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Kids on Cruises


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Gas is pretty easily taken care of if you know what you are doing:p and nobody said it was fair or selfless to subject other pax to a screaming child.


I'm glad for you that you are successful at avoiding children. It's an art I hope I never want to learn.




Yes, I am pretty successful in avoiding children. I stay in the casino/bar/showroom/gym/spa for the most part. Most of the children are in the pool/buffet.


Now, here is an example to chew on. Most ships have signs that clearly state children are NOT ALLOWED IN THE HOT TUB. What is wrong with the ignorant parents that thinks it is o.k. for junior or little Amber to get in the hot tub and splash around in spite of the sign. How inconsiderate and rude. I was once on a Carnival cruise. At dinner the waiters/waitresses performed a dance number. It called for a number of them to climb on pedestals that were placed around the dining room. Well one child (7 or 8 years old) was so excited by the performance that he climbed up on the pedestal nearest him. The waiter that was suppose to be dancing on the pedestal didn't know what to do. What did the ignorant parent do?? NOTHING!! She thought it was the cutest thing in the world for her child to join in on the performance. How selfish. It ruined the entire sequence of the dance number because that child was where a waiter was suppose to be. That is the type of selfish bad parenting skills that I am talking about. The parents didn't care about the rest of the passengers or the crew. They just want Jr. to have to time of his life. How rude!!!

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This will probably start a war but . . . . .

This is how you started your post

O.K. Y'all Throw the daggers.

This is how you ended it

You also stated on the other thread most children make you sick.I think this is what is being responded to.

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Yes, I am pretty successful in avoiding children. I stay in the casino/bar/showroom/gym/spa for the most part. Most of the children are in the pool/buffet.


GREAT! Then stop telling people not to bring their kids on cruises! Nobody said it was OK to take a child in the hot tub. Nobody said it was OK to let a child take over a performance. MOST children and MOST parents, contrary to what you and Folgy, etc. say are NOT like that.



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This is how you started your post


This is how you ended it

You also stated on the other thread most children make you sick.I think this is what is being responded to.


Most of the children I personally know are not particularly well behaved. I have raised a child and I have been around children most of my adult life. There is a difference between typical child-like behavior and a complete lack of home training. Many children today lack home training. Not all but many do. The things young, young children get away with today would have been unthinkable just a short 20 years ago.


Many of the children I know I would be just as happy not spending my vacation with them. What is wrong with that??? Is it o.k. if I do not want to be around someone else's child??? My goodness!!!


If your children are well cared for, loved, mannerable and sweet as pie, then my comments should not bother you. However, if you are trying to defend bringing bratty, ugly, unruly children around, then yes, I am talking about you!!! JUST IN -- A DEVELOPING STORY - MOST ADULTS THAT DO NOT INTERACT WITH CHILDREN ON A DAILY BASIS DO NOT WANT TO BE AROUND YOUR BRATTY CHILD!!!!!! NEWS AT 11!!!!

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GREAT! Then stop telling people not to bring their kids on cruises! Nobody said it was OK to take a child in the hot tub. Nobody said it was OK to let a child take over a performance. MOST children and MOST parents, contrary to what you and Folgy, etc. say are NOT like that.




I never said do not bring them. I just gave the OP a different take on the infant on the ship thing.


I don't really care who comes on the ship. However, this being a forum it is a good place to let the thick-skulled parents of the BRATS!! know that it is not nearly as cute as they may believe it is.

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In all honesty I have had only three bad experiences with people and my children ever and none of them have been while on vacation.


What you have just stated is absolutely unacceptable. Most of what I write on this forum is what goes through my mind. Never, ever, never in a million years would I subject a parent to that type of brow-beating. I know what it is like to try to guage/control a young one. Been there/done that. Maybe that is why I don't do children right now. I am on sabbatical from the short set!!!!


Anyway, what you have endured is unacceptable. No matter what a child does, it is not for a stranger to approach a parent and chastise the parent. There is no driving test for a parenting license -- O.T.J.T. (on the job training).


I am so sorry you and your children and husband have endured that. :(

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1. A woman walked up to my husband in a mall near Chicago and told him that our oldest son, then about 4 weeks old, was not his. My eldest and second eldest were both adopted and are both Hispanic. She was trying to tell my husband I had, obviously cheated on him. My husband said "thank you" to her. His reasoning was that you cannot educate some people.
I can't even imagine how I would have reacted.I think your husband showed a lot of class walking away especially in front of the kids.
Other people came to us and told us she was horrible but no one came to help when she was tearing me a new one.

I can't believe noone especially the restaurant manager came to help you.She should have been removed.

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i find this conversation quite difficult to believe, if i see a child that is 'ugly behaving', i ignore the said child, it is not for me or anyone else to judge the child or parents, yes i believe it is the parents fault but it is not for me to let them know they are doing a rubbish job of it. if my 3 year old is being 'cute and lovely' in my eyes, many a time i sense people looking, never would i look at them and accept their admiration (for want of a better word) i do not expect others to think my child is beautiful, she is to me and my family, but i frankly would be embarrassed to acknowledge a secret glance from someone to my child. if they choose to talk to my children fine, but never would i allow my children to 'pester' an adult. I dunno about you but really i havent seen all these awful children and parents, do they hunt out the cruise industry for their annual holidays. I have stayed in very nice resorts, hotels all over but i have never been so annoyed by parents or children that i would feel the need to go on and on about it. I said to my husband last night, if i had read these boards before booking our cruise i would never have booked. if you book a normal hotel or resort there is no board to make a fuss on, if you are eating next to a family in a hotel, yes you can ask to move but would you! i just cant believe the vein of some of these threads. surely to god there are not that many hooligans out there.


I thought the idea of joining these boards was. as a first time cruiser at Christmas, i would get some ideas and questions answered to help me organise my holiday, not so much negativity and whining about children.


My kids are well mannered (before you think i'm taking offence) but some may not be but unless they are being rude, too noisy, or unruly, live and let live.

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If your child is out of control ... do not subject your fellow passengers to that mess.


If you are too worn out or busy from your career ...do not subject your fellow passenger to that mess.


If ...your child ...demonstrates no social skills, do not subject your fellow passenger to that mess.


If you are breastfeeding... no one ...wants to see your naked boob!!! Again, do not subject your fellow passenger to that mess.


If you infant (under 2) (why is he on the ship anyway) needs a diaper change ...do not subject your fellow passenger to that mess.


O.K. I don't see the joy in bringing an infant onto a cruiseship. That seems just selfish to me.:mad:

I couldn't have said this any better! Sadly, the parents that should read this probably don't read CC. I'd like to add: ...don't subject fellow passengers to your crying baby. A cruise is not the venue to teach your child (cry themselves to sleep, etc.) - Home is where the lessons should be taught. It's not about appreciating children - it's about enjoying my pricey vacation w/o annoyance from rude/obnoxious fellow passengers -- no matter what their age! Nliedel does have the disposition of an angle;)

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My DH came across a picture that perfectly illustrates the difference(s?) between men and women:

Two soundboards (aircraft control boards, whatever...)--one is filled with dials, switches and complex knobs; the other has one on/off switch:p

We laughed for hours!

As for kids on cruises--we "do" any vacation differently when we have kids around. It's all about down time and what works for the family when they're with us and all about our time and what we want to do as a couple when they're not. We spent quiet mornings and evenings in the balcony cabin with our 3yo on a Celebrity cruise and a great day in the hot tub while everyone else was in crowded, noisy Nassau. We expect to spend mega time at the pool and rock wall and mini golf on RCCL with our older kids and now 4yo in Jan. But we expect manners, too, in public places wherever we travel...makes it more enjoyable for everyone.

Thanks for an upbeat thread re kids.

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I couldn't have said this any better! Sadly' date=' the parents that should read this probably don't read CC. I'd like to add: ...don't subject fellow passengers to your crying baby. A [b']cruise is not the venue to teach your child[/b] (cry themselves to sleep, etc.) - Home is where the lessons should be taught. It's not about appreciating children - it's about enjoying my pricey vacation w/o annoyance from rude/obnoxious fellow passengers -- no matter what their age! Nliedel does have the disposition of an angle;)


I am doing a public service for the parents that truly do not realize that not EVERYONE is living and breathing so that their little one can "find him/herself". This post and the other post is only directed at the parents that assume that since they have become tone-deaf to their child's screams the entire world has. It is inconsiderate. However, where you present a different take on the baby on board issue, it is "BABY-HATER, BABY-HATER, BABY-HATER." Kinda what men call women who have the audacity to speak about some "man-like" behavior. She becomes "MAN-HATER, MAN-HATER, MAN-HATER."


Go figure.:(

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1. Yes, I have been on 2 European lines, and saw far fewer children, and many that I did see were accompanied 24/7 by nannies or "nurses", as many well-to-do European children so often are.


2. As far as "adult-only" cruises, you should speak to TA's that specialize in group/theme cruises, they have everything from gay cruises, to bingo cruises, to biker cruises, to, yes, adult cruises-any group that is large enough and has enough interest has its own cruise-there seem to be so many out there who don't want to cruise with kids, get motivated, get organized, contact a theme-cruise company, and get your own adult cruises-that way our children won't bother you, and visa-versa. You have every right to want a trip with no kids, so find one, or make one. Better yet, if there is such a high-demand, go make a few million organizing such crusies-there is a huge demand if these boards are any indicator. If I wanted to cruise without kids, and it was so important to me, I would no doubt find a way to do so. What I would not do is waste my time on these boards flaming kids-we the breeding public of America is not showing any signs of changing our minds about cruising with our kids, so its up to you now to find an alternative that makes you happy.



To all:

I don't mind that you don't wish to cruise with kids, that's totally your business, and if you have the money to spend on a cruise, you should get what you want. What I don't like is people posting all this bias and hatred towards kids, simply because some kids act out in public-guess what, so do a lot of adults.


Before I had kids, I traveled quite a bit, and spent time in places where there are no kids-casinos, clubs...however during the day, if I was in Vegas, I was never annoyed that there were kids in the pool, of course there are kids in the pool-its a pool-kids like pools-so if one splashed me, oh well, I am in the pool, I will probably get wet-so these tyrants complaining about a kid splashing them in the pool-come on-if you have so little tolerance for others, maybe you shouldn't travel at all-no one will bother you if you stay in your own home.


My point is this-cruises these days, particularly RCI mega-ships, are full of kid stuff, so they are gonna be full of kids, particularly in June-Sept, Dec-Jan, and Mar-April-that's pretty much all of the time, since so many schools have such different schedules. Knowing this to be the case, and knowing that families with kids choose cruising because it is financially attractive (all-inclusive) as well as full of kid-friendly activity, you should assume that there will be several hundred children on just about any cruise you take on RCI.


If this is going to cause you to be bitter, uncomfortable, or rude to others, or if it is going to ruin your trip, maybe cruising RCI 2005 style is simply not for you-cruising has changed.


Its not all about mature seniors dressing for dinner and skeet shooting and shuffleboard anymore, its rock walls, wave pools and arcades. The average age of a cruiser 20 years ago was 55+, now its 30-45. Guess what, people 30-45 have-you guessed it-kids.


Just as Vegas has changed-20 years ago, there were no kids in Vegas, now they rule the streets, pools, theme parks, ariports, and yes, hotel lobbies and hallways-that bothers some people, but there is nothing to be done-Vegas changed its market to aim at families with kids, so that's who comes to Vegas now-same as cruising-if the cruise industry didn't want kids, then the ships would not be built with so many features specifically for them-


SO, don't hate the player, hate the game-


or in other words, (for the older, more mature that may not know what that means, I will be happy to explain, because I don't discriminate against anyone of any age)


don't hate the children, hate the cruise industry for building all these wonderful ships that my kids love so much, and will continue to sail on each and every year, at least twice a year, as long as my budget can afford it.


I quoted your entire post. I do not believe anyone said not to bring ANY children on a cruise. However, if an adult is on vacation without children (whether they have any or not), it is only proper manners to see that your child does not cause any great disturbances. Here people are trying to group their ill-mannered children with regular child/baby behavior. That is Not what anyone is talking about. We ALL know the type of child/parent scenario I and some others have described. Come on, stop, play acting now. We have all seen it. Bring the little ones. However, please do your training at home prior to the vacation.

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Wow Lots going on here!:eek:


Anyone want to go on a CC Group Cruise for Family and Kids?? :D



Sounds like fun but I think I will pass on it.''


I would personally not bring young children on a cruise however, as long as everyone observes the "adult only" areas and I do not have to have young children at the same table or crying in the cabin next to me there would be no problem.

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Sounds like fun but I think I will pass on it.''


I would personally not bring young children on a cruise however, as long as everyone observes the "adult only" areas and I do not have to have young children at the same table or crying in the cabin next to me there would be no problem.


I agree!:)

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First, let me say that I have had little trouble with kids on ships but that may be because I tend to take longer cruises at times that kids are more apt to be in school. The only exception was Bathrobe Annie who showed up every morning at breakfast in a very ratty bathrobe with her hair untouched for coffee. She would walk around the tables so we all could see her model her outfit. Her young son would tag behind kicking a ball that would hit people and their food and drink with her oblivious to what he was doing.


The problems we now face with some children started long ago when some self-proclaimed child “experts” wrote books on child rearing that some, not all, took as fact. These children were raised not ever hearing the words respect or responsibility. Today, you see and hear the results. If you don’t like their language, tough, YOU can go somewhere else. If you don’t like their actions, tough, YOU can go somewhere else.


Now, these poster children for birth control are having children. They’ve never taken responsibility for anything else, so why would they take responsibility for their children. Fortunately, many didn’t buy into this garbage, so we still have many good parents around. Unfortunately, there were enough of them to ruin almost any activity where there are quite a few children around. It makes it bad for the good parents and couples trying to enjoy adult activities.


The Las Vegas thing about families doesn’t cut it anymore. Vegas found these families rented a room, used the free facilities, and went to Mickey D’s to eat and not spend money on profit activities. What they had to do was raise the rates on rooms and meals making Vegas no longer a value. NOW, they’ve gone back to advertising Vegas as an adult destination. DUH.


I believe cruise lines may eventually find the same thing. Fares for cruises barely cover expenses. It’s what is spent after boarding that creates the bigger profits. Many families pay the fare, eat the free meals, use the free facilities, and go to beaches in ports, while forgoing the drinks, casinos and ship sponsored tours. Add to this the added security when there are a LOT of kids on-board along with the destruction reported on some of these cruises. Add also the bread and butter cruisers that may start forgoing cruising for other activities because they no longer want to put up with it and it will start hitting cruise lines where they live, in their pocketbooks.


I’m not against families taking cruises. Go and enjoy. Kids grow up fast and your time with them is short. I am against parents who don’t take responsibility for their kids and show no respect for others by allowing their kids to act up in public while expecting those around them to like it, lump it, or go somewhere else. I should be able to go where I want, including ANY cruise line I want, and expect to be treated with respect and enjoy my time. Take responsibility for your kids and show respect for others and we will get along just fine. Don’t take responsibility and show respect for other peoples rights and I will treat you the same. Don’t expect me to play nice if you don’t want to.

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First, let me say that I have had little trouble with kids on ships but that may be because I tend to take longer cruises at times that kids are more apt to be in school. The only exception was Bathrobe Annie who showed up every morning at breakfast in a very ratty bathrobe with her hair untouched for coffee. She would walk around the tables so we all could see her model her outfit. Her young son would tag behind kicking a ball that would hit people and their food and drink with her oblivious to what he was doing.


The problems we now face with some children started long ago when some self-proclaimed child “experts” wrote books on child rearing that some, not all, took as fact. These children were raised not ever hearing the words respect or responsibility. Today, you see and hear the results. If you don’t like their language, tough, YOU can go somewhere else. If you don’t like their actions, tough, YOU can go somewhere else.


Now, these poster children for birth control are having children. They’ve never taken responsibility for anything else, so why would they take responsibility for their children. Fortunately, many didn’t buy into this garbage, so we still have many good parents around. Unfortunately, there were enough of them to ruin almost any activity where there are quite a few children around. It makes it bad for the good parents and couples trying to enjoy adult activities.


The Las Vegas thing about families doesn’t cut it anymore. Vegas found these families rented a room, used the free facilities, and went to Mickey D’s to eat and not spend money on profit activities. What they had to do was raise the rates on rooms and meals making Vegas no longer a value. NOW, they’ve gone back to advertising Vegas as an adult destination. DUH.


I believe cruise lines may eventually find the same thing. Fares for cruises barely cover expenses. It’s what is spent after boarding that creates the bigger profits. Many families pay the fare, eat the free meals, use the free facilities, and go to beaches in ports, while forgoing the drinks, casinos and ship sponsored tours. Add to this the added security when there are a LOT of kids on-board along with the destruction reported on some of these cruises. Add also the bread and butter cruisers that may start forgoing cruising for other activities because they no longer want to put up with it and it will start hitting cruise lines where they live, in their pocketbooks.


I’m not against families taking cruises. Go and enjoy. Kids grow up fast and your time with them is short. I am against parents who don’t take responsibility for their kids and show no respect for others by allowing their kids to act up in public while expecting those around them to like it, lump it, or go somewhere else. I should be able to go where I want, including ANY cruise line I want, and expect to be treated with respect and enjoy my time. Take responsibility for your kids and show respect for others and we will get along just fine. Don’t take responsibility and show respect for other peoples rights and I will treat you the same. Don’t expect me to play nice if you don’t want to.

Amen! I do believe you've summed it up nicely - we all just want to be treated with respect - that's not too much too ask.
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SecretMe-I do take my infant on cruises, so sorry if you don't approve-He will be on the Freedom with his 9 year old brother in June 06-if you happen to be on that cruise please approach us-I'll make sure my infant throws up on you, then I''ll have my 9 year old splash you in the pool and take 6 chairs all around you like a fortress-


Just kidding-


Clearly I am joking-the point is, no one has a right to tell others who they should or should not take on a cruise-if I can pay for my infant's ticket, and his presence is allowed by RCI, what is your problem?


DO you think it is selfish to bring disabled people on cruises too-you know, the way they move slowly or take up so much space with walkers or wheelchairs?


How about those awful blind people with those dogs they claim to need so much-


How about hearing impred people who talk too loudly because they can't hear themselves??


The world, and cruise ships, are full of people different than you-that's why some of us go on cruises, to experience something different from what we see every day-different cultures, different foods, different people, in all shapes, sizes, and ages-


You have no right to say who should or should not cruise-a cruise ship is a beautiful, wonderful experience that anyone has a right to if they can pay for it-when RCI says babies are not allowed, then babies won't be there-which will never happen. SO since it will never happen, you have no right to call parents selfish for bringing their children. I think you are the selfish one for trying to mandate your biases on others, just because they have the misfortune to be on the same ship as you.


You are probably one of those people who still believe that apt. buildings and condos should be child-free too, so you don't have to hear those crying kids thru the walls-guess what honey, that's illegal, just ask the DFEH-kids are a part of life, particularly on cruise ships that are marketed towards people who have them, so you better just get over yourself.

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Why do parents take their kids cruising?

I suppose they enjoy family vacations.


Why do cruisers that want to avoid kids patronize cruise lines that most heavily market to families? And why then make generalized complaints about families and children on cruise ships?


Schools and other authorities in recent years have made a point of emphasizing to children the importance of making "intellegent choices". Wow! What a concept!

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Oh, and by the way, I don't know what Vegas you all are talking about, but I live in Los Angeles and am in Vegas 6-8 times per year, and I have a time share at the Las Vegas Hilton, so if you think Vegas is moving away from kids, you are INSANE!!


One stupid ad campaign has nothing to do with reality-unless you are going to the Four Seasons or Bellagio, trust me, kids are everywhere in Vegas, excpet the casinos-

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Many families pay the fare, eat the free meals, use the free facilities, and go to beaches in ports, while forgoing the drinks, casinos and ship sponsored tours.

While I agree with most of your post I have to disagree with this statement.I When my daughter was younger I always pais extra for adjoining rooms or a suite.I also take at least 1 dfriend with her.I can't even imagine all the wxtra money spent on photos.The photographers take as many as possible because they know the parents can't resist them.As far as the drinks go we still but them and the non alcoholic versions for the kids which aren't that much less.As far as the tours go we bring the kids and there usually isn't a discount there.Then there's the onboard shops.There's a lot of different toys.They must sell a lot of them or they wouldn't keep adding more.When I have been to the beaches I have seen many more adults than families.The alcohol isn't being smuggled onboard for the kids.We pay for their drinks.RCI has a good mix of different groups and people.They are a business and know where their bread and butter comes from.If they weren't making the money on families they wouldn't be spending so much to target them.They are adding new facilities and programs for them all the time.I absolutely agree with enforcing the adults only areas.I also think some parents need to realize they are not on vacation from parenting but they are the minority and unfortunately their behavior is what stands out.

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While I agree with most of your post I have to disagree with this statement.I When my daughter was younger I always pais extra for adjoining rooms or a suite.I also take at least 1 dfriend with her.I can't even imagine all the wxtra money spent on photos.The photographers take as many as possible because they know the parents can't resist them.As far as the drinks go we still but them and the non alcoholic versions for the kids which aren't that much less.As far as the tours go we bring the kids and there usually isn't a discount there.Then there's the onboard shops.There's a lot of different toys.They must sell a lot of them or they wouldn't keep adding more.When I have been to the beaches I have seen many more adults than families.The alcohol isn't being smuggled onboard for the kids.We pay for their drinks.RCI has a good mix of different groups and people.They are a business and know where their bread and butter comes from.If they weren't making the money on families they wouldn't be spending so much to target them.They are adding new facilities and programs for them all the time.I absolutely agree with enforcing the adults only areas.I also think some parents need to realize they are not on vacation from parenting but they are the minority and unfortunately their behavior is what stands out.


Sorry I didn't phrase that a little better. I sure didn't mean all or most. I am one of those who hate it when a whole group is condemned for the action of a few.


I also agree with your take on alcohol smuggled on-board. Some of the ones who do this seem to be the ones who are most vocal about other rules needing to be enforced while trying to say they are not hurting anyone else. They are hurting the profit line which results in higher fares. I believe if you demand any rule be enforced then you should obey every rule. I also believe that if it is a guideline and people are within that guideline, then I accept without judgment on them, even if they don't meet my expectation.

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You have no right to say who should or should not cruise-


I said I would not post but I have to respond. I never said do not take the children. I just don't know why anyone would take an infant. My concern/opinion was, as was stated by others, that if it is a situation where the parent either cannot or chooses not to control their child, it is inconsiderate to bring them on vacation and to force other people to suffer their children. It can be a cruise, a resort or disney world for that matter.


I didn't say they shouldn't come. I just don't know why would you bring an infant on a cruise ship. He/she cannot possible enjoy anything or learn anything from being on a ship in the middle of the ocean. It is not about the child, it is about the parent(s) who want to continue to do their "thing" in spite of being "parents" and only plan to be marginal parents at that!!! Not all, probably not even most but enough so that those few can make a visit to the pool/hot tub/buffet/showroom/elevators/stores a nightmare.


The example of Las Vegas is a great example. I have been to Vegas. I can't tell you have many times I have seen guardians allow their charges to roam free because the guardian is too self-absorb in gambling/drinking/having a ball to keep track of the child. Weren't a few children molested/murdered because of this?? Vegas is not and has never been a family friendly environment. Now the Vegas bigwigs have figured out that they would rather not be bother with the whole family scene and have stopped trying to paint Vegas as a fun for all vacation. It is not.


I have another story to tell in another post in a few minutes.

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