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This is the "Actually, I quite like Silversea" thread


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I am happy to have found this thread-I think- as we are contemplating 2 Silversea cruises on the Wind in August/2016 along with a Regent and Oceania in June. The reviews on the Wind on CC have not been encouraging, and I was about ready to give up on returning to Silversea. It has been a while since we were on the Wind, and I was sad to read those reviews. I realize that they are subjective, and people normally only write to complain, not to compliment. So, it is nice to read positive statements. Although our decision making is more complicated!

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It is true that when people have something to complain about they are more likely to post. The issue is that there was a time when very few people seemed to have reason to complain and therefore the number of negative reviews of SS was sparse and relatively rare.


You probably need to read all reviews both positive and negative, and make judgements about what reviews appear to be balanced and fair, and what features of SS seems good, what seems bad and which of the is important to you.


Good luck,



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I gave up on this site because all I ever read was whining about how SS had gone down market and gone 'the seabourn way'. The vociferous few complaining that soon jeans will be obligatory at all meals who wouldnt listen to my opinion that I loved to see folks dressed up and looking fine and would not want to spoil there valid enjoyment but as that was not my particular fancy surely it was possible for an evening bar on board to be 'smart casual'.


OOPS I'm digressing.


I've only sailed twice with Silverseas and yes I could mention 3 things that at the time made me a little fractious but I much more remember the many many many good times and great people I've met.


Yes of course some people are not going to want to talk to me with my cockney accent and 2 small tattoos which I presumed marked me down as a wrong 'un but in 98% of the case I have found fellow travellers amusing and interesting in equal amounts.


After my last small 'bad MOMENT' which was a problem for my partner not me we decided to try Seadream which I can also highly reccomend.


But we knew we had in the main had great times with SS and so relented and have returned to sail again in March 2016 on Spirit.


I tentatively checked CC to see if the usual vocal minority were still on ranting only to notice this thread.


I've not looked at any other thread and I wont as this has got me looking forward to our cruise even more.


Big shout for whoever started this thread. :)

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In a way it's quite sad that there are some posters who clearly come on here to rubbish something - whether that be SS, Seabourn, Cunard, P&O or whatever. Perhaps it's a way of boosting their self-esteem in the sense that being critical makes them seem discerning and knowledgable.


For the most part, however, it would take a simpleton to expect that all is perfect all of the time and I expect most folk will find the balance in a cruise line that suits their needs (in fact I think Jeff said something similar a few posts ago). And it also seems odd that people moan about small items that offend their sensibilities, which to others might be trivial or irrelevant, and dismiss the whole experience over one small point. It strikes me as fruitless to moan here when they should be taking the issues up with the company.


So three cheers to the OP for starting a thread for optimistic, happy people whose lives are not enriched by moaning.


If so many are happy with SS (would they have so many repeats otherwise?) then the whinges of the doom-mongers are pretty much self-indulgent irrelevance.


And we've struggled through to page 3 of this thread without a complainer parachuting in yet!

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In a way it's quite sad that there are some posters who clearly come on here to rubbish something - whether that be SS, Seabourn, Cunard, P&O or whatever. Perhaps it's a way of boosting their self-esteem in the sense that being critical makes them seem discerning and knowledgable.


For the most part, however, it would take a simpleton to expect that all is perfect all of the time and I expect most folk will find the balance in a cruise line that suits their needs (in fact I think Jeff said something similar a few posts ago). And it also seems odd that people moan about small items that offend their sensibilities, which to others might be trivial or irrelevant, and dismiss the whole experience over one small point. It strikes me as fruitless to moan here when they should be taking the issues up with the company.


So three cheers to the OP for starting a thread for optimistic, happy people whose lives are not enriched by moaning.


If so many are happy with SS (would they have so many repeats otherwise?) then the whinges of the doom-mongers are pretty much self-indulgent irrelevance.


And we've struggled through to page 3 of this thread without a complainer parachuting in yet!


I must respectfully disagree with your perspective and suggest and that there is huge value to the broader cruising community in posting negative/critical comments. We can rely on the cruise lines to describe the positives. But some negatives are very important to some readers and there is value in being able to find such posts on this board.


I have elsewhere described my disappointment with Silversea after a long patronage of the line. In exploring other possibilities, I have looked into a luxury line I have not sailed for a decade or so. I gather from helpful posts on this board that breakfast and lunch are not uniformly available every day in the MDR. Apparently, the decision as to whether or not to open the MDR for breakfast or lunch on a given day during a given cruise is left to the discretion of the HD. For some people this may be a trivial matter. For me it is very important, since I prefer to take all of my meals in the MDR in order to enjoy the peace and quiet. Thanks to the information I have gained from complaining posters on this board, I have been able to eliminate that cruise line from my consideration.

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(I must learn not to use my pad for posting ......) :D


The interesting thing in this, that has intriqued me for some time, is that nobody who questions the quality of SS is in any way annoyed or upset or says anything negative about those that say positive stuff - except to respond if they have been personally attacked. However it is equally interesting to see the degree of emotive negative energy expended towards those that question SS quality. If you think about that long enough and reach some conclusions, I think you are getting to the bottom of the "posting" issue. It also begs the question to those trying to decide whether SS is for them or not about how reliable are the views of posters who are so upset and emotive by other people's opinions that they have to rubbish them. Why on earth should they be bothered?


Everybody knows that no one attacks positive posters, but have the bravery to question the quality of the product and you know what happens. The idea of the pretence of being brave when you start a thread of positive stuff is bizarre. It is us "naysayers" as we apparently are if we question whether SS meets it's promnises adequately who are the ones subjected to negativity.


Personally I think it is great that someone started this thread. It offers a positive opinion about SS and shows to people what people like and enjoy. That is good and useful. People should however listen and be able to see all views. No decent person wishes to see someone choose the wrong cruise for their personal needs and not all cruise lines are perfect for all people, despite what some say about SS. The only dissapointing thing is that too many cannot say anything positive without indulging themseves in saying at the same time something negative about people who simply have slightly different views on fairly narrow criticisms, and that I think devalues their own bona fides.



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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I must respectfully disagree with your perspective and suggest and that there is huge value to the broader cruising community in posting negative/critical comments. We can rely on the cruise lines to describe the positives. But some negatives are very important to some readers and there is value in being able to find such posts on this board.


I have elsewhere described my disappointment with Silversea after a long patronage of the line. In exploring other possibilities, I have looked into a luxury line I have not sailed for a decade or so. I gather from helpful posts on this board that breakfast and lunch are not uniformly available every day in the MDR. Apparently, the decision as to whether or not to open the MDR for breakfast or lunch on a given day during a given cruise is left to the discretion of the HD. For some people this may be a trivial matter. For me it is very important, since I prefer to take all of my meals in the MDR in order to enjoy the peace and quiet. Thanks to the information I have gained from complaining posters on this board, I have been able to eliminate that cruise line from my consideration.


Very well said, Observer, and as one of the people recently complaining on the board you're referring to, there are people who are currently trying to shut me and other complainers up.

It's quite ironic as I've been referred to many times as a "cheerleader" for that particular line in the past, now I'm admonished, albeit not directly, for being a whiner. Can't win :D


So it's good to know that our 'whining' has been informative for you, and helpful to you in making your decision.

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Very well said, Observer, and as one of the people recently complaining on the board you're referring to, there are people who are currently trying to shut me and other complainers up.

It's quite ironic as I've been referred to many times as a "cheerleader" for that particular line in the past, now I'm admonished, albeit not directly, for being a whiner. Can't win :D


So it's good to know that our 'whining' has been informative for you, and helpful to you in making your decision.


I bet you that if our resident and properly qualified researcher Mysty were to do some qualitative analysis and research on the topic, I bet you that on close study of posts of people that are kind to others and those that are not, statistically those that seem to enjoy Silversea the most are statistically less open minded, grumpier less tolerant and more rude to others with differing views than others.


Take me for example, I like everyone (ish) ..... and all I have ever done wrong is said that the food in the pictures and menus doesn't look as good as it could and should and that they shouldn't be dishonest with inspections:D



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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There are moaners and groaners on every board......it's each to their own and what tickles ones fancy. I don't go on a cruise looking for faults....l like SS for various reasons and whilst there maybe some issues at times that I'm not happy with l don't waste time dwelling too much as the positives always outweigh the negatives and most problems can be resolved with a quick word in the right ear.


Nigella....one has to be tough to negotiate these boards......most folk are helpful and nice....others have their own agenda and that's fine....we all define 'luxury' in our own way.


Ironically on my recent voyage on the Spirit l overheard some 'guests' making rather nasty comments because l always chose to dress up for the evenings...even on casual nights....my choice....if they wish to don denims in the restaurant then that's their choice also...as l said before....each to their own.

One pays the money and takes the choice! Life is too short...l for one feel blessed that l can enjoy such.


Sophia [emoji4]




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Ironically on my recent voyage on the Spirit l overheard some 'guests' making rather nasty comments because l always chose to dress up for the evenings...even on casual nights....my choice....

And very elegant you looked, too:)


As, I think, do most passengers most of the time.

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there were pax in denim in the MDR!!!




i thought that was not permitted except on the last night of the cruise when everyone had packed, and one did see some denim in the MDR....




I will be aboard the Spirit, if the fates allow, very soon...

excited and eager for the rest and relaxation.

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Honestly, I really am shocked and surprised.

I have seen some pretty strange clothing choices...like the one older lady at lunch on the Panama Canal cruise who's breasts kept coming out of her bathing suit top.

The other pax at her table had trouble not noticing, as did we all. However, it was on the pool deck. :-)


The only time i have seen denim on any regular basis was on the expedition cruises.


Was this blue denim, like in blue jeans???

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Yep Spin.....blue jeans and various tops..some in T's some with shirts. On the evening l mentioned......our party were in cocktail wear and the 'jeans' were behind us...the comment was very loud...." Thought this was a CASUAL night "

Ah well......[emoji4]



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Nigella....one has to be tough to negotiate these boards......most folk are helpful and nice....others have their own agenda and that's fine....we all define 'luxury' in our own way.


Ain't that the truth!


Our first Silversea cruise is aboard Whisper sailing on 20 Nov. Very excited. This Silversea forum has been mostly copacetic.

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Ironically on my recent voyage on the Spirit l overheard some 'guests' making rather nasty comments because l always chose to dress up for the evenings...even on casual nights....my choice....if they wish to don denims in the restaurant then that's their choice also...as l said before....each to their own.

One pays the money and takes the choice! Life is too short...l for one feel blessed that l can enjoy such.


Sophia [emoji4]


Dear Sophia, in my last cruise on the Spirit I overhead..."look at that woman" and I turned and I smiled. I also love to dress up, and nothing will marr my enjoyment. Kudos to you! Virginia

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Ironically on my recent voyage on the Spirit l overheard some 'guests' making rather nasty comments because l always chose to dress up for the evenings...even on casual nights....my choice....if they wish to don denims in the restaurant then that's their choice also...as l said before....each to their own.

One pays the money and takes the choice! Life is too short...l for one feel blessed that l can enjoy such.


Sophia [emoji4]



Just curious as to when Silversea began allowing "denims" in the Restaurant in the evening:eek: Silversea has always had the strictest dress code of any luxury cruise line. Have things changed?

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As noted on another post, I've just returned from a crossing on QM2. In the daily program - under EVENING WEAR:

After 6.00 pm, shorts and blue or worn denim (for men and women); sandals and sleeveless tops (for men) are not considered appropriate within the ship. On formal nights, any guests wishing to dress more casually are welcome to dine in the Kings Court buffet restaurant and relax in the Winter Garden bar, should not use other areas within the ship, including our Alternative Dining Restaurants, OUT OF RESPECT FOR YOUR FELLOW GUESTS.

Enuf said.

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The posts here and elsethread give me pause. Jim and I, regardless of venue (unless we're dining al fresco), intend to wear what we wear to the opera and symphony in San Francisco:


Jim -- navy blue blazer, dress shirt, linen or cotton twill trousers, tie, decent shoes

Kat -- linen slacks, silk or linen shell, fancy jacket or shawl, flats on my feet (must be steady at sea).

Edited by OctoberKat
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Lovely comments thank you. To be fair this last cruise was the first time I've seen the jeans in the restaurant at dinner and l was quite disappointed both for the other pax and crew who make the effort to create a fine ambience..... thankfully they were in the minority and hopefully SS will address this....may be the term 'Elegant Casual' would be more encouraging!


Sophia [emoji4]





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The posts here and elsethread give me pause. Jim and I, regardless of venue (unless we're dining al fresco), intend to wear what we wear to the opera and symphony in San Francisco:


Jim -- navy blue blazer, dress shirt, linen or cotton twill trousers, tie, decent shoes

Kat -- linen slacks, silk or linen shell, fancy jacket or shawl, flats on my feet (must be steady at sea).



Typical laid back Californians.

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