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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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It gets worse, Petula Clark is 82.


misty: Terry would be represented by Marshall Trueblood' date=' an antiques dealer, of flamboyant dress and manner. A good friend of Plant and Jury. [/quote']


Appreciate the wonderful walk down "memory lane" with the mentions of superstars Tom Jones and Petula Clark. Both are among my personal top, top favorites from that great 1960's period. Have lots of their songs rated as five-stars on my iPods, MacBook Pro music library, etc.


Still remember being in New York City in 1965 and listening to 77 WABC rocking out with Tom Jones doing "What's New Pussycat?". And, "Downtown" is one of my many super favorites by Petula.


Is being a "Marshall Trueblood" good or bad? Will have research more.


Nice pumpkin and morning pictures from Jeff!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 30,284 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.




Here is a more recent visual of Petula Clark, plus the comparison to her from the younger days. Plus, a more recent view of Tom Jones. No hair coloring for Tom!!:









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Petula was such a gorgeous girl - and not too bad for 82 - doesn't look as if she has had anything 'done', but it is sad that we all lose our looks, if we had any, in the end. I admit to miss being whistled at in the old days! Still a bit younger than her, but not a lot.


I hesitate to mention another line on the SS cooler, but we were on Seabourn, our much preferred line after several on Seadream, Regent and Silversea. Having done quite a few with them we now often know members of staff, and have various unobvious perks on board, like laundry, internet etc. We had a few really nice ports on our trip - new to us was Symi, delicious Greek island, and the weather was glorious when it really mattered. The passsenger list showed almost as many Brits as Americans, and quite a lot of Australians and other Europeans, which made a nice group. I would like to encourage all Silversea fans to try Seabourn, but do not feel that this is appropriate on this thread! Special things are the staff, mostly European, UK, Australian, South African etc., and the lack of obvious class differences - no butlers or other perks to allow passengers to seem 'superior', and the type generally of fairly laid back passenger who does not need to have these amenities. Plus the major perk of a free week on board when you have completed 140 days - not sure if any other line does this?


Anyway, it was a lovely relaxing time, and so nice to have several small courses at meals and not to have shopped for them, cooked them, or cleared up afterwards. I am lazy at heart, and loved being looked after. And - the barmen make an excellent Negroni.


After my gin and tonic, dinner and some McGuigan Shiraz - good night all,



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Morning All,


Nice lighthearted chat going on!! Mysty....quite like the sound of my fictional character Diane, l do wear a lot of black and white actually......as for the porcelain complexion.....hmmm...l wish [emoji6]


Never ever a fan of Petula but have to say she's aged well. Tom used to colour his hair but was advised by his son/manager to go natural l believe.......met him once in Bermuda when l was at sea forty five years ago......he had a superb guitarist with him called Big Jim Sullivan and they did a jam session at the club we were in....quite an evening was that!


Good to hear that you've enjoyed your voyage Lola....SB sounds good but guess SS to me now is like a pair of old slippers!!


Loved the local pics Jeffers....captures our beautiful countryside perfectly.


Up bright and early...I have a hair appointment at 9am so need to get organised!


Happy Day




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You are right about the 'old slippers', S. Applies to us on SB.


I wasn't a big fan of Petula - especially hated Downtown - but did think she was exceptionally pretty.


Hope your hairdo goes well - again, it is often a bit 'old slippers'; if you find a hairdresser who does what suits you you tend to stay with them.


No fog here today - we were lucky not to have been hoping to fly in the past couple of days, just got back in time, but the trees are particularly gorgeous, especially driving back up the A1 with the sun shining on them; real 'fall colouring' of reds, golds and green mingled. Not too many leaves fallen yet, but our driveway is going to be covered in a week or two.



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Lovely to see the posts ......


I remember that for some time that people in the UK believed that Pet Clark was French.


You may recall pictures of an ex-girlfriend of mine in the old thread of a French singer I posted piccies of - Nicole Croisille - who many felt in her younger days Pet Clark and her similar. I thought Nicole looked nicer then but Pet Clark a bit nicer now as Nicole "filled out" a bit in recent years. :)


Anyway, I mustn't talk about old girlfriends, particularly those that were and are older than me ... it put's me in a bad light being seen as someone else's plaything .... ;)



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Jeff - Pet was married to a Frenchman, I think, and had two daughters? She sometimes sang in French. When I was a teenager my heroine was Juliette Greco, and I used to wear black with black flat shoes and lots of eye makeup, and use a cigarette holder. I answered the door once to a neighbour, and he reeled back in horror at the sight.


As regards being a plaything - I think you are currently the plaything for Mysty here - she seems to be a big fan. Am I right, Mysty? (Only joking)



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I remember Juliette Greco as well and was a fan of her music. I recall Pet Clark said in one of her interviews that she was mistakenly taken as being French and yes she married Claude Wolff. Juliette was featured in a recent TV biography of French chanson and Pet ackowledged her as an influence on her own music. It was a lovely programme. Charles Aznavour was a real hoot on that programme but for all the wrong reasons. Juliette and Nicole Croisille have been on several Chanson compilations together ... eg Ils chantent Georges Brassens CD


Leave M alone .... it was my photographic and bread skills she is interested in ....:)



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Morning Coolers! Most of the leaves have fallen here. Just waiting for my dude to help with the raking and bagging of the leaves. Maybe this weekend.


Lola, I am indeed a fan of J. And I am older than he is so the pattern fits. :) However, I promise to keep all interaction in the rated G category. And I do share. Ha Ha!


J...Photography, bread skills, cooking, anecdotes, foibles and all....actually I quite like Jeff. :) See above promise to Lola.......I am a "happy village pub" denizen and I am thoroughly enjoying my time here. Thanks for letting me in. :)

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You are most welcome M! :)


I'm use to being older ladies playthings :D ..... I met Nicole when I was 16 and she told me she was 19 .... an older woman for me in those days. It turns out that in fact she was forgetful to the tune of 10 years. :eek: It made and makes no difference. People are what they are rather than how old they are.


One day I must tell you about the time she came with me to bang on the door of long-lost family in Paris. That was as we say a surreal experience. The '60's were a lovely but strange time and I feel sorry for thse that will never experience it.



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You may recall pictures of an ex-girlfriend of mine in the old thread of a French singer I posted piccies of - Nicole Croisille - who many felt in her younger days Pet Clark and her similar. I thought Nicole looked nicer then but Pet Clark a bit nicer now as Nicole "filled out" a bit in recent years. :)






Jeff, I remember the pics of Nicole.


On the subject of English autumn this year, I was supposed to fly back to France at the weekend but was fogged in. I was able to change some work plans and will be here yet for a couple more days.

Sunday was a grim day, fog all day long, but yesterday afternoon the fog lifted, the sun came out and I took the opportunity to go for a long walk in our gorgeous English countryside. The trees were beautiful. Lots of leaves on the ground here in Cheshire - such fun to kick one's way through them.

Today we've been back to grim and grey, sadly.

Ah, and as I type, I hear rain. No fog tonight then!

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Spinnaker2, it is a real treat to read her. The characters are odd and loveable, warts and all! Humourous too! And story lines are entertaining. If we don't get to interact before you leave, have an excellent trip!

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Sitting on the patio reading some Clive Cussler.



What a beautiful spot to read! So it seems you like thrillers Mark! :) My favourite genre is mystery. Reading is a favourite pastime.

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What a beautiful spot to read! So it seems you like thrillers Mark! :) My favourite genre is mystery. Reading is a favourite pastime.



Yes, lately I've been reading thrillers and epic fantasy.


For the first year or so after I retired, I read mostly public domain (i.e. free) books online, which were largely 19th century and prior. Then I got a library card and switched to physical books and the 20th and 21st centuries.

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Hello All,


Reading is also a favourite pastime of mine and l too must look at the Martha Grimes books....thanks Mysty.

For recent shipboard delights I've been reading the mystery series by Conrad Allen the first one being Murder on the Lusitania..set on board the old liners with the main character Dillman posing as a passenger but employed by the shipping line as a private detective.....rather fun to read whilst at sea.


I've been trawling around B&Q this morning looking for some outdoor Christmas lights...successful mission with discount as its seniors day...[emoji16]


Time now for a glass of red before lunch.....


Sophia [emoji4]



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Hello All,


Reading is also a favourite pastime of mine and l too must look at the Martha Grimes books....thanks Mysty.

For recent shipboard delights I've been reading the mystery series by Conrad Allen the first one being Murder on the Lusitania..set on board the old liners with the main character Dillman posing as a passenger but employed by the shipping line as a private detective.....rather fun to read whilst at sea.


I've been trawling around B&Q this morning looking for some outdoor Christmas lights...successful mission with discount as its seniors day...[emoji16]


Time now for a glass of red before lunch.....


Sophia [emoji4]



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You are most welcome Sophia! I hope you enjoy Ms. Grimes writing as much as I do! She has written a few novels outside the Richard Jury Series which I did not enjoy quite so much. The names of the novels in the Richard Jury series tend to be pub names. I think the first in the series was called "The Man With A Load of Mischief". The link below goes to the list of her novels on her official web page (in case you are interested). :)




Enjoy your glass of red and your lunch!

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Good morning all .... sitting here with a large mug of Banrock red from my Box ... and waiting until an appropriate moment to dish up a lamb stew with parsley dumplings that has been braising for some time. In fact I didi it yesterday and started it again today on the bais that two day stew is always better than one day stew.


Soapy, please don't tell people you get pensioner discounts as I have been sending out monthly mailings of you to your fan club saying you are still 19.


Anyway ... :D



This morning I went to the dentist to have my regular teeth decoke and service and valeting and to sit and listen to my regular lecture on my dental hygiene deficiencies whilst my mouth was forced open ... and today I was told that I would probably, or possibly or even might eventually lose all my teeth, and get type 2 diaebetes (and some other not described problems that medical scienece is only just on the brink of understadning and uncovering ....) if I didn't pay more attention to flossing between my teeth.


This follows on from a visit to the docs a year or so back when he told me that if I didn't cut down on red wine and dispense with a bit of my love handles, then I would die from a potential lurking unatractive range of potentially morbid dangers including hypertension, high cholestorol, diabetes etc. Personally I think it better to drink the wine to get over the depression he offered me about such a dire future I appear to have. At least I will die happy.


Two weeks ago, I went for my flu jab and was asked about the medication I was taking and I indicated that I had decided to give up statins for next Lent as it was causing muscle issues and I know longer believed that the downsides were better than the unproven upsides. I was told that I am a dangerous fool and will now almost certainly be going to die from all my pipes furring up and I will if I am unlucky die a lingering wheezy death where I will clutch a part of my anotomy and regret giving up those little pills. I was lectured on my risk factors. I asked the phamacist what the point of taking the other medications I was taking for high blood pressure if that didn't nullify those risks and make themz zero. Did they not work? Why were the risk facvtors still counted when my BP was as good as a Yoga meister. Surely not taking statins but addressing all other risks meant that the only risk I now had was either from not taking statins or walking under a bus. Stunned Silence. I think I won that one. ;)


So today with this new dire prognoses, I smiled and the dentist asked me why. I explained that on the basis of the various options that had been placed before me recently I would like to get all of them in a room together and round a table and we will hammer out once and for all a more precise choice of terminal desease so that I could make an informed choice ofg what I would like to die from. I said that in fact non-flossing and an unspecified demise might be more attractive if assisted by lots of red wine. That would be my informed choice.


I am getting really fed up with these medical people making me ill.





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Spin......you must be leaving soon to join the Spirit....I'm green here...[emoji6] hope you have a wonderful time......S[emoji4]



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Yes thanks, leaving soon. In about four days!

First must finish packing. I always take too much but make a concerted effort not to do so. In the end, I have more than I use.

Must also leave the house in a semblance of order. DD will be staying here to care for HER dog, Bromley, who has really become quite frail but seemingly still enjoying her dog life.

I have posted about Brom before and it's just amazing she is still with us. But I do cater to her and she knows it. She follows me around the house wherever I go.

I intend to have a wonderful time, to read, to rest and to spend time with DH.

We have done the crossing 3 times before, hence the allure of some down time. We have been to all of the ports and explored them.

We will still likely disembark, but without the pressure to see things.


I hope to see some friendly faces aboard, both pax we have cruised with before and crew.

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