, everything was very good, but I think the veal is the entrée I liked the least that week.


That night isn't the night I remember the best (accidentally tipsy, remember?), but apparently there was a lot of goofing around with Dejan again, because I have a lot of very interesting pictures. Looks like maybe I wasn't the only one who had gotten accidentally tipsy. After dinner, we went to Quasar to check it out. Nothing particularly interesting was happening, but we had an impromptu goofy photo shoot.


Then, it was off to bed. Overall, it has been a good day in St. Maarten. Even without the potential parasailing, I would be happy to return. I would like to see Marigot one day and try one of those pastries at Sarafina's. Also, I will eventually run out of rum, so I'll have to revisit that colourful store and, that time, get some sauces and spices and play Masterchef with them.

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I'm really sorry you did not get the opportunity to parasail. :( It's such a neat experience and I hope you'll be able to do it in the future. It is so peaceful up there.


So am I! It was the shore activity I was looking forward to the most. I will definitely try to make it happen in the future.

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Hi Norris! I'm glad you found my review! I remember you saying you were sailing on the Silhouette, but I had no idea it was the same itinerary! I have never sailed Princess (or any other line), so I can't compare, but I think you will love it. What type of cabin do you have?


Thank you for the compliments about my pictures. I have just started playing with my new camera, so I still have loads to learn, but hopefully I'm on the right track :)


Looking forward to your Emerald review! Yay Rome and Barcelona!


Laurie, as you can see from my signature I have been happily sailing Princess exclusively but am looking forward to the Silly as everything will be different.


We are in a Sky Suite, aft corner port side, 2 decks above Tuscan Grill. Cabin is 7309 if memory serves. The itinerary includes 2 ports we haven't been to- San Juan and Basseterre and the 123 Go! promotion helped sway us. Carol also likes the 3 sea days. I am a big fan of the S Class design too.


The Emerald Princess trip will be Epic for us so expect the world's longest review (LOL) as we get back to Rome again and see Barcelona for the first time.


Meantime I am enjoying your review and photos. I hope you sign up for parasailing on your next cruise-it is such a great fun experience-make sure you take your camera or camcorder up with you!



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How disappointing that you couldn't parasail! For some people, this would have ruined their cruise. But not you. I love how you change your plans on the fly and continue to enjoy yourself.


It was great to see a different side of St Martin than the usual city tour, and that rum store with the beautiful painted bottles is now on my must see list.


I'm looking forward to more.

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Hi Laurie,


Still doing a great job with your Trip report.


Parasailing! Back in 2011 during our Carnival Valor Cruise stop in Cozumel we booked thru the ship Parasailing. Donna was pretty nervous on going but we all wanted to go. But when we got to Cozumel it was to windy and we could not go. In hindsight I am glad it was cancelled and don't think I will ever even try it again. Just too many accidents/deaths that we read about. I also think this is the reason you don't see it offered thru the ships any more.


Keep up the fantastic report.



Kevin Reid

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Me too! Great photo review so far.


A Sony zoom lens popped up on a local classifieds site yesterday. I contacted the owner and will keep my fingers crossed, because the price is very reasonable.


I'm glad you like my review so far! Thanks for letting me know :)


Your review is absolutely charming. Thanks for posting.:)


Thank you! It's been a delight posting it, so I'm happy you like it!


Laurie, as you can see from my signature I have been happily sailing Princess exclusively but am looking forward to the Silly as everything will be different.


We are in a Sky Suite, aft corner port side, 2 decks above Tuscan Grill. Cabin is 7309 if memory serves. The itinerary includes 2 ports we haven't been to- San Juan and Basseterre and the 123 Go! promotion helped sway us. Carol also likes the 3 sea days. I am a big fan of the S Class design too.


The Emerald Princess trip will be Epic for us so expect the world's longest review (LOL) as we get back to Rome again and see Barcelona for the first time.


Meantime I am enjoying your review and photos. I hope you sign up for parasailing on your next cruise-it is such a great fun experience-make sure you take your camera or camcorder up with you!




Oh wow! I can't wait to see your pictures of the Sky Suite! We didn't have a cabin crawl, so the only cabins I saw were ours and a regular balcony. We thought the 123 Go promotion was great. Did you pick the beverage package? We thought it gave us a lot of extra freedom.


Do you have anything planned for the ports?


Also, I have zero objection to the longest, most epic review :)


How disappointing that you couldn't parasail! For some people, this would have ruined their cruise. But not you. I love how you change your plans on the fly and continue to enjoy yourself.


It was great to see a different side of St Martin than the usual city tour, and that rum store with the beautiful painted bottles is now on my must see list.


I'm looking forward to more.


While it was disappointing, we knew from the start that they wouldn't fly if the weather conditions didn't make it safe. I think my travels (and my life in general) wouldn't be as fun if I let such things ruin experiences for me.


That rum store is definitely a not to miss place if you're in the area. Hopefully, the same man will be there if you visit. His enthusiasm was contagious!


Thanks for your comments! More is coming soon, most likely today, but it's hard not to get distracted when the sun is shining so beautifully and there's a whole new season of Orange is the New Black to watch :rolleyes:


Hi Laurie,


Still doing a great job with your Trip report.


Parasailing! Back in 2011 during our Carnival Valor Cruise stop in Cozumel we booked thru the ship Parasailing. Donna was pretty nervous on going but we all wanted to go. But when we got to Cozumel it was to windy and we could not go. In hindsight I am glad it was cancelled and don't think I will ever even try it again. Just too many accidents/deaths that we read about. I also think this is the reason you don't see it offered thru the ships any more.


Keep up the fantastic report.



Kevin Reid


Thanks Kevin! I'm having a lot of fun doing it and I'm already thinking about the next one and about what I'll do differently.


Regarding parasailing, one thing that made me feel safer was that the company was willing to lose money in order not to put the customer at risk. Small thing, I know, but from the way I see it, I'm always putting myself at risk every time I leave the house.

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I'm definitely a visual person and I really enjoyed this review. I've never done a Celebrity cruise but we are really leaning towards trying one in November. Looks like a fantastic trip.


It really was fantastic. I'd sail with Celebrity again any day!

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Friday, April 17th - Day 6

I woke up and couldn't believe that we only had two full days left! However, I lingered in bed a bit and I didn't get out until 7:00. Mom and I said we would meet around 8:00 at the Oceanview Café for breakfast and off I was to explore a bit more. On the menu that day: Deck 5.


I had a good look at the Molecule Bar and thought that, really, I needed to get my act together and try that bar before the cruise was over. The end of the cruise seemed ridiculously close by then; I couldn't believe I'd be getting off in two days (and going back to work in three)!



I love those hummingbirds on the screens.



Not a ton of seating, but I never saw it full (granted, I rarely saw it open).


Then, I hung out at Café Al Bacio for a bit. I had never seen it this empty. It was always full during the day, no matter what time it was when I was there.



Café Al Bacio, very quiet in the early morning.



You won't find those empty during the day.



It's a beautiful place. I wish I had tried more of their coffees, but it was just so hot!


The Grand Foyer, like the rest of the ship, was very empty at this early hour.



Grand Foyer.

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Friday, April 17th - Day 6, continued

I then took a quick tour of Bistro on Five, which is probably where I will have lunch on embarkation day if I ever cruise Celebrity solo one day. The Oceanview Café was a bit intense for me that day and I don't think I would have stayed there if I hadn't been with my travelling buddies.



Bistro on Five.






I wanted to have a look at where the specialty restaurants were, because we had a reservation a Qsine the next day and I wanted to see where it was. Also, I absolutely had to see where all the apples were. You know which apples I'm talking about. They're in everyone's photographs and there was no way they wouldn't be in mine.



Look! Apples!



Ensemble Lounge, as seen from the Apple Room.


Despite it being empty, I really liked the Ensemble Lounge and thought it would be an excellent spot to have a pre-dinner drink. Contrary to the Martini Bar, it was all dark and mysterious and seemed to come straight out of those black and white years. I could almost see the hats and feathers.



Entering the Ensemble Lounge.

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Friday, April 17th - Day 6, continued


Comfy looking seats in the Ensemble Lounge.



Bar in the Ensemble Lounge.


At 8:00, I was ready to have breakfast at our usual spot. During breakfast, Aunt suggested that we bought the big picture package between the four of us. We had pretty much taken every photo opportunity that had presented itself, so we would be getting a lot of pictures for our money. We all thought it was a good idea, especially Mom and I who still had all that parasailing money burning a hole through our wallets. The plan, from now on, was to visit every single photographer we would see, no matter how many times they asked me to cross my arms.


It was a fairly quick meal that morning because it was later than our usual time and we were hoping to grab excellent spots at the Pool. We ran into Dejan on the way out of the Oceanview Café and he was a goofball, as usual. Even now that I've been off the ship for almost two months, I sometimes think about him and about his endless supply of energy. Man, he was good at his job.


We shouldn't have worried about getting a good spot at the pool, because there were still plenty of loungers and beds left. We did that thing where Mom and I grab spots while Aunt and Friend finish their breakfast, and then Mom and I put on our bathing suits while Aunt and Friend hold down the fort. It looked like it was going to be a very hot day again, so I didn't spend ages lounging on my bed. Soon enough, I started looking for a Pool Butler who would assist me with the lift.


By then, I was a real pro. However, there were a lot more people than when we arrived around 8:00, so the Pool Butler had to ask a lot of people to move their loungers a bit so we could reach the lift. No big deal, everyone moved, but sorry if it was you and I disturbed your nap. In the pool, I found an amazing spot against the hot tub and I knew I wouldn't move from there in a while and there would be some serious tanning happening.



The pool was very inviting.


We were lucky enough to be in the pool when a band started playing. Sadly, I never caught their name, but they had an excellent set list that was perfect for a sunny sea day at the pool. When they started playing Pink's "Raise Your Glass", I thought: that's it, that's the ultimate vacation feeling and nothing will ever top that. The four of us enjoyed the ambiance a lot! We took a bunch of pool pictures, but eventually I was as wrinkly as a prune and I got out of the pool. I went back to our cabin, had a shower and hung out on our balcony for a bit.



The band!


Later, I met Mom and Friend at Café Al Bacio where they were having a couple of delicious, but very sugary, coffees. I ordered an Iglu and hung out with them at Café Al Bacio for a bit.



Mom and Friend's coffees.



The desserts offered that afternoon at Café Al Bacio.

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Friday, April 17th - Day 6, continued


The gelato looked yummy, but I never got around to trying some.



They were getting ready for the Not New Years Eve party.


Then, the three of us went to Guest Relations where we had a few issues to resolve, one of which being the still absent coupons Mom should have gotten because she's a Classic Member. We also had an issue with the San Juan excursions having been charged to the wrong people, and that was resolved quickly. The coupons, apparently, would be in our cabin later. Mmhmm…


We also went to the Photo Gallery to inquire about the big package. The way it works is if Aunt bought the package, she would get all the pictures in which she and Friend (because they share a cabin) appeared. It meant that while we would get most of the pictures we took, we still wouldn't get those of Mom and I together or alone. It was still a lot of pictures, but we were a bit disappointed that we couldn't get the whole lot considering how pricey the package is. The guy we spoke with told us to come back the next day and talk to his supervisor. Aunt was very optimistic that, on the last day, they would be more willing to offer discounts, so we planned on returning.


We then returned to our cabins to get ready for our second and last formal dinner. Since we had a reservation for Qsine the next day, that night would be the last time we would see our dining room team and buddies. We weren't 100% sure we would get the picture package, so we decided to get ready early to take some nice pictures of our own. We picked the spot where the lady has all the apples, which wasn't good for the apple lady, because how could she compete with our elegance and poise? We were there for a while, to the amusement of those heading to the specialty restaurants, and we managed to get several good pictures.


When we were done, we went for a drink in the Ensemble Lounge where I got a Kir Royal. I'm very glad we took the time to go there, because the ambiance was a lot different than the Martini Bar and it was nice to experience something different. Everything feels more glamorous in the Ensemble Lounge (even me).


We had a 19:00 reservation at the dining room where we sat at our favourite table, next to our favourite group of diners. That night, dinner was all about lobster and baked Alaska. I was looking forward to it; I love lobster, but I hate having to fight my way through it. Also, I've never had a baked Alaska before and I couldn't wait to try it. I had the escargots again (what can I say? I love escargots), but I skipped the picture because, between the four of us, we had too many pictures of escargots already. I skipped the soup or salad (gotta save room for dessert), and had a lobster tail.



Lobster tail.



Baked Alaska.


I can't say it was bursting with flavour, and I've definitely had better lobster in my life, but I was on a cruise, I was having fun, company was delectable, and it just made everything taste delicious.


While I was very happy to finally try a baked Alaska, it didn't blow me away. It was good and I would order it again if there weren't anything more appealing on the menu, but I definitely won't find myself daydreaming about it at work anytime soon. The apple crumble, however, mmm…


That evening in the dining room was a bit of a fiesta. We took pictures with our team of waiters, we took pictures with our dining room buddies, we even got photo bombed by the group of people sitting behind us. Although it wasn't Mom's birthday yet, we still got a cake and we celebrated. It was our best night in the dining room for sure, even if it did feel like things were ending a bit.



Birthday Cake!



Leaving the dining room for the last time.

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... Also, I absolutely had to see where all the apples were. You know which apples I'm talking about. They're in everyone's photographs and there was no way they wouldn't be in mine.



Look! Apples!


I was expecting to see my Adam or Nolan in this picture. LOL!



Kevin Reid

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Friday, April 17th - Day 6, continued

After dinner, we decided to hang out at the Martini Bar and we scored some premium seats at the actual bar! Aunt and I ordered a Chocolate Martini, while Mom and Friend got a glass of Lemoncello. My step-mother, who was on the Reflection two years ago, still talks about the Chocolate Martinis, so I had to try one of them just to see if they were ad delicious as she said they were. Spoiler alert: they were.



Martini Bar action (not ours, sadly).



How can that be the only picture I have of the Chocolate Martini!?


We had some fun writing on the ice bar, and we ran into a few people from the roll call who also looked like they were having an awesome time. If I'm not mistaken, I even saw some YMCA moves happening on their side of the bar (I'm not. I have a picture. It's wonderful).


At one point, while coming out of the bathroom, one of the ship's photographer asked whether I wanted to have my picture taken. I declined, but a lady wearing a crown and a "bride to be" sash (as one does) said I had to get my picture taken because she had just done it. Seemed legit. I said I would get my picture taken only if she did it with me.


…I don't even know. It seemed like an awesome idea at the time.


So she jumped in and the photographer got started, but she was never happy with out positioning and we were treated to an endless chorus of "put your heads closer together" and "move your hand a little" and "cross your arms". And when she was finally happy with the way we looked, she couldn't take the picture because the elevators were in the way so we'd have to wait, stuck in our silly photographer-approved position, for the elevators to come down again. I swear it took at least ten minutes and we were both laughing so much that she only managed a couple of pictures during all that time. Granted, there were three elevator intermissions, but still!


I got back to my spot at the bar, still chuckling. I was definitely ready for another martini! This time, Aunt and I tried the Black Forest Martini, and Mom and Friend got a second glass of Lemoncello. I thought they were very generous with the Lemoncello; those were in no way small glasses!



Our two Black Forest Martinis being made (on the right).



That was a lot of whipped cream (and they added a chocolate drizzle).





To everyone who heard me singing "Red Red Wine" as I was making my way back to my cabin that evening, I am sorry! Someone was singing it at karaoke and it inspired me apparently. I can honestly say that, with pre-dinner cocktails, dinner wine, and post-dinner dessert cocktails, there was nothing accidental about the tipsiness that night. Still, we had an awesome time and all four of us remember it fondly and think of it as our best evening on the ship.


The evening ended on a fun note: both cabins had their very first towel animal! Yay!



Dog? Pig?

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