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Ranger's TA Thread - And So It Begins

Winchester Ranger

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So I actually switched to Maureen Ryan's table for dinner when I found out ther was a vacant spot, and I have to admit that the guests at her table are simply wonderful compared to the raucous bunch I had at the last one (with apologies to Barbara who was a delight). Not only did I have dinner with that amazing lady, we ended up drinking champagne with 2 more of our tablemates in Nine Forward (the new name for the Commodore Club - hopefully the reference to a certain other ship's bar will resonate with someone) until the early hours - an absolute delight. Barramundi for dinner which is now a new favorite fish for me, followed by sticky toffee pudding and Cunard's excellent ice cream.


Signed up for a 4 day spa package today and had to note that the spa pool and showers are definitely one area that Cunard needs to work on during the coming refit - nothing terrible just some sprucing up required and I still loved it, especially those 2 huge water jets in the pool which basically gave me a free chiropractic adjustment for my creaky back.


I missed lunch today so I plan on doing High Tea, also discovered the external elevator (it's right by the main spa) and visited the Churchill Cigar Lounge which took on the air of a London gentleman's club with some decidedly non-progressive political opinions being broached through the clouds of smoke - does it make me a bad person if I agreed with most of them ?


As I sit typing this, one Mancunian lady sat right outside Connexions is voicing her assessment of Todd English, and it isn't exactly complimentary - such is her forthrightness that everyone in Connexions is chuckling everytime she declares a dish to be "absolute rubbish" - can't say I've tried it myself but she's certainly not a fan !!


Ok you landlubbers I'm off for some tea and cakes - stay tuned, I'm sure there's more to come.

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Love your blog - being about you on the ship rather than about the ship (if you see what I mean).


My pleasure :D


Not much to report today - spent 3 hours in the spa :rolleyes: and noticed that they spelled diarrhea incorrectly (don't get in the whirlpool if you have....etc etc), more on that when I get a dictionary.


I still haven't done the bridge viewing and these 23 hour days are killing me, it makes a big difference.


Off to High Tea now and I'm in jeans (have I no shame !!) - decided to read Michael Palin's biography about a life of traveling, can't for the life of me figure out why I chose that one from the library (which is excellent).


Tata for now.

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An interesting blog. Much better to hear how you cruise than getting a description of the ship - it makes it more real.


And it's diarrhoea in British English and diarrhea in US English, I believe. But it doesn't really matter - it's not as if getting the spelling wrong will make the bottom fall out of your world (even if the world is falling out of your bottom).

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I still haven't done the bridge viewing and these 23 hour days are killing me, it makes a big difference.


The first three times an hour is chopped off, it isn't too bad. It's the 4th and 5th time zones that are brutal. I know it is difficult to fit in the schedule, but adding a nap sometimes becomes critical toward the end of an easterly crossing. (Not to imply your crossing is drawing to a close….still plenty of time and still much to do. Don't miss seeing bridge!)

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I had to purchase another Internet package to post this, so you all collectively owe me $48 :D


You know I never realized (aka realised) that I was really posting a travel blog, talking only about the ship seemed pointless as most of you have already been on her or are just weel researched in advance of any upcoming trip. But I do have a bit of news, nothing major but more later.


Yesterday I finally went to view the bridge - and it was closed :mad: we experienced 60 knot winds last night and apparently all hands had been summoned aloft in the rigging, or something like that, so I went to see the doggie parade instead, lots of eager little dogs desperate for attention and willing to take any master as a temporary respite from their loneliness. I practically adopted a fat little Daschund, she may be coming home with me. I did a lengthy spa visit and suspect I may be "over chlorinated" - either that or I have finally caught my traditional travel sore throat. We did the whole Scottish thing last night with it being St.Andrews day and I had the haggis followed by scottish salmon which were excellent and some traditional Scottish dessert (I didn't think the Scots knew how to make dessert and as it turns out I was right). One of my former tablemates at dinner grumbled at me for leaving, so I had tea with her to patch things up and then a couple of drinks after dinner in my beloved Nine Forward (Commodore Club) while the ship pitched and heaved in the heavy swell. We giggled like schoolgirls as we staggered back down the passageway bouncing from wall to wall. Finally I got the bad weather I was hoping for !! A note was stuffed under my door from another passenger wanting to do dinner tonight, which is awkward since I absolutely have to sit down with Miss Maureen Ryan at least once more after listening to her absolutely superb second guest lecture about the history of Cunard and her role in it (which is significant). A truly amazing lady, the last of her kind I fear - to say I'm a fan would be an understatement.


On other news, the captain just announced that Azipod 3 is still giving problems. It's fine at straight ahead but maneuvering is quote "limited" - so a healthy daub of vaseline must be required on the swivelly bit. Anyway, all this means that we have shovelled on a little extra coal and will now berth early in Southampton at 1.30am on Thursday morning, disembarkation will still be at the usual time of 6.30am to 7am. He didn't say if it was just to make things easy for the port with us hogging the tugs, or if the early arrival is to facilitate repairs. Either way, it's nothing major, she manages quite well.


Ok - I'm off to see the bridge (again), then tea, then dinner, then more cocktails.


Life is hard :)

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Keep it coming, Ranger. I think we are all taking vicarious pleasure in your adventures and what's this about being chased by all these ladies? Maybe that's why you're having trouble with your bow thruster?;)


Hello to Tothesunset I don't think Ranger mentioned if the note under the door was male or female ?.



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I had to purchase another Internet package to post this, so you all collectively owe me $48 )


WR, many of us have given you our "2 cents worth" on multiple occasions. Hasn't this added-up to $48 yet?


Well, you will be surprised how quickly your voyages WILL add-up (much more quickly than CC members collecting to fund your Internet package).


Soon you will be given some free internet time. That will be a welcome reward for Cunard loyalty and make future-blogging easier for you.


In the meantime, maybe we will all (singularly) each buy you a drink when we sail with you in the future.


Your commentary has been delightful and we thank you again.



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This would interest Winchester :D


This morning I am just about to renew my passport .... I've collected the forms for renewal and a very helpful guide/booklet on how to fill the forms in incorrectly ;) ...to my surprise on page 17 ( passport photo guidance UK) there are three examples of the correct photo style .


Your/our very own 'Maureen Ryan is the model for the correct photo style' .

Hopefully you'll pick this posting up before you disembark .....do mention it to her it'll make good conversation during this evenings diner table. ;)


By the way Winchester, should you ever travel again on QM2 and have withdrawal symptoms of not hearing your favourite guest lecturer, you can always step into the nearest lift ( elevator)


Maureen is also the 'voice of the lifts' ...." Deck Seven ! " :D

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This would interest Winchester :D


Your/our very own 'Maureen Ryan is the model for the correct photo style' .

Hopefully you'll pick this posting up before you disembark .....do mention it to her it'll make good conversation during this evenings diner table. ;)


Maureen is also the 'voice of the lifts' ...." Deck Seven ! " :D


I'll mention that at dinner tonight, and as for the elevator/lift voice we had some fun with Maureen last night as we shocked guest after guest with Maureen re-pronouncing each deck after her elevator voice had said it. The look on their faces was priceless as we told them she wasn't just a good imitator, but that it was actually her.


Speaking of Maureen, she and I destroyed a bottle of champagne last night in the Commodore Club after which she shared a few more secrets. She is actually a bit-part actress in her spare time, and recently played Alan Carr's (I hope I have that name right - he does some kind of campy talk show apparently) rather tarty grandmother on a recent show, she was heavily made up and dressed in a skimpy outfit and was required to burst out of a huge birthday cake. Perhaps someone can find it on Youtube. One of the most incredible individuals I have ever met, and absolute Cunard royalty.


Host Hattie - yes they have the Christmas lights up in Brittania and some type of Christmassy thing by Guest Services with what appears to be a large stuffed rat and a badger singing Christmas carols, I think there is a small(er) tree but honestly I wasn't paying attention. When I saw it last night I thought someone had spiked my drink ! I suspect the huge tree etc will follow within a few days, if I haven't missed it that is. The Scrooge is strong with me I'm afraid.


Today promises to be a rather more dismal affair with the requirements of packing, guest surveys, flight arrangements etc etc. Courtesy of drinking with Maureen until 2am I missed the room service cut off time of 1am and was forced to do Brittania this morning which was actually quite nice as they offer Eggs Benedict which isn't a room service option, at least not an official one.


I did finally get to do the Bridge visit and was able to see the Azipod control screen quite clearly. For any engineers out there the diagnostics are shown in 2 sections "Propulsion" and "Steering". Propulsion was showing as green in all areas but Steering had 3 non-critical and 2 critical faults indicated (shown with Orange attention getters). The ship's rumour mill has it that the fault is actually fixed and just needs to be tested, but that is entirely unofficial. The bridge officers appear to be around 14 years of age - I think I'm getting old.


So all the saucy comments about my "lady friends" had me chuckling especially as the note under my cabin door was from a 27 year old Polish guy seeking career advice, at least that's what I'm telling my DW who will doubtless be reading this :eek:. I only have one official crush on this ship, and it's Joanna Haley the Entertainment Director, she is simply breathtaking.


Oh well, I'll try and do one more post later today and then I'll be signing out for a while as I continue the second part of my journey to the wilds of Northern England. TTFN.

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Hello, so Tothesunset messages being pushed under one man's door by another man. This kind of activity has not reached us in Lincolnshire yet.I am a little confused about Maureen Ryan. If she never gets off the ship,how can she have a career as a part time actress ?, Please have a safe onward journey and we all look forward to your next trip.

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Hello, so Tothesunset messages being pushed under one man's door by another man. This kind of activity has not reached us in Lincolnshire yet...


I know. We lead such sheltered lives. It should improve once we get the wireless and electricity. I believe some people even have indoor plumbing now.

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Thank You Winchester for your fun posts, you'd certainly be the ideal table companion...... Would have made a change from those I experienced on my recent Jazz cruise in October.


I opted for 'Club dining' ....Table of eight ! the other seven came in at 6.30pm prompt , in fact according to the waiter, they were queuing up to get to the table at 6.20 each evening ( evening club dining starts at 6.30pm)


So me, Billy no mates who arrived at a reasonable time at 7/8pm ended up eating alone ..on a dirty table amongst used wine glasses and empty butter pats etc.


Solo guests ! Careful how large the table you opt for, either in Club Dining or the Grills.



PS. Oooooops Sorry to hijack your original posting . :o

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Your ramblings have certainly been cause for a smile, so thank you.


I have to say, that the Commodore Club will always be just that for us and probably many others.


Do let us know when your next crossing is! So pleased QM2 did not disappoint you. Perhaps she will be even better after the refit.

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Thank You Winchester for your fun posts, you'd certainly be the ideal table companion...... Would have made a change from those I experienced on my recent Jazz cruise in October.


I opted for 'Club dining' ....Table of eight ! the other seven came in at 6.30pm prompt , in fact according to the waiter, they were queuing up to get to the table at 6.20 each evening ( evening club dining starts at 6.30pm)


So me, Billy no mates who arrived at a reasonable time at 7/8pm ended up eating alone ..on a dirty table amongst used wine glasses and empty butter pats etc.


Solo guests ! Careful how large the table you opt for, either in Club Dining or the Grills.



PS. Oooooops Sorry to hijack your original posting . :o



Totally agree. Wondering why you didn't request change of tables.


Deck chair

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If for no other reason than to kill some time I'll continue my ramblings.


I'm currently sat in Southampton Airport patiently waiting for my puddle jumper to Manchester, the timings couldn't have been worse with the first flight of the day leaving just as QM2 lets you disembark followed by an 8 hour wait for the next one - I could probably have improved on my planning for this part of the trip.


Back to the ship - dinner last night was all hugs and handshakes, Maureen was as delightful as ever and I will miss my tablemates immensely, what a great bunch they are. I was still awake around 1am as I felt her nudge the pier, if only they could have let us off at 4am it would have been perfect. As it was, 6.30 to 7am for self-disembarkers turned into a solid 7am and I was right at the front of the line. In spite of it being early and dark not to mention me now having a cold, no breakfast, and being generally grumpy I couldn't help but smile as couple after couple rounded the corner by H Stern on Deck 3 and first said "oh s##t" as they saw the huge queue and then asked "is this where you disembark" while standing 3 feet from a large sign saying "disembark here" :)


I had a delightful 20 minute taxi ride to the airport with a completely silent taxi driver who had apparently splashed himself liberally with Eau de Camel's Armpit (I had to have the window down - I was gagging), and the official price is 21 pounds which seemed very reasonable, the BO was free.


So now on to Manchester and a hire car to "home". A challenging trip to be sure.

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