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Urgently need advice. Just found out I'm sailing solo with my 5 and 2 year old


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From what you say this is a bit sudden. Have you taken care of the legal side? Taking children on a holiday ex USA as a solo parent does typically need notarised authority from the absent parent. I take it you have done this and have the documents to show at embarkation check in.




Regards John



I've never been asked to provide any documentation. I carry my children's birth certificates and that is it.

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From what you say this is a bit sudden. Have you taken care of the legal side? Taking children on a holiday ex USA as a solo parent does typically need notarised authority from the absent parent. I take it you have done this and have the documents to show at embarkation check in.


Regards John


can someone expand on this? Is this something I have to have? nevermind it's something I need thanks John might have saved the cruise

Edited by honestguy
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A lot of people do carry a notarized letter from the other parent, so there is no question that you aren't trying to sneak the kids out of the country....like a nasty divorce situation. It can be something simply typed up and have if notarized at a bank...if your wife hasn't left yet.

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can someone expand on this? Is this something I have to have?



I think you may need a notarized letter from the absent parent (if listed on BC) giving you permission to take the children outside of the country.

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Our 5 y/o has an old iphone 4s that has games, and movies. Essentially it's just an ipod touch now. It's saved us on long drives :rolleyes:. If you have an ipad or another android tablet even better!! We usually also carry color wonder pages and markers leaves no messes if they get off the paper. Papers and stickers always work also. Seems like a fun parent kid trip that will also be a special event in their eyes even though I can understand your worries. You got this!!

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I cannot imagine a 2 year old sitting at dinner for 1 1/2 to 2 hours for several days in a row. I know mine would never have remained in his seat for so long no matter what entertaining devices I had brought along.


I would go to the buffet. I would ask some friendly looking folks to save your selected table while you and your kids get some food. Then I would ask a worker or a friendly passenger to help you get your dinners to the table.


Room service is also a possibility but I imagine you would like to go out.


You might enjoy one or two special dinners in the MDR with just the 5 year old.

Edited by Viv0828
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I took my 3 and 4 year olds on a cruise by myself in April. We ate in the mdr most nights and had an awesome waiter. He made them toys out of napkins and paper. Dinners were fast and fun for them. We did the buffet a lot too. The first day I was juggling carry ons and kids and food and a staff member helped. Everyone was so nice and helpful. I'm sorry that your wife isn't able to go but you will have a great time. I can't wait to take mine again in October. Your kids are still young enough to be thrilled with everything and easily pleased too. Mine loved the ice cream anytime. They probably will need lots of downtime. Mine took very long naps and were asleep by 8 most nights. Cruising wore them out! Have a great trip! I wish I was leaving sooner!

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can someone expand on this? Is this something I have to have? nevermind it's something I need thanks John might have saved the cruise


The odds of needing the document is slim, but better have it just in case you happen to be the one they question. Be safe rather than sorry. And don't forget the BC's just in case too.

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I'm not sure if you have one, but I would suggest bringing a carrier for the two year old that allows them to go on your back. If you're not familiar with them then you would most likely want a buckle style carrier such as: Tula, Beco, Boba, Ergobaby, etc.. (I would keep in mind if you don't already have one that you most likely will want toddler size unless your two year old is petite). It would allow you to pop your two year old up onto your back for those times when he/she doesn't want to walk, especially if you're at a port (easier than lugging a stroller around sometimes, although umbrella strollers can be good for then holding your items like drinks, snacks, diapers, etc.) and also in the buffet line it would allow you to hold a plate for both yourself and your two year old while your five year old stood in front of you with their own plate.

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First of all, I think you will have a wonderful time and make some great memories with your kids. Some of my favorite memories have been solo trips with my son (easier, because there is one, of course).


Take it easy on the kids and yourself. You are there to relax and have fun. When I travel with my kid I always make sure to have boxes of cereal, fruit, and drinks in the room. Have quiet time or naps every day. And let people help you when they offer. :)


Here is a sample letter to take your kids out of the County from the State Department, if that helps:


Edited by Joules1111
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I asked my son's bio father to sign papers before we left. My boy and i had different last names at the time so I was concerned that it would send up a red flag. Turned out nobody asked for it.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk

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This is what I have done in the past at the buffet for breakfast (I have 3 little boys and even with my wife helping it was chaos when we cruised at 2, 3 and 6):


Grab a few milks from the start of the line

Find a table

Setup the kids with their drinks and get them seated

Grab two plates and go through the line as quickly as possible for the kids

Return and get them setup with their food

Run and grab your juice or coffee

If you weren't able to get your food earlier, do so now.

Return to table and entertain your kids as they are either now done eating or uninterested in breakfast and are looking to cause trouble.

Eat your breakfast as quickly as possible and get out of there before a food fight breaks out.

Check to see what time Camp Carnival opens

Find an open bar and get yourself a drink -- you deserve it.


Repeat for lunch (ignore the looks people give you when you are sprinting through the buffet with a plate loaded with 4 hot dogs, 2 hamburgers, and a massive amount of fries).


Drop the kids off at Camp for dinner.


My kids couldn't handle the MDR for breakfast -- way too quiet for my little noisemakers - I felt like we were disrupting everyone's breakfast. If yours can, it would be a good alternative.



Relax, have a good time, and make the best of it!!

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can someone expand on this? Is this something I have to have? nevermind it's something I need thanks John might have saved the cruise


I'm a single father and have taken my son on two seven day cruises. Once when he was 4 and last month when he was 5. If you have the same last name, you do not need the letter. The letter is to protect yourself if the child's mother raised some kind of a stink over the situation and got law enforcement involved. It doesn't sound like your wife would do that. Carnival told me that directly after my TA told me I needed a letter. My TA was wrong.


My advice would be to take advantage of the kid's club. My son loved it and wanted to go as much as possible. I did take him to ports with me, but all we were doing was beach days. He went to camp for two afternoons at sea, and every night. He even wanted to do the night owls thing a couple times.


You can do it. Make us men proud! I get so tired of the judgement that men can't handle kids on their own. That comes from men and women. My male friends are always telling me, "I don't know how you do it." That's because they couldn't take their kids to lunch at McDonalds on their own. They rely on their wives for everything with their kids. This should be an enjoyable trip for you and a chance to really bond with your kids.

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I also think you should go to the MDR for breakfast and lunch on sea days. Much more relaxed and the staff will help entertain the kids and no plates to juggle. Heck, I would go there for early dinner too!

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I'm a single father and have taken my son on two seven day cruises. Once when he was 4 and last month when he was 5. If you have the same last name, you do not need the letter. The letter is to protect yourself if the child's mother raised some kind of a stink over the situation and got law enforcement involved. It doesn't sound like your wife would do that. Carnival told me that directly after my TA told me I needed a letter. My TA was wrong.


My advice would be to take advantage of the kid's club. My son loved it and wanted to go as much as possible. I did take him to ports with me, but all we were doing was beach days. He went to camp for two afternoons at sea, and every night. He even wanted to do the night owls thing a couple times.


You can do it. Make us men proud! I get so tired of the judgement that men can't handle kids on their own. That comes from men and women. My male friends are always telling me, "I don't know how you do it." That's because they couldn't take their kids to lunch at McDonalds on their own. They rely on their wives for everything with their kids. This should be an enjoyable trip for you and a chance to really bond with your kids.


I know I can do it. I've raised both my kids I worked afternoons. My with worked days so daddy has pretty much raised them. I'm more just worried about a big space keeping watch of them by the pool etc. I got the form today just to be safe didn't cost anything figured why not.

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I know I could have done it when my kids were that age. My 5 year old was a trooper and always willing to be the helper. Have a talk with the five year old (if you think they're up to it. You know your kids best) and explain you need their help with the younger one. But don't expect much. Five is still young. Just enough to have the five year old a little more independent to make your trip a little easier.

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If you don't have anything positive to add, dont comment. Cant take a friend found out yesterday, it leaves saturday(reading comprehension is critical) And nobody said I was single. It's work related for my wife. Try to be funny elsewhere


Don't have anything to add. I'm sorry your wife has to work and can't go. Hope you have a great cruise.

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can someone expand on this? Is this something I have to have? nevermind it's something I need thanks John might have saved the cruise


You do not need a notorized letter. It is highly recommended but not required. I traveled many times with my younger daughters and was never asked. The only time there may be a question is coming back by border patrol. Carnival is in the business of providing cruises, not questioning family relationships. See link below for more info.



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I was guilty of this myself, but Camp Ocean shouldn't be thought of as daycare or babysitting, it's fun! My 3 year old loved it, we called it the kid's club, they had tons of fun activities to do all day. Get the schedule and then have your 5 year old choose what to partake in. The 2 & 5 year old will also be in the same class. A word of warning, when my lo was 2, she wouldn't go near camp ocean.


Good luck, I hope you all have a wonderful time. :)

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I Think you will do fine. A great Dad you are making such special memories with your kids. Take lots of pictures! In the MDR, the staff will help out so much. They will practically adopt your kids. My experience is only on Princess, but I imagine it's similar? You can probably ask to look at menus for up-coming meals and preorder them? If you go to the same dining room same time each day, try to get same wait staff, just like you would at night service. Another thought you also could find a table with others and sit together and become a new family. There is no reason to have to sit and try to do this alone. Cruisers are a friendly bunch. There are lots of people out there that would love to sit with great kids like yours, ones that are missing their own grandkids, etc.


Also, on another thought, maybe you could go to some sort of restaurant and tell the kids to pretend that they are on the ship and teach them how it's going to be? A trial run, so to speak?

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Brave Daddy!


No worries.. I was on the Breeze a few months ago, in the buffet just ds (4) and I... He still needs his hand held, and literally the minute we started walking to look for a seat, a carnival employee (with ESP lol) swooped in and grabbed the plates from my hands to help! It was super sweet, and I'm sure if I approached them they would've been even more helpful :)


On a side note, we always do brunch on cruises. I bring a bag of dollar store finds and when ds was younger, duplos with cards they have to recreate.. Never a problem in the mdr. Also.. Think Pizza lol. Sometimes when ds wasn't having it, he had pizza (or pb&j from room service - ask them not to toast it lol) and then off to camp, so grown ups could eat in peace :)

Edited by Angela61280
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We took our DD on her 1st cruise last year. She was 3.


I agree that the MDR is much easier than the Lido. If you decide to do the buffet, grab 3 plates, but fill 2 plates - 1 for you and 1 for both kids. Then when you get to the table, separate the food for each kid on their own plate.

We weren't sure how DD would handle the MDR for dinner, and decided to bring her leappad (with headphones) in a small backpack. After the 3rd night we realized that she wasn't using it and we didn't continue to bring it.

The waiters are so attentive. The children's menu was the same each night, but it had little activites on it. The food (for her) came out really fast.


Since you mentioned that you'll be hanging out at the pool each day - I'm not sure how good of swimmers your kids are, but I would suggest bringing life jackets. I felt more comfortable knowing that she was in a jacket while at the pool or beach. I'm not sure if Carnival will allow the 2 year old to go down the slide.


Another tip I would share is to bring a small medical kit - i.e. children's tylenol, band aids, coritzone cream, etc.; lots of sunscreen, and aloe.


They'll probably love the Camp so much they'll keep asking to go back everyday! If they're used to being in day care or play groups, they'll acclimate to the program very easy.


Kudos to you for getting prepared. I'm sure you'll have a great time!!

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I highly highly recommend the Ergo Baby carrier. We have one that we used since the 5 year old was 2 and it is awesome. I took the 5 yr old hiking last year when she was lighter. Carried her most of the way. So comfortable. So portable. Lifesaver with a 2 year old.


I have heard the Beco carrier is good too but haven't used it.


If you were turned off by the baby bjorn carriers don't be. Those baby Bjorn are only good for newborns.





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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