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My Lovely Sunshine Cruise Feb 5th (yes, I loved it!)


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So I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous as I begin my first cruise report. While this was my 4th cruise with Carnival, this is the first time I've ever written anything about it.


As most people do, they introduce themselves. So here it goes. I am a Registered Nurse, married for almost 13 years, mother of 4 children. I live in TN surrounded by beautiful mountains and rolling valleys. No, I don't live in Nashville, and I can't stand country music (yes, believe me it's possible). I actually live in the far-eastern side of TN, practically right on the border of VA and NC. I have celiac disease, so whatever I ate this week was as gluten-free as the ship could possibly make it. And as best as I can tell, they did not make me sick with glutening this week.


I fell in love with cruising on my honeymoon, and I wasn't even on a boat then. My husband took me to St. Thomas, and on the final evening of our honeymoon we went to this amazing restaurant that overlooked the St. Thomas harbor and there I saw the cruise ships...and right then I knew I wanted to go on a cruise. It took several years to finally convince him to go on one (seasickness, boredom, would we really be comfortable???) and all the other excuses non-cruisers give. But our first one was Carnival Dream, and we were officially bitten by the cruise bug. ;) :cool:


A little about my typing style, I can't stand DD, DS, DH...or whatever (they all are so confusing!!!). :confused: So I'll simply refer to my family by husband, child, son, daughter...etc.


I am a strict budget cruiser. I don't gamble, drink, or do excessive amounts of shopping. So if you're looking for a review about any of the above, just ignore this review :) I will however have lots of pictures about my kids, camp carnival, a few foodpics shots (gluten free of course), and my viewpoint about the ship.

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We live about 10 hours from Port Canaveral. Due to prior obligations, we left late Wednesday night and started to drive. Originally our plan was to drive all night (to let the kids sleep and not drive us crazy:D:D), but then we noticed the weather report. There was a very, very slow moving front going right through the area we were supposed to drive. There was no point driving all night in the rain, just to get to Canaveral exhausted and deal with more rain, bored kids, and nothing to do. So we crashed in a Holiday Inn Express somewhere outside of Savannah. It was expensive, but not near as expensive as the possibility of having an accident while tired and driving in the rain.


When we did to get to Port Canaveral, I booked the La Quinta Inn that offered the discount parking at the port. Now, I'll admit it has some drawbacks. It is 5 miles down the road from the port. 5 really long miles, 21 stoplights (maybe more, believe me there was a ton). And then when you pull up, your heart just wants to sink. It looked like a run-down, cheapo, hotel. Fading pink paint. Outside doors. Do I really want my children to stay here???kind of place.


But then we checked in and were very surprised. The manager/desk clerk was fast, 2.5 minutes and I was all done. He gave me all of the information about parking, breakfast, wifi, and even the shortcut to walk to the beach. The room was very clean. 2 queen beds, lots of towels, and even a mini-keurig for in-room coffee. I can definitely say I was impressed.


The next morning was EMBARKATION DAY!!!!!! Always my favorite day!!!! The kids woke up super early so we took a drive around Canaveral to kill some time. And of course that first view of the boat always makes my heart skip some beats and flutter! AWW!! Such a beautiful sight.


After rounding the island, I went back to the hotel, picked up my husband and we drove to the port. We quickly discovered that directions to the port are vague. Ok, I mean really vague. Do you go left or right on the interstate/road when both signs say Cruise Ship terminal. Well, we went right. Big mistake. After 2 turn-arounds (and a few complaints about my navigational skills) we made it to the port. SO then we pull up to the parking area, and this nice man is standing by the automatic machine for us to pay. We hand him our money and he put it in the machine. And the machine promptly spits it back out! So he does it again, and it spits it back out!!! This goes on for 3 minutes, so then he uses another one of our bills and it accepts it! YAY!!!!!!


...but not so fast. Now we have 20 of the required 81 dollars paid. The remaining bills are slightly wet and they will not go in that stupid machine. In he puts them and out they come. This goes on for like forever. But we can't pay by credit card anymore. Once you start with cash...you end with cash. :mad::mad::mad: Finally, a dear saint of a man behind us (if you're reading this, thank you so much!!!!) Has some dry cash and exchanges ours and we are able to go in.


Once we were done with that, we loaded up everything and get it to the proper areas. I have the passports and birth certificates and boarding passes. The kids are questioned about their birth dates (note to parents: practice beforehand!!!!) And we are through!!!! Customs and getting our SnS cards takes less than 10 minutes. Its wonderful!!! :)


We are boarding zone #3, and we waited about 40 minutes for our zone to be called. My kids had their devices and just played. We got our embarkation photo, went up the escalator, and onto the SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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From reading previous Sunshine reviews, I knew overcrowding was a big issue. And honestly, embarkation is a zoo on a good day, and on every boat I've on...so I didn't let the craziness get to me.


Once we boarded, we went straight to the Lido deck. It was very cold that day. 40-50's and very windy, so not many people were sitting on the deck. I found a large bench/picnic table area right next to Guy's Burgers and promptly plopped all of our stuff down. I didn't even go inside to look for another table. It was warm enough there and big enough for our family. Guy's Burgers for everyone!!!! Yes, I love a good burger and they always, always, always deliver!!! I asked for the gluten free, and they said it would take about 10 minutes. I think they keep the bread in the freezer because it was a tiny bit cold in the middle of the top bun. But it was good. To me it was a standard rice blend gluten free bun (gfree people will understand).


Now a note about gluten free...everyone's level of sensitivity is different. Mine is about medium-strong. My family isn't gluten free, so I have an occasional bread crumb in the toaster or on the counter etc. So if you're really strong on your sensitivity levels, just be aware Guy's Burgers do cross-contaminate a bit. They tried, but I could see some issues. I did not have any symptoms of a flare-up, so I was grateful.


Ok, back to the review. After the burger, I got my first ice-cream. Yes it was super cold outside, but my pre-cruise diet was OVER and I'm on vacation!!!!

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Our room was ready at 1 pm, and all the doors were open. Kudos to the housekeeping team, they were phenomenal this week. We had 2 spa balconies, and they were wonderful. When I booked the cruise, I need 2 connecting cabins since our kids are so small, and we were only able to get those connecting doors in the spa area. Yes, it was more expensive but sleeping in a room with my 2 little girls vs my husband...well you know why I chose what I did ;)


I really liked the color differences in the spa rooms, the pale green was very soothing. Everything was very standard. Bed comfortable (check) flat screen tv (check) working bathroom & shower (check) small fridge with booze/soda etc (check) and a balcony with 2 chairs and a small table (check!)


We did get the samples from the spa, and 2 free pairs of slippers in each room...which my kids promptly snatched the slippers and fell in love with them. I did snag all of the samples and put them away for safe keeping. I used the basic shampoo and shower gel that Carnival provides. I've always loved it, but I was painfully reminded that I must bring conditioner next cruise. I forgot about the wind and humidity that turns my normally flat hair into a tangled frizzy mess.


Before too long there was the announcement for the Muster drill. And let me tell you...PRAY PRAY PRAY that you're in Zone E --- which stands for EEEEEEasy!!!!! From what I can tell, the other zones have to line up along the sides of the ship. Like the old-school line-ups. And remember how cold it was? Well, those poor souls had to be frozen while standing there.


But Zone E??? Well, we were comfortable and warm sitting in the Liquid Lounge!!! The normal announcements were made, and even though we were the last to be able to leave the Muster, it was nice being able to sit. Now, normally if it's not cold you do have to walk past (outside) where you will get on the lifeboats, but they showed mercy on us and just told us where we would have to go.


We then put on our sweaters and attempted to play put-put golf, but it was so windy that it was almost impossible. We were on top when we started to move! We were officially cruising!!!!!!!

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Now this was an 8-day cruise, so I quickly realized the schedule was much more relaxed. Also, there were 4.5 sea days so there was a lot of relaxing etc.


Another tidbit about me. This cruise was my celebration to an end of a 2 year long medical venture (no don't worry it wasn't cancer, but that's all I will say) which ended in a surprise surgery and a longer recovery than I planned on. So I am still in recuperating mode. I couldn't do any heavy lifting or any fun adventurous excursions, but I made the best of what I could do. Sometimes the best healing is sitting still on your balcony sipping some lemonade! :)


The first night, since Camp Carnival isn't open, we took the whole family to dinner. We had different waiters almost every night, but they did a great job. It's best to prep your kids and let them know that dinner takes a while. My kids did pretty good, thankfully it wasn't the slowest meal we had. They were happy to get out of there when it was over though. That night I had the flat-iron steak, baked potato, and Creme Brûlée! Ya'll, that dessert it amazing!!!!! So smooth and just the right amount of vanilla!!! :)


We went to the opening night show with Donkey (Chris Salazar) and he was incredible. I've heard from other people that Donkey was good, and he totally lived up to their reviews. Why the name Donkey? No it wasn't a slam, that's his nickname. Remember the movie Shrek? Well someone once said that he looked like the donkey and talked a lot....the nickname stuck. And yep, he does kinda look like the cartoon character, and TOTALLY talks a lot! Everytime he got on the PA system, he would introduce say "Good morning, this is Donkey (slight dramatic pause) 'the voice from above' " I wish I had recorded an audio because it was so hilarious, I swear I laughed every time he did it!!!


Donkey did a different opening show; instead of the story telling with people running around in a circle with their character name, he brought up some couples and had them do a little dance. It was cute and funny. At the end the dancers came and did a little part of their show. It was nice to have something different.


We didn't stay up late that night, and went off to bed ready for the first full sea day. The next day after a mini breakfast, we did get to play our put-put game with the kids. Sky Course opened up and our 2 boys did it. Well, the 2nd son got tired and returned since no one was behind him. But our first son did the whole thing on the easy level, and I'll admit...it looked difficult! One poor girl ahead of him got really stuck on the high-wire that does the "X" She couldn't balance by hanging onto her guide rope, the helper had to come over and lead her out. And lead, I mean the girl put her arm around the guide's shoulder and neck (think like a lifeguard saving you). I was thoroughly impressed with the guide and thankfully the girl did not pull to hard on the poor guide's neck and stop her from breathing.


10 am came and Camp Carnival opened (insert cheers from ALL the parents!) My husband and I went back to the room and rested and read for a while.


In the afternoon, we got the kids out of Camp Carnival and went and got ready for the water area. The area was very busy, but we eventually found some seats to sit. There were very few CHOGS (chair hogs) because most people were in the seats.


A note about CHOGS and getting a seat. If you want a seat on the serenity or by the pool on the first sea day (or in the morning and the weather is nice)...GOOD LUCK!!! You probably should just set an alarm and get up by 6 am, go save your seats with towels, random flip-flops, and or your bath towel....and then go back to bed. There just isn't enough seats for 3000 people to sit on the same 2 areas. And if you want one of those clam-shells on the serenity that can be turned around and face the pool??? Be prepared to sacrifice your first born...it just ain't going to happen easily.


Ok, rant over. I'm not a sun-worshipper and those deck chairs are awfully uncomfortable so I don't stay in them very long.


After time in the waterworks area and eventually the pool, we got the kids cleaned up, dressed, and dropped them back in Camp Carnival for dinner and playtime with their friends. And we went to dinner for our first formal night!

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Looking forward to your review. I always stay at that LaQuinta, great breakfast, shuttle to the port, and people are almost always very friendly.


Agreed! They were great!


Looking forward to more. Great start!


I was amazed to see so few connecting cabins.


Thanks! A fellow RN too! And thanks for doing Psych, I simply despise all things psych and am so glad for the RN's who can do it.

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Please pause this review for an awesome picture of my kids...yep, I'm one of "those" mothers who love showing off their kids. This was in Port Canaveral, and we found some awesome sand art done by some incredible artist.





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Yes, the title says it all. Carnival totally got this right!!! For dinner, Carnival Sunshine does something very different for Your Time Dining (YTD). At first it was confusing, and when I asked about it prior to the cruise it made NO sense. But when I saw it in action, it was like an "AHH" moment. Ya know like when the skies open up and you hear angels singing that high note? Yep, exactly.


So for dinner, you go to deck 5. Casino. Easy peasy. Walk through the Casino, and at the end you'll find a table set up with 2 hostesses. That's where you "check in" for the dining. If there is seating available, you get a receipt and then keep walking past the 5 Aft lounge, down 2 flights of stairs (or do the elevator) and *presto* you're at Deck 3 Sunset dining room. Where the next hostess takes your receipt paper and takes you to your seat.


Why is this so nice and amazing you may be asking? Well, for a lot of reasons, but the best one is "FLOW" It keeps everything flowing smoothly. At most night, the 5:15 check in had a long line waiting. Like 30+ people. Well, only 1 person needs to stand in line, and the rest of your party can wait the in 5 aft area. Most of the time there was a Karokee night or a band playing so it the wait wasn't bad at all.


The next best thing is, it doesn't create a backlog of people just standing at the main doors of the dining room. It really keeps the congestion of people to a minimum.


Carnival really did well on this one.


Ok, back to my review. First formal night! :) I had preordered my meal the night before. I got shrimp cocktail, Lobster & shrimp, and gluten free Warm Chocolate Melting Cake (cue the angels again!!!) It was so nice to have a real dessert in a restaurant because back in the US, I never am able to eat any dessert except for ice-cream and to me that's just a cop-out. If I want dessert, it must be something more than just a scoop of vanilla.


Oh! I also got warm gluten free bread served as well. Most nights I had to request it, only once I got it without asking. I really like it.


The food was nice and hot, and served with a pleasant amount of waiting between courses. After dinner we walked around and saw more of the boat. And eventually rescued the poor Camp Carnival workers from our kids and went to bed. Yes, I know (insert sarcasm) we live very exciting lives, but after a day of sunshine and delicious food, we don't stay up very late.

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This is slightly out of order, since I did this our first night on the cruise. My husband took our older three kids to watch the Dive-In movie, but my youngest didn't want to go. I was tired anyways, so I ordered some room service. Hot Chocolate and Milk.




Why those? Well let me tell you about a very sweet memory of my littlest. Since I have the gluten allergy (celiac disease/autoimmune disorder for those medically smart), I bring some snack foods with me on board. One of which was a box of gluten free Jo-Jo's from Trader Joes. *They are divine*




So when the room service arrived, I got my little girl, she's 5, and we had a bedtime snack of milk and cookies. She loved it!!!! She proclaimed it an official "Momma and Girl" time. *happy tears!* Such a sweet memory of spending 1:1 time with my baby.





Up next? My new favorite sea day activity!!! Bet you'll never guess what it is :)

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Happy to see good news about Sunshine...Were sailing her 6/21

Her first cruise from NYC this year


The Sunshine, while small, did not disappoint. Truly loved the boat!


Your kids are adorable! I wish mine were still that small! 😊


Aww, thanks! I'm very proud of my kiddos

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Enjoying the review! We had a good trip on the Sunshine in January so your review it letting the movies in my head replay :D:D




Great start! We are on the Sunshine in 18 days so I am excited to read the rest!


Thank you! You'll love it!!! Go with an open mind, and a plan for the deck chairs if you like to sit in the sun :) Hopefully it will be a warmer start in Florida than what we had.

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I'm so glad you're writing this review! My parents, my adult daughter, and I will be on Sunshine in April. We have Your Time Dining, and 3 of us are Gluten Sensitive, 2 of us are also dairy sensitive, and I was worried that with YTD, preordering dinner would be difficult. Can you comment on that?

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