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Who else thinks Viking Star was christened under a bad sign


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Each week seems to bring news of more problems. I am not feeling confident, although my husband says that by the time we leave (November 17th from - maybe - Istanbul), it should be better. He's the eternal optimist.

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We were 50 day maiden cruise passengers and overall loved the ship and the trip. There were some strange moments and some aggravating moments. They have the makings of a great ship and if they can get the excursions under control and better documented VO might have a game changer.

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Electrical problems shutting down motors. Exploding shower walls. Internet access bug-a-boos. And now repositioning to Med just as Turkey starts to melt down.


Under a "bad sign"? Nope. That sounds very superstitious. The electrical problems and shower walls are a result of design errors. They can be corrected. Internet access is an issue on almost all cruise lines. The situation can be improved, and the technology exists. If management is committed to correcting these situations, then they will be fixed/improved.


Turkey? Well, bad luck for every line, not just Viking. I've had a port stop in Ashdod, Israel, cancelled for political unrest. Cruise lines rushed to cancel stops in Tunisia, you know why. Bangkok? It's been a question mark for several years. Falkland Islands? Well, I'm 50% for over four cruises. When the waves are high, the tenders don't go. Given that cruise lines commit to itineraries several years in advance, it's a given that local unrest and yes, weather, will unravel the best of plans, once in a while.


I've heard the whine, "but I only booked this cruise so I could FINALLY get to (fill in the blank.) The answer is, invariably, if you really want to get to a certain city/country, then go there on a land tour.

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I'm so glad I don't live in fear of the negative things that COULD happen to me. So we're going to Istanbul, where it's possible someone will attack the embassy on the day we're there. That could happen where I live (Washington DC). We're going to Greece, which could run out of money and not be able to give me money from an ATM or two. A shower door could explode, as it (apparently) does more often that we think - on ships, in hotels, in houses. The plane I fly on could crash. I could get run over while hailing a cab or a ferry could run into the Star and she could sink.


Statistically, however, none of these things are likely to happen. Therefore, I will continue to travel and explore new places. I worked and saved money for many years so I could retire and take wonderful vacations. I'm not going to let a few maiden season mishaps or thoughts of what COULD happen on my cruise spoil my fun.

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I'm so glad I don't live in fear of the negative things that COULD happen to me. So we're going to Istanbul, where it's possible someone will attack the embassy on the day we're there. That could happen where I live (Washington DC). We're going to Greece, which could run out of money and not be able to give me money from an ATM or two. A shower door could explode, as it (apparently) does more often that we think - on ships, in hotels, in houses. The plane I fly on could crash. I could get run over while hailing a cab or a ferry could run into the Star and she could sink.


Statistically, however, none of these things are likely to happen. Therefore, I will continue to travel and explore new places. I worked and saved money for many years so I could retire and take wonderful vacations. I'm not going to let a few maiden season mishaps or thoughts of what COULD happen on my cruise spoil my fun.


So true Roothy......life will always have its risks:rolleyes:

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Back to what Leo originally said though - one has to empathize with Viking launching this brand new endeavor and having one thing after another going wrong. I do feel for them as they try to get started on the Oceans brand. If I were in Oceans management at this point I think I'd go to work every day wondering what else could possibly go wrong.


To ShoreEx's post, there's another design error or two - having only one light switch that controls ALL the lights in the junior suites (either all lights are on or all lights are off) - having no way for the passenger to control the temperature of the heated bathroom floor and heated towel rack without having to call in the electrician.


But there are more design plusses too - it's a gorgeous ship, fascinating ports, good food and great staff.


Hope you have a fabulous time Roothy - I'm absolutely sure you will!

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Sorry, Leo, Elizabeth's post made me realize that I might sound like you were overly concerned with the things that could go wrong on an ocean cruise line. I didn't mean it that way. It's just that there has been SO much concern since April over things that aren't really horrific events, and a lot of misinformation being spread, that I guess I kind of (verbally) snapped. The ship went around in circles while anchored in Kotor and people thought it was in danger (it wasn't; that's what they do when at anchor). A part that regulates the engine speed failed and people called it an engine failure. It wasn't; Star just couldn't go as fast as she wanted. People wanted Viking to give them a 150% reimbursement because they "only" got to go to St. Petersburg, Tallinn, etc. and the flights arranged for them last minute were in coach. Just because Oceania reimbursed 150% for a cruise in which one or two people died and the ship was totally disabled doesn't warrant a 150% reimbursement in my mind. And on and on it goes. I seem to be a glutton for punishment, as I really don't understand why I keep reading the Viking Oceans boards.


Yes, I feel a little sorry for Viking, but I also suspect that other cruise lines have gone through the same events in their first season of cruising. I've heard some real tales. I also suspect that many first-time business owners go through the same aches and pains when they start their business.


As for the heated bathroom floors, can I assume that Viking provides either a pair of slippers or a bath mat for the floor? If so, I'll keep them handy!


A bit off topic, but curious: Has anyone cruised to Easter Island? We are going there next year and now I've read that only 1 in 4 tenders are successful. Now THAT has got me a little upset.... but what can you do?

Edited by roothy123
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I believe that most start ups (resorts, cruise lines, business' in general) go through an initial period of learning and adjusting. Yes, VO has had problems - some significant - some more than significant for sure. No doubt about that. The way that some of the passengers on the 7/25 trip were treated was just not right. I think Viking totally screwed up there.

That said, do I believe that VO will come into their own and be strong competitors in the higher end cruise market? Yes I do. Will I sail on them when their itinerary is one I want to sail? Yes I will. Will I wait to do this and give them time? Yes I will.

I think that the Istanbul port, as well as many other locations - are such sad situations affecting so many people in our world right now -including the cruise lines adjusting ports - and that would be ALL cruise lines not just Viking.

I hope you have a wonderful trip Roothy - and if Istanbul port changes, then you will experience a different place and VO will be looking out for the safety of the passengers. Have a fabulous time! You have been planning this for so long. It is important to be excited

Edited by Vineyard View
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Once again Roothy I am going to have to respond to your fantasy that on my 7/25 cruise the passengers complained only because they did not get 150% refunds and they traveled in coach. There are so many stories told by the actual passengers on cruise critic from my cruise that outline problems far beyond what you continue to describe - without actually being there! Even though the Viking Star sat in Tallinn for four nights, giving the crew and management plenty of time to come up with an exit plan for the passengers, if needed, they did not have a clue when the time came to cancel our cruise. Passengers were sent to the airport in the middle of the night thinking that they were boarding a charter flight to New York, only to find out after waiting for several hours, the charter was not coming after all, but they were now being put on a cargo plane - not exactly coach! Others flew on AirBerlin without any food or anything to drink because they were told Viking did not arrange for this on this very strange budget airline. There are so many crazy stories, I could not begin to tell them all, but they are far worse than just ending up in coach. We had a couple in our group who were awakened at 1am to get off the ship at 6am to fly to Norway, after several connections and over 12 hours, they arrived in Norway with no hotel or arrangements for them from Viking and they could not reach anyone to help them from Viking for two days - again not just a flying in coach issue. As far as the reimbursement, the people that went to Norway received 50% of the cruise only portion of their fare back and, after much begging, those that were sent home received 65% of the cruise only portion of their fare back - not exactly 150% issue - where does that even come from in your world?? One of the biggest issues was there were several small groups on board - four to six couples - and I believe all of them were separated for no reason at all. We were one of them and we did everything right, our reservations were linked, we turned our paperwork in together on the ship and our travel agent was part of our group and none of that was taken into consideration. One couple was sent home, two couples were sent to Norway early, another couple sent to Norway alone and the last two couples sent days after the first. They were not put up in the same hotels and were not able to get together until the day before they came home. Every group on the ship was treated in the same manner, it was as though they threw names in a hat, no one can figure out the logic behind anything that they did.


I know you want to be a great supporter of Viking, and that is your option, but to be so knowing and unsympathetic to a group of people who experienced something far worse than you describe and who handled that situation graciously, all things considered, is not very kind. The real stories are there for all to read and that is what this site is for, not to demean people who have already lost their vacation, thousands of dollars and hardships far beyond your fantasy version. I have been ocean cruising since 1980, so many that I would not know where to begin in listing them all, so I have experienced problems many times before. However, I have never seen a company as ill prepared to handle a situation as Viking was on our cruise and they even admitted it. I will not tell people how to think or what to do, just read the real stories and decide for yourselves.

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Once again Roothy I am going to have to respond to your fantasy that on my 7/25 cruise the passengers complained only because they did not get 150% refunds and they traveled in coach. There are so many stories told by the actual passengers on cruise critic from my cruise that outline problems far beyond what you continue to describe - without actually being there! Even though the Viking Star sat in Tallinn for four nights, giving the crew and management plenty of time to come up with an exit plan for the passengers, if needed, they did not have a clue when the time came to cancel our cruise. Passengers were sent to the airport in the middle of the night thinking that they were boarding a charter flight to New York, only to find out after waiting for several hours, the charter was not coming after all, but they were now being put on a cargo plane - not exactly coach! Others flew on AirBerlin without any food or anything to drink because they were told Viking did not arrange for this on this very strange budget airline. There are so many crazy stories, I could not begin to tell them all, but they are far worse than just ending up in coach. We had a couple in our group who were awakened at 1am to get off the ship at 6am to fly to Norway, after several connections and over 12 hours, they arrived in Norway with no hotel or arrangements for them from Viking and they could not reach anyone to help them from Viking for two days - again not just a flying in coach issue. As far as the reimbursement, the people that went to Norway received 50% of the cruise only portion of their fare back and, after much begging, those that were sent home received 65% of the cruise only portion of their fare back - not exactly 150% issue - where does that even come from in your world?? One of the biggest issues was there were several small groups on board - four to six couples - and I believe all of them were separated for no reason at all. We were one of them and we did everything right, our reservations were linked, we turned our paperwork in together on the ship and our travel agent was part of our group and none of that was taken into consideration. One couple was sent home, two couples were sent to Norway early, another couple sent to Norway alone and the last two couples sent days after the first. They were not put up in the same hotels and were not able to get together until the day before they came home. Every group on the ship was treated in the same manner, it was as though they threw names in a hat, no one can figure out the logic behind anything that they did.


I know you want to be a great supporter of Viking, and that is your option, but to be so knowing and unsympathetic to a group of people who experienced something far worse than you describe and who handled that situation graciously, all things considered, is not very kind. The real stories are there for all to read and that is what this site is for, not to demean people who have already lost their vacation, thousands of dollars and hardships far beyond your fantasy version. I have been ocean cruising since 1980, so many that I would not know where to begin in listing them all, so I have experienced problems many times before. However, I have never seen a company as ill prepared to handle a situation as Viking was on our cruise and they even admitted it. I will not tell people how to think or what to do, just read the real stories and decide for yourselves.


Look at the times where a cruise has been canceled in route during the past five years, with less than 50% of the cruise completed, not just Oceania. In each of the cases I can find the normal reaction of the cruise lines has been complete (100%) refund of the cruise fare and a 50% credit for a future cruise. Celebrity did it when their ship ran into mechanical problems and could not proceed. I have not been able to find one that did the 65% refund and 50% credit that Viking did. They certainly appear to take the cheap route compared to their competition in that case. They certainly do not seem to respond as their competition has. Both economically and in how they handled getting their passengers off of the ship and back home.


Viking seems to be trying to apply river cruise practices to Ocean cruising and not adapting the practices of their competition in Ocean cruising. They have enough of a customer base on their river cruises that they can attract to ocean cruising that they might be able to do it.

Edited by RDC1
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We have done two Viking river cruises in the last 15 months. The first one was disappointing because we missed three ports due to the river level (not Viking's fault), and just before we boarded, they'd fired the chef. The replacement chef was hired with three days' notice, and even with the change, the food was not good. Viking eventually agreed to give us a 30% reduction on another cruise. The cruise this spring was better, but if our trip on the Star is not good, we really don't want another credit toward yet another trip that may be disappointing.


I understand that cruising has its share of uncontrolled variables, but none of our other cruises has been nearly as unsatisfactory.

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At a recent cocktail party, two couples realized they are both booked on the same Viking Star for July 2016 Homeland cruise.

More bookings to come from the NorthStar state.:cool:

Edited by Azulann
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I forgot to mention that everyone in our group on the ill fated 7/25 Viking Star cruise had trip insurance and found out the hard way that it did not cover mechanical failure. Most trip insurance companies offer three or four levels of coverage and it seems that some do cover mechanical failure in their most expensive policy only. So, I wanted to put that out there for those that still may have a chance to upgrade their policy.

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A bit off topic, but curious: Has anyone cruised to Easter Island? We are going there next year and now I've read that only 1 in 4 tenders are successful. Now THAT has got me a little upset.... but what can you do?



I was there for 3 days in 2013 and 1 in 2015, tenders ran all 4 days. We were threatened with no tender in 2015 but captain moved the ship and found a spot where tendering was possible. It rocks and rolls getting in to the little harbor.

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Look at the times where a cruise has been canceled in route during the past five years, with less than 50% of the cruise completed, not just Oceania. In each of the cases I can find the normal reaction of the cruise lines has been complete (100%) refund of the cruise fare and a 50% credit for a future cruise. Celebrity did it when their ship ran into mechanical problems and could not proceed. I have not been able to find one that did the 65% refund and 50% credit that Viking did. They certainly appear to take the cheap route compared to their competition in that case. They certainly do not seem to respond as their competition has. Both economically and in how they handled getting their passengers off of the ship and back home.


Viking seems to be trying to apply river cruise practices to Ocean cruising and not adapting the practices of their competition in Ocean cruising. They have enough of a customer base on their river cruises that they can attract to ocean cruising that they might be able to do it.


Even Carnival made an announcement today to the passengers on their ship in St Thomas that they will be receiving a full refund, 50% credit for a future cruise, on the cruise that has been cut short due to an engine room fire.


Can anyone come up with an example other than Viking Ocean where a cruise was terminated with less then 50% of the route completed and the passengers got less than a full refund and 50% future credit?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Over two years ago we signed up for Viking's new ship. We are not new cruisers by a long way: 4-star with Holland America, several each with Princess, Celebrity, Royal Caribbean, and a number of other lines. Viking was offering what sounded like a great pre-trip to Downtown Abbey. We chose mid-Sept cruise with pre and post trips. Cruise to start in Barcelona. We bought the travel insurance from our TA who sells Travel Guard. We paid for EVERYTHING 1 1/2 YEARS IN ADVANCE.


This was not an inexpensive trip. This past April our TA got a notice from Viking saying "They can't find us a room for the Downton Abbey pre-trip." So they were cancelling our pre-trip. There weren't even any apologies!! They offered NOTHING. Only after our TA pursued it did they offer London for 3 days where they would put us up in a hotel, but that was it--no tours. We were on our own.


We chose to cancel the whole trip. We were NOT happy with Viking's treatment. We thought it was very poor at the least!! This is no way to treat new customers. Let me make it perfectly clear that it wasn't just the cancelling of a pre-trip, BUT THE WAY IT WAS DONE. The attitude was more like if you went into a restaurant and they said there were no 'mashed potatoes' tonight.


Because the cancellation occurred 5 months before the cruise, we were able to get all our money back from Viking. After reading about all the problems they have had, we are very glad we did not sail with Viking and have no plans to sail with them in the future.

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Agruzer, I remember when you posted all of this when it was happening. It sounds like you are happy with your decision - that is always a good thing!

We all paid 1 1/2-2 years in advance. DH and I are very glad we stuck with our trip - in spite of the glitches and misgivings on the maiden voyage for 29 days. Given the right itinerary we will sail with Viking again in the future.

It is Nice to have various choices of cruise lines......we are not married to any one single company, and there are some we won't sail again ( for instance we won't sail HAL again, because even in their highest level of suites - which we have done- we can't stand the smoking policy and smoking on their balconies). Based on our experience with Viking, they will remain on our list in the future as will others based on itineraries and smaller ship sizes.....

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Vineyard Views, I, too, am not happy with HAL's smoking policy and hope they will understand that most of us don't want to smell smoke!! But I will sail with them because they have always treated us well, especially when things went wrong for us, the customer.

I hope you'll be happy with Viking and I hope you can see why we chose not to sale with them. They have a lot to learn on how to treat the customer. The lack of a simple apology !!! We're not just cruisers. We have taken many trips to see our beautiful world. Many of these trips have been with tour companies and again, when things went wrong, the companies did the right thing by making sure their customers were happy.

Happy travels!

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