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Kids on Cruises


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It looks like all of his posts on this thread are gone. Is this something the monitors do when someone goes way over the top???




Does anyone have any knowledge of this happening before?


Yes, it has happened before, many times. I believe he had five posts on two threads before he left, all with a big stick to stir the pot. This happens from time to time.


Where is CAPTAINSTABLE when you need him?:rolleyes:

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If you infant (under 2) (why is he on the ship anyway)


O.K. I don't see the joy in bringing an infant onto a cruiseship. That seems just selfish to me.:mad:


O.K. Y'all Throw the daggers.



I don't think that is taking anything out of context. Blanket statements like that are offensive to everyone on this board who chooses to bring a child under 2 on a cruise. Every situation and child is different and should be treated that way.


A general statement that says they are selfish will offend and be taken personally. Just like my blanket statements would offend you (albeit they were sarcastic).


Those kinds of inflammatory words towards caring parents are what do a disservice.

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"Get over yourself and accept that everyone does not find other people's children a joy."


Guess what-nobody asked you to find our children "a joy"-there are countless people on cruises, and the world in general, that I don't find "a joy", but that doesn't give me the right to say they shouldn't be there-that's life.


Don't find my kids "a joy"-hate them if you want, but you better do it silently or else...get flamed on the boards. I really don't care if you don't find kids a joy, but I will not stand by as you try to tell people (sometimes novices to the boards and to cruising, so they know no better) that they are wrong for bringing their babies (good, bad or otherwise) on cruisies-


Free market society honey-capitalism-if I can afford it, I can buy it, and there's not much you or anyone can do about it-so why do you insist on complaining about somthing you are helpless to change-seems like a waste of time and blood pressure to me-


Sinccerely, President of T.I.C.T.O.C.K.-

Take Infants on Cruises To Offend Cranky Kid-haters...

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Guess what-nobody asked you to find our children "a joy"-there are countless people on cruises, and the world in general, that I don't find "a joy", but that doesn't give me the right to say they shouldn't be there-that's life.


Don't find my kids "a joy"-hate them if you want, but you better do it silently or else...get flamed on the boards. I really don't care if you don't find kids a joy, but I will not stand by as you try to tell people (sometimes novices to the boards and to cruising, so they know no better) that they are wrong for bringing their babies (good, bad or otherwise) on cruisies-


Free market society honey-capitalism-if I can afford it, I can buy it, and there's not much you or anyone can do about it-so why do you insist on complaining about somthing you are helpless to change-seems like a waste of time and blood pressure to me-


Sinccerely, President of T.I.C.T.O.C.K.-

Take Infants on Cruises To Offend Cranky Kid-haters...


This is so sad. I never said don't bring the children. I just don't understand bringing infants. Why do you misquote and then start a fight. Why are you so angry on a board about vacations???? I don't understand the mentality of this board. I don't get it. You are still calling names. Sad, just sad. If there not some subject that will make you smile:)

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I don't think that is taking anything out of context. Blanket statements like that are offensive to everyone on this board who chooses to bring a child under 2 on a cruise. Every situation and child is different and should be treated that way.


A general statement that says they are selfish will offend and be taken personally. Just like my blanket statements would offend you (albeit they were sarcastic).


Those kinds of inflammatory words towards caring parents are what do a disservice.


I said, "it seems selfish to me." It was my personal opinion. It was not a judgement of the entire world. Do you get out and socialize outside of the cyberworld? When a person expresses their opinion, it is not a condemnation about you. Turn off the computer and go outside and mingle a bit. You would be surprised how many opinions differ from your personal lifestyle choices that are not directed to you. I don't see the point.


"I do not see why someone would bring a infant on a cruise". That is expressing my own ignorances to the reasons why. And, guess what, over the last 2 days, the rational posts have indeed educated me as to why the babies are on board. However, the posts that just attack because I couldn't relate were just a self-portrait the person who wrote the attack. I truly did not know or could not relate to why someone would bring a newborn infant on board. I have heard at least 20 good reasons. Some I agree with, some I do not. However at least half are reasons that in my limited exposure I have never thought about. Isn't that the purpose of an open forum or is to just tear out half-sentence from someone else's post and ATTACK!!! ATTACK!!! ATTACK!!!


How sad.:(

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I didn't realize your intention was not to call parents selfish. I understand better now that you've explained.


I am sorry for my misunderstanding of your wording of your posts.


I am sorry I was ugly to you.


I'll try to get out more and be a nicer person. :) I actually haven't been able to get out much and socialize because I blew out my MCL jumping off our boat trailer. I am looking forward to getting back to work today for the first time since re-hab.

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read up on the difference between a factual statement and an opinion. A smart person won't dispute a fact, especially one easily proven. But to argue over another person's opinion is really a waste of time and energy.


An apple is an apple but whether that apple tastes good to you cannot be changed because someone else says they like apples and so should you, then go about arguing with you i an effort to change your personal opinion.


If however, the only apple a person has tasted is a hard unripe green apple, then their opinion of all apples is based on that informationn. That opinion might change, though, if someone suggests trying a red delicious before ruling out all apples as bad. It's a 50-50 chance that the taster's opinion might change, but then again it just might not. No sense arguing about it, one way or the other, because opinions are personal and do not have to change to suit those who disagree. Maybe the guy/gal just doesn't and never will like apples. And that's a fact!

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This is so sad. I never said don't bring the children. I just don't understand bringing infants. Why do you misquote and then start a fight. Why are you so angry on a board about vacations???? I don't understand the mentality of this board. I don't get it. You are still calling names. Sad, just sad. If there not some subject that will make you smile:)


Maybe the problem is that you seem to not comprehend that good parents like me don't take kindly to being told by people like you what we can or cannot, or should or should not, do with our children, infants, pets, mother-in-laws-whatever-


Who are you to make such statements???


I am very happy-people like you make me even happier, as I tend to laugh at ignorance-some of my happiest vacation memories have been vacations I took with my children/babies-


If you want to stay out of trouble on these boards, try to refrain from telling others what to, or not to do. My baby is my business, if I want to take him to the moon, if there is a shuttle available, and if I can afford it, then it's my business-if others don't like it, they need to find another shuttle...




Retired-I am gald to see that you do have a sense of humor!!!

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I’ve said this in some of my other posts, but I think the problem is that people not traveling with children don’t want to deal with other people's children and believe me, I’m with you. Before we had kids, we stuck to cruise lines such as HAL, Celebrity, and Princess who tend to cater more to the adult crowd. I think Princess even has a max. number of children allowed on a cruise. But, now that we have kids, we are looking more to the RCCL and Carnival cruise lines because like it or not, they cater to families. If you disagree, go to RCCL’s web site and look at the flash ads. Kids everywhere. Also, look at the ships. Kid friendly areas everywhere. Rock climbing, rollerblading, ice skating, huge game rooms. How are those not kid friendly ships??


So, if you don’t like a lot of kids on your cruise, try another adult friendly line or complain to RCCL to change their marketing policies.

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I’ve said this in some of my other posts, but I think the problem is that people not traveling with children don’t want to deal with other people children and believe me, I’m with you. Before we had kids, we stuck to cruise lines such as HAL, Celebrity, and Princess who tend to cater more to the adult crowd. I think Princess even has a max. number of children allowed on a cruise. But, now that we have kids, we are looking more to the RCCL and Carnival cruise lines because like it or not, they cater to families. If you disagree, go to RCCL’s web site and look at the flash ads. Kids everywhere. Also, look at the ships. Kid friendly areas everywhere. Rock climbing, rollerblading, ice skating, huge game rooms. How are those not kid friendly ships??


So, if you don’t like a lot of kids on your cruise, try another adult friendly line or complain to RCCL to change their marketing policies.


Speaking for myself, I expect kids on RCI cruises. I just ask that the adult areas be respected as such and that the kids be supervised and well behaved. I do not want to dine with families at my dinner table but that is easily avoided, IME.


I like that Princess limits the # of kids per sailing, but don't like Princess. I do stay away from Voyager class ships as I know they are great for families.


I don't hate kids but would prefer an adult cruise. In lieu of that, I just want areas I can go to to have peace and quiet.



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If you want to stay out of trouble on these boards, try to refrain from telling others what to, or not to do. My baby is my business, if I want to take him to the moon, if there is a shuttle available, and if I can afford it, then it's my business-if others don't like it, they need to find another shuttle...


Actually I am quite naughty on boards. There are thousands of boards on the web. I tend to hit and run. Never to be heard from again. :p There are thousands. People that live for one are exposed by my "penchant for hostility" and left in their little cyber world to repair their cyber reputation. This is not a real world to me. IT IS THE INTERNET.




You have no reason. You just want to fight. I don't want to fight with you anymore. I just found another interesting board that I think I will sign up for. It has to do with real estate speculations. I want to see what I can learn.


If you and I were on a cruise together, you would never know it because I just move away from families if a young one wants to have a lot of fun and I think I may get in his/her way. All I have to do with move out of the child's way and there is no conflict. Why do you insist that I submit.


O.K. I submit. Next cruise, I will do all of the babysitting for everyone on the criuse ship!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Happy now.:D :D :D



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read up on the difference between a factual statement and an opinion. A smart person won't dispute a fact, especially one easily proven. But to argue over another person's opinion is really a waste of time and energy.


An apple is an apple but whether that apple tastes good to you cannot be changed because someone else says they like apples and so should you, then go about arguing with you i an effort to change your personal opinion.


If however, the only apple a person has tasted is a hard unripe green apple, then their opinion of all apples is based on that informationn. That opinion might change, though, if someone suggests trying a red delicious before ruling out all apples as bad. It's a 50-50 chance that the taster's opinion might change, but then again it just might not. No sense arguing about it, one way or the other, because opinions are personal and do not have to change to suit those who disagree. Maybe the guy/gal just doesn't and never will like apples. And that's a fact!


I don't think the arguers will allow anyone who thinks differently agree to the sky is blue (sometimes).:D :D :D

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I didn't realize your intention was not to call parents selfish. I understand better now that you've explained.


I am sorry for my misunderstanding of your wording of your posts.


I am sorry I was ugly to you.


I'll try to get out more and be a nicer person. :) I actually haven't been able to get out much and socialize because I blew out my MCL jumping off our boat trailer. I am looking forward to getting back to work today for the first time since re-hab.


No harm done. I appreciate you taking the time to read my posts and understanding I was stating my opinion based on limited knowledge. I only have one child. I was a single parent. I could not when my child was very young have afforded a cruise so it was not something I said "no" to. Now I am in a better place and since I do not have to make that decision, I do not understand taking them on the ship. Perhaps if my child was 3 when I discovered cruising, and had the money, I too would take him on the ship with me. Who knows. However, I am limited by my own personal knowledge. I never, ever said "do not bring your child on board." I just did not see the advantages over the disadvantages. Several people who did not attack my ignorance, have indeed enlightened me. However "Elvis and Tracy" is just plain being mean and just wants to fight. I have been explaining the same thing over and over for the last 2 days. Everyone read my first couple of posts, never did I say do not take your children on a cruise. I just listed my experiences around "other people's children" and right now I choose to limit it as much as possible. I don't avoid Carnival or RCCL. I love them. I know about the kids.

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The last 3 posts are all from you-do you always talk to yourself-


There are support groups for that you know...


I replied to 3 posts at the same time. I am sorry. I didn't recognize you, your highness!!


Can we call a truce and get back the subject of this thread. I surrender all power to you.


Peace??:confused: :confused: :confused:

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You all know that was funny-admit it-


Anyway, I thought SecretMe was leaving the boards anyway to go experience real estate??


I'm mean, slap my hand...bad girl-


It's ok to be mean to defenseless babies, jut not to be mean to SecretMe-I understand now-thank you for the explanation-


At least Retired can take a joke....

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You all know that was funny-admit it-


Anyway, I thought SecretMe was leaving the boards anyway to go experience real estate??

I'm mean, slap my hand...bad girl-

It's ok to be mean to defenseless babies, jut not to be mean to SecretMe-I understand now-thank you for the explanation-

At least Retired can take a joke....


Don't mind Elvis&Tracey. He/she/it/they cannot help their behavior. Real estate board was great but very serious and polite.


Folgy, there is no stopping Elvis.


Anyway, . . .:p NA! NA! NANA! NA!. . Tag, Elvis, you're it:p

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Your statements and misquotes are inflammatory and you do this entire board a disservice. Most people get curious about your responses to our "taken out of context" quotes, read the actual posts and see that you are just a bit over the top.


Let us discuss the subject at hand and stop generalizing about each other. This thread is not about one or two individuals. It is about the position of bringing a baby on board a cruiseship and what is required to successfully handle such.

People who live in glass houses...

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Speaking for myself, I expect kids on RCI cruises. I just ask that the adult areas be respected as such and that the kids be supervised and well behaved. I do not want to dine with families at my dinner table but that is easily avoided, IME.


I like that Princess limits the # of kids per sailing, but don't like Princess. I do stay away from Voyager class ships as I know they are great for families.


I don't hate kids but would prefer an adult cruise. In lieu of that, I just want areas I can go to to have peace and quiet.



This is the most sensible and reasonable statement I have read from someone on this thread that prefers to cruise without children.You acknowledge that there are going to be kids and find a way to avoid the situations you don't want to be a part of instead of telling people they shouldn't bring their kids.I have always cruised with kids but I absolutely agree the adult only rules should be enforced.

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